Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016.
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Analyzing Foot Step Wheel on Stair Climbing Wheelchair[Full-Text ] Sadamhussain.N, Vasanthakumar.C.Wheelchairs are used by people for whom walking is difficult or impossible to due to disability. In world population, 7.3% of people where disable to walk. Most of the people have own wheelchair, problem due to conventional wheelchair is does not run in improper surfaces such as sudden raised path, stairs. To avoid this problem in wheelchair, we introduce the foot step wheel arrangement. In this paper, we designed and analyzed the stair climbing wheelchair by the moderation of foot step wheel arrangement. By the usage of ANSYS software, we simulate the elongation level on the foot step wheel, which are used to develop the perfect loading capacities on the wheelchair\
Independent Safe Region Updation and Meeting point Notification using Tile based Safe Region Approach[Full-Text ] Soundarya D.S. Rajan, J.Jeeva Santhana SeviIn applications like social networking services and online games, multiple moving users which form a group may wish to be continuously notified about the best meeting point from their locations.A promising technique for reducing the communication frequency of the application server is to employ safe regions, which capture the validity of query results with respect to the users locations.Unfortunately, the safe regions in the problem exhibit characteristics such as irregular shapes and inter-dependencies,We design efficient algorithms for computing these safe regions, as well as develop compression techniques for representing safe regions in a compact manner.This system proposes the Circular Safe Region Approach and Tile-Based Safe Region Approach.
Sintering of the pellets of Egyptian iron ore with lime and reduction of its via hydrogen[Full-Text ] N. A. El-Hussiny, I.A. Nafeaa, M. G. Khalif, S. S. Abdel-Rahim, M. E. H. ShalabiThis investigation studied the effect of lime addition to the Egyptian iron ore raw material on the physicochemical properties of its pellets in green and indurate form. Also the effect of this addition on the degree of reduction was studied. The results indicated that the addition of (2-8%) lime decrease the mechanical properties of the both green and indurate pellets. Also the reduction of these pellets via hydrogen was studied and the model of reduction was put in this paper.
Analysis of YM-0185P Compressor with 1 HP Motor on Basic Phenomenon Engine Laboratory[Full-Text ] Agung Sudrajad, Ipick SetiawanThe basic principle of the compressor is basically a tool or machine that is used to compress an air and increase the pressure. The previous compressor is still works, but there is some defect in the compressor. Because the compressor is no longer representative, it is necessary to repair and upgrade the installation of the reciprocating compressor. The modification of reciprocating compressor is designed to have movable frame with 1 HP motor and 2-cylinder compressor. This tool was tested with several parameters such as pressure, velocity, temperature and turbulence analysis with Fluent. From the compressor performance analysis, the maximum air delivery with 50 Hz frequency is 151.99 Liter/min, maximum pressure 8 kg/cm2, maximum temperature 42oC.
An Efficient Energy Aware ZRP-Fuzzy Clustering Protocol for WSN[Full-Text ] Osama A. Awad, Mariam RushdiClustering protocol in WSN have a great impact on the performance of the network especially in regards to solve the energy constrained problem, thus, this paper presents a cluster head selection based on fuzzy logic implemented on ZRP protocol (CHFL-ZRP) to increase the life time of the network as much as possible by increasing the stability period of the node. Simulation results based on NS2 show that the proposed approach prolongs the life span of the network as compared to LEACH, LEACH-C, LEACH-ERE and CHEF protocols
The Influence of Motivation on Labour Productivity on Building Construction Projects in South Africa[Full-Text ] Ugulu Rex Asibuodu, Makhotso Moabi, Mahlatse Ramushu, Morongoa Sebola and Allen StephenInadequate motivation of labourers in construction is one of the most daunting human resource problems in developing countries. The aim of this paper is to investigate and establish the possible motivation factors that influence construction labourer’s productivity levels in building construction projects within South Africa. The research instrument includes open and close-ended questionnaires to obtain information on motivating factors influencing labour productivity in building construction projects in South Africa. The questionnaire was distributed among construction labourers working in the construction firms and were analysed, using a likert scale of (5) point weights range from extremely severe (5) to not severe (1) to measure the opinion of labourers on the top motivation factors affecting labour productivity in Building Construction Project. The findings revealed that the top factors that mostly motivate the labourers to be more productive are: Transport Provision, Site amenities, Lunch Breaks, Days off, Financial Incentives and Skills enhancement. The research investigates the contribution of a set of parameters influencing motivation of labour productivity, positively and negatively in building construction projects in South Africa. For labourers, this is of practical significant for optimisation of building construction projects. The structured method presented to identify significance rankings of the key performance indicators of motivation on labour productivity in building construction projects; this may be of interest to construction managers and researchers alike.
