Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015.
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Performance & Thermal Analysis of Heat Sink with Fins of Different Configuration Using CFD[Full-Text ] Santosh Kansal, Piyush LaadThe objective of this paper is to present a best possible Heat Sink for efficient cooling of electronic devices. This paper deals with the comparative study of heat sink having fins of various profiles namely rectangle, Trapezoidal, rectangle Interrupted, Square, circular inline and staggered, as heat sinks are the commonly used devices for enhancing heat transfer in electronic components. In this work, a new concept for cooling the electronic components using the Aluminium alloy heat sink is proposed.
A Comprehensive Survey of Selected Data Mining Algorithms used for Intrusion Detection[Full-Text ] Vivek Kumar SrivastavaInternet is widely spread in each corner of the world, so there is always a possibility of unauthorized attacks. To protect the computers from these unauthorized attacks, effective intrusion detection systems (IDS) need to be employed. In recent years, various data mining approaches have been used with Intrusion Detection System to improve the accuracy and detection of novel types of intrusion. This paper evaluates the performance of various well known methods to classify the normal and attacked data, and finally advantage and disadvantage of various data mining algorithms are discussed. It has been observed that many challenges still exist in the design and implementation of IDS.
Aqueous Extract of Ginger as Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution[Full-Text ] M.M.B.El-Sabbah, H.F.Y.Khalil, M.H.Mahross, B.N.A.Mahran, A.Z. GomaaThe aqueous extract of ginger (AEG) has been studied as a possible source of green inhibitor for corrosion of mild steel in 1 M HCl at temperature range 25-55o C using the conventional weight loss, Open circuit potential (OCP) , linear and Tafel polarization techniques. The evaluation of extract of ginger against different microorganisms has also been providing by using biocide. Moreover the structure of aqueous extract of ginger is analyzed by GC-MS spectra. The inhibition efficiency was found to increase with increasing concentration of the inhibitor and with decreasing temperature. The adsorption of aqueous extract of ginger on the mild steel surface obeys the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Polarization studies indicate that the aqueous extract of ginger is mixed type inhibitor. The thermodynamic functions of adsorption processes were calculated from weight loss at different temperatures data and were used to analyses the inhibitor mechanism. The surface morphology of the mild steel specimens was evaluated using SEM and EDAX analysis.
A modified concept of PCA to reduce the classification error using kernel SVM classifier[Full-Text ] Dr. Neeraj Bhargava, Abhishek Kumar, Devesh Kumar, MeenakshiThis paper focuses on the mathematical technique PCA with the drawback of its mixing of data pixel. We have extracted principal directions of the covariance ellipse as done in PCA, but we will not blindly take the Eigen vectors corresponding to k largest values. Instead, we transform the data vectors into the new n– dimensional (n is dimension of old input space) vector space spanned by the Eigen vectors of the covariance matrix of the input data and then take one attribute at a time to perform classification. Then, we choose attributes corresponding to k - largest accuracy measures this approach of Eigen vector selection shall prove to be more effective than the traditional one with the improved approach to the conventional method in which we have considered the feature vector corresponding to the k- minimum error in order to reduce the dimensionality. The work has been implemented on more than 545 images of men and women to give efficient consequences in context of advance approach of PCA.
Natural Dye Extraction from Ipomoea Indica Leave and Improvement of Fastness of Cotton Dyed Fabric under Gamma Radiation[Full-Text ] Abdul Hafeez, Ayesha Hussain, Shahid Adeel, Dr. Muhammad Tahir HussainNature offers us with prosperity of plants (Shrubberies, flowers and vegetables etc.) which produce color for the purpose of coloring. From the last few years, an increase importance has been industrialized to the probable use of raw materials from plants to produced natural dye for dyeing textiles due to environmental aspects. The present study deals with the extraction of natural dyes from Ipomoea Indica leaves to improve the strength of colour using 5kGy-20kGy doses of gamma radiation by following the process of mordanting. The result indicates that ipomoea indica plant leaves could be natural dye source for textile aspect. Copper sulphate (10%) and iron sulphate (10%) were the best pre mordants whereas as Copper sulphate (6%) and Iron sulphate (6%) ware the best post mordants to improve the properties of colorfastness. The results attained from dyeing shows that gamma radiation of 10 kGy was the best dose for the modification of cotton fabric surface with the un-irradiated ipomoea indica leaves at 60 ÌŠ C for 40 min dyeing time by using dye bath with the salt concentration of 10g/100ml produce better fastness properties.
