Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018.
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S-RADG: A Stream Cipher RADG Cryptography[Full-Text ] Salah A.K. Albermany, Duha Amer, and Sawsan KamalThis paper is attempt to develop keyless cryptography existing algorithm called RADG algorithm into symmetric key cryptography algorithm called S-RADG (Stream RADG {Reaction Automata Direct Graph}) algorithm . The result from S-RADG are different cipher texts with same plaintext. The key is generated randomly by using one of stream cipher algorithms , which is LFSR(Linear Feedback Shift Register) method. The new algorithm uses to encrypt data in many environments like a cloud computing environment..
Protection of rights of Religious and Linguistic Minorities[Full-Text ] ILMA ANSARAccording to the constitution of India, two types of communities are considered as Minority Communities in the country. First one is Religious Minority community and second one is Linguistic Minority community. Here is a brief introduction to the religious and linguistic minority communities in India, and their constitutional rights.
Pomological and biochemical characterization of some Moroccan citrus varieties[Full-Text ] DAHMANI Sanae, ERRACHIDI Faouzi, BOUR Abdellatif, BERRADA Wiam, EL GHADRAOUI Lahsen, CHABIR RachidaThe aim of this study is to determine and compare some fruit quality parameters of eight citrus varieties from different regions of Mo-rocco. The results shows that citrus sinensis (bloody orange) present high level of total soluble solids (TSS) (31.4), citrus limonum contains highest percentage of citric acid (3.01%) and citrus sinensis (sidi kacem) present high content of reducing sugar (11.47g/100ml), Moreover high level of pH (4.27) and maturity index was observed in citrus reticulata (41.27), while lowest content of protein and lipid was noticed in all varieties. Morphometrically the eight varieties have high morphological variability, therfore, citrus paradisi and citrus sinensis (sidi kacem) present high sizes of diameter lenght, mesocarp and axial diameter and high percentage of juice was register in citrus sinensis (sidi slimane) (53.54%). The studied varieties disclose both similarities and differences concerning their morphometric, biochemical and physicochemical features.
Power System Real-time Transient Instability Preventive Control by Using Catastrophe Theory and SVRM[Full-Text ] M. M. ElAdany, A. A. ElDesouky, A. A. SallamReal-time transient instability preventive control in power systems is applied to enable the system to withstand future uncertain events in a secure way and keeping its stability. Therefore, transient stability must be assessed as fast as possible in real-time to adequately be improved. At that moment, it necessitates to select the strategy being applied to decide the desired enhancement. Requiring accurate and fast evaluation, catastrophe theory (CT) is applied for assessing the transient stability directly without any assumptions and provide online visualized monitoring for the operating points. This paper focuses on generation rescheduling as a preventive control technique in order to maintain system's stability.
Knowledge of Medical Ethics and Law among 51 second year Medical School Students in the Kuala Lumpur[Full-Text ] Allan C. U. HonThis is a quantitative case study using a cross sectional design to determine the level of knowledge of medical ethics and law among 51 second year medical students in a private medical school in Kuala Lumpur. Information was collected through a survey using a self-developed questionnaire. The areas of law and medical ethics examined were tort (both intentional and negligence), informed consent and professionalism. Overall, all respondents had good knowledge of medical ethics and law. However, for the subcategory which focused on the elements of informed consent, the respondents were found lacking. Inferential statistics revealed no significant differences in the level of knowledge on medical ethics and law across gender and different age groups.
Comparison of Heat Transfer Through a Circular Pipe Using Different Geometry Inside the Pipe[Full-Text ] Sheikh Fuzael Rahman, Md. Irfan Khan, Amit Das, Raqqib Bin KadirThe purpose of this paper is to observe different rate of heat transfer while changing the surface area at different condition inside the circular pipe section. Insulation was given to compare the heat transfer rate with non-insulated ones. The main objective was to construct an Experimental setup with which it can be experimented that increase in the surface area would have an effect on the rate of heat transfer.
The effect of job satisfaction on the organizational commitment of teachers, with special reference to private-sector universities of Punjab, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Hammad AliThis research study was conducted to find out the effect of job satisfaction on the organizational commitment of teachers working at private-sector universities operating in the province of Punjab, Pakistan, the findings of the study revealed that the job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on the organizational commitment of private-sector university teachers, in Punjab, Pakistan.
