Volume 15, Issue 2, 02 2024 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
Publication for Volume 15, Issue 2, 02 2024 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Adoption of Digital Learning Technology: An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants in Telecom Sector [PDF] Abdul BasitTechnology has advanced significantly from the analogue period to the digital era. Digital Learning Technology (DLT) is a learning paradigm based on the use of ubiquitous latest technologies, by using smart devices. It can be described as a learning environment that is assisted in daily life by wireless networks, mobile, and embedded computers. It aims to offer content and interaction to students wherever they are, at any time. The learning process has advanced thanks to the technology revolution, which has also fundamentally altered how knowledge is shared and learned. At present, there exist other frameworks too, but they are centered towards different paradigms, and point of view pertaining to DLT with its emphasis on Telecommunication Sector has not been taken into consideration. As, existing frameworks are centered towards different environments hence there exists a need to add dimensions of Empowered Learner, Digital Citizen, Knowledge Curator, Innovative Designer, Computational Thinker and Creator, Communicator & Global Collaborator. These have not been integrated together in existing available research.
The study will ascertain level of knowledge of DLT and examine factors which affect the adoption rate, use, and role of DLT in telecoms setups. The results of this research will help create a framework that, if used in any academic or learning setting in a technology-based firm.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) Impact on Employee’s Satisfaction [PDF] Sara KhanResearch relates to investigating association of emotional intelligence with employee’s satisfaction, whether it safeguard the relationship between employee and employer, whether it effects on employee’s satisfaction, fairness perception, promotion and privileges. In hypothesis 1, emotional intelligence effects on employee’s satisfaction based psychological contract. In hypothesis 2, emotional intelligence effects on fairness perception based psychological contract. In hypothesis 3, emotional intelligence effects on promotion and privileges based psychological contract. Quantitative method applied in this study and distributed questionnaires for data collecting in four different mobile companies, 100 from private sector and 100 from public sector.
Organizational Commitment of Employees and its Impact on Work Performance [PDF] Raheel Ur RehmanIn this study we determine the impact of two fundamental variables and their relationships i.e.; work performance (WP) and organizational commitment (OC). Further we tried to explain the problem statement which aim is carry out the impact and determine the behavior aspect of variable in the theoretical frame work. It has been observed by the researchers that commitment with organization have positive impact over work performance and productivity provided that two assumptions have been fulfilled. This research will further break down the effect of OC on performance of work of an employee in telecommunication sector of Pakistan. Moreover, the findings of the study will propose that associations must concentrate on methodology of OC to pick up favorable circumstances. OC can improve both quality and quantity of workers.
Finally, the research will substantiate guidelines and rules for project leaders and supervisors in the advancement of human capital resources. Prime focus of the current study is to discover the opinion of stakeholders inside the Pakistan’s Telecom Industry related to their commitment to organizations and the opinion related to the signs of quality of services in the relevant market. Why is it significant to recognize that the growth of the human capital resource can upsurge the competency of workforce that exert skills and time in the organizations through their current knowledge and experience structuring on their capabilities. In telecom industry of Pakistan, this subject of study is novel.
It has been witnessed that there is not a significant amount of research done in Pakistan subsequent to the 1996 de-regulation policy of Telecom sector in Pakistan when many new telecom companies came into being. It is because of the aforementioned reason I selected the respective topic for this thesis. There is gap generated by the deregulation which is required to be covered by the present and future workforce that is based on the quality of work, both at operational and admin level. Hence, in order to inspect the indicators or mechanism vastly utilized by the distinguished telecom sector organizations of Pakistan to ensure services of superior quality and greater opportunities for the generation of revenue.â€
This study contains two fundamental variables and their relationships i.e; work performance (WP) and organizational commitment (OC). This chapter offer the stimulus and background for the research. Problem statement will be deliberated and quantification of aims is carried out in this part along with the summary at the end.
