Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 is in-process.
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Phase Field Simulation for Recrystallization Kinetics of Cold-Drawn 0.12wt%C Steel in Full Annealing[Full-Text ] Nurudeen A. Raji, Oluleke O. OluwoleThe importance of recrystallization kinetics in metal process cannot be over emphasized in providing information as to the control of microstructure of materials for purpose of improving or impacting desired mechanical properties in processed materials. In this study, 0.12wt% C steel cold drawn between 20% - 55% were graduallyheateduptoatemperatureof900°C followed bysoakingtreatment between 600 seconds and 3600 seconds in a Gallenkomp® mufflefurnace model SVL-1009 with voltage regulation of 220 V, 50 Hz of temperature range 300°C - 1000°C. The influence of the annealing process on the strength and impact toughness properties of the annealed steel were evaluated from tensile and charpy-impact testsconductedon theannealedsteel.A phase field method is used to describe the recrystallization kinetics of the annealed cold drawn 0.12wt%C steel for the different degrees of cold drawn deformation.The experimental data obtained from the tensile and charpy-impact test were used as input data for the phase field simulation of the recrystallization process. The results show that the yield strength of the annealed cold drawn 0.12wt% C steel increases with increasing soaking time within the range of 600 sec.– 3600 sec. for the 20% cold drawn steel, between 600 sec.- 2400 sec. for the 25% and between 600 sec.-1800 sec. for the 40% and 55% cold drawn steel. The treatment increased the impact toughness of the steel for the 20%-40% cold drawn deformation but loses its toughness for the 55% cold drawn steel. The tensile strength however reduces for all the cold drawn steel irrespective of the degree of deformation.The simulation results show that reformation of grains in cold drawn 0.12wt%C steel depends on the degree of cold drawn deformation and the soaking time of annealing. The response of the mechanical properties of the annealed cold drawn 0.12wt% C steel therefore depends on the degree of cold deformation and soaking time of annealing.
Microstructure Evolution and its Influence on Tensile Behavior of Process Annealed Cold Drawn 0.12wt% C Steel[Full-Text ] Nurudeen A. Raji, Oluleke O. OluwoleThis work studied the effect of grain size evolution of cold drawn 0.12wt% C steel subjected to process annealing on tensile behavior. 20%, 25%, 40% and 55% cold drawn 0.12wt% C steel were subjected to annealing comprising of slow heating-up to various temperature ranging from 500oC to 700oC at interval of 50oC followed by soaking treatment for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, 50 minutes, 60 minutes under each of the temperature in a muffle furnace. These samples were submitted to optical microscopy analysis and to tensile test. After annealing at 650oC and soaked for 10 minutes, the dislocation defects were annihilated in the 25% cold drawn samples. Grain coarsening is observed for the annealed steel at soaking time of 20 minutes to 30 minutes after which grain growth commenced at annealing temperature above 650oC at soaking time of 40 minutes for the 25%, 40% and 55% cold drawn samples. Fine grains of the microstructure were observed for all the annealed samples between the temperature range 500oC-650oC. The yield strength of the annealed samples increases compared to the non-treated samples thus improving the ductility of the steel. A better improvement of the yield strength is observed for the annealing temperature of 500oC and 550oC at soaking time of 10 minutes and 30 minutes for all the cold drawn samples except for the annealed 25% cold drawn steel whose yield strength is below the yield strength of the non-treated samples.
Effect of Some Polysaccharide Starch Extracts on Binding Characteristics of Foundry Moulding Sand[Full-Text ] Atanda, P. O., Akinlosotu, O. C., Oluwole O. OThis work investigated the properties of foundry moulding sand using different polysaccharide starch extracts as binders. Apart from the availability of these polysaccharides, the extracts are non-toxic. Three polysaccharide (rice, maize and cassava) starch extracts were added in varying quantities with fixed amount of pulverbond (bentonite + coal dust) to silica sand and various indical tests such as permeability, moisture content, green compression and shear strength, dry compression strength, shatter index and compatibility were carried out on specimens prepared according to ASTM standards. Results showed sand properties were affected by the type and quantity of starch binder used. Green compression strengths of moulding sand for all three starch binders increased from 20% and peaked at 40% binder additive. Permeability increased as well from.....and peaked at 40% starch addition. Shatter index value rose sharply from.....and reached a maximum value at 40% starch addition. The dry compression strength for rice and maize starches decreased while that of cassava starch increased from 20% and peaked at 40% starch addition. From all the three sourced starches under consideration, it could be concluded that cassava starch was found suitable as an alternative for use as binder in foundry moulding applications.
