Volume 14, Issue 6, June 2023 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
Publication for Volume 14, Issue 6, June 2023 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Study of radiotherapy treatment for lung cancer and its dose calculation [PDF] Tareg Al Mansour, Hassan Al khamsan, Ibrahim Alsulaiman, Mohammed Alyami, Mohammed AlajmiBackground: Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality around the world, so effective treatment methods are necessary. The aim of this study was to investigate the lung cancer treatment by radiotherapy, and the dose changes to lung inhomogeneity density.
Materials and Methods: The technique employed in this study was separated into two sections. For configurations and procedures in the first portion, a computerized care planning system was employed. After the primary data from the system has been corrected, phase two of the configuration was utilized to obtain experimental results using a container for ionization as a baseline. This study included treatment planning that involves highly specialized treatment for lung cancer and the shift in variance of the dosage administered, as the density of the lungs constantly changes. Collapsed Cone Convolution Superposition (CCCS) has been used to help in evaluation of lung dose calculation approaches in relation to relative lung density, treatment geometry, and dosage comparisons.
Results: The outcome of this study suggests that homogeneous CCCS portions are within 1% of the adaptive convolution (AC) doses, implying that the AC, which benefits from faster processing times, is a good alternative for the CCCS.
Conclusion: Dose absorption that is calculated by utilizing the TPS is based on the CCCS algorithm that provides an accurate result with the help of Monte Carlo Calculations under the circumstances of the heterogeneous media and low-density materials like the lungs.
Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigation of a Proposed Building Site along Laniba Ajibode, Ibadan, Southwestern, Nigeria [PDF] Adeyemi, Gabriel Oladapo and Nkenchor, EmekaThe need for preconstruction investigation is imperative in line with preventing loss of lives and property. This relates to some earth materials which cannot support some solid and rigid structures.
Geophysical and geotechnical studies were conducted in Laniba, Ajibode behind IITA in Ibadan, to determine the general condition of the of the foundation soils. The geophysical survey includes 25 Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES), 10 Cone penetrometer tests and digging of 5 test pits. Sieve analysis (mechanical and hydrometer), Atterberg limits, oedometer consolidation, and triaxial tests were conducted.
The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) classified the soil as Sandy Silty Clay. Liquid Limit (LL) of the soil between 35% and 48% and Plasticity Index (PI) range from 16 to 19%. The VES data for the proposed building site showed six geoelectric layers; the topsoil, lateritic clay (some of which are compacted), sandy clay, clayey soil, fractured basement and fresh basement. The cone penetrometer result revealed a significant increase of cone resistance with depth indicating an increasing bearing capacity.
There were correlations between VES data and geotechnical parameters as well as between index and basic geotechnical parameters, at foundation depth of 1.5m based on compressibility values, with no likelihood of either excessive total or differential settlement was found to be suitable for the proposed structure.
EMPOWERMENT OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSMEs) TO IMPROVE COMMUNITY ECONOMY IN NGAWI DISTRICT, NGAWI REGENCY [PDF] Sumiati, Sangrila Puspita Dewi, Reni Sulistiyawati, Liliek MulyaningsihThe purpose of this study is to describe the empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to improve the community's economy in Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency. This research is quantitative descriptive. The population in this study were 50 micro entrepreneurs in Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency. This research is a population research with 50 respondents in this study. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, documentation and observation. Meanwhile, the data analysis in this study used a quantitative descriptive analysis.
The results of the study can be concluded that (1) that business capital assistance for MSME empowerment to improve the community's economy in Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency is good; (2) that assistance for infrastructure development in the context of empowering MSMEs to improve the people's economy in Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency is very good; (3) that assistance in the context of empowering MSMEs to improve the community's economy in Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency is very good; (4) that institutional strengthening in the context of empowering MSMEs to improve the people's economy in Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency is good; (5) that strengthening business partnerships in the context of empowering MSMEs to improve the community's economy in Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency is very good; and (6) that the empowerment of MSMEs to improve the community's economy in Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency is good
RMS Repeatability Ratio (RRR) improvement of Time-Lapse Seismic datasets through Global Statics Corrections in CODD field, Onshore Niger Delta [PDF] Magnus Kanu, I. Tamunobereton-ari, A. R. C. Amakiri, C. Israel-CookeyAn attempt has been made here to develop and implement a methodology for statics correction of time-lapse differences in reflection arrival times of time-lapse prestack seismic data. The method is called global statics correction (GSC). This is necessitated due to the difficulties encountered during the processing of the time-lapse 3D land seismic data. These difficulties are to a large extent attributed to changes in near-surface velocities which cause differences in reflection arrival times with attendant detrimental impact on time-lapse seismic imaging. The GSC method is compared with single vintage statics solution (conventional method) and presented for onshore Niger delta. The GSC method included cross-correlation of the traces acquired at the same locations but during different campaigns and calculation of the prestack time shifts between the surveys. The time shifts are decomposed in a surface-consistent manner, which yields static corrections that tie the monitor data to the baseline data. While both workflows demonstrated their capability to improve similarity between the time-lapse datasets, it is shown that the GSC approach reduces 4D noise more effectively than separate statics corrections and improves the RMS repeatability ratio further.