Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2019.
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Accuracy assessment of the single CORS technology for establishing the large scale cadastral map[Full-Text ] Pham Cong Khai, Nguyen Quoc LongGlobal Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has been widely used in the field of surveying. When applying the GNSS technology, the positioning could be done by setting up a network of continuous operation reference stations (CORS). Real Time Kinematic (RTK) method based on CORS stations, therefore, has been developed.
SOIL MODEL EFFECTS ON THE RESPONSE OF OFFSHORE STRUCTURES UNDER IMPACT LOADS[Full-Text ] Ahmed H. Ahemer, Prof. Dr. Anis A. Mohamad AliThe offshore structures are now widely used in the field of the oil and gas activities that deal with drilling and exploration in the same time may be used for storage and transportation . Offshore structures are constructed in different forms according to their uses and their construction materials . In this paper a comparison in response under impact load from ship berthing is performed between offshore structures with embedded pile where the soil is treated as elastic and plastic model . AL-Basrah oil port (ABOP) is taken in consideration as a case study where two models are used , in the first model the pile is embedded in elastic soil with consideration of pile- soil interaction(PSI) while in the second model, the soil is treated as plastic material.
Development of Knowledge Based Smart Home[Full-Text ] Chukwunazo J. Ezeofor, Onengiye M. GeorgewillThis paper presents the development of Knowledge Based Smart Home. Smart home came to existence the very moment Internet of Things (IoT) Technology was invented. Internet of Things (IoT) has been experimentally proven to work satisfactorily by connecting simple appliances to it and were successfully controlled remotely through the internet.This invention has led to automation of homes, offices, industries, robotics, artificial intelligence etc. and today, more robust systems are being developed. Two basic ways of controlling and monitoring home remotely had been implemented from research.
Prospect and Challenges of Research in the Chemical Sciences in Nigeria: A Review[Full-Text ] Akpoghelie, Ogagaoghene Jacob; Esemedafe, Ufuoma Josephine; and Ogbuta, Anthony AnwuliChemistry is a broad science, embracing the concepts of creation of molecules, manipulation of atoms and dealing with the microscopic and macroscopic scales. It covers the interaction with plants, animals and human through agriculture, biology, medicine and with the physical world through electronics, new building materials and new sources of energy.
SWAP-Fredkin Based Synthesis in Reversible Logic[Full-Text ] Md Asif Nashiry, Jacqueline E. RiceIn recent years, reversible computing has established itself as a promising research area and emerging technology. This is motivated by a widely supported prediction that conventional computer hardware technologies will reach their limits in the near future. This paper proposes a transformation based synthesis approach for realizing conservative reversible functions using SWAP and Fredkin gates. The proposed SWAP and Fredkin gates approach is compared with NOT, CNOT and Toffoli gates approach. Experimental results show that synthesizing conservative reversible functions using SWAP and Fredkin gates is more efficient than comparable approaches using NOT, CNOT and Toffoli gates.
Achieving Fault Tolerance in Reversible Computing[Full-Text ] Md Asif Nashiry, Jacqueline E. RiceReversible circuits have drawn the attention of researchers for their many advantages over traditional irreversible circuits. However traditional circuit design techniques can not always be translated to reversible circuits, and so new technique e.g. fault tolerance must be developed. Since a reversible circuit maintains a one-to-one relationship between inputs and outputs, achieving fault tolerance in such a system is not an easy task. A fault tolerant system can correctly perform its specified operations even in the presence of faults. This paper investigate the existing work on the design of fault tolerant reversible circuits and presents an efficient approach for achieving fault tolerance in reversible circuit.
Vehicular Security System Using Three-way Authentication[Full-Text ] Iftakhar Hossain, Sabrina Tasnim, Arifur RahamanPersonal Vehicles have become more available now a day. Even it is a widely predicted notion that personal vehicles will be as available as smartphone within a few years like technologies. The personal vehicles usage has been increasing incrementally, so does the stealing of these vehicles. So, security of these vehicles has become a major concern regardless of vehicle type. Now when it comes to incorporating any security device with a vehicle, the major challenge becomes balancing between the reliability of that security device and their cost implication.
