Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition
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Detecting Good Neighbours in Wireless Network[Full-Text ] Prof. S.M.Shinde, S.G.KamtheIn adhoc networks, routes could also be disconnected due to dynamic movement of nodes. So, route choice and topology combination is incredibly tough and difficult issue. Such networks are prone to each internal and external attacks[11] as there are unhealthy neighbor nodes. This drawback affects performance of routing protocol in adhoc networks. All information related with sensible neighbor area is kept in routing table to improve performance of routing protocol. Main objective is to design Mobile Ad-Hoc network with equipping every device to maintain the data needed to properly route Traffic continuously, To increase the performance of network by distinguishing good and bad nodes by adding further parameters i.e. signal strength, flow capability and relative position of a node in to the account, To minimize delay and create it energy efficientis expected outcome.
Evaluation of Different Tariff Rate offered by Mobile Telephone Operators Using Personal Social Network Model[Full-Text ] S. M. Yahea Mahbub, Md. Rashedul Islam, Sheikh Rashel Al AhmedDifferent tariff offer of the mobile telecommunication operator Grameenphone (Telenor Group) is evaluated using personal social network model. It is found that the offer of price is valid and provides some consumer surplus also. An optimum point of call rate is found beyond which consumer surplus becomes negative. So this personal social tie network model can be used for evaluation as well as for optimization of any tariff offer.
Fractional Cointegration of Fisher Hypothesis in Regulated and Deregulated Periods in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Moses Abanyam Chiawa & Victoria Egbe AmaliThis study investigates the validity of Fisher hypothesis in regulated period (January 1961 to September1986) and the deregulated (October 1986 to December 2010) using monthly nominal interest rate and inflation. Tests for unit root and fractional root were conducted on these variables for the two periods. Fractional cointegration analysis was used to test the long run relationship between nominal interest rate and inflation. The results indicate fractional integration in the deregulated period for the variables. The variables were found to be fractionally cointegrated which implied that they are mean reverting and have long run relationship in the deregulated period. In the regulated period on the other hand, the variables were not fractionally cointegrated. The cointegration test did not support long run relationship between the variables in the deregulation period. This research work confirms the validity of Fisher hypothesis with deregulated period in Nigeria and there is no evidence of Fisher hypothesis in the regulated period. This is because in the regulated period interest rate is fixed and inflation is controlled, therefore not allowing the two economic variables to interplay. The study recommends that the Nigerian government should adopt policies that reduce inflation and interest rate to the minima points since Fisher hypothesis does exist in the current dispensation.
Review on Brain Tumor Detection Using Digital Image Processing[Full-Text ] O. N. Pandey, Sandeep Panwar Jogi, Sarika Yadav, Veer Arjun, Vivek KumarMedical image processing is the most challenging and emerging field today. This paper describes the methodology of detection & extraction of brain tumor from patient’s MRI scan images of the brain. In this paper, a method for segmentation of brain tumor has been developed on 2D-MRI data which allows the identification of tumor tissue with high accuracy and reproducibility compared to manual techniques. This method incorporates with some noise removal functions, segmentation and morphological operations which are the basic concepts of image processing. Detection and extraction of tumor from MRI scan images of the brain is done by using MATLAB software. The aim of this work is to design an automated tool for brain tumor quantification using MRI image data sets.
Optimal Switch Placement in Radial Distribution System Using GA and PSO[Full-Text ] Ashish Ranjan, J N RaiDistribution Reliability worth assessment is currently receiving considerable attention as it provides the opportunity to incorporate the cost or losses incurred by utility customers as a result of Power failure in the overall analysis of system costs & benefits. Distribution system reliability has acquired importance in these days, because the distribution system per-formance can directly affect the customers. Reliability evaluation of distribution system assesses the adequacy of the load point in regard to provide a suitable supply to the customers. The distribution system reliability mainly deals with the interruption frequency and interruption duration of customers. If these values are large, the reliability of system is poor. In this paper, the reliability of the distribution network is evaluated for 13 Bus system in`a radial distribution system, considering no alternate supply. Genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) are the most famous optimization techniques among various modern heuristic optimization techniques. These two approaches identify the solution to a given objective function, but they employ different strategies and computational effort. This paper presents the application of the PSO and GA optimization techniques for optimal switch placement in distribution system. The design objective is to enhance distribution system reliability.
