Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021
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STATUS OF EXISTING E-BUSINESS AND COM-MUNITY NETWORKS: BASIS FOR PRODUCT IM-PLEMENTATION OF THE COLLEGE OF BUSI-NESS MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTANCY EN-TREPRENEURSHIP STUDENTS’ WEBSITE[Full-Text ] Rozalle H. Palacol, MBAThis research focused on the status of existing e-business and community networks which is the basis for the product implementation of the College of Business Management and Accountancy (CBMA) Entrepreneurship Students’ Website. The descriptive method of research was used in this study to gather the necessary data and information on the status of e-business and community networks for the basis of website creation for the entrepreneurship student’s business implementation. Input variables on the existing e-business in terms of social media marketing and social networking websites and on different community networks present in Sta. Cruz, Laguna.
PARENT INVOLVEMENT AND THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR OF FIRST YEAR ASSOCIATE IN OFFICE ADMIN-ISTRATION STUDENTS FOR A.Y. 2017- 2018[Full-Text ] Rozalle H. Palacol MBA, Marilyn P. Pielago, Ed.D.This research focused on the parent involvement and the academic achievement, attitudes and behavior of First Year Associate in Office Administration (AOA) students of AY 2017-2018.The descriptive method of research was used in this study to gather the necessary data and information on the Parent Involvement to the academic achievement, attitudes and behavior of First Year Associate in Office Administration students. The goal of the researchers is to know the level of parent involvement in terms of parenting, learning at home, school volunteer-ing, decision making, community involvement and communicating to the academic achievements of the AOA students.
Structural and Thermal Analysis of Cylinder Head Gasket[Full-Text ] Varunraj Varatharaj, Pavan B, Darshan K N, Vishnu K RA cylinder head gasket is a thin plate like component which sits between the cylinder head and the engine block. It is an integral component of the engine and is required to perform many functions at the same time during engine operation. Its purpose is to seal the combustion gases within the cylinder and to avoid coolant or engine oil leaking into the cylinder. The gasket must provide a seal such that no impurities such as air, dirt enters into the cylinder and also prevent coolants, water and engine oil from leaking out.
IMPORTANCE OF CIVIL ENGINEERS FOR SITE SUPERVISION ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS[Full-Text ] SYED ASADULLAH HUSSAINI [B.E.(Civil); M.E. (Structures)]Nowadays, the Construction of high-rise buildings and towers are ongoing throughout the world. To achieve the strength, stability and safety of structure with quality assurance in building construction; the services of Engineers are essentially required. Therefore, the owners and or clients should appoint to Engineers, Consultants and Contractors for design and built for the assigned projects to achieve their goal.
Modified WAS AND MSW Management[Full-Text ] Ish peswaniDisposal of biodegradable waste has become a stringent waste management and environmental issue.As a result, anaerobic digestion has become one of the best alternative technology to treat the municipal solid wastes and can be an important source of bio-energy. This study focuses on the evaluation of biogas and methane yields from the digestion and co-digestion of mixtures of WAS and MSW. These are compared with the results obtained from the digestion and co-digestion of mixtures containing WAS and MSW
How & Why to Make Your New Bridge Major Maintenance Free and Save at least 43% Project Cost[Full-Text ] Ish peswaniAre you surprised to read the title? You must be thinking what is “Major Maintenance Free”. ‘Maintenance’ means regular cleaning, repainting and so on, whereas ‘Major Maintenance’ involves rehabilitation to your bridge after it has severely deteriorated. Thus the aim of this tech-doc is to introduce you to a rehabilitation free bridge. With this clarified, let us dive in.
Transparent Solar Panels[Full-Text ] Ish peswaniImagine a world where we could generate electricity using the surface of our windows, smartphones, our car's sun roof or the glass roof of our office building. What sounds like a far-away dream, is on its way to become reality thanks to transparent solar panels.
