Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020
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Catastrophe of Climate Change and Urbanization in South Asia Region (SAR): Control Measures[Full-Text ] R.K. Srivastava, O.P. Mishra, Priya Singh, and R. K. MallIn the present research, a detailed analyses has been made on South Asia Region (SAR) comprising countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, accounting for one-sixth of world’s population and having diverse geophysical features making it one of the hotspots of almost all natural disasters, which has been facing the challenge of global and regional threat of climate change to its sustainable economic growth.
Conversion of Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite Automata to Regular Expression using Brzozowski Algebraic Method[Full-Text ] Daniel, Musa Alih and Akpa, JohnsonRegular expressions are widely used in the field of compiler design, text editor, search for an email- address, train track switches, pattern matching, context switching and in many other areas of computer science. Regular expressions are used to represent certain set of string in algebraic manner. The demand of converting regular expression into finite automata and vice versa motivates research into some alternative so that time taken for above is minimized. For conversion of deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata to regular expression, Brzozowski Algebraic method, also known as Arden’s Theorem is used in this paper because of its simplicity and straight forwardness.
DETECTION OF MALICIOUS URLs IN BIG DATA USING RIPPER ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] Sonika Thakur, Er. Meenakshi‘Big Data’ is the term that describes a large amount of datasets. Datasets like web logs, call records, medical records, military surveillance, photography archives, etc. are often so large and complex, and as the data is stored in Big Data in the form of both structured and unstructured therefore, big data cannot be processed using database queries like SQL queries. In big data, malicious URLs have become a station for internet criminal activities such as drive- by-download, information warfare, spamming and phishing. Malicious URLs detection techniques can be classified into Non-Machine Learning (e.g. blacklisting) and Machine learning approach (e.g. data mining techniques). Data mining helps in the analysis of large and complex datasets in order to detect common patterns or learn new things.
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antifungal Potential of Some New Derivatives of benzylidene and azetidinones[Full-Text ] Dr.Jagmohan Singh NegiSchiff bases and azetidinones form an important structural class possessing wide spectrum of biological activities that include antibacterial and antifungal activity. A large number of fungicides are formulated as wettable powders; this is the form most commonly used for spray mixes.Nodern wettable powerders are easily wetted and disperse well in water . They simply inhibit fungus growth temporarily.If the fungus is freed from such substance, it would revive. Such a chemical is called a ‘’fungistat” and the phenomenon of temporarily inhibiting the growth is ‘’fungistasis” .
Improving the tribological efficacy of viscosupplementation in the knee joint by the synergetic behavior of albumin[Full-Text ] D.Prekasan, K.K.Saju, Shybu VargheseThe effectiveness of viscosupplementation in the knee joint is not consistent and this cannot stop the wear rate of cartilage. The study carried out by the author revealed the effectiveness of viscosupplementation. This work is focused on the improvement of the efficacy of tribological behavior in viscosupplementation and reduces the wear rate of cartilage by adding albumin in hyaluronic acid (HA). The methodology is unique by using a bovine plug as the pin and the synovial fluid is prepared by ultrasonically mixed with HA and Albumin.
COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF EFFECT OF SUBLETHAL DOSE OF OXYTETRACYCLINE AND GARLIC ON GROWTH INDICES OF INDIAN CATFISH, CLARIAS BATRACHUS (LINNAEUS)[Full-Text ] D. N. Pandit and K. PriyaAn initial study was made to assess the effects of sublethal dose of oxytetracycline and garlic on certain growth indices of Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus) (55.0±5.0g and 20.0±1.5cm). The acute toxicity tests have also been carried out and data were analyzed using regression analysis to determine 24hr-96hr LC50 values. The mean values for 96hr-LC50 dose of oxytetracycline and garlic were calculated 648.819 mg l-1 and 6662.25mg kg-1 respectively. The results indicated that oxytetracycline is moderately/slightly toxic but garlic seems least toxic/practically non-toxic for this fish. Clarias batrachus had been fed twice daily with commercial feed at 5% body weight for 60 days. Fish were assigned to seven treatments with three replicates each.