Graph Theoretic Approach for Data Mining[Full-Text ] Sabiha Firdaus, Md. Mahbubur RahmanThe need for mining structured data was apparent to the research community and one such approach focused on the topological view of data structures. Since the graph has a generic topological structure and is one of the most thoroughly researched data structures in Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics, state of- the-art techniques in graph-based data mining (GDM) have had profound influence. GDM has tremendous utility because graph-structured data occur widely in practical fields like biology, chemistry, material science and communication networking. Graph-based data mining represents a collection of techniques for mining the relational aspects of data represented as a graph. Two major approaches to graph based data mining are frequent sub graph mining and graph-based relational learning. This article will focus on one particular approach embodied in the Subdue system, along with recent advances in graph-based supervised learning, graph-based hierarchical conceptual clustering, and graph-grammar induction. The need for mining structured data has increased rapidly. One of the best studied data structures in computer science and discrete mathematics are graphs. Graph based data mining has become quite popular in the last few years. This study introduces the theoretical basis of graph based data mining and surveys the state of the art of graph-based data mining. Brief descriptions of some representative approaches are provided as well.
Redesign Ladle-Kowi Considering Improvement of Work Organization to Decrease Postural Stress in Working Posture of Casting Liquid Metal into Mold in Molding Metal Industry[Full-Text ] Wahyu Susihono, N Adiputra, K Tirtayasa, I.D.P SutjanaPosture of casting liquid metal into mold in molding metal industry performed manually using human muscles. Working by relying on human muscle will result not optimum working product, more over using of working tools that have not supported by appropriate standard operating procedures, new designs that have not considered the functions, and have not position human as the main factor. Therefore, standard operating and procedures should be created by considering human as the main factor in using working tools. Comfortability, safety, ability and limitation of human are considered in redesigning new handle ladle. Improvement of ladle would not result an optimal impact to improvement of physical condition of the workers if not supported by improvement of work organization simultaneously. Working tools are created to be operated optimally and could reduce complain of muscle workers. There are 14 working postures in casting liquid metal into mold. Each activity is analyzed using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) technique, continued by simulation of improvement of work organization in order to decrease postural working stress. RULA score analyzed statistically. Result shows that there are significant differences between conventional working posture before and after using new design of ladle which is shown by α <0,05. Repairment of ladle and improvement of working posture prioritizing ability, capacity, and limitation of workers could decrease postural stress on working posture in carrying liquid metal materials from category of immediately improvement to can be postponed improvement.
A Hybrid Data Perturbation Approach To Preserve Privacy[Full-Text ] Thanveer Jahan, Dr.G.Narsimha, Dr.C.V.Guru RaoThe challenging approach in data mining applications is about balanced privacy and data quality, a pair of contradictive factors. Var-ious techniques were focused on privacy preserving scheme using data perturbation. In this paper a sensitive attribute is analyzed using a hybrid data transformation approach which is a combination of fuzzy logic and non-negative factorization method. The proposed method is used to protect sensitive information of a confidential attributes without losing accuracy in results. The accuracy is measured using data mining techniques such as classification and clustering. Different classifiers and K-means clustering method are used and compared on the dataset.
