Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition
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Empirical Evaluation of Software Component Metric[Full-Text ] AMIT KUMAR, DEEPAK CHAUDHARY, AVADHESH KUMARMany information-based legacy systems contain similar or even identical things, which are developed from scratch again and again. From the scratch, development is more expensive and can take a long time to complete. Critical applications with strict time limits may loose the market due to the delay in the development process. This has led to the evolution of a new approach, called component-based development (CBD), which uses the concept of reusability in the application development. Component-based development is the process of assembling existing software components in an application such that they satisfy a predefined functionality. Reduced development time, effort and cost are few merits of CBD.
Augmented Reality : Implementation in Technological Institute[Full-Text ] Mrs V Archana, Prof Monali ChinchamalatpureAugmented Reality (AR) is one of the newest innovations in the electronics industry. Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging form of experience in which the Real World (RW) is enhanced by computer-generated content tied to specific locations and/or activities. Over the last several years, AR applications have become portable and widely available on mobile de¬vices. Augmented reality systems superimpose graphics for every perspective and adjust to every movement of the user's head and eyes. Augmented reality is the merging of synthetic sensory information into a user’s perception of a real environment. Augmented reality is implemented using ARToolKit in many applications like medical, manufacturing, Robot path planning, Entertainment, annotation and visualization, education institutes and many which require heavy Head Mounted Devices along with graphics kit. So, in this paper, AR is implemented using image processing in MATLAB which even reduces hardware and easily can be used in technological institutes as MATLAB is available. This proposed method is very effective to implement AR in technological institutes i.e. in college to show campus as well as in teaching and learning activities where virtual objects can make students to learn interactively as they provide the information which we cannot detect with our own senses .
Effect of time and motion study on productivity in garment sector[Full-Text ] Mst. Murshida KhatunThe productivity in garment sector depends on many factors. Time and motion study is very important factor that control the productivity of garment sector. In garment sector to make the shipment in exact time it is very necessary set a target for sewing section. The total work of the sewing section is completed by different operator. So without a standard target it is impossible to reach the goal. To set a standard target time and motion study is mandatory. This paper represents the time and motion study practice used in garment sector. By making the time and motion study an assumption of total time needed for any particular product or garment can be made, that is really important to make the delivery of the product to the buyer on exact time.
Modified Intelligent Water Drops Algorithm with Tabu Search (MIWD-TS) for solving Multi-objective Optimization[Full-Text ] Kavitha, VijayaMulti-objective optimization is widely applied in a number of areas now-a-days. Unfortunately, many combinatorial multi-objective optimization problems are NP-hard. However, it is often unnecessary to have an exact solution. So, heuristic approach can obtain a near-optimal solution in some reasonable time with the smallest possible computational burden. Intelligent Water Drops algorithm (IWD) a new swarm-based optimization algorithm has attracted the interest of researchers due to its intelligent behavior, effectiveness and efficiency in solving numerous Meta heuristic problems. In this, near optimal solutions are obtained by the actions and reactions that occur among the water drops and the water drops with the riverbeds. Since, this is a constructive approach; it may trap into local optimum. In this paper, IWD algorithm is augmented with Tabu Search to find the optimal values of weighted multi-objective functions. It addresses the issues of exploration and exploitation of candidate solutions in order to provide better optimal solution. The proposed algorithm called the MIWD-TS (Modified Intelligent Water Drops with Tabu Search) algorithm is tested for the composition of Intelligent Test Sheet composition problem which is a multi-objective problem. The experimental results prove that the proposed approach performs well in comparison with other approaches as Random Search and Dynamic programming.