Effect of Dirt on Global Irradiation Measuring Equipment in Coastal Conditions in the Arica and Parinacota Region[Full-Text ] L. Cornejo, E. Rodríguez, C. Flores, A. Cabrera-ReinaThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of environmental dirt on the global irradiation measurement equipment installed in a weather station in the city of Arica, Chile, as well as characterizing the content of the settleable particulate material deposited on the station. Since it was not possible to use two pyranometers simultaneously in the elaboration of this research, the first step was to obtain a model of global irradiation using the other data available from the weather station as input variables. Calculating global irradiation by adding the direct and diffuse components is an effective method (4.5% average error), although the use of a polynomial equation allows this error to be reduced (3.5% average error). It was observed that the error in the measurement is related to the irradiation level and the presence of three characteristic zones: (i) when irradiance is below 50 W/m2 the largest errors are present (ii) when irradiance is between 50 and 500 W/m2 the error increases as irradiance increases (iii) above 500 W/m2 the error stabilizes in the region of 5-6%. In addition, it was determined that the effect of dirt is negligible during the first 7 days. The minerals present in greatest proportions were identified as: Halite, Gypsum, Quartz, Albite, Anorthite and Anhydrite. All these minerals appear to be originate from natural sources of contamination such as the proximity to the Pacific Ocean and the desert conditions in the area. No mineral that may be associated with anthropogenic sources was found in any great quantity.
An Assessment of the Mathematics Training Series[Full-Text ] Dr. Eduard M. Albay, Dr. Raquel D. QuiambaoThis study assessed the impact of the Mathematics Training Series conducted by the Mathematics and Allied Disciplines Department. It determined the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, level of education being taught, and academic rank; their pretest and posttest scores; their performance evaluation by their immediate supervisors before and after the training; the extent of utilization of the knowledge, skills, and technology gained; and the immediate and long-term benefits gained from the training. It also determined whether there exist a difference between the means of pretest and posttest scores of the respondents and their performance evaluation by their immediate supervisors before and after the training. The study employed the descriptive research method using questionnaire as the main data-gathering instrument. Results of the analyses revealed that the respondents enhanced their competencies in terms of mathematical knowledge, skills and use of technology in the mathematics teaching-learning process. The knowledge, skills, and technology learned from the training are often used by the respondents. Moreover, they became more productive and efficient and have earned the respect of their supervisors. Further, there is a significant difference between the means of the respondents’ pretest and posttest scores and their performance evaluation by their immediate supervisors before and after the training. Thus, the Mathematics Training Series is effective in enhancing the respondents’ skills and knowledge, and their job performance. The study recommended the continuous conduct of the Mathematics Training Series and be offered to wider group of basic education Mathematics teachers.
Strategic Management for Senior Leaders[Full-Text ] Yazeed AlnasrallahPositive strategic outcomes substantially depend on effective strategic planning and execution skills of managers. Many strategic initiatives of companies fail in an event where managers are incapable of designing and implementing an appropriate plan to execute the same. Implementation phase tends to be the most commonly ignored aspect of strategic management. The role of senior leadership is highly critical in strategic management since they play the crucial role of communicating strategic changes within an organization. Effective leadership and communication skills are quintessential for the successful implementation of a strategic change.
