Volume 12, Issue 2, February 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 2, February 2021
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Synthesis of Unequally Spaced Antenna Array by Using Inheritance Learning Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] V.N.S. Sheshma KumariIn this paper, synthesis of unequally spaced linear antenna arrays based on an inheritance learning particle swarm optimization (ILPSO) is presented. In order to improve the optimization efficiency of the PSO algorithm, we propose an inheritance learning strategy that can be applied to different topology of different PSO algorithms.
Exploring Students’ Cognitive Loads that Inhibits Total Participation in Mathematics[Full-Text ] Daniel R. Garbo, MAED., Merilyn P. Juacalla, EdD.Total participation is an essential factor that promotes class mastery and empower students’ motivation. It can be obtained by exploring the cognitive loads of the students when teachers develop activities for the class. Teachers in Mathematics find it quite difficult to obtain total participation from the students. This descriptive study determined the cognitive loads of the students that affects their active participation in Mathematics class.
Hierarchical Multi label Classification of Set-Valued Data[Full-Text ] Jijiya R P, Aswathy V ShajiNowadays we are dealing with large amount of data consisting of set valued attribute with class labels arranged in hierarchical order and more than one class label for each single instance. Classification of this kind of data is a challenging task. We address this problem using classification algorithm (decision tree) and hierarchical multi label classification using Ant Colony Optimization. Our proposed system is a major extension of an ant colony optimization algorithm for generating rules. The paper also evaluates the performance by comparing with one of the existing classification algorithms (decision tree) in the area
Micro-recycling as a method to protect the environment[Full-Text ] Kashinath Padhiary, Swagat PadhiaryThe environment on earth surface is deteriorating very fast. Mostly human activities are responsible for it. To save the environment we should lead an environment friendly life. The things we uae in our daily life are mostly derived from plants or minerals. Plants can be grown again, but minerals cannot be recreated. So, mineral items should be efficiently recycled. More efficient is the recycling, less is the need for mining. Less is the mining, better is the environmental protection. Recycling of bigger things is there in one form or the other in all countries. But small and very small metal things are often thrown away. We, in this article, are describing a method of recycling these small metal things. We have termed it as micro-recycling.
GREEN BIM –It’s Various Aspects and Future Potential for Construction of Green Building Projects[Full-Text ] Ar. Swati Srivastava, Ar. Nikhat Parvez Green BIM can be defined as a relationship between Green Attributes, Project phases and BIM Attributes. This relationship triangle is known as Green BIM. Green Attributes are related to the green aspects of green building project, Project phases are the design aspects of a building project and BIM attribute is application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in supporting design aspects and green aspects of a green building project. This research focuses on understanding the various aspects of Green BIM, its integration at various design stages, its integration in calculating the green aspects as well as credit score for green building certification systems, its advantages and limitations and the potential of Green BIM for construction of future green building projects.
The language of cancer as prime number cell sequences[Full-Text ] Rodolfo AlvarezThe purpose of this article is proposing a new concept for the investigation of cancer cells within a group of cells. Basically, the idea is cancer works with a language based on prime numbers. To make the conception of this idea possible, a puzzling sentence is presented and from then on, some theoretical derivations are carried out, based on what has been mentioned.
Impact on Customer Satisfaction due to Marketing in Pharmaceutical Industry[Full-Text ] Ms. Chaitali Sanjay KambleThe proposed study is intended to investigate into the Indian pharmaceutical customers (sales people and doctors) interest, perception and satisfaction with respect to various marketing activities adaptation in the Indian Pharmaceutical Market. This study will try to find out potential share of marketing activities conducted by pharmaceutical companies in market. Marketing Strategies to enhance customer relationship, plays a crucial role to improve company sales and brand building. New strategies and it’s effectivity also to be find out with the help of study.