Design Optimization of Complete Air Intake Filtration System for Truck Application[Full-Text ] Shital S. Thorat, D. N. KambleToday’s air filters are designed to give superior filtration performance for enhanced engine life. Airborne dust particles are very abrasive in nature and lead to engine undue wear, which increases oil consumption and loss of power (frictional power). Required filtration efficiency can be achieved with many technologies available with media materials and their configuration. Optimization to reduce overall pressure drop across air intake system plays a vital role in improving engine performance in terms of power, fuel economy and emission. If too high pressure drop exists in the system, then the combustion will not be complete due to in-sufficient volume of clean air available for combustion leading to reduced power, higher fuel consumption and also increased emissions. This paper discusses the function, design guidelines of Air Intake Filtration system for reduction in pressure drop. A selection matrix approach is discussed for the optimum selection of filter and with due consideration emphasized on performance parameters of air intake filtration system like pressure drop, particle separation, filtration efficiency, dust holding capacity, etc. Advantage of these guidelines is reduction in design-cycle time and hence the cost.
Power System Security Analysis[Full-Text ] B. Rajanarayan Prusty, Bhagabati Prasad Pattnaik, Prakash Kumar Pandey, A. Sai SantoshIn this paper real time security analysis is carried out. First contingency selection is performed by calculating two kinds of performance indices. They are active power index (PIP) and reactive power index (PIV). MATLAB programming code is written to obtain the solution of load flow equations using Newton Raphson (NR) iterative method algorithm. The iterative method uses the elements of the bus admittance matrix (YBUS). The MATLAB code for YBUS is written using the algorithm of singular transformation method. Finally the performance indices are calculated for contingency ranking. The effectiveness of the methods has been tested on an IEEE 25 Bus, 35 Line test system.
Number Plate Recognition using morphological operations[Full-Text ] ASHWINI DAMA, Prof. TODMAL S.R.Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is a real time embedded system. It is used to track and monitor the moving vehicles by automatically extracting the number plates. Now a day the requirement of ANPR system is increased due to different formats of number plates. In this paper Indian vehicle number plate recognition system is proposed. Proposed method uses simple morphological open and close operations using different structuring elements. By using only captured images this system is used in car parking, in car theft issues and many more. By overcoming the difficulties in existing methods, proposed method gives good results.
Design Architecture of “Intelligent Robot” Systems[Full-Text ] Chandan KhanalWith rapidly growing field of robotics technology, it can be observed that robots are designed to perform different tasks in the field of rescue operations. In addition, robots are also capable of communicating with each other. But the concern is the secured long distance data communication and navigation with minimum cost in construction. With these issues in hand, Intelligent Robots can be designed in such a way that they not only will take part in navigations and rescue operations but also enable long distance communication with each other. This paper presents a concept of placing the robots in different places, and how the robots will perform pre-specified tasks and will send the result to other robots via a centralized remote server.
E Coli environment and stages of cancer- An analysis to develop alternative treatment methodologies for cancer[Full-Text ] T Ramanujam, Dr TK BasakMalignancy in cancer - especially metastasis – is directly related to angiogenesis, oxidative stress (oxidant/antioxidant ratio) and Growth factors (GFs) generated in the internal environment and is a direct result of expression of rogue mutant genes generated at gene level as a result of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation processes. Even as kinases like Protein Kinase C (PKC) inhibit GFs through phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation in the environment of metabolite E Coli can also inhibit GFs. An analysis (in VHDL) of E Coli environment itself leads to identification of mutant genes causing malignancy. Both these processes (PKC and oxidative phosphorylation in E Coli environment) maintain an alkaline environment conducive to better (lower) oxidant/antioxidant ratio leading to apoptosis and inhibition of GFs. Through simulation of E Coli environment, we can identify stages of cancer caused by mutant genes and the genes themselves. Hence simulation of E Coli environment and its analysis can open a window to evolution of alternative strategies for treatment of cancer. Simulation and analysis can be done using MATLAB and VHDL with MODELSIM.
