Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2020
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Strategic Factor Analysis of Solid Waste Management in Southwestern Ethiopia: The Case of Jimma Metropolitan City[Full-Text ] Berhanu MegerssaBackground: Solid waste management is a cosmopolitan environmental problem confronting humanities and metropolitan authorities by contributing 80% of all diseases and related mortality. With mean annual growth of 5.54%, Ethiopia is fostering a highest urban population growth rate in Africa. In contrast, there is low commitment in managing urban environmental issues. Consequently, Solid waste disposal is an important environmental and area of concern since information is barely available in the study area.
Assessing potential areas of ecotourism through a case study in Chokie Mountain Watersheds in northwest highlands of Ethiopia based on the application of remote sensing techniques[Full-Text ] Mengesha Zerihun, Demeke AyeleEnvironmental sensitivity refers to ecosystem reflection on human activity and the natural changes in the environment. It provides users of math and computer simulations developed by ecologists at different resolution scales to appreciate model dependence on input parameters and to investigate the importance of each input parameter in determining their output model.
Kinetics study of Se88Te12 and Se88Te8Zn4 glassy compositions; phase change memory material[Full-Text ] H.E. Atyia, M.M. Abdel-Aziz, S.S. Shenouda, S.H. MabroukKinetics studies of Se88Te12-xZnx glassy compositions have been performed at different heating rates using differential thermal analysis technique under non-isothermal condition. An amorphous nature of considered samples has been checked by x-ray diffraction patterns. In accordance with different methods, the glass transition Eg and crystallization Ec activation energies are identified and discussed.
Assessment of Irrigation Scheduling and Water Consumption for Some Crops[Full-Text ] KARIM BADR HUSSIENThe need for Water Demand Assessment (WDA) is increased as the climate change issue has been complicating, and in situations where people work in agriculture and irrigation are not following the standards and best practices required for sustainable agriculture and irriga-tion, like in developing countries and the Arab region. This paper presents study to investigate crop water requirements (CWR) for “Marsa Matrouh, Egypt” calculatation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) ,figure out crop pattern and the irrigation schedule for the main crops planted there using field trials data, which had been executed at Marsa Matrouh Irrigation Research Station and data was collected by visits to Marsa Matrouh city. In these paper crop water requirements for three crops (banana, sweet pepper and potato) in Marsa Ma-trouh, the capital and the center of Matrouh Governorate, located in the north coast of Egypt were investigated. The method used to do so is “Cropwat” which is a calculation program developed by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), based on some input information.
An Association of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and young adults[Full-Text ] Tahmina, Dr. Nauman Shahid KhanThe objective of this short report is to find out the association between Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) and young patients of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Micronutrients are essential for neurotransmitters and cognitive development including iron which is an important trace element required for brain function. Its deficiency may cause alteration in dopamine activity.
EFFECTS OF AI ON HUMAN LEARNING AND DECISION MAKING IN MILLENNIALS[Full-Text ] Vaibhav Aggarwal, Krishna Chaturvedi, Chirag MalhotraThe use of Artificial Intelligence is increasing exponentially, and is finding uses in many new sectors, as they progressively discover its benefits. We have tried to understand how Artificial Intelligence has affected the millennials of today in their learning and Decision Making. In our research we will focus on primary surveys of general public with detailed analysis and structuring of secondary surveys as well.
Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) as a tool to to explore the development potentials in Kandy[Full-Text ] E.M.T.K.Ekanayake and Lalitha.DissanayakeLandscape is the result of the actions and interactions between humans and nature, which often coveys a unique character to the land. In this study the applicability of Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) methodology was tested at a local scale in a Divisional Secretariat area.
Roof Type Distribution and Roofing Trend Detection in an Urban Areas[Full-Text ] Lalitha Dissanayake, Sathya DiliniBuilding roof is an essential component within the green city concept. Eco-friendly green roofs can make comfortable internal environment for dwellers. As the Kandy city is within the discussion of urbanization related problems arena in Sri Lanka, the city area within the extent from city clock tower to 1km buffer zone was selected to conduct current study. The objective of the study was identification of roof type distribution and roofing trend detection in an urban area.
