Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2021
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Analysis of the Impact of Relative Humidity and Mineral Coarse Mode Aerosols Particle Concentration on the Visibility and particle size distribution of Desert Aerosols[Full-Text ] Yerima S. U , Abdulkarim U. Y , Tijjani B. I , Gana U. M , Sani M , Aliyu R , Shamsuddeen M. F ,Khamisu U.Y and Abdulhadi DThis paper presents the results of the Analysis of the Impact of relative humidity and Mineral Coarse Mode Aerosols Particle Concentration on the visibility and particle size distribution of desert aerosols based on microphysical properties of desert aerosols. The microphysical properties (the extinction coefficients, volume mix ratios, dry mode radii and wet mode radii) were extracted from Optical Properties of Aerosols and Clouds (OPAC 4.0) at eight relative humidities (00 to 99%RH) and at the spectral range of 0.4-0.8 mm. the concentrations of mineral coarse component (MINC) were varied to obtain five different models.
Image Encryption Using Chaos Maps[Full-Text ] B. Sai Kumar, L. Vikhyath, R. Geetha Krishna PavansaiAs the exchange of data over the open networks and Internet is rapidly growing, security of the data becomes a major concern. The solution is to encrypt the data. The data can be text, image, audio, video etc. Images are one of the largest media in this generation. Earlier image encryption techniques like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption Standard (DES), Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) etc. exhibit low levels of security and weak anti attack ability.
Mobile Crowd-sensing For Smart Parking[Full-Text ] Benjamin Bohia, Vanlalhriatzela, RamengmawiiIn this paper, a mobile crowd-sensing smart parking android app is designed and implemented, exploiting the key elements that a mobile crowd-sensing system (MCS) should possess. The paper shows all the available parking spaces in different locations where users of the app could locate their desired parking space and park their vehicles. The crowd-based smart parking system collects relevant data from participating drivers, and then uses the data to navigate them to the right parking slots.
Challenges Faced by Pakistan’s Public Health: Doctors Perspective[Full-Text ] Dr. Fozia Anwar, Dr. SAMIYAH TASLEEMBackground: It has been recognized that almost in every part of the world health services are not provided properly as expected, and peoples face challenges and problems in one way or other while assessing fundamental right.
The Influence of GTAW Parameters on Micro-structure and Mechanical Behaviour of Austenitic Weldments—A review[Full-Text ] Ahmed G. Elsayed, Abdallah A. Abdelkawy, Emad F. El-KashifIn pressure vessel, there is a large need for joining austenitic stainless-steel weldments. These applications are mainly in fabrication of pressure vessels and several industries due to good beneficiary high strength at different temperature and excellent corrosion resistance. Nowadays, there is a great demand for austenitic welding practices due to its performance and economic benefits. Therefore, it is important to optimise the various welding parameters.
Infrastructural Facilities and Patients’ satisfaction in tertiary care hospitals in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa[Full-Text ] Dr. Sareer Khan, Zahid RazaThe present study was conducted to probe the infrastructural facilities in the tertiary healthcare hospitals in Peshawar-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire from 600 sampled respondents admitted in three tertiary healthcare hospitals in Peshawar i.e. Khyber teaching hospital, Hayatabad Medical Complex and Lady Reading Hospital through proportional allocation method. The patients were hardly satisfied from the healthcare and infrastructural facilities in the above three major hospitals of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Internet of Things (IoT) Security: Issues, Challenges and Solutions[Full-Text ] Saira Afzal, Abdullah Faisal, Imran Siddique, Mariam AfzalThe Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm envisions a world in which billions of interconnected objects are equipped with artificial intelligence, internet access, and sensing and actuation capabilities. Instead of a small number of powerful computing devices in our lives, the theory assumes that we should have a large number of devices that are comparatively less powerful. In other words, providing computational and internet capability in just about every mundane entity we have. An earlier buzzword for roughly the same definition was “ubiquitous computing”.
Analysis of Color Image Enhancement Techniques for Remote Sensing Images[Full-Text ] Zakira Maqbool, Azhar Khan, Abhinav BhardwajThis paper gets quiche and effective filtering methods or ways to reinforce image from remote sensing satellite P6 Liss IV remote sensing data as a Near-Infrared band. There are four filtering methods used to enhance the image depending on local background filters and common background filters such as median filter, wiener filter, dual filter and home Gaussian filter and selected salt and pepper sound and Gaussian sound applied filter.