Performance analysis of fingerprinting method of navigation using beacon based offers offering tool[Full-Text ] Shreyanshi Shah, Viral ParekhIn this competitive creative world, shopping is an important part related to every human, consider anything say household appliance, clothing, electronic items etc. It can be either online shopping or shopping in stores, markets etc. There is always a dilemma in customer’s mind whether to buy such costly products or items and same time checking price through online selling company.
Medical Tourism in Pakistan: Current status, Opportunities and Challenges to its growth[Full-Text ] Minas, Asif Saeed & Chishty, Kashif AliTourism Development Corporation of Pakistan has identified Medical Tourism as a niche market in which Pakistan can achieve substantial market share. This paper examines the current position of tourism in Pakistan as well as its healthcare infrastructure and intellectual capital. Pakistan’s current healthcare position is benchmarked against other nations of the world. Existing Literature on Medical tourism, data from government sources and case study approach is adopted to determine Pakistan’s position in the Medical tourism market.
INFLUENCE OF PERSONALITY TRAITS AND DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS ON NUMBER OF RELAPSE AMONG TREATED ALCOHOLICS[Full-Text ] Okoli, Paul Chibuike, Ezeokana, Jude Obinna, Ezeme, Mark Sunday, Ozougwu, Augustine ObimnemeThis study investigated influence of personality traits and demographic factors on number of relapse among treated alcoholics. Fifty participants (32 males and 18 females) were selected for the study from ESUT Teaching hospital Parklane, Enugu. They were already diagnosed, treated and had numbers of relapse in alcohol that consented to the study. Their mean age was 22.74 and SD was 3.35.
ASSESSMENT OF SOIL EROSION BY USLE MODEL USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS OF HEMAVATHY BASIN[Full-Text ] K.Balakrishna, Dr. H.B.BalakrishnaManagement of watershed and soil conservationnecessitates assessment of soillerosion areas, for planning and implementation for conservation measures.The study is made using Remotesensing in the determination of soil loss andidentification of critical sub-watersheds of Hemavathyriverbasin. The catchment was delineated into26 sub watersheds depending as per topographical anddrainage pattern.
FINANCIAL ASPECTS IN THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY BY USING THE SPINNER JET SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Ir. Raden Achmad Harianto, MMThe objective of the research are to study in comparing of financial sector between Ring Spinning and Jet Spinner with assumption that the spinning factory is established to meet the standard completely, large size and construction are ideal, and the factory areal is feasible for the instalation of the mechinery with full running.
Age Issue of juvenile- Not a solution by amending the age of Juvenile in Juvenile Act[Full-Text ] Neha ParveenIn the contemporary era, we see that the crimes committed by the juveniles are continuously increasing despite of harshing the penal consequences on committing of the heinous crimes as mentioned in the existing Juvenile Act, 2015. Till what date we will make amendments in the acts in lowering down the age of delinquents in determining the age of committing the criminality? Is there any criteria? On the basis of concept of equality, we can say that all children are equal and regarding that equal treatment should be given. And to give preferred treatment to children, we follow the concept of intelligible differentia. That is we differentiate the children on the basis of some solid criterions like age factor because we have mindset the child of more age is more understandable.
RESULT PROCESSING SYSTEM FOR ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS[Full-Text ] Akaiso, L. E, Ekwonwune, E and Mkpandiok, M.AComputation and preservation of students’ results and information on students academic achievement in every semester is a fundamental issue for every educational institutions; as students upon successful completion of an academic calendar seeks to know their performance and the only manner to present this to students after evaluation is through the final semester results and, or transcripts. Results and transcripts processing are vital aspect of all formal education as they determine the students’ level of academic attainment professionall.
