Thesis Submission - IJSER

Thesis Title *
Maximum Char Allowed 250
Author *
Corresponding Author
Guide Names *
Comma separated list of Guide names (i.e. First Guide-name, Second Guide-name )
Email *
Primary Email
Research Stream *
Research Stream (i.e. Engineering , Management etc.)
Thesis Abstract *
Thesis Inroduction ( Between 500 and 800 characters, No special character )
University *
University / Institute Name
Department *
Enter the name of Department.
Country *
Country where you completed the Phd.
Chapter Scheme *
Comma separated list of chapters (i.e. 1 CONTENTS, 2 TABLES,3 INTRODUCTION,4. OBJECTIVE )
Upload Image
Upload Thesis ( Max size : 8Mb ) *

Due to heavy size if upload is failing then you can directly email thesis to, submit the remaining form & you will get Thesis-ID, you need to provide the thesis ID in email while submitting the thesis via Email.