Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015.
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“J & K” (RAMANUJAM NADU)[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaWhat does mean “J”?... What does mean “K”?... “J” and “K” are enemies to each other?... The Land of “JAMMU” and “KASHMIR” is normally called in short as “J & K”.
Weather Variation and its Effect on Transmission of Communication Signal[Full-Text ] Nweke F. U and Ukwu C. NThis paper x-rayed the nature of weather variation and its effect on transmission of communication signal from the data collected from the transmitting station of Nigerian Television Authority, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State Nigeria. From the data collected in the two prominent seasons in Nigeria, it was observed in fig 1 and fig 2 from the data gotten in the month of June and July which is the peak of rainy season that bad signals are most frequently noticed than that of fig 3 and fig 4 which is the data gotten from November and December which is the peak of dry seasons. The bad signals affects the transmission and these results to break in transmission, mismatch and fading of images, scattering and absorption and sometimes the station may go off air. Moreover, weather variations affect the signals by reducing the strength before it reaches the receiving end.
A Methodology For The Development of IPv6[Full-Text ] Mohammed Salman Khan, Mohammed Shoukath Ali KhanThe investigation of e-commerce has constructed lambda calculus, and current trends suggest that the refinement of multi-processors will soon emerge. In fact, few researchers would disagree with the simulation of checksums. We present new client-server theory, which we call Droplet.
Use of Biometric-Based Identification and Automated Visual Surveillance to Checkmate Terrorist Activities in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions[Full-Text ] Zauwali Sabitu Paki, Abubakar Sani, Mansur BabaganaThe current security challenges being faced in Nigeria is of public concern. Our institutions of higher learning are the prime targets of terrorist as it is evident in recent years. Several methods are used by the terrorist to gain access to the institutions one of which is by identity fraud (claiming to be guanine students/staff of such schools possibly by presenting students’/staff ID cards). In this paper we propose a framework that combines the use of biometrics in user identification and visual surveillance to monitor activities in real-time fashion in our institutions. We also conducted a survey in some institutions in northern Nigeria that were ravaged by the terrorist attacks in the recent past. The survey revealed that majority were of the opinion computerised security measures could significantly improve security situation in their institution. Majority also expressed readiness to accept the proposed initiative. More than 81% expressed preference of fingerprint biometric to other biometrics (iris, retina etc.).
ASSESSING THE USE AND ADEQUACY OF PUBLIC OPEN SPACES IN OLD PORT HARCOURT TOWNSHIP[Full-Text ] Ibama Brown, Wocha Chikagbum, Kpunpamo Owanate BoylePublic open spaces place high value on the quality of life and social interaction of residents in an urban center, and contribute to a healthy urban environment. Public open spaces are publicly or privately owned land that is publicly accessible and has been designated for leisure, play or sports. It is land set aside for the protection and /or enhancement of the natural environment. However, there have been factors militating against the utilization of these open space facilities. This raises the question of the various problems facing the use of public open spaces and what are the present uses of public open spaces around the Port Harcourt Township Area. This gave credence to the need for this paper which has its goal as assessing the use of public open spaces in Port Harcourt old Township Area. To this respect, data were collected, collated and analyzed using the SPSS model and results presented in tables, graphs and charts to interpret the findings. It was discovered that some users were not satisfied with some recreational facilities because of the inadequacy and deteriorating condition. To resuscitate open spaces in the study area, recommendations were made which suggested that the Rivers State Government should fund and partner with the private sector for effective management facilities in the Port Harcourt old Township Area and should see recreation in the light of its usefulness to health and general well-being of the people.
PID Controller Based AGC under Two Area Deregulated Power System[Full-Text ] Ramandeep Kaur, Jaspreet KaurIn this paper, AGC of deregulated system is analyzed with the use of conventional controllers. Mainly, these controllers are considered for the analysis of AGC of two area interconnected system through a tie line for frequency control, area control error and tie line power control. The concept of DISCO participation matrix is introduced and reflected in the two-area diagram to make the visualization of contract easier. Initially, PI controller is designed for the system under consideration than PI controller is replaced PID controller to obtain better and reliable control. Dynamic performance of two area restructured power system is simulated and observed in terms of system parameters like frequency, area control error and tie line power control 0.01 percent step load change. Simulation is carried out in MATLAB 7.1.
