Volume 12, Issue 8, August 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 8, August 2021
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Development of Motorized Corn Thresher[Full-Text ] K. A. Olaiya, I.O. Alabi,, A.P. Okediji, K.A. Ajibola and M.O. KareemA locally developed corn threshers is important to agro-allied industries who are challenged with low efficiency, high level of wastage, exerting of much labour and cost of procuring the imported ones. In this research, a motorized corn thresher was designed, fabricated and evaluated. The thresher has several co+mponent parts. The shaft is attached with a pulley connected with a belt to a 5.5 hp S.I. engine.
Performance Analysis of Harer Distribution System with Ring Topology and Integration of Renewable Energy Source[Full-Text ] Amanuel K. Kuno, V. Ramesh Kumar, Ayele Nigussie, Wehib AbubekerA radial distribution system, which is typical for the Ethiopian electric power distribution network, particularly a radial distribution system of Harer, having higher power loss and poor voltage profile during heavy load conditions. In this paper, a technique has been established by converting existing systems to Ring topology and integration with Distributed Generation (DG) in the Harer distribution system. A Metaheuristic Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based is deployed for optimal Distributed Generation (DG) so, significantly minimizes the power loss and enhances the voltage profile of the system.
Geophysical Survey of the Occurrence of Oil Sand Deposit in Usen, Ovia South West Local Government Area, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Enoma N.,Bunonyo T.Y. and Wilkie S.OOil sands are known to be an alternate source of energy and of great economic value, to delineate the deposit of oil sand in Usen, South west of Edo State, Electrical Resistivity survey was used. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) was done on one profiles using Schlumberger Configuration, acquiring 1- Dimensional apparent resistivity data. to determine the depth extent of the deposit. This was preceded by 2-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) (image) at four locations which were at Edo State Polytechnic field environ, Science Laboratory environ, Elawure Grammar School environ and the Quarry Site environ all in Usen, to determine the spread extent of this deposit.
MANAGEMENT OF BUDDHIST SUNDAY SCHOOL IN VIHARA BALAPUTRA SEPUTIH RAMAN, CENTRAL LAMPUNG[Full-Text ] I KETUT DAMANASchool management is an art in taking care of the learning process. The word of man-agement means taking care, controlling, making effort, and leading. An interesting phrase in the science of management is the process of making a plan, organizing, controlling, and lead-ing various efforts of the members of the organization and also using all the resources it has to achieve the goals set at the Buddhist Sunday School.
Comparative Study and Correlative Analysis of Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for better accuracy[Full-Text ] Shirisha Kampati, Dr. Kakara Santhi Sree Machine Learning the popular expression in the new years that we are hearing is an important subfield of Artificial Intelligence. ML algorithms enable PCs to learn all alone without the need for programming expressly and upholds for development with experience. ML, the emerging advancements today that discovers applications taking all things together with everyday life exercises. ML is utilized in different fields, for example, Bioinformatics, Intrusion Detection, Information Retrieval, Game playing, Advertising, Malware Detection so on.
EFFECT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTIONS OF UNIVERSITY GRADUATES IN SOUTH-WEST GEO-POLTICAL ZONE OF NIGERIA[Full-Text ] AYO-SOBOWALE, Mopelola Omotayo, BRIMAH, Naasir AminuThe aim of this study is to examine the effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions on undergraduate students from three states in South-West geo-political zone of Nigeria. The study was carried out on 3082 final year students in the 2018/2019 academic session.
Evaluation of the parcels positions according to IPRO’s cadastral maps and Ortophotos through field survey with Total Station and GNSS receiver[Full-Text ] Bilbil Nurçe, Eduart Blloshmi, Bledar SinaCadastral maps are essential for performing assessment functions such as enabling to locate the site and provide information about it. It also assists users of local government, public works departments and private businesses in terms of planning. Based on the mapping technologies until 1993, the theoretical accuracy of the so-called cadastral maps of scale 1:2500 has been predicted to correspond to the accuracy of the scale of 1:5000.
Blockchain model and use case for data protection through examination and certification[Full-Text ] Dina DarwishFrom its start as the premise of cryptocurrencies to more extensive applications in areas like property registration and insurance, Blockchain has arisen as a groundbreaking technology, because of its property as a distributed ledger which can eliminate the requirement for a trusted third party to encourage exchange. The expansion of this technology to new application areas has been caused by the presence of smart contracts, which are blockchain-based protocols which can automatically process a contract.
