Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition
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Sub Threshold SRAM Design for Ultra Low Power Applications[Full-Text ] Bharat Motha, Chetan Kancharl, T.P.Kausalya Nandan, Udary Gnaneshwara CharyMemory unit is the basic building block for any processor.RAM acts as a memory unit in most of the applications .By scaling of technology and varying the voltage values, various parameters such as power consumption, leakage power and delay varies. The purpose of this paper is to implement SRAM cell with different number of transistors in various CMOS technologies such as 180nm and 90nm and to analyze variation in parameters such as power consumption, leakage power and delay operations using CADENCE VIRTUOSO tool.
Loss in Perishable Food Supply Chain: An Optimization Approach Literature Review[Full-Text ] Yared Lemma, Daniel Kitaw, Gulelat GatewIn recent years, food loss becomes the problem of the world and researches indicate that 20 to 60 percent from the total production is lost in the food supply chain. Hence, researcher and practitioners give more attention to maximize the availability of food products for the society. As a result researchers use different operation research tools to optimize the food supply chain and to support decision making process. The aim of this paper is to present a literature review of the perishable supply chain management modeling and optimization approach focusing on loss minimization along the supply chain. We focus particularly on perishable foods and the papers are analyzed based on the objectives, models used and solution approach in the selected researches. Through our analysis of the research, we identify future research options for studying perishable food supply chain to minimize loss along the supply chain.
Investigation of Hot Gas Injection in Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage Process in a Fractured Oil Reservoir[Full-Text ] Arash Pourabdol Shahrekordi, Babak Moradi, Mahmood Reza HojjatiApplying gas assisted gravity drainage (GAGD) process in a fractured oil reservoir is led to create a gas invaded zone in the reservoir in which the gravity drainage mechanism caused to produce oil from the matrix blocks of this zone; but whereas gravity drainage mechanism is gradual and slow, so the oil production decreases from matrix blocks of this zone which is caused to reduce the oil production from the reservoir. To solve this problem, this research investigates hot gas injection in the GAGD process in a fractured oil reservoir. Results show that effects of hot gas injection in the GAGD process on the oil viscosity reduction within matrix bocks of the hot gas invaded zone and increasing in density difference causes to accelerate the gravity drainage mechanism and leads to create a new process entitled “Hot Gas Assisted Accelerate Gravity Drainage (HGAAGD)” which has 1.56% more oil recovery factor than GAGD process.
Performance Evaluation of New MIMO-OFDM Model For Modern Wireless Application[Full-Text ] Yousif Ibrahim HammadiIn this paper, a new MIMO-OFDM model has been introduced. The performance of this model using PSK and QAM digital modulations for different antenna configurations is analyzed and evaluated under Rayleigh fading channel. The proposed MIMO-OFDM system can be implemented using higher order modulations to achieve large data capacity and remarkable enhanced performance.The main purpose of using high order antenna configurations is to increase the space diversity, which will further decrease the BER at given Eb/N0 as compared to lower order Antenna configurations. It is found effectively the diversity order increases as number of receiving antenna increases regardless the number of transmitting antennas , also the lowest BER can be obtained at highest number of transmitting and receiving antenna configurations. Moreover, the effect of the channel order on proposed MIMO - OFDM system has been also reported in this paper.
Improvement In Surface Properties of ABS Using Carbon And Glass Fibre Reinforcements[Full-Text ] Anish Raman.C, Veerappan K.R, Venkat Narayanan.V, Arun Raju.CAcrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) has several mechanical applications such as gears, bearings, washers etc. in these applications wear is the primary cause failure. Hence by reducing it we can increase the life. Here, ABS was reinforced with glass fibre and carbon fibre, at a mass ratio of 10% and 30%.Injection moulding was used for reinforcement and the coefficient of friction was estimated using pinon disk method. Other surface properties such as hardness, compression strength of the specimen were estimated. There was an observed increase in these properties with the increase in % wt. in reinforcement and carbon fibre reinforced ABS displayed greater improvement in surface properties compared to the glass fibre counterparts. ABS with 30% reinforced carbon fibre had the least coefficient of friction among all the samples.
Solve Boundary value problem of Shooting and Finite difference method[Full-Text ] Sheikh Md. Rabiul IslamIn this paper of the order of convergence of finite difference methods& shooting method has been presented for the numerical solution of a two-point boundary value problem (BVP) with the second order differential equations (ODE’s) and analyzed. Sufficient condition guaranteeing a unique solution of the corresponding boundary value problem is also given. Numerical results are tabulated for typical numerical examples and compared with the shooting technique employing the classical Euler and fourth-order Runge-Kutta method using MATLAB 7.6.0(R2008a).