Productivity Improvement of Black Tea Production: A Case Study[Full-Text ] Ananta Kr. Nath and Ajoy Krishna DuttaTea plays a major role in Indian economy. As such, productivity improvement of black tea production has been a major concern of the tea industry in the country. The main objectives of the present work are to identify any common trend in productivity changes over time and identify the contributing factors. Data were collected from 10(ten) nos. of tea estates situated at different locations of upper Assam region. These data were regressed by using regression software (Minitab-14) to develop the correlation model between total productivity and partial productivity. The developed correlation model would definitely contribute to change the management’s erroneous mindset for their business to improve productivity. The general factors affecting cost of tea production have been investigated by using Ishikawa’s Cause and Effect diagram. Some important improvement methods are suggested in this study.
Resonant Inductive Power Transfer for Wireless Sensor Network Nodes[Full-Text ] Rohith R, Dr. Susan R J This paper presents the experimental study of Wireless Power Transfer through resonant inductive coupling for sensor network nodes. Theoretical background of wireless power transfer is explained in this paper with the help of mathematical models. Both experiment and simulation results are discussed here and a prototype for charging sensor node is proposed. The proposed system can charge the sensor nodes, at distances up to 4 cm effectively.
Dielectric Parameters of Herbal Medicines[Full-Text ] Dr. Uddhav Ram LahaneThe medicinal plants and herbal products, products of metals, salts gems and poisons are used for therapeutic purposes. The study of dielectric properties of biological materials is of great assistance in exploring the molecular structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Spectroscopy in reflection mode has been used as a technique. A nonlinear least squares fit method have been used to obtain dielectric parameters viz., static dielectric constant (?0 ) and dielectric relaxation time (t) at temperatures 100C, 200C, 300C and 400C of Herbal Medicines (Punarnavasava – Spreading hogweed). Hogweed – Heracleum plant, heracleum is a genus of species of biennial and perennial herbs in the carrot family Apiaceae.
Graphic interpretation and assessment of water quality in the Savitri river basin[Full-Text ] P. B. Lokhande, H. A. MujawarThe physical and chemical parameters of surface water play a significant role in classifying and assessing water quality. In this study, analysis of water from Savitri river was carried out for six locations during monsoon, winter and summer season from June 2006 to May 2007. Cation and anion concentrations in water samples at different locations were determined by using Ion-Chromatography and represented by using Stiff, Piper, Durov, Schoeller, Wilcox, USSL diagram. The presentation of chemical analysis in graphical form makes understanding of complex surface water system too simpler and quicker. Percentage of Na, SAR, RSC, Sodium hazard and exchangeable sodium ratio values indicates the unsuitability of river water for irrigation and drinking purposes.