A Review of the Recent Approaches to Gear Photovoltaic Systems Towards the Most Optimum Operation[Full-Text ] Heba M. Abd-ElHalim, Basem E. Elnaghi, Ramadan M. Mostafa and Ali H. Kasem AlaboudyIn this paper, a review of renewable energy researches over the last ten years about all types of renewable energies is presented. As for the exceptional merits of solar energy, the paper focuses on how energy pursuers can maximize their benefits from it. It also provides thorough discussion on multiple researches and talks that handle different types of AC and DC circuits, schemes and control algorithms used in the renewable energy domain.
Political Factors that Influence the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Mawlamyine, Mon State, Myanmar[Full-Text ] Dr. Elizabeth Furio Perez Myat Khaung LinnThis study utilized the descriptive method of research with the small and medium enterprises in Mawlamyine, Mon State, Myanmar. The instruments used were validated questionnaires. The data collected were processed, analyzed and interpreted as to the stated problems of the study. The statistical treatment used were percentage, mean and standard deviation and reliability test.
AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences (AJMAS) is a peer-viewed[Full-Text ] Background and objectives: AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences (AJMAS) is a peer-viewed online academic research journal published two time per year by University of Tripoli Alahlia, Libya. AJMAS encourages new ideas and works in fields of Medical, biological, and health sciences and it publishes high quality original papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, case reports, conference reports/papers, technology reports, book reviews, commentaries, events and news. Materials and Methods: AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences (AJMAS) is a peer-viewed online academic research journal published two time per year by University of Tripoli Alahlia, Libya. Results: AJMAS encourages new ideas and works in fields of Medical, biological, and health sciences and it publishes high quality original papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, case reports, conference reports/papers, technology reports, book reviews, commentaries, events and news.
A STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GREEN BANKING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Dr. Rupali Satsangi & Pavneet KaurNature had bestowed its blessings on humans by providing them with beautiful bio-diversity, natural resources, vast agricultural land. With time, there came a drastic change in climatic conditions. The cause for such change is Global Warming. The rapid change in climatic conditions has a direct impact on biodiversity, human health, and water resources. This sudden change in climatic patterns has aroused the alarming condition for society, that demands business, entrepreneurs, industrialists, banks to take a positive step in protecting the planet.“Sustainable development and preservation of the environment are now recognized globally as overriding imperatives to protect our planet from the ravages inflicted on it by mankind.
An efficient Nuclear battery design using Americium-241 and Carbon-14[Full-Text ] Sasiram AnupojuNuclear batteries are the batteries which work with nuclear fuel. They generally lasts longer because the half life of a radio active metal is more. So, they continuously emit radiation and this radiation is converted into electrical energy. The conversion of radiated energy to electrical energy is done using p-type and n-type semiconductors.
IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON FARMERS HEALTH: A SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE HYDERABAD KARNATAKA REGION[Full-Text ] Subhaschandra J. Malled and Dr. Sindhe Jaganath RClimate anomalies are evidence of the health of farmers in Hyderabad Karnataka - a widespread outbreak of bacterial-borne diseases such as malaria, asthma and dengue. Farmers' studies are informed by random research. The effects of climate on the health of farmers are not evenly distributed across the state and in areas such as the Hyderabad Karnataka region.
Evaluation of Curie Point Depth and Heat Flow over Part of Bida Basin, North Central Nigeria using Aeromagnetic Data[Full-Text ] Sulaiman Garba Yana, Juzhi Deng, Hui Chen, Yanguo WangAn estimation of Curie-point depth, geothermal gradient, and heat flow has been executed from the spectral analysis of the recently obtained high resolution aeromagnetic (HRAM) data of the Bida Basin in north-central Nigeria. The high reso-lution aeromagnetic (HRAM) data was divided into sixteen overlapping blocks and each block was analyzed using the spectral analysis technique to acquired depth to the top, centroid, and bottom of the magnetic source.
THE EFFECT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON DOMESTIC INVESTMENT: SECTORAL ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Alehegn MogesThis paper measures the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on domestic investment (DI) of Ethiopia based on the time series data over the period 1995 to 2016. More specifically, the study examines how FDI affects DI both at the aggregate and sectoral levels and the effect of policy measures such as amendment of investment proclamation to promote domestic and foreign investments.