Modification of Reduction Clearing Process of Polyester Blend Cotton Knitted Fabric Dyeing[Full-Text ] Mohammad Tofayel Ahmed, Syeda Farjana, Md. RaselReduction clearing is a very well established process in case of polyester and polyester blend cotton fabric dyeing. Reduction clearing is done for the removal of unfixed dyes and auxiliaries from the fabric surface being a prerequisite of quality assurance and the ease of subsequent processes. Usually in case of two bath polyester blend cotton dyeing, prior to polyester part dyeing pretreatment (followed by scouring, bleaching and enzyme wash wash) is done first. Then polyester part is dyed followed by reduction clearing. Finally cotton part is dyed. But in this study few modifications of reduction clearing process have been scrutinized combining the scouring, bleaching and reduction clearing process simultaneously and incurring the sequential inter change between polyester part dyeing and pretreatment (scouring, bleaching, enzyme wash) with and without reduction clearing process separately. Accomplishing the experiments, the fabric samples were characterized by wash fastness, rubbing fastness, perspiration fastness, light fastness, surface smoothness and compared with aforementioned process. The modified process was also investigated in terms of water consumption, power consumption, steam consumption and total process time. The results revealed very good fastness properties and salient economic efficiency reducing all utility consumption and process time.
Extended Draf IIb.2 Procedure In The Treatment of Unilateral Frontal Sinusitis[Full-Text ] TENGCHIN WANGBackground: Draf III procedure is a more destructive way for refractory frontal disease. In the meanwhile, extended Draf IIb.2 procedure also can provide a wide access in an unilateral lesion.
A CLOSED LOOP CONTROL OF BUCK-BOOST AC-AC CONVERTER WITH REDUCED THD[Full-Text ] MD. ALTHAFHUSSAIN, G.SURESHKUMARREDDYIn this project we introduce a converter with a voltage feedback closed loop control scheme with control on output voltage amplitude. A high frequency operation is carried for reduction of THD in the output voltage waveform. In the previous work the output voltage is varied by changing the duty ratio manually here in the proposed method the duty ratio is changed automatically by closed loop system with respect to v reference.
A Fuzzy-Based Medical Image Fusion Using a Combination of Maximum Selection And Gabor Filters[Full-Text ] Fayadh Alenezi, Ezzatollah SalariMedical image fusion (MIF) is important in clinical applications for analysis of diagnostic images. Image fusion (IF) aims to reduce uncertainty and redundancy derived from examining two separate images by creating a single composite image, which is more useful for human interpretation. Fused images have been successfully applied in many other fields including military reconnaissance, target tracking, remote sensing, biometrics, and security systems. Even so, current image fusion techniques have not successfully addressed the poor textual properties and poor edge formation of many resulting fused images.
Renewable Energy: A Veritable Tool for Tackling Youth Unemployment in Nigeria[Full-Text ] O. O. Adeyanju, T. A. Ayelegun, O. A. OyedeleThe challenge of unemployment, especially among Nigerian youth cannot be over-emphasized. The consequential socio-economic problem attached with this ugly development has battered the image of the country in the comity of nations. Of all the causes of youth employment, the epileptic electric power situation of Nigeria has been mentioned as the most severe considering the effects of electricity supply on all the sectors of the economy. In the quest of the country to curb the menace of youth unemployment, this paper argues that renewable energy is a veritable source for tackling youth unemployment.
Removal of Eosin yellow dye from aqueous solution using oil bean seed shells based activated carbons: Equilibrium, Kinetics and thermodynamics studies[Full-Text ] Okey-Onyesolu, C.F, Okoye, C.C, Chime, D.CBiosorption potentials of acid (OBAC) and salt (OBSC) activated carbons from pentaclethra Macrophylla (PMAC) shells for the removal of eosin yellow from aqueous solution were investigated. The adsorbents were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and the absorbance measured with UV spectrophotometer. The effects of particle size (75-85mm), adsorbent dosage (0.5-4.0g), initial pH of solution (2-10), eosin yellow concentration (50-500mg/l), temperature (300C-600C) and contact time (3-150 min) were studied.
