Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2020
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Assessment of of stress level of Nurses In The Care Of Their Children and its impact on job performance : A descriptive study from tertiary hospitals of Southern India[Full-Text ] Ms Nibha Sharma and Ms Hemaltha Ravi Health Implies, A sound mind, in a sound body, in a sound family in a sound environment .On average, a working mother does “Double Shifts” One at home, other at work. Understanding nurses stress level who are involved in their careers with the competing demands of their multiple roles is considered a research priority.
Review of Bangladesh Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) System for using Blockchain Technology[Full-Text ] Nazmul Islam Bhuiyan, Mohammad Salah Uddin and Md. Aknur RahmanData level interoperability and IT Security is main concerned now day by day as e-GP System had been launched since 02 June 2011 and volume of Data is also increasing rapidly. Many implementation are available now regarding blockchain technology.
Implementation of the Synchronization Mechanism of Application Instances using SwellRT's Collaborative Objects to Optimize the Communication[Full-Text ] Macaire NgomoWe propose to define a protocol which manages the synchronization of two instances of the same application, through a communication network. We are aiming for something simpler: to synchronize instances of the same application on different computers, especially in a context of low-speed Internet connection, with applications for example in the fields of distance education or remote assistance. In this article, we describe the situation using an extended automata asynchronous composition model.
ASSESSING INCLINED CUTOFF IMPACT ON CREEP LINE UNDERNEATH HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES[Full-Text ] A. M. Elmolla, W. A. Abd Elgalil, M. A. Dardeer and Adel. A. ElshimyStability of the irrigation structures must be ensured against uplift pressure, undermining and piping. Providing the aprons with cutoffs at critical sections is one of the most familiar solutions that are used by engineers to ensure safety of aprons of hydraulic structures against such phenomena. The cutoffs lengthen the seepage path (creep line) which is the contact length between the apron and the soil underneath and hence render the hydraulic gradient less steep.Seepage under the aprons of heading-up structures causes many problems like piping and excessive uplift pressure that can threaten the stability of the structures. Seepage can’t be totally prevented but many seepage control methods are suggested to safeguard structures against the threats of seepage. Increasing the length of the apron, using cutoffs or using a drainage blanket downstream the structure’s apron are among those methods.
Performance Analysis of Different Hybrid Precoding Schemes in 5G mmWave massive MIMO Systems[Full-Text ] Md. Mizanul Hoque, Md. Masud Karim, Md. Mustafa Kamal, Md. Kayesh, Sawkat OsmanMillimeter-wave (mmWave) communication is most likely to appear as a aspiring technology in the upcoming generation of cellular communication (5G). To confront several challenges (e.g., system complexity, energy consumption etc.), hybrid precoding is largely investigated in mmWave massive MIMO systems due to its low energy consuming nature and reduced system complexity.
Key challenges to develop and implement ehealth and Telemedicine in the developing country: the case of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Engr. Md Mustafa Kamal, Md. Mizanul Hoque, Md. Masud Karim, Md. Jannatul NayeemThe management system (MIS) of Director General of health services (DGHS) Bangladesh has marked a challenge to develop ehealth standard and inter operable framework in database system. The development will be done under the Ministry of Health family welfare and other ministries. It indicates that, Bangladesh embarks on national ehealth.
Review on Battery Technology and its Challenges[Full-Text ] Pruthvija B, Prof K P LakshmiIn the wake of ‘SMART’ everything, from gadgets to homes, power revolution is inevitable and around the corner. While chips and operating systems are becoming more efficient to save power it would still not be possible to meet the demand without advances in battery technology. Universities are looking at alternate materials, fabrication techniques and charging mechanisms to meet the power requirements. Several big technology and automobile companies have realized the limitations of Lithium ion batteries and are looking at new technologies. This paper, summarizes the challenges in two important aspects of battery technology namely types of batteries and battery health monitoring techniques.
GSK-3 Inhibitors Releasing Nanoparticles for Dentine Repair[Full-Text ] Ayesha SiddiqaTooth decay or caries is a prevalent disease [8] which is the result of poor oral hygiene [1] and unhealthy eating habits [2]. If left untreated, it can result in loss of the entire tooth structure [3.4]. The conventional methods of tooth repair provide a temporary relief [8]. Experiments are being conducted to investigate biological methods for tooth repair and regeneration so that it can provide a permanent relief to the dental patient [10,11,12,13]. In case of loss of the entire tooth, the biological method under trial for tooth repair includes utilizing iPS stem cells to achieve whole tooth regeneration [10].