Text Mining Based on Social Media –A Survey[Full-Text ] SP.Anitha, Dr.V.RadhaSocial Media plays a vital role in the world. These technologies are effectively used to connect friends, family and pres-ently act as effective tool in business communication, vide photos, videos and messages. They basically use tools like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, etc. Social Media is a very useful tool to connect with people and it has some privacy and security. It also provides valuable data in areas of Education, Industries, Web mining, Textmining, Ag-riculture etc. Among these Text Mining plays a valuable role to Social Media. The Social Media also provides interesting data and also guide in identifying resourceful contexts. Analyzing social media is slightly complicated process. It also provides solution in areas of Machine Learning, Fuzzy and Support Vector Machine (SVM). This survey deals with papers on Text mining.
Antimicrobial role of Usnea longissima against pathogenic microorganisms[Full-Text ] Devashree,Anand Pandey, Anupam Dikshit and Sanjeeva NayakaAn attempt was made to study the antimicrobial activity of fruticose lichen Usnea longissima under invitro conditions. The antimicrobial activities of Methanol, Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate and Acetone extracts of Usnea longissima were assayed against nine pathogenic microorganisms using standard well diffusion method. The Methanolic extract was found most effective antibacterial as well as antifungal against most of organisms.
Influence Of Supporting Electrolyte On The Structural And Optical Properties Of Zinc Selenide Thin Films[Full-Text ] Ikhioya, Imosobomeh Lucky, Ijabor, B. O, P. N. OkanigbuanThin films of ZnSe have been synthesized by electrodeposition technique. XRD analysis showed that the ZnSe thin films, deposited, exhibit cubic structure with a preferred orientation along (111) plane. All deposited films exhibited absorption value between 0.006-0.356 a.u in both regions with wavelength of 300-900 nm. It is observed that the absorbance of the films is as high as 0. 35a.u in visible & infrared regions. The sample A deposited at 30s recorded the highest absorbance value of about 0. 35a.u with a wavelength of 440nm and the sample B deposited at 35s recorded the absorbance value of about 0.24 a.u with wavelength of 320 nm. Sample C deposited at 40s recorded the lowest absorbance value of 0.14 a.u with wavelength of 300nm.
IMPACT OF HUMAN RESOURSE PRACTICES ON TEACHERS PERFORMANCE IN UNIVERSITIES OF DISTRICT NAROWAL, PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Awais AhmadThe present research check the effect of human resources practices-compensation practices, R&Selection, P. Appraisal, T. Practics, on employees of universities of district Narowal. The relationship between employee performance and HR practices is significant & positive. The purpose of this study to find out the impact of HR practices on the performance of university teachers. Restricted random sampling was used as sampling technique.
Effect of Kidney Dialysis on Some Biochemical [Full-Text ] Abdulhussien M. K. Aljebory, Tamadhur J. M. Al-Salman, Halla Wahhab Razooqi Alasedi and Alyaa Yaseen Ali BeyiBackground: Renal failure is one among the slowly progressive diseases of kidney function characterized generally by low glomerular filtration (GRF). The replacement therapy of renal failure by hemodialysis involves the removal of excessive toxic fluids and toxic metabolic end products from the body. In this background, the present attempt was focused to evaluate and correlate the value of various biochemical markers in blood serum from the pre and post dialysis renal failure patients. Among many biochemical parameters in blood, serum creatinine and urea are emerging as a source of more sensitive markers for the detection of the renal failure.
Communication Network Structure and The Role of Actors in The Spreading of Information Technology in Seko District[Full-Text ] Wahyuni Husain, Muhammad Hajarul Aswad AThis study aimed to determine the structure of networks and the role of actors in the use of information technology in Seko. This explorative research tried to reveal the actor who had an essential role in the dissemination of information technology in Seko. The network structure was identified through network density (density), centrality, distance and diameter, betweenness centrality, and closeness centrality. Then, network analysis was a complete network analysis with actor level of analysis where several actors suspected of playing a role in the dissemination of information technology given particular attention.
