Volume 12, Issue 9, September 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 9, September 2021
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The Role of HIV-1 Vpu in down regulate cell surface expression of MHC class I proteins, mediated CD4 degradation and phosphorylation as potential target for vaccine development (Part 15)[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueBST2/tetherin, an antiviral restriction factor inhibits the release of enveloped viruses from the cell surface. Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) antagonizes BST2 through viral protein u (Vpu), which down regulates BST2 from the cell surface.
Textured Contact Lens IRIS Detection Methods: Review[Full-Text ] Ismail Taha Ahmed, Baraa Tareq Hammad, Norziana JamilA person's biometric traits can be used to identify them in a variety of ways. One of these characteristics is IRIS detection systems. Iris recognition systems in use today are susceptible to iris presentation attacks. Among the several iris presentation attacks, textured contact lenses are possibly the most difficult to detect. In the last five years, no specific survey focusing on IRIS detection, specifically Contact Lenses Iris Detection Algorithms (CLIDs), has been published.
Emotional Intelligence among physiotherapy Students and Its Relationship to Their Critical Thinking[Full-Text ] BUSHRA ASHRAF, YASIR ARBAB, NAZIA ASHRAF, SIDDRA YASIR4 ASIYAH AHMAD, SADIA MUHAMMAD ASHRAF, WARDA BALOUCH, SOBIA AZHAR MALIKBackground: Emotional intelligence and critical thinking are the basic skills which can prepare physiotherapy students for delivering competent care and help them adapt to the clinical environment. Although personal emotion is important in critical thinking, it is often a neglected issue to explore the nature of the relationship between emotional intelligence and critical thinking disposition together among physiotherapy students. Objective: This study was aimed to describe the emotional intelligence among physiotherapy students and its relationship to their critical thinking.
Social and psychological Issues of dwellers of high rise buildings: Survey of literature[Full-Text ] Sanjay KumbhareThe high rise buildings are product of new market equations, liberalized economy. Developers are making lot of propaganda of their high rise projects and trying to make high rise buildings more popular for their own benefits. Seldom do they talk about shortfalls, the residents of high rise buildings face. Shortfalls may range from loneliness feeling of residents to behavior problems. Architects, developers, planners and all those having stake in high rise residential buildings are called upon via this paper to focus on social and psychological issues faced by residents of high rise buildings. Areas of future research such as remedy for the issues is also needed.
An Importance of Selenium Element Related Analogues[Full-Text ] Dr.Rekha Sharma, Rinku MalhiSelenium is a p-block element with atomic number 34, valence electronic configuration ([Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p4) and also a member of chalcogen family. Selenium is an essential trace element in having its own codon in mRNA that specifies its insertion into selenoproteins as selenocysteine and this insertion for selenoprotein production has some implications for the requirement of selenium for cancer prevention and this element also involved in different physiological functions of the human body, having its chemoprevention properties.
Promoting Public Trust in Nigeria’s Election Administration: Explaining the Role of INEC’s Electoral Integrity[Full-Text ] Ganiyu L. EJALONIBUThis paper aimed at examining how the integrity of Nigeria’s Election Management Body (INEC) influences public trust in the outcomes of general elections. A conceptual model was developed and was tested empirically in Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria. Four research propositions were developed for this research to be conducted and a sample size of 400 respondents. Using questionnaire, the data collected from 348 participants were analysed. Majority of the participants were female (58.6%), graduates (42.2%), within the ages of 26 and 45 years (69%), and married (62.4%).
Determinants of Problem Loans in the Financing Company PT. Mega Auto Finance Kendari Branch (Period 2015 – 2019)[Full-Text ] Suci Alyani R, Nasrullah Dali, Ummy KalsumThis study aims to examine and analyze the effect of liquidity, efficiency, capital and inflation on non-performing financing at PT. Mega auto finance kendari branch. The data of this research is the annual profit lost report for the period 2015 – 2019. The data in this study uses mul-tiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPPS ver 20 software. Before the data is analyzed further, the classical assumption test is carried out which includes normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelation test.