A Review of Traditional Design of Experiment and Taguchi Robust Parameter Design[Full-Text ] Khoo Voon Ching, Heng Sze Phing, Puvanesvaran GunalanDifferent design of experiment (DOE) methods and Taguchi orthogonal arrays are reviewed in this paper. The former includes traditional DOE approaches, namely, (a) single-factor experiment, (b) several factors one at a time, (c) several factors all at the same time, and (d) full factorial design. The traditional ANOVA and the Taguchi signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are also discussed. In addition, this paper reviews traditional and Taguchi loss functions.
ANALYSIS OF SERVICE QUALITY IN POWER SECTOR - A CASE STUDY[Full-Text ] Basharat AliBackground: Service quality is one of the key problems of any service sector: NTDC, WAPDA, JENCO, IESCO, LESCO, PESCO, TESCO, FESCO, etc. But this study is based on an analysis of the quality of the IESCO service in the power sector. Consumers are exceptionally touchy to all parts of administration quality and connect significance to the speed and exactness of their requests, the unwavering quality of the power supply and the attributes of the stockpile voltage.
Smart Blind Stick[Full-Text ] Soumyajyoti KumarThe objective of this research paper is to come up with a solution using our knowledge to help the blind and visually impaired society people. The Smart Blind stick is based on Internet of Things (IOT) with Arduino board module. The proposed system detects obstacles in particular direction (left, right, front or down) with the help of ultrasonic sensor.[2]
The influence of competence, career development, organi-zational commitment and job satisfaction on employee per-formance at the Food Crops and Livestock Service Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province[Full-Text ] Endah Susilowati, Andi Basru Wawo, Bakhtiar Abbas, Mahmudin A. SabilaloThis study aims to determine and analyze the effect of competence, career development, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction on employee performance at the Food Crops and Livestock Service Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The sample in this study were some of the employees at the Department of Food Crops and Livestock Service Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province, amounting to 80 people. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis.
Design of a Mobile Water Sprayer for Car-Washing and Agricultural Businesses[Full-Text ] Charles Chikwendu Okpala, Dick Paul Uchechukwu, Ozommah Chidinma, and Ekweoba Ifeanyi Mechanical water sprayers remove loose paint, mold, grime, dust, mud, and dirt from surfaces and objects such as buildings, vehicles and surfaces under high pressure. This study is aimed at designing a mobile water sprayer to be fabricated with locally-sourced materials for watering of plants, and removal of dirt from cars and other dirty surfaces, in order to eliminate the drudgery associated with manual handling of tools and other repetitive tasks. Past literature of water sprayer were reviewed, after which a target water volume of 1600cm3 was selected.
SCRATCH OF POLYMERS - MODELING ABRASIVE WEAR[Full-Text ] Wending GuIn this paper, the influence of the indenter geometry on the scratch performance of single-phase polymer and the scratch and wear properties of the reinforced multi-phase polymer by filling the particles were studied. Finite element method is mainly applied in this paper for the analysis of simulation results. Indenters with three different types of geometry were designed for indentation and scratching test of neat epoxy matrix, and it was found that the stress - strain field and residual scratch depth of single - phase polymer surface were significantly affected by the indenter sharpness.
EFFECTIVE SCHOOL LEADERSHIP : A synthesis[Full-Text ] ALMA T. GURREASchool leadership alternatively education leadership may be defined as the procedure of mobilizing as well as managing talents as well as abilities and energies experience by students, teachers as well as parents with the aim and towards attaining similar education objectives.
Vegetable Preservation by Evaporation Cooling Process[Full-Text ] Asma-Ul-Husna, Md. Tanmoy Ferdus, Md. Yusuf RajaHorticultural produce are stored at lower temperature because of their highly perishable nature. There are many methods to cool the environment. Hence, preserving these types of foods in their fresh form demands that the chemical, bio-chemical and physiological changes are restricted to a minimum by close control of space temperature and humidity. The high cost involved in developing cold storage or controlled atmosphere storage is a pressing problem in several developing countries. Evaporative cooling is a well-known system to be an efficient and economical means for reducing the temperature and increasing the relative humidity in an enclosure and this effect has been extensively tried for increasing the shelf life of horticultural produce in some tropical and subtropical countries.