Design, Implement and Develop CNT-Metal Composite PCB Wiring Using a Metal 3D Printer[Full-Text ] Divyashree A, Gadhadar C. Reddy, Shoba B.NCarbon Nanotubes are an advanced material that exhibit incredible material properties. They are known to substantially enhance mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of materials with which they are mixed. NoPo has developed techniques for mixing Carbon Nanotubes in Nickel metal matrix. The Nickel-Nanotube composite can be printed in any complex 3D shape using a proprietary CVD technique. The CVD technique is used to print and characterize a CNT-Metal composite conductor for use in Printed Circuit Boards.
Document clustering based on keyword frequency and concept matching technique in Hadoop[Full-Text ] R.Priyadarshini, Latha TamilselvanThe term big data has come into use in recent years. It is used to refer to the ever-increasing amount of information that organisations are storing, processing and analysing. Owing to the growing number of information sources big data based file systems are necessary. Due to the explosion growth of digital information, automatic document clustering or categorization has become more important. Document management and clustering is more important for content management systems. It is a necessary to mine and store web documents in CMS. In this study online document based content management with automatic URL indexing is dealt with. It’s highly possible that the content in CMS will be redundant over the web as most of the time the content will be gathered from already existing websites. Back tracking the source of such content will become obsolete and also changes to the source are difficult to be tracked. So to solve this problem document based content management (DCMS) is very much essential. Stored documents in DCMS comprises of huge amount of data so there is need for document clustering. Previous works on clustering documents have no consideration for the semantic information as they consider only the structural information. In this study, a novel semantic and similarity measure based technique is proposed that concurrently considers both structural and semantic information of document. Semantic analysis based clustering is applied to the text documents and then similarity measure is devised among the documents based on machine learning algorithms using Apache hadoop. In order to achieve accurate clustering and efficient retrieval, initially the documents are stored in hadoop distributed file system and they are clustered using K-means algorithm.Then the clustering is also done using concept matching technique and time for formation of clusters were plotted and compared.
Study a Model Close to the Actual Cycle Of Internal Combustion Engines[Full-Text ] M. Hamdy.A, O. M. E. Abdel-Hafez, Hany A. Mohamed and A. M. NassibUsing simulating models for internal combustion engine cycles is appreciable method for predicting the engines performance for saving the time and the effort. Fuel air ratio and gas variable specific heats are taken into account in the present work. Irreversibilities resulted from nonisentropic compression and expansion processes and heat loss through the cylinder wall are also taken into account in the present model. Finite difference method is applied for estimating the states through the heat addition process and compression and expansion strokes. Computer program is designed for the model includes all the above conditions and the cycle parameters. Experimental test was carried out on a single cylinder constant speed diesel engine to verify the obtained results using the present model. The obtained results show a good agreement with the corresponding data recorded from the experimental tests. Other Comparisons are done with the corresponding results of an actual engine model results which published for gasoline and diesel engines. The obtained results from the model show a good agreement with the corresponding data in researches. The effect of the cycle parameters (inlet air temperature, inlet air pressure, air fuel ratio, compression ratio, and compression and expansion efficiencies) on the power output and thermal efficiency are studied. It is shown that the power and thermal efficiency increase with the increase of compression and expansion efficiencies, inlet air pressure and compression ratio. For gasoline engine cycle the optimum value of compression ratio is around10 to be prevented from detonation, and for diesel the optimum value is around 20. With increasing air fuel ratio the power output increase then decrease and the thermal efficiency increases, so the optimum value of air fuel ratio for gasoline engine cycle is around 13 and for diesel around 15. With increasing the inlet air temperature the power output and thermal efficiency are decreased. The Specific Fuel Consumption decreases with increasing power for the two cycles. The benefit from the research is that optimum parameters for operating are predicted by the model. The obtained results would be more realistic and implemented on the performance evaluation of the internal combustion engine.
