Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition
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Dual Transform Based Audio Watermarking[Full-Text ] Ms.Komal Shedge, Mrs.Mangal PatilThis paper presents a new (Advanced) watermarking scheme for audio signal. Many Impressive watermarking algorithms have been designed for digital images but very few have developed for audio. The proposed algorithm uses a Dual transform to achieve good quality results. Transform used are discrete wavelet transform and singular value decomposition. This newly proposed algorithm is established mainly in security point of view. Robustness of proposed method is verified by applying various attacks such as volume scaling, resampling, requantization, Low pass filter, etc.
Human Equivalent of Cosmo[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaThis Scientific research focus that the “Cosmo Universe” Considered like a “MIGHTY HUMAN” lying on the floor facing upwards having stretched hands and legs and caring for His Children with “Sleepless eyes” which act as Encode / Decode logic system for the sustainability of Universe.
Action of Nitrogen and Carbon Nucleophiles on Benzoxazin-4(H)-one Derivative as Convenient Methods for the Synthesis of Some Novel Heterocyclic Systems[Full-Text ] Mounir .A.I. Salem, Mohammad E.Azab, Ibrahiem.S.A. MabroukA novel heterocyclic compounds such as N-substituted quinazolin-4(H)-one, 1-H-pyridazino[6,1-b]-, [1,2]oxazino-[3,2-b]-, benzimidazolo[1,2-c], [1,2,4]-triazolo[2,3-c]quinazoline derivatives, [1,3,4]-thiadiazole, [1,2,4]triazoles derivatives were ob-tained via the reaction of 2-[(1Z, 3E)-1-benzamido-4-phenyl-1,3-butadien-1-yl]-6,8-dibromo-[3,1]-benzoxazin-4(H)-one 4 with a variety of nitrogen and carbon nucleophiles and carbon electrophiles, the starting group carry a substituent in position-2 which increase both the stability and the reactivity of [3,1]benzoxazin-4(H)-one nucleus.
Rotational Energy Surfaces of 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolylidenaminodichlorophosphine: A Semi-empirical Study[Full-Text ] Ritu Mathur, Dinesh ChandSemi-empirical PM3 calculations have been performed with MOPAC 6.0 programme to study conformational analysis of different stereoisomer of 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolylidenaminodichlorophosphine (I) and their rotational energy surfaces to find the most stable conformation. The geometry optimization of four possible conformers of I gives rise to two minimum energy structures of IA and IB having syn orientation of lone pair of electrons on nitrogen and phosphorus. These structures were confirmed to be global minima by the force calculations. In terms of heat of formation, the geometrical isomer IA is more stable than IB by ~0.6 kcal/mol. Force calculation were carried out to locate transition state and global minima. The minimum energy structure on potential energy surface represents rotamer IA, (Planar orientation of lone pair of electrons on N10 & P11) confirms this to be most stable conformer. The maxima on the graph correspond to the stereoisomer IB; which is least least stable conformer. The rotational barrier is found to be 1.5 kcal/mol. The increased stability of the rotamer IA, representing minima can be attributed to the presence of negative hyperconjugation effect.
Antibacterial activity and dyeing characteristics of some azo-pyazole disperse dyes using eco-friendly ultrasound energy for PET fabric.[Full-Text ] Tarek Abou Elmaaty, Khaled Elnagar, Sherif Hassan and Hanan GamalThe objective of this research was to use ultrasound as ecofriendly technique to enhance dyeing performance and antibacterial behaviors of PET dyed with some Azopyrazole disperses dyes. The use of ultrasound imparted greater color strength and higher antibacterial activity. The color strength expressed as k/s of the dyed samples was evaluated in addition to CIE lab coordinates (L*,a* and b*) were also measured. Washing, rubbing and light Fastness properties were evaluated for both conventional and ultrasound dyeing techniques. Scanning electron microspore was used to investigate the morphological characteristics of the dyed samples.
