Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 Edition
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Systematics of (Gamma-N) Reaction with Light Nuclei-Part I[Full-Text ] Ahmed Abdul-Razzaq SelmanGamma-Nucleon reactions can provide a wealth of information about nuclear internal structure. Investigation of the photo-nucleon reaction of the types and cross-sections was made in the present paper based the theory of Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) mechanism. GDR peaks were fitted to obtain the physical quantities related to the well-known Lorentz equation, with results useful in data evaluation of the selected isotopes. The isotopes and reactions selected for the present study are:Li6 Li5, Li6 Li5+Li6 He4, Li7 Li6, Li7 Li6+Li7 He5, Be9 Be8, B10 B9, B10 B9+B10 Be8, C12 C11, C12 C11+C12 B10, C13 C12+C13 B11 and C14 C13+C14 B12 reactions examined with energy range (0-85) MeV. Graphical and numerical comparisons were made. A net result was reached that curve fitting can be safely considered but only for Be9, B10 and C12,13,14 isotopes, while other isotopes might not give acceptable results for data fitting.
Dynamic Algorithm Selection for Data Mining Classification[Full-Text ] Suhas Gore, Prof. Nitin PiseRecommending appropriate classification algorithm for given new dataset is very important and useful task but also is full of challenges. According to NO-FREE-LUNCH theorem, there is no best classifier for different classification problems. It is difficult to predict which learning algorithm will work best for what type of data and domain. In this paper, a method of recommending classification algorithms is proposed. Meta learning tries to address the problem of algorithms selection by recommending promising classifiers based on meta-feature. Dynamic Algorithm Selection (DAS) with knowledge base, focus on the problem of algorithm selection, based on data characteristic. Algorithm selection will be better by using DAS in knowledge discovery process. In this paper we discuss the DAS architecture with knowledge base and Recommendation parameter measure. We present the architecture of DAS approach and Analysis of K-similar dataset produced by knowledge base.
Health Monitoring of Network Using Probing[Full-Text ] Aparna Gaikwad, Prof. B.M.PatilDay by day the nature and the complexity in the networks are increasing. The wide spread of Internet brought the world closer as well as challenges too. So monitoring of the networks becomes at most important to face and tackle these challenges of failures, reliability, QoS, etc. Collection of nodes and links between pair of nodes form a complex network. Health monitoring is required for complex and wide networks. Network monitoring is one of the prominent phase in the network management. Passive monitoring and active monitoring, there two different types of monitoring explain two different worlds. Passive monitoring gives fine-grained analysis. It is capable of computing at-a-point metrics but requires more instrumentation. On other hand active monitoring provides end-to-end metrics with lesser instrumentation but introduce additional traffic in the network. In our novel approach we have used hybrid strategy for network health monitoring which effectively outperform existing solutions.
Combined Estimators as Alternative to Feasible Generalized Least Square Estimators[Full-Text ] Kayode AyindeAlthough the performances of the Feasible Generalized Least Square (FGLS) estimators developed to tackle violation of homoscedacity variance in linear regression model are asymptotically equivalent, their performances in small sample sizes still pose research challenges. In this paper, two FGLS estimators, CORC and ML estimators were combined with the estimator based on Principal Component (PC) Analysis and the Mean Square Error (MSE) sampling property criterion was used to examine and compare their performances through Monte Carlo Simulation study with both normally and uniformly distributed variables as regressors. The estimators were ranked at each level of autocorrelations and sample sizes and the sum of their ranks as well as the number of times each estimator has the minimum MSE was obtained. Results show that out of all the combined estimators proposed, the CORCPC123 and MLPC123 generally performed better than or compete with their separate counterpart. They are asymptotically equivalent. At small sample size (n=10), the proposed estimator CORCPC123 is conspicuously more efficient than CORC; and with uniformly distributed regressors, the CORCPC12 is best at high level of negative autocorrelation. At low level of autocorrelation, the OLS estimator is generally most efficient while the PC12 is best with uniformly distributed regressors when the sample size is small (n=10).
Evolution of Search Engine Optimization and Investigating the Effect of Panda Update into it[Full-Text ] Manish Maheshwari, Roohi AliWhile looking at the journey of The Evolution of SEO. From the early 1990’s search consultant to revenue based strategies now, website owners realizes that having highly visible sites in the search engines brought valuable business results. In the past couple of years alone, the idea of gaining higher rank, which brought higher visibility, would drive increased traffic. These connections, tied with search engine technology, dawned to the industry of SEO. As SEO started to become a lucrative business, SEO strategies have changed immeasurably over the past decade. And search personalization, constant changes to the Google algorithm, the rise of social media and the demise of Yahoo have been major game changers. According to MozCon, “SEO” conference held in every July by company MoZ (SEOMoz) states that “The concept of SEO is radically changing, as is the industry as a whole. Thus, Search Engine Optimization no longer exists. In its place is Search Experience Optimization which encompasses a much vaster array of talents”. Well it means traditional SEO is dead, as Panda update 28.4 is coming next, Google’s going to take over the world again as throughout the evolution lifecycle of SEO.