This research will break down the effect of OC on performance of work of an employee in telecommunication sector of Pakistan. Moreover, the findings of the study will propose that associations must concentrate on methodology of OC to pick up favorable circumstances. OC can improve both quality and quantity of workers. Finally, the research will substantiate guidelines and rules for project leaders and supervisors in the advancement of human capital resources.
Effect of Mass Recovery time on a Three-Bed Adsorption Chiller [PDF] Gulshan KhatunIn this paper, the effect of mass recovery time on a three-bed adsorption chiller has been numerically studied. In the present numerical solution, the heat source temperature variation is taken from 50°C to 90°C along with coolant inlet temperature at 30°C and the chilled water inlet temperature at 14°C. The configuration of beds in the three-bed chiller with mass recovery were taken as uniform in size. The performances in terms of cooling capacity (CC) and coefficient of performance (COP) are compared with those of conventional three-bed without mass recovery scheme. Results show that three-bed adsorption chiller with mass recovery scheme provides more CC values than those provided by the three-bed system without mass recovery scheme while it provides better COP values for 85°C heat sources temperature.
The Effect of Grinding Process on Surfaces After Cutting Processes [PDF] Eng. MOHAMMAD DASHTIThe paper is a review of the effect of the grinding process on surfaces after cutting. Grinding is a critical process in manufacturing because it increases the precision and durability of products. The review was based on evidence from published studies about the benefits and challenges of grinding. As a finishing process, grinding is applied to workpieces to improve accuracy, surface quality, texture, and value. Accuracy is critical for the machination of large and small parts while improvement of surface quality and texture helps to increase the functionality and efficiency of products. However, while grinding was linked to these benefits, some challenges were reported. The challenges were attributed to thermal damage resulting from the heat generated from the frictional resistance when the workpiece met the grinding wheel. The drawbacks of the process were oxidation burn, re-hardening burn, and residual stress. These challenges reduced the quality and functionality of workpieces.
Key Words: Grinding, Oxidation Burn, Residual Stress, Re-Hardening Burn
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AS CORRELATES OF TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES AND INSTRUCTIONAL TASK PERFORMANCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NIGERIA [PDF] Akachukwu Ignatius NWABUEZE, Chioma Ezinwanne CHUKWUJIThis study investigated knowledge management practices as correlates of teachers’ professional competences and instructional task performance in secondary schools in Enugu State, Nigeria. Based on the objectives, six research questions and six hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a correlational survey design. The population of this study comprised all the 7,790 principals and teachers in 286 public senior secondary schools in Enugu State, Nigeria. The sample size for this study was 425 principals and teachers. The instruments used for data collection were Questionnaire titled: Knowledge Management Practices Questionnaire (KMPQ); Teachers’ Professional Competences Questionnaire (TPCQ); and Teachers’ Instructional Task Performance Questionnaire (TITPQ). The instruments were validated and the reliability established using internal consistency through Cronbach Alpha method, which yielded 0.91 for KMPQ, 0.89 for TPCQ, and 0.94 for TITPQ. In analyzing the data, linear regression was used to answer research questions one to four, while multiple regression analysis was used to answer research questions five and six. Hence, t-test associated with linear regression was used to test hypotheses one to four, while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) associated with multiple regression was used to test hypotheses five and six at 0.05 significant level. The findings revealed that, there is a significant and very high relationship between knowledge creation exercises and teachers’ professional competences in secondary schools. There is a significant and very high relationship between knowledge creation exercises and teachers’ instructional task performance in secondary schools. There is a significant and very high relationship between pedagogical content knowledge and teachers’ professional competences in secondary schools. There is a significant and very high relationship between pedagogical content knowledge and teachers’ instructional task performance in secondary schools. There is a significant and very high relationship between knowledge management practices and teachers’ professional competences in secondary schools. There is a significant and very high relationship between knowledge management practices and teachers’ instructional task performance in secondary schools. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended that, teachers should possess the skills of writing lesson notes, encouraging the students to improve their skills through knowledge transfer, and help in reducing errors while teaching the students through knowledge management and professional competences. Teachers should be versatile in using practical applications to support the theoretical assumptions during teaching, and contribute maximally to knowledge advancement during classroom instructions.
