Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2018.
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Chemical Evaluation of Some Bio Extracts with Pathological Study on Tumor Cell in Mice Model[Full-Text ] Farid, M., Hana, F. M. Alia, Sherein, S. AbdelgayedOur study objective was to chemically evaluate some bio extracts regarding Chemical composition, Minerals contents, and their effects on tumor cells. Seventy seven adult Swiss female albino mice (20-25g) were procured from the animal house of Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Egypt, a model of Solid Ehrlich Carcinoma (SEC) were implanted subcutaneously into the right thigh of the lower limb of 70 mice and a palpable solid tumor mass (about 100 mm3) was developed within 12 days.
Why has terrorism spread in the 21st century?[Full-Text ] Dhakaa taleb DawoodThe author believes that terrorism did not spread during the period of Ottoman rule because the Ottoman Empire was acting as a political empire intended to expand and extend its political influence, that is, the Ottoman Empire, despite carrying the banner of protection of Islam, but were not governed by the theory of Islam, . Terrorism spread when Islamic political movements came up with political theories of governance, and they believed that these theories should be applied on the ground.
Standalone Wind Energy Conversion System Assisted with Low Cost Battery Energy Storage System[Full-Text ] G.N.S VAIBHAV, Dr. B.S. SRIKANTHANPresent energy need heavily relies on the conventional sources. But the limited availability and steady increase in the price of conventional sources has shifted the focus toward renewable sources of energy. Of the available alternative sources of energy, wind energy is considered to be one of the proven technologies. With a competitive cost for electricity generation, wind energy conversion system (WECS) is nowadays deployed for meeting both grid-connected and stand-alone load demands.
Model of Ecotourism Development Heart Of Borneo (HoB) Through Dynamic Systems Approach[Full-Text ] Erni Yuniarti, Rinekso Soekmadi, Hadi Susilo Arifin, Bambang PramudyaMany countries in the world are developing the tourism industry, including developing countries in Southeast Asia such as Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to design a model of sustainable HoB ecotourism in Kapuas Hulu District through dynamic system approach. Development of HoB ecotourism focuses on two national parks is located in Kapuas Hulu District, ie TNBK, and TNDS. The scenario simulation suggests that the increase of non-tax revenues which can encourage the building of infrastructure in Kapuas Hulu Regency. Based on the number of tourists and non-tax revenues obtained through the development of ecotourism HoB can illustrate that forest conservation activities can be an alternative solution in ecotourism based forest management methods in Kapuas Hulu District. Supported by optimistic scenario results shows that serious HoB ecotourism management can generate non-tax state revenues that can encourage better infrastructure development in the district.
Dynamic Response Of Braced Domes Under Earthquake Load[Full-Text ] Dr. Ihab S. Saleh, Tahseen A. MuhsenRibbed dome is the oldest type of braced dome that had been constructed. A ribbed dome contains many of indistinguishable meridional bars, interconnected by compression ring. The joint connection of ribbed dome should be rigidly enough to keep the dome stable. Several types of domes that have been proposed to improve the resisting act from a ribbed dome to another type of dome. Finite element models of dome were prepared and analyzed by using SAP2000 V14 software.
Corrosion inhibition behavior and adsorption characteristics of Quinoxaline Derived on Mild Steel C38 in Acid sulfuric 0.5 M[Full-Text ] HASSAN EL ATTARI, SALIM MENGOUCH and HOUSSINE AIT SIRThe effect of a compound, namely 1,4-dihydroquinoxaline-2, 3-Dione (HQD) on the corrosion of C-steel in 0.5 H2SO4 solutions has been studied using the potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The measurements were carried out in a temperature range of 298-308 K in the absence and in the presence of the distinct concentrations ranging from 10-3 to 5.10-3 M.
CAD Using New Algorithms for nth Order Butterworth Digital High-Pass Filter[Full-Text ] Haider Fakher Radhi Al-SaidyThis paper gives the description of new algorithms for constructing the transfer function of nth order Butterworth digital HPF by the use of the fact of multiplication of cascade transfer functions of second order and first order digital HPFs. By using computer-aided design with new algorithms for calculation of z-domain, transfer function for (conjugate poles and single real pole) can be achieved. To perform above requirements, linear programing is used to create C++ program for the collection of cascade combination. The algorithms are very exact, flexible , and fast. Users of this program can make design of different sampling frequencies, cut-off frequencies, and any order of Butterworth digital HPF with very high flexibility.