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Designed To Utilize Turbulence Created by Frequently Passing Trains[Full-Text ] Prof. Narendra K. Ade, Tanmay MoneThe thesis focuses on the complete design of a small vertical axis wind turbine for utilization of turbulence created by frequently passing trains. The aerodynamic analysis is performed implementing a momentum based model on a mathematical computer program. A three bladed wind turbine is proposed as candidate for further prototype testing after evaluating the effect of several parameters in turbine efficiency, torque and acceleration. The results obtained indicate that aluminium is a suitable material for rotor construction and a further development of the computer algorithm is developed in order to improve the flow conditions simulation.
Balancing Displays on Mobile Projectors[Full-Text ] Meera.SMost of the smartphones which we have today is embedded with a projector on top of the phone. These projectors are widely used by most of the people for displaying images, giving presentations, watching videos and many other purposes. The developing smartphones gives new way of display for the users. The main problem with these projectors is that they can’t be used along with phone screen. The projectors are placed above the mobile. So this method allows the user to use the mobile and the projector at the same time. They can interact with their mobiles and the projector at the same time. Then it will be difficult for the user to relate the projected information in their phone’s screen. This paper shows the methods to change the displaying angles of the mobile projectors. It will be done dynamically and user can perform different tasks even while using the projectors. Three main techniques have been described in this paper.
Comparison between Load Flow Analysis Methods in Power System using MATLAB[Full-Text ] Kriti SinghalNow these days load flow is a very important and fundamental tool for the analysis of any power systems and in the operations as well as planning stages. Certain applications, particularly in distribution automation and optimization of a power system, require repeated load flow solutions. In these applications it is very important to solve the load flow problem as efficiently as possible. Since the invention and widespread use of digital computers and many methods for solving the load flow problem have been developed. Most of the methods have “grown up” around transmission systems and, over the years, variations of the Newton method such as the fast decoupled method; have become the most widely used. Some of the methods based on the general meshed topology of a typical transmission system are also applicable to distribution systems which typically have a radial or tree structure. Specifically, we will compare the proposed method to the standard Newton Method, and the implicit Z bus Gauss method.
Real time object tracking to remove occlusion using OpenCV[Full-Text ] Aniruddh Thakor, Anjali AskhedkarReal time Object tracking is becoming a challenging ingredient in analysis of video imagery for efficient and robust object tracking. In this paper we presents a how to remove occlusion problem from real time video, removing occlusion from video is still a challenging part. Object tracking with sparse Prototypes, exploits both classic Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithms and sparse representation algorithms for learning appearance models. Here, regularization into the PCA reconstruction is introduced and this algorithm to represent an object by sparse prototypes that account precisely for data and noise is developed. In order to reduce tracking drift, a method that considers occlusion and motion blur into account rather than simply image observations for model update is given. The proposed tracking algorithm performs favorably against various methods that can be demonstrated by both qualitative and quantitative estimations on challenging image sequences.
Site Suitability Analysis of Water Harvesting Structure on Hilly Terrain using Geo-informatics Technology in Valsad District, Gujarat state, India[Full-Text ] Rushang R. Dave, Gautam Dadhich, Vijay Singh, Ajay Patel, Khalid Mehmood, Sumit Prajapati, Manik H. Kalubarme, Balkrishen Pandit and R.N. ShuklaSurface water availability varies spatially and temporally based upon the terrain. The scarcity of water affects overall development of any area. To improve water infrastructure, small water harvesting structures, construction across streams is popular. In the present study, site suitability analysis was carried out for construction of rainwater harvesting structures in the hilly terrains of Dharampura and Kaprada taluka using Geo-informatics technology. Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-P6) LISS-III digital data and CARTOSAT PAN data with spatial resolutions of 24 m and 2 m respectively, covering Valsad District in Gujarat State was analyzed.
