Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition
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Damage Evaluation and Partial Retrofitting of Old Steel Bridge[Full-Text ] Suresh Kumar Walia, Hemant Kumar Vinayak and Raman PartiThis study presents the method of evaluating the damage level of opposite trusses of a bridge through deflection test. The work is carried out on a damaged old deck type steel bridge using total Station and Dial Gauges under similar environmental conditions with the midpoint loading. Further the strength of the bridge is increased as per existing codal provision with partial retrofitting. Serviceability, or deflection, is very important in monitoring the health of not only a structural system, but also in analyzing the affects of a new technology applied in the field. The study presents the use of general survey equipment such as total station because of limited access for specific monitoring equipments with the owner agencies.
Initiatives Needed To Control Electronic Waste[Full-Text ] Mamta GuptaAs per United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report, by the year 2020, E-Waste may rise by 500% from old computers, no. of discarded refrigerators will get doubled or tripled while the rate of discarding mobile phones will be 18 times higher as compared to 2007 levels. In order to avoid high cost of E-Waste treatment and disposal, developed countries like USA, UK and Japan have been trying to send such waste overseas to developing countries like India, China and Africa. The Basel Convention, an international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries. The Indian government thus needs to introduce a legal industrial set-up for disposal and recycling of E-waste. This in turn would increase the employment opportunities also. With the help of state municipalities the E-waste assessment needs to be done at the national level. The private entrepreneurs should be encouraged to open collection centres. Both the assessment and collection centres should be established in the metro cities on the priority basis. Under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) approach, the global brands using developing countries as markets for the sale of their products should be compelled to start Take Back services also. Most of the current processes followed for recycling by the informal sector need improvement while some need to be abolished due to severe risks for health and environment. Above all, working groups comprising Regulatory Agencies, NGOs, Industry Associations, experts etc are required to create awareness among consumers regarding the potential threat to public health and environment by electronic products, if not disposed properly.
Anthropometry as ergonomic consideration for hospital bed design in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adeodu A. O, Daniyan I. A, Adaramola O. OThe aim of this research is to study selected health care workstations to establish the current practices with reference to the use of anthropometry. Also to re-design the work station, if necessary, in order to improve productivity, health safety and comfort of the patients and staffs using the work stations. Anthropometric dimensions of the patients in the examined health care system were used to design intensive care unit bed (ICU) and medical/surgical bed which can accommodate 5% - 95% of patients male and female. The work stations were examined and analyzed under the combination of different anthropometric parameters. The analysis of the results indicates some deficiencies in the design of the workstations based on the design parameters and standard values from the literatures. Based on the analysis of these results the patients and their care givers may likely be exposed to back pain, fatigue, poor blood circulation and other related diseases. For demonstration of the application of the extreme design approach, a hospital bed work station (health care system) has been re-designed as a real case. It is hope that the new design will contribute to improvement in productivity, health safety and comfort of the patients and staffs using the workstations. In the proposed extreme design approach, I suggest to every health care organization operating, before any decision on making or buying equipment, industrial engineers are to be consulted depending on the design factor, for proper guidance. Anthropometric dimensions of the workers should also be considered for any category of hospital bed design.
AUTOMATIC CONTROL AND MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION USING PIR SENSOR MODULE[Full-Text ] Adelakun, Adebiyi A., Adewale Adeyinka A. Ademola Abdulkareem,Olowoleni Joseph O.Low power consumption is a very good advantage in this energy hungry world. A microcontroller-based Automatic Light Control is designed and constructed to save the usage of electrical energy and to avoid wastage using a room as a study. This project takes over the task of controlling the room light. When a person enters the room, the lights are switched on automatically while it is switched off as the last person leaves. A Passive Infrared sensor is placed near the door and used to detect the presence of human beings. The output from this sensor is sent to the PIC16F84 microcontroller, which then controls the room lights via a relay. A pilot test carried out suggested a saving in the energy comsumption.