Local Area Network (Lan) Mock-Up And The Prevention Of Cybernetics Related Crimes In Nigermills Company Using Firewall Security Device[Full-Text ] Donatus E. Bassey, Julie C. Ogbulezie, Effiom, E. OThis study was conducted using the Local Area Network (LAN) of Niger Mills, Calabar, Cross River state, Nigeria. It entailed the simulation of LAN with a view to checking its quality, latency and also creating a firewall security device to mitigate the rate of cybercrime. A simulator-software (Packet tracer) was used to design, configure, troubleshoot and visualize network traffic within a controlled simulated program environment. Various computer systems were configured using the Class C IP addressing system. The packets captured on the Niger Mills network were analyzed based on application and transport protocol. From the study, it was observed that web browsing (HTTP) constituted the highest traffic with 42.9 per cent. This was followed closely by SMPT/POP with 28.9 per cent and the FTP with 16.39 per cent. Others were the DNS with 10.41per cent and SMB with 1.3per cent. Further findings indicated that creating and activating firewall into the LAN network was able to prevent intruders. It also screened unauthorized users from accessing the system. In addition, firewall was able to filter incoming network traffic based on source or destination, filter outgoing network traffic based on source or destination, filter network based on content, detect and filter malware, make internal resource available, report network traffic and firewall activities. Further studies should be carried out using a more sophisticated software application (OPNET) in simulating the networks
Using Groundwater for heating purpose in Kirkuk /Iraq – Technical College[Full-Text ] Naseer TawfeeqThis research is the extension of the research (Studying the thermal performance of a Geothermal heat exchanger placed underground in Kirkuk city) [1] and was done to be compared with a result of the same research was conducted in the south of Iraq [2] to explore the differences in reading the temperature of the groundwater Because the soil in the south is a salty soil and the weather there is hotter than in the north of the Iraq. The basic element of the research is well of one hundred depth and PVC pipes long of 20 to 30 meters which was buried in the ground in order not dissipate the temperature of the flowing water to the atmosphere, a water pump to pump the water from the well to the outdoor unit inside the room, one way valve to control the flow rate of the water pumped by the water pump, a digital thermocouples to measure the temperature of the water at four places in the outlet of the well and inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger, also to measure the temperature of the surrounding air outside the room and the temperature of the air forced by the fan of the heat exchanger inside the room , the obtaining results were fascinating comparing to the previous mentioned research in the south, the advantages of this research is, it is environmental and healthy comfortable air for cooling and heating, the only disadvantage is the cost of digging a hundred meters well .
Locally Optimized SSAC: LOSSAC[Full-Text ] Muthukrishnan, R, Ravi, J and Boobalan E.DA new method of locally optimized sample consensus based on S-estimator has been introduced in this paper (LOSSAC). Locally optimized RANSAC (LORANSAC) and other locally optimized procedure are developed based on M estimator. The weakness of M estimation is the lack of consideration of distribution of data and it is not a function of overall data, because it uses median as the weight value. The proposed method uses the residuals standard deviation to overcome the weaknesses of median. The performance of the improved SSAC is studied and compared with LORANSAC and LOMSAC. The LOSSAC provides reliable results and more efficiency by comparing with the number of inliers estimated under various procedures.
Broadband Network Penetration and Growth Pattern in North Eastern Part of Nigeria[Full-Text ] D. E. Bassey., B. E. Okon., E. O. EffiomInformation and Communications Technology, like many other classical innovations has been institutionalized and become myths binding on organizations. How this seditious tool can be used as a catalyst for developing countries, in the face of empirical anomalies has been a cause for concern. Why does increasing number of agencies go on-line and establish similar web presences with similar structures even when delivery to end user is poor or near impossible? What are the processes of adaption to the environment and pressures of legitimacy and service efficiency? Nigeria, like many other developing nations, confronts huge problems relating to information dissemination. Different government organs have made rigorous efforts to improve the penetration rate. How these efforts affect different regions of the country was the subject of this investigation. Accordingly, multi-stage sampling technique was used to access stakeholders’ views from a critical region of Nigeria, using stratified and simple random sampling methods. Key indicators of the results showed that: broadband penetration constitutes a major problem to ICT service delivery{X2 calculated (6.250) was less than X2 tabulated (9.488)}. The impact of Broadband infrastructure as an antidote to improve ICT service delivery indicated X2 calculated (5.185) to be less than X2 tabulated (9.488). The study also arrived at a synergy between speedy broadband growth and technological advancement: X2 calculated (1.559) was less than X2 tabulated (15.507). Evidently, the North Eastern region of Nigeria lacks innovation, capacities and capabilities in broadband network outside few organizations in the capital cities and the financial institutions.
