Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015.
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Improvement in Automobile saleability/acceptability and feasibility through Value Engineering[Full-Text ] Anup Kumar Rajak, Malay Niraj, Shalendra KumarAutomobile industries are working hard to increase the performance of the vehicle and customers satisfaction level since decade particularly after 1950 but it always faced the problems to improve quality at least cost. In the present scenario industries are dealing with dynamically changing constraints to meet the challenges in the competitive environment worldwide. Over the last few years the Indian auto industries have created a robust infrastructure base and thereby all the other world’s leading manufactures have setup their manufacturing units in India. Among all the techniques, Value engineering is one of the best tool to achieve the requirement of consumers and can be applied at any level of product process system or services. In this paper the application of such approach resulted in 21.97 % overall improvement in acceptability and saleability of vehicles in a particular segment. The factors like safety, cost fuel efficiency, braking traction, aesthetic etc. have been used as decision making parameters. This technique enhances the feasibility and acceptability of products worldwide.
Modeling Rainfall in Cross River State, Nigeria, Using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Christian E. Onwukwe, Ikpang Nkereuwem IkpangThe Artificial Neural Network approach is utilized in this study for modeling rainfall in Cross River State, Nigeria. The architecture employed for model development is Feed Forward Back-Propagation Architecture [FFBPA]. The model is developed to forecast 12 months rainfall in advance. The study considers three major local government areas in Cross River State; and three separate ANN models were developed using MATLAB for these areas. Rainfall data ranging from 2004 to 2014 were collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency [NIMET] and used for training the models based on Gradient Descent Training Algorithm [GDTA]. The effect of number of hidden nodes on the result is examined by varying its numerical value; and with this, the best model was chosen based on Mean Square Error [MSE]. The study showed that the best performance was obtained when the number of nodes in the hidden layer was equal to the number of nodes in the input layer.
Synthesis, Characterization and Antimcrobial studies of some complexes with new Schiff base namely [2,2'-(1E,1'Z)-(1,2-phenylenebis(azan-1-yl-1- ylidene)) bis (phenylmethan-1-yl-1-ylidene) dibenzoic acid][Full-Text ] Rehab K. Al-Shemary, Inam H. Ibrahim, ibras A. Al-marsomyA new tetradentate schiff-base derived from 2-benzoyl benzoic acid with O-phenylene diamine have namely[2,2'-(1E,1'Z)-(1,2-phenylenebis(azan-1–yl-1-ylidene)bis(phenylmethan -1-yl-1-ylidene)dibenzoic acid].Tetradental schiff base type (NNOO) have been synthesized and characterized using IR, UV, 1H& 13C-NMR spectroscopy, elemental analysis.
Visual Cryptography Comparative Parameters and Research Areas[Full-Text ] Jyoti Rao, Dr. Vikram PatilVisual cryptography is a technique of information security which is simpler and easy to decrypt by human visual system without any computational aid. Visual cryptography uses simple algorithm unlike the complex, computationally intensive algorithms used in other techniques of traditional cryptography. VC encrypts secret image into shares such that stacking the minimum desired no. of shares reconstructs the secret image. Shares are usually presented in transparencies. In this survey, we will summarize the latest developments of VCS since its inception, the main research work in this area, the current problems and possible solutions for them. Directions for future VC work along with its applications will also be studied.
Design and Implementation of Focused Web Crawler Using Genetic Algorithm: An Approach to Web Mining[Full-Text ] Prashant Dahiwale, M. M.Raghuwanshi, Latesh MalikThe speed at which World -Wide -Web (WWW) is growing round the clock spreds its arms from smaler collections of web pages to a massive hub of web information which gradually increases the complexity of crawling process.search engines handles enourmous quaries from different part of the univers to retrieve most of the relevant results in response to answer the user queries, and it is solely depends on knowledge that it gathers by means of crawling. To tackle this issue the Focused web crawlers are emerging. The crawler is kept focused to the user interests toward the topic, thus crawling processes should be optimum.to make optimum crawling one should use available optimization techniques. This paper proposes a web carawler using genetic algorithm. For selecting more truthfull and proper web pages by web crawler the genetic algorithm as optimization technique has been used. It uses similarity measures which is use to determine the relevancy of the web pages.The results showed that our approach displays with higher quality expected result than traditional focused crawling techniques.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling and Simulation of Laminar Convective Fluid and Heat Flow of a portable air-conditioning Unit - Part I[Full-Text ] Ashaju AbimbolaThis work deals with a study on the laminar convective heat flow of a homemade air condition ing unit through a computational fluid dynamics simulation. With adoption of chilled water as the working fluid within a tube section of the evaporative compartment of the homemade air conditioner whose radius is 5mm and Height 20mm .The numerical analysis was carried out using COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS.Simulation was carried out, using 〖(276K (3〗^° c) as the inlet temperature and 〖293K (20〗^° c) as the outlet temperature with a flow rate of 0.15 m^3â„s. The result showed the velocity profile of the working fluid and the temperature distribution before, during and after heat exchange, helping to achieve a Visual understanding of the Laminar convective fluid and heat flow phenomena within the cooling coil.