A New Conformal Conical Phased Array Antenna for Surveillance Radars[Full-Text ] Hadia El-Henawy, Esmat Abdoul-Fattah, Magdy Gamal, Mohamed Attala, and Alaa S. HafezIn this paper a new conformal array antenna of conical structure has been proposed. A conical phased array antenna can steer the radar beam electronically in both azimuth and elevation to cover a hemi-sphere mesh surrounding the radar antenna. Beam steering can be accomplished either continuously or discretely at definite directions. The proposed technique not only overcomes the limitations of mechanical steering systems and surveillance radar dead cone but also improves the radar tracking capability. Moreover, it is suitable to be used in MIMO radars and enemy deception systems. Element weights of the conical phased array antenna are used four famous window functions known as, Chebychev, Hamming, Hanning, and Kaiser window. The windowing process improves the beam pattern peak side lobe level (PSLL) while maintaining a narrow beam width. A high resolution phase shifter and adaptive attenuator have been used for each element to acquire both the desired phase and the weight for conical array beam pattern. Beam pattern is simulated and tested using a Matlab Program.
Isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamic studies of adsorption of Cu2+ from aqueous solutions by natural bentonite[Full-Text ] Ayed S., Hannachi Y,Rezgui A., Boubaker TIn the present study, the adsorption characteristics of natural bentonite in the removal of copper (II) from aqueous solution were studied. The extent of adsorption was investigated as a function of pH, contact time, adsorbate concentration and temperature. Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin–Radushkevich (D–R) models were applied to describe the adsorption isotherms. The equilibrium adsorption results are fitted better with Langmuir isotherm compared to Freundlich models. The adsorption capacity of bentonite for total copper was found to be 33.33 mg/g at pH 6 and 4 g/L adsorbent dosage, 30 min equilibrium time and 20 °C. From the D–R isotherm model, the mean free energy was calculated as 10.23 kJ/mol, indicating that the adsorption of copper (II) was taken place by ion-exchange mechanism. The thermodynamic parameters showed that the adsorption of copper (II) onto bentonite was feasible, spontaneous and exothermic at 20-40°C.Kinetic results showed that the pseudo-second-order kinetic model was well fitted to the experimental data. Infrared (IR) spectra of the bentonite sample showed that the positions and shapes of the fundamental vibrations of the OH and Si–O groups were influenced by the adsorbed Cu(II) cations. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra indicated that the Cu(II) adsorption onto the bentonite samples led to changes in unit cell dimensions and symmetry of the parent bentonite
Analysis of Power Consumption and Battery Management Techniques in WSN[Full-Text ] G. Antoni gracy, A. DeviThe number of wireless sensor network deployments for real life applications has rapidly increased. Still, the energy problem remains one of the major barriers somehow preventing the complete exploitation of this technology. Sensor nodes are typically powered by batteries with a limited lifetime and, even when additional energy can be harvested from the external environment (e.g., through solar cells or piezo-electric mechanisms), it remains a limited resource to be consumed judiciously. Efficient energy management is thus a key requirement for a credible design of a wireless sensor network. All sensors present in wireless sensor network are battery operated devices which have limited battery power. After the deployment of sensor devices it is impossible to replace each and every battery present in the network. So energy conservation must be taken. In this project we proposed an energy efficient dynamic power management technique which can reduce power consumed by each sensor node, by shutting down some components of sensors according to better savings and enhanced life time. To make this power management technique analysis of power consumption of each sensor node must be taken. This survey ensuring that, we can estimate power consumption of wireless sensor network (WSN) in real time.
Energy Efficient Algorithm for Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Ravinder singh,Sanjay GurjarIn recent years, wireless sensor networks have been applied into real time application such as environment monitoring, health monitoring and military etc. The data in these applications are considered as critical. Hence, reliability of communication is crucial since real-time data must meet the deadline given for data transmission. To ensure the reliability in wireless sensor networks applications, power efficiency needs to be focused since sensor nodes have a limited power supply. As usage of wireless sensor network is rapidly increasing, the power efficiency in wireless sensor networks is a main factor to ensure the success of the technology. A substantial part of the energy of the nodes is consumed in routing process and initialization process in routing mechanism, what applies a significant impact on energy performance level. Most protocols examined energy level and performance in terms of the entire process of routing mechanism. Wireless Sensor Networks have growing applications with the growth of technology. Hence the density of the WSN nodes is also becoming high resulting in congestion over the network. Effect of congestion is causing adverse effects over the WSN not only in respect of the performance but energy of the nodes is consumed quickly for non productive work. Therefore reducing the congestion in WSN will increase energy efficiency as well. This work proposes a communication algorithm for WSN networks so that the congestion will be reduced and in turn energy will be utilized efficiently.