Transient Analysis of Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon (TPCT) Using AL2O3 Nanofluid[Full-Text ] Loula A. Shouman, M. Abd El-Aziz, Adel Alyan FahmyA theoretical model is developed to predict the dynamic behavior of TPCT in transient conditions. Al2O3/water nano-fluid is used as a working fluid with three different concentrations (1, 2 and 4%) by volume. The various transient parameters during operation from start up to shutdown condition are calculated to present the performance of the TPCT with nano-fluids. The model evaluated the average wall and fluid temperature distribution with time. The average evaporator heat transfer coefficient, overall heat transfer coefficient, effective thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of TPCT are presented. Also the effects of changing the nano-fluid concentration on all these parameters are studied. According to the model results, the performance of the TPCT increases compared with pure water. The different parameters increase about 10% with increasing nano-fluid concentration.
Covarience Estimation And Performance of Satellite Imaginary Data Using SMT[Full-Text ] G SRI HARSHINI, J KRISHNA CHAITANYACovariance estimation for high dimensional vectors is a classically difficult problem in statistical analysis and machine learning. In this paper, we propose a maximum likelihood (ML) approach to covariance estimation, which employs a novel sparsity constraint. More specifically, the covariance is constrained to havean Eigen decomposition which can be represented as a sparse matrix transforms (SMT). The SMT is formed by a product of pairwise coordinate rotations knownas Givens rotations. Using this framework, the covariance can be efficiently estimated using greedy minimization of the log likelihood function, and the number of Givens rotations can be efficiently computed using a cross-validation procedure. The resulting estimator is positive definite and well-conditioned even whenthe sample size is limited. Experiments on standard hyper-spectral data sets show that the SMT covariance estimate is consistently more accurate than both traditional shrinkage estimates and recently proposed graphical lasso estimates for a variety of different classes and sample sizes.
Comparative Analysis of Ethiopian Footwear Competitiveness: The Quality Dimensions of Manufacturing[Full-Text ] Mengistu Ashebre, gebremeskel Kahsay, Hadush BeerheIn the transformation of the Ethiopian economy from agriculture to industrial led, the manufacturing sector has been making up a large and important segment of the industrial sector. Among others, the Leather and leather products including the footwear manufacturing industries are continue to be one of the leading industries in this transformation period with new lines of production establishments to foster foreign earning and import substitution. However, the quality of the inland leather footwear is a chronic problem that demands contentious concern. The sole objective of this paper is to investigate the quality determinants of those leather shoe products in terms of quality performance and to study the requirements that the footwear should possess to be purchased by the local customers. Data have been gathered through distributing structured questionnaire to the end users and retailers in Mekelle, Ethiopia, and then interpreted with descriptive analysis. The research result demonstrated that local footwear products have low market position because of lack of engineering features, comforts and aesthetic values and short service life. Respondents, both end users and retailers, have determined that imported footwear products have been most consumable even though they are three times costly than local ones. The local footwear products have been experiencing low durability because of ease breakdown and wearing of their outsole and fading, breaking and wearing of the upper leather. These shoes are with upper leather that lacks breathability characteristics; a means to heat accumulation and sweating. The sole component is so stiff and inflexible that merely harms the foot of the user. It is recommended that the footwear manufacturers should exert efforts on engineering and re-engineering of the outsole and insole technology indigenization. Tannery plants have better to supply quality leather uppers that satisfy at least the minimum requirement of the standards.
MATLAB Simulation of Photovoltaic Micro Inverter System Using MPPT Algorithm[Full-Text ] R.Dhivya, K.Jaiganesh, Dr.K.DuraiswamyThis work presents the photovoltaic Micro Inverter Systems (MIS) and its control techniques. The Micro Inverter is the combination of a boost-half-bridge DC-DC converter and full bridge pulse width-modulated inverter. The boost-half-bridge converters results in minimal number of semiconductor devices and low cost. The IIR filter is used to reduce the total harmonic distortion and current regulation and high power factor is will be achieved with the help of this controller. Fast dynamic response also will be achieved during the solar irradiance change. The boost half- bridge converter is incorporated as the DC–DC conversion stage for the grid-connected PV Micro Inverter System. Benefiting from its circuit simplicity, ease of control, and minimal semiconductor devices, it will achieves the promising features such as low cost, high efficiency, and high reliability. In this work ramp change algorithm is used. While using the ramp change algorithm the panel tracks the solar irradiance slowly. This makes the panel to receive the solar irradiance in all positions. The simulation is done using the MATLAB software and the performance of the system also analysed.
Application of Modularmanufacturing System in Garment Industries[Full-Text ] B.Sudarshan, D. Nageswara RaoThe manufacturing industry needs flexibility and changeability to accommodate the increasing market dynamics and related need for product change and variety and customisation. Such manufacturing responsiveness can be achieved through modular manufacturing system (MMS).