Empirical Review of Basic Concepts of Teletraffic Postulates[Full-Text ] D.E. Bassey., J. C. Ogbulezie., R. Umunnah.Before the advent of the present heterogeneous teletraffic environment, telecommunications’ researchers had postulated different models aimed at appraising the performance of networks. .Some of these concepts were applied by tele-traffic engineers inter-changeably; in spite of the different characteristics of the signals. The study examines some of these related models and their applications in the present telecommunications environment. Network efficiency was measured by varying the capacity of servers using two different Grades of Service (GoS). At GoS of 0.005, the network recorded operating efficiency of 68 per cent. While at GoS of 0.02, it recorded server efficiency of 77 per cent. Network efficiency increased as the number of routes increased. However, as more routes were configured to carry traffic, the study observed a steady growth of network saturation; where increase in number of servers did not correspondingly increase network efficiency, irrespective of the configured GoS. Individual call holding times were also found to be negatively exponentially distributed. The study confirmed that most of these postulates were clearly workable engineering procedures with theoretical leanings. Also, the approximation of discrete repetitions by a continuous queue will be unrealistic, unless the group is large and heavily-loaded. The present inadequacies of some of these models are fairly clear. Subscribers do not have infinite persistence. It is possible for further works to consider slightly more complex queuing behaviour to cope with the present heterogeneous traffic scenario.
The Security Implications of Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN),Niger Mills, Calabar, Nigeria[Full-Text ] D. E. Bassey., B. E. Okon., R. UmunnahVirtual local area network (VLAN), is a logical grouping of network users and resources connected to administratively define the operation of activated ports on a switch. The creation of VLAN is saddled with the ability to develop smaller broadcast domain within a layer-2 switching router; by assigning different ports on the switch to different sub networks. The application was a re-design project carried out on the Niger-Mills’ network to improve the operational short falls identified by the operators. Niger-Mills’ LAN network covered a total of 5 departments:: marketing, sales, finance, engineering and management. Five (5) users were randomly sampled and selected from each department to constitute their individual LAN, making a total of 25 computers. The project successfully introduced this process in the Niger-mills LAN as a test run. It was further recommended that switch-model 2950/3560 be introduced to activate this function automatically. From the trouble shooting process, it was obvious that layer-2 switches only read frames for filtering. They don’t access the network layer protocol, and by default, switch forward all broadcast. But the creation and implementation of VLAN, essentially activated a small broadcast domain at layer-2.
Adopting the Object-Oriented Paradigm in Document Management[Full-Text ] Barileé Barisi Baridam, Kate DanielsThe introduction of the object-oriented paradigm in programming has marked an upsurge in the development of object-based applications to replace the age-long relational database paradigm. The object-oriented programming (OOP) concept gives a new dimension which has perfectly been employed in complex programs. In this paper, OOP is employed in the design of a document management system suitable for large organizations which hitherto have been using the traditional manual document management system through the file cabinets. It is obvious that a paperless office concept is gradually replacing the manual concept; however, the method of documentation is still very clumsy from organization to organization. This paper attempts to remove the bottleneck involved in such systems.
Thermal Modeling and Experimental Analysis of Power Transformer oils Insulation Level at varied operating Temperature[Full-Text ] C.O. Omeje, M.A. Ndubisi & C.N. OkpoThe incessant failure in the insulation level of power transformers has necessitated a veritable approach in determining factors that impede its life expectancy and its performance efficiency. The Hot Spot Temperature (HST) which is dependent on the ambient temperature has contributed significantly in per unit insulation life of the transformer. Basically, transformers are insulated using a standard insulating oil of high dielectric strength for high voltage applications.
Estimation of Throw Distance in the Design of Ski-Jump Bucket[Full-Text ] B.M. Simpiger, Dr. A. R BhaleraoThe design of ski-jump bucket for a particular dam is very complex in nature, as it involves variables such as discharge intensity, head over spillway, lip angle, bucket radious and frictional losses. Prototype jet trajectory length is found significantly shorter than the theoretical distance computed using various empirical equations. Throw distances computed using equations such as BIS, USBR, Kawakami (1973) are compared with those observed in the model studies conducted in the present studies. On the basis of path of trajectory, new equation for computing throw distance has been developed. Throw distances computed by using new equation compared with the throw distances observed in model studies. The developed equation is also applied for computing Prototype jet trajectory length.