Study of Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks[Full-Text ] Gurvail Singh, Aarti, Harwant SinghThis paper proposes a basic scheme for understanding the fundamentals of wireless ad-hoc networks and Cryptographic Algorithms t. There are two type of attacks in network. The main Task is to understand the ad-hoc network for creating a network in which a intrusion node can be detected and a secure network can be prepare.
Comparative Study of Dynamic Responses & Speed Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Using Fuzzy & PI Controller[Full-Text ] Devayani D. Naik, Jagadeesh BichagattiThis paper presents the comparative study of dynamic responses and speed control of switched reluctance motor using Fuzzy Logic Controller and PI controller. The Switched Reluctance Motor is an electric motor which runs by reluctance torque. These motors usually run at very high speed of 50,000 rpm which is to be controlled for industrial use. The fuzzy logic controller is utilized to control the SRM speed without losing its system performance. The effectiveness of the fuzzy logic controller is then compared with that of the conventional PI controller. The simulation is performed in MATLAB/Simulink software.
SECUMAIL Secure Email System[Full-Text ] Shrihari Ahire, Vishakha Panjabi, Rahul Jagtap, Madhuri Bagul, A.S.DeokarData Leakage is situation where data is disclosed to personnel who are unauthorised to access that data. It can be done either intentionally or unintentional. Most organizations have to face the problem of data leakage and thus the security practitioners have always deal with data leakage issues that arise from various ways like email and other mediums. Hence, there is a need to filter each and every e-mail to prevent data leakage and prevent the sensitive data by getting disclosed to unauthorised person. This can be done by using an intelligent system “SECUMAIL” which will filter email for organization’s sensitive data. Principle used in e- mail filtering is we filter e-mail based on the contents and attachments of email, white list consisting of hash of data which can be attached and black list of words which should not be send through message body is maintained. The hash of email attachments is computed, the hash and contents of email is compared with the white list data and black listed words depending on the match the email is either blocked or forwarded.
Effective Path Queries with Random Sequence Controls[Full-Text ] S.Bhuvaneswari, T.S.Poonguzhali, K.SelvakumarWe propose novel solutions to the general optimal route query, based on two different methodologies, namely backward search and forward search. In addition, we discuss how the proposed methods can be adapted to answer a variant of the optimal route queries, in which the route only needs to cover a subset of the given categories.The paper focus on operational time along with the distance. Extensive experiments, using both real and synthetic data sets, confirm that the proposed solutions are efficient and practical, and outperform existing methods by large margins.
Free convection boundary layer flow mass transfer with chemical reaction over a porous inclined plate in presence of magnetic field[Full-Text ] Mohammad Shah Alam, Mohammad AliThe present study is an investigation of mass transfer with chemically reactive solute distribution in steady MHD boundary layer free con-vection flow of an incompressible electrically conducting fluid over a porous inclined plate under the influence of an applied uniform magnetic field. Using suitable similarity transformations the governing fundamental boundary layer equations are approximated by a system of non-linear similar ordinary differential equations for momentum and concentration equations which are then solved numerically by Runge- Kutta fourth-fifth order integration scheme along with the shooting technique. The numerical results concerned with the velocity and concentration profiles effects of various parameters on the flow fields are investigated and presented graphically. The results presented graphically illustrate that velocity field decreases due to increase of Magnetic parameter, angle of inclination and other parameters increase the velocity of the fluid flow. Concentration profiles increases for increasing the values of order of reaction, Solutal Grashof number decreases for chemical reaction, magnetic parameter, angle of inclination, Suction/injection and Schmidt number. In the case of suction/injection the velocity field is increasing within the certain values of and then decreases. Also the skin friction coefficient and the local Sherwood number are presented in Table1.
