Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2021
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IPv4 versus IPv6 Security structure - A review using online sources[Full-Text ] Suleiman Abdullahi, Lawal Idris BagiwaThis paper was aimed at critically reviewing Journal Articles in order to make comparisons between Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv6) with emphasis on the issues related to security as well as to review the security challenges associated with IPv6 total implementation and total elimination of IPv4 in today's internet system.
An Investigation of the Accuracy of Knowledge Graph-base Search Engines: Google knowledge Graph, Bing Satori and Wolfram Alpha[Full-Text ] Farouk Musa Aliyu and Yusuf Isah YahayaIn this paper, we carried out an investigation on the accuracy of two knowledge graph driven search engines (Google knowledge Graph and Bing's Satori) and a computational knowledge system (Wolfram Alpha). We used a dataset consisting of list of books and their correct authors and constructed queries that will retrieve the author(s) of a book given the book's name. We evaluate the result from each search engine and measure their precision, recall and F1 score.
The effect of fluctuations in oil revenues on commodity imports in Iraq for the period 1990-2018[Full-Text ] Fadwa Ali Hussein, Shilan Mohammed RasheedOil exports play a pivotal role in the Iraqi balance of payments, which makes dependence on oil revenues a major source for financing the public expenditures process, which in turn contributes to weak front and back inter linkages between economic sectors to increase and continue to rely on imports to finance the growing demand for goods and services, which is why Makes the Iraqi economy more vulnerable to penetration and being affected by fluctuations in oil prices and economic and political shifts, and accordingly the research seeks to shed light on the negative effects of the state of almost total dependence on commodity imports and the relationship it has with oil revenues in light of economic data.
Detection & prevention of SQL injection & Cross site scripting attacks using SPWEPTLU technique[Full-Text ] Sayed Yousuf Mahbobi, Amjad Khan, Mattiullah Nadiry,Ahmad Shekib GhawsiSQL (Structured Query Language) injection is the most common and potentially hazardous attack that allows the attackers to fully manage the database by injecting or passing different malicious statements to the database engine in order to manipulate the data irresponsibly. This penetration to the system can cause serious damages such as stealing sensitive information, causing corruption in an organization or dismantling organization's operations. On the other hand XSS (Cross Site Scripting) is another type of security vulnerability that empowers the attackers to place client side scripts into a web pages visited by the users. In this paper we present optimal solution for detecting and preventing SQL and XSS injection attacks by restricting stored procedures with execute permission only to legitimate users.
Evaluation of the performance of African giant land snail (Achatina achatina) fed dried cassava peels meal amended with graded levels of bovine blood meal[Full-Text ] Maduekeh, E. C., Onuoha, C.O., Eluagu, K.U. and Nwenewo, E.CThe performance of African Giant Land Snail (Achatina achatina) fed dried cassava peel meal amended with bovine blood meal was evaluated. Forty (40) snails were randomly assigned to four (4) treatment groups with two replicates each in a completely randomized design (CRD).
Design of a space habitat in Mars for 10000 people - A conceptual report[Full-Text ] Aravind Karthik MSpace had a radical shift in heading by turning space as a haven for unanswered scientific questions and the black box holding answers for the future of sustaining humanity. Space has always been a lurking void withholding key answers and solutions for understanding the very existence of life.
A Pilot Case Study Reviewing Possibility of Applying Onsite Sorting to Assist Management of Construction Solid Waste in Khartoum, Sudan[Full-Text ] Awad S. Hassan, Fairuz A.M.ElhigziConstruction industry has a significant impact on the environment. The outcome of the disposal of construction solid waste (csw) in landfills and the large space occupied by it, have created a serious problem, and raised the challenge for managing it. In order to achieve proper waste minimization, the 3Rs management method(reduce, reuse, and recycle) is proved to be successful in many previous studies.