The impacte of E-Health on clinical psychology practices and the future of E-health / Telepsychology/Telehealth in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Zainab Muhammad Ullah, Muddasar Hussain, Salwa, Asfa Hanif, Faryal FazalThe present study was conducted to investigate the impact of E-Health on clinical psychology practice. The future of E-health / Telepsychology/Telehealth in Pakistan for this purpose different articles were reviewed. The articles had been taken from different journals and google scholar and main points were extracted. The findings suggests that in Pakistan the use of E-Health and Telepsychology is in infancy phase which need to improve most importantly in times of crises such as in COID-19 the use of Telehealth increased two-fold. So, this matter must be considered, and possible solution and policies must be taken as the researcher suggested in the present study.
City of Gardens from a Lost to Retrieve Paradise. Conservation and Preservation Analysis within Shalimar Gardens Lahore Pakistan[Full-Text ] Rabia Khaskheli, Weiping ZhangThe Gardens built in Lahore present the zenith of local and central Asian custom bringing about a most impressive autonomous style. Many of these Gardens are confronting heaps of issues caused by human disregard, ecological debasement, urbanization advancement, and various factors, such as maturing and characteristic rot. The International preservation rehearses have been contemplated and the selected Mughal gardens are analyzed.
The Role of HIV-1 Nef in Progression, infectivity and replication to AIDS and MHC-I Expression, MHC Class II down modulation as potential target for broad neutralizing antibody vaccine development (Part Ten)[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueHIV-1 Nef is one of the accessory proteins synthesized in the early stage of HIV-1 reproduction (1). The protein interacts directly with the signal transduction protein of the host T cell and works effectively on AIDS infection or on long term survival of the infected cells or induces apoptosis of non-infected cells.
LOW CAPACITY UTILIZATION AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF NIGERIAN MINES[Full-Text ] Nwosu J.I, Onwualu-John, J.NThis paper examines the causes and effects of low capacity utilization in Nigerian mines. In particular, the effects of low capacity utilization on such performance indicators as overhead costs and unit production costs are illustrated with a hypothetical mining establishment operating at increasing capacity utilization. Analysis shows that at 10% capacity utilization, the unit production cost may increase by 225% when compared with its value at optimum production, while overhead cost can contribute to as much as 77% of this unit production cost.
The Impact of Flood and Drought on Sanitation and Public Health of Vulnerable Communities in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Chidiebele E.I Nwankwo and Nedie .P AkaniThe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were set to meet most challenges facing mankind by 2030. Among these SDGs are good health and wellbeing in goal 3 as well as clean water and sanitation captured as goal 6. Nigeria is faced with numerous challenges and is feared to pull the globe backwards in terms of meeting these goals by 2030. In view of the need for a concerted action towards ensuring the delivery of these goals, this research was conducted to highlight the setbacks to delivering good sanitation and public health by 2030.
Compiler Construction Detail Design[Full-Text ] Dr. Nwanze Ashioba, Ndubuife Nonso DanielA compiler is a language translator that translates a program written in high level programming language to an equivalent machine language. Compiler construction primarily comprises of some standard phases such as lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantics analysis, intermediate code generation, code optimization and code generation. This paper analyzes the detail design of the various phases of compiler.
REVIEW ON THE SYNTHESIS AND POTENTIAL THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS OF HETEROCYCLIC PRODUCTS OF 5-AMINO-3-METHYLISOXAZOLE[Full-Text ] Tahira Saleem, Muhammad Humble Khalid Tareen, Muhammad Rashid, Mehwish Nawaz, Hina Aftab, Rabia Batool, Ammara Chand, Ayesha Ahmed SumraIn general, heterocyclic compounds have evoked interest and concern because of their fundamental role in biological profiles and biological actions in nature. Now, most of the lead molecules in medicinal chemistry are based on hetero-atoms. In medicinal chemistry- to bring two hetero-atoms to the drug molecule, isoxazoles are interesting functional groups. Isoxazole as a key building block has been widely used and is an important heterocyclic unit.
Comparison of hot mix asphalt (HMA) & warm mix asphalt (WMA) techniques to utilize Reclaimed Asphalt pavement : An Experimental Study[Full-Text ] Nour Maarouf, Dr Sanjay Joshi, Vatsal ParsaniaThe cost of using of raw materials for roads pavement is too much compared with recycling materials which are used for roads pavement such as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and also the environmental benefits will be more. In recent years the recycling technology has got attention from the engineers of transportation of civil domain because of its environmental benefits which allow us to consume the used material and renewed without looking for new resource of raw materials in that way we can get more economical and energy, in some cases it will be better for workers health too that’s why it is too much desired technology.