Baseline of Content-Based Image Retrieval System[Full-Text ] Shubhangi Durgi, Prof. Pravinkumar Badadapure Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is used to identify relevant images based on their similarities to query images. This paper presents a novel framework for accurate image retrieval using three image features i.e. color, texture and shape. We use Color Histogram, Color Moment & Color Coherence methods for Color feature extraction. Texture is extracted using Tamura Feature. Corner detection is used for shape feature extraction. In this paper, we formulate two algorithms as Euclidean algorithm for linear structure & Image manifold algorithm for non-linear structure. We consider the problem of learning a mapping function from low-level feature space to high-level semantic space. Under the assumption that the data lie on a submanifold embedded in a high dimensional Euclidean space, we propose a relevance feedback scheme which is conducted only on the image manifold in question rather than the total ambient space. We then develop an algorithmic framework to approximate the optimal mapping function by a Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. We name the new algorithm as Image Manifold Learning (IML). The semantics of a new image can be inferred by the RBF neural network. Experimental results show that our approach is effective in improving the performance of content-based image retrieval systems.
Noise, Edge and Resolution Enhancement of Satellite Images[Full-Text ] Mr.R.Swaminathan, Dr.Manoj WadhwaSatellite images are used in many applications like meteorology, agriculture, geology, biodiversity conservation, education etc.Enhancement of satellite image is very important process. In this paper in the proposed method, we discuss the technique of satellite image enhancement by removal of noise and enhancing the edge, resolution.The edges of an image can be improved by using curvelet transform, noise is removed by using a suitable noise removal filter and resolution is increased by using interpolation technique. This is the process in which all the three (Noise,edge,resolution) parameters of a satellite image are improved. We also discuss the other combination techniques which uses transform techniques and interpolation methods for enhancement of images.
Oblivious Information Retrieval on Outsourced Database Servers[Full-Text ] Sunil B Mane, Pradeep K SinhaThe internet has become a ubiquitous source of information. But while the amount of information has increased, so has a possibility of invasion of privacy. How can a user query a server for a set of web documents, while maintaining their relevance rankings without revealing his query to the server and without letting the server know which documents have been retrieved? In this paper, we develop a protocol for retrieval of web documents while guaranteeing user privacy as well as server privacy if needed. We also describe a technique for preventing information about the documents from being revealed to the server itself.
Compressed Sampling of Image Using Householder Transform[Full-Text ] Akhila.s.k, Dr.P.JanardhananConventional approaches to sampling signals or images follow Shannon’s theorem. Compressed Sampling theory asserts that one can recover certain signals and images from far fewer samples or measurements than traditional methods use. In this paper a new compressed sampling method for image is presented. The method uses a householder transform for the sampling purpose. The tridiagonalization provides proper compression to the image. The experimental result shows that the proposed method provides high PSNR and compression ratio.
Modular Reduction Methods[Full-Text ] Sattar J. Aboud, Edmond PrakashPresent public-key schemes are relied mostly on arithmetic operations such as multiplication and exponentiation of large inte-gers, ranging of 128-2048 binary bits. Carrying out calculation of the large length with multiple precisions is not quick and not easy to employ. Most algorithms base on modular reduction methods to decrease a length and complexity to perform their public-key scheme executions more efficiently. In this paper, we concentrate on three recognized modular reduction methods employed to decrease the modular operations. These methods are the Classical, Barrett, and Montgomery. We study the application in an arithmetic exponentiation operation for every method. Results are drawn regarding the accuracy, operation and complexity efficiency of the methods relies on the results achieved.
Survey paper on various load balancing algorithms in cloud computing[Full-Text ] Vinay Darji, Jayna Shah, Rutvik MehtaCloud computing is emerging trend in Information Technology community. Cloud resources are delivered to cloud users based on the re-quirements. Because of the services provided by cloud, it is becoming more popular among internet users. Hence, the number of cloud users is increasing day by day. Because of this, load on the cloud server needs to be managed for optimum resource utilization. This paper focuses on various load balancing techniques with different parameters. This study focuses on parameters like throughput, overhead, response time, resource utilization and performance. This paper concludes that how these parameters can be used to meet service level agreements.