Evaluation Of Exposure Analysis On People Exposed To Traffic Congestions.[Full-Text ] Uma S Kale, Dr. P.H.SawantTraffic is a major contributor of air pollution. Mixed traffic rise and the rise of pollution are proportional to each other. This paper is an effort to set a relationship of human being to the exposures of traffic pollution. Human being is exposed to traffic pollution in short term and long term exposures which further leads to acute and chronic symptoms of the human body. Traffic contributes to pollutants that are emitted from auto- exhausts .Exhaust pollutants like SO2, No2, PM (Particulate Matter), RSPM are found to be contributing the rise in pollution levels. Traffic related pollution RSPM2.5 is drawing more concern for physiological functions of human body. Study and analysis is done to evaluate the relationship between human, traffic and RSPM and RSPM with asthma. Case considers Kalbadevi, Bandra station road, A.B. Road, K C Road junctions of a metropolitan city Mumbai.These junctions have mixed traffic flow and maximum time of congestions. Further evaluation of mixed traffic, traffic congestions and asthma is related. Human health is considered for the diagnosis of the physiological functions and respiratory diseases such as asthma, pulmonary obstructions.Further impact study is done on the basis of questionnaire.Prevalance of asthma is monitored among people exposed to congestions directly and when compared with the control group.
Testability Assessment of Object Oriented Software Using Internal & External Factor Model and Analytic Hierarchy Process[Full-Text ] Harsha Singhani, Dr. Pushpa R. SuriIn this paper we have proposed a new testability assessment model for object oriented software based on existing software testability models for object oriented software. The model is based on those six important internal programming features of object oriented design and six external quality factors which are not used before together at the same time in-spite of being highlighted in some or other research. These design features are assessed using popular static object oriented metrics and their link with testability is established indirectly through the affected quality factors. The model is further analysed using Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach. The model is validated using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The proposed model and evaluation technique helps software engineering practitioners to choose the best alternative amongst available options by analysing the Testability not only at internal level but also at external quality level too.
Electromagnetically-Actuated Double-Acting Reciprocating Pump for Industrial Applications[Full-Text ] Ishola Ademayowa Afiz, Obasa Abdul-Hafiz and Adekunle GideonThis study presents the design of an electromagnetically-actuated double-acting reciprocating pump for industrial applications. This concept was developed to replace the conventional rotating crank principle traditionally used to actuate a double-acting reciprocating pump. An electromagnetic oscillator is designed using two linearly placed electromagnets. The electromagnets are designed to achieve translational and oscillatory motion by means of a circuit designed to alternate the polarities of one of the electromagnets and control the speed of oscillation. The electromagnetic oscillator is coupled to a double-acting reciprocating pump for which pump rate, fluid discharge and pressure are measured at the pump outlet. The purpose of this model is to achieve compactness in line with versatility.
A Comparative Study of Different Text-to-Speech Synthesis Techniques[Full-Text ] Helal Uddin MullahSpeech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech. Attempts to control the quality of voice of synthesized speech have existed for more than a decade now. Several prototypes and fully operating systems also have been built based on different synthesis technique. This article reviews recent advances in research and development of speech synthesis with focus on one of the key approaches i.e. statistical parametric approach to speech synthesis based on HMM, so as to provide a technological perspective. In this approach, spectrum, excitation, and duration of speech are simultaneously modeled by context dependent HMMs, and speech waveforms are generated from the HMMs themselves. This paper aims to give an overview of what has been done in this field, summarize and compare the characteristics of various speech synthesis techniques used.