The energy dissipation of Stepped Spillways experimentally and numerically[Full-Text ] A. ShawkyAwad,T. Hemdan Nasr-Allah, Y. Abdallah Mohamed, G. Mohamed Abdel-AalA stepped spillway is a hydraulic structure, which is an integrated part of the dam, which allows the safe passage of overtopping flows. In this paper, experimental and numerical studies were carried out to investigate the effect different relative step height of spillways to get the best of dissipating the energy. Modelings of flow over spillway were carried out using a commercially available 3-D CFD model, FLOW-3D, which solves the RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) equation.
EFFECT OF FIRE TEMPERATURE & DURATION ON ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF R.C. COLUMNS WITH DIFFERENT CROSS SECTIONAL SHAPES[Full-Text ] Youssef A. E. Awad, Mohamed A. Khalaf, Yehia A. AliDeterioration of reinforced concrete structures can be happened due to many reasons; fire is considered one of the most important deterioration reasons that can lead to a complete and a catastrophic failure. In order to evaluate the degradation level of a RC structures exposed to fire, a number of factors should be considered.
Some Engineering Properties of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc) Relevant for its Sorting, Shelling and Cleaning[Full-Text ] Negedu, A. M., Irtwange, S.V and Ijabo, O. J.Dried unshelled Bambara groundnut (BGN) was bought from Northbank Market, Makurdi Benue State, Nigeria. Some engineering properties of the material relevant to its sorting, shelling and cleaning were determined. The biomaterial under study was categorized into three groups of sizes namely; large, medium and small for the pod and seed.
Legal Consequences of Non-Contractual Promises in Construction Industry[Full-Text ] Sean Modd, Asst. Prof. Gokhan GelisenContract law is in the process of evolution if not revolution. As the construction industry is notorious for contractual disputes, one cannot underestimate the significance of remaining well informed of these developments. The developments in contract law have been caused by a shift in legal thinking. Legal thinking has shifted from interpreting contracts based solely on their express and implied terms to nowadays looking at the circumstances of a case as a whole. Looking beyond the terms of a contract has consequences for how negotiations are to be considered by a court of law. Traditionally, negotiations have been seen as informal discussions. Unless something mentioned in negotiations was subsequently framed as a term of the contract it had no legal consequence. Recent case authority has rejected this proposition and so it is deemed as being appropriate to state contract law as being in the process of revolution.
Long Term Static Performance of High Rise Buildings by considering Static Non-Linearity with Staged Construction Analysis[Full-Text ] Akshay R Pardeshi, Dr. S. N. Tande, Er. Sandeep PingaleNon-linear static analysis in terms of material non-linearity and geometrical non-linearity has been analysed with staged construction analysis in three high rise buildings with different structural systems. In the concrete structures, behaviour of material properties is not changes linearly with the time, ex. creep, shrinkage, modulus of elasticity etc.
IDENTIFICATION OF STUDENTS RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE SKILLS WITH HEARING IMPAIR-MENTS IN FOLLOWING THE LECTURES[Full-Text ] Dr. Amka, Dewi Ratih RapisaStudents with hearing impairment should ideally have an understanding and mastery of the language in following the lectures. The facts are found that there are some difficulties faced by students with hearing impairment and also the lecturers. Moreover, not all students with hear-ing impairment have sufficient language skills to support the lecturing activity. This study aims to identify students receptive language skills with hearing impairment in following the lectures. The method of this research is descriptive method of analysis. Data collection techniques were conducted through interviews, observation, documentation studies and literature review.
Regular anisotropic filtering and multi-level thresholding for image segmentation[Full-Text ] Slim BEN CHAABANEIn this article, we present a new image segmentation method, based on anisotropic filtering and multilevel thresholding. For segmentation, we proceed in two steps. In the first step, anisotropic filtering technique is used to filter the original image. In the second step, we identify the most significant peaks of the histogram.
A study on mixed halide perovskites[Full-Text ] Aditya Raj Chhetri, Shivank Dayal, Arun Stephen. J, R. Pratibha NaliniIn recent years, the emergence of organic/inorganic lead halide perovskite based absorbers has led to unprecedented growth in the efficiencies of solar cells. Methyl ammonium lead iodide (MAPI) is a widely explored perovskite in the recent years. This work proposes the use of CH3NH3PbBrCl2, a mixed-halide perovskite to construct a Perovskite Solar Cell (PSC) prototype to explore cost-effectiveness.