Prospects Of India's Economic Integration A Study with Comparison to MIST and MINT Nations[Full-Text ] Raja Emani, Dr. A. Narasimha RaoEconomic integration is a process whereby two or more economies understand to pursue policies and objectives for economic development in the common interest for mutual benefits of all members/ participating countries. Integration is the process where an understanding is made among nations to decrease and eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers for the free flow of goods or services and factors of production.
Effect of Work Rotation, Compensation and Work Place-ment on Employee Productivity PT. PJB Services PLTU Kendari Unit[Full-Text ] Nico Cahyando, Abdul Azis Muthalib, Bakhtiar AbbasThis study aims to determine and analyze the effect of job rotation, compensation, and work placement on the productivity of PT. PJB Ser-vices Unit PLTU Kendari. The sample in this study were some employees of PT. PJB Services Unit PLTU Kendari totaling 95 people. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis.
An optimal surveying procedure for roadway from two endpoints: A case study of Ha Long underground coal mine[Full-Text ] Vo Ngoc Dung, Cao Xuan Cuong, Pham Van ChungRoadways are usually driven simultaneously from two opposite entrances. The construction of an inclined transportation roadway of Ha Long underground coal mine from two endpoints in special geological conditions, such as weak strata and coal seams requires an optimal surveying procedure. The procedure normally includes the design of the survey control for the alignment of the roadway axis and provision of orientation and level with the highest possible accuracy so that the opposing headings meet at the breakthrough points without any need for an adjustment of the excavation.
Contractors’ Performance Evaluation and Improvement Measures during the Execution of Public Building Projects in southeast Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ezeh Christian Chinedu, Okolie Kelvin C, Nkeleme Emmanuel I, Okereke Godson, Chukwudi Stanley OzohIn Nigeria, the performance of Contractors and the Construction Industry is generally perceived as very poor and some of the reasons are traced to the fact that there is often no intermittent evaluation of contractors during project execution. Thus, this paper assessed contractor performance evaluation during the execution of public building projects and also measures to improve contractor performance using Imo state as a case study. It was pursued, using literature review and field survey entailing the use of a well-structured questionnaire.
Psychological Assessment of Investigating Officers In Criminal Investigation[Full-Text ] Meenakshi Bhardwaj, Dr. Asha SrivastavaForensic Psychological Assessment (FPA) is an important application of psychology, which is used as assistance in criminal investigation to find facts related to crime. FPA is also conducted to provide insight into and predict criminal behaviour with an aim of preventing future criminality. Investigating Officer (IO) plays a prodigious role in crime investigation as they confer the facts and evidence of the case to the Forensic Expert for necessary evaluation and analysis.
Personnel Safety Performance Enhancement of a Numerically Modeled Biological Safety Cabinet Class II Type A2 By Adding an Air Curtain[Full-Text ] Abdelrahman Sameh, Mahmoud Kamal, Ahmed Taher, Walid AboelsoudBiological safety cabinets (BSC) are devices that are widely used by microbiologists and pharmacists when handling biohazardous materials. A safe working environment shall be achieved while using such devices. However, the safety of the BSC operators is compromised as these devices are very sensitive to the air pattern surrounding them. Isolating the interior area of the BSC from the surroundings using an air curtain at the front of the BSC was simulated using a 3D numerical model.
Industry 5.0: The convergence of AI and HI (Human Intelligence)[Full-Text ] Gauri Bhandurge, Mrunmayi Bhide Today, as we see a big chunk of the industries in various fields adapting Industry 4.0, a lot of us have started asking the question “what’s next?”, the next industrial revolution, Industry 5.0. Past revolutions have pointed out that new revolutions take place only to correct the anomalies of the existing industrial situations. Likewise, to generate further clarity and to understand the previous findings around smart factory, we conducted a systematic literature review.
Crime against Women: Women vulnerability index and female labour force participation[Full-Text ] Rashmi SajwanThe paper aims to examine women vulnerability across 29 different states and 7 union Territories from period 2001-2014 in India. A Women Vulnerability Index (WVI) is formed by using Principal component analysis (PCA) based on different factors i.e. Rape, Cruelty by husband , Insult to Modesty, Dowry Deaths, Kidnapping and Abduction and relatives, Assault with an intent to outrage modesty, Immoral Trafficking and Dowry cases.
