Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018.
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Influence of Spur Dikes Shapes on Scour Characteristics[Full-Text ] Mohsen M. Ezzeldin, Tharwat A. Sarhan, Sally F. El-RashedyA series of laboratory experiments were conducted for estimating the maximum depth of scour and other related characteristics for the available shapes of spur dikes. This research focuses on a comparison of various configurations of spur dikes as straight, hockey, mole head, L-shape and T-shape.
Improvement of Multiprotocol Label Switching Network’s Performance using Software Defined Network Approach[Full-Text ] Fatima LAASSIRI, Mohamed MOUGHIT, Noureddine IDBOUFKERSoftware defined networking (SDN) combines approaches of connection oriented technologies and routing overlay technology presenting a new open and programmable network. Decoupling control and data plane from network devices and bringing control plane in logically centralized SDN controller which can be then act as a network operating system.
PV cell Array for Maximum Power Point[Full-Text ] Sandeep singhIn the recent years various algorithms have been proposed by researchers to extract the maximum power out of the solar cell/array, called maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms. Out of these incremental conductance (INC) algorithm is most widely used due to its easy implementation and high accuracy. These algorithms also work for non ideal conditions such as long time partial shading condition (PSC).
Influence of family doctors in chronic disease management[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz Moqbel Faleh Alshammary, Atheer Musaed Aljuhani, Yousef Duhaim Abdulrahman Al-Rashdi, Mishal Aied Huders Alanzy, Awad Mohaysen Olaythah Alrashidi, Aljohrah Abdulwahab Abdulrhman Albaker, Ahmed Ebrahim Naji Alharbi, Alanood Nawaf Almansory, Abdulmajeed Abdullah Mesnad AlShammari, Fahd Ouda AlbalwiIn this review we discuss the management of a disease by the patient which is central to control of its effects. As well we focus on family doctors task and influence in management of chronic disease. Medline and Embase (up to 2018) were searched for relevant articles, and reference lists and abstracts were searched for all studies discussing chronic disease management in primary care. Chronic disease is described by the World Health Organization (WHO) as being of long period of time, generally slow in progression and not passed from one person to another.
Overview of Adenotonsillar hypertrophy, management strategies[Full-Text ] Sami Ayyadah Ghareeb Alshammari, Atheer Musaed Aljuhani, Abdullah Ahmed Alkhalaf, Abdulmohsen Saad Alghassab, Ali M Alshdokhi, Hamoud Khalid Alshaya, Yossef Fahad Khaled AlshammariThis article reviews the pathophysiology and symptoms of AH. Current treatment options are considered the increasing rate of investigations on non-surgical alternatives for AH, surgery and the importance of the treatment of AH. We conducted a searches of electronic databases (PubMed, Emabse), and hand searches of bibliographies of relevant articles and gray literature searches up to March 2018, for all studies concerning, Adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Adenotonsillar hypertrophy is common problems in the pediatric and can set off symptoms such as mouth breathing, nasal congestion, hyponasal speech, snoring, and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), in addition to chronic sinusitis and recurring otitis media.
Overview of physiological function properties for Hyaluronan and synovial joint[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz Ayad ALanazi, Dr. Malik Azhar (Malik Azhar Hussin), Abdurhman Aiash Alrwaili, Khalid Abdulrahman Dhafi, Abdullah Zidane Alshammari, Alsahli Fahad Ali A, Alanazi Faisal Eid N, Yousef Nasif R AlshammariIn this article we review main structural features of synovial joint and hyaluronan, important functional properties. We conducted a comprehensive literature search using the MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PubMed databases. This review describes hyaluronan properties and distribution, applications and its function in synovial joints for all studies published up to March, 2018. Synovial joints are one of the most common kind of joint in the body .A key architectural characteristic for a synovial joint that is not seen at fibrous or cartilaginous joints is the presence of a joint cavity.
Effect of Chemical Treatment of Fibres on the Mechanical Properties of Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites[Full-Text ] Kibret Alemayehu Adde(Yeshurun)Composite materials consist of two or more constituent materials, the fibre and the matrix. Fibre reinforced polymer composites are becoming very popular and replacing conventional materials nowadays, because of their excellent properties suitable for various applications. The properties of fibre reinforced polymer composites are comparable to most conventional materials like metallic materials. Numbers of papers have been published in the field of high strength composites made up of glass fibres, carbon fibres, Kevlar fibres and carbon nanotubes. However, their utilizations are affected by their high cost, recyclability and biodegradability issues.