Software Engineering Approach For Designing Retail Information Systems[Full-Text ] Youssef BassilSoftware Engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production including both scientific and technological knowledge, methods, design, implementation, testing, and documentation of software. Today, a successful software project is initially designed by individuals who follow well-defined engineering approaches to problem-solving. This paper discusses the design of an information system related to computer retail store using thorough and strict software engineering practices and principles.
Studies on tensile properties of cross-laid needle-punched non-woven polyester fabric[Full-Text ] Rounak Ghosh, Ankita Pramanick, Soumyabrata Bhakta and Sadhan Chandra Ray,Aparajita PatraThe tensile properties of cross-laid needle punched nonwoven polyester fabric have been studied in machine laid (MD), cross laid (CD) and bias (45â°) direction varying the gauge length, test speed and specimen width. Ten samples of desired dimension have been prepared for each varying parameter and also for measuring the fabric areal density, thickness and packing percentage before and after the tensile testing.
Trends and shifts in time series of climate data generated by GCM from 2006 to 2090[Full-Text ] M. L. SANE, S. SAMBOU, S. DIATTA, I. LEYE, D. M. NDIONE, S. SAUVAGE, SANCHEZ PERES M., S. KANELike many African countries, Senegal faces significant challenges in water resources management due to high variability of annual floods, and climate change effects. As attenuation measures, Diama and Manantali Hydrosystem has been built on the Senegal river basin, the first to stop sea water intrusion, the second as multipurpose one for irrigation, energy supply among others.
Mining Educational Data to Enhance Intelligent Tutoring Systems Using Students Performance: A case Study[Full-Text ] AE.Madurapperumage, JB. EkanayakeEffective course designing is a key challenge, which requires expert knowledge and a clear understanding of students’ behaviors. Intelligent tutoring systems can serve as a human tutor with excellent knowledge and less response time while understanding the knowledge level of the current cohort, which use to navigate them with most appropriate paths. In this study, we show how students’ data can use to improve course design by analyzing them in determining the comprehensive level of assignment questions.
Analysis of Laws on Plantations, Functional Apparatus, Public Collaboration, and the Role of Communities on Business Use Services in Biru Maju Village, Telawang District, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan Province[Full-Text ] Evan Bachtiar SiraitIn the economic cycle of a region, it shows the level of development of each region that has different growth patterns, both economically. It is very visible from one region to another, therefore development planning must first recognize the regional character and its potential as a whole based on its economy, its social character and the character of the physical itself. According to Adi Suminto. 2017. Page. 231. Book of Social Existence in Community Diseases Against the Human Rights Perspective.
SHEAR STRENGTH OF FERROCEMENT COMPOSITE BOX SECTION CONCRETE BEAMS[Full-Text ] Abeer M. Erfan, Taha A. El-SayedThis paper presents an experimental and analytical study of the shear strength of ferrocement composite box section concrete beams. Two groups of ferrocement box beams were used. The experimental program includes seven box section concrete beams were tested using two-point loading system.
A SURVEY: HEALTH CARE PREDICTION FOR VARIOUS DISEASE USING DATA MINING[Full-Text ] Sweta Jain, Syed Wajahat.Abbas RizviNowadays Data Mining is a standout amongst the most fascination regions of research that is turned out to be dynamically prominent in health care association. Mining assumes a vital part to uncover new patterns in healthcare association which thus accommodating for every one of the gatherings related with this field. It is another innovation for the PC world.
World of White Hat Hackers[Full-Text ] Sanchit NandaHacking often refers to the unauthorized intrusion into a network or computer; normally carried out by one or more “hackers.” However, a hacker can be anyone. They can be an individual like you or me. They can work solo or be employed by an organization that has the motive to disrupt something or cause havoc––unnecessarily. Often, they look to alter security systems to achieve their goal, which differs from the actual purpose of the system [1].