The Samaritan: Surveillance AI[Full-Text ] Jayesh GadewarThe latest advances in hardware technology and state of the art of computer vision and artificial intelligence research can be employed to develop an autonomous threat detection system that accurately assesses the threat and provides relevant support.
THE RURAL POOR AND ESCAPE FROM POVERTY: THE CASE OF IN-CARE OF THE PEOPLE PROGRAMME (COPE) IN ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Onugu, Charles Uchenna , Okeke, Chinyere Charity & Unoaku EkwegbaluCOPE is a Federal Government of Nigeria programme, initiated and implemented by its pivot alleviation agency; National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP). COPE is its key product in breaking inter-generational transfer of poverty, among the household-poor, in rural Nigeria. This study focused on three Local Government Areas in Anambra State, purposely selected to reflect the three senatorial zones of the state.
A Survey on Methods used for Prediction of Road Accidents[Full-Text ] Prathamesh Bhosale, Raghu Krishna B, Ramakrishna, Rakshith M, Basavaraj JakkaliIn our country, more than one fifty thousand people die in traffic accidents. Twelve lakh people have died and over five crore people have been injured in accidents every year. Their injuries may first limit their abilities to work, take care of family and home, or even perform activities like walking or standing without pain. Missing work due to car accident injury may put the family’s financial stability at risk , adding significant stress and worry to already difficult time.
A SURVEY OF MALARIA TRANSMISSION, KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MALARIA DISEASE, SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT[Full-Text ] Fathi ElhagA questionnaire was distributed in Elobied, North Kordofan State, Sudan, to collect data on malaria transmission, malaria parasite, knowledge of malaria symptoms, malaria attack and malaria treatment. Analysis of the questionnaire indicated that malaria is an important health problem in Elobied, (88.2%) had malaria. The knowledge about malaria transmission, parasite, symptoms, and treatment is high. More investigation is needed in the area of malaria disease for possible resistance genes to some drugs.
STUDIES ON THE BIODEGRADATION OF SURFACTANT SODIUM DODECYL SULPHATE (SDS) BY MICROORGANISM IN BHOPAL, INDIA[Full-Text ] Rakesh Kumar Saket, Jagrati Tripathi, Ragini GothalwalSurfactants are the largest class of compounds present in raw domestic wastewater. They are used in household and industrial laundry and cleaning operations. SDS is an anionic surfactant widely used all over the world, and it is an important foaming component of shampoos, toothpaste and detergents. Surfactants cause foam at sewage treatment plants and pollute underground water. Due to their toxic nature, their presence endangers the aquatic flora and fauna. Large quantities of SDS are released to the environment and this can cause problems in sewage treatment facilities due to their foaming capabilities and toxicity.
Islamic Theology and the Threats of Universal Peace[Full-Text ] Civilization is an occasion contentious time period that has been used in several related approaches. Ordinarily, the term has been used to refer to the fabric and concerned aspect of man or woman cultures which are multifaceted in terms of generation, technological know-how, and department of exertions. Such civilization is normally hierarchical and urbanized. A civilization is a society or tradition group normally defined as a multifaceted society characterize via the practice of farming and settlement in towns and towns.
DETERMINANTS OF TAX COMPLIANCE AMONG SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES IN SRI LANKA[Full-Text ] Weerawickrama.V.L, K.K.TilakasiriTax compliance is imperative to any nation since it determine, slackens income tax administration and government tax revenue. This study is about the “Determinants of tax compliance among Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Colombo district”. The SMEs are considered as the backbone of the any economy and it provides a significant contribution to the government tax revenue. Hence the main purpose of this research is to analyse the impact of demographic factors, tax payers understanding of the tax laws, government accountability and perception on tax system on the SME tax compliance.
