Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 Edition
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WWW to Semantic Web Mapping of a Website[Full-Text ] Fakeeha Fatima, Waseeq-ul-Islam Zafar and Amjad FarooqAim of this paper is to propose an innovation of semantic website that is designed for user conveniences on searching within University of Engineering and Technology (UET) domain. The older search technology using indices and string matching which carries a lot of issues. The new one is faster as it uses logical knowledge-base i.e. ontology mechanism. The emergence of semantic web attracts users to access huge amount of data efficiently and according to their needs and enables computer to enhance its reasoning to respond user queries. An effort is to develop ontology for www to semantic web mapping of website.
Combining Pruned Tree Classifiers with Feature Selection Strategies to Improvise Classification Accuracy[Full-Text ] Shweta Rajput, Sapna SaxenaFeature subset selection minimize the attribute space of a feature set by selecting subset of relevant, non redundant and most contributing features. In this paper we present a comparative study of attribute space selection techniques for the C4.5 algorithm which highlights some efficiency improvements. As the dimensionality of the data increases, many types of data analysis and classification problems become significantly harder .So only worthy attributes were selected by picking features which maximize predictive accuracy. As a preprocessing step we have used feature selection methods such as Information gain, Gain ratio, ReliefF and OneR. It lessen overfitting of learning classifier c4.5 and increase the computation speed of prediction. The pruned c4.5 algorithm implemented using feature selection outperformed the unpruned c4.5 in terms of predictive accuracy. The experimental results show that filter methods, Gain Ratio, ReliefF, Information Gain, and oneR allow the classifiers to achieve the highest increase in classification accuracy.
Poly (ethylene oxide)/Polyurethane based gel polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries[Full-Text ] J. Shahitha Parveen and S.S.M. Abdul MajeedA gel polymer electrolyte (GPE) based on an electrospun membrane of Poly (ethylene oxide) / Polyurethane (PEO/PU) incorporated with lithium ions was prepared and its performance in lithium batteries were studied. Blended form of PEO and PU electrospun fibrous membranes were prepared by electrospinning technique. Incorporation of PU in PEO decreased the crystallinity and the amorphous region enhances the mobility of ions.The presence of functional groups, thermal stability and morphology of the fibrous membranes were characterized by fourier transform infrared spectra (FT-IR), thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and scanning electron microscope (SEM).The polymer blend electrolytes had the ionic conductivity in the order of 10-3 S cm -1.The experimental results show that the PEO/PU polymer blend electrolyte prepared in this work would be a promising material for rechargeable lithium batteries.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Sustainability, Leadership and Financial Gain[Full-Text ] S. Rasool, S. Shoaib, A. Chaudhry, Dr. F. ZafarCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an integral part of many corporate establishments. This concept emphasizes on the social awareness of different organizations and their implementation. A lot of research has been conducted on this topic in recent years. Research results have shown a positive impact of CSR on the organizations. Companies which undertake CSR initiatives, have positive, visionary leaders who motivate the employees to work to increase business productivity. This paper will discuss how Sustainability and financial gain influence CSR and their interrelation.
Improved ARL Imputation to estimate missing values and prediction of future values[Full-Text ] Prof. Thirumahal R., Ms. Deepali A. PatilMissing data imputation technique means a strategy to fill missing values of a data set in order to apply standard methods which require completed data set for analysis. These techniques retain data in incomplete cases, as well as impute values of correlated variables. Most of the existing algorithms are not able to deal with a situation where particular column contains many missing values. In this paper, we present an Autoregressive model based Imputation of missing values and its improved version. ARL Impute is effective for a situation where particular column contains many missing values but it is not able to deal with situation where many columns conatins many missing values. Thus, we present an Improved ARL based imputation to estimate missing values. Data preprocessing output is given to the input of the prediction techniques namely linear prediction. This technique is used to predict the future values based on the historical values. The performance of the algorithm is measured by performance metrics like precision and recall.
Attendance Automation using Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology[Full-Text ] Vishal More, Surabhi NayakThe purpose of this paper is to develop an optimized and automated attendance system using the rapidly developing near field communication technology. The test implications of this technology suggest that a technology supported attendance supervision system can bring value for all end users, primarily serving the teachers and the parents.