Design and Development of a Low Cost Prototype Food Penetrometer to Evaluate Quality of Foods[Full-Text ] A. P. Hashini I. Abeysuriya, S. B. Navaratne, P. L. A. G. AlwisThis study was undertaken to design and develop a low cost food penetrometer to measure quality of solid, semi-solid and liquid foods. This equipment specifically has designed to measure the force required for the penetrant to travel a constant distance into food sample. Two types of penetrants were tested with the developed equipment. A penetrant fabricated with aluminum and which is a half hallow cone with 90° of internal angle was used for liquid and semi-solid foods. A penetrant fabricated with nylon and which is a solid cone with an internal angle of 20° was used for solid foods. The developed food penetrometer was tested with different types of food samples including bread, yoghurt and a sugar solution. Reading of the fabricated food penetrometer for fresh bread was 0.1755N and readings were increased during the storage period. Food penetrometer readings for fresh yoghurt and spoiled yoghurt were 0.1704N and 0.1242N respectively. In sugar solution samples, readings from fabricated food penetrometer were gradually decreased during fermentation.
Development of an Executable Model for the Nigerian Voting System using Hierarchical Timed Coloured Petri Nets[Full-Text ] Ganiyu R. A., Omidiora E. O., Okediran O. O., Alo O. O., Olaoluwa A. O.Voting systems are complex systems that involve activities that take place before, during and after election. The world over, automation of voting systems has attracted the attention of academia and industry because voting system is fundamental to the success of any democratic process. In this paper, Hierarchical Timed Coloured Petri Nets (HTCPN) formalism is explored to develop an executable model for the Re-Modified Open-Secret Ballot System (REMOBS) adopted in Nigerian 2015 general election. The developed HTCPN model for REMOBS is made up of two modules representing the Accreditation Process and the Voting Process. Each of the modules comprises two sub-modules (voting_station and voting_booth). These sub-modules are made up of another layer of sub-modules that abstract key activities while each sub module in this layer is made up of several transitions and places. Thus, the developed HTCPN model can be easily modified through its associated modules to suit any future modification in voting systems.
STUDY OF THERMOELECTRIC COOLER[Full-Text ] Al-rubaye, A.T., Mousa, M.G., Hegazi, A.A.Hermal performance of thermoelectric cooler is investigated experimentally. Thermoelectric cooling system is applied to many of engineering applications, the experimental test loop is deranged and providing under different operating condition. The effect of operating Parameters such as the voltage applied and air velocity on the performance of TEC., Experiments are Performed for applied voltage from 3 to 12 volts. And air velocity from 0.0 to 12m/s. The Experimental results showed that the minimum power consumption and maximum coefficient of performance occurs at lower values of the voltage applied.
A Review of GSM based Automated Water Deployment System for Irrigation using Wireless Sensor Network & Android mobile[Full-Text ] N. D. Kuchekar, Prof. R. A. PagareThe irrigation based modern agriculture is the recent requirement in every part of agriculture in India. With developments in technology, efforts are being channeled into automation of irrigation systems to facilitate remote control of the irrigation system and optimize crop production and cost effectiveness. This paper demonstrates how an automatedd water deployment system (AWDS) can practically be proposed by Wireless sensor network (WSN) which consists of Wireless sensor unit (WSU) & Wireless information unit (WIU). Specifically it will be developed to minimize water use for agriculture crops. The proposed system ensures that water is distributed to field properly. The system incorporated a remote monitoring mechanism via a Global system for mobile communication (GSM) module to report soil temperature, soil moisture & humidity. In the irrigation area automatic system, high performance embedded micro-controller and low-power technology is used to design the wireless sensor network. The wireless network is placed in the root zone of the plants for real time infield sensing & control of an irrigation system. In addition, WIU unit handles sensor information and transmit data to a android smart phone. It is observed that first time for the first time an android app inventor used in the irrigation syatem. The objective of the work is to provide an approach that helps farmers to easily access, manage and regulate their irrigation systems for the water needs of crops.
