Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017.
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Effects of Phosphogypsum and Biochar Addition on Soil Physical Properties and Nutrients Uptake by Maize yield in Vertic Torrifluvents[Full-Text ] Esawy Mahmoud, Ahmed El Baroudy, Nasser Abd El-Kader, Sanaa Othman and Rasha El KhamisyThe aim of present study was to investigate phosphogypsum (PG) and biochar (B), applied individually and their mixture at rates of 5 and 10 Mg ha-1 with recommended nitrogen fertilizer for maize plants, on soil physical properties in Vertic Torrifluvents and on nutrients uptake.
Investigation into flow rate characteristics of bulk materials through a Hopper[Full-Text ] Mukhopadhyay P,Ray SHoppers/ Silos are material handling devices used for storage of bulk materials. The term bulk material refers to granular or lumpy mixture existing in a free flowing form. Bulk materials of different sizes have different flow characteristics. Flow of bulk materials through a hopper/silo depends mostly on bottom gate opening, flowability of the material, slope angle of the inclined supporting walls. Experiments have been carried out on a model hopper with a rectangular gate at bottom. The effects of all the parameters on the rate of flow of few bulk materials namely stone chips, dry sand and full wheat grains through rectangular gap of rectangular slide gate valve have been determined and analyzed. The lowest bottom gate gap widths at which flow almost stopped have been observed for above materials.
First Born Male Following Myomectomy for Giant Myoma and Intravenous Leiomatosis[Full-Text ] Ali Farid Mohamed AliIntroduction:Fibroid is the most common benign tumor in women. We represented here a case report gathered giant myoma (58kg), huge number of removed myoma (475 myomas), new line of treatment (Bee propolis) and first live birth male baby after removal of myoma and intravenous leiomatosis.Subject and method:Female patient aged 38 years old, primary infertility for 20 years, body weight 135 kg complaining of huge pelvi-abdominal mass. 3D ultra sound,CT and MRI revealed a huge mass together with multiple nodules inside the body reaching the right atrium, lungs and rightventricle.Result:Laparotomy revealed giant myoma (58kg) and 475 myomas were removed from all parts of the body those found in the right atrium and right ventricle subjected to a new oral treatment in the form of Bee Propolis 0.5gram\3times daily for 2 months. Pregnancy occurred six months from laparotomy. Pregnancy passed smooth till 37 weeks, caesarian section was done and delivery of a male living baby 2.995 kg.Conclusion: This is the first case report gathered giant myoma (58kg), removedmyoma (475), new medical treatment (Bee propolis), and delivery of the first live birth baby.
Transabdominal Cervico-Isthmic Ultrasound Guided Injection of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Cervical Insufficiency Abortion[Full-Text ] Ali Farid Mohamed Ali, Laila Farid, Yasmin Ali, Mohamed AliTreatment of cervical insufficiency abortion is by Cerclage which either done vaginally (Schirodkar, McDonald) or abdominally and laparoscopically. In cases where the cervix is not accessible or when there is marked scarring, shortening or deformation of the cervix, precluding vaginal placement, transabdominal Cerclage (TAC) may be employed which means two times opening of the abdomen first time to do the Cerclage and second time to do caesarean section and this will cause extra economic burden specially in low resources , so a need for a new procedure is mandatory hence we introduced Transabdominal Cervico-Isthmic Ultrasound Guided Injection of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Cervical Insufficiency Abortion. Material and Methods:Eight cases were enrolled in the study, all these cases were recruited to abdominal Cerclage. Mean age was 38.2 ± 1.2 years, mean number of abortion 10.2 ± 3.1 times. Mean gestational age 10.9 ± 0.6 weeks. Preparation of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC): Blood samples were obtained from individual patients and PBMCs (lxl07 cells) were isolated by Ficoll-hypaque Centrifugation.Results:Seven cases continued to full term pregnancy (success rate 87.5%) and one case abortion (failure rate 12.5%), two cases out of the seven delivered vaginally and the rest by caesarean section. Statically significant increase in CD34 antibodies after the operation P Ë‚ 0.0001.Conclusion: Transabdominal cervico-isthmic ultrasound guided injection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells is a new modality of treatment of cervical insufficiency abortion.
Experimental Investigation of Surface Roughness and MRR in Milling of Aluminum Alloy 6082 using Taguchi Technique[Full-Text ] Ms. Jaya Deepika, G.Vinod ReddyIn this thesis experiments are conducted to enhance the surface quality, material removal rate of Aluminum 6082 alloy work piece. A series of twelve experiments are performed by variable milling parameters spindle speed 1800rpm, 3000rpm, feed rate 200mm/min, 500mm/min, depth of cut 0.3mm, 0.5mm, cutting fluids Synthetic, Semi Synthetic and cutting toolSolid Carbide, Carbide Insert and to optimize the higher machining parameters using Taguchi technique. The millingprocess is conducted on a CNC Vertical Milling Machine.