Research about Intangible Cultural Heritage Product Development of Balance Interest Model[Full-Text ] Fang BaiIntangible cultural heritage is a very important part of Chinese traditional culture, is the wisdom and spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation. The protection and development of Intangible cultural heritage products can be divided into two categories according to the formation patterns of Intangible cultural heritage products: the first is traditional performing arts, this kind of skill generally has both Artistic and historical value, Such as traditional music, dance, drama etc.; The second category is the traditional crafts skill that ate made up of productive ways, Such as traditional art, sculpture, embroidery, dyeing etc.
Systems Analysis of Commercial Motorcycle Service Safety Problem in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oluwasegun O. AlukoThe use of motorcycles for carrying passengers for a fee (commercial motorcycles) has been suffering from serious safety challenges over the years in Nigeria. Policy measures developed to address this problem have not been very successful. This paper looks at the safety problem and presents an illustration of how a model (a system dynamics model) of the safety problem was formalised. The results obtained from model runs reveal how the model developed offers an opportunity for policy makers and stakeholders to better understand the structure and the dynamics of the safety problem. It also indicates that something can be done to improve safe driving behaviour of the drivers. Particularly, it points out that a mix of measures including improved enforcement of law is one main way by which driver behaviour can be improved. But it also warns that increasing the number of enforcement officers does not improve enforcement in a corrupt environment.
A Novel Closed Loop Topology for Coupled Inductor Based DC-DC Converter[Full-Text ] Srinivas Singirikonda, Gargi DesaiIn the closed loop topology for a coupled inductor based DC-DC converter we have a tendency to introduce a voltage multiplier converter with coupled inductance for high gain output charging the battery of a feedback loop for DC machine drive for variable input voltage. The dual switches structure is helpful to scale back the voltage stress and current stress of the switch. Additionally, 2 multiplier capacitors are charged throughout the switch-on period and switch-off period, which will increase the voltage conversion gain. Meanwhile, the energy stored within the inductance is recycled with the clamped capacitors. Thus, 2 main power switches with low on-resistance and low current stress are available. This project illustrates the operation principle of the designed DC-DC converter, the output voltage of the high step-up converter is maintained constant by automatic variation of the duty ratio with feedback as PI Controller. The constant output voltage for varying input DC voltage is represented graphically using MATLAB simulation for various industrial applications.
A convenient procedure for the calibration and check of GNSS systems by using the relative static positioning method[Full-Text ] Evangelia Lambrou, Nikolaos KanellopoulosRecent development in the area of GNSS-based measurements consists of combination of methodologies and modern manufactured antennas and receivers, which are able to provide coordinates of sub-centimeter accuracy. In order to succeed this, it is necessary that the measurement system (base and rover antennas- receivers and their ancillary equipment) to be calibrated and functioning properly, as the manufacturer defines. Therefore a full methodology that ensures the proper function of GNSS systems is indispensable. This paper describes a convenient procedure for the calibration and check of GNSS systems, using the relative static positioning method.
Finite Element Analysis for Stresses in Thin-Walled Pressurized Steel Cylinders[Full-Text ] Ahmed F. MohamedPressurized steel thin walled cylinder is widely used in industry for transportation of petroleum fuels and gases and it is designed to withstand higher value of pressure. Stresses induced in closed thin steel cylinder are analyzed using simple finite element method to measure the hoop and longitudinal stresses and show the stress distribution through thinly walled cylinder thickness. The linear material model is considering no damage criteria. Flat plat ends are used to close the cylinder ends. The model is compared with mechanics of material concepts. The finite element deduced model is in good agreement and give reasonable results.
ADVERSE EFFECT OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD RADIATION ON HUMANS[Full-Text ] Okotie Lucky Edafe,Emmanuel OmosighoResearches have shown that electromagnetic Field radiation generated from sources such as handsets (Telephones), electric power lines, communication mast and radio devices may be hazardous to Human Health. In Nigeria, structures are erected very close to power Lines for business or residency purposes and they are exposed to varying magnetic fields generated. This paper outline the risk and evils of exposure to radiation from magnetic fields and possible solutions to address the situation.