Management of Municipal Solid Waste in Gwanda Town[Full-Text ] Maligana Mathe and Anthony PhiriSolid waste disposal and management has been both an urban and rural challenge; however this paper focused on management of solid waste in an urban area. The rate at which solid waste was generated has been far higher than the capacity to responsibly manage the solid waste. Solid waste volumes have increased in urban areas due to growing population, concentration of industries, consumption of residents and inadequate finance and facilities to manage waste collection and disposal(NEMA 2007:276). There has been growing consensus that the immediate generators of waste need to join hands with the authorities in dealing with this problem that had far reaching environmental and human health impact. An urban environmental impact assessment was conducted with the view of solid waste generated, management and disposal. Methods of collecting the data that were used were; observation, interviews and questionnaires. The impact of solid waste was investigated and intervention strategies proposed. The findings were that there are factors that lead to lack of sound solid waste management and among those were the economic situation of the day, lack of proper and well managed infrastructure as well as the negative attitudes by residents towards the management of solid waste. The findings of the study showed that the levels of public participation in solid waste management in Gwanda town need to be improved for the good. The roles played by the public in solid waste management in Gwanda town need to be clearly spelt out. The public thoughts of how the solid waste was managed should be looked into and fresh ideas pulled together for better solid waste management in the future.
ERP Software Solution For Small And Mid-Sized Non-Governmental Organisations[Full-Text ] Sanjhal Sharma, Ajinkya DeoreEnterprise Resource Planning-ERP is a software solution for business and data integration that works on the policy of ‘All in One’. It phases real-time data analytics and adopts a set of best practices in any firm. The seminar shall discuss the growing importance of an ERP system for effective and efficient management. It emphasizes the need of an intelligent centralized system for Non-Governmental Organizations to establish seamless communication among these organizations and also between the common people and the volunteers. A lot of small NGOs work for various social causes but not all have adequate resources to help their cause. Thus a simple and cost effective ERP system can automate management of human resource, financial resource and also share required resources easily among the NGOs. It’s important to be motivated towards uplifting those who are considered ’less fortunate’. Individual progress is the foundation to a nation’s progress as a whole.The Seminar will also discuss about a few case studies that have taken suitable efforts in helping such nonprofit organizations. The implementation will demonstrate a small component of the ERP system intended to help with a centralized database of several NGO’s, their integrated information and draw comparisons between various aspects of social work in these organizations through the ‘a priori’ algorithm. Thus the seminar will broadly explain how business and technology put together can have a great impact in speeding up efforts even towards such Noble sectors.
All Optical EX-OR Gate Based On Four Wave Mixing Non Linear Effect in Semiconductor Optical amplifier(SOA)[Full-Text ] Saumya Saxena, Shyamal SaxenaA novel approach towards the realization of all optical Ex-OR gate using all optical NOR gate, based on Semiconductor optical amplifier(SOA), has been presented in this paper, exploiting Four wave mixing(FWM), non linear effect in SOA’s. The design and simulation of the circuit has been described with the help of Optiwave software version 7.0 and have been optimized by measuring the output at different values of input parameters like input optical power, injection current and active region length of SOA. Here, in this paper the optimized output has been presented .Several approaches have already been suggested for designing all optical logic gates which includes cross gainmodulation(XGM),cross phase modulation(XPM) and Machzehender interferometer (MZI) structure etc. In this paper we will use the idea to generate FWM signals by keeping two data pumps(A and b) frequencies fixed at 193Thz and 193.1Thz respectively, which will generate the FWM at 193.2Thz
Cloning and characterization of Beta tubulin gene promoter from Brassica rapa and its expression analysis[Full-Text ] Hira Mubeen, Aftab Bashir, Muhammad W.Shoaib, Shahid Raza, Naveed HussainIn the present study, we report the cloning and characterization of abundantly expressed Beta tubulin (BT) gene promoter from the dicot plant Brassica rapa. Isolation and characterization of useful promoters is routinely required for genetic manipulation of plants and is important in achieving controlled gene expression in transgenic plants. The major constraint regarding the utilization of commercially available promoters is the intellectual property right (IPR), therefore, discovery of efficient new promoters is important considering the IPR issues. The theme of this research was focused on stable transformation, using GUS expression cassette under selected Beta tubulin gene promoter sequence, in Nicotiana tabacum via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and perform expression analysis via histochemical GUS assay. The selected BT promoter sequence was cloned in plant expression vector (pGA482). The expression cassette was constructed in a modified vector derived from pJIT166 (pGR1) that contains GUS with intron under 2X35S promoter followed by CaMV terminator. The selected GUS expression cassette was developed by replacing 2X 35S promoter in pGR1, with the selected BT promoter. Further, GUS expression cassette was verified through restriction analysis and PCR amplifications. The PCR positive tobacco transgenic for BT expression cassettes was obtained and stained to check the GUS expression levels. The results are presented along with the proposed utilization of the studied promoter.
