Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016.
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DYNAMIC RESPONSE TO MOVING CONCENTRATED LOADS OF NON-UNIFORM SIMPLY SUPPORTED PRE-STRESSED BERNOULLI-EULER BEAM RESTING ON BI-PARAMETRIC SUBGRADES[Full-Text ] ONI, S.T, JIMOH, AThis paper investigates the dynamics response to non-uniform simply supported prestressed Bernoulli-Euler beam resting on bi-parametric subgrades, in particular, Pasternak subgrades and traversed by concentrated moving loads. The solution technique is base on the Galerkin Method and a modification of the Struble’s technique. The deflection of the prestressed beam is calculated for several values of foundation modulus K, shear modulus G and axial force N and shown graphically. It is found that as the foundation modulus increases with fixed values of shear modulus and axial force, the displacement response of the beam decreases. Also, as the shear modulus increases with fixed values of axial force and foundation modulus, results show that the deflection of the beam model decreases. Finally, the response amplitudes of the beam model decreases with increases in the values of axial force for fixed values of shear modulus and foundation modulus . It was also observed that higher values of shear modulus is required for a more noticeable effect than that of the foundation modulus . Further more, the moving force solution is not an upper bound for an accurate solution of the moving mass problem.
Qualitative control on welding forging and qualitative study on work pieces undergone welding forging[Full-Text ] Mohsen SaeidiNowadays, using efficient and effective methods and minimizing the costs in construction operations are of vital importance. All researchers in engineering fields have been trying to introduce some approaches addressing more efficient pathways. In addition, structural engineers have mostly involved with processes by which the respective goals are achievable shortly and efficiently. Using welding forging is widely considered as one the most promising approaches to mitigate the costs of structures. The most distinctive feature of welding forging is that compared to other mentioned methods it diminishes significantly the different wastes arisen from reinforcement occurred during construction, leading to minimizing the costs imposed by reinforcement operations. In this work, some features of this welding method were investigated. In addition, we addressed that whether this method is capable to enhance the standard resistance against earthquake or not.
Public Pension Agency in Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Nahhal AlazzamThis paper illustrates the Saudi Arabian’s Public Pension Agency, which is similar to Social Security in United States. This paper will briefly address the history of PPA in Saudi Arabia, how it is work, some roles and regulations, the way of calculate the retiree service, and who is eligible to be a beneficiary when the primary beneficiary pass away.
Ga and As codiffusion in HgCdTe[Full-Text ] Tapasya Jain, Rachna Manchanda, Anuradha Dhaul, O.P. Thakur and R.K. SharmaDiffusion and electrical behaviour of Ga and As atoms in HgCdTe epilayers from GaAs wafers placed in contact has been studied with heat treatment in 200-420oC range under Hg-saturation conditions. The Ga and As concentrations have been determined using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) depth profiling. The atomic concentrations were deduced from secondary ion yield using predetermined relative sensitivity factors with respect to 130Te+ ion yield. Variable field Hall/Resistivity measurementswere carried out in the temperature range 1.7-300 K to obtain longitudinal and transverse resistivity components. Experimental data fitted with Multicarrier fitting (MCF) algorithm to obtain carrier density and mobility values.The results are useful from the point of view of fabrication of Ga/As diffused infrared photodiodes in HgCdTe.
Genesis of Payment Banks: It’s Stimulus on the financial inclusion in India[Full-Text ] Madhavi Damle, Pushpendra Thenuan, Jimit RavalIndia is facing challenges of achieving financial inclusion with 1.25 Billion of population where 64% of population is still unbaked or do not use any formal financial services where large number of people belong from rural India. To study aspect of financial inclusion in India Nachiket Mor Committee is established in 2013. The Committee has proposed to set up of Payments Banks whose primary objective is to provide small savings accounts, payments and remittance services to a migrant labour workforce, low income households, small businesses, and based on recommendation RBI grants “in-principle” approval to 11 Applicants for Payments Banks to provide financial inclusion based on banking penetration, deposited penetration, infrastructure, popularity, technology and past experience which includes organization from different domain like telecom service provider(TSPs), mobile wallet, banking services, consumer goods, postal offices, business correspondence. Our paper reviews the parameter for financial inclusion and business model of existing system and payment bank and issues faced by traditional banking system includes Business correspondent (BC), ATM, mobile banking, Basic Saving Bank Deposit and pre-paid instrument (PPI) which can be overcome using payment bank. It also includes analysis and study of 11 Applicants for Payments Banks received in-principle and capability to penetrate rural India to provide financial inclusion. Payment banks are a good way of reaching the masses for the even the smallest of payment at the odd hours, which defiantly makes the payment systems viable for the masses. Also as Indian system is that the masses majorly deal in cash and this system becomes the pseudo cash handling system and so it is this that digitally captures even the smallest transactions.