Removal of Cr and Pb from Spent Engine Oil using Waste Plastic Materials as Adsorbents[Full-Text ] D. T. Kukwa, R. E. Ikyereve and E.O. AgboUsed engine oil from automobile was treated with five different types of plastic waste materials (plastic water bottles, vegetable oil gallons and engine oil gallons) to investigate the adsorptive removal potential of heavy metals associated with wear of the automobile engines. Atomic Absorption spectral analysis of the used oil showed the presence of chromium (Cr) 41.6 mgL-1 and Lead (Pb) 37.7 mgL-1. After treatment with wasteplastics; Final-product plastic (FPP) bottles, Goshen-water plastic (GWP) bottles and Waterfirst plastic (WFP) bottles, equilibrium concentration of Cr reduced to 12.5, 13.4 and 13.1 mgL-1 and Pb reduced to 14.4, 15.6 and 14.9 mgL-1 respectively. Engine oil wasteplastic gallon (EOG) also reduced equilibrium concentrations of Cr to10.9 mgL-1 and Pb to 12.7 mgL-1 while vegetable oil wasteplastic gallon (VOG) decreased concentrations of Cr to 10.7 mgL-1 and Pb to 14.1 mgL-1. A thermodynamic study showed that the Gibbs free energy of adsorption for the plastic bottles and gallons were found to be in the range -0.746 and -2.754 KJmol-1, which indicates that physical adsorption prevailed throughout the process. The adsorption of heavy metals on the plastic materials used during the study followed the modified Arrhenius-type equation.
DISTRIBUTION OF MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITABLE WATER IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] I. A. UDO, C. U. OKJAGU , N.B. B. EWURUM Mean monthly precipitable water values from twenty seven state capitals and Federal Capital Territory, Abuja are determined using a ten year monthly meteorological parameter- average surface temperature. The results are then presented on annual average precipitable water map. The map shows that location with high topography has lowest value of precipitable water while location with plain terrain has highest value of precipitable water.
ACOUSTIC ECHO CANCELLATION USING MODIFIED NORMALIZED LEAST MEAN SQUARE ADAPTIVE FILTERS[Full-Text ] Kayode Francis Akingbade, Isiaka Ajewale AlimiAdaptive filtering techniques are used extensively in various digital signal processing applications such as acoustic echo cancellation (AEC), adaptive noise cancellation, channel identification and adaptive channel equalization. This paper focuses on developing an efficient acoustic echo removal algorithm, capable of providing effective results by implementation of adaptive filtering techniques to reduce undesirable echo in communication systems. The developed echo canceller comprises of a normalized least mean square (NLMS) adaptive filter and a double-talk detector (DTD) which plays an essential role in AEC. The AEC algorithms employed in this work are implemented using MATLAB application and results of simulations are presented.
Asymptotic analysis on unsteady gravity flow of a power-law fluid flow through a porous medium[Full-Text ] AMOS W.OGUNSOLA, BENJAMIN A.PETERWe present a paper on the asymptotic analysis of unsteady gravity flows of a power-law fluid through a porous medium. The fluids is Pseudo-plastic for n<1, Dilatant fluids for n>1 and Newtonian fluids for n=1.We assumed that porosity is large and analytical solutions are sought asymptotically. For the case of radial axisymmetric flow, the governing partial differential equations were transformed into an ordinary differential equations through similarity variable. It is further assumed that the viscosity is temperature dependent. We investigate the effects of velocity on the temperature field and the results obtained are discussed.
CHARACTERIZATION OF THROUGHPUT IN OPTIMIZATION OF DATA TRANSMISSION NETWORK IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Udeh I.J, Onoh G.N , Ugwu O.CIt was discovered that when noise and interference are negligible, received power balancing maximizes the base station throughput provided the population of active terminals does not exceeds an optimum size. Throughput is the average rate of successful message delivery over a physical or pass through a certain network node. However, this paper focuses on the amount of processed data communication network, transmitting power control and the number of terminal that should be admitted into code division multiple access (CDMA) system in order to maximize the base station throughput for a wireless data transmission network.
Scientometric Analysis of Indian Engineering Literature during 1999-2013[Full-Text ] Mr. Siddanagouda C. Hosamani, Dr. Vitthal T. BagalkotiThe present study deals with the scientometric analysis of Indian engineering research output as reflected in Web of Science (WOS) database for the period 1999 to 2013 for identifying the research output in the field of engineering literature. It also provides a comparative evaluation and performance of different types of scientometric indicators, such as number of publications, number of citations, relative growth, doubling time, activity index and collaboration from India. The Indian engineering research has increased exponentially over the last decade.