Image Registration Techniques for Satellite and Medical Images: A Survey[Full-Text ] Poornima B., Dr, A. SumathiImage registration is one of the basic image processing operations in remote sensing. With the increase in the number of images collected every day from different sensors, automated registration of multi-sensor/multi-spectral images has become an important issue. A wide range of registration techniques has been developed for many different types of applications and data. Given the diversity of the data, it is unlikely that a single registration scheme will work satisfactorily for all different applications. A possible solution is to integrate multiple registration algorithms into a rule-based arti?cial intelligence system, so that appropriate methods for any given set of multisensor data can be automatically selected. On the other hand for time critical applications where tracking is very important based on the information from registered image, it is also mandatory that the registration algorithms are computed by dedicated hardware such as VLSI architectures. Wavelet based image registration techniques are found to be most popular and also require higher computation time. In this paper, image registration techniques and wavelet based image registration techniques are reviewed, along with VLSI architectures for computation of image registration techniques.
The Effect of Reasoning Skills on Students Achievement in Biology in Anambra State[Full-Text ] Dr. Nneka Rita NnoromThe study sought to find out the effect of Reasoning Skills on Students Achievement in Biology in Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Two research questions guided the study. A sample of 400 biology students were randomly selected from 10 Secondary Schools in Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra State using stratified random sampling. Two instruments were used for the study: A questionnaire titled Test of Logical Thinking (TLT) developed by the researcher and Biology Achievement Test (BAT). Two experts in Biology, and two experts in measurement and evaluation validated the instrument. The coefficient reliability of this instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha and the value was 0.88 which was considered adequate. The TLT & BAT were administered to the 400 biology students and collected on the spots. Mean and Standard Deviation were used to analyse the data. The result showed that students with high reasoning skills performed better in biology than the students who have low reasoning skills, also that gender does not have any effect on reasoning skills of student on biology achievement. Based on the findings some recommendations were made.
Efficient Load Distribution of VM in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Vartta Siyal, Dr. Naveen Choudhary, Dr. Dharm SinghAs we are aware that cloud computing is becoming popular these days due to its high availability and applicability in current world scenarios. One of the critical performance issues with cloud computing is load balancing/ distribution. Load balancing is a methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers, or other resources over the network links to achieve optimal resource utilization, maximum throughput and minimum response time. Load Balancing is vital for cloud computing environment to enhance the job allocation strategies for efficient resource utilization. Many critical issues are required to be addressed for implementing efficient and effective load distribution techniques for cloud computing. Various load balancing techniques in the recent research literature are analysed in this paper. To improve the performance of cloud, a new VM load balancing algorithm has been proposed and implemented has done to achieve better response time.
The Effect of Accounting Standards on Management of Earnings: Evidens from Germany[Full-Text ] Kawa WaliIFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) is an accounting standard for annual reports of companies. Since January 1, 2005, all listed companies in the EU are required to report under the IFRS, that it means all companies from EU- countries from 1-1 -2005 had to switch from reporting under GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). German listed companies were allowed to present consolidated accounts prepared under German GAAP, IAS. This paper investigates whether the amount of management of earnings differs between the standards. While the manipulation under German GAAP and IFRS is relatively difference. I find that adoption of IFRS for reporting by listed companies in 2005 has surely reduced the use of management of earnings compared to German companies earlier reporting under generally accepted accounting principles GAAP. This is consistent with an interpretation that different amount of accounting choices enclosed firmly in different accounting standards affected the magnitude of management of earnings. The results of this paper hold for various proxies of management of earnings and after controlling for factors effecting the adoption of the standards. This paper documented that discretionary accruals under local GAAP are more valued in German listed companies. Moreover, the research finds that net income, accruals and discretionary accruals are more relevant than cash flow, non-discretionary accruals and non-discretionary income. The evidence shows that accruals improve the association of earnings with contemporaneous stock returns.
Hybrid Features for Speaker Independent Hindi Speech Recognition[Full-Text ] Sharmila, Dr.Achyuta N. Mishra, Dr.Neeta AwasthyIsolated spoken Hindi digits recognition performance has been evaluated using HTK (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit). This paper introduces and motivates the use of hybrid features for isolated Hindi digits recognition system. The speech recog-nizers use a parametric form of a signal to get the most important distinct features of speech signal for recognition task. In this paper Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), Perceptual linear prediction (PLP) coefficients along with two newly modified hybrid features are used for isolated Hindi digits recognition. Two modified hybrid features Bark frequency cepstral coefficients (BFCC) and Revised perceptual linear prediction (RPLP) coefficients were obtained from combination of MFCC and PLP. Experiments were performed for both clean as well as on noisy data. In this experiment six different noises: Car noise, F16 noise, Factory noise, Speech noise, LYNX noise and Operation room noise have been added to clean Hindi digits database at different SNR levels to get noisy database. The recognition performance with BFCC features was better than that with MFCC features. RPLP features have shown best recognition performance as compared to all other features for both noisy and clean databases.