Automatic determination of LAHSO surface paint pattern orientation in Airport Mapping Database (AMDB)[Full-Text ] Ojha, Narendra Kumar; Pagidala, Vijay Bhasker; Garbham, Sreedhar; Dhulipudi, Durga Prasad, Don NicholasThe goal of this research is to provide a generic method to derive correct Land And Holdshort Operation (LAHSO) orientation information from the GIS data of the aerodrome features based on geo-spatial layout, for usage in any 3D Airport Moving Map (AMM) display application. AMM helps orient the flight crew to the aircraft's positional information on the ground with respect to runways, taxiways, and airport structures, without paper chart reference. It is primarily intended to improve operator’s safety and operational efficiency margins through improved positional awareness and reduced flight crew workload. AMM uses Airport Mapping Databases (AMDB) to create the airport layouts. AMDBs represent a collection of aerodrome information that is organized and arranged for ease of electronic storage and retrieval in systems that support aerodrome surface movements. These databases consist of vectors and attributes e.g. runway thresholds, hold lines, and aircraft stand locations etc. AMDBs also contain positional information describing the location of aerodrome information elements. The LAHSO lines, one of hold line types are part of AMDBs that indicate the locations of markings used for Land and Hold Short Operations. AMM uses LAHSO information from AMDB and displays the real world four lines (two solid and two broken) markings at the required location in the right orientation.
Immunochromatographic Test for Detection of Cryptosporidium in Children with Malignancies before & during Chemotherapy in Basra[Full-Text ] Sabeeha M. Abdul-Hussein, Abdulmohsin H. Jassim, Jinan G. Hassan Immunochromatographic tests may do a significant role in the future diagnosis of parasitic diseases because of their speed and simple of use. Acid fast stain technique and their results were compared with ELISA and IC test for the find of Cryptosporidium parasite. One hundred and six stool samples were assayed from malignant children aged 2 month to 14 years before and during 6 to 8 weeks of chemotherapy. Using microscopy, 9 sample before chemotherapy and 15 during chemotherapy were diagnosed as positive for Cryptosporidium. Results of IC and ELISA tests show 13 positive samples before chemotherapy and 33 during chemotherapy. The sensitivities and specificities of these test were 100% and 95.9% before chemotherapy and 100%, 80.2% during chemotherapy respectively.
Solar Energy: The long-term alternative to many other energies[Full-Text ] Thamer AltuwaijriThis research paper discusses the potential uses of solar energy and its implications
EFFECTS OF INSTITUTIONAL TEACHER REWARD SYSTEMS ON STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION IN RONGO DISTRICT, KENYA[Full-Text ] Rakiro Lynnette AdhiamboThis purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of institutional teacher reward systems on students’ performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Rongo District, Kenya. The study used questionnaires as the main research instrument in collecting data with a target population of 11 Principals, 11 deputy principals and 44 teachers in 11 secondary schools in Rongo District, Migori County, Kenya. The study concluded that there exists a link between teachers’ bench marking trips, institutional rewards and students’ performances in the sampled area.
? and ?- glutathione transferases as a markers of tubular cells dysfunction in acute renal failure patients[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Ljutvi Zulbeari, MD,PhD, Mr. Dr. Irena Cakalaroski, Mr. Dr. Gazmend Zylbeari, Mr. Dr. Zamira Bexheti, Prof. Dr. Koco CakalaroskiTwenty-two patients with acute renal failure(ARF), 15 cases with renal ischemic injury and 7 patients with acute obstructive nephropathy, were analysed in the period of hospitalisation (3, 9 day of polyuric phase) and two months after admission of the patients to the hospital. The urinary levels of the both enzymes: ? and ?-glutathione transferases (? and ?-GST) were detected in the urine samples following the method of quantitative EIA (Biotrin Int. LTD) in ?g/l. The results are presented in the following table:
Data Acquisition System Security by Honeypot[Full-Text ] Ranjana HThe SCADA System attacks is been increasing and some security must be provided to prevent system attacks. There are few solutions present to overcome this problem. So there is a great need to address this problem. In this paper we have introduced new methodology for providing security to SCADA systems. Honeypot system will be embedded into SCADA which mimic the services of an ICS. These systems are exposed to internet to attract the unauthorized logins. The main purpose this model is to track the user activities and to prevent the system from future attacks.