Simulation of DSTATCOM for Power Quality Enhancement in Distribution Networks under Various Fault Condition[Full-Text ] Saeed Ebrahimi Shah Gholi, Hadi Zayandehroodi, Mohammad Shabani Poor, Javad Alihosseini Hamid PakariIn this project Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTs) use Power electronic devices and methods to control the high-voltage side of the network for improving the flow of power. Custom Power Devices are mainly for low-voltage distribution, and improving poor quality of power and reliability of supply affecting entities such as factories, offices and homes. The quality of Power and Reliability are becoming important issues for critical and sensitive loads after introducing the term of Custom Power. In general due to the structure of Custom Power Devices is classified into three categories such as Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), Distribution STATCOM (DSTATC0M) and Unified Power Quality Compensator (UPQC).These are existing methods are used to improving quality of Power and reliability of supply and also mitigate all type of faults. In this Project we are using DSTATCOM because it has more reliable, fast response among those categories under Custom Power Devices. DSTATCOM is mainly used to mitigate all types of fault, intelligently (such as Single Line to Ground (SLG) fault and Double Phase to Ground (DPG) fault and three-phase fault). Due to the fast response of DSTATCOM makes it the efficient solution for enhancing the power quality of the distribution system.
A Novel Security Scheme in VANET using ASIA[Full-Text ] B.Arigengaram, J. Rethna virgil Jeny, J. Albert SimonA vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) uses cars as mobile nodes in a MANET to create a mobile network. In the vehicular ad hoc networks the security is an important concern. For security purpose, Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) adopt the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).This PKI system, the authentication of a received message is performed by checking if the certificate of the sender is included in the current Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) and verifying the authenticity of the certificate. But it takes more time for CRL checking process. So, in order to overcome this problem a keyed Hash Message Authentication Code(HMAC) is used. In addition, EMAP uses a novel probabilistic key distribution, which enables non-revoked OnBoardUnits to securely share and update a secret key. By using this method the message loss ratio is significantly reduced. But in this method generating and verifying such signatures can cause high computational overhead. So, to conquer this trouble an innovative technique called ASIA (Accelerated secure in-network aggregation)is introduced. ASIA can largely accelerate message verifications and drastically reduce computational and communication overhead compared to existing schemes.
Market–Driven Innovations in Rural Marketing in India[Full-Text ] Dr. Monica Tulsian and Ms Neha SainiA substantial proportion of the global population resides in the underdeveloped and underprivileged pockets of the world. Even though this segment constituent a significant percentage of the population it has been balatantly rejected by the corporate entries and the marketers. Howe ever just as the primitive urban market required same breakthrough innovation to expediate the process of development, this market also calls for some property relevant and path breaking innovations in different sectors. Thus a proper blend of appropriate technology and pragmatic innovation in business and marketing strategy may make this market equally potent and lucrative .This paper explores the different dimensions of innovations for penetration into the rural market and also the future of rural market in India, driven by growth of Agriculture which will be build around technological, Innovations in products and services specifically in agriculture, banking and telecom sectors.