INFLUENCE OF CATCHMENT CHARACTERISTICS ON GULLY EROSION: A CASE STUDY OF RIVER ODO, SOUTH-EASTERN NIGERIA.[Full-Text ] OSADEBE, C.C., AKPOKODJE, E.G. AND OBIORA, F.I.Gully erosion is responsible for significant soil loss from catchment area. Vast areas in Odo catchment are dissected by gullies, thus contributing to downstream sedimentation resulting in siltation of River Odo within the area. A study was undertaken to study the influence of the catchment characteristics on gully erosion in River Odo catchment. Three sub-catchment areas (Agulu, Nanka and Oko) were sampled and studied. The lemniscates ratio (ratio of square of maximum length and four times the area of the catchment) was lowest (1.60) for Agulu sub-catchment followed by Oko sub-catchment (2.08) and Nanka sub-catchment (2.37). The form factor, ratio of the average width and maximum length of the catchment was highest in Agulu sub-catchment (0.32), followed by Oko sub-catchment (0.27) and Nanka sub-catchment (0.18). The lower value of lemniscates ratio indicates a more compact shape of the catchment and hence more soil erosion. A large value of form factor is associated with more erosion hazard because of more compactness of the catchment. The average slope of the sub-catchment varied from 5.380 to 8.110. The average slope of the Agulu sub-catchments is also the highest of the three sub-catchments. Catchment shape and slope are the characteristics which determine the pattern and severity of gully erosion in the area. The gully density (length of gullies per unit area) varied from 0.94 to 1.34 km km-2 whereas gully texture (number of first order gullies per unit area) varied from 54 to 98 km-2 in the three sub-catchments.
Exergy Analysis of a Steam Boiler Plant in a brewery in Nigeria[Full-Text ] G.U.Akubue; S.O.Enibe; H.O. Njoku and G.O.UnachukwuIn this study, the exergy method was used to evaluate the performance of a 10,000 tonnes/hr oil fired steam boiler plant in a brewery in Nigeria. The exergy losses in the various subsystems of the plant: combustion chamber, mixing region and heat exchanger were calculated based on energy and exergy balance equations. The distribution of the exergy losses in the plant subsystems during the real time plant running conditions has been assessed to locate process irreversibilities. The First and the Second law efficiencies of the plant have also be calculated. Comparison between exergy losses of the subsystems based on the calculated values shows that the maximum exergy losses of 36% occur in the combustion chamber in real time whereas a minimum of 3.51% occur in the mixing region and 33.60% was in the heat exchanger. The average energy and exergy efficiencies recorded were 95.34% and 24.45% respectively. Therefore, exergy losses are particularly high in the subsystems; plant manufacturers must give considerations to measures for enhanced heat transfer, and waste energy recovery.
Effects of Experiential Teaching Method on Pupils’ Achievement in Basic Science and Technology[Full-Text ] Christogonus O. Nweke, Okechukwu S Abonyi, Omebe Chinyere A., Martha Ijok Adibe NjokuThis study explored the effects of experiential teaching method on pupils’ academic achievement in basic Science and Technology. The study adopted a pretest, post-test, non equivalent control group design. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. A total of 426 pupils from 6 intact classes participated in the study. Three intact classes were assigned to treatment group, while the other three intact classes were assigned to control group. The treatment group was taught Basic Science and Technology (BST) using experiential teaching method, while the control group was taught the same topics using the conventional teaching method. A Basic Science and Technology Achievement Test (BSAT) was used for data collection. Research questions were answered using adjusted mean while the hypotheses were tested at 95% confidence level using the Analysis of Co-variance (ANCOVA). The results revealed that there was a significant difference between pupils taught basic science and technology using experiential teaching method and those taught BST using the conventional (traditional) teaching method. The experiential teaching method proved to be more facilitative. Finally, it was found that there was no interaction effect between method and gender on pupils’ achievement in basic science and technology.
Denoising of Complex Signals using Multi band Complex Wavelets with Improved Thresholding[Full-Text ] G.Chandraiah, Dr T.Sreenivasulu Reddy, and Prof G. Ramachandra ReddyThe dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) which utilizes two 2- band discrete wavelet transform (DWT) was recently extended to M- band. In this paper we provide a simple construction method for an M-band DTCWT, with M = rd where r, d Z. In particular, we show how to extend a given r- band DT-CWT to an rd – band one. For convenience, the case where r = 2, d = 2 is considered. However, the scheme can be extended to general {r, d} pairs straightforwardly .There are so many methods to denoise complex noisy signals, but this paper proposes an improved threshold method (soft thresholding with improved thresholding rule) used with M-band DTCWT to Denise the complex signals. Finally, the results obtained using the proposed algorithm is compared with the 2-band DTCWT algorithm.