Mental Health in India: Forthcoming Pandemic[Full-Text ] Iram Ansari, A. K. Upadhyay, N. K. Singh, Sanower, and MaansiMental health conditions contribute to poor health outcomes, premature death, human rights violations, and global and national economic loss. History has taught us that when a disaster strikes, its causes not only destruction but leaves behind lingering effects as well, effects that are felt much later, when the disaster has passed. It could be chronic injuries; loss of person, habitat and source of income, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, domestic violence and it has been no different in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
DDoS attack and email bombing using botnets[Full-Text ] Mehul Gaur, Saurabh Chaudhary, Shivesh SinghDistributed Denial Service (DDoS) attacks are threats to the Internet that deplete network bandwidth or eliminate victim resources. Investigators have introduced a variety of defensive measures (such as prevention, retrieval, response, detection, and behavior) against DDoS attacks, but such attacks are growing year on year, and appropriate solutions to the problem have not yet been found. In the past, a variety of sign-based methods and unconventional methods of detecting DDoS attacks have been introduced, but only a few of them have focused on this type of disorder.
Characterization Of Butt-Welded Aluminum Alloy with Magnesium Alloy by Tig Welding[Full-Text ] Monil Kachhadiya The arc is produced between a pointed tungsten electrode and the workpiece in an inert environment of argon or helium during the TIG welding process. Multiple variety alloying approach is used to combine dissimilar metal alloys. Based on an investigation of the characteristics of the Aluminium alloy and Magnesium alloy, a Zinc-based filler wire is used in TIG welding of the Magnesium (AZ31B) - Aluminium (6061) joint to decrease the formation of intermetallics, which is the weakest part of the joint. By changing welding parameters such as Welding Current and Welding Speed while maintaining one of them constant at a time. Various tests, including as the Tensile Strength Test, Face Bend Test, Root Bend Test, Micro Examination, Macro Examination, and Vickers Hardness Test, were used to determine the best welding parameters. The impact of changing welding parameters on ultimate tensile strength, ultimate bending load, macrostructure, microstructure, and hardness is investigated. The formation of brittle intermetallic compound of Aluminium and Magnesium is reduced and a good quality weld is obtained with the aid of zinc filler wire.
Traffic Sign Classification Comparison Between Various Convolution Neural Network Models[Full-Text ] Jonah Sokipriala, Sunny OrikeFast detection and accurate classiï¬cation of trafï¬c signs is one of the major aspects of advance driver assistance system (ADAS) and intelligent transport systems (ITS), this paper presents a comparison between an 8-Layer convolutional neural network (CNN), and some state of the Arts model such as VGG16 and Resnet50, for trafï¬c sign classiï¬cation on The GTSRB. using a GPU to increase processing time, the design showed that with various augmentation applied to the CNN, our 8-layer Model was able to outperform the State of the Arts models with a higher test Accuracy, 50 times lesser training parameters, and faster training time our 8 -layer model was able to achieve 96% test accuracy.
On Summarization and Timeline Generation for Evolutionary Tweet Streams[Full-Text ] Gauri P. Gaurkhede,Prashant G. AhireShort-text messages such as tweets are being created and shared at an unprecedented rate. Tweets, in their raw form, while being informative, can also be overwhelming. For both end-users and data analysts, it is a nightmare to plow through millions of tweets which contain enormous amount of noise and redundancy. In this paper, we propose a novel continuous summarization framework called Sumblr to alleviate the problem. In contrast to the traditional document summarization methods which focus on static and small-scale data set, Sumblr is designed to deal with dynamic, fast arriving, and large-scale tweet streams. Our proposed framework consists of three major components.