Enhancing DSRC to Improve Reliability in Intelligent Transportation System[Full-Text ] S.Sathya Karthika, J. Rethna virgil Jeny, J. Albert SimonVehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET), which is based on Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) provides an opportunity to enable communication based cooperative safety systems in order to reduce road accidents and improve traffic efficiency. This paper describes the reliability of the Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) to provide message authentication scheme to ensure the received message is true and Prioritized Verification scheme among vehicles on the road for safe driving in Intelligent Transportation System. Particularly, DSRC supports both Public Safety and Private operations in roadside to vehicle and vehicle to vehicle communication modes. The co-existence of safety and non-safety messages are achieved through a periodic channel switching scheme whereby access to DSRC alternates between these two classes of applications. This model efficiently improves the receiving status by deals with the impact of false and misleading messages to its neighbors in dense and high mobility conditions. To mitigate the issue, Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is introduced so that messages of each traffic classes are verified following the VANET’s medium access control (MAC) layer priorities and the application relevance of individual safety messages. Performance analysis and simulation result shows that this approach is secure, privacy preserving and resource efficient.
Automatic license plate recognition using Image Enhancement technique With Hidden Markov Model[Full-Text ] G. Angel, J. Rethna virgil Jeny, J. Albert SimonHuge number of vehicles in modern cities makes the Traffic Surveillance a complex one. Therefore, it’s essential to establish an efficient Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system for Traffic scheduling and Management. In this paper we propose an Automatic License Plate Recognition System for Recognizing the License plate Number. To deals with the illumination problem, good pre-processing methods (Image Enhancement) are used to remove the influence of lighting and to make the license plate salient. Our proposed System contains three main modules: Vehicle License Plate detection (VLPD), Segmentation and Plate number Recognition. The query image is enhanced to support over bright images by using Image Enhancement technique. The speed and accuracy of the image in enhanced by using Contour algorithm (CA) and Hough transform (HT). Horizontal and Vertical projection techniques are used to separate the character from license plate image. Finally the plate numbers are recognized by Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Technique.
IMPLEMENTATION OF VOICE TRANSLATION SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Pratik Tamakuwala, Prof. Jayashree Prasad, Siddhant Jain, Rahul Waghresha, Amey WadodkarLanguage has always been the basis of any form of written or speech communication. However, the presence of multiple language and dialects has been a hindrance to effective communication. Especially in a nation like India where the language and dialect changes with region, the requirement of a middle translation layer that can eliminate the linguistic barriers becomes essential. Speakers from different regional identities should be able to interact with one another without the need to understand individual languages. This application is aimed at desktop users who can then communicate with other users, irrespective of the other user’s ability to understand the speaker’s language. It can find varied applications in businesses, teaching and voice response systems.
For a Better Experience in Podcasting : Adaptive Prefetching Based on User Access Patterns[Full-Text ] W. H. Rankothge and G. DiasPodcasting, including video podcasting, has become remarkably popular in recent years. However, it is still common for a user to experience pauses when watching video or listening to audio online. These are mainly due to insufficient bandwidth to stream the content at full speed. Delays introduced by buffering before and during video or audio playback can be annoying and can discourage users from watching video and listening to audio on-line. Most studies relevant to multimedia with limited bandwidth have concentrated on technologies to transmit multimedia efficiently in a limited bandwidth network. Few of them address the problem of viewing multimedia content in a limited bandwidth network from the perspective of a consumer.
Comparative study of single and double exposure Box-type solar cooker[Full-Text ] K. Saravanan, B. JanarathananIn the present work, an attempt has been made to compare the Figure of merit F1,figure of merit F2 and the performance of single and double exposure solar cooker. Aluminium and copper base cooking vessels have been used in both cookers to cook various food stuff in the local climate condition in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. Experiments have been conducted with the two cookers in the months of April and May 2013 in the Department of Physics, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. The F1 and F2 values of double exposure solar cooker is comparable with the BIS values and suitability of the cooker in the location has been discussed.
Complex orifice flow calculations as per AGA3 can be made simpler[Full-Text ] Srinivas Saragadam, Dr. Y. Srinivasa RaoOrifice flow calculations are highly inaccurate. Improved accuracies may be obtained using AGA 3 equations for flow calculations. Theoretically, AGA3 equations call for measurement of complex parameters like Discharge coefficient for flow, Gas expansion factor, Velocity of approach factor and density. Practically, it would be very expensive to make such measurements. In this paper, it is shown that, on closer analysis, it would be understood that, measurement of only three parameters, viz., Differential pressure across the orifice, Process temperature and pressure would be enough to make AGA 3 calculations.