Physical Assessment of Pozzolanic Activity of Saudi Kaolinitic Clays for Use in Sustainable Cement-based Materials[Full-Text ] H. Shoukry, A. Abdel Aal, M. A. SayedPresently, there is a growing concern in calcined clays as supplementary cementitious materials SCM, because of their relatively great geographic distribution and their demonstrated pozzolanic properties once calcined under specific conditions. In this study, two different Saudi kaolinitic clays (from KHUSHAYM RADI DEPOSIT) were calcined at three different temperatures 650, 700 and 750 °C, the influence of calcination temperature on the mineralogical compositions and micro-morphologies were investigated by X-ray diffraction spectrometer XRD and the scanning electron microscope SEM respectively. The pozzolanic activities were studied using hydrated lime as an activator. 80% clay – 20% hydrated lime pastes were prepared using water/solid ratio = 1 (on basis of mass) and hydrated for 3 and 7 days. The phase composition/decomposition of the hydrated pastes was identified by using differential scanning calaorimetry (DSC) and XRD. The microstructure characteristics and x-ray microanalysis were examined by SEM equipped with energy dispersive analytical x-ray unit (EDAX). Significant modifications in the micro-morphologies have been observed due to calcination. The investigated clay samples showed different pozzolanic activities.
Serological Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis among Infertile Women in Basra[Full-Text ] Mayada T. Abdulrahman, Hanadi A. Jassim, Maysoon AlsharefChlamydia trachomatis is a gram negative obligate intracellular bacteria, it is the common cause of bacterial sexually transmitted disease in the world. More than 85% of women with urogenital Chlamydial infections do not manifest obvious symptoms, the consequences of such untreated infections include pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Serum was collected from two hundred infertile women which have a history of primary and secondary infertility attending the infertility center in Basra maternity and child hospital for molecular detection of C. trachomatis IgM and IgG antibodies by ELISA. Out of 200 infertile women 22(11%) was positive for Chlamydia IgM Ab and 11(5.5%) for IgG Ab. The highest level of both Ab were found at the age group 21-30. Screening of infertile women for C. trachomatis is recommended in the first year of infertility so that early therapeutic can be instituted to allow women to conceive naturally
Hand Gesture Controlled Robot[Full-Text ] Anu Maria K Jose, Vigi Elezebeth Wilson, Mithu Susan Renji, Vijay Jose This paper describes how to reduce the hard and complicated methods of controlling robotic gadgets in various applications. It is quite complicated to control the robot or particular machine with remote or switches. This intelligent system can identify the motion or gesture of our hand and can work according to the instructions. A camera will be capturing your hand gestures and by using image processing techniques, comparison of the previous and present hand motion will be processed. According to the comparison result, the corresponding command will be send to the robot by a wireless connection called ZigBee. This transmitted command is received by the robot, which will decode the command and will move according to the command. Thus, by using this system, a particular machine can be controlled by the user without anybody’s help
Adaptive Local Image Contrast in Image Binarization[Full-Text ] Prof.Sushilkumar N Holambe, Dr.Ulhas B Shinde, Bhagyashree S Choudhari.Image binarization is the process of separation of image pixel values as background and as a foreground. We set white pixels as background and black pixels as a foreground. It firstly convert the degraded document image into gray scale document image and then in to binary document image. To perform such a segmentation of document image into background and as a foreground Most of the binarization techniques consider the intensity values associated with pixels. To distinguish these intensity values we will consider one intensity value called threshold. Each and every pixel of the gray scale images compared with the threshold value and according to that pixels are separated as background pixel and foreground pixel. Thus selection of threshold value is important for the separation
Standardizing Engineering Laboratories for Effective Utilization and Maximum Productivity[Full-Text ] Abubakar Mohammed, Ayuba Solomon and Salisu InuwaLaboratory practical works are integrated in engineering curriculum to provide students with practical skills, better understanding of theoretical courses and expose them to knowledge in relevant engineering field. This paper tends to provide useful information about effective ways to improve the standard of our laboratories. The paper pointed out the ways in which laboratory should be managed. Safety measures to be taken in the laboratory, responsibilities of a laboratory technologist and effective ways of achieving better results while handling students were also highlighted. The paper serves as a useful tool for management and effectiveness in the use of our laboratories.