Predictability and Scalability in Heterogeneous Network for Emergency Management System[Full-Text ] Dr. ChandraSekaran Subramaniam, Prisilla Jayanthi GWith increasing vulnerability and intensity of weather extremes, anticipation of severe events is a fundamental element to protect the society by reducing the socioeconomic damage effectively. The objective of this paper is to propose the networking model for the emergency management system using heterogeneous networks to predict and prevent the floods. The study of prediction of flood includes the various input parameters such as soil moisture, air pressure, direction of wind and seasons. The model is designed in an approach that the system can accept different types of requests of different formats through various sub-networks virtual. The arrangement is equipped to accept the surplus networks to the existing network with the routing policies been opted to meet the major concerns over the networks to meet the service parameter.
MEMS Based Different Types of Resonator[Full-Text ] Ms. Vijaya V. Gomase, Prof. Vipin S.BhureMEMS is a micro-electro-mechanical system. It has actively developed into research and development in a broader range of applications, such as in analog system, switches, and in communication system, such as in the oscillator, filter part of RF transceivers.MEMS resonator have potential to replace the available technologies like quartz crystal resonator, LC filters, ceramic filter, SAW filters. There are different types of MEMS resonator such as clamped free resonator ,clamped-clamped resonator, free-free resonator, disc resonator. MEMS resonators can be utilized to meet the increasing count of RF components likely to be demanded by the next generation multi-band/multi-mode wireless devices, as it needs less area, less power consumption, less material.
Performance Analysis of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) System by using Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) Algorithm[Full-Text ] Md. Selim Hossain, Md. Mahasin Ali, Md.Biplob Hossain, Md. Dulal Haque and Md. Abubakar SiddikOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is an efficient method of data transmission for high speed communication systems. The basic principle of OFDM is to split a high-rate data stream into a number of lower rate streams that are transmitted over a number of subcarriers. OFDM has several characteristics such as providing greater immunity to multipath fading & impulse noise improves the bandwidth efficiency. But, OFDM suffers a serious drawback of high peak to average power ratio (PAPR). There are several methods has been proposed to reduce PAPR, clipping and filtering is one of them. But the existing Clipping and filtering method has in-band and out-band losses that degrade the system performance. So we proposed a new algorithm called pumping based clipping method to reduce these losses and increase system efficiency. In this method the input signal is first pumped by an amplifier circuit that increases only the amplitude but doesn’t power of this signal. After that an anti peak signal is generated by Gaussian function. Then the pumping signal is clipped by the anti peak signal to get clipping signal. By pumping the input signal before clipping is reduce the in-band and out-band losses and Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) of the system. Hence the Bit Error Rate (BER) as well as the overall system performance is increased by this method.
LONG TERM LOAD FORECASTING USING SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES[Full-Text ] Dogra Sonika, Sidhu Darshan S, Kaur DaljeetLoad forecasting is very important for power system planning, its operation and control. It has vital importance in electric industry. There are many applications of load forecasting which includes energy purchasing and generation, load switching, contract evaluation, and infrastructure development. It is very important for energy suppliers, financial institutions, and other participants in electric energy generation, transmission, distribution, and markets. It is helpful for peak demand levels and energy consumption patterns. It is also very helpful for an electric utility to make important decisions in power system. Forecasting means estimation of active load at various load buses ahead of an actual load occurrence. A good forecasting model has to capture some important features like economy, climate, weather, human activities, interactions etc. Planning and operational application of load forecasting requires certain lead time known as forecasting intervals. Depending upon the time interval it is divided in to three categories i.e. Long term load forecasting, Medium term load forecasting, Short term load forecasting. A good forecaster takes in to account the various demographic factors which will affect the future load e.g. population, temperature, humidity etc. In case of long term load forecasting, population will affect the most, the other two factors will have more importance in short term load forecasting. For load forecasting different methodologies are adopted. The various methodologies are Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Fuzzy Logic Models and Genetic algorithm.