Prayer/“Prayer†Duality research applied to German [PDF] Pablo AlvarezThe objective of this publication is exploring the application of Prayer/“Prayer†Duality research into German language. This procedure begins with the German word “Gebetâ€, which is the equivalent of the word “prayer†in English, the foundation of Prayer/“Prayer†Duality. Rather than looking for fundamental findings, this initial effort of application of the line to German language, aims at being the pillar of future research on the application of P/“Pâ€-D into German.
Correlation between Stress and Immune System of High School Students [PDF] Vriti PatelThe human body's immune system comprises several complex parts and processes. It helps us protect and defend our body against several infections. The immune system comprises White Blood cells, antibodies, the lymphatic system, and more. Apart from just fighting off infections, the immune also remembers the microbe, which makes it easier for our body to fight it off the next time we are infected by the same microbe. As our immune system plays a crucial role in our lifestyle, it is important to understand what impacts the functioning of our immune system.
Optimization of Glucose Yield from Acid, Alkali and Microbial Hydrolysis of Agricultural Wastes. [PDF] U J Ovueni, D V Adegunloye, A K Onifade, and O F OlukunleIn this study, agricultural waste materials such as cassava, yam, and potato peels, as well as maize, millet, and sorghum brans, were used. These materials were ground into fine powder using a disc mill and sieved to ensure a consistent particle size. The resulting powders were labeled as cassava peel powder (CPP), yam peel powder (YPP), potato peel powder (PPP), maize bran powder (MaBP), millet bran powder (MiBP), and sorghum bran powder (SBP). Chemical hydrolysis of the samples was carried out using Sulphuric acid and Sodium hydroxide, and the effect determined by evaluating the percentage contents of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose as well as glucose yields. The effect of microbial hydrolysis, using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, was also investigated. Acid and alkali hydrolysis was performed using five different concentrations ranging from 0.01 M to 0.25 M. Optimization of microbial hydrolysis was carried out by varying pH values (5 to 9), substrate concentration (0.02% to 0.1%), temperature (30oC to 50oC) and duration of saccharification (over a period of 48 hours). Results of the acid hydrolysis indicated an increase in the lignin and cellulose contents of the samples with increasing acid concentration. Lignin contents ranged from 8.50% (in SBP) to 45.16% (in MaBP), cellulose ranged from 61.80% (in CPP) to 78.57% (in SBP). The hemicellulose contents, however, reduced during acid hydrolysis as acid concentration increased, from 21.88% (in PPP) to 10.71% (in SBP). Results of the alkali hydrolysis indicated a reduction in lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose contents of samples as concentration increased. For lignin values ranged from 16.08% (in PPP) to 9.10% (in SBP), cellulose values ranged from 36.89% (in SBP) to 20.27% (in MiBP), while hemicellulose values ranged from 16.40% (in CPP) to 10.16% (in PPP). Glucose yields for both acid and alkali hydrolysis increased with increasing concentrations of hydrolytic agents. In the microbial hydrolysis, the gravimetric results show a gradual increase in percentage lignin and cellulose contents, while hemicellulose did not show defined trend. The glucose yields increased with rise in incubation temperature, with higher yields between 35oC and 40oC. Glucose yields were higher at pH 7 than at acid or alkaline pH. Increase in substrate concentration improved glucose yields, with highest yields recorded in 1% substrate concentration. Glucose yields also increased with incubation time. Highest yield of 0.237 mg/ml was observed with CPP with substrate concentration of 1%, a starting pH 7, incubated at 35oC for 48 hours.