Modeling of separation processes and chemical removal of paraffin[Full-Text ] Stefan Petrache, Cristina Jugastreanu, Timur ChisDuring the exploitation of a hydrocarbon deposit and during the transport through pipes, from the fluids that move from the layer, in the well and in the surface installations (processing and transport) a large amount of particles in solid form. They are deposited at different points of this route. Paraffin or petroleum wax is the best known solid phase that separates and has the formula CnH2n+2 (starting from C16H34 to C64H130).The article presents a numerical model regarding the formation of paraffin and especially a way to eliminate it by using a polymer added to crude oil.
Ammonium dinitramide-based Energetic Ionic Liquid Propellant as a replacement to Hydrazine[Full-Text ] Narayani AroraThe monopropellant Hydrazine is frequently used today in industries like aviation and the military, however, it has a reputation for being highly toxic for humans and arduous for transportation. Hence, this study will explore and discuss a new alternative of a ‘green’ propellant; Ammonium dinitramide (ADN) based Energetic Ionic Liquid Propellant (EILP). This paper will explore the current uses of ADN , through studying its chemical and physical composition of the mixture and how it can help organizations optimise performances in their aerospace models.
The Role of HIV-1 Vif in SAPOBEC3G, A3G, Cellular core-binding factor β, G2 Cell Cycle arrest, causes Disruption immune system and in Progression of HIV-1infection, as potential target for vaccine development (Part Six-2) [Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueAccessory proteins, thought initially to be dispensable for infection, have now been shown to be important for efficient infection in vivo. HIV-1 Vif interacts with the cellular core-binding factor β (CBFβ) and counteracts the protective roles of certain human APOBEC3 (A3) proteins by targeting them for proteasomal degradation.
Pre-Extension Demonstration of Newly Released Maize Variety in Selected Potential Maize Produced Area of Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Samson Moges, Derese Teshome, Beyene Abebe, Gemechu AsefaThis activity was conducted from 2015- 2019 mainly in selected district of Oromia, Amara, Tigray and SNNP region. With objectives of helping farmers to use improve yield of maize through promotion and awareness creation and to assess feedback and reflection from maize value chain actors. Farmers, developmental agents, agricultural expert and agricultural official and Researcher were participated on field days. Field day participants, Feedback and reflection data were collected by using data collecting sheet and means of checklist respectively.
Smart Digital Census[Full-Text ] Shivangi Singhee, Tuisha Agarwal, Ishan Gupta and Aditi SinghaiThis white paper introduces the concept of a smart digital census, a form of large-scale survey that provides reports in real time and improves in terms of efficiency and accuracy during its conduction, effectively leading to a cost effective, highly efficient, significantly more accurate, and citizen-friendly replacement of traditional census. Such a revolutionary form of census is presented based on experiences of actual survey done in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India (proof of concept), combined with a detailed deep dive into the history and purpose of census.
PRELIMINARY PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND ELEMENTAL ANALYYSIS OF EXTRACTS OF FICUS POLITA AND FICUS PLATYPHYLLA[Full-Text ] S.T.Magili and C.T.AgberThis study was conducted to determine the elemental composition and phytochemical composition of leaves and stem bark of Ficus polita and Ficus platyphylla. The result of the study showed that considerable amount of phytochemicals (saponins, glycosides, flavonoids, alkaloids and terpenoids) were found in both the leaves and stem bark of both plant parts extract.
LEARNING TILAWAH QUR'AN AND TAHFIDZ JUZ 30 BERSANAD EFFECTIVELY FOR THREE MONTHS[Full-Text ] Dwi Sanday, Luthfia Rifaah, Sutomo, Ujang Ridwan Maulana, Rudi HartonoThe purpose study is Mahad Aisyah bint Abu Bakr of the institutions that gave birth to the scholars memorizing the Qur'an has a superior program in the teaching of the Qur'an. Among them is the Quranic Camp program, which is a program to learn to read the Quran and memorize juz 30 intensively for 3 months at the Campus Mahad Aisyah binti Abu Bakar Li al-Dakwah in Sukajaya Village, Tamansari, Bogor, West Java.