Water Pollution, Its Treatment, and Its Adverse Impact on Humans[Full-Text ] Okechukwu OzueigboWorld Health Organization (WHO) refers polluted water as water, which has been impaired by anthropogenic pollutants that render it unsafe for both domestic and other essential purposes like agriculture and industrial uses. These main pollutants, which include bacteria, viruses, parasites, fertilizers, pesticides, pharmaceutical bye-products, nitrates, phosphates, plastics, fecal waste (both human and animal), heavy metals, and even ra-dioactive substances harm human health and natural environment and cause diseases like diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and poliomyelitis.
PRIORITIES OF META-LEARNING TEACHING METHOD FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF BASIC ELECTRICITY IN TECHNICAL COLLEGES[Full-Text ] Prof Eze, Titus Iloduba, Dr. Akamobi, Ogochukwu Grace & Aduhuekwe, Festus IkechukwuEffective instruction in technical subjects (basic electricity inclusive) is an active process demanding task not only from the teachers but also from the students. The more teachers involve students in their teaching the higher the expectation of the outcomes. In addition to conventional teaching method, the teaching of technical subjects requires the use of variety of teaching methods and techniques. Studies had revealed that meta-learning teaching method is more effective than conventional teaching method for teaching and learning of technical subjects in technical colleges.
Effect of Soybean (Glycine max) Extract on Lymphocyte Count of Sheep Red Blood Cells (SRBC)- induced Mice (Mus musculus L.)[Full-Text ] Lawrence Billy Vasco, Djama, Kukuh Madyaningrana and Vinsa Cantya PrakasitaAutoimmune disease is one of the diseases with indefinitive cure and its therapy using immunosuppressants is still the mainstay until present time. Soybean (Glycine max) is one of many medicinal plants whose use is only for functional food. The stigmasterol compound is one of the compounds in soybeans that has the potential to be an immunosuppressant to inhibit the proliferation and differentiation of lymphocytes. The purpose of this study was to determine the stigmasterol content of soybean extract and its ability to modulate lymphocyte count in male BALB/c mice (Mus musculus L) as test animals.
Space Debris and Its Solution[Full-Text ] Aahan KarnavatHumans have now begun to explore the realms of the universe, or, the multiverse. Future locations for humans to call home, finding planets which tell more about our enigmatic past, and countless other aims are what scientists are focusing on. To get to the iota of things, space missions are widely used. The Indian Space Research Organisation alone has carried out 123 space missions and 82 launch missions . With space explorations on the rise, scientists are continually discovering new secrets of our solar system. Space missions are not easy to carry out. It takes months of dedicated planning and hard work to get the mission up and running.
DESIGN, CONSTRUCT AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF A FISH SMOKING OVEN[Full-Text ] Idrisu G. A, Hussaini I. D, Gajawa Y., Aliyu B Aji, Fati A. Adamu, Pagiel N. D.A study was conducted to develop and fabricate a new fish smoking oven to improve on the existing fish smoking kiln technology. The fish smoking oven has an overall dimension of 900x600x360mm and uses charcoal as the main source of energy. The average capacity of the smoking tray is 9kg. Catfish and tilapia samples were smoked using charcoal. Variation in temperature with time, weight loss and sensory quality of the smoked fishes samples were evaluated. The temperature due to combustion of constant weight of charcoal ranged from 600C to 1000C in 3h.30minutes.
Heart Disease Prediction System using Electrocardiogram[Full-Text ] Hasnain Tahir, Mazhar Ellahi Qazi, Hamza Asghar, Adnan KianiHeart disease is a major problem in the society. Among numerous deadly diseases, heart disease has gathered much attention in medical research. According to WHO (World Health Organization), millions of people die due to different heart diseases every year. Predictions of heart infirmity is considered as one of the key matter in clinical information analysis. Its diagnosis is very challenging because of its complexity and if the disease is falsely predicted, the treatment provides no cure. The prediction of cardiovascular illness is commonly formed on signs, symptoms and physical check-up of the patient.
NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF OSTEOPOROTIC BONE WITH AN IMPLANT- A FE APPROACH[Full-Text ] Resmi S.L, Muhammed Zakkeer , Jesna Mohammed, Hashim.VA finite Element model of femur bone with implant was developed to study the effect of osteoporotic behavior of femur bone to predict the possibility of implant loosening after Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA). The current study provides detailed quantitative information on the biomechanical behavior of an osteoporotic femur which can be used in the prediction of implant loosening and premature fracture of the femur.
Agree to Act Together: An Exposition of the Contemporary Laws on Conspiracy Under Ghanaian Criminal Jurisprudence[Full-Text ] Charles Boakye Conspiracy, as one of the four main inchoate criminal offences, has not only been effectively safeguarded and ingrained in Ghanaian Criminal Jurisprudence, but requires a careful consideration in its formulation under statute in order not to superfluously exonerate offenders from being culpable. This paper aims to discuss the current essential elements of conspiracy, the liability or otherwise and punishment of a conspirator(s), and argues strappingly that the Ghanaian Courts have now shifted from a restrictive evidential approach adopted immediately after the coming into force of the new rendition to a broad evidential approach which in effect have reduced the unbearable burden on the prosecution and strictly hold offenders accountable.
Study on chilldown characteristics of a straight copper tube under pulsated cryogen flow[Full-Text ] Jesna Mohammed, Resmi S.L, Muhammed Zakkeer M Hashim V, Bindu S.STransfer line must be chilled down to the saturation temperature of the cryogen for uninterrupted fluid supply at use point. The process of cool down of related equipments with cryogenic fluid is known as cryogenic chilldown. In this paper, we have investigated the influence of variation in fluid flow pattern namely, pulsed and continuous flow of cryogenic fluid on the chilldown characteristics of a horizontal straight copper tube using liquid nitrogen under varying mass fluxes.
Effect of deposition parameters on the tribological properties of Aluminum-Bronze coatings by Value Arc Technique on AISI 304 stainless steel[Full-Text ] Badaruddin Soomro, Aqil Inam, Muhammad Irfan, Sumaira Nosheen, M. Ishtiaq, M.A. Hafeez, M.H. Haseeb, M.Usman Ta-hirHerein, the tribological properties of aluminum-bronze coatings, deposited by wire-arc spray technique on AISI 304 stainless steel were investigated. All the coatingswere deposited by wire-arc spray technique under various deposition voltages, ranging from 26 to 34 V. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the morphologies of all coatingscomprised ofCu, Al, and Fe phases with a vary-ing number of splats, level of porosity, and un-melted particles.
Impact & Analysis of Go-Kart Chassis[Full-Text ] Shreyas Amol KaleIn the present study, the chassis of Go-Kart is designed and simulated for different impact tests like front impact test, rear impact test and side impact test for four materials. First chassis is designed in CAD Software, simulates an ANSYS Workbench. This paper represents the designing and failure criterion according to the von-Mises stress for four different materials.
Navigation Master: Design and Implementation of Path Planning Algorithm for a known robot in a dynamic environment[Full-Text ] Lingamgunta Nikhilesh, Ashish KulkarniRobotics is rapidly gaining traction in our daily lives, as well as in modern industry automation and cyber-physical applications. This necessitates the incorporation of intelligence into these robots in order to ensure (near)-optimal task execution solutions. As a result, a slew of robotics-related research difficulties have arisen, including path, motion, and mission planning, work distribution issues, navigation, and tracking. We concentrated on the path planning research challenge in this project.
RFID based Embedded Security System[Full-Text ] Shamika Likhite, Vineet Kavalekar, Tarun Kumar YadavThe paper presents the design and development of the RFID based embedded the GSM module as the processors and the LCD as the display. This system aims at delivering a text message notification to the owner on an employee’s entry. In addition, the system also sends a video footage recording to the owner on a guest entry along with text notification. The background of the study, the design approaches for this system and the preliminary evaluation of the prototype are presented in this paper. The evaluation results indicate that the system is useful and easy to use for security purposes.
