Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2020
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AN ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESSS OF TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES ON TRAFFIC FLOW AT IKOTUN CBD, LAGOS, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Olorunnimbe, R.O, Giwa, O. M., & Oduyebo O.JThis study undertook an assessment of the effectiveness of traffic management techniques on traffic flow at Ikotun CBD, Alimosho, Lagos state. The objectives of the research are to: evaluate the profile and the operational activities of the traffic agents in Ikotun CBD; identify the causes of perennial traffic gridlock and the traffic management techniques in use at Ikotun CBD and analyze the effectiveness of traffic management techniques on traffic flow at Ikotun CBD.
NUTRACEUTICALS AS POTENTIAL ANTIOXIDANTS IN FERMENTED DAIRY PRODUCTS TO COMBAT PANDEMICS[Full-Text ] Debasree Ghosh& Parimal ChattopadhyayNutraceuticals are gaining popularity due to their role in prevention and treatment of pandemic diseases. The stability of fermented foods using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) has been investigated by number of scientists. An isolated bacterial strain from homemade milk curd was used in the present investigation to prepare cow milk curd and soy milk curd and the nutrient contents of the curds were determined under different fermentation conditions to evaluate the nutraceutical potential of fermented milk products from animal and vegetable origins that made their importance in vivo.
Voice Technology Solution to Detect COVID 19[Full-Text ] Voice technologies like Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Apple Siri are beginning to have a major impact on people’s daily lives. So far, the focus has been on voice tech’s ability to hail cabs, order pizza, select entertainment, or provide weather updates. But it’s increasingly apparent that voice can play a critical role in helping people manage chronic health conditions from home and this technology developing more and more.
Numerical study of buckling and flutter of clamped-clamped pipe carrying fluid under different parameters[Full-Text ] Dahmane Mouloud, Samir Zahaf, Benkhetab Mohamed, Djilali BoutchichaThis article aims to establish a coupled fluid-structure numerical model, for calculating the natural frequencies and critical velocities of a clamped-clamped pipe carrying incompressible fluid. The fluid circulating has the flexional motion as that of pipe structure. The equations are discritized with standard finite element method. We developed a program under Matlab.
LITERATURE SURVEY OF HOLOGRAPHIC INTERFEROMETRY[Full-Text ] H.R. Pratheep, Dr. V. Vadivelan, Dr. B. ChandarShekarThe Holographic Interferometry is the most important and revolutionary application of holography. It’s an extension of classical interferometry measurement techniques which at least one of the waves which interfere is reconstructed by hologram. This precision technique can be able to measure all the types of complicated objects without mechanically disturbed like as Non- Destructive Testing. Through the use of off-axis holography, opaque objects diffused reflections appear to be overlaid by interference fringes that can be indicative of deformation, displacement or rotation of the object. Similarly in the case of transparent objects fringe patterns can be formed which are indicative of changes in refractive index or object thickness variations.
Implementation of GeoGebra a Dynamic Mathematical Software for Teaching and Learning of Calculus in Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Tola BekeneGeoGebra mathematical software is the best alternative way of teaching and learning calculus in 21st century by exploration and visualization. This software opposes the traditional teaching and learning method, or solution only approaches and make the teaching and learning process more active in the classroom which goes with the constructive approach of teaching and learning methods.
KNOWING TWO CENTURIES (200 YEARS) CALENDAR IN YOUR HEAD, EASY STEPS![Full-Text ] DUMNAMENE MONDAY NWIWURE, GIDEON OWEN-AKATAHThis calendar work centered on the provision of day’s accuracy in any of the weeks, months and years. It’s easier to say the day of any date of a particular year and also how to say the day of any date of any year off-hand without the use of calendar. Following some stipulated guidelines highlighted in the work, it is important to know the day of date in the current year, the difference of the year in search of from the current year; divide result by four which is constant in the work, after which count the days after multiplying the result by two backward or forward as the case maybe to get the actual day
HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT: PANACEA FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH[Full-Text ] ONYENEBO, Innocent Ndubisi ADEBANWA, Ayowole A. MARTINS,BolajiThis paper examined the impact of human capital development on economic growth in Nigeria from 1981 to 2018 using time series data. Descriptive analysis was conducted to reveal the descriptive nature of the data while Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ADRL) regression model was employed to examine both short run and the long-run relationships. The short reveals that the coefficient of the co-integrating equation, that is, error correction term or speed of adjustment (∅ = -0.2988, p-value = 0.0000 < 0.05) is negative and significant.