A study of using a variety of wasted materials as additives in soil stabilization[Full-Text ] Zahra asgari, Behzad kalantari, Armin roohbakhshanSoil stabilization means alteration of the soils properties to meet the specified engineering requirements. Methods for the stabilization are compaction and use of admixtures. Lime, Cement was commonly used as stabilizer for altering the properties of soils. From the recent studies it is observed that, waste materials such as flyash, rice husk ash, Waste Stone Powder, pyroclastic rock dust and Waste tire cord are used for this intended purpose with or without lime or cement. Disposal of these waste materials is essential as these may cause hazardous effects on the environment. With the same intention literature study was undertaken on utilization of waste materials for the stabilization of soils and same is presented here.
Low cost Construction Expertiseby using local available materials in Jijgiga, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] K.Udhaya Kumar, HenockThis paper targets to argument out the numerousstagesof low cost building constituents for low cost housing by underlining the dissimilarbuildingskill like bonus of local obtainableresources and the economicgainsattained by its adoption. In a building for footing, walls, doors and windows, floors and roofs are the most essential components, which can be analyzed separately, based on the needs thus, improving the speed of construction and reducing the construction worth. The major current methods of construction schemes considered here are namely, structural stone walls, wooden columns and trusses, grass roofing components. Here we just performed thecomparison between first class material and nearbyobtainablelow cost materials. From the result we identified that low cost materials provides 18.14 percent profit than first class materials.
Design and Performance Analysis of Encoders using Reversible logic gates[Full-Text ] Sukhjeet Kaur, Amandeep Singh BhandariReversible logic gates are very interesting topic for research due to less heat dissipation and low power consumption. Reversible logic gates are used in various applications such as CMOS design, Quantum computing, Nanotechnology, Cryptography, Optical computing, DNA computing, Digital signal processing (DSP), Communication computer graphics. Quantum computing is not realized without implementation of reversible logic .Main purposes of designing of reversible logic gates are to decrease quantum cost, garbage output, no. of gates. In this paper we present a proposed design of Encoder using Feynman and Fredkin reversible logic gates.
Design and Performance Analysis of Reversible Carry Look-ahead Adder and Carry Select Adder[Full-Text ] Santosh Rani, Amandeep Singh BhandariToday reversible computing is more interesting research area to dwindle power consumption and reduction in heat dissipation. Reversible computing involves number of input and output lines which must be the same. Reversible computing is used in Nano-technology, low power CMOS design, Optical computing and Quantum computing .This paper shows that reversible proposed design of carry look-ahead adder using reversible Peres gate and Feynman gate to dwindle the garbage output, gate count and quantum cost as compare to existing design. The carry select adder using reversible gates is obtained with DPG gates and Modified Fredkin gates. Results are simulated in Xilinx software by using VHDL language.
Data Encryption overa Sensible Natural Seen[Full-Text ] Hassan M.Elkamchouchi, Mahmoud A. Shawky, Ahmed Gamal SalamaEncryption is widely used to ensure security in data storage and communication systems. This paper introduces a new concept for image encryption using a new method. In this method, the private key is an image that converted into RGB numbers and the public key is random integers used to permutate the plaintext. The location of the RGB numbers will be used to encrypt the plaintext. The performance of this algorithm is discussed against common attacks such as the brute force attack, ciphertext attacks and plaintext attacks. The analysis shows the strength of this algorithm. The results show that the algorithm is suitable for securing multimedia applications and they have the potential to secure communication systems in a variety of wired/wireless scenarios such as mobile phone services and smartcards.
Survey on Topologies, and Control Techniques for the Most commom Multilevel Inverters[Full-Text ] Abd Almula GebreelMultilevel inverters have been attracting in favor of industry as well as academia recently for highand medium power applications. In addition, switched waveforms can be synthesized by multilevel inverters in order to achieve lower levels of harmonic distortion than an equivalently rated two-level converter. Decreasing the harmonic distortion in the output waveform can be achieved by using multilevel inverter topology without decreasing the inverter power output. Moreover, multilevel inverter have the ability to generate high quality output waveforms with a low switching frequency. This paper presents the most important topologies like Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC), Neutral Point Clamped Multilevel Inverter (NPCMLI), Clamped/Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter (CCMLI), and Cascaded H-Bridges Multilevel Inverter (CHMLI). This paper also presents the comparison between four types of multilevel inverter in Total Harmonics Distortion (THD) and Individual rating comparison. Also, this paper shows FFT the simulation results for THD. Authors strongly believe that this survey article will be very much useful to the researchers for finding out the relevant references in the field of topologies and modulation strategies of multilevel inverter.