RESEARCH ON VALUATION OF AGRICULTURAL LAND FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT- “A CASE STUDY OF SAMRUDDHI EXPRESSWAY”[Full-Text ] Mr. Sunil Bhor, Prof. Dr. P. L. NaktodeValuation is the process of finding the current worth of an asset or a company in which conclusions are arrived at scientific analysis of the available data using different techniques. These is an art of process of estimating value, depending on the circumstances of the case and purpose for which valuation is needed, at the given time, place and market condition. The objective of this study is to identify the market value of Agriculture land and guidelines to study the land acquired which is situated in route of samruddhi expressway.
Green Infrastructure development for sustainable and efficient urban areas in India[Full-Text ] Anjali DangwalOne of the most dynamic changes over the century has been urbanization. Today, 54 per cent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 66 per cent by 2050 (United Nations report). According to World Urbanization Prospects (2014), by 2050, India is projected to add 404 million urban dwellers.
The Comparison of Absolute Dose Measurement for Photon Beam According to JSMP 12, DIN-6800-2, IAEA TRS 398 and AAPM TG-51 Protocols[Full-Text ] Babu Kuppan, Vikram Raja, Shiyekar Pratik, K. Mayakannan, Vaibhav PatilIn this study, we compared the absorbed dose to water determined at the reference depth for photon beams following the recommendations given in the addendums to TG-51, IAEA TRS-398, DIN 6800-2 and JSMP 12. This study was performed using measurements with flattened photon beams with nominal energies of 6 and 10 MV. Absolute dose measurements were carried out using PTW (30013) Farmer chamber with UNIDOS E electrometer in a 30 x 30 x 30 cm3 water phantom. Fully corrected charge readings obtained for the chambers according to all four protocols showed maximum percentage of variations like 0.2 % and 0.3 % at 6 and 10 MV, respectively.
Comparative Assessment of the Health-Seeking Behavior of Selected Household Heads in Cainta and Taytay, Rizal Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic[Full-Text ] Jemina Nikka A. Bolaños, Dean Allen B. Garcia, Jan Isaac J. Mendoza, Kesney Tatiana Mari M. Ramirez, Patricia Kaye I. Ramos, Mark Jensen S. Sta. AnaHealth-seeking behavior is an individual’s reaction to a perceived illness and the actions taken to manage said perceived illness. An individual’s health-seeking behavior may be influenced by several factors and barriers, such as laziness and lack of self-discipline, that endanger the body’s well-being. Apart from inaccessible healthcare, a negative health-seeking behavior increases the possibility of developing life-threatening diseases.
Effect of Current Ratio, Return on Asset and Total Asset Turnover on Stock Return on Automotive Companies Listed in The Indonesia Stock Exchange[Full-Text ] Beny Diah Kristiani, Arifuddin Mas’ud, La Utu This study aims to determine and analyze: (1) Whether the Current Ratio, Return On Assets and Total Asset Turnover simultaneously affect the Stock Return of Automotive Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. (2) Does the Current Ratio affect the Stock Return of Automotive Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. (3) Does Return On Assets affect the Stock Returns of Automotive Compa-nies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. (4) Does Total Asset Turnover have an effect on Stock Return of Automotive Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
STUDYING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE METAPHORICAL USE OF LANGUAGE AND POWER OF CREATIVE WRITING[Full-Text ] SABA SARWARCreative writing is utilized to indisputably express students' thought and various researchers have thought about creative writing with interchange perspectives. Regardless, this research study is grasped with the use of metaphors to make creative writing intense. Early research in the innovativeness field focused upon individual or process or thing as discrete components, however contemporary thinking has overall focused more upon the conduct by which individual.
Reliability Assessment and Economic Impact on Utility (Case study of Adelle-Haramaya Distribution Substation)[Full-Text ] Amanuel K. Kuno, V. Ramesh Kumar, Ayele Nigussie, Wehib AbubekerHigh electrical power interruption is a major concern in Ethiopia. Most of the interruptions caused by the power distribution system. The paper identifies the main cause of the interruption, assesses the duration, frequency of power interruption, and indicates how much interruption influences the utility economically. To achieve the target, the steps to be completed are - secondary data like the cause of the interruption, duration, and frequency of interruption, number, and type of customer collected from the Adelle-Haramaya substation.