Assessment of Organic Matter and Mercury around Mants’ebo Dumpsite, Maseru, Lesotho[Full-Text ] Tsietsi LeteaneThe focus of this study was to assess the contribution of Mants’ebo dumpsite in soil contamination. Deteriorating soil quality is a grave consequence of open waste dumping which can be a public concern.
PROSPECT OF RAINWATER HARVESTING IN RMG AND TEXTILE INDUSTRY: LESSONS LEARNED FROM 4 FACTORIES IN BANGLADESH[Full-Text ] Md. Zahid Hossain, Imrul Kayes Muniruzzaman, Hasin JahanThe export-oriented readymade garments (RMG) and its back-linkage textile industries in Bangladesh are playing a pivotal role in facilitating the country’s export earnings, contributing more than 83.4% of total export. The high volumes of water used in RMG and textile sector have become environmental concern because of their dependency on groundwater. To address the water crises, under the 7th Five Year Plan, the government of Bangladesh aims at reducing groundwater dependency through taking some initiatives including the option for rainwater harvesting.
Features and Improvement of Domestic and Foreign Application of International Accounting Standards[Full-Text ] Abdullayeva Zahra AzarThe main task of accounting is to generate information for internal and external individuals and organizations. Businesses that quickly analyze, use or turn this information into an opportunity are successful. Globalization in financial markets, the emergence of multinational companies and economic unions formed by various countries have revealed the necessity of international standards in accounting. To meet this need, International Accounting Standards Board develops and publishes International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Seasonal Variation of Heavy Metals in the Surface Water of Gahirmatha Estuary, Kendrapara, Odisha[Full-Text ] Bhabani Shankar Panda, Sumitra Nayak, Sharada Shrinivas Pati, Niranjan Mallick, Sangeeta Mishra, Suravi Susmita Ma-halaThe coastal stretch of Kendrapada district of Odisha is also known as Gahirmatha; located at eastern region of Odisha, these regions are known for estuary of the rivers Dhamra, Baitarani and Brahmani. Gahirmatha Beach located in Bhitarkanika providing a large base for millions of Olive Ridley Turtles, which is known to be one of most important nesting beaches for turtles in the world. In recent years, heavy metals pollution of the aquatic environment has become a worldwide problem due to materialistic behaviours, intrinsic tenacity, toxicity and non-biodegradable in nature.
An Intelligent Tutoring System for Learning Python[Full-Text ] Omankwu, Obinnaya Chinecherem; Osodeke Efe Charles; Onwuzo, Chioma Julia; And Okoro, Ugochukwu BethelPython is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms It is the most widely used languages in Desktop developing, Web Development and Mobile Development, so there are many lessons that explain its basics, so it should be an intelligent tutoring system that offers lessons and exercises for this language.
A Study on hypervisor virtualization in cloud computing[Full-Text ] Ramakrishna Subbareddy, Dr. B. Firdaus BegamVirtualization is the key factor in todays’ world of cloud computer technology. Virtualization is used to create abundant ardent resources from a single physical server/entity. Hypervisor is a software tool that isolates the physical infrastructure to create and sperate the resources to work in a cloud environment. Different types of operating systems can be hosted and managed by a single physical server. Virtualization by using hypervisor is significant to progress on system security, deliver greater flexibility and reliability.
Somalia Can Adopt Federal System[Full-Text ] Hassan Mohamed YusufFirst of all, we know that our country,Somalia, Has been under a dictaroship for some time and that Somalis have adopted to such a regime.
An intelligent tutoring system for teaching the 5 Human Senses[Full-Text ] Ugwuja, Nnenna Esther; Omankwu, Obinnaya Chinecherem; Ubah, ValentineRecently, due to the rapid progress of computer technology, researchers develop an effective computer program to enhance the achievement of the student in learning process, which is Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). Science is important because it influences most aspects of everyday life, including food, energy, medicine, leisure activities and more. So learning science subject at school is very useful, but the students face some problem in learning it.