Mathematical Physics: Singularities in physics using Energy, it's subsets and implications[Full-Text ] Paul Leslie WoodSingularities are "undefined physics" with values rapidly escalating. This speculative article uses "Area" boundaries with Parabolic modeling and Complex numbers. Sensitivity Analysis (600% yields). Reinterpreting Inflation as Implosion. Inflation (post Big Bang): polynomial graph translated until "hover" coincides both with Area boundary condition and with first zero.
INTEGRATION of ARCHITECTURE & LAW[Full-Text ] BINDU MALHOTRABhagwat Gita, Guru Granth Sahib, Bible, Quran, Arthashastras and our Constitution all talk about Rules and Regulations.From Guru Kul times of sending Princes to learn VED SHASTRAS to present day of following Border Laws, it's mandatory to follow the Laid Niyams.
Complication of Arteriovenous Fistula for haemodialysis Patients in Taiz- Yemen[Full-Text ] Ismail Al-Shameri,MS, Abudar Al-ganadi,Phd, Abdulkafi M. Shamsan, MD, Maha Hizam,MD, Maamoon Q. Al Makhlafi,MDThis study was conducted to determine the complications of arteriovenous fistulae created for haemodialysis access in Yemen.
Preparation, Characterization and applications of turmeric composites with Iron Oxide, on shelf life of fruits[Full-Text ] Tasbeeha Saeed, Dr.Hafeez Ullah, Duaa Zahra, Muhammad Mudassar Iqbal, Bibi Zahida, Faiqa Anjum, Mamona Malik, Mamona Sarfraz, Namra Shafiq, Zoya Mustafa, Abu Huraira Sherbaz, Rida Nayyab, Dr.Tariq MehmoodNanotechnology is super natural spell making not only revolutionizing medical sciences but also making better commercial uses. Recently, chitosan has received increased attention for its commercial applications in the biomedical, food, and chemical industries. Use of chitosan in food industry is readily seen due to its several distinctive biological activities and functional properties.
Consumers' attitude toward social media advertisement- A study in the context of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Debashish Roy, Himangshu Shakor Paul, Mitu Das Mou, Suhan MiaSocial media is now an integral part of human life. A large portion of the world's population uses social media. So these social media platforms are attractive means of communication and promotional channel for marketers. This research paper seeks to determine what attitudes consumers display toward advertising that are transmitted through social media channels.
The Effect of Spinning Drum Speed on Core Dref Yarn Friction Property[Full-Text ] Sevda AltasDevelopments in textile technology have led to an increase in production speeds in spinning. However, it is known that an increase in production only in terms of quantity will not lead to an increase in the market share of the products. The yarns produced must be of quality and quality that can meet the differences in the expectations of people from textile products in parallel with the changing lifestyle. For this reason, in recent years, with the changing lifestyle, more comfortable, more functional and longer-lasting textile products have been preferred.
Re-Imaging Western Culture Through Turkish Dramas In Urdu Renaissance Of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Sadia Abbas, Hamza Abbas, Saima Rafi, AmmarAsadThis study has analyzed the kind of western culture promoted through Urdu dubbed Turkish dramas in Pakistan. Through this study, the researcher discussed the contemporary issue of globalization specifically cultural imperialism such as the reinforcement of western culture through Turkish dramas which is the end product of globalization. Interlocking problems through globalization, critical theory of imperialism, and dependency of economies of the developing world concerning the growth of Turkish media, this study analyzed the growth of global commodities way perpetuated from the western world to the non-western world.
Dynamic modeling and analysis for improving energy-efficient prototype performance[Full-Text ] Renan Luís Knabben, Sérgio Junichi Idehara, Helton da Silva GasparContemporary engineering seeks the optimization of processes, new technologies, and the saving of resources, aiming at environmental sustainability. In the field of automotive engineering, universities around the world are working on research and extension projects so that new ideas can emerge in the area. This is the case of the Shell Eco-marathon competition, which aims to design ultra-efficient automotive prototypes.