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Accurate Multistatic Radar Stealthy Aircraft Detection Using Monte-Carlo Simulation[Full-Text ] Hassan El-Kamchouchy, Khaled Saada, Alaa El-Din Sayed HafezIn this paper a system geometry with two transmitters and six receivers is used to extends the radar stealthy aircraft detection . Monte-Calro simulation for the stealthy aircraft RCS is used from accurate RCS estimation in the literature [1]. Radar systems, based on Multistatic radar concept attracted a substantial attention in the recent years. The simulation of the geometrical structure is studied with different radars spacing to extend the detection coverage over the Monostatic radar used for air surveillance. The radar detection coverage is also studied with all possible stealthy aircraft paths to find the improvement achieved from using this type of radar. The simulation is done using Matlab program. The results show a non-ideality differences between constant and fluctuated target RCS which reflect that this effect may be increase the S/N in critical or degrade it in other situations. The achieved SNR from these system geometries guarantee a high probability of detection for small and stealthy aircraft detection.
Solve Four Shapes Problem using Evolution Algorithm[Full-Text ] Lubna zaghlul bashirGenetic algorithms evaluate the target function to be optimized at some randomly selected points of the definition domain. Taking this information into account, a new set of points (a new population) is generated. Gradually the points in the population approach local maxima and minima of the function. Genetic algorithms can be used when no information is available about the gradient of the function at the evaluated points. The function itself does not need to be continuous or differentiable. Genetic algorithms can still achieve good results even in cases in which the function has several local minima or maxima.
Cross Layer Design for QoS support in MANET[Full-Text ] Sonika Kandari, M.K. PandeyWith the aim to provide soft QoS in multihop networks, various solutions in form of layered protocol stack exist but they resulted in lower performance of the overall architecture. Layered OSI and TCP/IP model are unable to provide all the services necessitated by MANETs due to lack of coordination among layers. The strict layered design was opposed by MANETs because of their time varying unstable links and the mobility of nodes. These issues make way to cross layer design violating traditional boundaries among layers for performance gain. Cross layer design is based on the concept where the different layers exchange information and maintain their original functionalities in addition to allowing coordination, interaction and joint optimization of protocols crossing different layers. The paper aims to gather motivation behind current cross layer design paradigm to enable soft QoS support in MANETs, illustrates some representative examples and draw conclusions for future research directions. The aim of the survey is to investigate the current cross-layer design research developments in addressing the QoS, security and energy efficiency issues in wireless networks.
A Condition Monitoring system for vane pump Using LArVa[Full-Text ] Mr.S.VIJAYKUMAR, Mr.PRABAKKARAN, Mr.R.NATESANVane pumps are omnipresent in today’s vehicle technology. This paper presents an approach to monitor the performance of the PUMP in an economical way to improve the efficiency by analyzing the fluid flow .This paper suggests for the design modification to minimize the opportunity for cavitations and to minimize the opportunity of noise causing conditions The LArVa GRAPH designed using the graphical programming language is capable of performing on-line measurement functions. ARDUINO BOARD facilitates interaction with the physical world via sensors while being able to perform calculations and various functions. In this paper, we perform pressure ripple measurement system and vibration measurement system which is heavily dependent on the system impedance characteristics. A simple pressure ripple measurement will provide clear information about the performance parameter, analyze the data and manage of vane pump. LArVa GRAPH which Graph application is a Labview program that uses the Labview Arduino Driver (LArVa) .
DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICT) IN INTEGRATED RENEABLE ENERGY & WATER SUPPLY FOR LIBYA (LIREWS) [Full-Text ] NABIL.Y.M SALIHLibya is a country that is being faced by two key challenges; the need of adequate water supply and the need for sustainable renewable energy development. Past and current strategies have not helped Libya to experience sustainable water resources and reduce overdependence on petroleum as the source of energy. LIREIW project is proposed. The project encompasses the use of ICT to foster research and development within and across research centers on matters related to renewable energy and sustainable water supply. This research uses a case study qualitative approach, where a related case, JoRIEW has been identified to form a framework that can be used in Libya. Through effective integration of ICT into the LIRIEW project, Libyan organizations within the network will be able to apply innovation policy projects and further research jointly, promoting social and economic development in Libya.
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Synthesis of a, a -bis- (substitutedbenzylidene)cycloalkanones catalused by using room temperature ionic liquid.[Full-Text ] Dr.Mrs.Sangita Sanjay Makone, Mr. Sandeep Nivruttirao NiwadangeA facile, efficient and green protocol is described for synthesis of ???’-bis-(substitutedbenzylidene)- cycloalkanones with good to excellent yields by the reaction of cycloalkanones with aromatic aldehydes by using room temperature ionic liquid catalyst at reflux conditions. The catalyst can be recovered and reused at least for four times without apparently loss of activity.
Improved Graph-Based Reliable Routing Scheme for VANETs[Full-Text ] Patel Pragnesh V, Ms Astha BaxiVANET are a special form of wireless networks made by vehicles communicating among themselves on roads which pursues the concept of ubiquitous computing for future. VANET has opened door to develop several new applications like, traffic engineering, traffic management, dissemination of emergency information to avoid hazardous situations and other user applications. VANETs are direct offshoot of Mobile Ad hoc Networks having characteristics like movement at high speeds, in-sufficient storage and processing power, unpredictable node density and short link lifetime. As communication links break more frequently in VANETs, the routing reliability of such highly dynamic networks needs to be paid special attention. The recent research based on evolving graph theory, extends Graph theory to be applicable in creating continuously changing routes between source and destination. This existing work has limitation in addressing the high variable velocity, bidirectional traffic and overhead. A new algorithm is proposed to find the most reliable route in the VANET evolving graph from the source to the destination and variable velocity environment which reduce overhead.
Cooling of Buildings by Roof Surface Evaporation in Sri Lanka by Considering the Climate Pattern[Full-Text ] Sivakumar SSHeat on buildings mostly enters through roofs, as these are exposed to sun throughout the day. Many attempts have been made to reduce the ingress of heat by various methods like, by increasing thickness of roofs and providing insulation by covering by reflectors, additional clay tile cover or lime-concrete cover or even reflector painting. Methods like continuous water spraying, intermittent spraying or ponding of water on roofs is either less effective or difficult to adopt. Similarly artificial or mechanical gadgets such as air-conditioners or desert coolers have high energy requirement. This paper is based on a continued research in finding economical, effective and natural way of cooling of dwelling units as well as multi storied buildings. Traditional methods like Khas Khas mats, water fountains, etc. were also analyzed along with the evaporative cooling. The feeling of comfort after taking bath as a result of utilization of body heat for the evaporation of water was also looked into. This lead to the efforts of creating comfortable living and working conditions in buildings by evaporation of water. A process was accordingly developed by this research utilizing the concept of cooling of buildings by roof surface evaporation. Finally this paper recommends some guidelines for Roof Surface Evaporation Cooling System for Sri Lankan climate condition.
Performance Evaluation of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System With Three Layer Zig -Zag Shaped Evaporator[Full-Text ] K.Usha Rani, Dr. B.Chandra Mohana ReddyThis paper presents performance evaluation of the vapor compression refrigeration system with three layer zigzag evaporator. The main objective in the present work is to verify the performance of a domestic refrigerator of capacity 165 liters, R-600a as refrigerant with three layer zigzag shaped evaporator and comparing with that of the existing system. This evaporator assembly maximizes the refrigerating effect. An attempt made to verify the performance of the system by replacing the a single evaporator coil into three layers of zigzag shape coil to find the coefficient of performance (COP) and refrigeration effects. The proposed system with three layer zigzag evaporator designed and analysis carried out and studied the performance of the refrigerator.