RECREATION PROSPECTS AND MANAGEMENT ISSUES IN BORI TOWN, RIVERS STATE- NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Ibama Brown, Wocha Chikagbum, Kpunpamo Owanate BoyleThe research was carried out to enhance the promotion of recreation centres in Bori Town. This research became necessary due to the inadequacy of organized recreational facilities to meet the demands of the people of Bori Town. This research endeavored to identify the problems of recreation and delivery of recreational facilities in the study area, the recreational needs of the people and how the promotion of recreation centre will improve the health and quality of life through variety of recreational activities. In order to achieve the goal of this study, closed ended structured questionnaires were designed and administered to sampled individuals and key informants. These questionnaires were collected, collated and analyzed using the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS). Based on the analysis, findings were discussed and recommendations were made. The study recommended that Government should recognize the need for the implementation of the open spaces proposed in the Bori Master Plan (1972-2003), there should be adequate management for the proposed recreation centre on completion, the provision of recreational facilities should serve both active and passive activities, outdoor and indoor recreation. Recreational facilities should be of standard to satisfy residence’s recreational needs; proposed recreation center suitable for Bori Town, if implemented will enhance recreation and improve the health and quality of life of the people in Bori town.
Effect Of Small Percentage Additions Of Superabsorbent Polymer On Mechanical Properties Of Concrete[Full-Text ] Kenneth Sequeira, B.H.V . PaiInternal Curing of Concrete has been a topic which has been gathering much more interest in the last couple of years coinciding with the growing demand of high strength concrete in construction. It is a method of countering a problem which unfortunately gets more severe in high strength concrete owing to a greater cement ratio and a correspondingly lower water cement ratio. To make matters worse the water which gets used up during the desiccation process leaves behind empty pores which lead to shrinkage stresses which prevents concrete from achieving its maximum achievable strength. Also in high strength concrete (HSC) the rate of absorption of water into the concrete microstructure is more than the rate at which water gets absorbed into the concrete matrix. This is a problem which prevents conventional methods of curing of water from being successfully implemented in HSC. Therefore we turn to alternate materials which can absorb, hold and supply water as required which also fulfils the role of aggregate such as lightweight aggregate or superabsorbent polymers. We could also use shrinkage reducing admixtures like polyethylene-glycol. The water molecules present in these materials are pulled out due to pressure created in the concrete matrix as water is used up during the curing process. This is also a useful tool for areas where conventional curing is very difficult such as extreme climatic conditions which can lead to excessive evaporation and freezing. Also it will save water losses in sites which is a growing concern in the business as we move towards a more efficient use of our limited resources
Investigation On Phase Change Materials[Full-Text ] Dr.T.Senthil kumar, S.RajendrasivaThe use of a latent heat storage system using phase change materials (PCMs) is an effective way of storing thermal energy and has the advantages of high-energy storage density and the isothermal nature of the storage process. PCMs have been widely used in latent heat thermal storage systems for heat pumps, solar engineering, and spacecraft thermal control applications. The uses of PCMs for heating and cooling applications for buildings have been investigated within the past decade. There are large numbers of PCMs that melt and solidify at a wide range of temperatures, making them attractive in a number of applications. This paper also summarizes the investigation and analysis of the available thermal energy storage systems incorporating PCMs for use in different applications.
Ultra Wideband Printed Monopole with Truncated Stub For Dual Notch Performance[Full-Text ] Y. Laxmi Lavanya and Prof. P. SiddaiahThe printed monopole with T-shaped slot yields Ultra Wideband response from 3 GHz to over 12 GHz. Placing a stub in the T-slot gives rise to a notch band or rejection band, which is tunable by varying the position and dimensions of the stub. By further truncating the stub, a dual notch band is achieved. The center frequency of second notch band is tuned from 3.3 GHz to 5.2 GHz by increasing the truncation gap.
A Comparative Study of Fasteners Tolerance Analysis Methods[Full-Text ] Raghavendra Magadum, Prof. B.S.AllurkarThreaded fasteners have rendered themselves indispensable in the assembly of mechanical systems and structures due to their ease of disassembly and their relatively low cost. The outstanding feature of threaded fasteners is that, in spite of their design simplicity, they provide a high clamping force [1]. A comprehensive literature study has been carried out in Ref. [2] describing the history as well as evolution of threaded fasteners.