Evaluation of the effect of age of cladode and solvent on yield of mucilage and pectin from cactus pads[Full-Text ] Belbahloul Mounir*, Anouar Abdellah and Zouhri AbdeljalilNatural products and health foods have recently received a lot of attention both by health professionals and the common population for improving overall well-being. In this line, two distinctive water-soluble polysaccharide materials known as mucilage and pectin, that occur in Opuntia Ficus Indica (OFI) cladodes have been extracted. The mass yield of each polysaccharide was assessed according to the growth cladode and the solvent used for the precipitation, the efficiency of ethanol and acetone was compared for the precipitation of polysaccharides, the content of mucilage and pectin in the cladodes are not affected with the age of the cladode and shows a random distrubition. However, acetone showed a strong power for the precipitation of mucilage and pectins, the yields obtained for the mucilages are of the order of 0.32-0.6%, 0.19-0.37% and those obtained for pectins are of the order of 0.19-2.31% 0.07-1.479%, when using acetone and ethanol respectively. The great number of potentially active nutrients and their multifunctional properties make cactus cladodes perfect candidates for the production of health-promoting food and food supplements.
Optimization of Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution for Loss Reduction and Voltage Improvement Using PSO Method and Comparison with ABC Method - A CASE STUDY[Full-Text ] Ehsan Salari, Mahdiyeh EslamiThe loss minimization in distribution systems has assumed greater significance recently since the trend towards distribution automation will require the most efficient operating scenario for economic viability variations. To obtain these goals the resources capacity and the installation place are of a crucial importance. In this paper a new method is proposed to find the optimal and simultaneous place and capacity of these resources to reduce losses, improve voltage profile Using PSO and Comparison with ABC Method. The advantage of ABC algorithm is that it does not require external parameters such as cross over rate and mutation rate as in case of PSO and differential evolution and it is hard to determine these parameters in prior. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed algorithm, computer simulations are carried out on actual power network of Kerman Province, Iran and the simulation results are presented and discussed.
A Systematic Literature Survey on Network Attacks, Classification and Madels For Anomaly–Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems[Full-Text ] Rachna Nagdev, Anurag JainThe importance of network security has rown tremendously and a number of devices have been introduced to improve the security of a network. Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are among the most widely deployed such system. Popular NIDS use a collection of signatures of known security threats and viruses, which are used to scan each packet's payload. Most IDSs lack the capability to detect novel or previously unknown attacks. A special type of IDSs, called Anomaly Detection Systems, develop models based on normal system or network behavior, with the goal of detecting both known and unknown attacks. Anomaly detection systems face many problems including high rate of false alarm, ability to work in online mode, and scalability. This paper presents a selective survey of incremental approaches for detecting anomaly in normal system and network traffic.
A Literature Survey on Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for MIMO-MRC Systems[Full-Text ] Roly Shrivastava, Shubha Chaturvedi, Anurag JainIrregular image codes can have capacity approaching performance with an iterative BP decoder under AWGN channel with BPSK modu-lation. Normally in BPSK modulation, every bit within the block has the same power. In this paper, we will try to study unequal power allocation (UPA) by using BPSK modulation for irregular binary codes of image. We show that constant power modulation need not lead to the best performance. With UPA we see gain, with larger gains possible if the receiver knows the details of the UPA technique. Optimal power allocation is depend strongly on the codes. Our work illustrates the purpose of the UPA scheme for transmission of image codes. Results present that unequal power allocation technique gives significant image quality improvement as compared to different equal power allocations schemes. And this technique prevents distortion of images and videos.
Content-based virtual oral assessment of university students of English: Babelium application experience[Full-Text ] Begoña Sarrionandia GurtubayThe use of online course designs has changed the learning environment of second language learning. Recommendation for best practice in online course designs frequently include maximizing students’ virtual assessment applications. Thus, a group of English language teachers from the Faculty of Arts at the University of the Basque Country that is carrying out an Educational Innovation Project (COBLE Project, Content Based Learning of English), granted by the University of the Basque Country, uses an online assessment platform called Babelium. This virtual application is used in assessing oral competences in English Language students of the first and second courses of the Grade in English Studies. The levels of linguistic competence of these groups of students (117 students) correspond to levels B2 and C1 (European Framework of Languages). By using this virtual application we have improved the assessment tools in language teaching and the quality of achievement of oral skills of the students involved in this experience.