Relationship of elements of matrices[Full-Text ] Prasenjit Jana[A]mxn is a matrix whose elements are aij . Now if [B]pxq is another matrix with elements bi' j' then there may be any relation with i and i' ; j and j' . When i' = f( i ) and j'= g(j) then for different values of i, j we get different values of i',j' .
Analysis of an Impeller in A Turbocharger[Full-Text ] B. Bharath KumarIn this study, an impeller is taken from a turbocharger, and it is subjected to rotational velocity. The induced stresses and strains are taken and tabulated. In this paper, an effort is made to see the best material among the 4 materials used for the impeller. The materials used are Structural Steel, Gray Cast Iron, Titanium alloy, Aluminium Alloy, and Inconel 718 superalloy. The model of the impeller is created in the Design Modeler software of the ANSYS 2021 R1. The add-in of Bladegen is also used in Design Modeler to create the impeller.
Responses of NDVI anomaly to SPI for vegetation over the years 2000-2019: A case Study of Raichur district[Full-Text ] Akmal Shamim, Dr Mohammed Irshad Ahmed, Dr Rizwan Ahmad, P.S. RoyPrecipitation is the most important parameter which helps the growth of vegetative cover, without it all the land on the planet would be desert. So, understanding precipitation-vegetation interaction is of great importance for understanding how it affects the vegetation especially agricultural crops. Here, comprehensive investigation of spatiotemporal pattern of vegetation response to precipitation for Raichur district is done, using remotely sensed vegetation index NDVI and meteorological based SPI for the years 2000-2019.
Proof of Beal-Conjecture & Nature of Beal equation with respect to its exponents when bases are prime to each other[Full-Text ] Debajit DasThis paper contains the proof of Beal-conjecture. In my first publication in August 2013 and in subsequent developments thereafter through publication of papers in so many bouts, I have been claiming the proof with the saying of following facts and figures. Sum or difference of two odd numbers (say a & c) is an even number (say b) , (a, b, c) = 1, where a produces power by virtue of Ndoperation and c produces power by virtue of Ns-operation. B produces power completely in separate manner which will be shown in this paper.
Isolation and Evaluation of Horse Grass Fiber (Andropogon tectorum) for Lignin Production[Full-Text ] O. Otitoju.., A. O. AshogbonThe aim of this study is to Isolate and purify lignin from non-wood cellulosic biomass (Horse grass fiber) by methanol/water pulping method. The Horse grass fiber was pulped by varying the time of cooking 30, 60, 90, and 120min with 1:3 methanol/water at 1050C. Isolated lignin was purified to remove impurities and characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) analysis to compare thermal properties and chemical composition. It was found that lignin obtained from methanol as a solvent mixed with water 1:3, at 105°C for 1h provided the highest yield of the same sources, most thermally stable and purity. With the above characteristics it is concluded that horse grass is another good sources of lignin production.
Tracking of Fading Channels Using Combination of NLMS and RLS[Full-Text ] Tabassum Naz, Dr. Irfan ZafarAdaptive filters combination approach provides the diversity that can be used to amplify performance beyond the ability of individual adaptive filter. This paper presents the tracking behavior of the combination of Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) algorithm and the Recursive Least Square (RLS) algorithm in nonstationary environment modeled as time-varying Rayleigh sequences arising due to different Doppler shifts. The main performance metrics to evaluate the techniques are the mean squared error and mean squared deviation. Simulation results validate the superiority of combining NLMS and RLS over component algorithms, regarding fast convergence and reduced steady state MSE.
RADICAL CANDOR AS A BUSINESS ETHICS STRATEGY TO SURVIVE IN THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND ISLAMIC FINANCE[Full-Text ] Tanti WidiaThis study aims to review the application of radical candor as a business ethics strategy to survive in the midst of the global financial crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Islamic finance. This journal was researched using an exploratory method by thoroughly reviewing the existing literature, including policy documents, research papers, and reports in related fields.
Evaluation and Comparison of Construction Safety Regulations in Kuwait Government Sectors[Full-Text ] Hamad Abdullah Alhamad , Jassim Mohammad AlobaidanOccupational safety in the construction field is an essential part of project management and must be at each phase of the project. This paper aims to evaluate construction safety regulations in Kuwait government sectors through a comparative study method covering the three most essential government sectors: Kuwait Municipality (KM), The Ministry of Public Works (MPW), and The Public Authority for Housing Welfare (PAHW). The study indicates that MPW’s construction field safety regulations follow the international safety standards more than the two other sectors.