Approximating Positive Solutions of Non-Linear Two Point Functional Boundary Value of Second Order Differential Equations[Full-Text ] S. S. Bellale, S. B. BirajdarWe prove the existence as well as approximations of the positive solutions for a boundary value problem of second order non-linear quadratic differential equation. An algorithm for the solutions is developed and it is shown that the sequence of successive approximations converges monotonically to the positive solution related quadratic differential equation.
Bleaching of vegetable oil using organic acid activated fuller’s earth (Bentonite Clay)[Full-Text ] Atif KhanVegetable oil is one of the basic food items which is consumed by almost every human being in this universe. Therefore quality of vegetable oil should be good enough so that it accounts for healthy life. In vegetable oil manufacturing there are four major steps involved which are neutralization, degumming, bleaching and deodorization. Among these steps bleaching is the very important and critical step because it ensures the good color and odor of vegetable oil. The famous method of bleaching in Pakistan is adsorption by inorganic acid activated fuller’s earth (bentonite clay). Treatment with inorganic acid (Sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid) activated bentonite clay is very efficient and shows satisfactory results. But there is a major disadvantage associated with its use. Fumes of hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid are very dangerous for both the equipment and labor involved in manufacturing of vegetable oil. Therefore the safety of the labor and equipment is compromised. The major purpose of this research work is to give the alternative method for activation procedure of bentonite clay and this method should be the safest method for both the labor and equipment used in vegetable oil industry. So safety is the major motivation for this research. Some organic acids showed good and compatible results as compared to inorganic acids and these acids are highly safe for both the equipment and labor.
A general paper on optimization of fuel and energy(cost saving) by insulation (calcium silicate) in boiler[Full-Text ] Manish Kumar Soni, Gireesh kumar, Dr. M.P.SinghThis paper revolves around the impact of insulation in Indian thermal power plant. In this we are using calcium silicate as a nano-material rather than resin bonded glass wool. The main benefit use of calcium silicate, heat loss in boiler will be less as compare to glass wool because convection and conduction loss will be less, resulting less fuel consume. Using with nano material boiler fuel saving increasing. Resulting cost saving & fuel saving & energy saving.
ANALYSIS OF THE SIGNALS GENERATED IN A DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED MULTI-TONE ULTRASONIC RODENT REPELLER[Full-Text ] Nweke F.UA solar powered multi-tone ultrasonic rodent repeller was designed, constructed and characterized. The data generated during the simulation of the designed circuit using an oscilloscope of an Electronic Work Bench was investigated and analyzed. The plot of the data resulted to a rectangular pulses which confirms the use of 555 timer connected in astable multivibrator mode for generation of electrical signal, which is converted to ultrasound using a piezo crystal. The analysis of the pulses generated an ultrasonic frequency of 36 kHz which is used in repelling rodents. Also the Fourier analysis of the signal was computed and the intensity of the ultrasound was calculated, which infers that the intensity of the ultrasound is more on the rodents as it gets closer to the repeller. Therefore an ultrasonic frequency (which is frequency above 20 kHz) can be used to repel rodents.
RADAR Scan Pattern synthesis and implementation on FPGA[Full-Text ] S.Prathyusha, Dr.D.Nageshwar RaoThis paper presents an active and challenging areas of research in the field of Electronic Warfare(EW) and Pattern Recognition.Electronic intelligence (ELINT) is the result of observing the signals transmitted by radar systems to obtain information about their capabilities: it is the remote sensing of remote sensors. ELINT also provides information about defensive systems, which is important in maintaining a credible deterrent force to penetrate those defenses. In this context estimation of the of radar Antenna Scan Period (ASP) and recognition of the Antenna Scan Type(AST) is important measure in analyzing level of threat from the radar. Usually estimation of radar ASP and recognition of the AST is performed by human operators in the EW world. In this paper a algorithm is synthesized for radar scan pattern. The characteristic parameters of antenna scanning includes AST, ASP with other such parameters like Radio frequency (RF),Pulse Width(PW),PulseAmplitude(PA),Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI),Direction Of Arrival (DOA) and The classification different scan types such as circular scan, sector scan, helical scan, raster scan, conical scan is done using features extracted from the generated antenna scan patterns. Classification of the Angle Of Arrival (AOA).AST’s is done using both parametric and non parametric techniques of the pattern recognition synthesized in MATLAB. AST of radar is found using four unique features of antenna scanning such as azimuth angle, elevation angle, degree of rotation and number of elevation bars. The verilog code for the recognition of antenna scan type is simulated in Xlinx ISE 14.3 and implemented on the Spartan 3 FPGA.
