Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016.
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EFFECT OF ASPECT RATIO ON THE OIL SEPARATION EFFICIENCY OF CONVENTIONAL OIL/WATER SEPARATORS[Full-Text ] William E. Odiete and Jonah C. AgunwambaThis research work investigated the effect of Aspect ratio (length:width) on the oil separation and oil separation efficiency of conventional oil/water separators. It was found that the oil separation and the oil separation efficiency increased with increase in the Aspect ratio of the oil/water separators. Thus the oil separation and oil separation efficiency of conventional oil/water separators vary in direct proportion with Aspect ratio.
Estimation of the fundamental properties of Zinc Oxide molecule: A nanoparticle based study in a photodynamic system[Full-Text ] Vinamra Chaturvedi, Mukesh Kumar RoyZinc Oxide (ZnO) makes and excellent starting material for several applications in the cosmetics,paints,semiconductors and the other ‘green’ industries.Diverse processing technologies enable control of properties like shape and size of the dust sized powdered particles. Robust checking of the particles at the nano-size level is important to retain purity of the content .This is possible by monitoring the chemical processes involved during the manufacturing as well as the application stage .This approach eliminates unwanted risks associated with re-engineering (for example,expensive highly processed semiconductor grade products finding way into cosmetic industry).Since powder grade ZnO has found way into skin protection creams, benefits of such a rigourous testing are many including large scale production from chemically repeatable processes as well as reuse of exotic and expensive materials in drug industry.The present communication,attempts to establish a procedure to engineer such material systems at a molecular level.Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) based spectroscopic data is used to roughly estimate the bond length of the molecule.Another important parameter called the Moment of Inertia is calculated with a rigid rotor assumption.As the paper suggests ,both of the parameters play an important role in determining the strength of the material system in a complex photo-dynamic environment such as the one that exists on a sun-tan cream covered human skin.
Maintaining the overall equipment effectiveness based on evaluation phase of value engineering[Full-Text ] Vikrant Dongre, Prof Malay NirajToday many industries are challenging together in competition. In industry the final product should be manufactured with desired and several quality.it should possess the several features with least cost so that the customer can be satisfied by its value. This can be achieved if there are minimization of equipment failure and reduction of defect both can be done by maintaining the overall equipment effectiveness(OEE).There are evaluation phase of value engineering method which will be beneficial for improvement of OEE. The Cost and quality can be optimized by maintaining the OEE in production.in these scenario we gave the value engineering process with the supporting tool i.e. Just-In-Time(JIT) and Plan-do-check-act(PDCA) And the technique has been applied in a process industry in Jharkhand in India.
Analysis of Rcc and Psc Bridge Deck Slab for Various Spans[Full-Text ] Thanushree H, Siddesha H, Dattatreya J K, Dr.S.V.DineshThe effect of various span on single-span reinforced concrete bridges and PSC bridges are analysed using the finite-element method and the results are presented in this paper. Investigations are carried out on RC slab bridge decks and PSC bridge decks to study the influence of aspect ratio, span and type of load. The finite-element analysis results for bridges are compared to the reference analytical solution for dead load, IRC Class AA loading. Also comparative analysis of response of RCC and PSC slab bridge decks with that of equivalent of FEM analysis of bridge deck is made. Number of bridge models is analysed and the variation of critical structural response parameters such as longitudinal bending moment, longitudinal stresses and support reaction with analytical solution is studied. The benefit of prestressing is reflected more significantly increase in longitudinal bending moment and longitudinal stresses.
Secure RGB Image Steganography Based on Triple-A Algorithm and Pixel Intensity[Full-Text ] Md. Mizanur Rahman, Pronab Kumar Mondal, Indrani Mandal, Habiba SultanaSteganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, even perceives the existence of the hidden message. In this paper, the concept of RGB intensity properties is being merged with randomization based Triple-A algorithm to increase the hidden capacity of the data-bits. Usually, storing variable number of bits in each channel (R, G or B) of pixel depend on the actual color values of that pixel. The concept- channels containing lower color values, can store higher number of data bits. This technique can be applied to RGB images where each pixel is represented by three bytes to indicate the intensity of Red, Green, and Blue of that pixel. This work shows more effective results, especially the capacity of the data-bits to be hidden with relation to the RGB image pixels.
