Volume 10, Issue 10, October 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 10, October 2019.
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Comparative Analysis of Models for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in Slurry Reactors[Full-Text ] M. K. Oduola and I. Mudiaga Two approaches for modeling slurry bubble column reactors in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis are presented and compared in this work. The first approach, Uniform Bubble Model (UBM) assumes the gas bubbles moving up the reactor are of uniform sizes, while the second model termed Large-Small Bubble model (LSBM) takes cognizance of the presence of large and small bubbles. It is assumed that both the gas and liquid phases are axially dispersed.
Caregivers’ Use of Non-Verbal Cues in Enhancing Patients’ Well-Being and Satisfaction[Full-Text ] Mofoluke I. Akoja, Mobolude J. Abolarin & Oladipupo OgunlaluNon-verbal communication is important in patient-doctor relationship in recording accurate conditions during medical interview. Gestures such as social touch and moderate eye contact are effective in improving the chances of fast recovery. Sometimes, when patients are explaining how they feel, caregivers (doctors and nurses) deviate and conclude without trying to understand the patient. Meanwhile, being able to understand the patient’s body language and facial expressions is key to making correct diagnosis and finding solutions.
Impact iof iGlobalisation ion iproduct iliability[Full-Text ] SURAJ KUNDULaw's ijob iin iglobalization iis ifrequently imisconstrued, ibasically ias ifor iwhether i'the iworldwide' iis iits iown iunmistakable iand ibound itogether ifield. iTo ia ihuge idegree, ithis imisconception imirrors ithe iimpact iof ineoliberalism, ia ifew iforms iof iwhich itreat iglobalization ias ian ielement iof ifree ienterprise i(consequently iconsigning iit ito ithe iprotect iof ifinancial imatters). iIn ilike imanner, ione iprobably iwon't ibelieve ithat ilaw ihas ia ilot ito ido iwith ithis iwonder, ipast iventuring ioff ithe ibeaten ipath, iaside ifrom iwhere ilaw iadds ito ithe iformation iof ibusiness isectors iand ito iguaranteeing ithat ithey iwork ieffectively. i
Effects of Pruning on the Growth of Okra[Full-Text ] Toy, Benjamin DanchalThe experiment on “The Effects of Pruning on the Growth of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)” was conducted in a Screen House with the aim of determining the response of okra plants to pruning, using the Clemson Spineless variety. The study consisted of 12 experimental potted plants, which were divided into three groups; A, B, and C. with four replicates. All plants received the same treatment except for the pruning (treatment). Group “A” served as the control, while groups “B” and “C” were pruned. Group B had the pruning at the terminal buts while the plants in group C had the pruning at axillary buds. Pruning was done 2 weeks after planting and reading started on the day of pruning.
A PARTICIPANT-DRIVEN FRAMEWORK FOR INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) SECURITY POLICY[Full-Text ] ADAMU Aishatu, Muhammad Sanusi, BISALLAH Hashim I and EBELOGU Christopher UThe ability to connect, communicate with, and remotely manage an incalculable number of automated devices via the Internet is becoming pervasive, from the factory floor to the hospital operating room to the residential basement. Internet of Things (IoT) can also be described, according to [5] as the use of intelligently connected devices and systems to leverage data gathered by embedded sensors and actuators in machines and other physical objects. In other words, it is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
Improved Solution for Traffic Model with a Rectangular Service Zone[Full-Text ] Bozhi Wang, Edward Lin, Zhiyuan ChenFluid traffic operation has always been considered an essential condition when assessing the managerial performance of a traffic net design. Deciding the length and width of a bus service route and headways are also important issues because they directly influence the service level for passengers and profit for operators. Thus, many scholars focus their attention on finding the optimal solution for traffic models.
Voter Education and Voter Outcomes in Ekiti State 2018 Gubernatorial Election[Full-Text ] Ucho Priscillia Okiemute and Osundina OlasunkanmiThe issue of voter education is an important phenomenon in the political terrain of the world today, most especially in developing countries where information and right of choice in picking aspirant for elective positions are challenged. Electioneering processes have been seen as a problematic position particularly in developing nation like Nigeria. However, it has been established that positive outcomes of election can easily be achieved if voter education are vigorously given to the populace prior to and during election period.
Prevention of O-Zone(O3) by Environmental Pollution Filter (EPF)[Full-Text ] Prof. Sohail IbrahimThis research project aimed to prevent O-Zone Layer through at low cost, most efficient and easy to assemble Environmental pollution Filter. Environmental pollution is the biggest menace to the human race on this planet today. It means adding impurity to environment. The environment consists of earth, water, air, plants and animals. If we pollute them, then the existence of man and nature will be hampered. One of the biggest sources of this Pollution is generation of CFCs in Industries which spread out in the form of gasses in the environment.
QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF A DYNAMIC DISCOVERY OF ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SERVICES[Full-Text ] Oluyinka. I. Omotosho and Ibrahim A. AdeyanjuThe adverse effect of the static state of payment services discovery in the current electronic payments is a motivation to the developed semantic based application for providing a dynamic or runtime discovery solution to electronic payment services to solve the challenge of locating the best available services.
IMPACT OF SODIUM HYDROXIDE CONCENTRATIONS ON THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF PERIWINKLE SHELL ASH BLENDED METAKAOLIN BASED GEOPOLYMER MORTAR[Full-Text ] B.E Yabefa, F.A Olutoge, F. C. Sagba, T.E GedeThis experimental investigation presents the influence of sodium hydroxide concentration on the compressive strength of periwinkle shell ash based geopolymer binder. Due to the unbearable environmental problems associated with the manufacturing process of Ordinary Portland cement, use of locally available materials are encouraged in the construction industry.
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE USING PERIWINKLE SHELL ASH[Full-Text ] B.E. Yabefa, B.I.O Dahunsi, T. E. Gede, O. K. OviomorThe devastating effect of Ordinary Portland Cement production due to CO2 emission into the atmosphere has necessitated higher demand for a more environment friendly binder such as a geopolymer for concrete production. Geopolymer binder is a combination of alumina and silica containing by-products with hydroxide and silicate solutions. In this study, periwinkle shell ash and metakaolin were used to make geopolymer concrete.
ROLE OF KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER IN MEDIATING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KEY FACTORS OF ORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESS ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] Marjani, Dedy Takdir Syaifuddin, Endro Sukotjo, Ambo Wonua NusantaraThis research aims to determine (1) effects of key factors of organizational success on organizational performance, (2) effects of key factors of organizational success on knowledge transfer, (3) relationship of knowledge transfer on organizational performance, and (4) role of knowledge transfer in mediating relationship between key factors of organizational success on organizational performance.
Representation of Pragmatic Declarative Candidates of Public Officials: Case Study of Candidate Communication of Bandung Mayor, 2018, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Iing SaefudinThis research describes analytically the pragmatic expression of the public leader, the Bandung municipal candidate. The metode used is an analytic descriptive with the technic of data collection involved documentation study, the records of Bandung municipal candidate’s expressions in champagne.
HYBRID DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING RSA AND RC4[Full-Text ] EZEKIEL Bala, AJIBOLA Aminat, and EBELOGU Christopher UThis research study “Hybrid Data Encryption and Decryption using RSA and RC4” is one which combines the convenience of a public-key (asymmetric-key) cryptosystem with the efficiency of a symmetric-key (private-key) cryptosystem thereby developing a hybrid cryptosystem. Here, a two-way secured data encryption system, the concerns of user privacy, authentication and accuracy is addressed.
Finite Element Analysis of Performance of Asphalt Pavement Mixtures Modified using Nano Additives[Full-Text ] Metwally G. Al-Taher, Hassan D. Hassanin, Mokhtar F. Ibrahim and Ahmed M. SawanIn this study, a finite element analysis was performed to investigate and evaluate the pavement responses (Vertical Displacement and Total Stresses) for asphalt mixtures modified using different types of additives. The PLAXIS 2D Package software was used to simulate and model the proposed pavement structure.
EFFECTS OF ATTRACTIVENESS, PERCEIVED VALUE AND WORD OF MOUTH (WOM) ON REPEAT VISIT THROUGH SATISFACTION IN DINNIS CEMARA DIVE CENTRE WAKATOBI[Full-Text ] Muhammad Fajri, Sudirman Zaid, Juharsah This research aims to determine and analyze effects of attractiveness, perceived value and WOM on tourist satisfaction; ef-fects of attractiveness, perceived value and WOM on repeat visit as well as role of satisfaction in mediating the effects of at-tractiveness, perceived value and WOM on repeat visit s by tourists in Dive DCDC Wakatobi Regency. There are 120 tourists as the samples.
Perceptions of Classroom Environment of Diploma Student nurses: A Cross-sectional Analytical Study[Full-Text ] Ruqia Begum, Dr. Mansoor Ghani, Misbah Zafar, Sobia IdreesBackground: Students’ learning is based on multi factors: among the others, classroom environment plays a crucial role in students’ learning. This study was aimed to explore diploma students’ nurses’ perceptions about the effect of classroom environment on their learning and to observe the relationship of student nurses’ perceptions with classroom environment in view of learning.
UTILIZATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY FOR ELECTRICITY AND HEAT GENERATION[Full-Text ] Emmanuel Olafimihan, Nurudeen Azeez, Seun Oyelami, Olusesan Olu-ArotiowaThe biggest task arising from power developments of the twentieth century is to minimize the economic impacts of power consumption, especially with possibly worrisome worldwide effects. Wind, biofuels, solar heat and photovoltaic renewable power techniques are eventually mature and the ultimate guarantee of price competitiveness. Nigeria is growing quickly and strongly on demand for electricity and power from costly imported fossils that put a heavy strain on the country's industry, as well as environmental pollution.
A FORENSIC EXAMINATION OF CONCENTRATION LEVELS OF CO GAS EMITTED FROM VEHICLES IN A SEMI URBAN CITY IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Mukoro Ejiro, Muhammad Nda, Ruth OmozokpiaUmesiConcentration levels of pollutant gases such as carbon monoxide (CO) are on the rise in cities in Nigeria. Over 60% of these levels are as a result of by-product of fuel and diesel engines of combustion vehicles. The study carried out to investigate the concentration levels of CO in Minna Metropolis showed maximum values at one instance of 600ppm and minimum values of 61 ppm.
ASSESSMENT OF SURGICAL CARE BURDEN AND BARRIERS IN TANZANIA: THE CASE OF MUHIMBILI NATIONAL HOSPITAL[Full-Text ] Maurice Peter Mavura (MD) and Faisal Hassan Issa (PhD)Surgical care in Low- and Middle- Income countries has remained low in terms of accessibility, safety, availability and affordability despite various strategies and policies that are constantly being formulated and implemented in these countries. Lack knowledge, by policy makers and other stakeholders, about root causes of these problems seems to be the reason for the persistent poor surgical care.
The Role Pancasila Ideology in Maintaining National Integration in Indonesia[Full-Text ] Agus HerlambangIdeology and national integration are interrelated. The connection is based on the existence of the ideology which is intended to collect, unite and mobilize the community politically and ideologically, thus, it has been integrated under the protection of the national ideology namely Pancasila.
Comparative Studies of Bioremediation of soil Contaminated with Crude oil using Agricultural waste[Full-Text ] Akinyemi Olusegun P., Patinvoh Regina J., Salami Lukumon, Igwe Victor A.In recent time crude oil spillage has greatly impeded and crashed the activities of commercial agricultural inves-tors, peasant farmers and the indigenous people in oil producing areas of the country whose livelihood have been massively dependent on agriculture. There is therefore the need to find solution to the problem of oil spill-age in these areas. This research project is aimed at determining the degradation profile of the petroleum hydro-carbons as a function of remediation period for the hydro carbon polluted soil. This implies the response study of crude oil polluted soil to purification.
Application of Operations Research in Agriculture[Full-Text ] Urja Thakkar, Varun Chachan, Vedansh Gupta, Vedant Vedak, Yash Basit, Hinal ShahIn our research paper, we have discussed the Applications of Operations Research to the Agriculture Industry. Agriculture is an industry involving a large number of decisions to be taken, both planned and unplanned. Since this industry is highly influenced by external factors, the farmers have to be ready to face any situation that comes their way. In Agriculture, decisions have to be taken in the present, for the future, in the presence of the aspect of uncertainty. Since uncertainty is a subjective phenomenon, parameters of a probability distribution cannot be established accurately.
Digital proportional amplifier of linear DC electromagnet[Full-Text ] Hazrat Ali, Wang Xuping, Muhammad Hasham Khan, Haseeb Yar Hiraj, Muhammad Zeeshan AdilDigital Signal Processor (DSP) based embedded code generation which is obtained automatically in PSIM software for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) control system. The simulation model of the PMSM control system is developed in PSIM environment using Motor Control Blocks and Embedded Target for TI 2000805 block.
WAQF AS PERMANENT TRANSFER OF COMMUNAL LAND IN MINANGKABAU COMMUNITY[Full-Text ] Yulia Mirwati, Yontri Faisal, Zahara, Neneng OktarinaThe customary law in Minangkabau that applies today is a compound of Customary law and Islamic law called "Adat Basandi Syarak, Syarak Basandi Kitabbullah" (ABSSBK). According to Article 4 paragraph (1) of the Indonesian Agrarian Law, the legal relationship of the Minangkabau people with land (earth's surface) is a non-individual communal relationship, which has been arranged on three levels called the land of clans (tanah kaum), land of tribes (tanah suku) and land of nagari.