Empirical analysis of the effects of school practices on the Tunisian pupils’ motivation and self-concept[Full-Text ] Nader ZghidiDo the evaluation practices that are adopted by the teacher have an effect on the orientations of the pupils’ objectives and self-concept? To find an answer to this question, 540 Tunisian pupils at the seventh and eighth grade of six colleges in the Sfax region were asked to fill in a French version of the motivational orientation on Nicholls grading scales (1989), as well as a questionnaire about their self-concept. Similarly, their six teachers completed a questionnaire on evaluation practices. The results support the overall reliability and validity of the French adaptation of the motivational orientation scales.
A Complete Perspective on Speech Recognition[Full-Text ] Nischala Prasad, Kushagra Galundia, Daksh Gupta, Preetha SThe most primitive form of human communication is speech. The procedure of recognizing and converting these speech signals that are acoustic in nature, into digital signals which are later converted into text using machine learning algorithms is known as Speech Recognition. Speech Recognition, also called Automatic Speech Recognition has advanced and developed a lot over the years with the improvement in computer technology in the fields of computing power and storage.
Réutilisation du matériel orthodontique[Full-Text ] L. BOUCHGHEL, L . OUSEHAL, J.D. LISSIGUI, F. EL QUARSIntroduction :Ce travail a pour but de révéler les habitudes des orthodontistes libéraux en matière de réutilisation des dispositifs orthodontiques, Ã savoir les arcs et les brackets orthodontiques.
Framework For Electronic Voting System Using Blockchain Technology[Full-Text ] Banjo Oluwafemi, Awodele Oludele, Eseosa EhioghaeA system with a porous electoral process will produce the wrong leadership. The quality of an election determines the quality of the selected leadership of a community, state, and nation at large. Over the years, different solutions ranging from the manual method to electronic methods have been proposed to address the various electoral malpractices associated with elections, however, the key issues of privacy, trust, and fairness in elections yet remain. In this research, we proposed an electronic voting system based on blockchain technology to address the identified issues of privacy, trust, and fairness.
ELECTROPHORESIS ON CELLULOSE ACETATE BAND FOR A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF COWPEA (VIGNA UNGUICULATA) AND SPIRULINA (SPIRULINA PLATENSIS) PROTEINS[Full-Text ] Louis Augustin Diaga Diouf, Papa Mady Sy, Sidy Mouhamed Dieng, Alphonse Rodrigue Djiboune, Mamadou Soumboundou, Boucar Ndong, Elhadji Amadou Lamine Bathily, Ousseynou DIOP, Mamoudou Salif Djigo, Moussa BadianeAbdou FAYE, Gora Mbaye, Mounibé DiarraElectrophoresis is usually applied in serum protein characterization, we performed a study using this technic in the characterization of proteins in cowpea and spirulina to see the proteins content of the two species in a comparative purpose. Proteins are essential ingredients for good health. Their deficiency results in diseases which the must known is the kwashiorkor or marasmus which treatment consists essentially of a protein intake enabling to fill this observed deficit, malnutrition being a real public health problem especially in the least developed countries.
Self-Efficacy and Practices in Teaching 21st-Century Skills[Full-Text ] Jeddah Bacus Quiño, Gerlinda Galua CorpuzThis study investigated the teachers’ self-efficacy and teaching practices in teaching 21st-century skills. The study sampled 205 senior high school teachers from private schools of District 1, Division of Cagayan de Oro City. Data were collected using a survey questionnaire and gathered data were statistically analyzed through mean, frequency, percentage, and correlation analysis. Findings of this study revealed that the respondents’ highest educational qualification has a significant difference in teaching practices while age, sex, and teaching experience have no significant difference at all.
Settlement Performance of Piled Raft Foundations in Sand[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. Elsobky, Ahmed M. Abd Elgalil, Abd Elfattah A. YoussefIn the recent years, piled raft foundations have been utilized as a foundation system for many structures rested on different soil conditions. The combined effect of the piles and the raft improves the bearing capacity and reduces the settlement of the raft. This paper investigates the load–settlement behavior of piled raft foundation rested on sandy soil under uniform vertical load through three-dimensional finite element analyses using PLAXIS 3D.