An assessment and enhancement of the newly geopotential models over Egypt territory[Full-Text ] Moamen A. Gad, Oleg R. Odalović, Abdel-hey AhmedRecently, several high and ultra-high degree global harmonic models have been developed. In what follows, An assessment and enhancement of newly Erath Geopotential Models “EGMs” which released between 2015, up to 2017 were done, including corporate data from the gravity satellites CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload “CHAMP”, Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment “GRACE” and The Gravity field and steadystate Ocean Circulation Explorer Mission “GOCE" dedicated satellite gravimetric mission, with terrestrial gravity anomalies data over the whole area of Egypt.
Smart Product line model for fire brigade service to assist civilians[Full-Text ] Aqeel FarooqFire brigade End user architecture for smart communication environment aim to enable, create, deploy and allow software application for smart spaces which assist civilians and fire brigade. Helping civilians in their routine task is the duty of the fire brigade service.
Manually Fabricated Patch Antenna[Full-Text ] Maryann Benny Fernandes, Madhuparna M odal, Shruti Shanbhag, Shailaja UdtewarWith the ever growing advancement in antenna design and fabrication, the need to infuse in new concept within the domain has become a high key note necessity for telecom engineers.
Body Implantable G-shaped patch antenna operates in MICS band[Full-Text ] Raja Tariqul Hasan TusherThis paper describes a novel design of G-shaped micro strip patch antenna within the MICS (402.0-405.0MHz) band. The Performance of designed antenna is analyzed in free space as well as inside in human phantom model with different conducting material. In this design, the height of the antenna is considered as 1.5mm from the ground plane.
Study of Forced Conection Heat Transfer with non-Newtonian Fluid in circular tube[Full-Text ] Ahmed Hammodi Ali , Hassanian Ghani Hameed and Hussein Awad Kurdi SaadIn this investigation, study of heat transfer forced convection in two dimensional of non-Newtonian flow inside a circular tube under constant heat flux with laminar flow has been analyzed numerically. Wide ranges of Reynolds number (220, 755, 1315 and 1875), prandtl number (1.67 , 4.67 and 13.67) and power law model "Prandtl – Eyring.(P.E)" (0.1,0.5,1 and 5) are adopted. To explain the behavior of temperature field and flowing fluid, the vortices, stream functions in addition to temperature distribution formulas are used.
Factors of Weft Knitted Fabrics Related to the Bursting Strength[Full-Text ] Mohammad Mobarak Hossain, Farhan Haque, Joyunta Banik, Abdullah Shohel RanaIn this study the different parameters of the weft knitted fabrics like stitch length, yarn count, course and wales per unit length, GSM and porosity are considered to know their influence on the bursting strength. As, bursting strength is important for weft knitted fabrics due to its dimensional properties, shrinkage percentage is also drawn in attention.
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF COARSE AGGREGATE BY COCONUT SHELL AND ORDINARY PORTLAND CEMENT BY RICE HUSK ASH[Full-Text ] R Gopinath, T Ajithkumar, M Nithin, V Sanjay Srikanth, P SivakumarThe high cost of conventional construction material affects economy of structure. With increasing concern over the excessive exploitation of Natural aggregates, lightweight aggregate produced from waste is a viable new source of structural aggregate material. In this work we have partially replaced coarse aggregate with coconut shell and ordinary Portland cement with rice husk ash.
Estimation of elemental concentrations of Ethiopia Coffee Arabica on different coffee bean Varieties (Subspecies) Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Florescence[Full-Text ] H. Masresha Feleke, Srinivasulu A, K. Surendra, B. Aruna, Jaganmoy Biswas, M. Sudershan, A. D. P. Rao, P. V. Lakshmi NarayanaUsing Energy Dispersive X-ray Florescence (EDXRF) Elemental analysis, Coffee cherry of Arabica subspecies produced in crop years of 2015/2016 in nine different parts of coffee growing Area in Ethiopa were analyzed and has been found four major elements P, K, Ca, S and eight minor elements Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se, Sr, Rb, Br from Twenty coffee Arabica subspecies.
Parameter effects on convergence Meshless Method by using Radial Basis Functions[Full-Text ] Jaouad EDDAOUDY, Touria BOUZIANEThe numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) resulting of physic problem formulations need appropriate approximation methods. The Point Interpolation Local Radial Method (LRPIM) is a recent numerical meshless method for solving PDEs. It is derived from the local weak form (WF) of the equilibrium equations. Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) are used as a trial function and a cubic spline functions are used as a test function of weighted residual method.