The Design of Fluid Holding Tank Control System Using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)[Full-Text ] Eric T. Jones, Aaron Mineen & Decontee Q. WessehIn the midst of technological advancements, there are a number of industries in Liberia that uses primitive techniques in controlling the daily operation of fluid storage tanks. These industries such as the Liberia Petroleum Refinery Corporation (LPRC), etc, still use the rudimentary methods of allowing personnel to carry on the daily operations of storage tanks during productions, which place the personnel involved into hazardous situation and also lead to inefficient productivity. However, to avoid workers physical interaction with these holding tanks that pose danger to their lives, industries operating in Liberia, need to employ an automatic control system that carries out the daily opera-tions of these tanks without workers physical interaction with them. This laborious and risky task can be performed using automatic control system that both monitors the fluid level in the tanks during pumping and stops the pump when the desired fluid level has been achieved.
Synthesis and characterization of a high surface area activated carbon derived from cassava peels waste by KOH activation[Full-Text ] T.E Amakoromo, J.A Amusan, O.E AbumereThis work presents the synthesis of activated carbon, a very important material with lots of use cases in textile, food industries and even in energy storage as an electrode material in supercapacitor development. Abundantly available cassava peels was used as a raw material for the production of the activated carbon by adopting the chemical activation approach which utilized KOH as activating agent. The activation was carried out at 8000C in a tubular furnace. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) showed that a highly porous carbon structure was achieved with high specific surface area of 828m2g-1 as evident from the BET results.
BARRIERS TO LEAVING AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP AMONGST HETEROSEXUAL WOMEN LIVING IN THE INANDA DISTRICT IN KWAZULU-NATAL[Full-Text ] DHEVAMONEY PADAYACHEESouth Africa has been known to have the highest rate of gender-based violence globally. This qualitative study locates gender-based violence using the interpretive phenomenological paradigm and multicultural feminism as both allowed participants’ to be given a voice. This study thus enabled women who have been abused to discuss their perception of their own experiences. The primary aim of the study is orientated towards an increased understanding of the possible barriers that prevent women from leaving their abusers. The main findings point out how victim manipulation, financial abuse, isolation and responses by social and legal services serve as barriers to the women leaving their abusive partners.
IMPACT OF SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ON PROJECTS DELIVERY IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Enyinna Gregory C. Ihuoma Okwara, Ikeazota Wisdom UThe impact of sustainable procurement of construction materials on project delivery in Nigeria. The main objectives: to analyse. The success factors of construction procurement and its impact on project delivery in Nigeria. to examine the constraints/challenges against the attainment of the desired sustainable Procurement of construction materials on project delivery in Nigeria. 180 questionnaires were distributed and 165 returned, 156 were successfully filled and found to be useful, the sample size was gotten using Yaro Yamane Formula.
Efficiency of insulin pump and free style libra in therapy of children with diabetes mellitus tip 1[Full-Text ] Ehlimana Pobrić, Tanja Šešić ZecIn the last couple of years, sensors have appeared on the market. They practice a new, more accurate method of measuring glucose in the intercellular fluid. One of the more famous is the Free Style Libre. The advantages of the device are numerous. In recent years, a novelty in the treatment of type 1 diabetes has been with the help of an insulin pump, which enables 24-hour delivery of insulin
Blending Traditional Earth Building Practices and Improved Technologies in Earth Building Construction to Provide Quality Low-cost Houses for Rural Shelter[Full-Text ] Dr. N. A. Nwankwor The use of mud for housing construction technically known as Earth building is a tradition that is as old as the history of man living in man-made shelter in different forms and shapes over time and space. But three major weaknesses inherent in the earth-material is affecting the progressive use and acceptance of these earth-materials(mud) for modern housing construction. These natural weakness of the earth-material include - water erosion, low compressive strength and its predominantly traditional roundish architecture.
Design of a Fluid Level Controller for a Coupled Tank System[Full-Text ] Marvi Jamali, Dr Arbab Nighat, Dr Farida Memon, Fida Hussain JamaliThis research presents an ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System) controller which combines the capabilities of a fuzzy logic controller with a neural network to control the fluid level and flow rate in interacting and non-interacting coupled tank system, respectively, using MATLAB/Simulink. To achieve this, the Simulink models of two various configured coupled tank system, such as interacting and non-interacting coupled tank system, are developed and simulation results are presented.