Determination of Minimum Surface Roughness of Different Materials Using High speed Cutting Tool and Cemented Carbide Cutting Tool at Different Oblique Cutting Angle[Full-Text ] Rashedul HasanThe cutting forces depend upon the oblique cutting angle during turning. So, the angle should be determined with minimum roughness. A range of oblique cutting angle can be recommended from the performance study of the project report. But for a particular optimum oblique cutting angle may be determined from a brief analysis of every oblique cutting angle to apply commercially for a particular metal, tool, cutting speed, depth of cut, feed rate and cutting fluid.surface roughness (Ra) were measured. The roughness was measured with the same direction and dimension. The cemented carbide and high speed cutting tool were used. The material used were high carbon steel, mild steel and cast iron. Facing and turning were performed on the material. Carbide tool can cut high carbon steel, mild steel and cast iron while high speed tool can cut high carbon steel, mild steel but cannot cut cast iron because of it’s hardness.
Tide Coordinated Shorelines in Delineating Between Legal Boundaries and Determining National Maritime Zones[Full-Text ] Chibueze Ojiako, Mitchell Eboigbe and Emmanuel AjieBoundary disputes especially along the coastal regions are now a global phenomenon. African is no exception as there are presently disputes along the maritime zones, between states within a country and most especially in areas with massive coastal flooding. There is no effective Land administration and control without a definite definition of the respective maritime zones. Information derived from shoreline management and monitoring is vital for delineating boundaries between legal properties and monitoring of the regular changes as caused by coastal flooding. This study therefore evaluates the use of Geospatial Data Techniques in shoreline change detection. The study area is the Buck Mill in Devon, United Kingdom. Emphasis is on tide-coordinated shorelines using the Global Positioning System (GPS), the Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and the Ordinance survey master map 1:10,000 scale showing the study area. Changes along this shoreline were ascertained from variations on the mean low water observed for four different years. The software used is the ArcGIS 10.1 and Hardware is Pentium 4 among others. Both manual and semi automatic extraction techniques were used to extract the mean low water marks for these years. Results obtained are represented in form of charts, tables and digital maps. An evaluation of these results shows that the use of geospatial data technique is capable of constant monitoring of a coordinated tidal surface along the maritime zones. It is therefore recommended for an effective and complete land administration. It is also a sure means of protecting existing infrastructure from coastal flooding.
Analysis of Effects of Rear Spoiler in Automobile Using Ansys[Full-Text ] G.Ganesh, V.VasudevanAerodynamic characteristics of a Honda civic car 2009 are of significant interest in reducing car-racing accidents due to wind loading and in reducing the fuel consumption. Even though these vehicles typically have a more rigid chassis and a stiffer suspension to aid in high-speed maneuverability, a spoiler can still be beneficial. One of the design goals of a spoiler is to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency. Many vehicles have a fairly steep downward angle going from the rear edge of the roof down to the trunk or tail of the car. Reducing flow separation decreases drag, which increases fuel economy; it also helps keep the rear window clear because the air flows smoothly through the rear window.