Water-Gas Shift Process for Hydrogen Production – Effects of Operating Parameters[Full-Text ] Abdulwahab GIWA, Yusuf Olabode RAJI and Saidat Olanipekun GIWAThis work has been carried out to investigate the effects of some operating parameters (carbon monoxide feed molar flow rate, steam feed molar flow rate, reaction temperature and reactor pressure) of the water-gas shift process used for the production of hydrogen. The process set-up was developed, in form of a model, with the aid of Aspen Plus by employing an equilibrium reactor using 50 kmol/hr of each of the reactants, a reaction temperature of 800 oC and a reactor pressure of 1 bar as the initial simulation data. The effects of the parameters were studied by varying each one of them at a time between the selected lower and upper limits using their corresponding chosen increments. The results obtained from the simulations carried out revealed that the composition of the product obtained from the reactor was affected by the carbon monoxide feed molar flow rate, the steam feed molar flow rate and the reaction temperature whereas it was not influenced by the reactor pressure. Also, the equilibrium constant of the reaction was found to depend well on the reaction temperature. In addition, the relationship between each of the operating parameters and the product molar density showed that the latter was affected by the reaction temperature and pressure nonlinearly and linearly, respectively. It has, therefore, been discovered that the key parameter that can be adjusted to influence the production of hydrogen using water-gas shift process is the reaction temperature because it was able to affect all the process variables considered significantly.
Preference and Suitability of Nigerian Grown Gmelina arborea Linn. Roxb. and Vitex doniana Sweet Woods for Beekeeping in Imeko, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adedeji, G. A. and A.A. Aiyeloja.It has been observed that Apis mellifera native to tropical Africa has special preferential nesting behaviour for white and yellow woods’ cavities in Nigeria. In contrast, the use of brown coloured wood like Milicia excelsa for beekeeping on the ground of its durability has been recommended in Ghana. In response to this, the study investigated the suitability of one exotic white coloured wood species (Gmelina arborea), one indigenous white coloured wood species (Vitex doniana) and one indigenous brown coloured wood species (Erythrophleum suaveolens) for beekeeping in Imeko between February, 2009 and April, 2012. A total of 9 hives comprising 3 each of Erythrophleum suaveolens, Gmelina arborea and Vitex doniana woods were placed at three different sites (1,2,3) within Nazareth High School Compound Imeko. At each site, 3 hives placed comprised the mixture of the 3 wood species’ hives. Colonisation of hives made of G. arborea and V. doniana woods within two months of placement at the 3 sites were observed. Honeybees colonized E. suaveolens wood hive at site 3 and absconded in the same month of colonisation (October, 2010). Quantitative analysis of the wood samples’ extracts indicated the presence of 39.62mg/g total alkaloids, 1.38mg/g total flavonoids, 84.19mg/g total phenol, 366.52mg/g total Saponins and 101.18mg/g total tannins in E. suaveolens; 35.19mg/g total alkaloids, 1.24mg/g total flavonoids, 3.98mg/g total phenol, 5.69mg/g total Saponins and 4.49mg/g total tannins in G. arborea; and 4.52mg/g total alkaloids, 0.42mg/g total flavonoids, 1.00mg/g total phenol, 0.66mg/g total Saponins and 1.59mg/g total tannins in V. doniana. The results suggested that colour and non-structural chemical composition might be involved in choice and colonisation of cavities (hives) by honeybees. Colonisations were reliably stable in white wood hives within the 3 sites with quantifiable honey production. The colonisations choice of white woods’ hives and rejection of brown wood hives confirmed the suitability of G. arborea and V. doniana woods and non-suitability of E. suaveolens wood for beekeeping in Nigeria.