Smart Home Automated Control System Using Android Application and Microcontroller[Full-Text ] Mohamed Abd El-Latif Mowad, Ahmed Fathy, Ahmed HafezSmart Home System (SHS) is a dwelling incorporating a communications network that connects the electrical appliances and services allowing them to be remotely controlled, monitored or accessed. SHS includes different approaches to achieve multiple objectives range from enhancing comfort in daily life to enabling a more independent life for elderly and handicapped people. In this paper, the main four fields for SHS which are, home automation and remote monitoring, environmental monitoring, including humidity, temperature, fault tracking and management and finally the health monitoring have been considered. The system design is based on the Microcontroller MIKRO C software; multiple passive and active sensors and also a wireless internet services which is used in different monitoring and control processes .This paper presents the hardware implementation of a multiplat-form control system for house automation and combines both hardware and software technologies. The system results shows that it can be classified as a comfortable, secure, private, economic and safe system in addition to its great flexibility and reliability.
UID (Unique Identification Number) with DNA Technique[Full-Text ] Lavita Kathuria, Sugandhi Midha, Disha Bisht, Arshi SaxenaSecurity is the major issue in India. UID is going to solve this problem.UID is used to secure India by terrorists. UID system is 16 digit unique identification number which helps the government to track individual person and also makes the life so easier to only submit UID card and not submit whole documents again and again. UID contain details like the name, sex, address, marital status, photo, identification mark, finger print and face biometrics. The security of the UID database system will be handled by the Biometric technology.
Design and Simulation of UART for Communication between FPGA and TDC using VHDL[Full-Text ] Khan Zarrarahmed, Dr. B.K. Mishra, Rajesh Bansode, Mandar Vidwans, Kelvin DsouzaUART(Universal Asynchronous Reciever Transmitter) is a type of serial communication protocol; mostly used for low speed, short distance and low cost data exchange between computer and peripherals. UART includes three important modules which are the baud rate generator, receiver and transmitter. The UART design in this paper is used for communication between FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) and TDC (Treatment Delivery Controller). The UART design consists of one start bit, 8 data bit and one stop bit. The VHDL code is written and simulated in XILINX 13.9 and tested using SPARTAN 6LX9 TQG144.
ANTIMCROBIAL EFFECT OF INDEPENDENCE LEAVES (Chromolaena Odorata) EXTRACTS[Full-Text ] Okpashi V. E., Obi-Abang M. and Bayim P. R. This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of using Chromolaena odorata to ascertain whether it has the potential to inhibit bacterial and fungal growths. The antimicrobial effects of independence leaves (Chromolaena Odorata) siam weed obtained from Bumaji in Boki Local Government Area of Crosss River State were studied. An ethanolic extract of the dried and coarse leaves was prepared, serial dilutions of the extracts 100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%, 6.2%, 3.13% and 1.5% respectively were carried out in water for all the drugs and extracts. They were tested for sensitivity and resistivity on bacterial such as Escherichia coli, Saimonella, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacilus anthracilis, using penicillin, zinacef, ciprofloxacin, ampicillin and ceftriaxone as standard controls. The serial dilutions were also tested on fungi such as candida albicans and tricophyton tonsurans, while clotrimazole and nystatin were used as standard control for antifungals. Chromolaena odorata was observed to exhibit concentration- dependent antibacterial effects similar to control bactericidal agents and antifungal effects similar in pattern to the control drugs used in this research. C. odorata extracts could thus possess antibacterial and antifungal ingredients. A weed capable of combating both bacteria and fungi growths extensively.
Good Practices Regarding Solid Waste Management and Recycling[Full-Text ] Dr Sanjeev Kr. Sinha ;Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Sinha; Prof. Vikas Kr. Sinha; Anup TiwariWaste is a continually growing problem at global and regional as well as at local levels. Solid wastes arise from human activities that are normally discarded as useless or unwanted. As the result of rapid increase in production and consumption, urban society rejects and generates solid material regularly which leads to considerable increase in the volume of waste generated from several sources.
SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF PURE AND LITHIUM NITRATE DOPED SODIUM BROMATE SINGLE CRYSTALS[Full-Text ] M.Ajitha Sweetly, T.ChithambarathanuThe lithium nitrate doped sodium bromate crystal is grown by slow evaporation solution growth technique at room temperature. The grown crystal was subjected to XRD, UV, FTIR, SEM, TG/DTA, Microhardness, Dielectric and SHG analysis. Characterization studies reveal that the grown crystal forms cubic system with space group P213. The crystal possesses less absorption in the UV-Visible region. The presence of various functional groups has been identified from FTIR studies with their vibrating frequencies. The second harmonic generation efficiency was also determined. The electrical and mechanical property was studied by dielectric measurement and microhardness.
The CARDIAC-TROPONIN-I (Tn-I) AND ITS ROLE IN THE CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE RECOVERY OF UREMIC PATIENTS THREATED WITH REPEATED HEMODIALYSIS[Full-Text ] Doc. Dr. Sci.Med.Lutfi Zylbeari, Gazmend Zylbeari, Elita Masha, ZamiraBexhetiCardiovascular diseases (CAD) remain the most highly as one of the most frequent causes of morbidity and mortality in patients treated with hemodialysis uremia [1]. Uremia patients threated with hemodialysis (HD) are at high risk of left ventricular hypertrophy, and myocardial ischemia, acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, renal anemia which favors even more cardiovascular complication, early atherosclerosis (aterosclerosis praecox), perikarditis uremica, pleuritis uremica etc. One typical biomarker of myocardial damage except kreatin kinasae (CPK), LDH, CK-MB (kreatin fraction and mioglobin kinasae) in patients with End-stage-renal-disease (ESRD) threated with hemodialysis are also high concentrations -the heart of cardiac Troponin (Tn-I) in this group of patients who are quickly increased over normal values even though a large number of pactients clinical symptoms of myocardial ischemia missing. Purpose of research is the primary of the study ,,cross sectional "is to verify the impact of high concentration of cardiac Troponin-Tn-I and its role in the appearance of cardiovascular disease (CAD) , acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction the myocardial ischemia, and unstable pectoris angines the patients uremic threated with chronic HD in our hospital.A number of studies have verified and verified that there significant positive correlation between high concentrations of high of cardiac troponin (Tn-I ) and cardiovascular disease in patients threated with hemodialysis uremia.
A MANAGEMENT APPROACH TO CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTES IN IBADAN METROPOLIS[Full-Text ] Omoniyi T.E., Akinyemi Banjo A and Nwosu Samuel CThe construction and demolition waste impacts negatively on the natural economy and the environment. This paper examines some engineering and management approaches such as waste segregation, reduction concept, reuse concept, waste exchange concept and waste rethink concept to construction and demolition wastes in Ibadan Metropolis. Two sites each were visited for construction and demolition activities to observe and quantity their waste characteristics. Construction site A is of a 40.375m length by 39.225m width storey building at decking slap stage with a total waste components of 2500Kg having 32% of it as wood(planks) and 36% of it as bamboo. Construction site B has 42.1m length by 24.385m width storey building at lintel stage has total waste components of 625.5Kg with 48% of it being wood(planks) and 0.90% of it being cement bags(sacks). Demolition site C has a total of 10850Kg with 92.2% of it as concrete/brick wastes and 0.50% of it constitutes electrical and paper materials and demolition site D of total waste components of 8630Kg has 93% of it as concrete/brick materials and 2.3% as metal wastes. These figures show that an enormous amount of wastes are generated from construction and demolition activities and if not properly managed, it could negatively impact our environment. Therefore, it is ideal that appropriate measures are taken to ensure effective management of these waste hence the various waste components identified in all the sites under consideration can be harnessed and transformed into other uses.