Sharing of Patient confidential data using ECG steganography[Full-Text ] V.Sankari, K. NandhiniIn accordance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) the patient’s privacy and security is important in the protection of healthcare privacy. At the same time, the number of aging population are growing significantly. Point-Of-care (PoC) applications in hospitals are used widely around the world. The Security Regulations are implemented to provide data integrity, confidentiality, and availability. Therefore, patients ECG signal and other physiological readings such as temperature, blood pressure, glucose reading, position, etc., are collected at home by using Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) .It will be transmitted and diagnosed by remote patient monitoring systems (RPM). At the same cost ,patient confidentiality is protected against intruders while data traverse in open network and stored in hospital servers. In this project, to fulfill HIPAA act, a Discrete Wavelet Transform based steganography technique has been proposed. DWT technique allows ECG signal to put out of sight the patient confidential data and thus guarantees the patient’s privacy and confidentiality. In addition the following mechanism were incorporated in this project: (1) encryption and decryption for data confidentiality and integrity (2) a three-tier security for data (3) ECG based Steganography to exchange data. A degree of high privacy is guaranteed for patient and simultaneously the Stego ECG remains diagnosable. Our scheme also ensures security, scalability, and efficiency.
Multilayer Intrusion Detection System Using Conditional Random Fields[Full-Text ] Anuja S. Mukane, Bharati P. VasgiA number of methods and frameworks have been proposed and many systems have been built to detect intrusions since 1980s. Intrusion Detection Systems are now an essential component in the overall network and data security arsenal. With the rapid advancement in the network technologies including higher bandwidths and ease of connectivity of wireless and mobile devices, the focus of intrusion detection has shifted from simple signature matching approaches to detecting attacks based on analyzing contextual information which may be specific to individual networks and applications. As a result, anomaly and hybrid intrusion detection approaches have gained significance. Intrusion detection faces a number of challenges: an intrusion detection system must reliably detect malicious activities in a network and must perform efficiently to cope with large amount of network traffic. In this paper, an attempt has been made to adress Accuracy and Efficiency of the system by using Conditional Random Fields and Multilayer Approach. It is demonstrated that high attack detection accuracy can be achieved by using Conditional Random Fields with Multilayer Approach. Inrusion detection tests are conducted for individual layer as well as integrated Multilayer IDS using KDD 99 test data. Test results show that the present system performs better than the other well-known methods such as decision trees and the naive Bayes.
Innovation in recruitment solutions on social networking sites[Full-Text ] Ankur Balar, Nikita Malviya, Swadesh Prasad, Siddharth PatilSocial networking websites are among the most prominent reasons for majority of adults to be on internet. With considerable global reach, social networking sites are not limited to only sharing photos, comments and likes. These sites are increasingly discovering innovative ways to utilize this reach to benefit both applicants and recruiters for marketing communication, increase brand influence and recruitment. The paper aims to demonstrate limitations in the current social networking based recruitment systems and proposes a new paradigm to see the social recruitment from the perspective of the applicant rather than the recruiter. Owing to the wide reach of social networking sites, many recruiters have started promoting their brand, engaging their customer base and hiring potential candidates. Social networking sites offer recruiters deeper insight into the personality of the potential candidates and uncover digital dirt. From the applicant’s perspective, they can communicate and engage recruiters to understand the opportunities offered rather than applying for jobs through conventional channels. In the existing system an applicant must search on individual employer’s social networking site page for the jobs that are offered. Moreover, there is no way to search for all the jobs based on candidate’s area of interest. The objective of this paper is to achieve customizability, flexibility and applicant friendliness by developing a platform where candidates can actively engage, discuss and share experiences around the recruiters work culture and jobs offered. The proposed solution is a win-win approach for both applicant and recruiters.
Innovation in information systems management for educational institutes[Full-Text ] Ankur Balar, Nikita Malviya, Swadesh Prasad, Ajinkya GangurdeThe current educational systems are based upon an assessment pattern where students are evaluated on the basis of only a single final exam every semester. In such cases, it is difficult for the students and the faculty to assess them before the exam for taking appropriate course of action to get better results. The attendance pattern can never be linked with a student’s academic performance. As for the educational institute, mostly, some electives are on high demand while some are not. While allocating seats for these electives, the institute should provide proper seats for each elective as per the demand and past trends. Also, each student cannot be treated as the same, because each student has unique likes, dislikes and capabilities. Therefore there should be a way to categorize students as per their performance and then introduce measures to improve their results. By analyzing data patterns we can determine solutions to tackle such problems. The significant decisions are mostly made based not on the information-rich data stored in databases, but rather on a decision maker’s intuition. The proposed solution in the paper discusses a tool to analyze huge educational data using data mining concepts. The proposed solution aims to enhance the exam performance of students and better the allocation of modules which can prove to be beneficial and subsequently prevent unnecessary calculations that are otherwise required to be done manually.