A Comprehensive Study of Japanese Business Culture[Full-Text ] Jikmee Wangchuk Kazi, Shounak Sengupta, Abhiraj AggarwalThis paper explores the depth of the concept of business culture, and its day-to-day effect in global business. It provides results into how important are the factors of business etiquettes to the same. The paper attempts to do an analytical study of Japan. It also studies the qualitative aspects as to how Japanese business culture is suited to its economy. Through the use of case studies, the authors hope to achieve the desired aim.
Characterization and Sizing of a Standalone Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System as an Instructional Resource for Power System Students[Full-Text ] Chu Donatus Iweh, Wirnkar Basil Nsanyuy, Emmanuel TanyiInstallation of small scale standalone solar photovoltaic plants are ideally suited for educational institutions, as they can be more useful in the training of students and supply of energy to a portion or the entire institution. The comprehensive study of electrical power systems is a key element of many curricula in engineering education.
A Review on the Influence of Reactive Powder Concrete Ingredients on the Mechanical Properties[Full-Text ] Ola A. Mayhoub, El-Sayed A.R. Nasr, Yehia Ali, Mohamed KohailReactive Powder Concrete is a type of ultra-high-performance concrete. Improvement of microstructure, elimination of coarse aggregate, particle packing, and toughness enhancement are the main principles of RPC development. To achieve these principles, RPC is characterized by the inclusion of high cement content and pozzolanic materials that make in the other hand its production highly cost and non-environmentally friendly.
Classification of Arabic Tweets for Damage Event Detection[Full-Text ] Yasmeen Ali Ameen, Khaled Bahnasy, Adel ElmahdyThis paper proposes a model to analyze Arabic tweets to harness valuable information for first responders during an emer-gency e.g. Flood disaster. Our proposed model is designed to detect floods and assess damage during disasters using Tweets to concentrate on rescue operations.
Design of Analysis Railroad Structure Loads on Passenger Trains using Hand Method[Full-Text ] Sunaryo, La Ode M Magribi, Minson Simatupang, Adris A Putra and M Thahir AzikinThe purpose of this study is to design a railroad type of passenger railroad to determine the transfer of forces up to the contact area and is influenced by overlapping forces and is useful for determining the improvement of subgrade conditions if they do not meet the requirements, using the philosophy of equilateral triangles and Pythagoras.
An alternative approach to COVID-19: the potential language of SARS-CoV-2[Full-Text ] Rodolfo AlvarezThe purpose of this article is to provide insights related to the potential language of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19. We expect this research contributes to the understanding of the virus from an alternative perspective, and that some of the insights discussed help finding new ways to fight COVID-19 and ultimately eradicate it.
Constraint Based Interior designing interface for scene generation using text[Full-Text ] Yashaswini S, Shylaja S SharathSpatial constraint consideration while retrieving and grounding the appropriate object is a complex task in text to scene generation. When the user describes the scene in the natural language, the system has to decipher the context of the user description and retrieve related 3D models. Natural language not always explicitly specifies all the constraints.
Antimalarial Potential of Flavonoid-rich Extract of Lannea acida and Chloroquine in Mice Infected with Plasmodium berghei[Full-Text ] Olusola A. O., Ogunsina O. I., Olusola A. O.The use of Lannea acida extracts for the management of infectious diseases has been accepted in traditional medicine due to the recent increase in the resistance of malaria parasites to synthetic drugs which has led to the search for alternative treatment approaches from plant sources. Flavonoid-rich extracts from L. acida was analyzed for antiplasmodial activity in mice.
A CONSOLIDATED REPORT ON SOLAR ENERGY, BIOMASS, BIO-DIESEL, BIO-ETHANOL[Full-Text ] Bhavya TripathiTo face the energy crisis produced by burning of excessive amount of fossil fuels. The scientists and environmentalists come to realise the importance of renewable sources of energy to eradicate the pollution by developing new technologies and discussing its pros and cons ,in addition to it developing sustainable ways to tackle the problem of global warming and green-house effect.