Energy Optimization in Commercial Building in Indian Tropical-Humid Climate (Study based in modification in existing building)[Full-Text ] AKSHAT KABRAThe commercial spaces that are built before increasing awareness of energy savings in the buildings, consumes more energy especially for cooling & artificial lighting the office space. This research dissertation is a case study type, where significance of energy reduction inputs in building envelope are explained and demonstrated with help of a case study project in Pune, India. Thus the research tends to demonstrate that modifying the building envelope to an effective thermal performing solution, results in energy savings.
Corrosion and Adhesion Behavior of Recycled High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Coated Mild Steel[Full-Text ] A. H. M. E. Rahman, Ma’Moun A. Ayyad, Issam Abu-Mahfouz, and Joshua BachertThis research utilized 100% recycled HDPE as a powder coat on mild steel (used as a simulated automotive chassis). The recycled HDPE as a powder form was applied to mild steel using electrostatic powder coating equipment. The coated steel was characterized, and the corrosion property was determined by immersion in NaCl, and H2SO4 solutions. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis revealed that the coating was non-porous and on average, 80 μm thick.
A Federated Identity And Access Management For Cloud Computing Model Based On Single Sign On[Full-Text ] Alyaa M. Ghazi, Mahmood K. IbrahemFederation Identity is an expansion of identity and access management to different security fields. The objective of this paper is to give the participation of identities, so a client can be validated a single time and afterward get to resources and applications over multiple domains which called Single Sign On (SSO) that give three main services (authentication, data integrity and confidentiality) by suggesting a secure model for registration and login using RSA & SHA512 for encryption. Single-Sign-On (SSO) suffer from security problems such as user credential leakage and single sign out which solved by proposed a new system to overcome the weakness of SSO system.
A new relation between mass and velocity[Full-Text ] Mohammad SaadApprehension - According to James C. Maxwell, speed of light is constant. Further on this Albert Einstein developed his Special and General theory of relativity, which says the faster we move through space, the slower we move through time. He also gave formula’s on time dilation, length contraction etc.
E - TAXATION AND REVENUE GENERATION EFFECTIVENESS IN DEVELOPING ECONOMY - A Case of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Akande Adesola Adebayo,Awe Babatunde IdowuThis study examined the impact of Electronic-Taxation and revenue-generating effectiveness in the era of Treasury Single Account operations from 2010 to 2019 with a view to determining its trend and effects on Gross Domestic Products in Nigeria. Data were sourced from Federal Inland Revenue Service, CBN, and Economic Reports from 2010 to 2019. The collected data were grouped into two: pre and post-e-tax periods. The two sets of data were compared using a pre Post analysis technique of statistic.
Demonstration for Implementation of Basic Operational Blocks Related to Viterbi Algorithm in Software by Using VB.NET Programming Language[Full-Text ] Thobius Joseph, Shangweli Vyosena Kituma, Frank SamsonThis study aimed to provide source code and knowledge’s on how to implement operational blocks found in ordinary Viterbi algorithm through high level programming languages. In high level programming languages paradigms a VB.NET programming language fall under event programming languages and this study provides easy features for coding Viterbi algorithm operational blocks. The study methodology involved generating randomly bits pattern and mark them on sheet of paper and computing corresponding outputs mathematically by using theory described in literature which clarifying viterbi operational blocks.
Electromagnetic Launcher for Space Crafts[Full-Text ] Vinit GuptaElectromagnetic space craft launcher is a launch pad for spacecrafts using the repulsive properties of like poles of magnets. This design reduces the significant costs, and the environmental impacts of the conventional fuel-based launching systems, and is ideal for future space transportation of goods.
Kinetic and Equilibrium studies of the Removal of Ferrous ion from wastewater using PCPUF[Full-Text ] Hala A.Kiwaan,Elhossein A. Moawed, Aida M.Shanshan,M.R.MostafaIn this work, the efficiency of Pyrochatechol polyurethane foam (PCPUF) for the removal of Fe(II) from wastewater was studied through anadsorption process. The effects of various parameters such as solution pH, initial Fe(II) concentration and contact time were examined. Adsorption kinetics followed Pseudo second order and adsorption isotherms followed Langmiur.