MODEL PREDICTION OF POLLUTION STANDARD INDEX FORFIVE STANDARD POLLUTANTS: A TOOL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT[Full-Text ] Terry Henshaw and Ify L. NwaogazieModeling pollution standard index (PSI) in Choba townfor five standard pollutants (NO2, SO2, PM2.5, PM10 and O3)is presented. The method used involved sorting all pollutants considered into standard forms of measurements in line with the PSI breakpoints. Results showed that the most critical pollutants in Choba junction are PM10, SO2 and O3. From the 5 day field observations,PM10 showed hazardous PSI level of 352 once, SO2 showed very unhealthy PSI level twice (253 and 228) and O3 showed very unhealthy PSI level twice (227 and 221). PSI models were developed for SO2, PM2.5, PM10 and O3 and they showed high coefficient of correlation of 0.99, 0.98, 0.93 and 0.95 respectively. When compared with the PSI model for CO it was discovered that wind speed showed significance for only the CO PSI model. The summary of these results showed that human activities in junctions can affect the type of pollutant which determines the PSI health category. It is recommended that government policies regulating retail sellers around junctions should be strictly enforced especially in the evenings/night periods when the atmospheric stability impedes dispersion of pollutants.
Fin Spacing Optimization for Isothermal Rectangular Polished Aluminum Fins on a Vertical Base[Full-Text ] Parimal S. Bhambare, Dr. Dinesh K. Kaithari, Ganesh S. KharoteThe effect of fin spacing on the steady state heat transfer for an array rectangular aluminum fins on a vertical base has been investigated in the present work. The heat transfer rate from the fin array was experimentally studied by varying the fin spacing. Fin height (H), length (L) and thickness (t) are kept constant during experimentation while the fin spacing (S), heat input (Q) and number of fins have been varied as: 5 - 22.5 mm, 30 – 150 W and 5 – 15 respectively. Total 11 fin configurations have been tested during the experimentation. Radiation network analysis is used to estimate the radiation heat transfer rate and it is subtracted from the total heat input to estimate the convection heat transfer rate. Convective heat transfer coefficient, the average Nusselt number and Grashoff number have been estimated based on the analysis.
Prospects and Problems in Implementation of Mobile Information System in Panchayat Raj[Full-Text ] Mr. Manoj B. Patel, Prof. Dr. Mangala A. SabadraThe Panchayat Raj System is backbone of Indian governance to reach up to villages and to have an active participation of citizens in governance. The Panchayat Raj Institutions in India started functioning manually. As per 13th Vitta Aayog, the computer system and necessary setup are provided in every Gram Panchayat. Still the problems of availability of electricity, power backup, internet connectivity, training etc. are to be faced. The implementation of Mobile Information System in Panchayat Raj will facilitate citizens for easy and fast accessing of documents and information. This will save the time and money spend to visit office at taluka & District levels from villages. Mobile Information System will also facilitate employees for easy & fast working without affecting their geographical location. It will reduce the budget of government by reducing the cost of Computer Hardware & Software, Infrastructure setup, Electricity and Maintenance. It will provide portability, reduce the time lags of office works and will bring transparency in the process. However it is a challenge to implement Mobile Information System in Dhule district, hence a study is done to find out the prospectus and problems in implementation.
Convolution Based Composite Edge Detector for Gray-Scale and Colour Images[Full-Text ] P. Shanmugavadivu, A.ShanthasheelaEdge detection techniques assume importance in image segmentation, as it forms the basis for boundary or region detection. In this paper, a new edge detection technique namely Convolution Based Composite Edge Detector (CCED) for gray-Scale and colour Images is presented. The performance of CCED is confirmed to be better than the standard edge detection techniques Sobel, Prewitt and Canny. This technique is proved to perform well on the images of varying contrast and brightness. This edge detection technique is ideally found to work well on grayscale and color images. Hence, it is acclaimed to be image-independent edge detection method.