FREQUENCY DIVERSITY METHOD IN REDUCTION OF SIGNAL FADING ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORK IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Udeh I.J, Ugwu O.C, Onoh G.NIn wireless communications, signal fading is the deviation or the attenuation that a carrier modulated telecommunication signal experiences over a certain propagation media. This paper presents using frequency diversity technique in reduction of signal fading on wireless communication network in Nigeria. It is also to note that fading may vary with time, geographical position or radio frequency and it is often modeled as radom process. In this paper, frequency diversity technique was adopted and has been found to be suitable for reducing signal fading but has to do so to the extend of about 90% in digital communication.
REACTING RADIAL FLOW OF A POWER-LAW FLUID WITH VARIABLE VISCOSITY THROUGH A POROUS MEDIUM[Full-Text ] A. W.OGUNSOLA, B. A. PETERIn this work, we are focusing on the reacting radial flow of a power-law fluid with variable viscosity through a porous medium. We considered the governing equations with reaction term and variable viscosity. We employed Galerkin weighted residual method to analyzed the problem and we report the effects of various physical parameters involved in the model.
Resource Provisioning Policies in Hybrid Cloud on Resource Failures: A Practical Study[Full-Text ] Roqaiya FatimaHybrid cloud is increasing attention in recent days, and it requires considerable exploration. Hybrid cloud is a composition of two or more clouds (private, community or public) that remain unique entities but are bound together, offering the benefits of multiple deployment models. It has an important and challenging problem in the large scale distributed system such a cloud computing environments. As resource failures may take place due to the increase in functionality and complexity in hybrid cloud. So a resource provisioning algorithm that has ability of attending the end user quality of service (QoS) is paramount. In this paper resource provisioning policies are studied to assure the QoS targets of the user. These policies are also examined in the paper against the backdrop of including the workload model and the failure correlations to redirect user’s requests to the appropriate Cloud providers. While applying real failure traces and a workload model, the proposed resource provisioning policies are evaluated in order to demonstrate their performance, cost as well as performance-cost-efficiency. Under circumstances, they become able to improve the user’s QoS about 32% in terms of deadline violation rate and 57% in terms of slowdown with a limited cost on a public Cloud.
WDM Optical Communication Networks : Performance Comparison using different Fibers[Full-Text ] Poonam SingalWhile optical transmission techniques have been researched for quite some time, optical networking studies have been taken up in last few years only. The field has evolved and many different fibers have come up to overcome hindrances in smooth flow of data at higher rates. The objective of this paper is to discuss at length the current optical networking trends along with the role of different kind of fibers in development of different networks.
Graph-based Data Mining: A New Approach for Data Analysis[Full-Text ] Nandita Bothra, Anmol Rai GuptaThe field of graph mining has drawn greater attentions in the recent times. Graph is one of the extensively studied data structures in computer science and thus there is quite a lot of research being done to extend the traditional concepts of data mining have been in graph scenario. In this paper, large data set containing medical histories of men belonging to different age groups has been taken and further divided into clusters. This data has been arranged into graphs and further into sub graphs. We have implemented the Apriori algorithm and use it to determine frequency and association between various factors influencing the fertility of men in a particular season and of a particular age group. The analysis has been done by taking into account various risk factors that influence fertility and the frequency of their occurrence.
Marijuana[Full-Text ] Amal BajafferAn understanding of marijuana, its uses, and its effects on human bodies can provide insights on why people widely use it despite increased risks of health complications. Marijuana is a mixture of dried parts of the Cannabis sativa plant and is widely used around the world as an illicit substance. It contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as the major active ingredient responsible for its stimulating effects on users. It has numerous street labels including Mary Jane, pot, weed, reefer, herb, ganja, smoke, bhang, and grass. Marijuana is widely used for recreational purpose and as a medicine to treat various health conditions.