Secure implementation of IOT based on RFID with key authority mechanism[Full-Text ] Jebah Jaykumar, Prameetha Pai, Prarthana T.VInternet of Things (IOT) based on RFID has been a focus of research in recent years. This emerging area has been identified with several security issues based on RFID. In this paper we design a secure architecture for Internet of Things based on RFID using secure key authority. Experimental results show that this method boosts authentication and provides a strong cryptography for secure transmission of RFID tag information across the entire network.
Effect of Plant Population And Weed Control Treatments On Weed Popullation, Npk Uptake In Direct Wetseeded Rice(Oryza sativa.L) Sown Through Drum Seeder[Full-Text ] B N Sandeep Nayak, Md Mujeeb Khan, K Mosha and P Prasuna RaniAn investigation entitled “Effect of plant population and weed control treatments on weed population, NPK uptake in direct wet-seeded rice sown through drum seeder” was conducted at Wetland block of Agricultural college Farm , Bapatla, in kharif 2012. Six plant population treatments and five weed management treatments were tested in strip plot design. The maximum reduction of weed density and highest weed control efficiency was recorded in two cono weedings followed by two hand weedings at 20 and 40 DAS, pre-emergence application of pendimethalin @1 kg a.i. ha-1 post-emergence application of bispyribac sodium @ 20 g a.i ha -1 with a plant density of 71hills m-2. Nutrient uptake by crop was significantly influenced on rice plant density from 20 hills m-2 (D5) to 47 hills m-2 (D2) significantly increased the nutrient (N, P, K) uptake. Among weed management practices, the data on nutrient ((N, P, K)) uptake indicated significantly the highest uptake of nitrogen (150.6 kg ha-1) phosphorus (75.9 kg ha-1) was observed in W3 (cono weeding at 20 and 40 DAS) but highest potassium uptake (128.6 kg ha-1) was in W5 compared to all other treatments. But, plant density 47 hills m-2 was superior to other plant densities with respect to rice grain yield. The highest grain yield (4275 kg ha-1) was achieved with plant density 47 hills m-2 (D2) in combination of cono weedings twice (W3) but remained at a par to hand weedings twice (4142 kg ha-1).
Existence of Bounded Nonoscillatory Solutions of Certain Nonlinear Nonhomogeneous Neutral Delay Difference Equations of First Order[Full-Text ] K.V.V.SESHAGIRI RAO, A.K. TRIPATHY, K. VENUMADAV, T.GOPAL RAONon oscillation of a class of nonlinear neut ral delay difference e q u a t i o n s wi t h positive and negative coefficients of the form
Lung Nodule Detection Based on Noise Robust Local Binary Pattern [Full-Text ] Mohammad Hossein ShakoorIn this paper a new method for detection of lung nodules in CT image is proposed which is robust to noise. For nodule detection, two important steps are followed: feature extraction and classification. For features extraction, some texture features are extracted based on an extended type of Local Binary Pattern (LBP). LBP is one of the most important feature extractor in texture image but one of the drawback of it, relates to noise because LBP is more sensitive to noise. The key point of the proposed LBP is robustness to noise by using uniform texture information. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used for classification to distinct the pathological change (nodule) from other normal regions of the chest.
Effect of using Klobuchar, CODE, and No-Ionosphere Models on Processing Single Frequency GPS Static Medium Baselines [Full-Text ] Khaled Mohamed Abdel Mageed The ionospheric delay, which is affecting GPS measurements, is frequency dependant, that is the lower the frequency, the greater the delay. Generally, the ionospheric delay is of the order of 5 m, but it can reach over 15m under extreme solar activities, at midday and high altitudes. GPS dual frequency receivers can combine L1 and L2 carrier phase measurements to generate ionosphere-free linear combination to remove ionospheric delay, but has some disadvantages. For single frequency receivers, the empirical ionospheric models such as Klobuchar can correct up to 60% of the delay; or corrections from regional or global IGS networks such as CODE can be received in real time through communication links. This paper investigates the effect of using Klobuchar model, CODE correction model, or in case of not using any ionosphere model, on the accuracy of the resulted Cartesian coordinates of processing GPS medium baselines up to 40km, using static technique and single frequency data L1. The results supported by statistical analysis showed that the positional discrepancies between Klobuchar model and no-ionosphere has a mean value of 14.6mm and 5.4mm standard deviation; while the positional discrepancy between CODE model and no-ionosphere model has a mean value of 16.8mm with 6.0mm standard deviation. In addition, the positional discrepancy between Klobuchar and CODE models has a mean value of 6.6mm with 2.0mm standard deviation, which means that both Klobuchar and CODE models are giving almost the same results. These findings may be adopted for establishing first order geodetic networks up to 40km baseline lengths with less-expensive GPS single frequency receivers; as well as it is recommended to use the same ionosphere model in processing GPS data for monitoring of structure deformation to maintain mm accuracy.