PROPOSING AND INVESTIGATING THE EFFICIENCY OF VERTICAL PERFORATED BREAKWATER[Full-Text ] Mohammed Ibrahim, Hany Ahmed, Mostafa Abd Alall, A.S. KoraimThis study aims to propose two types of an innovate breakwater with an economic feasibility. The first type is consists of two vertical perforated walls, the first wall is permeable in lower part (porosity e =50%) and is impermeable in the upper part. The second wall is permeable in the upper part (porosity e =50%) and the lower part is impermeable. Between the two walls there is a horizontal slotted wall. The second type is the same construction as on the first type but without horizontal slotted wall. The results indicates that the hydrodynamic performance of the first type is better than that of the second type in the percentage of (10-15%) because of the presence of the horizontal slotted wall. The effect of wave force on the first model bigger than the second model in the rang (10-15%). The wave force on the proposed models increases with increasing the relative depth (d/L). The transmission coefficient (kt) decreases with increasing the relative depth (d/L). The reflection coefficient (kr) increases with increasing the relative depth (d/L).
Role of Gd3+ concentration on the structure, transport and magnetic properties of (Ni-Ti) doped Mn-Zn nanocystalline ferrite[Full-Text ] K. E. RadyA system of general chemical formula Mn0.9Zn0.1(Ni-Ti)0.05GdyFe1.9-yO4; (0.0 = y = 0.05) were prepared using standard ceramic method. The structure of the prepared samples was indicated using XRD diffraction. The average crystallite size of the prepared samples was estimated using Scherrer's equation and ranged from 96 to 104nm. DC electrical resistivity of the prepared samples was measured at room temperature using the two probe method. The thermoelectric power measurements show n-type conduction for all the prepared samples. The substitution of Fe3+ ions by Gd3+ ions improves the physical properties by increasing resistivity and consequently decreasing the dielectric loss so, they can be used in the core transformers. Also, the effect of temperature on the initial magnetic permeability was studied. Finally the cation distribution of the prepared samples was assumed and the theoretical magnetic moment was also calculated and compared with the experimental one. The substitution by Gd3+ improves the physical properties of the prepared samples where the sample of y= 0.01 exhibits high resistivity, highest initial permeability.
A Literature Survey of Image Descriptors in Content Based Image Retrieval[Full-Text ] Abdulrehman Ahmed Mohamed, Dr. Cyrus Abanti Makori PhD, & John KamauAs a result of the new communication technologies and the massive use of Internet in the society, the amount of audio-visual information available in digital format is increasing considerably. This has necessitated designing systems that allow describing the content of several types of multimedia information in order to search and classify them. The audio-visual descriptors are used for contents description in Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). The CBIR is a technique for retrieving images on the basis of automatically-derived features such as color, texture and shape. It uses digital processing and analysis to automatically generate descriptions directly from the media data. Image descriptors are the descriptions of the visual features of the contents in images, which describe elementary characteristics of images such as the shape, the color, the texture or the motion, among others. A literature survey study is most important for understanding and gaining insight about specific area of a subject. Therefore, in this paper we survey some of the state-of-art technical aspects of image descriptors in CBIR. Even though lots of research works had been published on CBIR, however, in this paper an effort has been made to explore an in-depth chronological growth in this field of image descriptors with respect to performance measure metrics of CBIR systems.
Performance Improvement and Analysis of Various Web Browsers using Clustering & Classification[Full-Text ] Harish Singh Baghel, Dr. Bharat MishraWeb Browsers is an intermediate application that can be used to access various files and data over internet. Although there are various Web browsers implemented for the access of various sites over internet, but these browsers contains different features on the basis of which the performance of the web browsers is calculated. Here in this paper analysis of various browsers is computed and compared on the basis of various attributes. The dataset containing attributes is analyzed using FCM clustering and rules are generated using decision tree to compute the efficient web browser.
The Importance of Crisis Management for Companies[Full-Text ] Abdullah AlsitrawiCompanies are aware of how crisis could affect them badly due the unknown timing and size until the time of occurrence. The disasters may come in different forms such as externally due to weather conditions, natural and manmade disasters or terrorist attacks. Additionally, internal crisis such as fire, bad employees’ behaviors, and unplanned executives leave. As a result, a plan is necessary to avoid the bad consequences of crisis and be ready for action once it suddenly happens. Also, the efforts of managers can make a big difference especially when these efforts are associated with ethical principles.