SAP Mobile Workflow using Sybase Unwired Platform in Materials Management domain[Full-Text ] Siddharth Patil, Ankur Balar, Nikita Malviya, Swadesh PrasadIn today's real-time business environment, the execution across the continuous supply chain can be maximized by stretching the limits of the organization from within the confines of the desktop or data center to mobiles. Mobile applications are playing a role in supply chain (manufacturing processes), demand chain (customer interactions), and in plentiful of other scenarios. By approaching mobility as a strategic initiative and building multiple applications targeting multiple enterprise business process, organizations can reap the benefits of mobility in a better way. Enterprises are using mobile applications in growing numbers to enhance business agility and deliver superior customer service. In the past, mobile interactions for an enterprise were disjointed. To successfully deliver on the vision of mobility and extend the reach of information, organizations require an architecture and strategy that enables a global view and incorporates mobility as an intrinsic part of the enterprise infrastructure. The paper explains a solution which serves the purpose of providing mobility workflow in SAP systems for the employees in an enterprise using Sybase Unwired platform.
Innovation in Shopping Experience using augmented reality and integration with social networking[Full-Text ] Siddharth Patil, Ankur Balar, Nikita Malviya, Swadesh PrasadThe paper puts forth a developed system which aids and improves the shopping experience of users. Many a times while shopping alone, the shopper ends up being confused about his/her selection and often wishes to seek advice from his near and dear ones. Also, the shopper spends much time searching the entire retail outlet for some particular color or design or brand. Thus, to overcome this scenario, the paper deals with an application which provides the shopper with a contact point in the form of a touch panel at the outlet. This touch panel allows the shopper to preview the entire catalogue of the shop. Moreover, it allows the shopper to get feedback regarding various apparels. The panel, equipped with a high resolution camera, captures him trying out some apparel and then sends this image across to his friends. His/her friends can then review the image using a platform independent chat application at their desktops. The touch panel then displays the comments and ratings received. This greatly enhances his/her decision making ability. Furthermore, the touch panel would allow shoppers to virtually try out all available colors of a product without having to wear them physically. Furthermore, the panel would also simulate different environments for various occasions.
Handoff between heterogeneous networks based on MADM methods[Full-Text ] G.A.Preethi, Dr. C. Chandrasekar, N.PriyaMobile and wireless networks play a vital role in our current trend. Networks have their own frequency levels to provide signals for commu-nication between their mobile nodes. Each and every network have their own coverage area which is called a cell. When a node moves from one cell to another cell within the same network, a handoff occurs. If a node moves out of its own network, and attempt to connect to another network there comes vertical handoff. The handoff should be in a seamless manner. For handoff decision making we use Multiple Attribute Decision Making(MADM) method to select the best network. Selection will be based on the criteria of the given networks. In this paper we have used three different MADM methods such as Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution(TOPSIS), Elimination and Choice translating Reality(ELECTRE) and Grey Relational Analysis(GRA) for handoff decision. Wifi, Wimax and UMTS are the networks applied for handoff selection. Different parameters such as Bandwidth, Delay and Cost of the network has been used for analyzation.
The Cloud Computing Security Secure User Authentication Technique (Multi Level Authentication)[Full-Text ] Shabir Ahmad, Bilal EhsanCloud computing is becoming an adoptable technology for many of the organizations with its dynamic scalability and usage of virtualized resources as a service through the Internet. Cloud computing is a way to increase the capacity or add capabilities dynamically without investing in new infrastructure, training of new personnel, or software licensing. The recent emergence of cloud computing has significantly changed everyone’s opinion of infrastructure architectures, development models and software delivery. From a security perspective, several unchartered risks and challenges have been introduced from this move to the clouds, failing much of the effectiveness of traditional protection mechanisms. As a result the aim of this paper is twofold; first, to evaluate cloud security by identifying unique security requirements and second, try to present a viable solution that eliminates these potential threats. This paper proposes a Multi-Level Authentication (MLA) of cloud user for secure access to the network and data centers. MLA protects cloud resources against unauthorized access by enforcing access control mechanisms. In our idea of MLA, We would like to outline our opinions about the usability of traditional text based password authentication along with biometrics authentication.
Big Data – insights, motivation and challenges[Full-Text ] Neelam Singh, Neha Garg, Varsha MittalTechnological innovations, greater affordability of digital devices and an increased ability to collect a wide variety of data from almost every source at an unprecedented scale gave birth to an umbrella term- Big Data‘- for the explosion in the quantity, diversity and heterogeneity of high frequency digital data .Gartner reports that worldwide information volume is growing at a minimum rate of 59% annually. These data hold the potential to allow decision makers to track development progress, improve social protection, to formulate new policies and understand where existing policies and programs require adjustment and improvement.
Optimizing the turning radius of a vehicle using symmetric four wheel steering system[Full-Text ] V. ArvindThe main objective of this project is to decrease the turning radius of the vehicle using four wheels symmetric steering system (4WS). The system being analyzed here is a mechanical linkage between the front and the rear axle with a rack and pinion steering system at both the ends. This mechanical system is studied by kinematic analysis of the steering system geometry and the turning radius is calculated for a vehicle with and without this four wheel symmetric steering. These measurements are compared to know the effect of the system on the vehicle in terms of the turning radius.