Memory - based Encoding Algorithm for Minimization of Inductive Cross-Talk based on Off- Chip Data Transmission[Full-Text ] Souvik Singha, G.K. MahantiInductive Cross-talk within IC Packaging is becoming a significant bottleneck in high speed inter chip communication. So the off-chip drivers typically source and sink 10 to 1000 drive internal loads. Thus simultaneously switching many off-chip drivers can cause large power (VDD) and ground current surges. These changes in current flow induce a voltage drop on the drivers’ local VDD rail and a voltage rise on the drivers’ local ground rail. The voltage drop is proportional to both the inductance of the VDD (ground) distribution network and the rate of change of the current flow (V= L * dl/dt). In this work, we proposed a technique to avoid the inductive cross-talk in the inter-connect by encoding the data being transmitted off-chip. Bus encoding algorithms have been developed to overcome the capacitive cross-talk for on-chip buses, so the problem of on-chip capacitive cross-talk minimization for busses is very different from that of off-chip inductive cross-talk minimization. In this paper our approach also constructs cross-talk resistant CODEC algorithmically to utilize the memory-based CODEC solution. Here we construct a set of equations which encoded the constraints that any legal vector sequence must satisfy to avoid supply bounce, signal glitching, and signal edge speed degradation. From this set of equations, we construct a set of legal vector sequences for the bus. We use this set to find the largest effective size of the bus that can be achieved by encoding, for a given physical size of the bus. Our experimental results show that the proposed encoding based techniques result in reduced supply bounce and signal degradation due to inductive cross-talk, closely matching the theoretical predictions. As a result the overall delay of the bus actually decreases even after the use of the encoding scheme.
Sign Language Recognition System[Full-Text ] Mayuresh Keni, Shireen Meher, Aniket MaratheThe only way the speech and hearing impaired (i.e dumb and deaf) people can communicate is by sign language. The main problem of this way of communication is normal people who cannot understand sign language can’t communicate with these people or vice versa. Our project aims to bridge the gap between the speech and hearing impaired people and the normal people. The basic idea of this project is to make a system using which dumb people can significantly communicate with all other people using their normal gestures. The system does not require the background to be perfectly black. It works on any background. The project uses image processing system to identify, especially English alphabetic sign language used by the deaf people to communicate and converts them into text so that normal people can understand.
INTENSITY MODULATION FORMATS IN OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Shashi JawlaIn this paper,we review different modulation formats for intensity modulation,and optical modulation techniques. The performance of non-return to zero ON-OFF keying, return to zero ON-OFF keying,carrier suppressed return to zero and duo-binary intensity modulation format for the optical communication system is analyzed.
Co-pyrolysis of Chrome Tanned Buffing Dust and Low Density Polyethylene Wastes and Analysis of Products for Energy Recovery[Full-Text ] Mr. C. Sethuraman, Dr. A. Gnanamani, Mr. K. Srinivas, Dr. G. SekaranChrome tanned buffing dust (CTBD) leather solid waste and low density polyethylene (LDPE) waste though it contains higher energy value are normally considered as most harmful and hazardous waste materials due to its non-biodegradability. In this paper CTBD and LDPE are pyrolysed separately and the pyrolysis results are compared with the results of co-pyrolysis of the mixed wastes in different ratios (i.e. 1:1 and 1:2). The products i.e., residual ash, condensate liquid and combustible gas are characterized using i) Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS). It was observed that liquid condensate i) contains mostly carboxylic acid with strong smell of ammonia ii) alcohol, esters and iii) longer chain hydrocarbons. SEM analysis of co-pyrolysed residual ash and residual ash of LDPE shows the presence of nano carbon with the particle size in the range 70.9 nm – 129 nm. It was also observed that co-pyrolysis of CTBD with LDPE yielded energy enriched combustible gas having 5181kcal when mixed at a ratio of 1:2. The co-pyrolysis yielded reduction in carbon monoxide (CO) and increase in hydrogen (H2) as well as hydrocarbon (CxHy) gas content.
System Engineering Based Process for Developing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle[Full-Text ] Vinay Divakar, Manasa KThe paper describes the structured approach involved in the development of a system such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in which autopilot is a critical subsystem whose development requires multidisciplinary approach along with concurrent engineering. This paper shows Systems Engineering (SE) as a potential candidate to prove its identity in the design and development process of autopilot for UAV involving critical design principles and intricate dependency on many technologies providing scope for the prototype needed to be developed.
Wireless Sensor Network: Security Vulnerabilities Challenges, Design Principles And Performance Comparison Of Two On-Demand Routing Protocols For Ad Hoc Networks.[Full-Text ] Priyanka Manhas, Parminder KaurThe significant advances of hardware manufacturing technology and the development of efficient software algorithms make technically and economically feasible a network composed of numerous, small, low-cost sensors using wireless communications, that is, a wireless sensor network (WSN). Security is becoming a major concern for WSN protocol designers because of the wide security-critical applications of WSNs. Ad hoc networks are characterized by multihop wireless connectivity, frequently changing network topology and the need for efficient dynamic routing protocols. We compare the performance of two prominent on-demand routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks: Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV). The collaborative nature of industrial wireless sensor networks (IWSNs) brings several advantages over traditional wired industrial monitoring and control systems, including self-organization, rapid deployment, flexibility, and inherent intelligent-processing capability. In this regard, IWSN plays a vital role in creating a highly reliable and self-healing industrial system that rapidly responds to real-time events with appropriate actions. In this paper, first, technical challenges and design principles are introduced in terms of hardware development, system architectures and protocols, and software development and also define how WSN differs from wired network and other wireless network and also basic information about the WSN and its security issues compared with wired network and other wireless networks is discoursed.