Performance of Proportional Directional Flow Control Valve in Rotational Hydraulic Movement[Full-Text ] Ahmad Ibrahim Qassim, Tahany William Sadak, Mahassen RizkFluid power control system is the technology that deals with the generation, control and transmission of forces, movement of mechanical element or system with the use of pressurized fluids in a confident system. This paper concentrates on static and dynamic performance of a rotational movement of hydraulic system under different operating conditions with connecting a proportional directional flow control valve (PDFCV). High technology is used for measuring and recording the experimental results which achieves accurate evaluations. Experiments have been conducted in case of no-load, 2003, 3093 and 4128 N load values. The performance under minimum and maximum loads is only reported. Supply pressure has been changed from 10 up to 50 bar. The effect of variation of pressure, load and flow rate values on the performance of the hydraulic system has been studied. It is concluded that increasing the load decreases the flow rate and speed of hydraulic motor, but increases the torque. In addition, increasing the supply pressure increases the flow rate.
ANALYSIS ON CANCER DETECTION USING IMPULSE RESPONSE OF BIOSENSOR[Full-Text ] K.KALYAN BABUCancer is a dangerous disease growing all over the world. It is growing exponentially all over the world. In this article I would like to present electrical characterization of a BIOSENSOR in determination of cancer in early stage. I have referred to various cancers in this paper which can be diagnosed at early stage using BIOSENSOR with electrical parameters.
Basic configuration of determination of Fat, Protein, Lactose and TS, SNF in infant formula milk powder by using MilkoScan FT120[Full-Text ] Shemaa Mohammed Abdelreda, Dr. Reyam Naji AjmiConsidering the importance of infant feeding which mainly depends of milk that is first place in the food chain and purposes of ensuring the health and safety by getting the best with a standard specification product nutritionally sufficient to contribute to normal growth and development of the protein content, fat , Total solid , Solid Nonfat and lactose of the five types in infant formula milk powder (over 6 months) circulating in the local markets and pharmacies , which are used as substitutes for breast milk during the first day of opening the box to the expiration date .The average composition of Milk types were : 29.27% fat, 21.90% protein, 45.66% Lactose 2.39 Total solid and 0.78% Solid Nonfat.
The synthesis of an ester based on maleic anhydride. Application to lead extraction[Full-Text ] Omar Kaddour , Naima Guettaf , Nadjia Khettab , Abdallah GherbiThe industrial wastes of heavy metals constitute a major problem for the environment which is in particular dependent, with the toxicity of certain chemical elements. So the selective elimination of the water-soluble metal cations represents an important issue. In a concept of “depollution”, an original approach utilizes the possibility of complexing metals. This work deals with the field of the macromolecular chemistry, which provides many examples of complexes, by synthesizing one of the derivatives of alkenylmaleic anhydride; and belongs to the family of esters capable to chelater of the lead’s cations ; and the rate of extraction has been approximately 85%.
Development of a Poundo-yam Single Screw Extruder[Full-Text ] Olorunsogo, Samuel Tunde; Awonorin, Samuel OlusegunPoundo-yam is a very popular food product in the yam production zone of West Africa. However, the traditional process for making poundo-yam is tedious, laborious, energy demanding, time consuming, and the pounding generates a large volume of sweat, not all of which escapes the food. In this research work a low speed single screw poundo-yam extruder was designed, fabricated using locally available materials and its performance evaluated.
Performance Evaluation and modeling of a Poundo-yam Single Screw Extruder[Full-Text ] Olorunsogo, Samuel Tunde; Awonorin, Samuel OlusegunA low speed single screw poundo-yam extruder was designed, constructed and mathematically modeled. The performance evaluation of the extruder was carried out using slices of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) and the effects of screw speed and quantity of added water on the extrudate throughput and residence time were investigated using a full factorial design, with 3 levels of screw speed (13,15, and 17 rpm) and 3 levels of quantity of added water (300, 400, and 500 mls/kg of tuber slices). Empirical relationships were developed to established the effects of screw speeds and level of added water on the throughput and extrudate residence time within the barrel. Results indicated that screw speed and the amount of added water affect the extrusion process, the extrudate output, and the extrudate residence time. Both factors have positive influences on extrudate output. However, screw speed is more influential than quantity of added water. On the effects of the two factors on extrudate residence time, it was found that both factors have negative influences. However, quantity of added water has less negative influence than screw speed.