Surveillance on Security Issues in Cloud Computing: A View on Forensic Perspective[Full-Text ] DANLAMI GABIThe rapid evolution of cloud computing over decade has drawn a wider attention to the number of subscribers growing over time as a result of the flexible services offered by cloud computing. Due to the cloud’s flexible security architecture, attacks have occurred which emanate from subscribers’ cloud-based infrastructure and are passed-through to the end users. It has become difficult to make general forensic diagnoses due to the differing (flexible) security architectures in use in the cloud. In this paper, we key our research on security issues in cloud computing, with a demonstrated experiment. During our experiment, we make use of virtual machine (VM) and set a window server 2003 operating system to serve as a forensic server that monitor and record the behavior of attacks emanate from the cloud and affect end-users of cloud subscription services. At the end of our experiment, we conducted a forensic investigation on this machine, which enables us to obtained ideal evidence.
Design Of Connecting Rod For Weight Reduction Using C70S6 Material[Full-Text ] Deepak G. Gotiwale, Shailesh D. AmbekarThis paper presents a study of redesigning of connecting rod for its weight reduction using c70s6 material. During its operation connecting rod undergoes various types of loads. Fatigue as well as static stresses are mainly responsible for failure of a connecting rod. Initially fatigue testing was carried out for studying failures during its life cycles. But after recognizing these failures during fatigue testing, fatigue life further enhanced by incorporating few changes and then analyzed with the help of FEA for highlighting critical points on connecting rod. These critical points are divide with respect to five different zones at connecting rod. Considering these five different zones and critical points, connecting rod was subjected to static FEA for tensile and compressive loading for both small and big end. In this process, first small end is restrained and simultaneously compressive and tensile load is applied at crank end. Similarly, crank end is restrained and simultaneously compressive and tensile load is applied at pin end. Stresses near these points are studied and the regions where stresses are less, are considered for material reduction areas from connecting rod. Then the connecting rod design is also supported by analytical calculations for its thickness. All these findings are incorporated in new digitized connecting rod. Therefore the aim of this paper is to study these causes or areas of failure with the help of FEA and redesigning the connecting rod by focusing on the scope of weight and cost reduction. Thus the component was redesigned with reduction in its weight.
Investigation of Mechanical and Wear properties of Aluminum-Fly Ash composite material produced by Stir Casting Method[Full-Text ] M. Raja Kumar, M. Shunmuga Priyan, A.ManiMetal matrix composites (MMCs) possess significantly improved properties including high specific strength, specific modulus, damping capacity and good wear resistance compared to unreinforced alloys. There has been an increasing interest in composites containing low density and low cost reinforcements. Among various discontinuous dispersoids used, fly ash is one of the most inexpensive and low density reinforcement available in large quantities as solid waste byproduct during combustion of coal in thermal power plants. Hence, composites with fly ash as reinforcement are likely to over come the cost barrier for wide spread applications in automotive and small engine applications. Now a days the particulate reinforced aluminium matrix composite are gaining importance because of their low cost with advantages like isotropic properties and the possibility of secondary processing facilitating fabrication of secondary components. The present investigation has been focused on the utilization of abundantly available industrial waste fly-ash in useful manner by dispersing it into aluminium to produce composites by stir casting method. The dry sliding wear behavior of the composites in the cast conditions was studied at different loads and different sliding velocities with the help of Pin-On-Disc wear test machine.
The Relationship between Conflicts and Employee Performance: Case of Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Weerarathna R.SBanking sector in Sri Lanka is facing a tremendous growth in the last few years with post war economic growth in Sri Lanka. Numbers of new entrants both from the domestic and foreign origin increase the competition among the firms; volume of transaction is increasing and the range of services. As a result, working hours of banking sector has increased. Though there is a growth in banking sector in Sri Lanka, better employee individual performance has been a critical issue in both private and government banks in Sri Lanka. Consequently, conflicts are becoming a more common phenomenon in organizations. Employees have experienced more occupational stress due to workplace conflicts. Also conflicts are not supported to increase performance. Therefore the purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between conflicts and employee performance in banking sector in Sri Lanka. The independent variable is conflicts and the dependent variable was employee performance. This study has been completed with an empirical survey which was thoroughly conducted using a self administrated questionnaire and the sample consisted of employees in government banks. Questionnaires comprising three parts were sent directly to the target segment. This study was associated with hypothesis testing and it was co relational. Since the current study setting can be referred as a field study where the study has done in non-contrived setting with minimizing interference of the researcher.