ANTIOXIDANT STATUS IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Lutfi Zylbeari, Dr. Irena Cakalaroska, Mr. Dr. Gazmend Zylbeari, Dr.Petar Cakalaroski, Koco CakalaroskiThe increment of reactive oxygen species (ROS) may be a result of many diseases (cardiovascular, cancer) as well as hypercatabolic states such as sepsis and repeated hemodialysis. The aim of our study was to see the changes of ROS expressed through serum total antioxidant status (S-TAS) in relation to dialysis therapy. S-TAS was performed on patients (pts) on maintenance hemodialysis or acute renal patients treated with hemodialysis. 26 patients were included in the study (12 pts with acute renal failure and 14 pts with chronic renal failure). S-TAS normal range was 0,00 to 1,49mmol/l and it was measured at the beginning of hemodialysis, after first hemodialysis treatment and after 5 treatment with antioxidant drugs.
Checking The effect of organizational spirituality on the organizational commitment (Case Study: steam plant of Iranshahr )[Full-Text ] Samina yazdani mojarab, badroddin uraei yazdani, Aleme keikha This study is descriptive survey According to functional goal and Based on the method of data collection. Statistical Society of This study consisted of all employees of steam power plant of Iranshahr whose number is 300 people. 160 people are selected using Morgan table to determine the sample size .and the Distribution manner of Questionnaires is random because each person has a chance of being selected.
Development of fermented Momordica charantia and analysis of biochemical properties[Full-Text ] Silva, G.M.S.W., Premathilaka, U.L.R.R.W., Maduwanthi, S.D.T., Uthpala, T.G.G.The experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of natural fermentation on physiochemical and sensory properties of bitter gourd slices. Initially three varieties of bitter gourd Thinnaveli white [V1], Mathale green [V2] and Thumba karavila [V3] were taken. Preliminary investigation was carried out to select the best variety. Sensory analysis was conducted using 30 untrained panelists and the results were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallies test using MINITAB 17. The best variety was treated with four treatments (treatment 01 [T1] = 3% (w/w) dry salts, treatment 02 [T2] = 3% (w/w) saturated brine solution, treatment 03 [T3] = 3% (w/w) dry salts with 1% (w/w) saturated brine solution). To select the best treatment sensory evaluation was conducted. Bitter gourd was fermented for four days and total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity and vitamin C were analyzed on 1st four days and 7th day of the fermentation.
Development of an Algorithm for Biometric System Using Finger Vein with Liveness Detection[Full-Text ] Tashida Yeasmin, Mehnaz Tarannum, Tamanna Shaown, Akila KhatunThe biometric system we are offering is an advanced system with less searching. The system would be very efficient as it can also detect the presence of authorized person. In our system we used finger vein as feature instead of finger printing. In this context the finger vein images are obtained from near infrared based or thermal infrared based optical imaging. As previous experiments showed us that finger vein pattern of different individuals are unique, so our objective was to give this technique more efficiency and less searching cost. For that we tried a new technique in recognizing individual’s finger vein pattern. From Ajay Kumar and Yingbu Zhou’s Human Identification Using Finger Images- we find the finger vein pattern of individual. From that image we will produce a new algorithm for determining authorized individual or fake. In our searching technique we used optimal technique instead of block by block searching.
Artificial Neural Network Approach to Dissolved Gas Analysis for Interpretation of Fault in Power Transformer[Full-Text ] Pravin S. Khade, Girish K. Mahajan, Ajit P. ChaudhariPower transformer is most crucial equipment in the power system. Monitoring the behavior of transformer is necessary to avoid catastrophic failures, costly outages. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is a widely used technique to estimate the condition of oil-immersed transformers. The change of combustible gases in the insulating oil is a trustworthy diagnostic tool which can be used as indicator of undesirable events occurring inside the transformer. The main drawback of the ratio methods is that they fail to cover all ranges of data. To improve the diagnosis accuracy of the conventional dissolved gas analysis (DGA) an Artificial Neural Network is applied to conventional Rogers Ratio Method. The selected ANN approach to DGA design yields a very satisfactory result where it can make a reliable classification of transformer condition with respect to combustible gas generated.