An Efficient Technique for the cloud Data Retrieval using IBE[Full-Text ] Parul Khatri, Asst. Prof. Sandeep KumarSince Cloud computing is a new fields having more research work to be done specially in the field of security. Cloud Computing enables various users to send the data over internet which is then stored at data centers, but there is less chance that data is secure and can’t be access by the un-authorized users or chances of data loss. Hence Security is an important concern in the cloud computing. Although there are various techniques implemented for the security of cloud data so that it can be access by the un-authorized users and privacy is maintained on user’s data. Here in this paper a new and efficient technique is implemented for the security of cloud storage data and quick retrieval of cloud data.
Automatic Generation Control in Three Area Interconnected Power System of Thermal Generating Unit using Evolutionary Controller[Full-Text ] Ashish Dhamanda, A.K.BhardwajThis paper deals to obtain the dynamic response of load frequency and corresponding tie-line power of an automatic generation control (AGC) in three area interconnected thermal power system by using three different controller; One is Conventional (PI) Controller, Second is Intelligent (Fuzzy) Controller and Third is Evolutionary (GA for tuning of PID Controller) Controller. In this paper Evolutionary controller are proposed for improving the performance of load frequency and tie-line power and their dynamic responses are compared with the conventional and intelligent controller’s responses. The results indicate that the proposed controller exhibit better performance and satisfy the automatic generation control requirements with a reasonable dynamic response. The performances of the controllers are simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
Inactivation of Lipase enzyme by using Chemicals to maximize Rice Bran Shelf Life and its Edible Oil Recovery[Full-Text ] Muhammad Akhter, Nazia Afzal, Zulqurnan Haider, Mohsin Ali RazaRice bran is the by-product of the rice milling industries so in view of growing need and consciousness about the nutritional and functional properties the rice bran is very important co-product. In this research article the methods were described regarding different chemicals with different concentration in controlling the activity of lipase enzyme and ultimately to maximize its oil recovery from the rice bran during 60 days of storage in a room temperature. The use of hydrochloric acid at concentration of about 30ml/Kg helps greatly in controlling the lipase enzyme activity and reduces the % of FFA while the other chemicals used in this study (Phosphoric acid, Acetic acid, Sodium metabisulphite) failed to control in the rise of free fatty acid contents. The chemicals can be applied easily by sprinkling or spraying. This operation done on small rice bran lots through manual hand mixing. This method of chemical stabilization of rice bran is really a useful method in the rice mills where there is shortage of electricity or steaming facility.
A New Robust Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulator in the Task Space in Presence of Uncertaities[Full-Text ] Mohammad VeysiThis paper presents a new method to control of robot manipulator in task space. In the proposed control method, a combination of feedback linearization, sliding mode control and first-order TSK fuzzy system has been utilized.
Harnessing Renewable Energy Towards Entrepreneurial Growth in Nigeria[Full-Text ] K. E. Ojaomo, O. V. Akerele & Igbasanmi O. E.Solar, hydro-power, wind and biomass which are the major renewable energy sources in Nigeria can be better utilized to suit the purpose of promoting energy stability in Nigeria towards encouraging entrepreneurship growth for enhancement of social and economic development. This is against the backdrop of the present state of energy supply which is inadequate, unreliable, epileptic and promises to be much more expensive as withdrawal of fuel subsidy is strongly being contemplated by government. The worst hit by the menace of the energy crisis are the small and medium scale enterprises. This paper examined entrepreneurship development, renewable energy sources, their development and observed that the deliberate policy of government to develop entrepreneurial skills amongst the citizenry, will only succeed when the problem of energy availability is properly addressed. Suggestions made included: Investment in research and development in renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency projects to be supported by establishment of a special trust fund; involvement of private sector participation in the development of renewable energy, workable government policies and collaboration with relevant international agencies to fully tap the gains of renewable energy.