SOCIAL REFORMS MODEL A WAY FORWARD FOR BETTER ROLE OF GOVERNMENT AND GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES[Full-Text ] Usman Rasheed ChaudhryThis paper is way forward for better role of Government and Governance after reviewing literature on Role of Government and Government in developing countries. This paper has discussed the outcome of World Governance Survey (WGS) carried out on 16 developing countries by Hyden, Court & Mease. The paper discussed the importance of good governance in developing countries as there is lots of commonality of problems in developing countries like poverty, insecurity, lawlessness, weaker check and balance and deliberate democracy instead of true democracy having difference in government rhetoric and real Practice.
DSP Based Sensorless Field Oriented Control of A Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Flux Linkage Estimator[Full-Text ] Mahmoud Gaballah, Mohammed Sharaf, Mohammed El Bardini, Ahmed El Nagar, Essam El ArabyPermanent Magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) are nowadays extensively used for applications in many types of motion control apparatus and systems which require fast dynamic response and accurate control. However, there still exist challenges to design position-sensorless vector control of PMSM operating in a wide speed range, which covers both constant-torque and constant-power region.
Evaluate All Possible Subgroups of a Group of Order 30 and 42 By Using Sylow's Theorem[Full-Text ] Md. Abdul Mannan, Halima Akter, Samiran MondalIn this work, we will discuss the concept of group, order of a group, along with the associated notions of automorphisms group of the dihedral groups and split extensions of groups. This work is a generalization of the Sylow's Theorems. Then we find all the groups of order 30 and 42 which will give us a practical knowledge to see the applications of the Sylow's Theorems. For this, we also have used some known results of Semi-direct Product of groups, some important definitions as like as the exact sequences and split extensions of groups and Sylow's Theorem to obtain our result. Finally, we have found all subgroups of group order 30 and 40 for Abelian and Non-abelian cases.
Evaluation of the Performance of African Giant Land Snail (Achatina Achatina) Fed Rice Bran Amended With Graded Levels of Bovine Blood Meal[Full-Text ] Maduekeh, E.C., Chukwueke, J., Eluagu, K.U. and Omoha, U.E.Performance of African Giant Land Snail (Achatina achatina) fed rice bran amended with graded levels of bovine blood meal was evaluated. Forty (40) snails were randomly assigned to four (4) treatment groups with two (2) replicates each in a completely randomized design (CRD). Treatment 1, 2, 3 and 4 were fed with: only rice bran, rice bran amended with 10% blood meal, rice bran amended with 20% blood meal and poultry starter feed respectively. The parameters measured were weight gain, feed intake, length, width and feed / gain ratio.
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Electronic-Taxi Service Provider's performance in Addis Ababa[Full-Text ] The main aim of conducting this study was to assess the Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Electronic-Taxi Service Provider's performance in Addis Ababa. The study used the four dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation practices such as Innovativeness, Proactiveness, Risk takings, and Competitive Aggressiveness as independent variables and organization performance as a dependent variable.
Online Crime Reporting System[Full-Text ] Arushi, Neha Pahwa, ShivaniIn this project we are creating an online crime reporting system software which can accessed by people's the department. In India the public was afraid of the false grievances regarding the department of government. With Online Reporting System public can report a crime without any fear and they can easily contact the department where they can solve the problem in effective manner and department can easily catches the criminals by checking the previous record from inferior data.
THE EFFECTS OF CAFFEINE INTAKE ON THE ELECTROPHYSIO-LOGICAL PROPERTIES OF THE HEART AMONG COLLEGIATE ATHLETES[Full-Text ] Liane P. Tupaz, Gabriel P. CuizonThis study investigates if the changes brought about by caffeine on the electrophysiologic activity of the heart and if it will contribute to the risk factor of sudden cardiac death.