MANAGEMENT OF NEMATODES ASSOCIATED WITH WALNUT (Juglans regia L.) BY USING POULTRY MANURE AND CARBOFURAN[Full-Text ] Nadia Saeed Mian Sayed Khan Aly Khan and Muhammad Imran KhanPoultry manure and carbofuran were applied for their nematicidal nature on walnut trees affected by stylet bearing nematodes in District Abbottabad of Hazara Division from May 2012 to March 2013. Poultry manure was used at the ratio of 8kg/ tree while carbofuran was used at the ratio of 150gm/ tree. Carbofuran was used for the comparison. Untreated trees were kept for comparison with the treated ones. Both poultry manure and carbofuran were applied around the tree trunk. Soil samples collected at 3, 6 and 12 month were processed by using Bearmann funnel technique. Nematode population was noted under stereoscope microscope and compared with the untreated one. Both poultry manure and carbofuran effectively controlled the Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus, Psilenchus hilarulus and other nematode population. The recorded data was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and histograms were prepared.
Improving the Life Quality of the Metal Casting Industry Employees through Participatory Ergonomics and 5R-based Cleaner Production Strategies[Full-Text ] Sulaiman, F and Susihono, WWaste dust in the metal casting industry is an issue which so far has not been completely resolved as it is generated during the cooling process of the liquid metal from a temperature of 10000C into room temperature, thus the molds made of quartz sand and other materials during this liquid steel cooling process will also turn very dry even some changes into fly ash. Such an environmental condition certainly affects the physical environmental conditions of employees and reduces health and stamina as well as work performance indicated by lower motivation and productivity of work, resulting in not optimum achievement of a company’ predetermined target. Employees cannot enjoy their job and the results obtained which eventually causes the life quality of the company’s internal and external employees to be very low. A research approach which does not focus only on processes and products, but which also considers humans as the primary factor in performance improvements and humanizes people through the principle of participatory ergonomics is necessary. Humans are regarded as a company’s assets and therefore they should become the major concern, fitting the job to the man before fitting the man to the job.
In-vitro antioxidant activity of methanolic and antibacterial activity of ethanolic bark extracts of Eucalyptus globules[Full-Text ] Ahmed Shafin Alam, A H M Saifuddin, Pritam Saha Podder, Proshanta Chakraborty, Sharmin Akter and Md GiasuddinIn this in-vitro study two crude extract by two different solvent of Eucalyptus globules was studied to evaluate the antioxidant activity by methanolic and antibacterial properties by ethanolic bark extracts. Its IC50 value in Hydrogen peroxide radical scavenging activity method was 96.91 µg/ml. Eucalyptus globules showed concomitant increase in reducing power with the increase of concentration of the extract in percent inhibition power assay. The extract showed notable antimicrobial activities against some pathogens such as: Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus and Eshcherichia coli.
Plate Cutting Error in Fabrication Shop & their Remedial Measure with Industrial Case Study[Full-Text ] Vijay Lahri, Avinash Juriani, Anurag Lakhanlal VaishyaIn this current scenario of industrialization, a fabrication shop plays vital role for any manufacturing industry. The initial steps involved in any fabrication shop are based on cutting of plate. For that modern manufacturing industries use’s CNC oxy-fuel/plasma arc cutting machine. But these machines require high skills for their effective use and to be free from errors. In modern fabrication shops production process must adopt an advanced cutting system and proper cutting parameters. In this paper an investigation of the various causes and their remedial measures are discussed so as to increase productivity and elimination of rework in plate cutting, hence improving the profit margins and reducing the number of errors occurring during cutting process.
Language and Gender[Full-Text ] Nouf AljohaniThe research will be focusing on gender language differences. It shows the differences on different texts samples. This research includes an analysis of particular data to determine gender language difference. It reveals how men use language to show their authorities whereas women to show their support for men.
Apple Inc. Industry Analysis - Business Policy and Strategy[Full-Text ] Abdulla AljafariApple Inc. is an information technology company with a wide range of products which include cellphones, computers, tablets, television products and wearable devices. Apple’s customers seek performance products that are aesthetically pleasing and provide assurance that the product will be of quality. Apple Inc. was established in 1976 as a computer software and hardware company. Since then Apple has transitioned into the creation of other technological devices and has established a chain of retail stores in order to provide their customers with a better buying experience.