Status of soil organic carbon and bulk denisty variation along the altitudinal gradient in Ngoba community forest under Paro Dzongkhag[Full-Text ] Kezang Choden, Bhagat Suberi,Purna Chhetri Above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass, dead mass of litter, woody debris, and soil organic matter are the five carbon pools in the terrestrial ecosystem. Each carbon pool store a substantial quantity of carbon. The study was conducted in the Ngoba Phunseum community forest in Paro Dzongkhag to determine bulk density and soil organic carbon variation along the altitudinal gradient considering different forest types.Blue pine and mix conifer forest are two main forest types in the current study area. The quadrate method was used, 10 x 10 m sample plots were placed laid cov-ering whole study area along the altitudinal gradient. Soil samples were obtained from this plot; a total of 456 soil samples were obtained from varied depths of 0-20, 20-40, and >40 cm, as well as 60 bulk density samples from the plot's center.
The Role of HIV-1 Vpr in Inducing Tat and Gp120 toxicity, Decrease antigen presentation, causes neuronal apoptosis, axonal injury and in Progression of infection and diseases, as potential target for vaccine development (Part Fifth)[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueVpr could cause more than five-fold up-regulation of cyclic AMP response element (CRE)-directed transcription via a mechanism that did not require Vpr-induced G2/M arrest. Vpr may act by stabilizing interactions with CREB and its transcriptional cofactor CREB binding protein (CBP).
Solitary wave solutions to the general time fractional Riccati equation and Hirota-Satsuma equations[Full-Text ] Md. Anisur Rahman PramanikIn the present work, we set up new careful answers for the Hirota-Satsuma conditions. We used to build voyaging wave arrangements regarding an exaggerated digression works by tanh. New groups of lone wave arrangements and occasional arrangements are additionally gotten for Hirota-Satsuma conditions. Our methodology is diminishing the size of the computational received in different procedures with no conditions to apply on any arrangement of halfway differential conditions.
Bioremediation of Crude Oil Polluted Soil Using Agro-Wastes from Plant Sources[Full-Text ] Eigbuluese Omohodion Gift,Amadi Benjamin Acho, Okoro Samson ErukeThe present research was designed to evaluate the efficacy of various agro-wastes from plant sources in bioremediation of crude oil contaminated soil. The study comprised of eight experimental groups amended with different Agro-wastes namely cassava peels, coconut husk, guinea-corn chaff, different pawpaw parts and pineapple peels. Control group GR1 did not receive any treatment while Control Group GR2 received agricultural soil only. Individual treatment vessels contained 7kg of crude oil impacted soil and the entire remediation period lasted for twelve (12) weeks.
Constipation is a psychological disease[Full-Text ] Anshu Parihar The root cause or the major reason for almost all the diseases a living body goes through is the disease named as Constipation and surprisingly Constipation occurs because of the mind the body is being ruled and not because of the malfunction of the body .In Hindi language the word for Constipation is Kabzee which is derived from the word Kabza means -Encroachment . And the name for Lavatory is Shauchalaya which has been derived from the word Soch meaning being thoughtful or engrossed in thought .The root or the major reasons of this monstrous disease is hidden in the psyche of the patient .The psyche is an outcome of the memory prevailing in that body’s mind .Life is not existing in the ,with the or for the help of a materialistic body ,which is going to perish in any case by now or then .Life exists because of Mind , with the Mind and for the Mind only .Without Mind the Existence is a non existing entity .Memory is dependent on the Mind for its survival .Memory is a bridge between the Mind and the body .As soon as the mind ruling a living body finds the body unuseful for itself ,the body just meets its end .