Exploring the possibilities of Application of Amphibious Construction Technology in Coastal Districts of Odisha[Full-Text ] Kanchan Yadav, Rashmi Ranjan MohantyDuring cyclonic events, flooding has always been a problem in the coastal districts of Odisha. Because the coastal regions of Odisha, notably the Mahanadi delta region, is in the path of a more severe cyclonic storm originating in the Bay of Bengal, there is a concentration of run-off. The severity of cyclonic rain has necessitated an immediate need to improve flood resilience in flood-prone areas. In this article we have explored the possible role of amphibious architecture, design, and construction in response to the problem of Odisha's coastal districts to become flood resilient.
ANALYZING EFFECTIVENESS OF NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORT AS A TOOL FOR LAST MILE CONNECTIVITY[Full-Text ] Viquar ahmed khan, Amruta KakirdeThe objective of this paper is to examine the role of non-motorized transport (NMT) as a solution in improving the last mile connectivity (LMC) to mass transit systems in Shivajinagar Pune Maharashtra. The paper discusses the transport policies for Indian cities with respect to LMC, NMT and transit systems and their interface.
Improving Data Transmission security in a Wireless Network Using Digital Signature[Full-Text ] Aniekwe V. N., Ufoaroh S.U., and Alumona T.LThis thesis is aimed at improving the data transmission security in wireless network. The widespread proliferation of computer networks has resulted in the increase of attacks on information systems. These attacks are used for illegally gaining access to unauthorized information, misuse of information or to reduce the availability of the information to authorized users.
Black holes hypothetical language: conceptual, linguistic and algorithmic considerations[Full-Text ] Rodolfo AlvarezThe purpose of this article is shading light into the potential language of a black hole, an object of astronomical inquiry interesting researchers for quite a long time. We will focus on conceptual considerations around the very idea of black hole, to then explore the linguistic aspects of these special objects of inquiry.
The Application of Aerodynamic Optimization to Mitigate Wind Loads on High Rise Buildings and Produce Green Energy[Full-Text ] Victoria Q. SunWind resistance is an important factor that is considered in the design of a building, as it has potential to mitigate negative effects of wind such as deformation and resonance. In this research project, aerodynamic optimization of building modifications was applied to determine the best treatment that improves the wind resistance of a building while utilizing structure shape for wind energy generation. Building design modifications included in this study were: rectangular (control), middle split and top opening.
Analysis of The Application of Online Learning in SMA Negeri 1 Kendari[Full-Text ] Ahmadi, Rahmat Madjid, David C. Lisapaly This study aimed (1) to analyze the application of online learning held at SMA Negeri 1 Kendari; (2) to analyze the effectiveness of online learning held at SMA Negeri 1 Kendari; (3) to find out barriers to online learning held at SMA Negeri 1 Kendari, and (4) to find out how to overcome barriers to online learning held at SMA Negeri 1 Kendari. In order to answer these problems in depth, this study used a descrip-tive qualitative approach. The subjects used in this study were teachers, students and representatives of the school committee of SMA Negeri 1 Kendari. The methods of data collection were interviews, observation and documentation.
Design, Simulation & Optimization of a MEMS Based Piezoelectric Energy Harvester[Full-Text ] Indrajit Chandra Das, Md. Arafat Rahman, Sanjoy DamEnergy harvesting is defined as a process of acquiring energy surrounding a system and converting it into electrical energy for usage. Piezoelectric energy harvesting is a very important concept in energy harvesting in microelectronics. In this report, an analysis of the cantilever type piezoelectric energy harvester is conducted using the finite element method (FEM) based software COMSOL Multiphysics. A unimorph type cantilever beam of the silicon substrate, structural steel as proof mass and support, and PZT-5A material as piezoelectric constitute the physical system.