Digital Image Processing Techniques for Bacterial Infection Detection on Tomato and Crape Jasmine Leaves[Full-Text ] R. Revathy, Dr. R. RoselinIndia is an agricultural country and plant disease plays key role in the production of agricultural products. Earlier detection will helps to improve the quality and quantity of the products. The proposed system is a detection of bacterial infection on tomato and crape jasmine leaves. Bacterial disease can be detected as brown-black colour spot and centre becomes dry. Tomato is a major agricultural crop and crape jasmine is an herb. The developed method consists of six steps: Image Acquisition, Colour Transformation, Filtering, Segmentation, Feature Extraction and Classification. The first step is image acquisition in which infected leaves are photographed. In colour transformation step an RGB image is converted into YIQ colour space. Then I channel alone taken for further analysis. After that, Median filter is applied for image smoothing and filtering. Next Otsu’s thresholding is used to detect the infected disease spot. Over segmented image, the Haralick texture features are extracted and stored. Finally classification is done based on various types of classification algorithm. From that Scaled Conjugate Gradient algorithm on Tomato leaves provides 86% accuracy and 94% accuracy on Crape Jasmine leaves.
Machine learning to Classify the Re-Emerging Arboviral Diseases[Full-Text ] A.ShameemFathima, Dr.D.ManimegalaiRecent advances in computing and developments in technology have facilitated the routine collection and storage of medical data that can be used to support medical decisions.In most cases however, there is a need for the collected data to be analysed in order for a medical decision to be drawn, whether this involves diagnosis, prediction, course of treatment,or signal and image analysis. Intelligent machine learning methods such as neural computing and support vector machines can be shown to be suitable approaches to such complex tasks.
An Approach on Dynamic Semi-Distributed Load Balancing Algorithm for Cloud Computing System[Full-Text ] Asha Choudhary, Dr. Rakesh RathiCloud computing is deployed in the data centre where physical machine are virtualized. Cloud computing being the new technology has both advantages and disadvantages; one of the issues which cloud computing faces is load balancing. More than one virtual machine runs above the Virtualization. Load balancing in cloud computing is emerging topic which needs to be researched and study. The data centre is built with lots of systems where balancing is not an easy task especially for cloud computing. Most of the research is done in distributed environments. Using of dynamic semi-distributed load balancing in cloud computing is not discussed in any literature, wherever distributed load balancing on cloud computing is already in the list. By using the method of semi-distributed load balancing we can design a new method for the cloud computing. This paper proposed to design a better load balance for the cloud computing which can be applied in every central node of the cluster.
Optical and Electrical Characterization of Synthesized Nanostructures of Silicon[Full-Text ] Moshfiq Khan, Md. Ikhtiar Uddin Ikram, Md. Shariful Islam, Rabeya Ferdousy, Zahid Hasan MahmoodIn this paper, nanostructures have been developed on silicon wafer and thus synthesized to characterize optical and electrical properties. The wafer was synthesized using electro-less metal deposition and dissolution (EMD) process leading to one-dimensional (1-D) growth of single-crystalline nanowire. from the optical characterization curve it can be determined that a nanowire has the same property possessed by any of optical filters as light of certain wavelength cannot pass whereas other wavelength in a different range can easily transmit through it. In I-V characteristics curve, a rapid current flow was found after a certain input voltage (4.17v for Cu and 4.32v for Ag samples respectively).
The Effect of Cognitive-Based vs. Text-Based Learning Strategies on Iranian EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension[Full-Text ] Asal Khosro Shahroudi, Gholamhassan Famil KhaliliThe purpose of the present research was to investigate the effect of cognitive- based vs. text based learning strategies on Iranian EFL learners' reading comprehension. To fulfill this purpose, 90 intermediate students of Ofogh Foreign Language Institute in Gorgan were selected among 120 students attending courses at this institute through taking part in a Preliminary English Test (PET) and assigned to two experimental and one control groups. The same content was taught to all groups while one experimental group was treated with cognitive-based strategies and the other one with text-based strategies, and the control group instruction was limited to the conventional instruction. A reading test was given to students in all groups before and after the instruction and the mean scores of groups on the posttest were compared through an independent samples t-test which led to the rejection of the null hypotheses, thus concluding that cognitive-based and text-based learning strategies have a significant effect on the Iranian EFL learners' reading comprehension.