The effect of different doses levels of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the seminal vesicles and prostate in Albino male Rat. Histopathological study[Full-Text ] Abdul hadi Sallal Mohammed, Ruqayah Ali Salman, Ali Jasim JaferThe present study was conducted on eighteen adult male albino rats were divided into three groups, each group was included six animals. The first group was represented control group, the second group was intravenous injection (I/V) in the tail region at dose (0.4mg/kg. Body weight) of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), the third group was intravenous injection of (AgNPs) at dose (0.6mg/kg. Body weight) in the tail region. The histological findings was revealed increase in the epithelial lining folds and large amount of alveolar secretions of seminal vesicle in the second treated group, from another hand, the alveoli of prostate were enlarged. While the seminal vesicles of the third treated group was appeared shortening in alveoli folds, connective tissue hyperplasia, and the seminal vesicle alveoli was enlarged, the prostatic tissue was revealed distraction in the epithelial lining of some prostatic alveoli, beside, some prostatic alveoli were enlarged and oozing of prostatic alveoli secretion into interstitial tissue.
Synthesis pathways for bio-renewable thermosets form vegetable oils[Full-Text ] Reena S. Vaidya, Gajanan N Chaudhari, Nitin RautBiobased thermosets are synthesized from vegetable oil by addition polymerization or copolymerization with the petroleum based monomers. The double bond in the triglycerides of vegetable oils can be functionalized by different techniques and treated effectively to yields thermoset with desired properties. The thermomechanical properties of these thermosets can be controlled by a proper control of the structure and choice of suitable comonomers. This study takes into account the various techniques which are commercially employed for functionalization of the double bond and subsequently synthesize the thermoset.
Engineering and Establishing the Secure System of Online Examination within Multi-Campus Environment using Sensor Network Technology[Full-Text ] Kawser Mohiuddin, Prof. Dr. K. P. YadavMajority of the present days examinations are online examinations including the university examinations or any recruitment process, the online examinations are economic, faster & reliable. WSN Technology is being deployed across the globe for various operations, but in this paper we propose the use of Sensor Networks in administrating the online examination. A virtual machine operating through server monitors all the client nodes either in its network. In this paper, a simple system is proposed that provides security for improvement of on-line examination using sensor nodes and various other IT tools & techniques including biometric authentication, firewalls, cryptography, network protocols etc. A framework is also given for conducting online examination. The proposed system assures a secure cryptographic communication individually or within a group with pre-assigned static IP addresses to the group clients. It is mainly ensured that online examination must not get altered, disturbed or compromised in anyway. In this system, with unique static IP addresses, every candidate will use his username & one time password provided by the server via the exam superintend at the time of examination. In remote cases, OTP can be sent via SMS. The examination roll no’s will act as candidate usernames. As the student logs in with correct username & OTP, his all details along with particular machine IP are mapped into a log file in the respective server. The encrypted answer file will not be submitted until its particular log file containing candidate’s username & machine IP address is not matched & submitted first. The entire node to node and practical supervision will be done by self organized sensor nodes.
Investigation of Self-Frequency variation of Higher order Soliton in Optical fiber[Full-Text ] Rajeev Sharma, Harish Nagar, G P SinghIn this paper, we present Intrapulse Stimulated Raman Scattering in optical fibers. To attain this purpose we used, the Split Step Fourier Method in our simulations. This technique is widely used to simulate soliton like numerical solutions of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (NLSE) and this is a principal method with a very high speed in calculations. During their transmission in optical fiber, soliton pulses are affected by the Raman scattering. Raman scattering is a process that has a substantial role in the higher order nonlinear effects. The Intrapulse Stimulated Raman Scattering (ISRS) is a phenomenon that appears for pulses with a wide spectrum. For these pulses the energy is transported from the high frequency components of the same pulse to the low frequency components. The consequence of this process is that the pulse spectrum shifts in the direction of the red side of the frequencies. The shift toward the red side of the spectra is called self-frequency shift and its physical foundation is related to the delayed nature of the Raman response.