COMPARISON OF FACIAL RECOGNITION ALGORITHMS BASED ON FALSE ACCEPTANCE AND FALSE REJECTIONS[Full-Text ] Yisa, Fatai Idowu, Mahmood, Zainab Adebowale and Olaniyi, Ganiyu Akanji This research work on implements a Facial Recognition System using Python programming language and the Open Source Computer Vision (OPenCV) library to identify probe images supplied to the system. The system was implemented using three different algorithms namely; EigenFaces (Principal Component Analysis), FisherFaces and Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) Algorithms. The comparison is based on the rate of false acceptance (the case when a subject meant to rejected is accepted) and false rejection (the case when a subject meant to accepted is rejected). The face database implemented for the project is the AT&T (formerly Ollivetti Research Laboratory database) which consists of 40 subjects with 10 images per subject all in Portable Gray Map format (pgm) format.
Impact of COVID-19 on Cyber Space[Full-Text ] Sr .Jainy Jacob M The pandemic dependence on digital technologies and bolsters for scourge and cyber espionage. Public health measures, other equally interments, produced a surge in online activities. The ability of technical school corporations and also the web to handle the demand underscored the outstanding capabilities that Net provides. However, this crisis-induced dependence created an even more fertile field for cybercrime and cyber espionage, which, even before the pandemic, constituted serious threats.
Assessment of Radiation at Tin Mining Sites, In Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Agwor N.E, Dr. Binbol N.LMining has been identified as one of the potential sources of exposure to Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), as well as higher activity concentrations of primordial radionuclides in the topsoil of mining sites and their environs. This research focused on the assessment of radiation at tin mining sites in Jos North Local Government Area, Plateau State, Nigeria. Eleven sample sites were considered and measured using the hand held Geiger counter for radiation and temperature. GPS was also used to measure location and map out sample sites. GIS analysis, Wilcoxon signed rank test and spearman rank correlation coefficient were used to analyzed data obtained from field.
STUDY OF DEFECTS IN ALUMINIUM EXTRUSION PROCESS AND EVALUATION BY USING QUALITY TOOLS[Full-Text ] Shamanth B Prakash, H S Sujith Subramanyam, Yogesh H K, Veerabhadrappa, Aravindrao M Y,Mahesh G EmmiThe present work aims to classify and quantify the defects during the extrusion process by the data previously collected in an industry. Various quality tools have been used to identify the causes, correct possible deviations and find improvements by brainstorming, Pareto diagram, Ishikawa diagram, Why- Why analysis and Preventive / Corrective action methods have been used. The principal purpose of using these tools is to provide operators and managers with appropriate indicators that control the production process and identify critical extrusion variables or others responsible for excess waste, defects, and productivity.
The Effect of Earning Per Share, Economic Value Add-ed and Residual Income on Stock Return of Metal and Mineral Mining Companies In Indonesia Stock Exchange[Full-Text ] Sukma Pramita Anan Sari, Nasrullah Dali , Ummy Kalsum This study aims to determine and analyze: (1) whether earning per share, economic value-added, and residual income affect stock returns of Metal and Mineral Mining Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. (2) whether earning per share affect stock returns of Metal and Mineral Mining Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. (3) whether Economic value-added affects stock returns in Metal and Mineral Mining Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. (4) whether Residual income affects stock returns of Metal and Mineral Mining Com-panies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Analysis of Solid Waste in India with emphasis on Waste Segregation, Waste to energy and Waste to Compost[Full-Text ] K. N. Narasimha, N. Lakshminarasimaiah, Aravindrao M Yadwad, Rajeshwari P, Mahesh G. Emmi In India, the increase in Solid Waste has largely attributed to the exponential population growth; the population being nearly 1.3 billion is rendering about 0.15 million metric tonnes of Solid Waste every day and this waste can potentially occupy 0.235 Cubic kilometers of space each day if left untreated. Further, India is one among the top ten countries with respect to Solid Waste Generation. Solid Waste is contaminating air, water and land resources all over India.