Hindrances to the Utilization of Climate Responsive Architecture Principles for Residential Design in Northeast Nigeria[Full-Text ] M.A. Alkali, Liu Jie, S.G. Dalibi, I.I. DanjaThermal comfort plays a major role in the perception of the interior environment, and it must be achieved in order to maintain occupant health as well as ensure productive living. Increasing temperatures in Northeast Nigeria as a result of the effects of climate change makes the achievement of thermal comfort more important and similarly, more challenging. With the domestic building sector consuming 55% to 60% of Nigeria’s energy between 1996 and 2005, Climate Responsive Architecture provides a twofold solution as it allows a building to achieve thermal comfort by utilizing minimal energy and consequently, can contribute to the slowing of climate change effects through significantly reduced energy emissions.
AERATION of Flowing Water Bodies and Application of Feasible Purification Methods to Supply Usable Water[Full-Text ] Maruf Ahmed Sucorno, FaiyadZaimIshrakOur goal is to assess methods of purifying flowing water resources using feasible methods and available resources and be able to supply usable water free from metallic impurities as well as organic wastes and odor. Due to its economic importance, the River Turag is prone to contamination by industrial effluents of riverside manufactories. Our study deals with pH, BOD, COD, DO and alkalinity in the water source we have worked on. Effluents such as prominent heavy metals (e.g. Chromium, Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Nickel, Zinc, Silver, Copper, Iron, Manganese and Barium) have been put under notice for removal.
DECENTRALIZATION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA[Full-Text ] Nataraj. S. NIt is evident form the studies that it takes more time for South Asia in bringing down the poverty and removal of huger. There is larger gap between the rich and poor and it has been continuing in the sub region of South Asia. The Human Development Report 2019, 661 million people are considered as multidimensional poor out of 1.3 billion multidimensional poor in Asia and Pacific.
Piezoelectricity as an Alternative Source of Power Generation in Ghana[Full-Text ] Dzamaklu Bless Yaw Eli, Kankam Nathaniel, Abigail Mba, Kojo Boakye & Lord Anertei TettehIn this era of technology advancement, the demand for electricity for industrial and services deliver is on the constant rise. The main challenge is the exponential increase in the demand for electricity and the lower rate of electricity generation to meet this higher demand. That notwithstanding, there is a need to design and develop new energy sources to meet the current market demand. One of the sectors that have attracted much interest is the generation of energy using devices such as Piezoelectric device which can convert other types of energy into electrical energy.
Understanding the Influence of Mobile Short Video Perceived Value on Chinese Consumers' Purchase Intention —— Based on the Mediating Effect of User Participation and Attitude[Full-Text ] Yue Huang, Suo LuThis research investigates the intrinsic relationship between perceived value of mobile short video and customer purchase intention and explores the potential key variables between these two. It is an early attempt to put forward a conceptual framework for understanding the impact of perceived value on Chinese consumers' purchase intention based on the mediating effect of user participation and attitude.
Means of Harmony Through Building Principles in Maliki Fiqh: Prohibiting Harm Among Neighbors and the Right of Pre-emption as an Example[Full-Text ] Mohamed EL HATTACH, Badre-Eddine EZZITI, Badr-Edin El HMIDIIn the belief of Muslims, Islamic religion is not just a system of faith and belief, but it is also a law that organizes daily behaviors of the people. From the emergence of Islam, Islamic law has taken a concern of architecture. The Medina of Prophet is cited as an example of Islamic city that was established based on the Islamic instructions and guidelines. During the Prophet's time, architectural buildings were built under certain Islamic guidelines.
Indonesia’s Economic Revival Behind the Lockdwon of 59 Countries[Full-Text ] Abdul KarimGlobal economic recession is in sight due to Covid-19 in various countries, including Indonesia. A number of institutions pre-dict that Indonesia's economic growth will decline and will have an impact on the increase in the number of poor people in the country. The weakening performance of the domestic economy has an impact on increasing the burden on government spending. This is in line with the increase in unemployment and poverty rates.
ASSESSMENT OF KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE ON HIV VOLUNTARY COUNSELINGAND TESTING AMONG NEJO PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS, NEJO, WEST WOLLEGA, OROMIA, ETHIOPIA[Full-Text ] Dr. NAOL HAILU Background:AIDSisa chronic infectiousdiseasewhich iscausedbyHuman ImmunosuppressiveVirus.HIVslowlyattacksthe immune system,the body’s defenseagainst infection,leaving an individual vulnerable to variety of other infections and certain malignancies which eventually causesdeath. There are variousoptionsinreducing ofthispandemicsuch as voluntary counselingand testing,antiretroviraltherapy andeducationforbehavioral change.