Impact of Positioning on Functional Outcomes among Post Stroke Spastic Patients[Full-Text ] Khadija Tul Kubra, Muhammad Asif, Muhammad Riaz Baig Chughtai, Muhammad Atif Khan, Muzna Kafeel, Shazia Abdul Hameed KhalfeAim: The aim of this study is to check the impact of positioning on post stroke spastic patients. Stroke is the state of sudden loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion either caused by rupture or obstruction. Annually stroke causes over 5.5 million deaths among which two thirds occur in the developing world. According to Pakistan stroke society estimated annual incidence of stroke is 250/100,000, translating to 350,000 new cases every year. A study was conducted on adult Pushtoon residents in Karachi, Pakistan showed 4.8% prevalence of stroke which was alike in males and females. Positioning is an accurate placement of the patient’s body part in order to promote physiological wellbeing. Positioning in stroke patients is used to assist the recovery of movement by maintaining the correct alignment of joint and muscles. Methodology: 25 subjects meeting the inclusion criteria were enrolled from Rabia Moon Trust (Institute of Neuro-Science and Rehabilitation) for the study.Pre and post treatment parameter was taken by Modified Ashworth Scale. Functional Independence Measure (FIM) was used to check the functional outcomes. All the patients received twelve positioning treatment sessions.Results: The results showed that the pre mean of Total Motor Scale (TMS) was 70.28 and S.D 5.86. The post mean of TMS was 95.72, S.D 5.18. Pre mean of Social Cognition Scale (SCS) was 31.04, S.D 1.12 and post mean of SCS was 32.52, S.D 1.05.(p<0.05). Conclusion: after twelve sessions of positioning treatment. The effects of Positioning treatment in total motor subscale n total social cogni-tion worked effectively and were significant
Effectiveness of Aerobic Training Program on Cardiorespiratory Endurance among Individuals with Down Syndrome[Full-Text ] Muzna Kafeel , Muhammad Asif, Muhammad Riaz Baig Chughtai, Hira Islam Rajput, Khadija Tul Kubra, Shazia Abdul Hamid KhalfeeAim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of aerobic training program on cardiorespiratory endurance on individuals with Down Syndrome. Procedure: All participants who fulfilled inclusion criteria were selected from Association for Children with Emotional and Learning Problems (ACELP), Karachi. Participants received aerobic training program consisted of exercises. Cardiorespiratory endurance of each participant was measured before and after training by using 6 minute walk test. Results: Data was stored and analyzed using SPSS version 16.0, mean and standard deviation of the samples were estimated at pre and post stage of study. The results showed significance difference in weight reduction and distance covered before and after training program (P<0.05). Conclusion: The results concluded that 8 weeks of aerobic training program is effective to improve cardiorespiratory endurance of Down Syndrome Individuals.
First Live Birth after 36 Spontaneous Early Abortion by Intra Uterine Injection of Zamzam Water[Full-Text ] Ali Farid Mohamed Ali, Laila Farid, Yasmin Ali, Mohamed AliThere are many modalities of treatment of idiopathic repeated spontaneous early abortion but with no results. Zam Zam water is unique in its natural characteristics and it has special optical parameters that are different from those of bottled drinking and distilled waters. In our previous work we found that and that BDNF and Aquaporins are important for endometrial receptivity and Zam Zam water was used in the treatment of repeated implantation failure after ICSI, so the aim of this work is to introduce intrauterine injection of Zam water as a new modality for treatment of idiopathic repeated spontaneous early abortion.Patient and method:39.5 years old female married for 20 years with 36 times repeated spontaneous abortion [6:8 weeks] with no result of all modalities of treatment. Serum and endometrial BDNF and aquaporins were studied using flushing technique, BDNF was measured by ELIZA and aquaporins was measured immunohistochemistry. Steril Zam Zam water was injected intrauterine through embryonal catheter at days 12 and 21 of the cycle, informed consent was taken and data analysis was analyzed by two tailed t test, chi square test was used for comparison a difference of <0.05 was considered significant.Result:Statistical significant increase in BDNF and Aquaporins after intrauterine injection of Zam Zam water, pregnancy occurred after the first treatment cycle, spontaneous labour pain occurs after 36 weeks resulting in delivery in a male fetus weighing 2.450 kg. Conclusion:Intrauterine injection of Zam Zam water is a new modality of treatment of idiopathic repeated spontaneous early abortion it acts through improvement of endometrial receptivity.
CO2 Emission Abatement on a Natural Gas Liquid Processing Plant using Chemical Adsorption Technology: A Review[Full-Text ] Archibong Archibong-Eso, Edidiong Uko, Ukpabio Eyo, Emem AkpanIn this paper, a review of the impacts of a typical natural gas liquid processing plant on the environment is presented. It reviews the main processing units, the unit operation equipment and the possible emissions from these units to the environment. An analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessment is also presented. The review proffers a solution by proffereing mitigation of the main pollutant, carbon dioxide, using the chemical adsorption method. Additionally, a brief evaluation of the technical and economic impacts of the proffered Mitigation technology is also presented.