The Effect of Carvacrol and Carvone Treatments on the Cedar Wood SurfacePhysico-chemical Properties[Full-Text ] Barkai Hassan,Sadiki Moulay,El abed Soumya,EL harchli EL Hassan, Boutahari Saïd, Ibnsouda Koraichi SaadThe contact angle method was used in this study to investigate the impact of the cedar wood surface treatment by two essentials oil components on its physicochemical properties.Thus, the hydrophobicity and the Lewis acid/base components were evaluated before and after the treatment of the cedar wood with carvacrol and the carvone. The obtained results revealed that the cedar wood showed the initial characteristics of hydrophobic surfaces (Θw = 89±0.12°; ΔGiwi = -67.93 mJ/m2) with low electron Donor and Acceptor properties (γ- = 0.28±0.06 mJ/m2; γ+ = 3.03±0.2 mJ/m2). After 15 min of treatment with carvacrol, the surface became hydrophilic (Θw = 42.2±0.3°; ΔGiwi = 11.29 mJ/m2), the electron acceptor character is canceled (γ+ = 0.18±0.08 mJ/m2) while the electron donor component increased considerably (γ- = 36.82±0.93 mJ/m2). However, the treatment of the cedar wood by carvone allowed to notice that the surface remained hydrophobic (Θw = 39.8±0.3°; ΔGiwi = -5.31 mJ/m2) but also with a strong increase of the electron donor character (γ- = 29.11±0.43 mJ/m2) compared with the controls samples. This study contributes to demonstrate the significant impact of these essential oil components on the initial physicochemical properties of cedar wood.
The Implication of the Distribution, Species Diversity and Relative Abundance of Zooplankton in Wasai Reservoir Kano State Nigeria[Full-Text ] Sindama A, Suleiman A, Hemen A Studies on the distribution, species diversity and relative abundance of zooplankton in Wasai reservoir was undertaken from December 2005-February 2006. Variations in Physico-chemical parameters were also estimated. Highest temperature and transparency recorded were 23°C and 0.34m respectively. The pH ranged between 8.6 - 7.6. Highest and lowest range in Dissolved Oxygen and Biochemical Oxygen Demand were 4.7 mg/L and 3.6mg/L and 2.7mg/L and 2.0mg/L . Chemical concentration of Phosphates was between 0.78mg/L to 0.32mg/L. Nitrate was 0.017mg/L to 0.32mg/L while nitrite was 0.400mg/L to 0.00mg/L as the highest and the lowest concentrations recorded during the study. Distribution and relative abundance of zooplankton was found to be in the order Protozoa, Rotifer, Cladocera and Copepoda with Arcella spp, Amoeba proteus and Actinophrys spp, as the Zooplankton species identified which had the highest counts. Correlation analysis between zooplanktons distribution and abundance and physico-chemical parameters revealed a weak positive relationship (P<0.05) and in respect of the chemical factors revealed strong positive relationship (P<0.05) the study showed that the river is not polluted and could serve as a good breeding site for production of fishes in large quantity for economic growth of the community.
Modelling the performance of two-channeled haemodialyser with single rectangular membrane - Asymptotics and numerical approximation[Full-Text ] Ugochukwu Obinna UgwuThe efficiency of a two channeled haemodialyser with a rectangular membrane have been investigated; with blood flow considered incompressible, unidirectionally constant and assumed to be flowing in counter-clockwise direction with the dialysate. The smallest dimensionless parameter was identified and technique of asymptotic expansions used to consider a problem for the resulting 2D-convection-diffusion system (CDs) in the limit of . The CDs was solved numerically using MATLAB’s pdepe while eigenvalues found in transcendental equation were obtained using MATLAB’s fsolve. Comparison between the numerical and analytic solutions were considered with sensitivity analysis of diffusion coefficient and membrane coefficient studied.
An Intense Urge Micturition Model for a slowly varying Urethral Diameter[Full-Text ] Ugochukwu Obinna UgwuA study of involuntary micturition (urine flow) in a slowly varying urethral diameter precipitated by an intense urge to urinate have been considered. The urethra have been assumed to be cylindrical in shape; and elastic since its made up of muscles. Even though the urethra is elastic, the pressure causing voiding is not enough to stretch the urethral walls. Thus no movement of the urethral walls during voiding implies the velocity profile is in axial direction with distance along the urethra called the axial distance. Consequently, the Navier-Stokes equation which describes the axial motion was solved to obtain an expression for velocity and pressure along the urethra assuming there is no abnormality in the Lower Urinary Tract (LUT) and that the urine is already stored in the bladder. Asymptotic limit to determine the expression for urethral axial velocity close to the end of micturition process was also considered.