A Regional Evaluation of the Paleodepositional Environment of the Ajali Formation in the Anambra Basin, Nigeria. [Full-Text ] Odumodu, Chukwuemeka Frank and Ugwuona, Emmanuel NwachukwuPebble morphometric, sand textural studies as well as lithofacies study and paleocurrent analysis were carried out so as to decipher the paleodepositional environment of the Ajali Formation, in the Anambra Basin. The lithofacies study suggests that the Ajali Formation consists of six sedimentary facies; coarse grained cross-bedded sandstone – sandflat, ripple laminated fine grained sandstone - tidal channel, ripple laminated heteroliths – mixed flat, ripple laminated mudstones – mudflat, interlaminated clay and thin pebbly sandstone – point bar and claystone facies – floodplain. Results of form indices calculated for pebbles indicate that the mean coefficient of flatness ranges from 32.74 to 49.53, the mean sphericity ranges from 0.532 to 0.723, the mean oblate – prolate index range from 0.159 to 4.505, while the mean roundness index varies from 0.311 to 0.498. These results suggest that means of coefficient of flatness and sphericity lies within and above the limits for fluvial pebbles, thus suggesting both fluvial and (beach) shallow marine influence. Bivariate plots of coefficient of flatness against sphericity and sphericity against oblate – prolate index suggest that the formation was deposited by both fluvial and (beach) shallow marine processes. Plots made on the sphericity form diagram do not show any significant trend between sphericity and pebble sizes. Bivariate plots of mean diameter against standard deviation and skewness against standard deviation favours a fluvial origin for the sandstones. Most sedimentary structures such as herringbone cross bedding, reactivation surfaces and bimodal paleocurrent pattern are suggestive of tidal origin. The sedimentary facies is suggestive of deposition in both fluvial and tidal settings. This study has shown that the Ajali Formation is a product of fluvial transport and tidal sedimentation in a shallow marine environment.
Which Sector is easily accessible for female as a source of income? A Case Study of Bahawalpur[Full-Text ] Mariam Abbas SoharwardiThis research paper is investigating the determinants of the female income in informal sector and formal sector. It also highlights which sector is easily accessible for female as a source of income. A comparative analysis of the female earnings between formal and informal sector have been done which shows that informal sector is more appropriate as a source of income for females. The data in this research paper has been collected from Ali Pur through questionnaires. One thousand women have been interviewed 500 form formal sector and five hundred from informal sector and then a comparison has been made considering the factors which affects the female earnings in formal and informal sectors. This comparison has been done the help of econometric models consisting of all the variables that affect the female income in both sectors whether they affect positively or negatively.
A Descriptive Analysis of Household Strategies of Nomad Pastoralists under Ecological stress: (A case Study of Cholistan Desert)[Full-Text ] Mariam Abbas Soharwardi, Dr. Jamal Abdul Nasir, Muhammad Azhar and Maiwand KhanThe purpose of this study is to review different types of household strategies adopted by nomad pastoralists under ecological stress in Cholistan Desert. Under this study three types of household strategies adopted by the nomadic pastoralists during migration from desert area to irrigated lands, and from irrigated lands to desert, are designed by using sample data which is taken from thirteen villages where people still adopted the practice of migration. i) Household strategies adopted in desert areas of Cholistan, ii) Household strategies adopted in desert during ecological stress and iii) Household strategies adopted in irrigated areas. The present study is performed to evaluate the economy of nomads of Cholistan desert along with their household strategies, influenced by the environmental stresses. It is plausible to conclude that economy of the desert is highly influenced by environmental stresses. During this study it was observed that females are playing a key role in managing their household during their migration from desert to irrigated land and vice versa.
A Multi-Ink Color-Separation Algorithm Maximizing Color Dependability[Full-Text ] Sudhanshi Upadhyay, Tanmay UpadhyayPresent color-printing technologies may use three or more inks, e.g., CMY, CMYK, CMYKcm, CMYKGO, CMYKRGB. When the number of inks exceeds three, there is the usual color-management one-to-many mapping problem. Because the spectral properties of many modern inks are optimized for maximum color ranges and in some cases, black ink may not be used for pictorial images , many prints have poor color constancy. Changes in lighting considerably changes color balance, mainly for neutrals. An algorithm was developed for multi-ink printing in which the one-to-many mapping problem was overcome by selecting ink combinations with the best color constancy between illuminants F11 and D50. The algorithm was tested using a pigmented-ink inkjet proofing printer. CMYKGO prints color-separated using these algorithms were compared with a generic ICC profile for CMYKcm prints. The CMYK inks were common to both prints. The new algorithm enhanced the color constancy considerably.
Fluorescence Spectrum of Alocasia culcullata Schot and Chlorophyll Laser[Full-Text ] Mitali Konwar and G.D.BaruahThe present work reports the fluorescence spectra of the acetone extract of some medicinal plant leaves and specifically the fluorescence spectrum of the acetone extract of the plant leaves Alocasia Culcullata Schot (local name “kolia kosu”) has been studied in detail due to its importance in connection with its potential as dye laser. It is worthwhile to note here that the acetone extract of the plant leaves of this particular specimen exhibits very intense fluorescence when it is excited with the help of a radiation from a broadband source of 500 watt halogen lamp or from a 30 mW green diode laser. We have studied the fluorescence by placing the system inside a laser cavity of length 12cm and studied the characteristic fluorescence as it emerges out of the cavity. The fluorescence is accompanied by gain. We term it as chlorophyll laser.