Corrosion Behaviour of Red Mud particulate reinforced Aluminium 6013 composites by Potentiodynamic Polarization[Full-Text ] Chandrashekara,K.N, Dr.B.NarasimhaMurthy, Dr.P.V.Krupakara,Sreenivas KMetal matrix composites containing Aluminum 6013as matrix are getting considerable applications in the automotive, aerospace and other related areas. Ceramic particulates as reinforcement particles in Al-based Metal matrix composites will have a great influence on corrosion resistance. This research work gives the details of corrosion behavior of Red Mud particulate reinforced Aluminium 6013 composites in neutral medium by potentiodynamic polarization (PDP) techniques using electrochemical work station. Composites are manufactured by stir casting method. Composites of Aluminium 6013 containing red mud particulates with different weight percentage were manufactured. Aluminium 6013 alloy was also casted for comparison. Corrosion rates of composite materials were found to be decreased when compared with that of matrix alloy. Therefore composite materials are more suitable for application in marine engineering than matrix alloy.
A Study on Types and Quality of Aggregates Produced in LONI KOT Karachi-Hyderabad Motorway Used in Building Construction[Full-Text ] MUSHTAQUE AHMED PATHAN, RAFIQUE AAHMED LASHARI, MARYAM MAIRADistrict Jamshoro (The latitude for Jamshoro, Pakistan is: 25.4168681 and the longitude is: 68.2743064.) contains a hilly terriane and mountain ranges of different formations including natural flood nallas (Streams0 which contain deposits of fine aggregates., in this study
An Architecture for a Personalized Learning Recommendation on Knowledge Level of Learner[Full-Text ] Daminda Herath, Lashman Jayarathne E-Learning is considered as one of the most popular research areas in distance and web-based education. Nowadays, most of the educational institutions such as universities, colleges, and vocational training centers are adapted e-Learning environment to give quality and efficient service to learners. This paper presents a novel approach, a framework for building an architecture for personalized learning recommendation system by considering learner’s knowledge. The knowledge, skill, preferences and learning style of each learner is different.
Sustainable and Smart Manufacturing through Distributed Manufacturing System and Robotics Methodology[Full-Text ] Nandini VishwakarmaNow a days manufacturing companies are working on the sustainable and smart manufacturing systems. In this paper sustainable manufacturing initiatives is the creation of energy-efficient and manufacturing resources-saving systems. Distributed Decentralized networks of adaptable and flexible mini-factories are not only helpful to reduce emissions through reduction of transports, but also serve for the growth and development of regional economic cycles.
Quantifying Traffic Congestion by Studying Traffic Flow Characteristics in Wolaita Sodo Town, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Mengistu Mena Kuleno, Habte Debisa Denno, Gebrefilmuna Abera, Dr Raju Ramesh ReddyRoad traffic congestion is one of the main problems in developing countries. Congestion mainly occurs at peak time when the road way capacity fails to function the road way activities. Congestion result in frustration that deals with many unknown accidents, weak road way safety, decreases the aesthetic value, Increases travel time because of a lot of delays, results in air pollution and noise pollution, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and fuel use and energy loss because cars cannot run efficiently. Even though the problem being recognized by all road users and transport professionals, there is only insignificant attempt for solution and relative research done on the extent of the traffic congestion in wolaita sodo town.
Peculiarities of Road Projects' Cost Overruns[Full-Text ] Zaynab Belel Ahmad, Natalia A. Anigbogu and Jurbe Joseph MolwusRoad projects contribute immensely to the development of an economy, yet they do not come without their own share of challenges; among which are cost overruns. Various scholars have carried out studies on cost overruns, including a few on road projects but the peculiarities of road projects cost overruns are yet to be identified. Do these road projects cost overruns have any similarity across the studies? The identification of the peculiarities could aid in developing specific cost management methods by taking into consideration the nature of road constructions. This study therefore aims at finding the peculiarities of road projects cost overruns from the review of literature. The findings reveal that road projects are prone to cost overruns, they have very large magnitude of cost overruns and the causes of cost overruns vary for all road projects.
Voltage and Frequency control of standalone 1-Õ Microgrid Using Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Algorithm (ASMCA)[Full-Text ] P. Harish, I. Kumara swamy, N.GireeshIn this contribution, 1-Õ standalone microgrid configuaration using hydro, wind, solar and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), all those generating sources interconnecting one 1-Õ Voltage Source Converter (VSC). The VSC controls with the assistance of Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Algorithm (ASMCA). The ASMCA is utilized to assess the reference source current which controls the VSC and regulates the voltage and frequency of the microgrid in addition to harmonics current extenuation and power balance is found highly suitable, stable and robust for such highly nonlinear micro-grid system, and also It is well known that the dynamic variation of solar insolation levels and sudden variation of wind speeds to maintain the PCC voltage at reference value. Proposed microgrid results are analyse in MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Performance Analysis on Mixed Mode Solar Dryers[Full-Text ] Nnadozie B. Odinaka and Gerald U. AkubueFour mixed mode solar dryers with different tray arrangement each has been constructed and evaluated at Nsukka (Lat. 6.86°N, Long 7.39°ð¸), Nigeria. The arrangements considered were;'End-end', 'End-centre', 'centre', and 'mixed'.