NUMIRICAL MODELING OF CIRCULAR POCKET CONNECTIONS WITH ROUGH AND SMOOTH SURFACE INTERFACE USING FINITE ELEMENT METHOD[Full-Text ] Ahmed Mohamed , Khaled H Riad , Fathy A. Saad Although pocket connections are used since the 1950’s, there are only a few researches addressing the behavior and design of this connection, especially for circular columns. Generally, there are two types of pocket connections, internally and externally embedded connection. These configurations limit the use of such connections in the case of bridges, where big moments need to be transferred to the footing. Hence, an extensive experimental program was conducted at Ain shams University-Cairo, to study the behavior of pocket connections. A new pocket configuration with partially embedment is introduced in these studies.
CRITICAL APPRIASAL OF TWO RESEARCH DONE ON CHOLERA OUTBREAK RESPONSE[Full-Text ] Iyare Walter, Akhator JosephIn as much as early investigations of cholera have moved toward becoming models for present day study of disease transmission , foreseeing and controlling outbreaks of cholera is as yet a noteworthy test in the developing regions of the world. Upgrades in the sanitation level and the utilization of rehydration treatment done orally has incredibly lessened the burden of cholera, yet there is no prescient system to predict disease outbreaks and getting ready for interventions. Numerical demonstration is one way to deal with combining our insight into cholera as a quantitative system.
Phytotoxic and biomedical activities of synthesized nanoparticles of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) leaves[Full-Text ] Ibikunle, G.J, Akintola, A.O, Ayoola, P.B, Awotoye, A. J, Oguejiofor, C, Ogunsona, S.BThe synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNps) using aqueous extract of noni (Morinda citrifolia) seed as the reducing/capping agent was investigated for its anticoagulant, thrombolytic and phytotoxicity activities. The AgNps synthesis was monitored through the colour change 22 minutes at photo activation which turned out to be light brown in colour, then further characterized using UV-Vis spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), EDX and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
CONCEPT OF PHYSICAL HYGIENE IN CLASSICAL YOGA[Full-Text ] Mr. Bubushree, Dr.Dinesh Prasad SwainPreservation of good health is important. For this we must follow certain rules. We must observe the laws of health and certain golden rules for life. The most important rule of life is obviously “Hygiene”. Health and hygiene are inseparably connected. There can’t be good health if we live in unhygienic condition and keep our body unhygienic. As per the world healthorganisation (WHO) hygiene means: “Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases”.We must have a clear idea of what diseases are and how it is caused. We can very well avert diseases if we understand the biological laws which govern life, the rules of health and hygiene and the importance of cleanliness.
Design and Analysis of an On-Grid Solar System Using PVsyst Software for Commercial Application[Full-Text ] Kazi Abdul Kader, Florina Rahman, Nahidul Islam Nahid, Zahid Abedin, Dr. Mohammad Abdul MannanBecause of Bangladesh's geographical location, solar energy is one of the probable sources. Because Bangladesh is mostly an agricultural country, procuring land for huge solar power projects is quite challenging. Rooftop solar is the best alternative for Bangladesh in meeting its goals and alleviating its current energy problem. The PVsyst software was used to build and simulate a solar PV grid-connected energy generation system in this work. It also depicts the solar photovoltaic system's technical, economic, and annual performance.
THE ROLE OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN TAMIL NADU[Full-Text ] D. LAVANYA The infrastructure is an important concept for faster economic growth and an improvement of human’s scarcity in the country. The sufficient infrastructure in the structure of road and railway transport system, ports, power, airports and the efficient working is also needed for combination of the nation.