Analysis of Weather Parameters for Three Hourly Intervals[Full-Text ] Awkash Kumar, Rashmi S. Patil, Anil Kumar Dikshit, Rakesh KumarWeather plays an important role in all phenomena such as air pollution and daily life. It has been found that weather and climate affect human health and well-being.
Need Of REIT & It’s Prospective Implication In India[Full-Text ] Ajinkya .A. JagtapA Real Estate Investment Trust is a company which modelled after mutual fund that owns or finances income-producing real estate. It provides investors regular income streams, long-term capital appreciation and diversification. REITs typically distribute all of their taxable income as dividends to shareholders. On those dividends shareholders pay the income taxes. REITs are strong income vehicles because REITs must pay out at least 90 percent of their taxable income in the form of dividends to shareholders .Office buildings, hotels, shopping malls, apartments, resorts, warehouses, self-storage facilities and mortgages or loans are the income producing real estate assets of REITS.India has also tried to establish REIT. Mainly due to global slowdown and resultant impact on the property markets in India the earlier attempts to introduce REITs in India did not succeed. The other aspect is mortgage backed securities which is not permitted to invest, resulted real estate market opportunities shrinkage. However, SEBI announced the draft consultation paper on Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Regulations on October 10, 2013. Earlier in 2008, SEBI had issued certain draft regulations for introducing REITs. I-REITs (REITs in India) will invest in completed rent generating properties in India (to comprise minimum 90% of net asset value) and mortgage backed securities, would issue securities, which would be listed on stock exchanges and. In earlier phase I-REITs are planned to be available only to high net worth individuals and institutions to develop the market but now there are some relaxations introduced.
Reviewing Different ECG-Signal Feature Extraction and Classification Approaches[Full-Text ] Mr. Dinesh D. Patil, Dr. R. P. SinghElectrocardiogram (ECG) is continuous recording of electrical signals of heart against time. The analysis of ECG signal is essential and proves important in detecting cardiac peculiarities. Electrocardiographic signals are nothing but numerous presence of noise added from different sources. Some commn noise source that affect or disturb basic electrocardiogram are mainly power line interference, medical operating devices noise and electromagnetic field interference from other sources, noise due to random body movements and breathing movements. Noises are classified on basis of their frequency content and time variation. It is absolutely necessary to reduce these disturbances in ECG signal to improve accuracy and reliability. Noise minimizes after removing high and low frequencies. Basic classification is performed in two class namely abnormal and normal signal. ECG signal gets classified on intervals in PR, RR and QRS width from this decision rules are form. At primary stage abnormal signal of human heart detect cardiac patients. This paper reviews and summarizes about the ECG signal classification.
Fabrication of yttria dispersed duplex stainless steel electrode to determine dopamine, ascorbic and uric acid electrochemically by using cyclic voltammetry[Full-Text ] R. Shashanka, D. Chaira, B.E. Kumara SwamyThe elemental Fe-18Cr-13Ni was mechanically alloyed in a dual drive planetary mill for 10h to prepare nanostructured duplex stainless steel powder. The prepared duplex stainless steel powder was mixed with 1wt% Y2O3 nano particles in a turbula mixer for 2h. The yttria dispersed duplex stainless steel powder was characterized by XRD, SEM and particle size analysis. Yttria dispersed duplex stainless steel powder of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12mg concentrations were modified individually with carbon paste electrode to investigate the electro catalytic response of the fabricated electrode. Yttria dispersed duplex stainless steel modified carbon paste electrode (YDMCPE) shows splendid electrochemical sensitivity towards the oxidation of dopamine (DA), ascorbic acid (AA) and uric acid (UA) than yttria free duplex and bare carbon paste electrode (BCPE). 8mg YDMCPE show maximum anodic peak current in detecting 2mM DA in 0.2M phosphate buffer solution of pH 7.2 at scan rate 100mVs-1. We studied the effect of scan rate, effect of concentration of analyte used and the effect of pH in detecting DA, AA and UA. All the above studies depicts that YDMCPE show better electro catalytic response towards anodic oxidation of DA, AA and UA because of its fast response, reliable, material maculating resistance and stable nature.