BASELINE OF BEACHED MARINE DEBRIS IN THREE SITES, RED SEA – ERITREA[Full-Text ] Yihdego Tewelde, Yohannes Teklemariam, Kidane EstifanosMarine macro debris are increasingly deposited on beaches and are exposed to future micro plastics which are far more dangerous. The transboundary nature of the debris makes it a global case. This study is carried out on the Eritrean coasts of the southern Red Sea. Three sites selected according to their anthropogenic pressure difference and the result implies the difference of the sites. A total of 1500m2 beach is surveyed.
How Social Networks can conduct to rethink the destination Agadir as a creator of tourist value[Full-Text ] Abil Abdellah, Imane ErramliThe destination "Agadir" the first employer in the region, Sous Massa is in distress. We are witnessing with a great deal of bitterness a series of observations in the face of a shocking inertia of the authorities and public authorities: How to explain the gloom of the destination Agadir? How can the media and social media address this? What positioning for the destination Agadir on social media? How to develop and optimize the presence of the destination Agadir online? How does Agadir destination tame social networks? How do they use Facebook and other Twitter?
Interventions for persons affected by conflicts & insurgency: An assessment of psychosocial support in IDP camps in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Emenike J Umesi Ph.D. CEMArmed conflicts and insurrections are a precursor for mental health challenges in children, adolescents and young adults. A wide range of psychosocial approaches have been suggested for managing such challenges which result from these conflicts driven situations. This study investigated the extent to which psychosocial intervention programmes are implemented for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the camps in Maiduguri, Borno state, Nigeria and how these programmes are able to meet the needs of the affected persons.
Characterization of Basalt FRP Compared to Glass FRP Bars[Full-Text ] Hesham Sokairge, Fareed Elgabbas, Hany ElshafieThe great evolution in composite materials have arisen the need for developing new types of fibers that can offers better distinguished properties with reasonable cost. Basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) is a new generation of FRP composites that have been announced in the last decade. This study presents an experimental investigation of the physical and mechanical properties of BFRP bars compared to glass FRP (GFRP) bars.
Effect of Cutting Factors on Surface Roughness and MRR during End Milling of Aluminum Alloy Al6063-T6[Full-Text ] Makkena Veeranjaneyulu, Dr. Anay Jain, Dr. B Raghu KumarIn this investigation an experimental setup for effects of cutting factors on surface roughness and MRR during end milling of aluminum alloy Al6063-T6 was carried out. Spindle speed (N), feed rate (f), radial depth of cut (rdoc) and axial depth of cut (adoc) has been selected as input parameters to investigate the quality of surface roughness and MRR.
Analysis of Economic and Pragmatic Viability of Shallow Foundations on Reclaimed Lands of Urban Areas in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mohammad Ali, Mahfuza Khanum, Sadman A. SakibThe population of Bangladesh is rapidly augmenting due to multitude of reasons. One of the upshots of increasing population is expansion of constructions on polder lands, specially near the urban areas. Though on such areas classical pile foundation is the most conventional and illustrious method, yet it is uneconomical and quality control is also difficult. Hence, Mirpur Defense Officers’ Housing Scheme (Mirpur DOHS) which has weak soil of soft to medium consistency was selected as a potential study area for bearing capacity analysis of shallow foundations.
INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION EDUCATION USING AN IMPROVED MODEL OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] Khakimov Gulom KuvondikovichThe article focuses on the problems of improving the quality management of teaching in the higher education system. One of the main such problems is the lack of a systematic approach to quality management in higher education, in particular, insufficient use of effective support in the organization of this process.
CREATING EFFECTIVE MARKETING STRATEGIES AND MAKING THEM EFFECTIVE[Full-Text ] Rashidov Farrukh IsmoilovichThe article presents a methodology for creating effective marketing strategies and evaluating their effectiveness. By author have been investigated the 7P’s marketing mix, a new model for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies in joint-stock companies, key performance indicators and personal motivation.