Prebiotic as immunostimulants in aquaculture: A review[Full-Text ] Sumama Farooq, Alina Afzal, Mahnoor-ul-Huda, Warda Ishfaq, Soha Hamid, Mehreen Munaf, Hina Mubeenwe have opted for this topic because the farming and production of finfish and shellfish has become the fastest growing food industry in world and it may help us provide first hand knowledge to the society to improve this field of Pakistan (Roberfroid et al,. 2005)
Temperature and pressure distribution over the Atmosphere[Full-Text ] Anil Kumar GuptaOur earth is the third planet of our solar system and it is a beautiful planet which is having a thick atmosphere and this is the fundamental reason for origin of life on the earth surface and in marine environment as well. A thick layer of atmosphere in which all known gases (like N2,O2, CO2, SO2, Ar and many other exist. These gases are known as fixed gases and variable gases. In the atmosphere there are many different types of dust particles like aerosol.
Evaluation of a Potential Mining Method in the Jamalganj Coal Deposit, Jaipurhat District, Western Bangladesh[Full-Text ] A. T. M. Shahidul Huqe MuzemderIn coal mines, evaluating a potential mining method is critical, especially for deeper coal mine areas. This paper investigates the possible mining method of the Jamalganj coal deposit in Bangladesh, which was discovered below the surface at depths of 640 to 1,150m in 1962. This study provides an outline of the numerous issues that influence longwall and room and pillar mining.
Improving the Stability and Durability of Cement Stabilized Earth Blocks Using Local Additives for Quality Low-Cost Houses in Developing Countries[Full-Text ] Dr. N. A. NwankworThe earth material(mud) used for building construction naturally possesses an inherent non-toxic qualities that ensures good in-room quality houses for the occupants. However this wonderful material is also naturally weak to water penetration/erosion and low in compressive strength if unstabilized. This makes it unfit in its natural form for modern housing requirements. To overcome this inherent weakness of the earth material, traditional earth builders usually apply several measures including choice of soil types and use of natural additives to stabilize the material for housing purposes.
12/14 Hybrid BSRM based Saispandan Total Artificial Heart As Destination therapy Device: Advantages of embedded fully implantable electronic controls[Full-Text ] Pradeep Kumar Radhakrishnan, Sujatha Mohanty, Pulivarthi Nageshwar Rao, Sivakrishna Rao G V, Nagesh Kumar, Bisoi A K, SivaPrasad, Satyanarayana Murthy, Satyanarayana M R S, Ravishankar, Srinivas, Das P K, Valluvan Jeevanandam, Venugopal PWith increasing number of patients in end stage biventricular heart failure requiring transplantation and as conventional transplantation is unable to fulfill the demands the need for total artificial heart as destination therapy is on the forefront. Technological advances have made this approach a reality. External or tethered devices limit quality of life (1). Models like Saispandan which are totally implantable offer multitude of advantages and improves quality of life.
Study of Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) of Micro-organisms from Extreme and Unusual Environment to combat Multiple Drug Resistant Microbes and Cancer[Full-Text ] Monish Bisen, Shruti AgrawalAntimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are naturally occurring antibiotics found in a variety of species, including arthropods, plants, mammals, and bacteria. Apart from antibacterial action, AMPs have been shown to stimulate chemokine synthesis, expedite angiogenesis and tissue repair, and regulate apoptotic in complex organisms. As a result, AMPs may be used to fight many drug-resistant microbes and cancer development.
Random Field Characterization of a Mangrove Site with CPT Data[Full-Text ] Temple Njoku, Samuel Ejezie, Dennis EmeGeotechnical site characterization requires the determination of site-specific field parameters which are known to exhibit pronounced variability. The study performed a probability-based characterization of mangrove site in onshore Niger Delta region of Nigeria relying on in-situ test data from the site investigation report, with the aim of understanding the nature of spatial variability of soil properties in the soil formations.
Potential Food Hazards: A Review[Full-Text ] Sakshi Thapliyal and A.K UpadhyayThe food and drink industry is the leading industrial sector globally and has a major contribution to economies worldwide. It can affect people in any part of the world, be it of any race, gender, or income level. The government in developed and developing countries is taking essential measures, concerning the health of end consumers, that are involved in the food chain and are contributing to providing safe food and healthy life. This systematic review covers the relevant issues that are related to food safety, the importance of food safety globally, potential food hazards and their types, techniques to control and prevent food safety hazards, and strategies to manage food safety. It also includes the procedures to be followed to avoid potential hazards.