Evolving Communicative and Textual Competency over Genres[Full-Text ] Naseer Ahmed, Shumaila Ashraf, Hafsa Karamat Meo, Sharjeel Ashraf, Syeda Maryam NaqviThe aim of this study is to go a step further in this line of thinking and explore the relation between genre and translation competence, on the one hand, and the communicative and textual sub-competence, on the other (Kelly, 2005). Indeed, the value of the concept of text genre in the acquisition of translation competence has already been addressed in previous works (Montalt, 2003; Montalt, Ezpeleta and GarcÃa de Toro, 2005; Ezpeleta, 2005; or GarcÃa Izquierdo, 2005a).
Using Helmert's Second Method of Condensation To Calculate the Indirect Effect to Geoid Undulation Over Egypt Territory[Full-Text ] Moamen A. Gad, Oleg R. Odalović, Khaled M. ZakiWhilst there are many factors posing hurdles in an accurate geoid model determination, only the effect of variable topographic mass density to the geoid undulation is of concern in this paper. Thus, the surface computed by Stokes formula from topographic-isostatics gravity anomalies is not the geoid itself but a slightly different, for every gravity reduction there corresponding a different co-geoid.
Special Family of Ruled Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space[Full-Text ] Soukaina Ouarab, Amina Ouazzani ChahdiThe purpose of the present paper is to construct a family of ruled surfaces with Frenet frame of an arbitray non-cylindrical and regular ruled surface in Euclidean 3-space. We study the most important characteristic properties of that special family of ruled surfaces such as the Guassian curvature, the mean curvature, the striction curve and give their associated characterizations. Moreover, we apply our study for special regular and non-cylindrical ruled surfaces whose striction curve is the unit circle, the general circular helix and the general non-circular helix, respectively.
Approaches toward the Total Synthesis of the Nine-Membered Thio-Lactone Core of Griseoviridin[Full-Text ] Ashutosh Pratap SinghThe synthetic potentialities of Jacobsen’s hydrolytic kinetic resolution are demonstrated by the synthesis of a nine membered ring heterocycle component of Griseoviridin (3) in optically active form. The key step involves the stereospecific formation of the vinyl sulfide moiety using a combination system of ligand di phenyl phosphino ferrocin (DPPF), and base triethyl amin in NMP.
A Review on Security of Big Data[Full-Text ] Nikita Saxena and Dr. Hari Om SharanWith the fastest growing use of Information & Technology along with Internet, the amount of data is also increasing very rapidly day by day. So, the problem of managing that large amount of data has also been a crucial issue in the recent years. Big data analytics are the means which helps in generating new ways for many businesses and government industries to analyse and understand unstructured data. Now days, Big data is one of the most talked topic in IT industry. Big data helps in changing the way that the companies use to manage the large amount of data.
Study on Spectrum Sensing Techniques under Low SNR[Full-Text ] Debbarni Sarkar, Sabyasachi ChatterjeeDetection of spectrum hole is one of the essential criteria of cognitive radio networks which enable cognitive radio users to coexist with licensed users without harmful interference. The radio frequency spectrum is not efficiently allocated among licensed users, which leads to scarcity and dependence of spectrum resource in the modern era. One of the ways to improve the efficiency and utilization of an available frequency spectrum is to share the same spectrum resource among the licensed and unlicensed users.
Development of Silicone Based Water-Resistant, Chemical Resistant Moisture Absorbent and Non - Ignitable Fabric[Full-Text ] Dilan Vethandamoorthy, Eranda Mandawala, Wasana BandaraThe focus of this study is on determining the optimum combination of components in coating material to obtain high water resistance and moisture absorbent properties. Silicone caulk and Mineral spirit were used in thirteen different combinations to coat the fabric along with one sample with one mixture for control. This method was discarded as water penetrated through the fabric under high pressure. Silicone caulk with Acrylic Matt Topcoat was used in thirteen different combinations to coat the fabric along with one sample with one mixture for control.