Design of Optimal MLPNN for handwritten Digit recognition application[Full-Text ] Seema B Kawale, Mrs. Naveeta KantThis paper describes the implementation of a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network for handwritten digit recognition. The paper provides the knowledge about previously implemented techniques for same application and also provides their merits and demerits. In this paper Optimal Multilayer perceptron Neural network has been designed to reduce complexity of the circuit. Results are also stated to verify the concept presented in this paper.
Edible Insect Consumption in the South Eastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ebenebe , C.I. and Okpoko V.OEdible insect consumption in the south eastern Nigeria was studied to ascertain the factors that limit insect consumption, the factors that promote insect consumption, the types of insect preferred by the south eastern, age bracket that consume insect the most, the policies to be adopted to increase insect consumption in the region. Three methods of data collection were used in the investigation: questionnaire structured in such a way that respondents tick yes or no in response to questions, questionnaires structured in such a way that respondent tick the column that expressed their feeling using four point Likert – type scale: Strongly agree -4 points, Agree t=-3 points, Disagree -2 points and Strongly disagere -1 point and oral interview. The population was drawn from the 21 Local Government Areas that make up Anambra State, a state that have full representation of people in the south east region. The result showed that level of acceptance of insect as food was least among the young people within 10-25 years of age (5.71%) and greatest among people above 25 years (50.24%). Cricket was found to be the most preferred insect but termite was the most consumed (25.95% out of 67.86% of those that eat insects as 32.14% do not eat insect at all), but termite was the most consumed (67% in the rural areas and 56% in the urban centres) because its availability as people can collect commercial quantities during their nuptial flight.
FRACTIONAL SECOND GRADE FLUID PERFORMING SINUSOIDAL MOTION IN A CIRCULAR CYLINDER[Full-Text ] Nazia Afzal and Muhammad AtharThe purpose of this work is to obtain some new results for fractional second grade fluid (non-Newtonian) performing sinusoidal motion. The exact solution of the velocity field and associated shear stress corresponding to second grade fluid in an infinite cylinder are obtained by applying Laplace transform and Hankel transform. The solutions have been written in series form using generalized function G.,.,.(.,t) function and Bessel function. For a ? 0 similar solutions for Newtonian fluid performing the same sinusoidal motion are obtained. Solutions for ordinary second grade fluid performing the same sinusoidal motion are recovered from fractional fluid (second grade) as a limiting case.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATED SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING[Full-Text ] English as second language (ESL) teaching and learning in the universities is a complex process. It takes into consideration the participants’ individual differences and the environmental factors which have an impact on second language acquisition in general. When the learners are heterogeneous, by virtue of their mother tongue, aptitude, attitude, culture and tradition the teacher scouts for various means by which language learning can be made simple and easy. The present day university students are ‘digital natives’ (Palfrey and Grasser 2008); as such they are technology oriented. Their interest in the electronic media and modern gadgets allows the teachers to use them to assist language teaching in formal English classrooms and make learning lively and interesting. The research oriented university teachers have recorded many such technological interventions and their usefulness in the university ESL learning across the world. While submitting such instances, the author submits how technology is integrated in Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute in the Technical English classrooms.
TRACE ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAMPLES OF KIDNEY EFFECTED AREA USING EDXRF TECHNIQUE[Full-Text ] T.P. Raju, N.Giridhar Babu, Ch.Ch.Srinivasu, N.Lakshmana DasSoil samples are collected from different villages affected with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Uddanam area of Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh, India. These samples are analyzed using Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF). The trace elements Si, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As are identified and compared with NIST soil-2587 standard. The impact of each element on human physiology and CKD is analysed.