An Investigation of Stuck Pipe Occurrences in Iran[Full-Text ] Abbas Roohi, Gerhard Thonhauser, Mehran Makvandi, Khalil Shahbazi, Rahman Ashena, Abbas Zamani, Asad ElmgerbiOne of the major sources of lost times in Iranian oil fields is stuck pipe which may occur due to differential sticking forces, inadequate hole cleaning and the consequent formation of cuttings beds in high angle wells, chemically active formations and inadequate mud weight leading to wellbore instability, fractured/faulted formations, and over-pressured formations. There are various methods of dealing with stuck pipe to prevent or alleviate it.
LITERATURE SURVEY OF MULTIBAND ANTENNA FOR WIRELESS APPLICATIONS[Full-Text ] Divya MathewAn antenna that works on different standards is required to reduce cost and complexity. Thus multiband antenna that works in different frequencies of wireless standards is desired. The antenna discussed in this paper covers various frequency ranges for WLAN/WiMAX/GPS applications. It gives the understanding of radiation pattern for multiband wireless applications. It shows the importance of partial ground plane in antenna design. The impedance bandwidth, current distribution, radiation pattern, gain and efficiency of different antenna are reviewed.
The Complexity of Tourist Destination Competitiveness Concept through main Competitiveness Models[Full-Text ] Sonila BerdoThe aim of this paper is to bring into consideration the complex nature of the tourist destination competitiveness concept; the evaluation and measurement challenges that this concept does represent theoretically and practically, through the dynamic development path and comparative analysis of four basic competitiveness models, respectively: Life cycle tourist area model; Porter’s diamond model; Crouch & Ritchie model and the Integrated model of Dwayer & Kim, by highlighting for each model, the advantages and disadvantages of them, as in theoretical and application aspects.
Case Study of Monthly Disparities between Consumed and Billed Household Electricity in Ghana[Full-Text ] Emmanuel Yeboah Osei, Barbara Caroline KwofiThis paper used electricity meter readings to comparatively assess the monthly disparities between actual household electricity consumption and Electricity Company of Ghana billed consumption for a 3-bedroom house in Ghana for a duration of eight months from April to November 2013. This case study was done to provide empirical insight into the nature of residential electricity bill irregularities based on concerns of some households. The empirical results showed monthly disparities throughout the duration of study. The electricity bills in kWh units were over-billed for September, October, and November by 70.4%, 9.1%, and 4.6% respectively. This resulted in inflation of the real cost of electricity consumption of 88.5%, 8.9%, and 4.5% for the respective months. However, the electricity bills in kWh units were under-billed for April, May, June, July, and August by 19.3%, 27.0%, 46.4%, 4.2%, and 39.1% respectively. This again resulted in deflation of the real cost of electricity consumption of 18.4%, 25.8%, 44.4%, 4.1%, and 37.9% for the respective months. These disparities revealed a fundamental problem of the Electricity Company of Ghana not billing the exact monthly electricity consumption for this case study. However, the overall disparity was an over-billing of just 1.2% which was relatively small compared with the disparities for the individual months. The Electricity Company of Ghana confirmed that such disparities are usually corrected as and when complaints are made to their offices.
Quasi-Hadamard product of certain starlike and convex functions with respect to symmetric point[Full-Text ] H. E. DARWISH , A. Y. LASHIN , A .N. ALNAYYEFIn this paper, we introduce establish certain results concerning the quasi-Hadmard product for two classes related to starlike and convex univalent functions with respect to symmetric points.
LIFI BASED AUTOMATED SMART TROLLEY USING RFID[Full-Text ] V.Padmapriya, R.Sangeetha, R.Suganthi, E.ThamaraiselviAn innovative product with societal acceptance is the one that aids the comfort, convenience and efficiency in everyday life. Shopping at mall is becoming daily activity in various cities. We can see huge rush at malls on holidays and weekends. The rush is even more when there are special offers and discount. People purchase different items in the malls and put them in the trolley. They have to find for the product on the list, queue to pay, at the billing counter. It is a time consuming process. To avoid this, we are developing a system which we called as ‘LIFI Based Automated Smart Trolley Using RFID’. In this system we are using RFID tags instead of barcodes. Each and every product has RFID tag. Whenever the customer puts a product into the trolley, it will get scanned by RFID Reader. The name and cost of the product will be displayed on the LCD. We are using Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology to transfer the data to the main computer. At the billing counter, LIFI receiver will be placed, which will receive the data from the transmitter.