Rotational Scheduling Concept for Opened Hydrants at Improved On-Farm Irrigation Projects in Egypt[Full-Text ] Hany G. RadwanEgypt has been suffering from severe water scarcity in recent years. Uneven water distribution, misuse of water resources and inefficient irrigation techniques are some of the major factors playing havoc with water security in the country. Improved on-farm irrigation systems are important projects that have proven effective by reducing irrigation time and increasing the agricultural area, crop production, and irrigation efficiency in addition to other benefits. These projects started at 1989 until now and it concerns with replacing the existing on-farm earth sections of Mesqas and Marwas with most common alternative of buried pipelines system including several hydrants (outlets) at the head of irrigated lands. Due to the existence of several hydrants along the improved pipeline Mesqa and Marwa without specified operating rules, the beneficiaries suffer from uneven water distribution. The main objective of this paper is to present a new concept that can be applied to detect the actual discharge from any opened hydrant along any pressurized pipeline network. This technique is applied for improved on-farm irrigation system in Egypt in case of two and three hydrants are opened at the same time along improved mesqa pipeline.
Smoothing Reactor Effect on Harmonics and Power Quality for Modular Multilevel Converter[Full-Text ] Abd Almula GebreelThis paper presents the effect of changing arm inductor (smooth reactor for HVDC) on the modular multilevel converter (MMC) behavior in order to analysis the change on Total Harmonics Distortion (THD) for all MMC quantities including circulating current, upper arm current and voltage, lower arm current and voltage, and AC output voltage and current. For the reason that increasing arm inductor size could reduce the THD of the MMC, this effect will be investigated in this paper. The functions of smoothing reactor, are explained firstly. Secondly, size of arm inductor (Smooth reactor for HVDC systems) are discussed. Analysis of the smooth reactor value effect on MMC, is carried out from many simulation results in this paper. Finally, the hardware design and software design of the prototype are presented to verify the arm inductor value effect on MMC experimentally. The experimental results are also documented in this paper.
A review of the Pentaquark Properties[Full-Text ] A. R. HaghpeimaAlthough the has been listed as a three star resonance in the 2004 PDG, its existence is still not completely established, Whether the particle exist or not, but it is still of interest to see what QCD has to say on the subject. For example, we should know why the width is extremely narrow. In this paper I review briefly the pentaquark properties.
Study and Experimental Validation on Total Harmonic Distortion Reduction by Increasing Arm Inductance for Modular Multilevel Converter[Full-Text ] Abd Almula GebreelThis paper presents the effect of changing arm inductor for the modular multilevel converter (MMC) behavior in order to analysis the change in Total Harmonics Distortion (THD) for all MMC quantities including circulating current, upper arm current and voltage, lower arm current and voltage, and AC output voltage and current. The Operation principle, Circuit operation, and Converter equations are discussed first. Second, the multilevel modulation process for MMC is explained. Third, analysis of the Balancing of the submodules voltages based on sorting is carried out in this paper. For the reason that increasing arm inductor size could reduce the THD of MMC, this effect will be investigated in this paper. A new method to implement the submodules selection, which is the key technique for MMC for a wide range of a number of submodules per arm, is proposed and verified by the simulations. Analysis of the arm inductance value effect on MMC is carried out from many simulation results in this paper. Finally, the hardware design and software design of the prototype is presented to verify the arm inductor value effect on MMC experimentally. The experimental results are also documented in this paper.
Integrated System of Information hiding by Applying Threelevels[Full-Text ] Mustafa B.Mahmood and Dr. Ban N. Dhannoon In the last years, the data security become more important issue for the essential and sensitive data, one of the techniques used in data security is data hiding technique, one of difficulty facing this technique is choosing the appropriate cover file, the spread of using of the WebP image format on the Internet, especially on social media and conversation programs, making it suitable for use as a cover file, because they represent emoji sticker, where they are used to express the feelings of the sender, so when sending it repeatedly do not raise doubt, which made it a point of strength in the exploitation of this feature by data security field. In this paper, an integrated system was proposed to protect secret messages by applied three levelsto ensure the data security beside the 3-LSB algorithm.
Performance Analysis on The Demand and Supply of Basic Metal Products: Focused On Ethiopian Basic Metal Industries[Full-Text ] Alie Wube Dametew, Frank Ebinger & Birhanu Beshah AbebeThe objective of this study is to determined the demand and supply performance of the Ethiopian basic metal industries(BMIs) over the period of 2010/11 to 2016/17 and then how they balance demand and supply, so as to improve firm performance and competitiveness. The collected primary and secondary data was analysis using fish bone diagram and correlation analysis. The basic metal product demand and supply are used as a variables to evaluate the relative efficiency of basic metal industries in the country.