Sonographic evaluation of Endometrial Hyperplasia in perimenopausal & postmenopausal women- A systematic review[Full-Text ] Aqsa Hafeez, Syyeda Khadija Prof Dr Syed Amir Gillani, Zobia Saleem, Mehwish Rauf, Tayyaba Aslam, Summan Hameed, Dr Gull ZamanEndometrial hyperplasia refers to thel thickening of the endometrial lining of uterus causing l uterine bleeding. This condition frequently occur during or after menopause. It increases the risk of endometrial cancer. Simple hyperplasia is the most common type of endometrial hyperplasia having smaller risk of becoming cancerous. The databases searched were Google Scholar, Pubmed, Embase and Science direct. The studies were screened and data analysis performed by using content analysis. We identified 15 studies comprising of ultrasound evaluation of endometrial hyperplasia.
The effect of varying the condenser pressure on thermal power station efficiency-Doha west power station as a case study[Full-Text ] Gamal Yassin Salamh, Abdualrazzaq Al-Abdulrazzaq This paper aims to identify the factors that lead to reducing the efficiency of the thermal power plant as a result of the change of vacuum pressure in the steam condenser witnessed by the Doha West Power Station as a case study in the State of Kuwait, with a focus on the energy lost due to the change in the vacuum pressure inside the steam condenser as a result of changing loads or forming Slime inside the condenser, thus lowering the efficiency of the steam condenser and increasing the condensate temperature and vacuum pressure. The efficiency of the steam unit depends on the efficiency of the condenser, where the loss in the steam condenser is the biggest loss, reaching 51%.
Fiber Studies and Pulping Experiments on Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) of Oil Palm (Elaeis Guineensis) Using Soda-AQ Process[Full-Text ] Henry Okwudili CHIBUDIKE, Eze MGBACHIUZO, Nelly Acha NDUKWE, Nkemdilim Ifeanyi OBI, Olubamike Adetutu ADEYOJU, and Eunice Chinedum CHIBUDIKEComparative assessment of physico-chemical characteristics, anatomic properties and economic relevance of Empty Fruit Bunch of Oil Palm (EFB) to the pulp and paper industry was investigated. Sample preparation was conducted in accordance with TAPPI Standard T12 - OS - 75, which specifies that samples be grinded to a fine particle size to permeate 0.4mm screen and retained on a 0.6mm screen. The Moisture content, Lignin, Extractives, Alpha cellulose, Ash content and fiber dimensions were investigated.
Circumambulation in Indian pilgrimage: Meaning and manifestation[Full-Text ] Santosh KumarOur ancient literature is full of examples where pilgrimage became an immensely popular way of achieving spiritual aims while walking. In India, many communities have attached spiritual importance to particular places or to the place where people feel a spiritual awakening. Circumambulation (pradakshina) around that sacred place becomes the key point of prayer and offering. All these circumambulation spaces are associated with the shrines or sacred places referring to auspicious symbolism. In Indian tradition, circumambulation has been practice in multiple scales ranging from a deity or tree to sacred hill, river, and city.
The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance among Health Workers: A Study of Some Selected Health Institutions in Nigeria, ISTH and UBTH Edo State[Full-Text ] Dr. Isaac Omojiade ObohThis research examined job satisfaction amongst clinical staff of Tertiary Health Institutions in Edo State. The two Tertiary Health Institutions examined are Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Irrua and The University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City. Primary data were collected from random selection of 849 staff of the institutions (comprising 322 from ISTH and 527 from UBTH) using validated questionnaire and indepth interview. The data obtained from the field were analysed using percentages, chi-square, test of proportion and Pearson correlation.
Acacia farnesiana seed oil: a promising source of biodiesel production[Full-Text ] Inam Ullah Khan, Zhenhua Yan, Jun Chen and Hang Chen The study aimed to appraise oil contents, optimize the transesterification process, characterized by an analytical and physico-chemical process, and assess its energy agreeability with fossil fuels. Acacia farnesiana (AF) seed containing maximum 23% oil content and 0.4 % low free fatty acid (FFA) content was evaluated by Soxhlet extraction. The petroleum ether yielded highest oil extraction (23%).