Design of a Home Automation System Using Arduino[Full-Text ] Nathan David, Abafor Chima, Aronu Ugochukwu, Edoga ObinnaThis paper presents a low cost and flexible home control and environmental monitoring system. It employs an embedded micro – web server in Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller, with IP connectivity for accessing and controlling devices and appliances remotely. These devices can be controlled through a web application or via Bluetooth Android based Smart phone app. The proposed system does not require a dedicated server PC with respect to similar systems and offers a novel communication protocol to monitor and control the home environment with more than just the switching functionality. To demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this system, devices such as light switches, power plug, temperature sensor, gas sensor and motion sensors have been integrated with the proposed home control system.
Planck's Quantum Hypothesis and Concept of Mass from Special Relativity[Full-Text ] Tapan Kumar GhoshIt is established that special relativity and quantum mechanics are two very wide apart theories of measurements in modern physics in terms of determinism versus indeterminism. Modern physics accepts indeterminism against classical determinism. But it is remarkable that Einstein's special relativity in its present form alone contains the basic ingredients of quantum theory. Einstein's theory can give a simple theoretical proof of the Planck's quantum hypothesis and can explain the origin of mass out of zero rest mass of photon. This article at the first place shows how to proceed in this path from relativistic energy momentum relations and at the second place it shows the reason of energy and momentum indeterminacy from the framework of relativity. At the last phase the article puts a question on the sustainability of special relativity itself before oscillation of any kind. This paper deals with the matter to the extent special relativity containing quantum theory.
Taguchi Method Based Optimization for Surface Roughness in Drilling Operation of EN-31 Steel Material and DOE Approach[Full-Text ] Pankaj Yadav, S.Mojahid Ul IslamDrilling is on the basic machining process of making holes and it is essentially for manufacturing Industry like Aerospace Industry, Automobile Industry and Medical Industry.In the present work by using Taguchi approach the End Milling of EN 31 Steel Alloy is carried out in order to Optimize the Milling process parameter and the Surface Roughness.A run order was devlop by using Three Milling Process parameter i.e. Speed,Feed Rate and Depth of cut.Each having Three levels using L9 Orthogonal Array.The Nine Experiment are perfomed and surface roughness is calculated the Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N Ratio) of predicated value and verification Test value are vaild when compare with the Optimum values.
Portable and Personal Independent Digital Health Monitoring System Based on Android OS[Full-Text ] Kevin Paulson, Jatin DesaiIn this paper we are attempting to reproduce the ECG, Pulse rate and the Body temperature signals that we observe individually on the monitor screen of the hospitals on an Android device collectively. The signals are transmitted from a data acquisition system in real time to the Android device via Bluetooth. The system is compatible with the Android app that has been designed and developed and is much more precise as compared to the other available apps. The system is capable of handling numerous Android devices and distributes the collected data for diagnostic purpose and evaluation taking into consideration the architecture of Android OS. The system has three switches which can be turned on or off to view the parameters on the Android screen. It has its own power source and as such can be used for a longer duration of time. Also the app that has developed is easy to understand and as such can be used by anyone who possess a Smartphone thereby turning it into a virtual health monitoring system.
Flexural Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by NSM CFRP Rods and Strips[Full-Text ] Dr. Qassim M. Shaker, Dr. Muhammad A. Attiya, Dr. Hayder H. H. KamonnaThe present study deals with numerical analysis of reinforced (RC) simply supported beam strengthened by carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) element. The two commonly used techniques near surface mounted (NSM) and externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) are considered. For the NSM technique, the two configurations of strengthening by CFRP, rod and sheet, have been used, while Sheet type at bottom surface of beam is used for EBR technique. ANSYS V15 has been employed to achieve the present work. Also study is focused on investigation of some parameters that may affect the performance of strengthened RC beam. Parameter studied here are; effect of NSM CFRP ratio, configuration of CFRP type of reinforcement (rod or sheet), distribution of NSM CFRP rod area through beam width and the effect of simulation of epoxy grove.