Soil Improvement Techniquesof Collapsible Soil[Full-Text ] Morsy,Osama, Bassioni,Hesham, Mostafa,TareqCollapsible soils make the construction of foundations extremely difficult in its natural state. It may cause high differential movements in structures through collapse settlement. This paper gives an overview of formation and structure of collapsible soil, mechanism of collapse and the techniques that are commonly used to improve its performance. Then, this study concluded that there is an essential need to study soil replacement technique taking into consideration geotechnical requirements and cost to achieve the optimum replacement layer thickness corresponding to minimum cost of foundation works and reduce the collapse settlement under foundation as well.
Closed-Loop, Needless PID Controller Based on the Difference Between Measured and Calculated Arm Voltages for MMC[Full-Text ] Abd Almula GebreelPower conversion from ultra-voltage DC (UVDC) to ultra-voltage AC is the greatest challenge facing industrial power application companies, such as ABB and Siemens. Converting UVDC transmission systems, which are used to transmit power long distances of up to 3,000 Km and ultra-voltages up to 2,200 KVDC, to UVAC is the most challenging issue associated with transmitting power with a UVDC transmission system. This paper proposes a closed-loop, needless PID controller for a modular multilevel converter (MMC) with a large scale of submodules per arm to convert UVDC 2,200 KV and more to UVAC, in order to achieve total harmonics distortion (THD) for UVAC of less than 1%. First, insertion indices are generated by utilizing the difference in arm voltage between the measured voltage and calculated voltage of each arm, which is considered the starting point for the proposed algorithm, from which to derive the number of submodules per arm (N). Secondly, flooring switching pulse-width modulation (PWM) is explained in order to generate the number of inserted and bypassed submodules per arm. Thirdly is an analysis of the balancing between the submodules’ voltages and submodule selection, which is the key technique for a modular multilevel converter with UVDC application that is proposed and verified by simulations. Fourthly, a set of simulation results is presented for the 2,200-KV DC bus and the 481-level for the output voltage, in order to verify the proposed algorithm; the simulation was conducted in a MATLAB/Simulink environment. Finally, the proposed algorithm was verified experimentally through the prototype’s hardware and software designs. The experimental results are also documented in this paper.
Definition of Gravity Relating to the Meditation[Full-Text ] Piyush Kumar I have tried to define the Gravity in my own words as I experiences. From the beginning of concept of the gravity this is the most classical topic to discuss and to define in difeerent ways with several frames of references.
Improving efficiency of graph based health data mining using language processing[Full-Text ] RashmiTembhurne, Prof. AmitSaxenaNowadays people are vulnerable to multiple diseases due to environment changes which have multiplied the work of doctors around the world.The technology has helped the medical science to treat their patient more efficiently increasing the number of lives saved every day. But to treat the patient the technology is not limited , it has spread its roots now amongst detecting the diseases too. The medical database contains the total report of the patient, past illness, current problems and all the scan done till date.This data is very useful in calculating the future problems which the patient could have. To discover this knowledge from the database we need a technique which is known as mining technique, which is helpful enough to process such data. In this paper, we propose a technique which is a combination of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Graph mining.The technique will first filter the data so that only optimized data is sent for mining which is done with the help of graph-based technique providing efficient results. Keywords: Medical Data, Graph Mining, Natural Language processing
Molecular Study of Pediatric Visceral Leishmaniasis in Mid-Euphrates Area, Iraq[Full-Text ] Rand Muhammed Abdul-Hussain Al-Hussaini, RashaAmer Nouri Al- Tufaili, Raed Ali HusseinThis study was evaluated the effectiveness of molecular diagnostic assay for leishmaniasis by using PCR test targeting kinetoplastDNA (kDNA). Then it was assessed the efficacy of thIs diagnostic technique for detection the early stage of infection by determining the sensitivity and specificity for the test. In this study five hundred and eighty seven children aged 1- 60 months were admitted to paediatric ward of Pediatric and Maternal Hospitals of Al- Najaf, Babil, Karbala, and Al-Qadisiyyah provinces with confirmed or clinically suspected visceral leishmaniasis were included; most of them had clinical manifestation of fever, hepatosplenomegaly, weight loss, Leukopenia, and anemia. The Bone marrow aspiration was carried out for just 38 cases under the supervision of pediatricians at private hospitals in each province. Microscopic examination method applied and detected the Leishmaniadonovani in their Pathological Lab, and then the results of aspirated bone marrow were sent. Only 34 cases were positive of Kala-azar by the demonstration of the parasite -the amastigotes- from direct smear of bone marrow, while 4 cases were negative, LeishmaniainfantumkDNA was detected in 25.21% of patients, and the sensitivity and specificity of PCR test were 85.29 %, 100%, respectively.
Comparison of Backpropagation and Resilient Backpropagation Algorithms in Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measuring Device[Full-Text ] Avan, Erfiani, Bagus SartonoArtificial intelligence technology, especially Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a method of learning that is widely used in estimating a value. Backpropagation method is an algorithm that is widely used to recognizing complex patterns. Application of Backpropagation (BP) is often too slow for practical purposes so that some modifications are made. One of the developed modifications is by changing the learning rate called resilient backpropagation algorithm (Rprop). BP and Rprop algorithms will be applied to estimating blood glucose concentrations in the non invasive device using several models. The results of the analysis show that the Rprop algorithm gives better estimation value on all tested models. Rprop generates a smaller RMSE and greater R2. In addition, Rprop is much more efficient in the learning process. Rprop requires fewer iterations and faster learning process to assume the estimation value. In the back propagation algorithm, there is a heteroscedasticity violation on the variance errors so that the variance error is not homogeneous.