Blind Man Stick[Full-Text ] Mrs Mamta Borle, Ms. Palak Phaphat, Mr. Shiva Kher, Mr. Paras PeshinIt's the 21st century and everyone is independent, disability wants nothing but equality. So to make it easier for them, we have come up with a Smart Blind Stick that will help them in their daily activities and eliminate their fear of hitting a wall or object. The blind rod is made up of three ultrasonic sensors and an Arduino UNO. To detect movement on almost all sides, we used automatic car alarms and a buzzer to notify anyone if a specific obstacle was found. The motivation for building this stick is to make them independent and help them solve all their problems. Two sensors are places on other sides and third one is placed in front. Vibrating motors are used to know the movement along directions, for obstacle detection. One major component included in this embedded system is the ATmega328 single-chip microcontroller which is programmed in the c language. The rod aims to provide low cost, efficient and easy-to-use visually impaired people.
Accessibility and Utilization of Electronic Information Resources in Kano Study Centre Of National Open University of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Bello Abubakar, Ibrahim YusufAccess to information is vital for efficient research at Universities. Electronic resources provide new platforms for information to aid in conducting research at Universities. In this study, we examined access and utilization of electronic information resources by distance learners in Kano Study Center libraries of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). A Survey research design was adopted for the study with a target population of 3000 representative sample size of 361 using purposive sampling technique.
ENVIRONMENT AND RELIGIOUS PRACTICES IN INDIA[Full-Text ] BALAMURUGAN.P“If we protect the environment, it will save us back” is not just a sentence but a reality. Life on earth was and is directly dependent on its surroundings.
LEVEL OF AWARENESS, ACCEPTANCE, DIS-SEMINATION AND CONGCRUENCY OF THE LSPU VISION, MISSION, COLLEGE GOAL AND BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENTREPRENEUR-SHIP PROGRAM OBJECTIVES[Full-Text ] Marissa L. Dimarucot MBAThe vision, mission, goals and objectives (VMGO) of the programs play an important role in higher education institutions that look forward to providing quality education. Thus, the researcher determined the level of awareness, acceptance, dissemination and congruency of the Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) vision, mission, college goal and Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship program objectives.
CURRENT TRENDS IN SHOPPING MALLS: BA-SIS FOR FUTURE MARKETING PLANS AND PRODUCT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNT-ANCY ENTREPRENEURSHIP STUDENTS OF LAGUNA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY - STA. CRUZ CAMPUS [Full-Text ] Rozalle H. Palacol MBAThis research focused on the current trends in shopping malls as a basis for future marketing plans and product implementation of the Col-lege of Business Management and Accountancy (CBMA) Entrepreneurship students of Laguna State Polytechnic University – Sta. Cruz Cam-pus (LSPU – SCC) were dealth on. The descriptive method of research was used in this study to gather the necessary data and information on the current trends shopping malls as a basis for future marketing plans and product implementation.
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Land Use and Planning Rates of Government Administrative Services[Full-Text ] Hadeel Mahmoud, Noha Nabil, Mohamed Ahmed ReyadThe evolution of government administrative services is strongly influenced by information and communication technologies (ICT). The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Information and Communication Technology on government administrative services by exploring an international experience in integrating ICT into the government sector. Land use and planning rates are two major aspects that have affected the development of government administrative services, and they have been examined using Denmark as a case study.
The Effects of Integrated Adaptive Artificial Intelligence eLearning system for Enhanced & Flexible Teaching & Learning Process - A Review[Full-Text ] Sanal Kumar S, Sreekala MInnovative and smart educational technologies have transformed the methods of teaching and learning. With advancements of artificial intelligence, higher education has begun to adopt new technologies. This study intends to predict the role of artificial intelligence in the future nature of education in a world with an adaptive integrated multimodal learning system. The effective application of artificial intelligence methods is considered as a means of improving the quality of teaching and learning.
SharÄ«Ê»ah Maxims (Islamic Legal Maxims) and their Significance[Full-Text ] Umeed Maalik GorayaSharÄ«Ê»ah Maxims (Islamic Legal Maxims) are such leading principles and regulations in the light of which legal scholars and academic philosophers explore the permissible commands of the enduring issues. One deducted legal rule doesn’t cover up all the situations and matters underneath but its maximum states. The assumption of laws is just by the Qur’Än and the Nobel statements of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), or the Ijm’a (Consensus of Opinion), Ijtihad and Qias (Analogy) which are deduced from these sources of the SharÄ«Ê»ah.