Features and Problems of Smart Grid and It’s Solutions[Full-Text ] Saabiq Un Noor-E-Rashid, Abid Ahmed, Marsia Hossen Konika This paper shows how we can solve the problem that is the failure of the smart grid more successfully using a bi-section, cubic and genetic algorithm. This paper also discusses technologies and the future upgrades of the smart grid as well as shows the graphs of smart grids in developed and developing countries.
An Assessment of the Socio-economic Effects of Land Use Trends and Population Growth in Eleme, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Obenade Moses, Ugochi E. Ekwugha, Ogungbemi A. Akinleye, Kanu C. Collins and Henry U. OkekePopulation growth in Eleme has been rapid over the past 82 years with its attendant pressure on the natural resources of the area. Between 1937 and 2006 the population of Eleme grew from 2,528 to 190,194 and is projected to be above 293,741 in 2019 based on an annual growth rate of 3.4 percent. Using the combined technologies of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing (RS) and Demography techniques as its methodology, this paper examines the socio-economic effects of land use trends and population growth in Eleme between 1986 and 2019.
The Anthelmintic activity of leaves of Trachyspermum ammi[Full-Text ] Mr. Mukul Tambe, Mrs. Shubhashree MahadikTrachyspermum ammi Linn. (family: Umbelifereae) is an important medicinal seed spice. Leaves of Trachyspermum ammi are used widely in the Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of helminthiasis and gastric colic. Previous studies revealed the anthelmintic activity of roots and fruits. However, no studies were carried out to delineate anthelmintic activity of leaves. Hence the present study was carried out to evaluate anthelmintic activity of leaves of Trachyspermum ammi. In-vitro anthelmintic activity of leaves extracts in ethyl acetate, chloroform, petroleum ether on Indian earthworms (Phertima prosthuma) was tested.
Global Environmental Pollution and Coronavirus[Full-Text ] Dr. M. A. QuaderDiscussions, analyses and modelling are based on global level data. The natural environment is causing deaths to its habitants. The ongoing coronavirus is also doing damage to the lives of the glove. Worldwide people are too much worried putting extra ordinary efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic. But the damage being done to the lives of the people on the glove by natural environment problems is substantially higher than that done by the coronavirus. Air pollution death rate is 6.02 times of death rate due to coronavirus and the total environmental death rate is 10.85 times that of coronavirus death rate.
Generalization through augmentation in deep neural networks for handwritten character recognition[Full-Text ] Rajneesh Tiwari, Aritra Sen, Arindam BanerjeeHandwritten character recognition is an active and widespread research area in the field of computer vision. However successful implementation of handwritten character recognition systems, especially for cursive handwriting, remains a challenge. Over the years, different shallow and deep neural networks have been proposed for Handwritten character recognition and most of the experiments are done on a few widely used benchmark datasets.
TECHNOLOGICAL UP- GRADATION OF GREY WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Dr. Varsha Nigam Gour, Giriraj S. Mandloi, Ritu NigamGrey water recycling is now accepted as a sustainable solution to the general increase of the fresh water demand, water shortages and for environment protection. However, the majority of the suggested treatments are biological and such technologies can be affected, especially at small scale, by the variability in strength and flow of the grey water and potential shock loading. The present work is to increase the efficiency of the grey water filtration system by selecting appropriate design and use of suitable natural indigenous and synthetic materials.
New Approaches to Diagnostics and Therapy for COVID-19[Full-Text ] Djumaeva NAlthough several clinical trials are now underway to test possible therapies, the issue of reliable therapy for COVID-19 remains debatable. We report here the new approach to individual selection of Dexamethasone and Ribavirin doses used in COVID-19 therapy. For the first time “the device for transmission of Ribavirin pharmacological properties to a human body” was used to eliminate the virus from the COVID-19 patients' body quickly and safely.
Comparison of Orthometric Heights Obtained Using Total Station and Differential Global Po-sitioning Systems (DGPS) With Precise Levels Instruments[Full-Text ] Isaac A. Idoko Anthony, A. Sam, Mitchell A. EboigbeThis project focuses on the comparison of Orthometric heights obtained using Total Station and Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) with precise Levels. The Surveys executed were on existing second-order controls established along Durbar – Akinnmoorin road, Oyo, Oyo State. The obtained Easting, Northing, and height (Ellipsoidal) coordinates of the points were from the observation of the Trimble Dual Frequency GPS receivers.