WAVE EXCITING FORCE ON A FLOATING RECTANGULAR BARGE DUE TO SURFACE WAVES[Full-Text ] Purity M. Ngina, David O. Manyang and Kaguchwa John NjengaThe prediction of parameters in sea keeping, for example, body response, wave load, deck wetness, slamming, among others, are some of the most important aspects in ship design. Furthermore, peak loads created by cyclone winds and waves and fatigue loads generated by waves over the body are also important design consideration for offshore construction. Offshore platforms which is part of offshore construction have many uses including oil exploration and production, navigation, ship loading and unloading and to support bridges and causeways, where offshore oil drilling is one of the most visible and imperative application. The structures aforementioned must function properly and safely for a longer period although they are subject to harsh marine environment. Due to these visible applications this paper is aimed at addressing impulsive hydrodynamic forces that come about due to presence of a rectangular floating barge on the wave terrain. The panel method developed by Hess and Smith (1964) will be used together with the appropriate Greens functions to help in deriving the integral equations.
DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE TEST OF CASSAVA PEELING AND WASHING MACHINE.[Full-Text ] UGWU K. C AND OZIOKO R. EThe cassava peeling and washing machine was designed, fabricated and tested. The machine consists of two chambers joined together as a single machine to perform the work of peeling and as well as washing. The brushes which are in form of shafts were fixed in the upper chamber and they remove dirt and sand aided by plentiful supply of clean water under pressure via water pump. The peeler drum was enclosed by the down chamber with rough and sharp surface that peel and also oriented in a spiral form (auger) for conveyance of the cassava tuber to the outlet chute. A 3hp single phase electric motor supply power to the machine via pulley and belt to the peeler drum shaft. The peeler drum shaft that transfers the drive to the drum was fixed at the centre of the drum. It was observed that the efficiency of the machine was hindered by the speed. The efficiency of the machine was 70% on the speed of rotation of peeler drum at 420 rpm. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) confirmed that speed was an important parameter that affects the performance of the machine.
Review Paper On Image Based Steganography[Full-Text ] Indu Nehra, Rakesh SharmaSteganography is one of the methods used to hide information for the purpose of exchanging information and it can be defined as the study of communication that usually deals with ways of hiding the message with other medium like image, audio etc. In this way, if message is hidden properly,then message is not easy to be extracted by from eavesdroppers and attackers. Using steganography, information can be hidden in different embedding mediums, known as carriers. These carriers can be images, audio files, video files, and text files. This is a review paper for various studies done on steganography. Also paper provides various ways for betterment of LSB method of staganography.
A Review on Scheduling Algorithms for Multicast Services over WiMAX Networks[Full-Text ] Dr. A. D. Usman, Dr. S. M Sani, Aliu, D.Transmission of multicast traffic (such as video, data and voice services over World Wide Interoperability for Micro Wave Access “WiMAX” aims to make multicast traffic available to users anywhere, anytime and on any device. The major challenges of transmitting wireless traffic over WiMAX network through convention multicast schemes are throughput fluctuation (Variations) among the subscribers within the network coverage, unfair distribution of network resources, delay, delay jitter and packet drop because they are placed in different locations from the Base Station. These inefficiencies are as a result of different fading and path losses in time-varying wireless channel experience by the Subscribers. Scheduling algorithms are mainly responsible for utilization of available resources that are obtained in the network in order to ensure the desire quality of service, among those scheduling algorithms are Round Robin, Max Rate, first in first out, Maximum Throughput, proportional fairness and weighted fair queuing etc. This paper surveys various scheduling algorithms for maximization of network throughput, fair distribution of resource, minimize packet loss and delay in WiMAX. Performances and limitations of some of the previous works are identified. Finally, future research directions to improve on some of the observed inefficiencies are discussed.