Hybrid SVD BASED DATA TRANSFORMATION METHODS FOR PRIVACY PRESERVING[Full-Text ] Syed Md. Tarique Ahmad, Shameemul Haque, Prince Shoeb KhanAt the present time privacy issues are main concern for many government and other private organizations to delve important information from large repositories of data. Privacy preserving clustering which is one of the techniques emerged to addresses the problem of extracting useful clustering patterns from distorted data without accessing the original data directly. In this paper a hybrid data transformation method is proposed for privacy preserving clustering in centralized database environment. The proposed hybrid method takes the advantage of two existing techniques such as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and shearing based data perturbation. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method efficiently protects the private data of individuals and retains the important information for clustering analysis.
An Abandoned Object Detection from Real time video.[Full-Text ] Kulkarni Abhishek, Kulkarni Saurabh, Patil Aniket, Patil Girish.Video Surveillance system is one of the famous tool appointed for observing highly sensitive places. Advanced researches in field of computer vision technology supported and improves the performance of Video surveillance System. It is boon for post processing because of research in artificial intelligence it is possible to use video surveillance system for taking precaution than cure. The proposed system is useful for live processing as well as post processing of Video Stream. The proposed System Detects Abandoned object in Highly Sensitive Area .The System works on resolution of 320*240 (QVGA). The system is Interactive in nature and works with coordination of CCTV controller.
Processing and Interpreting Water bodies and Road Networks from Satellite Images and storing them as QR Codes[Full-Text ] Mukund Sarma, Aiswarya Somanath, Raghesh Krishnan KStudy on remote sensing images is becoming an important target for geological survey activities, mineral exploration, industrial investment, etc. A detailed study and observation about an image is essential to classify every object in the image. This work aims to classify water bodies and road networks from satellite images. Satellite image analysis provides a statistically superior method of sampling that is not possible via conventional ground "grab sampling" methods. Satellite imaging can analyze the entire body of water and identify the areas that need treatment or can be used for planning purposes. However, heavy cloud obstruction or vegetation coverage will impact the ability to view and analyze water or land. Also, remotely sensed images may be severely affected due to different kinds of noise. In order to overcome this, initially, the image is checked for noise and is removed, if necessary using an iterative filtering algorithm for impulse noise removal. The denoising is followed by segmentation after which feature extraction or classification can be performed to identify the objects. After classification, the information is to be stored for future reference. The last step is to store back the information in the form of a QR code. Previously, barcodes were used for storing such information. However with the advent of smartphone technology, people are always connected to the internet and the new technology of QR codes is more suitable for this purpose. The information can be used for various purposes like geographical surveys, mapping of regions and can also be used to find out the author or the person who has processed the image for any future clarifications.
Comparative Study of the Connecting Rod Manufactured Using Forging and Sintering[Full-Text ] Kadiam Bhargav V Siva KumarConnecting rod is a major part inside of an internal combustion engine. The rod connects the crankshaft with the piston. The connecting rod pushes the piston up, and is helped back down by the piston's reciprocal motion. In this paper a structural and thermal analysis is conducted on a connecting rod of a two cylinder 4-stroke S217 engine. The model is developed using Solid modeling software i.e. PRO/E. Further finite element analysis is done to determine the von-misses stresses shear stress, strains and heat distribution for the given loading conditions.
Intercarrier Interference Cancellation for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing[Full-Text ] Rakhi. C.CFuture wireless systems are expected to support a wide range of services which includes video, data and voice. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising candidate for achieving high data rates because of multicarrier modulation technique and ability to convert a frequency selective fading channel into several nearly ?at fading channels. A well known problem of OFDM , is the sensitivity to frequency o?set between the transmitted and received signals, which may be caused by Doppler shift in the channel, or by the di?erence between the transmitter and receiver local oscillator frequencies. This CFO causes loss of orthogonality between sub-carriers. If the orthogonality of the carriers is no longer maintained, there will be inter-carrier interference (ICI). ICI reduction techniques are essential in improving the performance of an OFDM system in an environment which induces frequency o?set error in the transmitted signal. One of the e?cient ICI cancellation method is the ICI self-cancellation scheme. This paper analyzes the ICI self cancellation scheme and presents a new ICI self cancellation scheme called self cancellation scheme with correlative coding. In terms of bit error rate (BER) the proposed scheme provides better performance than the self cancellation scheme.