The Research of Some Cassava Variety For The Estimation of Bioethanol Yield[Full-Text ] Tri Atmodjo, Moch.ChaerudinThere are many variety of cassava which are able to use as the raw materials of Green Energy Bioethanol. One litre of Green Energy Bioethanol usualy needs 6 kg until 7 kg of cassava as the raw materials. The Total Sugar content of cassava, will influence the amount of cassava as the raw material for bioethanol . Sacharification process is one step of Bioethanol production will continue by fermentation process along 72 hours. This research was conducted with several variety of cassava which were , UJ-3, Kaserstaat, Caspro, and Malang 6 as the raw materials of bioethanol. The result of the fermentation that the bioethanol content along 72 hours of fermentation process showed different concentration of green energy bioethnol between UJ-3 , Kaserstaat, Malang -6 and Caspro respectively. The higest starch content of cassava lines got the highest concentration green energy bioethanol. The lowest starch content of cassava lines got the lowest concentration of green energy bioethanol. In this research showed that the first grade and the second grade in producing bioethanol are Kaserstaat and Caspro respectively. There are different concentration of bioethanol in each cassava lines along 72 hours of inoculation.
The Essence of Ontological Knowledge Representation in building a Semantic Web – A Comprehensive study[Full-Text ] E.Arul, C.Murale, M.MarancoWith the advancements in retrieving efficient information, retrieval of Web pages which is of user intent has become the huge task. Although the keyword search provides a easier way, it suffers primarily due to the lack of precision and recall. It is practically always not possible to get the required Web results which the user is interested in, since the query may not match all the keywords and henceforth to overcome these disadvantages, a semantic web is always sought which retrieves the information based on interesting events. In order to build a semantic web we must first define the language representation which is necessary for understanding the relationship between entities, properties as well as other intrinsic ontological properties in developing a system structure. This paper discusses about the need of ontology for knowledge extraction, the language representation for ontology and the tools which are helpful to develop domain ontology.
Teaching English in Indian Rural areas with the help of Information Technology[Full-Text ] Sharayu PotnisThis paper gives an overview of changing scenario of teaching methods in general, and English in particular due to Information Technology in a multilingual country like India. People are able to witness how Information Technology is gradually changing the traditional chalk and talk method of teaching. IT has specified ample of opportunities and numerous benefits to teachers and students by launching new-fangled pedagogical techniques. A computer teaching meth odology like CAI (Computer Aided Instruction), which is very active in western countries and in some eastern universities, is also beneficial in teaching languages effectively. Virtual universities are the new emerging concept where high-speed access will provide off campus students with two-day interaction at T.V, Video, Multimedia, software access and on-line home work/question-answer sessions/tests/mock tests etc. This facility is also available for those who are interested in learning English Language. The older and the younger generation wonders, “Is there really any necessity of teachers in forth-coming years?”
Economic Impact of Tourism On Residents of Elephanta Caves In Raigad District[Full-Text ] DR. P.J. HAJARE AND S.P. HAJARETourism is fastest and growing industry in the India, which is effect on the economy of destination. Tourism alters the economic structure of a destination. Tourists spend their money on a wide variety of goods and services and related tourism products. Tourism is encouraged to the local people due to ability to generate employment in hotels, resorts, transport, etc. Also change their lifestyle. The present paper is based on primary data which is collected through intensive field work and assess the impacts of tourism along with 9 indicators and available facilities. Seven Point Likert Scale is used for the measuring the attitude of the residents for better tourism development of Elephanta Caves. It is found that, the overall impact is positive as increases total income of residents, generate employment and tax revenue and infrastructural facilities need to be improved.
Properties of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Matrices[Full-Text ] S. Ruban Raj, M. SaradhaThe concept of soft set is one of the recent topics developed for dealing with the uncertainties present in most of our real life situations. The parameterization tools of soft set theory enhance the flexibility of its applications. In this work, we give definition of intuitionistic fuzzy soft matrix, and their properties and examples. We also present the definitions of the subset hood of soft intuitionstic fuzzy matrices along with illustrative examples.
What makes cementum a unique structure?[Full-Text ] Dr.Yogeshwari Swaminathan, Dr. Julie Toby ThomasCementum was first described by Denton GB in 1835 as a calcified, avascular mesenchymal tissue that covers the entire root surface. It approximately comprises of 50% of hydroxyappetite and 50% of organic matrix which consist of non collagenous and collagenous proteins. Protein extract of mature cementum promotes cell attachment, migration and stimulates protein synthesis of gingival fibroblast and periodontal ligament cells. One of the main functions of the cementum is to anchor the principle collagen fibers of the periodontal ligament to the root surface. It plays a role in adaptive and reparative function to maintain the occlusal relationship and to predict the integrity of the root surface. Regeneration of cementum on denuded root surface has been the subject of interest in the modern era of periodontal plastic surgery.