THE SPATIO-TEMPORAL DISTRIBUTION OF URBAN NOISE ISLANDS IN CALABAR METROPOLIS, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] J. N. Obiefuna; G. N. NjarThis study examined the spatial and temporal distribution of urban noise islands in Calabar Metropolis. Noise levels were acquired from the secondary source, after Obiefuna, Bisong and Ettah, 2013. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was used to test the hypothesis. The null hypothesis was rejected after having examined the main effect of space and time which happened to be significant at P<0.001 indicating a variation. It was therefore, recommended that in order to maintain the tranquile status of the residential areas, activities that generated high noise in the commercial and industrial landuses should be discouraged from springing up in the residential zones. Finally, the source, path and receiver (source-path-receiver) techniques of noise attenuation were recommended as a general way of reducing noise in Calabar Metropolis.
The Ethics and Values of the Social Workers in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Famous Joseph AigbolosimonThis essay seeks to give a comprehensive description of the Social Work in Nigeria. It gives a clear analysis of the Ethics and Values of Social Work Profession in Nigeria. it describes Nigeria as the most populated Africa Country with over 300 spoken languages. It analyses and understudies the ethics and values of Nigerian Social Workers in order to know the practicality of the Nigerian Social Work profession in relation to those of some European Countries. Therefore, an evaluation of the Nigeria Social Profession was made and this information was based an interview conducted with a Nigerian Based Social Worker Regarding the Ethics and Values of the Social Work Profession. So, in order to get the fuller and more comprehensive sense of this article, it is important to read the complete work.
WOMEN LEADERSHIP, THE SCRIPTURES, AND EMPOWERMENT: HOW TRAINING IN LEADERSHIP CAN SHAPE THE DESTINY OF WOMEN IN CHURCH MINISTRY[Full-Text ] Mbayo Debbie Maloba, Prof. Nyakora, Musa OThis study examines ways that can offer solutions to challenges facing women participation in the mission and outreach. The study has explored dimensions of the role of women ministries’ mission and outreach in church. Numerically women seem to be more than men and yet balance growth is lacking in terms of roles women play in the church. The study discusses challenges such as cultural practices and beliefs, poor education, leadership positions on women and lack of general empowerment among others, highlighting contextual examples in East and Central Africa.
C-Band Transparent Antenna Design for Intersatellites Communication[Full-Text ] Maha A. Maged, Fatma Elhefnawi, Haitham M. Akah, Hadia M. El-HennawyThe growing trend toward low-cost satellites constellation to act as a unified system is required to enable complex sensing tasks. Antennas are emerging as one of the keys that can improve and satisfy the requirements of the crosslink communications performance of the constellation. However, antennas types for small satellites have posed some challenges such as limited size shared by solar panels. This paper offers a novel transparent antenna solution for solar panel that fit on the face of CubeSats and address previous challenges suited for intersatellite communication. The designed antenna module consists of two patch elements with truncating of two opposite sides from Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide (FTO) on glass substrates. Four antenna modules were been fixed above solar panels on each face of the CubeSat to offer communication between satellites in all directions..
Transient Numerical Models for Predicting the Performance of Encapsulated PCM Under Varying Ambient Temperatures for Cooling Application[Full-Text ] A. N. UDOSENThis paper is aimed at presenting a single phase transient heat conduction model that mimics the effects of phase change present in paraffin wax under varying ambient temperatures for cooling application. The low energy encapsulated PCM-paraffin wax with initial temperature at 20oC, is modelled and numerically studied using the explicit finite difference method (FDM) and the effective heat capacity method (EHC). Numerical results obtained from Matlab showed that the melting temperature of the modelled paraffin varies but falls within the range of 23 – 26oC.The combination of the FDM and EHC numerical methods prove suitable for simplification and solving moving boundary phase change problems. Numerical results showed that encapsulating paraffin wax with high density polyethylene shells and exposing these capsules to ambient temperature conditions is capable of causing significant drop in ambient temperatures from 22 – 31.5oC to 14.2 – 20.3oC representing temperature depressions of 7.84 – 11.24oC.