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF METALLIC ARTIFICIAL PALM TREE FOR STREET LIGHT AND SURVEILLANCE CAMERA INSTALLATION [PDF] 1. Buhari ABUBAKAR ,2. GARBA Danladi Kings, 3.YAKUB Salihu Ochetega,4.ABUBAKAR UMARThe design and construction of a metallic artificial palm tree for street lights and surveillance camera installation is an innovative solution to enhance urban landscapes while incorporating vital functionalities. This work aims to blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment, providing aesthetically pleasing street lighting and discreet surveillance capabilities. The metallic Artificial Palm tree will be engineered using advanced materials and technology, ensuring durability, weather resistance, and high structural integrity. It will mimic the appearance of a natural palm tree, featuring intricate details such as realistic bark texture, lush foliage, and graceful fronds. The design will consider all the environmental factors for smooth construction and installation of the product so as to provide efficient and eco-friendly illumination, promoting safety and enhancing the overall ambiance of the area. By combining the functionality of street lighting and surveillance cameras with the beauty of a natural palm tree, this work aims to create a harmonious and technologically advanced urban environment. It will enhance the safety, aesthetics, and sustainability of public spaces, fostering a sense of community and well-being.
Keywords: Artificial Palm Tree, SolidWorks, Surveillance Camera, street light
Flexural response of bolted lapped connections in multi-span cold formed steel purlins [PDF] Ashraf M B, Amin F, Ilyas M, Khan AThe In the last 50 years, cold-formed steel structural members such as Z-section purlins have been widely utilized in the metal building construction sector, e.g., pre-engineered buildings. The popularity of these products has risen dramatically in recent years because of their wide applications, low cost, excellent strength-to-weight ratios, and simplicity in fabrication. Plain Z-section purlins are the most common cold-formed steel purlins used for roof systems across the world. Two Z-section purlins are connected so that they function as continuous members of a pre-engineered building with a larger bay span.
The purlins model was made with two spans. Dimension of each span was 8.250m c/c and the spacing between each row of purlin 1.170m c/c, while cleats are used to connect purlins with the supporting beam. For analysis of purlin model, SAP2000 Software was used and found the vertical deflection at intervals (i.e. 0.00mm, 3300mm, 3467mm, 4783mm & 8250mm) under applied loading of 4 increments sequentially. Parallel to the analytical work, an experimental test was also performed to understand the flexural rigidity behaviour of lapped connections over the internal support in multi-span. For experimental work, full-scale two-span purlins were used while the exterior ends were pinned connections while the interior was lapped connections, and the vertical deflections were measured at the same intervals mentioned above by using SOKIA Auto Level-B20, under applied loading at intervals of 4 increments. Comparisons were made between vertical deflections obtained from analysis using SAP2000 software, experiments, and code IBC-2009.
Keywords: Cold-formed section, Lapped connection, Z purlin, flexural rigidity, vertical deflection, SAP2000, Applied loading in 4 increments, IBC-2009
Adoption of Digital Learning Technology: An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants in Telecom Sector [PDF] Abdul BasitTechnology has advanced significantly from the analogue period to the digital era. Digital Learning Technology (DLT) is a learning paradigm based on the use of ubiquitous latest technologies, by using smart devices. It can be described as a learning environment that is assisted in daily life by wireless networks, mobile, and embedded computers. It aims to offer content and interaction to students wherever they are, at any time. The learning process has advanced thanks to the technology revolution, which has also fundamentally altered how knowledge is shared and learned. At present, there exist other frameworks too, but they are centered towards different paradigms, and point of view pertaining to DLT with its emphasis on Telecommunication Sector has not been taken into consideration. As, existing frameworks are centered towards different environments hence there exists a need to add dimensions of Empowered Learner, Digital Citizen, Knowledge Curator, Innovative Designer, Computational Thinker and Creator, Communicator & Global Collaborator. These have not been integrated together in existing available research.
The study will ascertain level of knowledge of DLT and examine factors which affect the adoption rate, use, and role of DLT in telecoms setups. The results of this research will help create a framework that, if used in any academic or learning setting in a technology-based firm.