The Goals of Language Teaching[Full-Text ] Nouf AljohaniThe research will be focusing on the goals of language teaching and learning. It discusses the external goals- which relates to the usage of the learnt language outside of the classroom context as well as the internal category, the goals are related to the individual’s mental development. The research shows a survey study that conducted by ESL learners.
Automatic tuning of (PID) and Fuzzy controllers Using (PSO) Algorithm for Hybrid energy Systems[Full-Text ] Rana Mohamed Fathy, Mohamed Ahmed Ebrahim, Fahmy Metwaly BendaryIn order to meet the increasing energy demand, alternate energy resource has been developed. Because of renewable energies are unavailable in all times, hybrid system is preferred to make sure that electricity feeding loads all time and for reliability. In this paper hybrid system contains wind farm and hydro power plant. Simulation is carried out using Mat lab/Simulink. The simulation results show that the proposed controllers have remarkable effects on the system. Advanced controllers are used to track max power point under different conditions.
National Standards for Mathematics K-12 Standards[Full-Text ] Nouf almutlaqThe core standards for mathematical practice are indeed really useful in order to have a complete grip of the common core values and concepts within the mathematical workings. The national standards for mathematics were really easy to find on the core standards organization website. These standards were present in clear heading on the website and one could also easily download these standards from the website. The national standards for mathematics subjects are also presented in complete formatted form which is easy to understand. For instance, it starts from general standards like preserving the problems solving methods and then moves towards more specific standards like use of structures in mathematics as well as expressing the regularity in repeated reasoning. This made the standard easily readable.
Selectivity in the Reduction of Vanillin Acetate Using Sodium Borohydride[Full-Text ] Daniel C. Indorato and London Carpenter In this experiment, the reduction of vanillin acetate using sodium borohydride was explored. The reaction was monitored using thin-layer chromatography, and the product was identified using infrared, H-NMR, and C-MNR spectroscopies. The reducing selectivity of sodium borohydride was investigated to determine the three possible products of the reaction. The H-NMR data collected was the most convincing evidence for determining the product 4-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methoxyphenylacetate.
Influence of friction stir processing rotational speed on microstructure and mechanical properties of AA2024 nanocomposite[Full-Text ] Wael Hoziefa, Amir A. Mahdy, M.M.Z. Ahmed, I. El-Mahallawi, A. AtlamCompocasting technique was used to produce AA2024 / Al2O3 nano composite materials. Aiming to evaluate the effect of friction stir processing (FSP) rotational speed on nanoparticles distribution and mechanical properties of the composite, AA2024/Al2O3 plates were subjected to friction stir processing at different rotation speeds of 400, 600, 800 and 1000 rpm. For comparison, plates of AA2024 were similarly produced. Light Optical Microscopy (LOM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used to examine casted and the friction stir processed (FSPed) materals. Tensile and hardness testing were carried out for both materials. A non-uniform distribution and particle clustering of Al2O3 particulates were observed in composite. Some porosity and voids due to casting process were also detected. The use of FSP greatly enhanced the distribution of the nano Al2O3 particles and significantly refined the grain structure of the AA2024 matrix. As a result, the ultimate strength of the FSPed material increased to about four times (from 72 MPa for the as cast to 316 MPa after FSP) and the hardness almost doubled (from 93 Hv for the as cast to about 155 Hv after FSP).
APPLICATIONS OF OPTIMIZATION PARTICLE SWARM IN OCEANOGRAPHY[Full-Text ] Ana Alcantara, Marcelo SilvaOceanography is a field of study that seeks to analyze and understand the oceans’ behavior, the planet they are part of and the living organism that depending on them, using, for this, scientific methods. As the oceans cover 71% of globe surface, they are a key element for the maintenance, existence and certainly the origin of life on Earth. The particle swarm optimization (PSO), a relatively new algorithm of Natural Computing, developed from the behavior of a flock of birds, has been applied in several areas. This is happening because of its simplicity, robustness and success in problems that use a large quantity of input data. This work approaches several applications of PSO in Oceanography, for example: Detection and characterization of thin layers of the oceans phytoplankton, prediction of growth of algae in port areas, prediction of trajectories of cyclones, weather forecast, sonic exploration of the oceans bottom, exploration of oil and gas in deep waters, reduction of greenhouse, among others.