Hypoxia induced angiogenesis and upregulation of VEGF: An in vivo study using Zebrafish model[Full-Text ] Vivek Sagayaraj. R, Navina Paneerselvan, Sankar Jagadeeshan and Raghunathan MalathiCobalt chloride, a known hypoxic agent is able to induce angiogenesis in zebrafish embryos. The concept of this study is to sense the effect of CoCl2 during development, using zebrafish as model system. Embryos exposed transdermally to varying concentrations (0.5-5μM) of CoCl2 has shown to enhance the formation of blood vessel and intersegmental vessel (ISV), as detected by RBC and alkaline phosphatase staining respectively. Length, size, sprouting junction of blood vessels were measured using the software angioquant and shown significant change with increasing concentrations. An increase in VEGF, VEGF-R2 and HIF-1α mRNA expression were observed through qPCR, while western blotting analysis revealed a considerable increase in VEGF expression and a complete inhibition of VEGF under hypoxia with SU5416, an inhibitor of VEGF signalling. The ability of CoCl2 to induce angiogenesis in zebrafish embryos might be through the enhanced expression of HIF-1α, VEGF, and VEGF-R2, the key player of angiogenesis and the results obtained with SU 5416 is suggestive the involvement of VEGF signalling during embryonic development.
Geo-electrical investigation of Groundwater potential at The Polytechnic,Ibadan,North Campus Southwestern,Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adejumo S.A,Oyerinde A.O,Salami A.JElectrical resistivity survey has been carried out at The Polytechnic, Ibadan North Campus to characterize the subsurface geoelectric sequences and evaluate the ground water potential of the area.The area is underlain by Precambrian basement complex of Southwestern Nigeria. A total of thirty five Vertical Electrical Sounding stations were conducted across the areas using Schlumberger electrode array with maximum half current electrode (AB/2) spacing of 75m. The interpretation of the VES result revealed three to five geoelectric layers comprising the top soil, lateritic clay, weathered basement, fractured basement and presumably fresh bedrock. The weathered and fractured basement are the aquifer types delineated for the area with the fractured basement being significant in enhancing the groundwater potential in the area. The weathered basement in about 80% of the area is clayey and has low permeability but offers moderate to high protective capacity to the underlying fractured basement aquifer.The resistivity of the fractured basement range from 96-846ohm-m with a mean value of 403 ohm-m.Based on the value of geoelectic parameters obtained, the groundwater potential of the area is rated medium to high. A sustainable groundwater development project is therefore feasible in the institution.
Mass-Energy Equivalence in Spiral Structure for Elementary Particles and Balance of Potentials[Full-Text ] Suraj KumarIn this paper, it has been tried to explain the relation between the length of spirals in the structure of elementary particles with the Energy and Mass of the corresponding observable particle. It also explains the expansive behavior of gluon in nucleon for the length of constituent spiral structure of quark. Referring into the information system of Universe at different scales of information processing varying in collective analysis of information cells, it tries to explain the conservation of information been carried out by the SU (1) gauge symmetry group of Universe across different generations of Universe being reflected through the study of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. It also tries to derive the expression for creation & annihilation operator for the Universe.
Evaluating the Egyptian HARN Network by GNSS Precise Point Positioning “PPP” [Full-Text ] Mostafa Rabah, Mahmood Elmewafey, Magda H. Farahan, Ahmed Awad and Ali. JaafarOne of the fundamental goals of geodesy is to precisely define positions of points on the surface of the Earth, so it is necessary to establish a well-defined geodetic datum for geodetic measurements and positioning computations. Recently, a set of the coordinates established by using GPS and referred to an international terrestrial reference frame could be used as a three-dimensional geocentric reference system for a country. Based on this modern concept, in 1992, the Egypt Survey Authority (ESA) established two networks. The first net is called High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN) and consisted of 30 stations, 200 km spacing. The second network was established to cover the cultivated areas (Nile Valley and Delta) so it is called the National Agricultural Cadastral Network (NACN) with spacing 30 to 40 km. To transfer the International Terrestrial Reference Frame to the HARN, the HARN was connected with four IGS stations. The processing results were 1:10,000,000 (Order A) for HARN and 1:1,000,000 (Order B) for NACN relative network accuracy standard between stations defined in ITRF1994 Epoch 1996.
Data Mining by Amazon[Full-Text ] Thabit ZatariA method of knowledge discovery in which data is analyzed from various perspectives and then summarized to extract useful information is called data mining. This information is then used to increase the company revenues and decrease costs to a significant level. The companies who give utmost importance to customer satisfaction use data mining approach for various financial, communication, marketing and retail functions. Social marketers can identify their customer habits earlier than competitors through the patterns and relations in buying behavior.