EFFECT OF LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon) EXTRACT ON UTERINE SMOOTH MUSCLES OF WISTAR ALBINO RATS[Full-Text ] Okpashi V. E., Obi-Abang M. and Bayim P. R. The effect of lemon grass (Cymbopogon) on uterine smooth muscles of wistar albino rats was investigated. Two female albino with weight 180g and 200g were sacrificed by decapitation after they have being subjected to 14 hours fasting. 2cm of uterine strip was mounted on a 10ml organ bath with tyrode solution. Results showed that at 0.01 to 0.1mg/ml concentration, a dose dependent contraction was produced. Oxytocin which was used as standard control, showed 0.1mg/ml and volume 0.1ml at 0.100 ± 0.25 percentage contraction, While maximum contraction was 14.88%. But at 1mg/ml, 10mg/ml and 20mg/ml, the increase contraction was 2.0 ± 0.25%, 5.0 ± 0.025% and 6.75 ± 0.25% respectively; while percentage contraction for oxytocin was 29.76%, 74.40% and 100% respectively. On the other hand, lemongrass showed that at concentration 100mg/ml, with 0.1ml, increase contraction was 12.75 ± 0.25% and 100% maximum contractions. In order to keep constant concentration and lower volume 0.25ml and 0.3ml, produced 9.75 ± 0.25% and 4.75 ± 0.25% increase contractions respectively. Upon reducing concentration of extracts and keeping volume at constant level, motility (contraction) was reduced. 0.01mg/ml and 0.1mg/ml concentration, showed the increase contraction response 1.00 ± 0.25% and 15.12 ± 0.25%. Thus, these extract showed significant effect on the uterine motility based on concentration dose-dependent rather than volume administered as well as potentials for alternative oxytocin.
Kohonen neural network based Kannada numerals recognition system[Full-Text ] Mr. Shreedharamurthy S K, Dr. H.R.Sudarshana ReddyIn spite of several advancement in technologies pertaining to optical character recognition (OCR), the process of pattern recognition pose quiets a lot of challenges especially in recognizing hand-written scripts of different languages in India. Handwriting continues to persist as means of documenting information for day today life especially in rural areas. In this paper we proposed a novel approach for feature extraction in spatial domain to recognize segmented (isolated) Kannada numerals using Kohonen neural networks. Artificial neural systems represent the promising new generation of information processing networks to develop intelligent machines which can be used as classifier.. Handwritten numerals are scan converted to binary images and normalized to a size of 30 x 30 pixels. The features are extracted using spatial co ordinates and are given to Kohonen neural network classifier. Kohonen SOM used Euclidean distance to determine best-matching unit and utilized two-dimensional layer map. Higher degree of accuracy in results has been obtained with the implementation of this approach on a comprehensive database.
ON A NEW n-NORM AND SOME IDENTICAL n-NORMS ON A HILBERT SPACE.[Full-Text ] M. P. Singh and S. Romen MeiteiIn this paper,we discuss the concept of n-normed spaces and introduce a new n-norm. Further we show the equality of ve formulae of n-norms on a Hilbert space and the equality of six formulae of n-norms on a seperable Hilbert space.Also we prove the equality of two formulae of n-norms on the dual space of an n-normed space.
Preparation of silica/silver (I) and silica/mercury (II) heterogeneous composite particles via 3-(mercaptopropyl)triethoxysilane[Full-Text ] Hayder H. AL-Hmedawi , Suhad K. Abass , Mohammed T.KhathiThe heterogeneous composite particles MPTESH-Ag , MPTESH-Ag-OH and MPTESH-Hg-OH has been prepared in the presence of mercaptopropyltriethoxysilane (MPTES) and metals ion Ag+ and Hg2+ in neutral and basic medium. The prepared complexes are not dissolved of any common solvents, this conform heterogeneous nature of these compounds. The complexes are characterized by different techniques, X-ray diffraction technique showed that the MPTES-Ag has amorphous face, while the MPTES-Ag-OH and MPTES-Hg-OH have crystalline face .The atomic force microscope (AFM) technique was proved that the prepared compound have spherical nano particles. The N2-adsorption-desorption technique showed the BET surface area, total pore volume and pore diameter of these complexes.