ITOA - A CONTEMPORARY STUDY AND USAGE IN INDUSTRIES[Full-Text ] Arvind KumarIT operations analytics (ITOA) is the practice of monitoring systems and gathering, processing, analyzing and interpreting data from various IT operations sources to guide decisions and predict potential issues. Information is gathered from live running infrastructure as well as older logged data from application, service and infrastructure hardware logs. Other sources of data include software agents running in operating systems or hypervisors gathering data relevant to I/O, transactions and resource usage. The results of scripted tests are gathered, along with real-time analysis of running protocols in a network IT operations IT data from different sources, examining that data in a broader context, and proactively identifying problems in advance of their occurrence. With the right ITOA solution, you can detect patterns early to predict issues before they arise.
Retrospective study of Gunshot Head Injury patients in Najran, Saudi Arabia between 2015-2017[Full-Text ] Marshad H. Alyami, Abdullah A. Alyazidi, Ahmed M. Al-Aljam Retrospective study is conducted to analyze the Gunshot Head injury in Najran, Saudi Arabia, of period May 2015 to June 2017. the Najran region is very closely to Yemen, where the war and the hospitals of Najran is receive a lot of the gunfire patients. The overall number of cases was 71, with mean age (29.6 years) ranged between 11-75. The mean time of admission under care of neurosurgery is 36.2 days with maximum 294 days. The Computed Tomography (CT) which is the investigation of choice was done for (95.8%) which revealed that Brain contusions represent the mostly of the findings by 38%, followed by Brain edema. The (CT) showed that Parietal region is the most affected site by brain hematoma, and the right frontal lobe take the majority of lobes fractured by 22.5%.
SPECTROSCOPIC DETERMINATION OF SOME HEAVY METALS PRESENT IN VARIOUS TYPES OF LIPSTICK[Full-Text ] Suleiman U.A, Labaran A. MAGASHICosmetics products are a possible source of heavy metals exposure to human beings. This paperinvestigated the content of heavy metals in various types of lipstick. Product of different brands of lipstick (Expensive and inexpensive) that are found in Bauchi markets were analyzed to determine the concentration of five metals (As, Pb, Cd, Ni and Cr). In these cosmetic have lead content higher than 10ppmof the sample contained nickel by more than 5ppm while furthermore results showed at the concentration of Cr, Cd and Hg are found to be higher of the analyzed sample respectively.
Prevalance of Disability Due to Low Back Pain Among Physical Therapists Practising In CP Centers[Full-Text ] Vinod Kumar, Erum Tanveer, Muhammad Asif, Muhammad Riaz Baig Chughtai, Shazia Khalfe, Anita KumariObjective: To identify the prevalence of disability due to low back pain among physical therapists practicing in the CP centers. Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in different rehabilitation centers situated in Karachi city from Jan 2013 to June 2013. The participants were randomly selected by convenience non probability sampling technique, and valid OSWESTRY questionnaire was used in this study to explore prevalence of low back pain of physical therapists. The participants for this study were all physical therapists working in different areas of Karachi city.
A study on Business model adopted by UBER to disrupt the Taxi Industry[Full-Text ] Puranjan PathakUber was founded in 2009 at San Francisco by CEO Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp. They devised the software app that enables the system to work, recruited drivers in San Francisco and launched the site in 2010. Since then, Uber has spread to 250 cities throughout the world, constrained only by legal and regulatory challenges as traditional taxi drivers fight a rear-guard action, and a handful of imitators who got in first in a few cities, notably London. Although the regulatory issues are serious, the new way of catching a cab seems set to kill traditional age-old taxi cab system to crumble and die in cities around the world.
Modeling the Impact of Economic Growth on Carbondioxide Emission and Poverty in Indonesia with Simultaneous Equations[Full-Text ] Bayu Suseno, Aji Hamim Wigena, I Made SumertajayaEconomic growth is an important instrument to decrease poverty but causes carbon dioxide emissions, as it increases energy consumption. Simultaneous modeling the impact of economic growth, poverty, and carbon dioxide emissions would show the important causal relationships to be used in the policy formulation. This research focuses on simultaneously modeling energy consumption, economic growth, human resources, carbon dioxide emissions, poverty, and inflation with 3SLS system equation method. Simultaneous modeling using time series data often face the problem of incomplete data which have to be handled prior to modeling. This research used multiple imputation with MCMC algorithm to deal with incomplete data problem. Simultaneous equation modeling results has showed the impact of 1 % decrease in economic growth rate annually could reduce carbon dioxide emissions of 10 % in 2030 but would raise poverty level of 2.27 % in 2025 and 0.5 % decrease in deforestation annually could reduce carbondioxide emissions of 13.64 % in 2030.