Albizzia julibrissin: a non-edible seed oil source for biodiesel production[Full-Text ] Inam Ullah Khan, Zhenhua Yan, Jun Chen, Hang Chen and Syed Aftab Hussain ShahWe aimed to optimize different reaction parameters for oil extraction from Albizzia julibrissin (A.J.) seed. The best conditions included the ratio of methanol to oil (6:1M), the reaction time (60 min), the catalyst concentration (0.30wt %,) and the temperature (65oC). The A.J. methyl ester (AJME/biodiesel) yield was 98%. Soxhlet extraction method provided the highest A.J. oil content ranging from 19 to 24% followed by 9.9% by mechanical extraction. Gas chromatography provided the basis for classifying fatty acid composition of the oil.
A Framework for Manufacturability Assessment and Minimum-Order-Machine Classification of Parts Fabricated by Additive-Subtractive Processes[Full-Text ] Rajeev Dwivedi, Sahithi Gangaram, Yash Saxena, Shaunak Kulkarni, Tejas Bansal, Arav MangalAdditive and subtractive manufacturing equipment used in SFF, require relative motion of additive and/or subtractive end effector tool with respect to the substrate. The relative motion is implemented with the help of mechanical drives. At the core of each mechanical drive is a rotary motor. Motivated by the classification and characterization of computer algorithms in the context of the amount of resources (such as time and storage) necessary to execute; this paper proposes classification of the design and corresponding manufacturing processes in context of the basic rotary motion.
Studying the Feasibility of Reclaiming the Land of Plain Tina area in Sinai[Full-Text ] Mansour A. M. Yacoub, Amany T. ElkashefWater is the source of life for all creatures upon earth, and the axis of sustainable development and improvement. Freshwater represents only 3% of world water. Egypt is one of the semi-arid countries due to the lack of rain. The country depends on a major source of water, which is the River Nile; at a constant quota of (55.5 billion m3/year), to irrigate (8.5 million feddan) of arable lands. The total population is (85 million persons) living on (3.5%) of the total area of Egypt.
CLOUD - AEROSOL LIDAR AND INFRARED PATHFINDER SATELLITE[Full-Text ] Tannay Kumar, Vivek ChaudharyThese CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol LIDAR and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations) is a mission dedicated to studying how clouds and aerosols impact the Earth's climate. Scientists are using data from CALIPSO to construct 3D models of the atmosphere that improve our ability to predict future climate change. CALIPSO's LIDAR can also be used to measure particles below the ocean surface, inlcluding phytoplankton.
OCEANONE - Underwater Robotics For Research & Engineering[Full-Text ] Tannay Kumar, Vivek ChaudharyThe Stanford Universities robotics groups was connected and contributed to the research related to properties of the manipulation of artificial intelligence and controls. The main aim, focus is to create robots that are human friendly and successfully able to interact with humans.
Effect of green tea on hepatocytes[Full-Text ] Koyena Majumdar, Telphy KuriakoseTea is one of the most commonly consumed beverages across the world. Green tea, among all the available varieties of tea, has come under the spotlight in last decade. It is mainly because of the plethora of advantages it has for the body. It is rich in catechins, polyphenols and amino acids. These chemicals have a lot of positive effect on the body; from helping in weight loss to reducing the risk of cancer. Green tea has shown curing properties whereby they have successfully reversed the damage done by harmful chemicals such as pesticides.
Tensile Capacity of Spliced GFRP Bars using Filled Hollow GFRP Sleeves[Full-Text ] Taha Eldaleel, Fareed Elgabbas, Khalid M. Morsy, Ahmad F. AbdelazizThe main goal of this research is to develop an alternative method to connect precast concrete elements reinforced with GFRP bars using GFRP sleeves to minimize connection length and improve corrosion resistance. To investigate the tensile capacity of GFRP sleeve splice bars, six specimens were tested under tension load up to failure according to ASTM D7205 [1].