Action of Matured Seeds’ Extracts Of Persea Americana var. Americana in Dil. HCl. for Corrosion Inhibition on Mild Steel[Full-Text ] Anthony C. Ehiemere, Chiza A. Ogbuji, Conrad EnenebakuAn investigation was carried out on the ability of aqueous extracts from matured Persea Americana var. Americana seeds for their corrosion inhibition potentials on mild steel in 1 M HCI conditions using gravimetric methods, as well as potentiodynamic tests and impedance measurements. The tests were considered at room temperature for 24 hours, and also for higher temperatures from 40oC to 70oC for 1 hour. The results showed that seeds’ extracts have appreciable corrosion inhibition potentials which decreased with increase in temperature. Inhibition efficiency showed that it increased with increase in inhibitor concentration across the same temperature, and similarly decreased with increase in temperature within the same concentration range. The maximum inhibition value was 86.49% in 24 hours, and 44.36% for 40oC and 75.46% for 70oC. The experimental data were in consonance with the Langmuir isotherm suggesting that the extract constituents were adsorbed on the steel surface.
Meteorological Pursuit a case study of Hafiz Hayat Campus, University of Gujrat, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Umeed MaalikBeing an important phenomenon “Weather Observation” or “Meteorology” is not only interesting for Meteorologists but also for environmentalists and geologists as well. So for this an internship program was held at University of Gujrat Hafiz Hayat Campus, in a newly maintained Met Office, where appointed Official Weather Observers supervised this work. So in this way this is a wonderful chance to become a part of Starting Weather observation at UOG, being the students of Environmental Sciences. A group of students worked as internees.
Survey of Taenia saginata in cattle slaughtered in Chokocho abattoir in Etche Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] ELELE KINGSLEY, ANWURI NDUBUISI, NWANKWO PRECIOUS CHINAZAThe parasitological investigation of Taenia Saginata in Cattle slaughtered in Chokocho abattoir in Etche Local Government Area, Rivers State Nigeria was carried out over a period of eight weeks from January to March 2020. A total of 150 Cattle comprising of 82 females and 68 males and comprising of three breeds; namely, White Fulani, Sokoto Gudali and Red Bororo were sampled, out of which 29 (19.33%) cattle were found infected with Taenia saginata.
Production of Diesel and Jet Fuel Range Hydrocarbon from Furfural via Aldol-Condensation and Hydrodeoxygenation Process[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Kabir Muduru, Bilyaminu Junior Abdulkadir, Hadiza Adamu Dawi, Friday Owuna Junior, Abdullahi Muhammad SokotoThe exploitation of biomass for energy and biochemical production has been recognized as a viable option to overcome the challenges of fossil fuel posed to the environment. The study reviled the production of jet fuel range and diesel via aldol condensation and hydrodeoxygenation process. Furfural produced from millet husk was condensed with acetone using an aldol condensation reaction to obtain the furfural-acetone-furfural (F-Ac-F) dimers under mild condition 85°C, 20 cm3 of 4M NaOH and vigorous stirring (500 rmp/min) for 30 min.
Relationship between Mineralogy and Engineering Properties of Rocks: Implications for Utilization as Aggregates[Full-Text ] Umbugadu, A. A. & Daku, S. S.With rapid urbanization there is need for civil construction of roads. These roads are constructed using rock aggregates whose engineering properties are often not ascertained. The aim of this paper is to determine the relationship between the mineralogy and the engineering properties of basically three types of rocks namely; porphyroblastic gneiss, pegmatite and granite gneiss. The tests conducted were Los Angeles (LA) test, Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) and Aggregate Impact Value (AIV). The range of values for granitic gneiss for LA, ACV and AIV are 14.9% - 22.6%, 24.0 – 28.3%, 15.9 – 21.4%, for porphyroblastic gneiss; LA, ACV and AIV ranged from; 23.6% - 27.2%, 34.7% - 38.6%, 18.8% - 29.6% respectively.
Water Hammer Velocities for Different Pipe Materials[Full-Text ] Fahri Maho, Erind MahoIn the last 50 years, different pipe materials have been produced and installed in the construction industry, changing the hydraulic behavior of pipes against the water hammer phenomenon. One of water hammer parameters influenced directly by the pipe material is water hammer wave velocity. The wide use of High-Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE), Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) and Ductile Cast Iron (DCI) pipes in water transmission systems has raised the need to study in detail the transient velocities on these pipe materials.