Setting Up Some of the Simulators of Cloud Computing &Cloud Testing[Full-Text ] Smitha Krishnan, Dr.B.G PrasanthiAs the cloud technology is a growing field and we have reached the world that everything cloud be made easy with cloud storage. So for more advanced features the cloud need to be developed so came the concept of multi cloud. Security is always a major area of concern in single cloud .the load balancing the resource sharing and VM migrations were also a issues in single cloud. [1] Testing cloud-based software systems needs techniques and tools to deal with infrastructure-based quality concerns of clouds. These tools can be built on the cloud platform to take advantage of virtualized platforms and services as well as substantial resources and parallelized execution.[2]
Experimental Study of the Lattice Constant and Lattice Spacing Of Potassium Bromide by Laue and Debye Scherer Methods[Full-Text ] H.U.Khan, M.Akram khan, Muhammad Hamayun, Fazal Muhammad, Muhammad Waleed Raza This paper presents the calculation of Lattice parameters of the structure of crystals of Crystalline and powder ionic salts of KaBr by a x-rays LD apparatus. The crystals structure study is important to get knowledge about the different characteristics of materials just like by kinetic molecular theory. Due to analysis of materials on the basis of diffraction phenomena, the field has been made more growing and sophisticated. X-rays diffraction by points of the lattice provide radiograph on special Dentus films using X-ray machine. X-ray diffraction technique is an easy approach to crystallography as compared to electron and neutron diffraction due to its ease, availability and easily handling. By developing the film under darkroom conditions, the data is collected by indexing the pattern of spots and rings or the images and is tabulated for different parameters by calculation of the sample through Laue and Debye Scherer methods. The obtained results are much closed to the actual results. This research work will also be helpful in the crystallography by different techniques of different alkali halides samples.
Possibility of evaluation of insulation and accumulating ability of the room on the data of the transition process after turning off the heat[Full-Text ] Rumen Yankov, Mariyana Ivanova, Veselina Dimitrova, Ventsislav DimitrovThis article explains an approximate way of calculating the building thermal insulation coefficient (D) and accumulation ability (B), using the equation for heat balance for the transition process after the turn off (shutdown) of the heat supply. The method is based on the experimental detection of room temperature, variations during the shutdown off the heat supply in the room.
Scientifical research on the parameter reliability of risk technical systems in mechanical engineering[Full-Text ] Nikolay Petrov, Veselina Dimitrova, Stancho EdrevOperational capabilityability on the risk technical systems (RTS), creep in the mechanical engineering is determined from the assembly of the parameter assignment and allow the borders to change (i.e., the tolerance field). Breaking of the operational capabilityability is caused by the release (deviation) even on one of the the parameter, set out is determined from the tolerance field in the normative technical documentation. This breaking is associated with the occurrence of a condition, requiring investigation a function of the catastrophe (FC) on RTS.
Risk assessment in the operation of techno-economic systems with parallel non-loaded coupling[Full-Text ] Aleksey Petrov, Nikolay Petrov, Nikolay KolevAs a techno-economic system (TES) is defined the system of interacting manufacturing machinery (technology), automation technology, human operators and the economic and financial relationships between them. [3],[4]. In the article is discussed a TES, which consists of a certain number of functional elements (FEs) connected in parallel, as each subsequent node starts to operate upon failure of the functioning before it node. This type of coupling is known in the reliability theory of TES as parallel non-loaded coupling.
A Comparative Study between Non-Iterative Zero Tolerance Method with Evolutionary Algorithm Method for Economic Load Dispatch[Full-Text ] Rabindra Nath Shaw, Debayan Basu, Sumana ChowdhuryThis paper outlines the Optimal Scheduling of Generators Real Power Output and presents a Comparative study between a novel method and Evolutionary Algorithm Methods for studying the optimum load scheduling problem.
Effects of Basel III Higher Capital and Liquidity Requirements on Banking Sectors across the Main South East Asian Nations[Full-Text ] Dr. John TaskinsoyThis paper analyzes the cost impact of the Basel III higher capital and liquidity requirements on bank capital, lending spreads, and steady state output across the main Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN-5). We also investigate potential long-run economic benefit expressed as a gain in steady state output (GDP).
MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM AND PERFORMANCE: A STUDY OF PRINTING HOUSES IN JAFFNA DISTRICT[Full-Text ] Ms. Tharani, Ms.P.Tharshiga, Dr.(Mrs.)R.YogendrarajaManagement control systems are tools to aid management for steering an organization toward its strategic objectives and competitive advantage. An Organization must be controlled, that is, devices must be in place to ensure that its strategic intentions are achieve. But controlling an organization is much more complicated which is facilitated through appropriate management control system and processes.
Broken Nails Could Be Connected Now In A Natural Way[Full-Text ] Muhammad NaeemI have discovered that hard crust of the nail (The uppermost layer) does not allow the growth of dead cells. But if it is removed the dead cells start growing and hence the nail gets attached in a natural way.
Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Ricinus Communis (Castor Seed) Oil Using Refluxed Calcined Snail Shell as Catalyst[Full-Text ] Muhammad, C, Jibrin, M.S, Mukhtar, M, Baki, A.S, Sani, UDepletion of the fossil fuel as well as it environmental problems have attracted the attention of researchers recently, in the process to find the sustainable alternatives. Biodiesel emerges as one of the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly options in recent times to fulfill the future energy needs.
The determination of the velocity of the vehicle according to the slide marks of vehicle while moving through a curve[Full-Text ] Mr.Sc. Visar BAXHUKU, MSc.Alishukri SHKODRA, Dr.Sc. Odhisea KOCA, MSc.Visar CekiciDuring the movement of the vehicle through a curve whilst surpassing critical slide velocity there appears not only sliding, but also the uncontrolled movement of the vehicle. In this process, aside from the usual parameters which influence the critical slide velocity of the vehicle in a curve there is also importance to the driver’s actions. In the occasions where the vehicle slides and slide marks appear we have the problem of determining the speed of the vehicle at the point where the driver lost control.
Electrical Power Generation from Direct Carbon Duel Fuel Using Biochar from Eucalyptus, Neem and Mast Leaves[Full-Text ] Adeniyi, O.D., Idemudia G.E., Usman. A.A., Adeniyi, M.I, Paul S.H., Olutoye, M.A., Dim P.E. & Ngene P.This paper titled “Electrical Power Generation from Direct Carbon Duel Fuel Using Biochar from Eucalyptus, Neem and Mast Leaves” is a research on the use of biochar as sources of fuel from Eucalyptus, Neem and Mast (Eucalyptus, Azadirachtaindica and polyalthialongifolia) leaves for a direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC). The biomass was subjected to pyrolysed at 500oC, 600oC and 700oC with particle sizes of 0.2 mm.
Engagement of Employee Training, Development and Employee Performance[Full-Text ] Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Sharif KhanEmployee"s performance, training development, participation this entire thing related with Human Resources Management. Most of the company evaluate the employees performance according to their individual contribution for the company .
Application of DMAIC Methodology for Wastage Reduction to Improve Productivity in a FMCG unit[Full-Text ] Bitunjal Bora, Dr. Tridib R. Sarma
To sustain in today’s increasingly competitive world, it is very important for manufacturing industry to constantly improve its productivity by using different industrial engineering tools. Productivity improvement can be achieved in the form of elimination/correction (repair) of ineffective processes, simplifying the process, optimizing the system and reducing wastage etc.
Similarity in Arabic Continuous Speech Recognition[Full-Text ] Khaled Nayef Abu Nab, Prof. Madya DR. Norita Binti Md Norwawi, DR. Waidah Binti IsmailIn this paper, Dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm is proposed to find the similarity between Arabic words based on 39 coefficients of MFCC features. The audio samples collected from different nationalities (Jordan (J), Malaysia (M), Pakistan (P), Nigeria (N),Iran(I) and Yemen(Y)) of continuous Arabic words. Then the MFCC coefficients are extracted from the database and DTW is introduced by Sakoe Chiba and it has been utilized as features matching techniques and recognition, where the voice signal itself tends to have different temporal rate. Training and testing phases are done using 39 coefficients MFCC features. The experimental results are provided using MFCC and Delta Delta Coefficients (DDMFCC). It is recommended that higher recognition rates can be accomplished using (DDMFCC) with DTW which is valuable for different time varying speech Arabic recognition words.
Effective Communication for Quality Service Delivery in Academic Libraries: An Overview of Public Academic libraries in Ghana[Full-Text ] Gloria Pomfowaa, Baffour Ohene AgyekumEffective communication among employees and clientele plays vital role role in academic libraries as far as execution of their core mandate is concerned. This phenomenon is sometimes overlooked by Management of academic libraries leading to associated problems of low productivity. This study, therefore, seeks to find out the role of effective communication in accelerating quality service delivery in academic libraries.
Rough Set Theory based feature selection and classification of lung nodules in CT images[Full-Text ] Maria Jenifer, T.Sathiy, B.SathiyabhamMedical Image processing techniques are extensively used in medical field for earlier detection of diseases. Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems is generated to collect the reluctant information to analyze and evaluate in short time period. In this system 2D lung CT images are taken as an input and processed using Image processing techniques like image acquisition, image preprocessing, image segmentation, feature extraction, feature selection and classification. For image acquisition stage 2D lung CT images are collected from LIDC/IDRI.