Impact of Social Media and Proficiency in English on Educational Institutions[Full-Text ] Minimol Thomas, Prof. (Dr.) Pranay Kumar Roy Barman, Prof. (Dr.) Manjusha TarafdarSocial media, as a whole, is one of the unsurpassed technological innovations in the history of our world. It enhances teaching -learning process. It is a medium of interaction which gives people the power to share and to connect with each other making the world a smaller place. Social networking plays a substantial role in the field of education, especially in imparting knowledge to students. Nevertheless, there are various positive and negative effects of social media on education directly or indirectly on students. Moderating the students’ access to social media is one excellent method of benefiting them.
Poultry Brooding Pen Heated by the Trombe Wall System - Investigating the Effect of the Wall Bulk Material on the Collection Efficiency[Full-Text ] P. E. OkpaniA large-scale poultry chick brooding pen heated solely with the Trombe wall system was designed to make use of locally available building and energy storage materials. This study was undertaken to use computer simulation to determine the effect of the wall bulk material on the hourly variation of its efficiency. Trombe wall bulk materials investigated in this work include granite, concrete, brick, adobe and Abakaliki quarry dust. It was found that the granite wall gave the highest average efficiency of 87.02 % in the month of June while the adobe wall gave the lowest average efficiency of 10.94 % in the month of February. From these results, it was concluded that the wall bulk materials has significant effect on the collection efficiency of the Trombe wall system
Automatic generation of Web Users Interfaces using a Model-Driven Approach[Full-Text ] Thierry NOULAMO, Bernard FOTSING TALLA, Jean-Pierre LIENOU One of the main objectives of software engineering is to evaluate and improve the quality and productivity of software. Productivity is therfore a determining factor to take into account during software development.This paper focuses on the automatic production, using the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach, of software systems in general and human-machine interfaces of interactive applications in particular.
Role of Greenhouses in Sustainable Food Production – A Review[Full-Text ] Ruchi PatelDue to the constant increase of population, globally, there is a severe shortage of food, despite it being produced on a large scale. Methods of food production have been discovered, and are being employed to meet the requirements of the growing population. One of the most popular methods, being used currently is crop production in greenhouses. The fact that crops can be produced apart from their season, owing to an optimum amount of temperature provided for their growth, over-comes the obstacle of growing seasonal plants during just a few months in the year.
Health Risk Assessment of the Drinking Water from Sagbama River, Bayelsa State, Niger Delta, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Faith Ogbole, Olatunji OyelanaSagbama River is a source of drinking water and the place for open defecation for communities in Sagbama. The river has also been subjected to crude oil pollution like other rivers in Niger Delta, Nigeria. This study sought to determine the levels of the physiochemical and bacteriological parameters of biochemical relevance in Sagbama River (SR). The prevalence of water borne diseases in Sagbama communities was also evaluated.
Survey: Using Social Media in Teaching and Learning concerns and issues[Full-Text ] Adel Sweisy, Ahmed Talouba, Mohammed Fawzy, Kholoud AliSocial media is playing a vital role in many sectors including the higher education and academic activities. Over the years it has become gradually key for those of us working in higher education to explore the available facilities of the new technologies for institutions, educators and students. However, with wide spread fears that social media may be a distractor to educational process, this study presents the previous studies related to how social media facilitates teaching and learning, the issued and concerns.
Slenderness Limitation in the Design of Unbraced & Braced Columns by Comparing EBCS 2: 1995 and ES EN 1992-1-1:2015[Full-Text ] Fikadie Alamirew AlemuThe codes in use in this paper are those from the EBCS 2: 1995 (Ethiopian Building Codes of Standard), and that of ES EN 1992-1-1:2015 (Ethiopian Standard-based European Norm). Typically, columns classified as short or slender based on their slenderness ratio, and this intern affects their mode of failure. The two codes use different procedures to calculate the effective length factor and limiting slenderness ratio.
SUBURBAN GROWTH AND THE CHALLENGES OF PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY IN THE LAGOS MEGACITY REGION, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Fagbohun, Philips Oyewole and Adejugbagbe, John AdewaleOne of the features of a megacity is the unprecedented development towards the periphery. This has a significant effect on the provision of infrastructural facilities, towards improving accessibility to the basic social services. Among such services is public power supply. Lagos with a population of over 15 million is among the megacities that have witnessed rapid informal development.