Optimization of the Grain Formed as the Output of Simulated Rice Grain Machine[Full-Text ] Iyus Hendrawan, Sutrisno, Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Y.Aris Purwanto, Rokhani HasbullahEfforts to diversify the main food product have good prospects of developing, bearing in mind that Indonesia has great potential in relation to the variety, amount, and spread of sources of non-rice carbohydrates. The formulation for creating a rice-like grain ingredient has always followed the direct presentation determination approach.
INTERVAL VALUED FUZZY SOFT SETs SIMILARITY MEASURE FOR DETERMINING COVID--19 PATIENTS[Full-Text ] Anjan Mukherjee and Abhik MukherjeeThe continued spread of corona virus disease 2019( COVID-19)has prompted widespread concern around the world. The world Health Organization ( WHO), on 11th March 2020, declared COVID-19 a pandemic. COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. This article explores knowledge discovering in COVID-19 pandemic.
An Analytical Study on the Non-Conventional Human Resource practices of Team-Building for effective Employee Engagement[Full-Text ] Jenaifer Farhad Sethna Over the decades that the institution of an ‘organisation’ has existed, many factors have contributed to its success. Having a sound business strategy, efficient processes with well sought objectives and plans are all factors that are crucial to a business’s long- term success. But it all falls on the shoulders of people within the organisation to effectively execute these strategies, processes and plans in order for the business to achieve success. (Hawkins, 2017)
Teacher Morale among Rural and Urban Secondary School Teachers of Kashmir Valley: A Comparative Study[Full-Text ] Mudasir Abdullah, Dr. Mohammad Sayid BhatThe present study was carried out for investigating teacher’s morale of rural and urban secondary school teachers. Two research objectives and one null hypothesis guided the present study. 120 secondary school teachers have been selected randomly from ten secondary schools of Kulgam and Srinagar districts (J&K). Jamal & Raheem’s Teachers’ Morale Scale (2013) is a standardized tool adapted to obtain the required data. Percentage and t-test were used for analyzing the data. The findings of the study reported that urban secondary school teachers have comparatively high teachers’ morale than rural secondary school teachers.
An Investigation into Teachers’ Related Challenges in Learning Writing Skills in EFL Classroom context at the Hobicha Bada Secondary and Preparatory School[Full-Text ] Zewdneh Geja GechereThe main aim of this study was an exploration into Students’ Related Challenges in Learning Writing Skills in EFL Classroom context at the Hobicha Bada Secondary and Preparatory school. Descriptive survey research design was employed using both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. The data were collected through semi-structured interview, questionnaires, and classroom observation
Adaptability of helmets in India: Its Barriers, Thrust and expected strategies to overcome the barriers[Full-Text ] Pihoo Yadav and Sachin RathoreRoad accidents in India are increasing significantly and are being turned as the biggest challenge for government. With the advancement in Automobile Industry and civilization in our society, the connectivity has been improved a lot. But the road accidents and fatalities have marked significant.
Calls for the Use of Appropriate Technologies and Evolving Sustainable Strategies in Dredging Activities in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Moses Obenade, Seigha Gumus, Amangabara T. Gordon, and Ogungbemi Akinleye A. The Niger Delta region of Nigeria is the largest wetland in Africa and third in the world, covering a geographical area of 70,000 km2, and represents about 12 percent of Nigeria's total surface area. The peculiar location of the region makes its settlements vulnerable to flood and requires sand fillings and reclamations of lands in most parts to achieve areas that are suitable for housing, siting of industries and amenities.
IMPLEMENTATION OF BLIND SOURCE SEPERATION USING FPGA[Full-Text ] Anu vyshakh C.P, Vineetha jain K.V, Dr.Ramesh Chinthala“ Blind source separation is a method to separate source signals from mixed signals without any data loss”. This technique has recently drawn a lot of attention in the field of Space research. This paper presents an efficient implementation of the Blind source separation algorithm [FASTica] using FPGA and its optimization. In general independent component analysis[ICA] algorithm separates the source signal from mixed-signal by finding a linear transformation that can maximize the mutual independence of the mixture.
An Assessment of the Characteristics of Rivers State Population and Its Socio-Economic Implications[Full-Text ] Moses Obenade, Ogungbemi Akinleye A., Kanu C. Collins, and Francis I. Okpiliya.This paper assesses the characteristics of Rivers State population and its socio-economic implications. Descriptive statistics and demographic techniques were used in analyzing the 2006 population and Census data for Rivers State obtained from the National Population Commission with a view to extracting vital socio-economic indices.