Evaluation of Current Lifestyle Habits of Physical Therapists[Full-Text ] Erum Tanveer, Vinod Kumar, Muhammad Asif, Shazia Tabassum, Mehwish Khan, Anita KumariObjective: To analyze the current lifestyle habits and help determine changes necessary for future health and wellness. Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in different clinics and physical therapy departments of hospitals situated in Karachi city from Jan 2013 to June 2013. Convenience non probability sampling technique was used to select the participants for this study. A validated and modified questionnaire was used to explore the lifestyle habits of physical therapists. The participants for this study were all physical therapists working in different areas of Karachi city. Those physical therapists that filled the inclusion criteria were selected for the study. 100 validated and modified questionnaires along with introductory letter were sent out to the participants. Questionnaires used in this study contained closed ended questions which were analyzed by quantitative methods. After analysis data were presented in the form of tables and figures
Mass Market Strategy and Growth of Commercial Banks In Kenya[Full-Text ] Nangweso Jones AmimaCommercial banks in the world have continued to implement market innovations strategy so that they remain competitive. These help in delivering a broad range of value-added products and services to customers. The introduction of mass market innovations such as electronic banking, agency banking, and mobile money has improved business efficiency in rendering services. This survey was carried out to establish the relationship between mass market strategy and growth of commercial banks at lower market segments. Therefore, this research sought to answer the question: to what extent does mass market strategy at lower market segments influence growth of commercial banks? This study adopted a census survey research design. The researcher issued selected respondents a standardised questionnaire. The study targeted all 42 commercial banks operating in Kenya. The study used secondary data obtained from annual reports of the targeted banks and Central Bank of Kenya’s. The study used both descriptive and inferential statistics in analysing the data through besides the Statistical package for social scientists (SPSS version 20). The study found out that the average total pretax profit from 2002 to 2014 was Kshs. 1,485,867, net assets were Ksh.37, 226,574, Return on Assets ROA was 29%. The number of deposit account for mass, and the non-mass market was Ksh.229, 331, 794 and Ksh.18, 068,052, the number of mass market and non-mass market deposits was Ksh.7, 298,845 and Ksh.19, 097, 007respectively. The study also established that the mass market deposits accounts were 93% while the non-mass market deposits were 7%.
An article reviewing the truth about animal transplants to humans : Is it possible or just scientific fiction ?[Full-Text ] Rawan Rashed AljuhaniNowadays there is a constant increase in the number of patients with end stage organ failure who are in need for allotransplants.This demand is exhibited both worldwide and in KSA and this increase in organ demand is faced with a decrease in supply with the consequence of losing many patients in the waiting list. Xenotransplantation, may be a promising solution to the allograft shortage, by using other species organs as an alternative. This review aims mainly at determining the gap in organ availability and need especially in KSA and to follow the revolution of xenotransplantation from its start until now and if there were any successful attempts and to search for new approaches and techniques which might improve its outcome and finally to conclude based on clinical trials if it can really happen one day or just a fantasy.
Effect of Molybdenum Addition to Aluminum Grain Refined by Titanium plus Boron on Its Metallurgical Aspects and Mechanical Characteristics[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. ZaidAluminum, Aluminum, alloys and its microalloys have become during, the last century one of the most important constructionalmaterials despite their complex and expensive extraction due to their attractive and required physical and mechanical properties. However, against these beneficial properties they have the disadvantage of solidifying in columnar structure which tends to reduce their mechanicalstrength and deteriorate their surface quality. Hence, it is becoming a necessity to grain refine their microstructures to overcome thesediscrepancies. It is therefore anticipated that addition of some rare earth refiner elements is worthwhile investigating. In this paper, theeffect of addition of Ti-B and Mo to the aluminum melt prior to solidification at a weight percentages which corresponds to the peretecticlimit on their phase diagrams on its microstructure, mechanical characteristics, and Vickers microhardness in the as cast condition isinvestigated. It was found that addition of any of them either alone or together caused refining of its structure by pronounced decrease ofits grain size. Moreover, addition of Mo in the presence of Ti- B caused further decrease in the grain size. Hence it might be concluded that addition of Ti- B or Mo to aluminum prior to solidification led to a transition from predominantly columnar large grain structure to an equiaxed fine grain size one.
On a multi item integrated production inventory systems with variable parameters[Full-Text ] Zaid BalkhiMost of the classical production inventory systems treat the economic order quantities (EOQ) of raw materials, which are used in producing the same final products, separately of the economic production quantities (EPQ) of these products. This may result in sub-optimization of both the (EOQ)’s of raw materials and the (EPQ)’s of final products.
ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF TEXTILE CONTAMINED SEDIMENT: A CASE STUDY OF OKE-ITOKU RIVER, ABEOKUTA NIGERIA[Full-Text ] A. A. Adekunle, A. A. Badejo, F. M. Alayaki, B. S. Bada and A. A. OnipedeThis work investigated the engineering impact of textile effluents contamination on sediments of the Oke-Itoku River. Sediment samples were collected from three segments along the River: River Source (RS), Non-Textile Polluted (NTP) and Textile Polluted (TP) segments. Sieve analysis of sediment samples was conducted. Direct shear strength at a constant displacement rate of 1.25 mm/min for three variations of normal stress (50 KN/m2, 100 KN/m2and 150 KN/m2) was carried out. Compressive strength properties of sediments for the River sections were evaluated using their sediments as fine aggregates at consolidated-drained condition, 1:2:4 mix ratio and 60% water-cement ratio. The sieve analysis showed uniformity in the particle size distribution. Highest maximum shear stresses of 34.3 KN/m2, 62.5 KN/m2 and 91.5 KN/m2 at normal stresses of 50 KN/m2, 100 KN/m2 and 150 KN/m2 respectively were obtained for the sediment of the TP section. Also, average compressive strength of concrete made with sediments of the River sections as fine aggregates was highest for the TP section given as 25.45 N/mm2. The textile effluent was responsible for the increase in the friction angle of the Oke Itoku river sediment and textile effluents can provide a means of increasing design strength of concrete.
Dr. Jolitha A.B, MRUDULA.H.K,SATHYASHREE.P.V, RANJITHA.A and VIDHYA.G.N, GOWRI NEELIMA. M, KUSHALATHA. M, SUNEETHA. P[Full-Text ] OXIDATIVE STRESS IN AGED PREGNANCY (OSAP)Advanced maternal age is one of the causes of maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. Advanced pregnancy is associated with oxidative stress (OS), in maternal circulation. Our aim was to evaluate and compare the levels of OS and antioxidant enzymes (AOE) in Human Umbilical Cord Blood (HUCB) samples and normal blood samples ofIndian women from the age group of 19 to 31.Human Umbilical Cord Blood (HUCB) was obtained from 2 concerned hospitals-Lakshmi Maternity Home and Narayana Super-Specialty Hospital with prior consent of the donor. First pregnancy between the age group of 19-31 were considered (N=5).
MODEL FOR CONFIDENTIAL DATA TRANSFER ONANDROID[Full-Text ] Adebayo, A. O., Ojo, F., Olayinka, Y., Uchendu, P.Connectivity provides a means to communicate and learn. However, information in transit isexposed to abuse. Implementationof Advanced Encryption Standardalgorithm grossly reduces information confidentiality abuse, but it is unpopular for mobile devices. Android is a common Operating System for mobile devices. This study, therefore, focused on proposing a model, and prototype, for confidentiality secure data transfer by mobile devicesusing Android. The Waterfall system development life cycle model was adopted. The software development environment includes Android Studio, PHPMyAdmin and XAMPP packages. A model for secure data transfer on mobile device, which could be used as a guide for developing similar systems, was developed.An application for confidential data transfer for android, which smartphone users could use securely among themselves, was created.
DESIGN&MANUFACTURING OFSTEAM TURBINE BLADE[Full-Text ] H.KAMALASREE, A.V.LAXMAN RAOA turbine is a device that converts chemical energy into mechanical energy, specifically when a rotor of multiple blades or vanes is driven by the movement of a fluid or gas. In the case of a steam turbine, the pressure and flow of newly condensed steam rapidly turns the rotor. This movement is possible because the water to steam conversion results in a rapidly expanding gas. As the turbine rotor turns, the rotating shaft can work to accomplish numerous applications, often electricity generation.
Wrong Concepts About Breast Cancer In Saudi Female Students In Taif City, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Shymaa A . Althubaiti, Nighat Murad, Mariam A. Alzahrani, Alhanoof A. AlowaidiBreast cancer in young Saudi's women is a major health problem. It is the most common cancer among women leading cause of mortality. Purpose: to figure out wrong concepts about breast cancer in Saudi female students. Methodology: in a period From April to July 2017. Three hundred Saudi female students in Taif city, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia agreed to participate in the study and filled questionnaires. Because of Breast cancer in young Saudi's women is a major health problem. Results: Among 300 female students (41.1% ) of them reported Breast cancer treatment worse than Breast cancer itself, (34.0%) for breast surgery can cause spreading of cancer and (24.7% ) no need mammography if no complaint or symptom in the breast. When asked about causes of Breast cancer, participants’ answers included trauma cause Breast cancer and its value ( 36.0%), cosmetic breast surgery ( 65.9% ), wearing the bra (41.7%), breast compression during the mammogram can cause breast cancer (23.1%). The results showed respondents answered correctly that association between risk of Breast cancer and high intake of fats, protein, and calories, (43.3%, 49.8%, and 40.7% respectively ).