RAPID RESPONSE TO RANSOMWARE[Full-Text ] BALOGUN Azeezat Abolaji, AJIBOLA Aminat, BISALLAH Hashim I, EBELOGU Christopher UAttackers ranging from cyber criminals to state sponsored groups have begun to change their tactics, making use of oper-ating system features, off the shelf tools and cloud services to compromise their victims. Until recently, cyber criminals mainly focus on bank customers, raiding accounts or stealing credit cards. However, a new breed of attackers has emerged and that have bigger ambitions and they are targeting banks themselves, sometimes attempting to steal millions of dollars in a single at-tack. Ransomware has become one of the most sophisticated cybercrimes as of late.
Comparative study for role of using surfactants with enzyme in scouring and bleaching pretreatments of cotton fabrics[Full-Text ] Y.H.Hamaki, J.I. Abd EL- Thalouth, R.O.AhmedThis paper discuss using ( proteases, lipases and cellulases) enzymes in scouring process in addition to nonionic surfactants in a view to study the effect of the former on the role of enzyme in scouring process. The desized cotton fabrics were treated with enzymes and nonionic surfactants in order to obtain the best results of surfactants and enzymes, after that we study the treatment time to obtain the the best condition of desizing treatment.
Simulation of the Effects of Tray Dryer Parameters on Plantain Drying Process Using Matlab[Full-Text ] A.J. Godwin and M. K. OduolaTray dryers remain the most extensively used dryers because of their simplicity and economic design. Optimal tray dryer design involving the determination of its optimum operating parameters may eliminate or reduce non-uniformity of drying and increase dryer efficiency. This paper investigates the effects of dryer parameters on one another and the plantain drying process by simulating the parameters of a tray dryer in order to evaluate effects of major decision variables including temperature, time, fan efficiency and air quantity controlled by the ratio of the heater housing area to the cabinet area.
Analysis Of Methanol And H2so4 Usage On Biodiesel Esterification Reaction And B20 Effect On Exhaust Gas Emission[Full-Text ] Idzani Muttaqin, M. Suprapto, Budi SetiadiBiodiesel is one of alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly and updatable. In this study, the materials used to make biodiesel were CJO (Crude Jatropha Oil) or castor oil whose contents were Free Fatty Acid (7,72%), Acid Value (15,44 mg KOH/g), and Gum (39,98 ppm).
Revitalization of Local Wisdom Values in Poverty Reduction Policies in the City of Cirebon, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Ipik Permana, Moh. Taufik Hidayat, & Moh. SutarjoThis research is based on the problem of the high number of poor people in the city of Cirebon, while on the other hand, the city of Cirebon has local wisdom values in the form of Sunan Gunung Jati advice which is very relevant to poverty reduction policies. The results of the study are the number of poor people in the city of Cirebon is still quite high, reaching 9.3% of the population of the city of Cirebon.
Finite Element Thermal - Structural Analysis of EPDM Rubber Composites[Full-Text ] Elham M. Hegazi, Azza A. HassanPolymer Composites are used in many applications of nuclear fields for their strong, stiff, and light structures, however their conduct in fire isn't constantly ideal. In the present work Finite Element method (FE) has been used to analyze rock fiber (RF) reinforced ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM). EPDM rubber composites are used as cable insulator in NPP (Nuclear Power Plant).
Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Economic Recovery in North Eastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Abubakar AmsamiEven before the Boko Haram crisis, the North East region Nigeria was among the poorest in the country, with high demographic growth and vulnerability to extreme weather and climate change. Its fragility was heightened by its position at a climatic, cultural, and geopolitical intersection with the Francophone countries effectively dividing the region among a multitude of regional settings and the fact that it straddles three countries (Cameroon, Niger, and Chad), whose socio-political histories have been turbulent, to say the least, since independence.
Use and Abuse of Antibiotics in Dentistry in Saudi Arabia from the Perspective of Dentists[Full-Text ] Yasmin Asaad, Najah Alharthy, Sarah Al-balawi, Khadijah AlghamdiBackground: Antibiotics are the most commonly used therapeutic interventions in dentistry, but they are risky if not man-aged properly by dentists and patients. We aimed to evaluate the use and abuse of antibiotics in dentistry in Saudi Arabia from dentists’ perspective.
Removal of Lead Ion from Wastewater by Electrocoagulation using Iron (Fe) as a rotating electrode[Full-Text ] Khan Rajib Hossain, A. Nayeem FaruquiPresent study investigated the efficiency of electrocoagulation (EC) technique with sacrificial iron electrodes to remove Lead (Pb) content of battery industrial effluent at laboratory scale.