Motion Control of a Three Degrees of Freedom Helicopter[Full-Text ] Amir Nobahar Sadeghi NamThis paper presents design and implement of control architectures for a three-degrees-of-freedom model helicopter. To design motion control system, active disturbance rejection control, fuzzy logic control and back stepping control architectures are designed and presented. Extended state observer technique has been studied in order to eliminate the disturbances on the dynamics. The performances measure of the control architectures are computed to compare the presented control architectures more accurately
Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanism in Ethiopia: (The case of Enashma of the Boro-Shinasha Community, Benisahngul-Gumuz Regional State)[Full-Text ] Million Esho DezoThis study deals with traditional conflict resolution mechanisms in Boro-Shinasha community in BGRS with particular emphasis on Metekel Zone, Bullen Woreda. The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability. To realize the intended objectives, the study utilized case-study research approach with qualitative research method and the data were collected using observation, interview, focused-group discussion and document analysis.
Response of Deficit Irrigation levels and methods on yield and water productivity of maize at Werer agricultural research center, Afar, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Wondimu T. Adugna, Jemal M. Hassen, Fikadu R. Borena, Nigusie A. Sori, Kebede N. TufaThe study was conducted at Werer Agricultural Research Center, Amibara Middle Awash, Ethiopia, starting from 2016 up to 2018 for three consecutive cropping years. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with three furrow irrigation systems and three irrigation levels. The three furrow irrigation systems are Alternate furrow irrigation (AFI), Fixed furrow (FFI) and Conventional furrow irrigation (CFI) and the three irrigation levels are 100% ETc, 75%ETc, and 50% ETc of the requirement.
A CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING OF ONLINE CLASSES IN PAKISTANI CONTEXT[Full-Text ] Abdulla, Shams Ul IslamThe researcher is a teacher at post graduate level and has been in touch with his students / colleagues during the days of lockdown due to COVID-19. To save the academic year and academic loss of students, on line classes have been started worldwide. In the third world countries like Pakistan, it is entirely a novel experience and the teachers and students have been in stress because of this novel experience.
Descriptive Study on Nursing Student’s perception regarding Learning Environment in Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad[Full-Text ] Asma Parveen, Rukhshanda Bano, Humaira ChandaEducational environment is sum of all the activities that have been taken place in the Classrooms, Departments, Schools, Colleges, Universities and all academic institutions for the achievements of ultimate educational goals of the students. The educational atmosphere in learning place has one of most essential factors in establishing the favorable results of students and curriculum.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for treatment in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder[Full-Text ] Ruchika Joshi, Rajeev Pandey, GurumurthyPhysical and mental well-being is important criterion to define overall health of a person. Modern era has seen an increased number of mental disorder cases. One of the common disorders includes Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [OCD], a mental disorder in which people have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas, or sensations (obsessions) that make them feel driven to do something repetitively (compulsions)
Study on Factors Influencing Customer Experience for Buying Sulphuric Acid from Vedanta Resources-Hindustan Zinc Limited in Rajasthan[Full-Text ] Sumedh PandeThe purpose of this paper is to find out customer experience on buying sulphuric acid from HZL branch of Vedanta Resources.Vedanta resources is major player in business of Sulphuric acid. Hindustan Zinc limited produce 98 % concentrated Sulphuric Acid at our production facilities in Chanderia, Debari and Dariba in the state of Rajasthan.
A retrospective study of perforation peritonitis over 3 years ( 534 cases) in a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India[Full-Text ] Dr. Mainak Mallik, Dr.Vikram Chaturvedi, Dr. Kamal Krishna Das, Dr. Udipta RayIn Eastern part of India peritonitis due to perforation of hollow viscus constitutes one of the major causes of emergency laparotomies. The objective of the study was to highlight the spectrum of perforation peritonitis regarding the age, gender & causes of perforation per operatively.
Synthesis of Uniform Sized Iron-oxide Nanoparticles with PEG modification for Enhancement of Protein Immobilization[Full-Text ] Pei-Ru Chen, Yun-Ju ChuangIn this research we propose the utilization of iron oxide nanoparticles for the enhancement of protein binding efficiency to SAMs functionalized surface. Uniform sized iron oxide nanoparticles with diameter of 5 and 10 nm have been successfully fabricated by using micelle method in solvent phase, and the surfaces were modified by PEG-COOH functional group for dispersion in water and conjugation with protein.