CONTRIBUTION OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS & HEPATITIS C VIRUS TO LIVER COMPLICATIONS IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF KARACHI[Full-Text ] Asifa Nisar Bhutto & Lubna Naz, Zoha Khan, Amber Ayaz Memon, Sa-kina Shabbir, Gazala Yasmeen.Liver diseases are a serious burden and cause high cost in terms of human suffering as well as premature loss of productivi-ty. Viral hepatitis is the eighth highest cause of mortality globally. Pakistan ranks 2nd in the countries having highest hepa-titis C prevalence in the world. Each year, about 400 people die due to Hepatitis B or Hepatitis. Hepatitis, viral or non-viral, may lead to very serious complications if not treated at early stages. These complications include liver cirrhosis, hepatocel-lular carcinoma, edema, ascites portal hypertension, anemia, hematemesis, melena and neurological complications.
Organizational Structure and Financial Performance of Quoted Conglomerates in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Faiza Maitala, Adekunle Elumaro
The purpose of the study is to consider if any the effect of organizational structure on the financial performance of quoted conglomerates in Nigeria covering 2013 and 2017 accounting period. The study used board size, company size and the number of board meetings as proxies for an organizational structure as explanatory variables while Return on Equity and Assets are used as a proxy for financial performance. The study gathered secondary data from publicly available annual reports and the Nigerian Stock Exchange publication.
AC-DC TCC with Built-in Tee Connector for Accurate Calibrations[Full-Text ] Rasha S. M. Ali Accuracy of thermal current converters (TCCs) calibration to determine their ac-dc differences is important for ac currents measurement traceability. They can be calibrated either by connecting the unknown TCC in series with the standard TCC or connecting them in parallel by using tee connector. In this paper, TCCs are established for this study. One TCC is developed for 5 mA range which consists of only single-junction thermal element (SJTE) with rating 5 mA, 90 ï—. The other TCC is for range 2.5 A constructed from a SJTE connected in parallel with a shunt metal film resistor to withstand its rating current. They are calibrated against standard TCCs by connecting them in series, and in parallel.
Architectural Space Modulates the Response of Rice to Abiotic Stress during Germination[Full-Text ] Taha El-Katony, Fatma Ward, Islam MohammedThe effect of space architecture on the performance of living organisms is poorly investigated. This work investigates the effect of a con-tainer shape on seed germination of rice. Seeds of rice (Oryza sativa cv. Sakha 101) were germinated under water potential (ψw) of 0, -0.205, -0.41, and -0.615 MPa, using either NaCl or PEG 6000 in wooden boxes of the same volume but with different base shape, viz. square, rec-tangle, pentagon, and hexagon.
RPA Tools and Mathematical Model for RPA Vendor Evaluation[Full-Text ] Arvind KumarRobotic process Automation or RPA is the latest technological advancement of our Era. With this skill, an expert can create programs and software that can do a lot of things on their own. All this and much more without any sort of human interaction in the picture. But what actually makes an RPA expert do such powerful work are the set of tools. As in order to implement RPA, the thing we need first is the tools for RPA. These tools are developed to make the work easier for the robotics process automation professional. There are several tools availale in market to use but key is selection of right tool and RPA vendor.
HOW COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF YOUNG LEARNERS COULD BE IMPROVED THROUGH ENGLISH FIELD TRIPS? A CASE STUDY IN HO CHI MINH, VIETNAM[Full-Text ] Cuong Huy Nguyen, Thi Phuong Thao HuynhField trip is an effort to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes through learning experiences to achieve effective performance. The aim of this paper is to explore the advantages of English Field Trips in improving communication skills to children in primary schools and later provide the recommendations on well preparation before and after the trip. Our work is intended to emphasize the range of extracurricular educational offers and pinpoint the methods of teaching English as a second language within a borderline educational activity: field trips. Primary data is generated through questionnaires with children and semi structured interviews with teachers.