Design & Implementation of an IoT Based 3-Axis CNC VMC[Full-Text ] Amit Kumar NandiComputer numerical control is a very broad term that encompasses a variety of types of machines- all with different sizes, shapes, and functions. But the easiest way to think about CNC is to simply understand that it's all about using a computer as a means to control a machine that carves useful objects from solid blocks of material.
Analyzing the Effect of Overhang Length on Vibration Amplitude and Surface Roughness in Turning AISI 304[Full-Text ] Farhana Dilwar, Rifat Ahasan Siddique In this paper, the experimental investigation is carried out to assess the effect of overhang length on two important responses - vibration amplitude and surface roughness by using response surface methodology (RSM) and main effects plot.
Optimization of tensile strength of Reinforced Rubber Using Taguchi Method[Full-Text ] Amr A. Ali, Mohammed Y. Abdellah, Mohamed K. Hassan, Sayed T. MohamedReinforced rubber has many mechanical applications such as belt conveyers hose and power transmission. The reinforced rubber of mechanical belt conveyor is contained rubber covers and fabric-rubber core (carcass). Tension test is performed on reinforced rubber belt conveyor to study the effect of number of reinforcement plies, loading direction and speed of loading on the tensile strength of the tested belt
Maximization of the power of the ultra-wide band "UWB" signal sent to the human body while respecting the Federal Communications Commission "FCC" constraints[Full-Text ] A.LOUSSERT, M. KETATA, M. DHIEB, M. LAHIANI and H. GHARIANIThe aim of this work is to maximize the power of the Ultra -Wide Band Signal "UWB" sent to the human body while respecting the constraints of the Federal Communications Commission "FCC". The signal is formed by Gaussian monocycle pulses and characterized by its center frequency "fc", the recurrence period of the pulses "PRI" and their amplitude "A".
Smart Irrigation System using Raspberry Pi[Full-Text ] Jainishkuamr Anghan, Parveen Sultana HIn India most of people is doing work related agriculture directly or indirectly. An economy of India is mostly affected by agriculture related activities. To check water level of well, farmer have to go to farm and start water pump. Sometimes he has to go in night. If fire is spread in farm how farmer can know? If he know about it, he cannot do anything about it because many plants burned
Evaluation of a Software Enhanced Mobile Phone Based Microscope as a Teaching Tool[Full-Text ] Anthony A. Alaribe, Aniekan-Augusta O. Eyo, Ambrose A. A. AlaribeMicroscopes are central to a microbiologist’s workflow, but their cost remains out of the reach of students and hobbyists in the developing countries like Nigeria. The cheaper range of microscopes available in schools lack features such as being able to connect to a computer to enable a scientist project a specimen to his class. This project tried to solve this problem, by testing the possibility of a mobile phone based alternative to conventional microscopes. For the purpose of this project, a microscope stand and live streaming android software were built.
ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING AND THE FUTURE[Full-Text ] MAJOR (DR) M. VIJI,AIn today’s context everything is E, in case of publications also It is the future of anything, since the future is fundamentally unknowable, and to talk about the information future in any of its aspects, given the speed of change and the novelty of successive technological developments. Nor does the history of forecasting in the world of books give any cause to be optimistic that we can be any more certain today than in the past the "death of the book" has been forecast on numerous occasions, from the time of mass radio broadcasting, through the introduction of television, to the rise of the computer and the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web.
NIGERIA AND THE DEPENDENT CAPITALIST ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Ahmed Wali Doho & Abubakar Umar AlhajiThe Nigerian political independence on 1st October, 1960 came with enthusiasms and hope. The country’s nationalist dream was to build an independent country with a strong economy destined to take the country to its economic development, and compete favorably in the International Economic System. In a quest to attain this goal, it adopted a mixed economy patterned along the western capitalist system.
INTRACEREBROVENTRICULAR INJECTION OF OLIGOMERISED β-AMYLOID (Aβ1-42) PEPTIDE INDUCES NEUROINFLAMMATION, NEURODEGENERATION AND CHANGES IN PERIPHERAL IMMUNE RESPONSES IN RATS[Full-Text ] Krishnendu Adhikary, Tushar Kanti GhoshAlzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of Aβ1-42 to develop rat model of AD since β-amyloid can induce dementia, neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation which may alter peripheral immune responses due to leakiness blood brain barrier in that condition.