DIRECTIONS FOR THE FORMATION AND ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NETWORK MARKETING MODEL IN THE FIELD OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP[Full-Text ] Kasimova Fatima TulkunovnaIn this paper investigated directions for the formation and assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the network marketing model in the field of entrepreneurship. By author was analyzed the current trends in the development of entrepreneurship and establishes its relationship with increasing the competitiveness of the national economy, reveals the economic prerequisites and factors affecting the effectiveness of the organization of marketing activities of entrepreneurship, substantiates methodological approaches to the organization of marketing research in small businesses.
INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN IMPROVING THE ORGANIZATION OF CONSTRUCTION OF MAIN GAS TRANSPORTATION NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Nurfayziev Zainiddin Boimurodovich, Makhamov Bozor Salomovich, Rakhimova Gulsara RazhapovnaThe results of the study of the technology of construction of buildings and structures from the position of establishing the level of interaction of technologically interrelated works are presented. It is shown that in order to increase the efficiency of the process of interconnection of works in space and in time during the construction of an object, it is necessary to establish a quantitative correspondence between interrelated works.
METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO EVALUATION OF ECONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] Pakhlovon RakhmonazarovIn the research were investigated methodological approaches to evaluation of economic and ecological systems. By author was used dialectical approach to scientific knowledge, logical thinking, scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, complex approach, comparative analysis, grouping and econometric methods.
PERCEPTION TOWARDS INVESTMENT OPTION IN DIFFERENT BANKING SECTOR SCHEMES[Full-Text ] PIYUSH TANAWADE PRIYANKA NAIK ANGAD DAGAONKAR Investment represents savings in the most productive way. Apart from keeping the principal amount intact, it provides compensation to the investor for use of his money. It is quite natural that higher returns attract more investors but at the same time one needs to consider other factors like risk and buffer for unforeseen circumstances. The past few years have also witnessed the collapse of some private sector banks due to frauds which has tarnished the reputation of private banking to some extent.
Consumer Perception On Eco-Friendly Pens[Full-Text ] Hirdesh Meena, Siddhi Kamerkar, Supinder Singh GillEco-friendly means earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment. The term most commnly refers to ?r?du?ts that contribute to green living or ?r??ti?es that help conserve resources like water and energy. The B2?, the bottle 2 ?en B?ll ??int, ?il?t has launched the world’s first pen made from recycled bottles! In recent years, ?l?sti? water bottles have been under ?l?se scrutiny for their environmentally unfriendly ?h?r??teristi?s. ?lm?st every hour, ?l?se to 2.5 million ?l?sti? bottles enter landfills and ??m?rise ?l?se to 50 ?er?ent of all re?y?l?ble waste.
Performance of CI engine blended with Plastic oil[Full-Text ] N. Srujana, G. Bhanodaya ReddyIn recent years pollution has been significantly associated with air but at the same time due to unmonitored dumping of solid waste contributed to both land and air pollution, in some cases water pollution as well. The major component of these solid wastes is plastic. The intent of this paper is to evaluate the plastic oil extraction and the influence of plastic oils on the emission characteristics of a four-stroke experimental diesel engine.
The Impact of Collaborative Educational Approach on Some Undergraduate Students of Statistics and Linear Algebra at Federal College of Education, Katsina in Katsina State of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Tajudeen Alani WilliamsThe study was on the impact of collaborative educational approach on statistics and linear algebra learning involving undergraduate students of Federal college of Education Katsina, Katsina State of Nigeria. The objective is to investigate whether the performance in statistics and linear algebra of those students taught using collaborative educational approach is better than those taught using traditional method. Collaborative educational approach is a teaching and learning educational method which involves grouping students to solve a problem. Collaboration is becoming increasingly important to colleges, universities and business enterprises and its benefits are numerous.