Laplace transform associated with the Weierstrass transform[Full-Text ] Dr. P.A. Gulhane and S.S. MathurkarAn elegant expression is obtained for the Laplace-Weierstrass transform of the function in terms of their existence. It is also shown , how the main result can be extended to hold for the transform of several functions.
Teenagers’ Usage of Social Networking Media in a South Indian State[Full-Text ] Titto Varghese, Dr D Nivedhitha, Dr. Pradeep KrishnatrayTeenagers are becoming more and more media dependent as years pass by. If it was radio or television in the past, it is the time for internet and social networking media today. This study is an attempt to analyze the media (including the traditional media) habits of teenagers in terms of the time spent for it, place and medium of accessing internet and the motivations for the usage of these media. The study was conducted in the city of Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala. The respondents were high school and higher secondary students of class 8th to class 12th. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data from 556 students from Government and Private schools. 292 boys and 264 girls participated in the survey. Results show that the favourite activity for the Kerala teenagers even today in the Social Networking Era is watching television when they are alone at home. More time in internet is spent on Social Networking sites compared to the time they spend for educational needs. The gratifications obtained from the usage of social networking sites are factor analyzed to a four factor structure, namely Communication, Connectivity, Relaxation and User friendliness.
A STUDY OF FINANCIAL STATUS OF CHHATTISGARH MANDIS (APMC)[Full-Text ] Dr. A.K.MISHRA, MS. PARIDHI BHANDARIThe Agriculture sector contributes considerable amount in the national income of the Indian economy and also provide large number of employment opportunity in the country. India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry, logging and fishing accounted for 14.0% of the GDP in 2011–12, employed 58.00% of the total workforce. Now agriculture has become commercial in character. Marketing of agricultural produce is considered as an integral part of agriculture. Now the farmers are aware that only production is not enough now, hence marketing of Agricultural produce has become necessary in recent days. In current scenario farmers are making extra efforts to earn more income to have better and higher standards of living. Poor farmer is not able to understand the complicated marketing systems, thus they are forced to sell his produce at an unfavorable place, time and price. "Slow agricultural growth is a concern for policymakers as some two-thirds of India’s people depend on rural employment for a living. For solving the problems of farmers, to support them and to safeguard the interest of the farmers, APMC (Agricultural produce marketing committees) were constituted. Agricultural Produce Market Committees constituted as per APMC Act manages the markets. with a view to regulate the marketing of agricultural produce in market area The Chhattisgarh Agricultural Marketing Act of agricultural produce is regulated and infrastructure is developed under Krishi Upaj Mandi Adhiniyam 1972 (Act No. 24 of 1973).Amendments were made on notification no./krishi/mandi/D/2006/15/14-3 dated on 16-12-2000. Since year 2000 APMCs are working in Chhattisgarh. This paper talks about the important crops produced in Chhattisgarh , income, and expenditure of APMCs of Chhattisgarh from 2001-02 to 2012-13.
SEEWAGE TREATMENT[Full-Text ] SHIVAM SRIVASTAVA, TABBASUM ABBASISewage treatment is a process of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage both runoff (effluents), domastic,commercial and industrial. The sewage treatment contains three three stages of treatment called, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. Primary treatment consists of temporarily holding the sewage in a quiescent basin where heavy solids can settle to the bottom while oil, grease and lighter solids float to the surface. The settled and floating materials are removed and the remaining liquid may be discharged or subjected to secondary treatment. Secondary removes dissolved and suspended biological matter. Secondary treatment is typically performed by indigenous water-borne micro-organisms in a managed habitat. Secondary treatment may require a separation process to remove the micro-organisms from the treated water prior to discharge or tertiary treatment.tertiry treatment order to allow rejection into a highly sensitive or fragile ecosystem, Treated water is sometimes disinfected chemically or physically. In the process of pretreatment processes like screening, grit removal, flow equalization were carried out. in secondary treatment includes trickling filter, rotating biological filters, activated sludge are used. While tertiary contain filtration, lagooning, nutrient removal, disinfection, and order control were carried out.