An Efficient and Feasible Solar Irrigation System In-cluding AC Mini-Grid Designed for Bangladeshi Agri-culture[Full-Text ] Al-Amin, Tasmiah Fatema Tanni, Md. Habibur Rahman, Md. Rezwan Khan, Miah Md. AsaduzzamanThe idea of introducing a mini-grid along with irrigation is originated considering the huge load shedding of a particular area. People of that area remain without electricity for approximately 6-8 hours in a day. A small survey was also conducted on 50 houses of Teghoria, Poradaho, Mirpur, Kushtia, Bangladesh and data were collected about their electricity demand during the time of load shedding every day. The mini-grid would be powered by the extra energy coming from the irrigation panel. This was done simply by changing the run time of the motor in an efficient way. The run time of the motor varies in different seasons. HOMER software was used to calculate the cost analysis of the proposed model for irrigation along with ac mini-grid. The proposed model provides two welfares. The first one is that the rural farmers can get water for irrigation with a lower installment which is shown in the paper. The second one is that the demand of electricity of rural people during load shedding can also be fulfilled from the ac mini-grid. Therefore, the overall cost can be minimized and the new irrigation system becomes more feasible for rural farmers as well as for the owners.
Molecular pathology platform in a university hospital: Hassan II University Hospital of Fez experience[Full-Text ] Louati Sara, Senhaji Nadia, Sekal Mohammed, Arifi Samia, Chbani Laila, Hind el Fatemi, El Bardai Sanae, Boujraf Said, Amrani Joutei Khalid, Ouldim Karim, Amarti Rifi Afaf and Bennis SanaeMolecular pathology plays an important role in tumor pathology after introducing targeted therapy. Therefore, molecular classification of tumors is currently required to predict the response to treatment.
Hydraulic Valve Operating System For Two Wheeler[Full-Text ] Lakshmeesha, M.S.Hydraulic Actuation Of Valve (HAV) is a mechanism to replace the mechanical actuation of valve in the 4 stroke IC engine presently in use. To overcome the disadvantages of the present system i.e. engine noise, oil leak at interfaces etc, hydraulic actuation mechanism is used, which eliminates some moving parts of 4 strokes engine like rocker arm, push rod tappet arrangement, cam chain, as well as some stationary parts like chain tensioner and, tension adjuster, thereby reducing the cost of production as well as weight of the engine and making the engine more compact. This mechanism has more advantages for two wheeler engine, especially for the engines having two spark plug for single cylinder as it reduces the engine weight. Due to less number of parts used. Heat transfer between the engine and atmosphere will be at a uniform rate at the cylinder block and cylinder head surface. Due to elimination of some moving parts of the engine, casting of cylinder head and cylinder block is easier.
Electric Power Quality Enhancement by Reduced Harmonic Distortion[Full-Text ] Dr. Suad Ibrahim ShahlA different type of load draws non-sinusoidal current from the mains, leading to deterioration the power quality by causing harmonic distortion. These nonlinear loads seem to be prime sources of harmonic distortion in a power system. Furthermore, the harmonics produced by nonlinear loads can react negatively with a wide range of power system apparatus, most especially capacitors, transformers, and motors, causing additional losses, overheating, overloading and interference. The aim of this paper is to study power quality /harmonics problem and review a passive power filters that commonly used to mitigate harmonics within an acceptable range.
The Interest of multidimensional analysis to evaluate the physicochemical characterization of raw margines in oil mills in Ouezzane Region (North of Morocco)[Full-Text ] M. NAJY, H. ECH-CHAFAY, A. EL AASRI, M. LACHHAB, N. BENTOUTOU, I. KHERRATI, B. BABA, Fatimetou Salam M. M.O, S, O. AKKAOUI, M. LAKHLIFI, O. EL MAHDAOUI, A. TAOURAOUT, F. HAMDAOUI,T. RAHMOUNI, M. EL-QAYSY, K. EL KHARRIM and D. BELGHYTI The olive oil industry In addition to oil as a main product generates large quantities of waste (oils, margins) that are harmful to the environment due to their chemical composition and very high polluting power. The aim of this work is to study the physico-chemical characterization of margines generated by the production of virgin olive oil in the region of Ouezzane (Morocco). A physico-chemical study was carried out to do it. This is based on the determination of the physicochemical parameters of the raw margins of two systems: continuous and discontinuous.