Recent advances in Adeno-based Oncolytic Viral therapy[Full-Text ] Nida Asif, Misbah Wadeed, Attia Dawood, Muhammad Rizwan, Asifa ShahzadiAdeno based oncolytic viral therapy is an emerging mechanism to treat cancer having rare side effects as compared to the previous treating methods. This process approach directly to the cancer cells without harming healthy cells. The signals and acceptors for specific targeting is engineered in the adenovirus to cross all the barriers of host immune response and create neo-viruses which further do the cancer cell destruction. This review will provide a brief elaboration on the recently approved naturally and engineered oncolytic viruses and summarise the modifications occurred in them and the results of clinical trials.
U-Learning - Design and Evaluation of Evocative Learning Based Method for Futuristic AI Embedded Ubiquitous Training and Development Environment[Full-Text ] Syed Wasiq SafdarWith the advancement of technology and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution just round the corner, people social lives have changed so are the ways in which people interact with others using smart devices and also the way they do learning. The situation has become more critical with COVID pandemic spreading around the world forcing people to conduct most of their activities on-line. In these changing times, people are shifting towards ubiquitous learning environments where human interactions are becoming very mush rare. Ubiquitous learning makes use of computers, mobile devices and wireless networks in our day-to-day life. These communication and networked infrastructures provide them with a mechanism to exchange knowledge and learn from distant places while on the move at anytime and anywhere. This has entirely changed the way people are now learning and sharing knowledge.
SKIN CANCER DETECTION WITH ASSISTANCE OF INTERACTIVE CHATBOT[Full-Text ] Shivansh Dadhwal, Manish AdtaniCancer is one of the most widespread diseases on the planet. Cancer exists in different forms and also occurs at different parts of the hu-man body. Cancer claims close to 5 million lives every year and a considerable portion of this includes the skin cancer cases. Cancer is basically the abnormal growth in the cells of the human body which can be caused by physical, chemical or biological carcinogens in a staged and a gradual process. Skin cancer basically means an abnormality in the growth of skin cells which results in a tumorous growth of the skin cells.
Morphometric Analysis of Kumari River Basin Using Geospatial Approach in Purulia District of West Bengal, India[Full-Text ] Shambhu Nath Sing MuraThe morphometric analysis of the drainage basin plays an important role in the geohydrological nature of the drainage basin and it expresses the prevailing evolutionary history of the basin. Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) have emerged as an important tool in demarcation of drainage basin, pattern and groundwater potential and its planning. Geospatial techniques can be used for the identification of morphological characteristics of the drainage basin. In this study, SRTM data has been used to extract the basin boundary and various morphometric parameters of Kumari river basin.
A Fingerprint Based Ignition System in Vehicles[Full-Text ] Anshul Vashist, Romanch Kansal, Vaibhav Nijhawan, Zaid ZafarBiometric Systems are computer-assisted techniques of authenticating or recognising a living person's identity based on physiological traits such as a fingerprint or face pattern, or behavioural features such as handwriting or keyboard patterns. Fingerprint-based systems, in particular, have been shown to be effective in securing information and resources in a wide range of applications. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the wireless non-contact use of radio frequency waves to transfer data. Tagging items with RFID tags allows users to automatically and uniquely identify and track inventory and assets.
AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEM IN PROVIDING ARCHIVAL REFERENCE[Full-Text ] A.Kh. Abdullayev ("Uzarchive" agency)This article discusses the current issues of authenticity and reliability of archival information issued by archival institutions, as well as the application for the purpose of modern methods of encoding information and integrated information systems.
GENETIC HEMATOLOGICAL DISORDER AND THE VERSATILITY OF GENE THERAPY[Full-Text ] Ayesha Shahid, Peerzada Fawadullah JanApproximately 80% of rare disease are genetic in nature and origin. Going through the etiology one can find that these all occur at cellular level . The major hematological disorder pertaining to sickle cell anemia indicates point mutation as its root cause . In future prospect to deal with such genetic disorder there can be approaches such as reactivation of fetal hemoglobin . The epigenetic modification i.e. DNA methylation can be inhibited by the use of cytidine analogue 5-aza and decitabine .