FAULT DETECTION IN WIND TURBINES USING MEMS SENSOR[Full-Text ] Mohamed Hassan.S, Mohan Kumar.S, Muthuramalingam.R, Ms.R. HemalathaWind energy is fast-growing sustainable energy technology and wind turbines continue to be deployed in several parts of the world driven by the need for more efficient energy harvesting, the size of the wind turbines has increased over the years (several MW of rated power and over 100m in rotor diameter) for both off-shore and land-based installations. Therefore, Structural health monitoring (SHM) and maintenance as such turbine structures have become critical and challenging and at the same time essential as they evolve into larger dimensions or located in places with limited access.
Transformational Leadership in Businesses[Full-Text ] Yazeed AlnasrallahThe modern business world rarely needs the presence of tyrannical leaders who just impose rules that the employees should follow. Modern businesses need transformational leaders who inspire changes among their followers. The business environment has transformed in such a way that business managers, business owners, business employees, and the communities surrounding an environment must work mutually for the success of a single business. Transformational leaders do not only manage work environments, but also act as tools for competitive advantage as they help companies to attain and retain quality workers through providing employees with inspiring workplaces. These trends of attracting and retaining quality workers through the integration and use of transformational leadership techniques normally lead businesses to gain competitive advantages over others.
Cultural Behavior And Its Effect On Economic Freedom In UAE[Full-Text ] Syed Sultan MohiuddinThis paper is aimed to evaluate the cultural behavior and its effect on economic freedom of UAE, this paper covers different segments of defining economy stability on basis on cultural effects. Here we analyze a further objective of economic policy and economy growing of UAE. An average target the long term which is to promote the potential growth production (measured as the increase in real GDP and real GDP per capita). Increase in aggregate demand is not sufficient to ensure high growth for a number of years, need a parallel output growth potential without which the growth in actual production is destined to end.
The formal Methods Approach to Software Engineering[Full-Text ] Moayad AlmarzookThe field of mathematics is intertwined with computer related fields. So it is natural to think of a mathematical solution to software related issues. The problem is and always will be that it is very hard to implement a reliable software project. Here lays the need of formal method as an approach to minimize the chances of an error especially in critical software systems. Not say that it is an easy task but the declining of software dependency in a world, where the use of software is increasing rapidly. Urges for a better solutions.
Strategy and the Chief Learning Officer[Full-Text ] Yazeed AlnasrallahChief Learning Officer strategy is a modern strategy for business management and knowledge transfer in business organizations. With an extension in the role of managers in companies, and the increasing need for effective communication, a workable Chief Learning Officer (CLO) strategy becomes essential. The growing competition in business environment makes it critical for companies to utilize the modern communication systems, while integrating the traditional ones for maximum utility. The current report outlines the importance as well as the benefits of using CTO strategy in the context of STC, (Saudi Telecom Company).
Management Plan to Reduce the Adverse Effects of Proximity of Dug Wells and Septic Tanks in Urban Area to Diminish Coliform Contamination[Full-Text ] Ravi, V, Hareth, G.B.B, Manobavan, M and Sivakumar, S.SUrbanization and migration of population towards cities become a new challenge nowadays in planning cities, particularly safe domestic water. One of the primary objective of sustainable development goal is to ensure the availability of good quality water for human consumption. Environmental engineers and scientists have the responsibility of monitoring the quality of sources for sustainable safe-water for human consumption. A major problem in northern Sri Lankan urban areas is the prolific occurrence of fecal coliforms in drinking water, obtained from dug-wells. The proximity of household septic-tanks and other related influences are attributed as the man causal factors of this crucial alarming thread. This article spells the results of an investigation conducted in Vavuniya Urban Council limits during 2009. The aim of this research is to assess the drinking water quality in Urban Council limits from an environmental management perspective, focused on identifying the relationships between well water quality and influence of the ‘proximal influence of septic tanks’. It is found that more than 50% of the household dug-wells in the Vavuniya town are located well below the standard limit of 20 m distance from septic tanks. As such, a critical problem of coliform pollution is prevalent within the Vavuniya Urban Council limits. The research correlate this problem with alternate casual factors of urban water degradation and spells a management plan for the improvement of water supply for human consumption within this region
Teaching Method in a Brief Definition[Full-Text ] Mohammad AlfehaidThis paper about teaching methods in ES classes.
Right to Work State Laws[Full-Text ] Abdullah N. BinsalmahThis paper will discuss the Right to Work laws and their impacts on individuals who may join a union.