Binding Energy Prediction and Molecular Docking Studies of Falcarindiol and its Monosubstituted Analogues Against Aspergillus fumigatus Chitinase; The In Silico Pharmacokinetics[Full-Text ] O.A Durojaye, P.S Ajuluchukwu, S. Cosmas, Robert Igomu, I.U Okagu, S. B SaniBackground: Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common causative agent of invasive fungal infection in immunosuppressed individuals. These include patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy for autoimmune or neoplastic disease, organ transplant recipients, and AIDS patients. A. fumigatus is the primary cause of invasive infection in the lungs and represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality in infected individuals. Additionally, A. fumigatus can cause chronic pulmonary infections, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, or allergic disease in immunocompetent hosts. Falcarindiol is a polyacetylene found in carrot roots which has antifungal activity.
Review Article- Aluminium substituted Yttrium Iron garnet nanoparticles[Full-Text ] A.R. Bhalekar, L.N.SinghYIG is an important magnetic material in microwave devices such as isolators, circulators, phase shifters, filters, absorbers etc. In this paper, the structural, morphological, magnetic and dielectric results of Al-doped yttrium Iron Garnet by using XRD, SEM/TEM, FTIR, VSM, FMR techniques are reviewed. Preparation methods have great influence on structural and magnetic properties. For application purpose, one needs to select Al substituted YIG with optimum properties hence the comparative study of results is needed. The data presented in this paper would be helpful from the application point of view.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP BEHAVIOUR OF YOUTH IN BEEKEEPING AT LAMJUNG DISTRICT OF NEPAL[Full-Text ] Umesh Poudel, Rajesh PaudelSeveral studies have shown that the decision to start an enterprise is linked to a set of economic and socio-demographic characteristics. The aim of the present study is to complement existing literature on the origins of entrepreneurial development by analyzing the beekeeping sector with the purpose of discovering the economic and socio-demographic factors that influence the intention to start a business.
Improving the Crease Recovery Property of Cotton Fabrics by Using Shape Memory Alloy Wires[Full-Text ] Sevda Altaş, Elif YılmazShape memory alloy (SMA) is a material that "remembers" its original shape and when deformed, returns to its pre-deformed shape by heating. Shape memory alloys have applications in industries including automotive, aerospace, biomedical and robotics; also they are used in the production of smart textiles. In the study, it was aimed to develop a shape memory cotton woven fabric which needs only a heat treatment instead of ironing after creasing. For this purpose, shape memory alloy wires (SMA) were embedded in the cotton fabrics.
The Effect of zeolite on the properties of the LightWeight Concrete[Full-Text ] Asmaa Khalaf, M. T. Nooman, Mohamed Kohail, El-Sayed A.R. Nasr Natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) is a porous silico-aluminate mineral. In this research clancied zeolite was used as an aggregate and bubble-generating factor in production of light weight concrete (LWC). The experimental program consists of four concrete mixes were prepared by using ce-ment 42.5, water, fine and/or coarse zeolite and superplasticizer.
Energy Conceptions among Science Students for Sustainable Development[Full-Text ] Emmanuel Ifeanyi Orji, Zudonu Onisoman ChuksThe study-energy conception among science students for sustainable development was guided by two research questions and one hypothesis. Descriptive survey was adopted for the study. The study was carried out at Science Education Department, University of Nigeria. Five hundred and sixteen (516) (320 female and 196 males) students formed the population of the study and two hundred and twenty five (225)(86 males and 139 females) students formed the sample size. That is 80 first year students, 88 second year students, 28 third year students, and 29 final year students.
The Analysis of the Relationship Between Information System Development and Organizational Development[Full-Text ] Julião Artur F. MussaThis paper essentially presents a brief discuss of the relationship between information systems development and organizational development. The contributions are offered namely the findings of a study of the organizational delopment and information system development.
Infrastructural Development and the Nigerian Industrial Sector Performance[Full-Text ] Nsikan Umofia, Kingdom Eke Orji, Ibibia Lucky WorikaThe significance of infrastructure to the industrialization in any economy cannot be overflogged, thus making its enhancement relevant to the survival of the industrial sector. The purpose of this study is to analyse the effects of infrastructure on the industrial sector performance of Nigerian economy. In that vein, descriptive statistics to establish the trends, the unit root test (using Augmented Dickey-Fuller) to test fro stationarity, co-integration test (using Johansen co-integration) to check for long-run relationships between the variables in the model, and the dynamic ordinary least squares were adopted, using time series data spanning from 1980 to 2016.