Technical Report Writing And Presentation: A Necessary Tool For Effective Engineering Practice And Technological Advancement[Full-Text ] OBI, P. I.Technical report writing and presentations are the backbone of interdisciplinary communications among professionals in all areas of business and government activities. They are effective tools for selling an idea or product, out ling a plan or procedure, or explaining a problem and the recommended solutions. This paper therefore, discuses how a professional engineer, scientist or technologist should take advantage of the tool by being convinced of the importance of writings and presentations, understanding the related human interfaces, and appreciating the scope and relationship of the various elements that must be considered.
Infrared Absorption of High Temperature Superconductors[Full-Text ] A. P. SinghThe temperature dependence of infrared absorption coefficients for high temperature superconductors are investigated in two forms: (i) in the close vicinity of Tc the superconductivity increases so that the cooper pairs dominate over normal electronics contribution and (ii) the contribution of normal energy becomes small compared to the cooper pair energy. The developed expressions electronic infrared absorption coefficients for high temperature superconductors are obtained by using double time temperature dependent Green’s functions. The almost complete Hamiltonian used in the study include the contributions due to the unperturbed phonons and electrons, anharmonic phonon fields, localized phonon fields and that of electron-phonon interactions. The total infrared absorption in high temperature superconductors is obtained as the sum of calculations of strength of absorption at the gap- or local-mode energies have been made for some samples. The non availability of several physical quantities for Nb3Sn compound and involvement of the wide range of energies, a great complexity in computation was eradicated by showing the general trends of the variation of absorption coefficient with changing energy and temperature.
Terrestrial Free-Space Optics systems: Wavelength Considerations: 10 µm vis-a-vis Shorter Wavelengths[Full-Text ] Shruti. R, Sonali Chugh, Nicky Niranjan, C. Ramachandran, MK JainThis paper presents analytical study of Free-Space Optics (FSO) at 10 µm vis-a-vis conventionally used shorter wavelengths like 850, 1350 and 1550 nm under different weather attenuating conditions like fog, rain, snow and turbulence etc. while taking in to consideration maximum allowable laser power transmission from eye safety perspective and background radiations received from celestial and other hot bodies.
Performance Analysis of LLECLAIR versus AODV in wireless networks[Full-Text ] Prof Jay L. Borade, Dr B.K. Mishra, Prof Rajesh BansodeTCP/IP protocol suite provides the set of protocols which is defacto standard for communication in the Internet today. TCP/IP protocol provides efficient performance in wired networks. Protocols like AODV in wireless networks faces technological challenges such as 0.42ms delay, 160kbps throughput, 940 pdr, 7.9 joules of energy spent on the simulation of 50 nodes and 10s simulation time.LLECLAIR is a cross layer design approach that increases throughput to 200kbps, and pdr upto 950 and it reduces the delay upto 0.17ms and energy spent to 7.45joules in order to increase the overall performance of wireless networks. LLECLAIR is the combination of LLCLAMP and ÉCLAIR protocols which provides an efficient way to optimize and merge the layers in TCP/IP suite.
Smartphone security system[Full-Text ] Anas AlarfajMany years ago mobile phones were used just for calls and sending messages. In the last decade, the usage of mobile phones has increased in a big manner. They have become more sophisticated and more powerful. They have come to be called smartphones. Due to its wide application range the smartphone has been highly popular among the human community. The smartphone is slowly taking the place of laptops and has started competing with computers for performing various user tasks in an efficient way. Apart from communication, smartphone helps user activities by performing many tasks. A smartphone user can carry out personal and important information such as internet banking, online bookings, chatting, emails, using GPS, connectting to social network and many others. While carrying out all these tasks the smartphone user passes authentic information such as passwords, contact details and PIN details. They also store personal information such as SMS message, photographs, passwords and some confidential data. There are chances that some people can pick this information and use them for robbing the users. Therefore, it is required to implement security systems for protecting the user information against fraudulent activities. This paper will discuss some of security problems faced by a smartphone user and also focuses on the methods which can be done to protect the smartphone user information