Supply Chain Management of Guava- A Case Study of Allahabad District (Uttar Pradesh, India)[Full-Text ] Atul Anand Mishra, R.N.Shukla. Preksha Manna, K.C.Yadav and Avanaish KumarThis study was done in the district of Allahabad, a region best known for the good produce of guava. The main aim of the study was to observe the total production of guava under different size holding for that the farmers were divided into three size groups small, medium and large. The average total yield in different size groups was calculated to be 50.88qtls in small size group, 107.72 in medium size group and 240.63qtls in large size group. It was found that there were two main channels prevailing in the district i.e channel 1 composed of producer-wholesaler-retailer-consumer and channel 2 composed of producer-contractor-wholesaler-retailer-consumer. There were lots of problems involved in the marketing of guava viz. absence of producer’s association, guava wilt, long chain of middlemen and absence of marketing intelligence and finance.
IMPLEMENTATION OF OCP FOR THE ON-CHIP BUS[Full-Text ] Mr. K. Santhosh, Mr. V. Rama Krishna, Dr. Syed Musthak AhmedAs more and more IP cores are integrated into an SOC design, the communication flow between IP cores has increased drastically and the efficiency of the on-chip bus has become a dominant factor for the performance of a system. The on-chip bus design can be divided into two parts, namely the interface and the internal architecture of the bus. In this paper a well-defined interface standard, the Open Core Protocol (OCP), has adopted to design the internal bus architecture. An efficient bus architecture to support most advanced bus functionalities defined in OCP has been developed. These functionalities include burst transactions, lock transactions, pipelined transactions, and out-of- order transactions. First model and design the on-chip bus with transaction level modeling for the consideration of design flexibility and fast simulation speed. Then implement the RTL models of the bus for synthesis and gate-level simulation. Experimental results show that the proposed TLM model is quite efficient for the whole system simulation and the real implementation can significantly save the communication time.
DEVELOPING SHA-224/256 ALGORITHM DIGITAL SIGNATURE USING FPGA[Full-Text ] V. VINAY KUMAR, M. SAMPATH REDDY, Dr. SYED MUSTHAK AHMEDSHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) is a hash algorithm, the algorithm is collision-resistance and non-reversible, it is widely used in the information security field at present, which are more well-known SSL, IPSec and PKCS. Hash function is an important part of many crypto-algorithms, SHA-224 and SHA-256 are the two kinds of algorithms in the SHS standard (FIPS PUB 180-3). They can handle input messages whose length is less than 264 bits, but the outputs are separately compressed into 224 bits and 256 bits. This paper uses the similarity between SHA-224 and SHA-256 algorithm and hardware description language to design and implement the time division multiplexing SHA-224/256 IP core. The IP core will not only be able to generate digital signature to protect the information integrity and security, but also generate the double-key of 3DES algorithm to provide a more reliable, safe, and convenient keys. The IP core uses parallel structure and pipeline technology to simplify the hardware design and improve the speed.
New theory on the absorption and re-emission of photon by free electron[Full-Text ] Amol S JagtapIn this work, I have proposed new theory of the interaction of photon with free electron. According to this theory, unlike Thomson or Rayleigh scattering, photon does not scatter elastically but it absorbs and re-emits isotropically with same energy by free electron. It also proves that during interaction, mass and radius of electron are changing with respect to the energy of incident photon.
Design and Implementation of Hybrid Encryption Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ali E. Taki El_DeenIn today’s world 99% people are more interested in sending and receiving data through internet and mobile data storage devices. But among those people don’t encrypt their data though they know that data contains personal information and the chances of data lose or hacking is very high. Information security has always been important in all aspects of life. It can be all the more important as technology continues to control various operations in our day-to-day life. Cryptography provides a layer of security in cases, where the medium of transmission is susceptible to interception, by translating a message into a form that cannot be read by an unauthorized third party. The ultimate objective of the research presented in this paper is to develop both AES and Blowfish to be low power, high-throughput, real-time, reliable and extremely secure cryptography algorithm and in addition to making estimation of both AES and Blowfish more difficult seems impossible.
Comparison between AODV, TORA and DSR for Providing QoS Guarantees in Mobile Adhoc Network[Full-Text ] Rakhi Vijayvargiya, Nishith Anand, Vishnu DhakadIn this Paper, multimedia wireless network simulation models have been developed to evaluate the proposed bandwidth adaptation schemes. In the simulation experiments, a part from the traditional performance metrics of wireless networks, e.g. call blocking probability and handoff dropping probability; several new utility based performance metrics are also introduced. Simulation results have clearly demonstrated the superior performance of the proposed bandwidth adaptation schemes by comparing them with some existing ones. We studied three routing protocols AODV, DSR and TORA. It investigates the factors affecting the performance criteria and working architecture of Ad hoc on-demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA). The simulation results show that throughput for AODV is better than both DSR and TORA by 50%.