Controlling and Analyzing the Behavior of a Pumped Storage Power Station with using Fuzzy Controller and two Linearization Methods- Dinorwig Power-Station[Full-Text ] Farshid Norouzi, Mohsen ZanganehRegarding power distribution, engineers attempt to provide permanent electrical power solutions for consumers. In order to stabilize grid systems, power system should adapt value of generator outputs with demanded loads. On the other hand, it depends on operating voltage and frequency of the grid with low tolerance, or it should work at constant values in ideal condition. Moreover, economic restrictions lead to electric energy generation with low price and high quality. In fact, electric energy generation with low price and high quality makes pumped storage plants have a developed performance and a rapid responding to load changes. Therefore, designing improved controllers is necessary. The present paper intends to use non-linear model of Dinorwig power station, the model could be applied for simulation purposes. Finally, mixed logical dynamical model (MLD) has been presented for hydraulic part in order to determine differences and similarities and compare it with the linear model.
Theoretical Analysis and Performance Comparison of Different Alternative Refrigerants to HCFC-22[Full-Text ] B.HADYA, Dr. P. USHA SRIThe main objective of this study is to explore the possibility for developing new zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and low GWP (Global Warming potential) Alternate Refrigerants to R-22 in air conditioning application. Refrigerant 22 is a Hydro Chlorofluorocarbon (HCFCs) group Refrigerant, having Ozone Depletion Potential of 0.05 and Global Warming potential 1700 which causes more environmental impact ,world community has decided to replace these. The environmental friendly refrigerant like Hydrocarbon refrigerants (HCs) and Hydro fluorocarbon (HFCs) have emerged as Zero Ozone Depletion Potential and low Global warming Potential and favourable performance. In this study, the refrigerants like R290, R600a from HC group and R32 from Hydro Fluorocarbon refrigerant (HFCs) were selected and their performance was theoretically compared with (HCFCs) group Refrigerant R22 for lower capacity air conditioning systems, Per 1 ´TR` capacity. The operating temperatures for Evaporator at -15°C and condensing temperatures at 30°C and 40°C were considered for theoretical performance comparison. With compare to R22, The COP for R600a is very high, where as R290 and R32 COP is closely matches. At higher ambient (condensing) temperature, R290 gives better COP than that HCFC22 per TR. Pressure ratio indicates the size of compressor and condenser, R600a pressure is high at higher ambient temperatures, R32 pressure ratio is 14%, R290 pressure ratio is 21 % and R22 is 31% lower with compare to R600a. Per Ton Refrigeration R32 requires high because the pressure ratio is very high at higher ambient temperatures. As compare to the environmental impact, R32 has zero ODP and 220 GWP, R290 and R600a have zero ODP and 3 GWP hence these refrigerants are environmental friendly with favourable performance. Normal Boiling Point (NBP) for R600a is very high i.e. -11°C, Critical Temperature for refrigerant R32 very low 52°C which is not suitable for higher operating Temperature.R290 (Propane) as a refrigerant has two disadvantages, One is fire risky and second is size of the compressor should be bigger than while using of R22 of the assigned refrigeration machine.
ECG Signal Analysis Using Wavelet Transform[Full-Text ] Iffat Ara, Md. Najmul Hossain, Md. Abdur RahimECG signal plays an important role in the primary diagnosis and analysis of heart diseases. The feature of ECG signal with time-varying morphological characteristics needs to be extracted by signal processing method because there are not clearly visible in the graphical ECG signal. For analyzing this kind of signal wavelet transforms are a powerful tool. In this thesis paper, an algorithm for automatic ECG signal feature extraction was evaluated. For feature extraction multi-resolution wavelet transform is used. Text formatted ECG signals are taken from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. For wavelet transform, daubechies wavelets were used because the scaling functions of this wavelet filter are similar to the shape of the ECG. In the first step, the ECG signal was denoised by removing the corresponding higher scale wavelet coefficients. Then the R wave peaks were detected which have higher dominated amplitude.These detected R peaks were later used to detect the other peak as P, Q, S, T and also the zero crossing level. From the different peaks, the features of the ECG signal were extracted.Depending on different features, different types of abnormality are classified.