Evaluation of pesticide residues in fish tissue samples collected from different markets of Jorhat district of Assam, India[Full-Text ] B.H. Choudhury, B.K.Das and P. ChutiaFive sample of each fish in each location per month was collected from three markets of Jorhat districts for three months. Three markets are Jorhat fish market, Lichubari fish market and Teok fish market of Jorhat district. The fish species are Puthi(Puntius sophore),Muwa (Amblypharyngodon mola) Indian major carp (Cirrhinus mrigala), Catla(Catla catla), Rohu(Labeo rohita), Kuhi(Labeo goniuf), Common Carp(Cyprinus carpio), Calbasu (Labeo calbasu). The samples were homogenized and grind with the help of an electrical grinder. The samples were analyzed by multi residues method using GC-ECD. The residues of various pesticides in fish tissues were investigated and the main group of contaminant was the OCs followed by SPs. The contamination by OC group viz., a-HCH ranged from 0.001 to 0.0019 µg g-1 , ß-HCH ranged from 0.001 to 0.0016 µg g-1 , d-HCH ranged from 0.0012 to 0.0053 µg g-1 , alachlor ranged from 0.001 2 to 0.0013 µg g-1, aldrin ranged from 0.001 to 0.0015 µg g-1 , endosulfan-I ranged from 0.001 2 to 0.0015 µg g-1, butachlor ranged from 0.0012 to 0.0014 µg g-1, P,P’-DDE ranged from 0.001 to 0.0014 µg g-1, endosulfan-II ranged from 0.0012 to 0.0013 µg g-1 , P,P’-DDD ranged from 0.001-0.0014µg g-1 and P,P’-DDT ranged from 0.0012-0.0014µg g-1 . The contamination by SP group viz. fenpropathrin ranged from 0.001 to 0.0012µg g-1 , permethrin-I ranged from 0.001 to 0.0012µg g-1 ,?-cyhalothrin ranged from 0.001 to 0.002µg g-1 , a-cypermethrin ranged from 0.001 to 0.0021µg g-1 and deltamethrin ranged from 0.001 to 0.0013µg g-1 . Among the OC compound the major contaminants were a-HCH followed by ß-HCH, d-HCH, P,P’-DDT and P,P’-DDE
Instruction Set Architecture for a MIPS based 16-bit RISC Processor[Full-Text ] Nirmal Haldikar, Sooraj SekharMicrocontrollers and microprocessors are finding their way into almost every field in today's world, incorporating an element of smartness into conventional devices. Energy efficient, space efficient and optimized microcontrollers are the need of the day. Our paper proposes a new Instruction Set that is a subset of the MIPS architecture. It derives the advantages of MIPS like simplicity and speed. Besides, since it is a smartly optimized subset of MIPS, it is a smaller version consisting of the most commonly required instructions.
Honda Supply Chain[Full-Text ] Abdulelah Mohammed AlnasserThe history of Honda starts from a man name Soichiro Honda and his unmatched accomplishment of getting motor cycles to the world. Soichiro Honda had a great fond of racing as well as he was a capitalist, and a producer. But above all these he was a perfect dreamer and has a unique creative mind. He used to think about improved ways of manufacturing piston rings, established a little business, and started manufacturing. He was very enthusiastic about delivering public an inexpensive shape of carrying irrespective of their location, and started constructing simple motorcycles, counting one manufactured in 1949 commonly known as D-Type Dream. He also makes efforts for the publicity of racing. So his business assembles better and quicker machinery, cylinders of race bikes with different denominations and became the victor the Isle of Man.
BODO Speech Recognition based on Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK)[Full-Text ] Laba Kr. Thakuria, Akalpita Das, Purnendu Acharjee, Prof. P.H. TalukdarThis Speech recognition is the process of converting an acoustic waveform into the text similar to the information being conveyed by the speaker. The speech recognition in multilingual is found to be very difficult to improve over separately trained systems. We experiments on different evaluation approach to speech recognition in multilingual, in which the phone sets are entirely distinct. The model has parameters not tied to specific states but that are shared across languages. The text-to-speech synthesis systems require a accurate prosody labels to generate natural-sounding speech. This research paper is to build a speech recognition system for Bodo language using Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK). The system is trained for continuous Bodo speech and the continuous Bodo speech has been taken from male Bodo speakers.
Falling Values of Indian Rupee Vs Us $ [Full-Text ] Nand kishor Soni, Ajay ParasharThe falling in the value of Indian rupee has several consequences which could have mixed effects on Indian economy. But, mainly, there are four expected implications of falling rupee. First, it should boost exports; second, it will lead to higher cost of imported goods and make some of the capital intensive projects more expensive to execute; third, it will increase the cost of dollar loans taken by companies and increase the foreign debt and fourth, it will slow-down the overall economic growth by increasing the interest rate and dissuade flow of FIIs. This paper studies the real implications of the depreciation of the rupee on the Indian economy and shows that in the long run, the Indian economy has more to lose and less to gain with weaker rupee