Optical Tomography in Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Engineering[Full-Text ] Umair Sajjad Hashmi, Raheel MuzzammelDiseases are a part of human life. Being a human, it is our entire responsibility to look after the patients. With this thinking, medical field is always evolving so that maximum useful contribution could be delivered to serve mankind. In the medical field, medical imaging plays an important role to study and to diagnose different diseases. Requirement of diagnosis plays a role of catalyst towards advancement in the techniques of medical imaging.
Complementary Majority Domination Number[Full-Text ] S. Anandha PrabhavathyA function f : V → {−1, +1} is called a Complementary Majority Dominating Function namely (CMDF) of G if ∑_(u∉N[v])▒〖f(u)≥1〗 for at least half of the vertices v ∈ V (G) with deg v ≠n − 1. The Complementary Majority Domination Number of G is denoted by γ_Cmaj (G) and is defined as γ_Cmaj (G) = min {w(f ) | f is a minimal CMDF of G}. In this paper, we initiate the study of complementary majority domination number in graphs.
A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study to asses the stress among nurses regarding workload of patients in Allied hospital Faisalabad[Full-Text ] Uroosa Nizam Deen, Asma ZarishObjective: stress is a phenomenon that effect on physical and mental health of nurses regarding to increase patient ratio. The purpose of this study is to identify stress, job dissatisfaction and depression among nurses.
A STUDY OF FLORAL ELEMENTS OF IGATPURI FOREST OF NASIK DISTRICT (M.S)[Full-Text ] Dilip AhireThe variation in climate & diversity in the topography of various regions of Nasik have allowed to penetrate the Eastern as well as Western species & endemic flora has been affected abruptly,Which can be seen from the present study. The phytogeographical elements are fundamental elements for understanding flora of any area.It is clear that floristic work is incomplete without any account of floral elements any area .
A study on investors’ awareness and preference towards mutual funds as an investment option[Full-Text ] Adithya sunil and Dr P BalasubramanianMutual Fund is an investment option for investors. There are many schemes in mutual funds which can be chosen according to the investment purpose of the investors. In many leading markets mutual funds are considered to be the most reliable investment option. But in the Indian market, Mutual funds are not preferred by the investors. The investors mainly look into other available investment options. This is mainly due to a lack of awareness about mutual funds. In this study, the preference level of investors towards mutual funds and the awareness level of investors regarding mutual funds are mainly studied and further, suitable measures for increasing the awareness level of investors are also recommended. Further in this study, it has been understood that the investors don’t prefer mutual funds because they are less aware of the mutual funds.
Deep Learning Model for Diagnosis of Corona Virus Disease from CT Images[Full-Text ] Mehmet Akif CifciPurpose: SARS-COV-2, a severe acute respiratory syndrome, has caused more than 1 million to be infected worldwide. Corona Virus Disease, known as COVID-19, has cases that are worldwide and widespread. What is worse, this number continues to increase.
Comparative study of basic digital modulation techniques: ASK, FSK and PSK[Full-Text ] NGAKAWA TAYA, ABENA NDONGO Hervé, VOURNONE Marcelin, MIBAILE Justin, YONWA, SENOUA CésarThis paper presents a comparison between the different basic digital modulation techniques which are amplitude shift keying, frequency shift keying and phase shift keying. The objective is to know the most optimal modulation technique in order to help telecommunication operators on the choice of modulation technique to be used. The method we have used is to make this comparison based on two essential criteria: the probability of error per symbol and the spectral efficiency.
DATA PREPROCESSING IN OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY: PREDICTION OF ROP AS A CASE STUDY[Full-Text ] Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence is the key to optimizing processes in the Oil industry and saving cost, in a time whereby the growth of the industry is threatened by climate change and global crisis, Oil Industries are using new methods to make sure their processes earn profits instead of cost incurring. Big Oil Giant are investing a lot into Research and Development, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing. They are also doing a lot to learn from the data they obtain from drilling processes, well logging and wellheads so they can improve processes and maximize profit.