Impact of cooperative in market stabilization: The Case of Torban Anfilo Multi-Purpose Cooperative Union[Full-Text ] Author, Moga Kana Moroda and Dr. Neeraj BaliRecently, the Governments of developing countries have renewed their attention for cooperatives because of its role in social, political and economic development through enhancing food security, supplying agricultural inputs, marketing agricultural product, facilitating access to market and enhance access to credit for members and the community. However, the contributions of these cooperative are not without challenges.
POVERTY: BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE STATE AT ITS REDUCTION[Full-Text ] Sherzod Igamberdievich Mustafakulov, Dilshadbek Abdumalikovich Karimov, Nuriddin Nasriddinovich Murodullaev, Nazirjon Razzoqovich Rajabov, Rasul Tavakkalovich Khamidov, Oybek Alisher ogli RakhimberdievIn this article, poverty, its scientific proposals and practical recommendations on the causes, socio-economic consequences, classification situation in the world and the Republic of Uzbekistan, socio – economic essence of the determination of the level of poverty and its reduction are given.
Factors That Influence Farming Behavior In Agricultural Environmental Management In Taebenu Sub-District, Kupang District[Full-Text ] Ernantje HendrikIn an attempt to increase agricultural productivity and environment, it is important to understand farmers' behavior and in agri-environmental management. The study was conducted to analyze farming behavior in agri-environmental management in Taebenu District, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The aims of this study were: 1) To find out characteristics of farming in Taebenu and 2) To find out farming behaviors in agri-environmental management.
Architectural Leadership Consulting Framework[Full-Text ] Jibran Bashir,Sehrish Ilyas Since Organization Development (OD) is a multi-step process that helps organizations to build capacity for change, achieve and enhance efficiency; through the development, enhancement and strengthening of strategies, structures, and systems. OD consultants / Professionals use several diagnostic and development instruments to conduct OD process. But over time, the various vital needs of clients requested something advanced.
IT Test Environment Management[Full-Text ] Neha BagmarAim of this study is to assess the current state of Test Environment, Customer needs & requirements and what solution we have to manage and maintain test environments as an next generation test environment management, which can help customers overcome business risks and test in a production-like environment, thus resulting in releasing a superior software product.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir) study of cadmium sulfide (cds) thin film prepared by chemical rute[Full-Text ] Addisalem HaileCadmium Sulfide thin films were prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique. The bath solution was a mixture of cadmium acetate and thiourea as source of cadmium and sulfur respectively, ammonia hydroxide was used as complexing agent. In order to investigate the effect of deposition time; films were prepared with four deposition times 45,60,75 and 90min the X-ray diffraction, UV visible spectrophotometry and Fourier transform infrared techniques were used to investigate CdS thin films and the different steps of reactions leading to CdS product. Cubic CdS thin films were obtained with (111) plan preferred orientation. Estimated crystallite size was found in the range 5.91-7.9 nm. The Band gap energy was 2.4, 2.2, 2 and 1.98 eV for four deposition time respectively.
Technology for Utilization of Floral Waste and Corresponding Products- A Review[Full-Text ] Sharmila Rani, Prateek Kumar Sharma, Menka BhasinFlowers are used as an offering to God at religious places and for decoration at houses and public places. Being an offering, the discarded flowers do not find their way to the conventional disposal system. Instead these are discarded in rivers or around the trees creating environmental problems.
DEVELOPMENT AND FORMATION OF THE SECURITIES MARKET IN RUSSIA[Full-Text ] Askarjon Khudjamuratov, Sarvar RejabbaevThis article discusses the main historical stages of the development of the securities market in Russia, as one of the most important elements of the economic development of the state. Also, the author analyzes the significance and degree of influence of the securities market on the Russian economy.
STATUS AND CONDITIONS OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Asatullo NorchayevThe scientific article analyzes the conditions for the development of tourism in the country and the work being done. At the same time, it is stated that the improvement of tourism infrastructure and the development of quality services to tourists, reducing the gap between the tourist seasonality. In the context of the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic in the world, recommendations have been developed to bring our country out of the crisis and develop tourism.