New Strategies of Placement Office Towards Employability of its Graduates[Full-Text ] Mudassar Shehzad, Mohammad Ali Mohammad, Muhammad Ali Gulfam Jahangiri, Hira Amin, Kalsoom Zahra, Mukarram Ali Qureshi, Muhammad Wahib, Usama. Ijaz, Varda. Asif, and Yumna. RashidGraduates are our national asset and we, as teachers, are responsible for their employability as well. If engineers are our potential product then we should own them even after their graduation. Materials engineers in Pakistan are facing serious problems of employability. We have investigated few reasons and somehow rectified these issues. The growing population of engineers with constant employment opportunities is posing serious problem.
Hydrochemistry of Groundwater in Obiga-Asa and its Environs, Abia State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nnenna C. Egeonu and Raphael O. OyanyanThe hydrochemistry of groundwater in Obiga-Asa and its environs has been carried out. The pH, conductivity, TDS, sulphate, carbonate (HCO3), Iron (Fe2+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Calcium (Ca2+), Sodium (Na+) and Potassium (K+) were analysed. pH, Conductivity and TDS were determined by meter method, Na, K, Mg, Ca by Atomic adsorption spectrophotometer (AAS), Carbonate and Chloride by titrimetric method and Suphate by turbidometric method.
Synchronization of distributed application instances as a learning tracking mechanism[Full-Text ] Macaire Ngomo, Habib AbdulrabWe propose to define a protocol that manages the synchronization of two instances of the same application, through a communication network. In this paper, we will present the situation using an asynchronous composition model of extended automata. This formal model will serve to define and propose a first protocol, defined according to the same formalism. Our study will be done within the framework of a general synchronizable application. In the particular context of this study, the application envisaged will correspond to the SERPOLET environment, for synchronous and / or asynchronous monitoring and support between a learner and his tutor.
Effective disruption method of shrimp hepatopancreatic tissues to release hyalauronidase[Full-Text ] Smitha Blessie Rosario, Krishna Prasad NooralabettuTissues of hepatopancreas of shrimps were homogenized Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer at 15 passes per min in 20 mM Sodium acetate buffer of pH 5.5 and temperature 4oC. Effectiveness of the homogenization was estimated using total protein released and the hyalauronidase activity of the homogenate. Hyaluronidase optimally released at an operating speed of 3000 rpm for 10 min. Operating speed beyond 3000 rpm at given time reduced the activity of hyaluronidase or increase in exposure time beyond 10 min at 3000 rpm caused sheer damage to the enzyme. Pestle speed beyond 3000 rpm did not improve protein yield, but adversly affected the hyalauronidase activ-ity.
Effect of pH and components of buffer on the hyaluronidase activity in hepatopancreatic tissues of shrimps during homogenization[Full-Text ] Smitha Blessie Rosario, Krishna Prasad NooralabettuComponents and pH of the homogenization buffer and assay buffer plays a major role in the activity of the hyaluronidase. Hepatopancreatic tissues of shrimps were disrupted at 3000 rpm/10 min using various homogenization buffers like 0.5 M Sodium acetate buffer of pH 5.5, 2 M KCl solution of pH 5.35, Deionised water of pH 7.4, 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer of pH 8.4 and 0.1 M Glycine-NaOH buffer of pH 9.0. Hyaluronidase activity of each of the resulting homogenates was performed using acidic hyaluronic acid as a substrate in either respective homogenization buffer or 0.3 M Sodium Phosphate of pH 5.35 as assay buffer. Tissues homogenized using 0.5 M Sodium acetate buffer of pH 5.5 as a homogenization buffer exhibited optimum hyaluronidase activity when assayed using 0.3 M Sodium Phosphate of pH 5.35 in comparison to the samples homogenized using buffers of higher pH.
Pushover Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Portal Frames[Full-Text ] Gehad Abo El-Fotoh, Amin Saleh Aly and Mohamed Mohamed Hussein AttabiThis research provides a new methodology and a computer program in Java language to analyze reinforced concrete structures till failure and takes into consideration both geometric and material nonlinearities. The analysis uses the stiffness method as well as the finite element principles and analyses also the reinforced concrete cross section to calculate the member axial and flexural rigidities. The coordinates are updated each iteration and the axial load effect is considered in the geometrical stiffness matrix and also determines the failure criteria during the analysis.