Actinomycetes as Antibiotic Agents: Future generation Bio-factory[Full-Text ] Nalinee Kumari, Ekta Menghani and Rekha MithalActinomycetes are renowned producers of various types of secondary metabolites like Antibiotics Antibacterial, Antiparasitic, Antitumor, Pesticides, and Herbicides etc. Major Antimicrobial Agents with clinical significance produced from Streptomyces sp. and Micromonospora sp. Streptomyces represents 45% of all bio actives compounds. Many secondary metabolites are used in Agriculture industries, Farming etc. Increase in development of antibiotics lead to increase in bacterial resistance towards antibiotics. Many antibiotics have diverse side effects as well. There is a urgent need to discover new antibiotics with its clinical applications to fight against all resistant antibiotics.
Capital Investments Analysis in Manufacturing[Full-Text ] Adnan MiskiThe objective of this paper is to analyze six capital investments projects at Apex Corporation using time value of money (TVM) techniques. The projects are Product 18-4 Development, Department 14 Equipment Upgrade, Computer Department Request, Apex Corp Expansion Request, Plant Engineering and Assembly Request. A suggested course of action was developed using the often-incomplete information provided for each project. Key methods of analysis compared annual cost along with return on investment (ROI) of the selected projects. The analysis shows that Apex should invest in the Copmuter Department Request as it will yield a 226.58% return on investment.
Avion - The Intelligent Medicine Box[Full-Text ] Mohini Reddy, Videet Parekh, Chris Pinto, Vinay Pisharody, Devesh RathoAvion, the Intelligent Medicine Box is intended to make a difference in the everyday lives of people. Medicines, which serve as a medium of saving human lives, can often be fatal. People forget to take their medicines on time or at times, patients take the wrong medicines. Avion is a device created with the intention of preventing these fatalities. Avion is a medicine dispenser with a difference as it can identify and remind its users when it is time to take their medicines. It is extremely useful in cases where correct and timely consumption of prescribed medicines is of utmost importance. This device will find extensive use in cases of patients suffering from long term diseases and elderly patients or patients undergoing rehabilitation.
Impact of Static Var Compensator (SVC) Tuned by Harmony Search Algorithms on Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) Stability[Full-Text ] H.E.keshta, A.A.Ali, E.M.Saied and F.M.BendaryThis paper studies the effect of static var compensator (SVC) on stability of the wind energy conversion system (WECS) based on fixed speed induction generators (FSIG). Due to the nature of asynchronous operation, system instability of wind farms based on FSIG is largely caused by the excessive reactive power absorption by FSIG after fault due to the large rotor slip gained during fault. It was found that the SVC considerably improves the system stability during and after disturbances, especially when the network is weak. Moreover, this paper shows by using Harmony Search Algorithm (HS) and Self-Adaptive Global Harmony Search Algorithm (SGHS) instead of a Conventional Control Method for tuning the parameters of PI controller for SVC, the performance of the system with SVC is improved under different fault scenarios. MATLAB/Simulink based simulation is utilized to demonstrate the application of SVC in wind farm integration. it is also carried out to investigate the enhancement in performance of the WECS achieved with a PI Controller tuned by Harmony Search Algorithm as compared to a Conventional Control Method