WAYS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXPORT POTENTIAL OF UZBEKISTAN IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERNIZATION OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY[Full-Text ] Ortikjon TemirovThe article analyzes statistical data for 2005-2019 and provides an assessment of the current state of the Uzbek export potential. The author in the article reveals its competitive opportunities for the country's export potential in the world market. Also proposed ways of further development of export potential leading to an increase in the volume of exports in the national economy.
Application of Building Information Model (BIM) for Metro Rail Project[Full-Text ] Mugdha Pandarkar This paper analyzes various models and levels of implementation used in building information model suitable for metro rail project. This paper proposes workflow and process flow to be implemented in complex projects like metro transit rail. In India, BIM implementation in transportation project follows traditional approach and construction sector is conservative for implementation at planning stage. Also, study refers to the case study of Nagpur metro for 5D level of BIM with successful outcomes.
Finite Element Analysis and Strengthening of Bahr-Mowees Masonry Regulator[Full-Text ] Tarek El-Salakawy, Gehan Hamdy , Mohie-Eldien Mohamed, Reem ElwanThe paper presents modeling and structural analysis for a 132-year-old masonry head regulator constructed on an irrigation canal in Egypt. Finite element modeling using nonlinear material properties are performed using finite element analysis program ANSYS.15. The numerical model represents the regulator in its current condition using the deteriorated material properties. Nonlinear analysis is performed to assess the structural safety of the regulator under the current applied dead, live loads, and the worse expected loading condition; also, to determine the structural efficiency, safety margin and strengthening requirements.
AVIATION SAFETY CONTROL- Aircraft Hijack Intimation[Full-Text ] Vishalini S, Srividhya R, M. Thankam In most of the cases, hijackers remain unrecognizable, where their true identity are lost from police or public knowledge. The proposal is all about image processing. The direct live video streaming or image transfers of criminals indulged in hijacking flight is done using VHF frequency signals, specifically air band signals.
Theoretical Modeling and Electrochemical Behavior of Corrosion and Microbial Corrosion of Carbon Steel Pipelines[Full-Text ] A. M. El-Shamy, F. A. Mohamed, W. M. Saad, A. A. El-BindaryIn this paper, inhibition of microbial and electrochemical corrosion by cinnamaldehyde at ambient temperature and pressure on carbon steel in aggressive saline conditions (3.5 % w/w NaCl solution) are pronounced. It is shown that, the cinnamaldehyde is a very virtuous microbial corrosion and corrosion inhibitor since the inhibiting effect being even higher at low concentrations. It was originating that, the cinnamaldehyde show highest efficiency in corrosion behavior but in situation of microbial corrosion, the results show moderate effect in planktonic and sessile bacteria.
Conversational Chatbot using Deep Learning Algorithm and Attention Mechanism[Full-Text ] Ammar K, Prithvi K, Hafiz HassanThis paper identifies the development of Chat-bot using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques. A chatbot is quite an interesting problem in Natural Language processing. There are various Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing algorithms for developing a conversational chatbot, even after coming this far the development and research organizations are progressing towards the new age where the chatbots can be given human intelligence.
A novel approach for Dental equipment design[Full-Text ] Ekansh Vincent Singh, Sudhir TiwariAdditive Manufacturing (AM) transforms, using computer-aided design (CAD), digital 3D design of physical model of dental equipment. By layer architecture of CAD models, 3D scanning, or tomography data, AM creates equipment layer by layer without the any special and conventional machining processes.
Role of Vegan Diet in Treatment and Prevention of Different Diseases[Full-Text ] Heayyean Lee, Andy ChoPositive impacts of vegan diets on disease control and prevention has been reported in recent studies. This review aimed to summarize the association of vegan diets on human health and their impacts on treating and controlling chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, and diabetes through a systematic review. A comprehensive search on Science Direct, Google Scholar, Medline, Scopus, and The Cochrane Library was conducted.
Determinants of Startup Intention and Motivation affecting Bruneian Students[Full-Text ] Kamariah Ismail, Shaista Wasiuzzaman, Norihan Abu Hassan, Syazwan Ab Talib, Norzahidah BuhasriStartups play a crucial role in creating employment and stimulate economic growth in Brunei Darussalam. As graduate unemployment is alarming in Brunei, startup can be one of the career options after they complete their study. Thus, the objective of the study is to examine the determinants affecting the startup intention of higher institution students and to investigate the government role for the development of startup in Brunei.