In vitro activity of Gentamicin against Uropathogens under Diabetic conditions[Full-Text ] Korochikar Sujata, Korochikar PremkumarThe diabetic individuals are more susceptible to urinary tract infections due to presence of glucose in the urine. Gentamicin is an antibiotic that treats gram negative microorganisms, most of that cause UTIs. The aim of this study was to determine the in vitro effectiveness of Gentamicin against uropathogens in presence of glucose. Uropathogens were isolated from the urine samples obtained prior to antibiotic therapy from the diabetic patients with glycosuria and urinary tract infection by culturing on Mac-Conkey’s agar. The colony characteristics, Gram nature and biochemical characteristics of the isolates were studied and identified as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli & Klebsiella preumonae respectively. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of commercially available Gentamicin injection vial containing 40mg/ml (i.e. 40000μg/ml) was determined by using microbroth dilution method. The MIC of, Klebsiella pneumonae was 0.4μg/ml, Staphylococcus aureus was 0.04μg/ml, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 4μg/ml respectively. Gentamicin antibiotic assay was carried using specific MIC against different glucose concentration like 100mg/dl, 250mg/dl, 500mg/dl, 1000mg/dl and 2000mg/dl, and growth was observed after 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours of incubation at 370C. Growth was detected for Escherichia coli at 2000mg/dl glucose after 3hrs, Klebsiella pneumonae at l00mg/dl glucose after 24hrs, at 250mg/dl, 500mg/dl, l000 mg/dl glucose after 6 hours and at 2000mg/dl glucose after 3hrs of incubation, Staphylococcus aureus at 250mg/dl, 500mg/dl glucose after 24hrs and at l000mg/dl, 2000mg/dl glucose after 3hours of incubation. Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed growth at 500mg/dl glucose after 48 hours, l000mg/dl after 24hrs and at 2000mg/dl glucose after 3hrs of incubation. Throughout experiment control uropathogens showed no growth. The efficiency of Gentamicin against uropathogens is reduced with respect to increasing glucose concentration. Gentamicin may be used in individuals with mild to moderate glycosuria however in severe diabetic individuals the drug can be used by increasing concentration.
Big Data Analytics inCloud Computing Environment[Full-Text ] T.Sri HarshaThis paper deals data processing in cloud computing environments using Big Data applications. It travels around some important areas of analytics and Big Data. One of the best qualities of cloud is sharing of resources and data into data centers on internet. At present various levels of services required to improve execution efficiency. In today’s world Cloud is using big data processing technology to enhance application aggregation, data aggregation and data utilization. Cloud computing is best powerful technology for complex computing. It is used to eliminate expensive computing hardware, dedicated space, and software. Cloud computing is observed large growth in the scale of huge data. How to address big data is a great challenging and time demanding task. It needs a large computational infrastructure for successful data processing & analysis. In this study the role of big data in cloud computing environment is reviewed. The definition, classification of big data with their characteristics and some discussions of cloud computing are expressed. The relationship between big data & cloud computing, storage systems, Hadoop technology are also elaborated.
THERMOD- Signal Conditioning Module with Cold Junction Compensation in Thermocouple[Full-Text ] Sathyanath Nandakumar, Anuj Abraham, P.R. Madhava Panicker, Hari C.V, M. Shanmugha Priya Thermocouple sensors are used to measure temperatures in systems widely. However, thermocouples suffer from cold junction compensation errors as well an output voltage in the range of mV. This paper serves to provide the means for active Cold Junction Compensation (CJC) as well as the subsequent scaling and amplification of the corrected voltage. A system is designed to acquire temperature data which consists of a temperature sensor, signal conditioning circuit, an Analog to Digital Convertor (ADC), as well as software that manages the configuration of the system. This paper discusses a circuitry for the measurement of temperature incorporating CJC with necessary software and hardware results. The CJC potential is computed from its ambient temperature using a temperature sensor (LM35) interfaced with Arduino UNO board and displayed in a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen. The primary advantage of the active compensation circuit is the replacement of the cumbersome ice bath method. Further the circuit is capable of incorporating different kinds of thermocouples.
Enhancing the End Anchorage of Strengthened Steel I-Beams UsingCFRP Laminates[Full-Text ] Ismail Amer, E. F. Sadek,M. A. Khalaf, M. M.Abdel-WahabStrengthening of steel structural elements using carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) laminates has been applied widely in the last few years. One of the main problems of using CFRP for flexural strengthening of steel beams is the debonding at the ends of CFRP laminate. This research work presentsan experimental study and detailed analysis of the effectiveness of three different mechanical techniques of end-anchoring. Five steel I-beams were tested in flexure using three-point load test. The first beam was not strengthened and was used as a control beam. The second beam was strengthened by CFRP laminateswithout any end-anchorage. The other three beams were strengthened by CFRP laminateswith three different mechanical end-anchorages techniques using steel plates and bolts (with three different configurations).Test results revealed that applying steel plates and bolts to anchor the ends of CFRP laminate is an effective technique. Using end anchorage significantlyimproved the load carrying capacity of the strengthenedsteel I-beam, decreased the deformation and strain of the whole beam including vertical deflection, lateral deflection, and tensile strain on the CFRP laminates. In addition, applying end anchorage suppressed the end debonding failure and changed the failure mode from sudden failure to pre-warning failure.