Finite Element Modeling of shell Thickness Requirement due to Local Loads on Spherical Pressure Vessels[Full-Text ] Oludele ADEYEFA, Oluleke OLUWOLEStresses caused by external local loads are major concern to design engineers of pressure vessels. The technique for analyzing local stresses and the method of handling these loadings to keep these stresses within prescribed limits of shell material allowable stress has been the focus of this research. Finite element method is employed as numerical tool for the investigation of local stresses at the point of attachments of legs on the shell of spherical pressure vessels. Shallow triangular element based on shallow shell formation was employed using area coordinate system. The element has six degrees of freedom at each corner node - five of which are the essential external degrees of freedom and the sixth is the nodal degree of freedom associated with in plane shell rotation. Set of equations resulting from finite element analysis were solved with computer programme code written in FORTRAN 90. The thickness requirements at the region of attachment of support legs were determined. Increase in thickness in this region was due to the local bending moment applied at the point of attachment of the supports. The obtained results were validated using ASME values. The results obtained with the methodology in this research shows no significant difference (P>0.05) with ASME values.
INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY MULTI-OBJECTIVE LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEM (IFMOLPP) USING TAYLOR SERIES APPROACH[Full-Text ] Irene Hepzibah.R and Vidhya.R These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IJSER JOURNALS. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at IJSER. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. Don’t use all caps for research paper title.
Literacy across Scientific Curriculum – Case for Regular across Board Curriculum Enhancement by Standardization Boards using Stakeholders[Full-Text ] Oluwole O., Oladejo K.A., Abu. R.In this technology-driven age, meaningful teaching and learning cannot take place where old tools are applied. Scientific tools are regularly being updated and new ones introduced in teaching and learning across board. With the current advancement in modeling and simulation tools, many virtual analyses in science can be done quickly and effectively than was the case many years back. Taking full advantage of these tools will offer better learning and impartation of basic scientific principles. This paper highlights the need for regular enhancement of scientific curriculum for human capacity development to meet scientific literacy in Africa. Stake holders identified capable of making inputs into curriculum enhancement are employers, educators and the state. A procedure for broad based curriculum assessment and correlation among institutions for effective monitoring and standardization was also presented in this paper using a simulated study of Mechanical Engineering curricula of six virtual universities based on contact hours, units and integration of scientific packages in teaching modules. The results of the simulated study were presented on radar, doughnut, column and pie charts to reveal the variations in contact hours per program which could easily be used by standardization agencies across board all curricula. Regular curriculum review, effective curricular enhancement, clear course goal and objectives, capacity development of academic and technical staff were adjudged to contribute to improved literacy and meeting international practices.
Retention of organic acids in citrus juices during storage[Full-Text ] Anjum Rashid, Muhammad Atif Randhawa, Zafar Iqbal, Sharoon Masih, Muhammad Shakeel Hanif, Hafiz Naveed Ramzan, Atta Muhammad ArifCitrus is most important tree fruit crop grown in world and Pakistan is one of the leading citrus producing countries. Pakistani citrus cultivars particularly Kinnow (Mandarin) is famous throughout the world for its taste with increasing demand in international market. Organic acids play pivotal role in flavor and consumer acceptance. Organic acid are considered as mark of authenticity and helpful in detecting adulteration in citrus juices. Proper ratio of these organic acids accentuates the organoleptic attributes and accelerates the shelf stability of juices. Concentration of organic acids was determined through HPLC and their retention during storage was evaluated. Ascorbic acid, citric acid, malic acid and tartaric acid content ranged from 38.49 mg/100mL (red blood) to 51.43 mg/100mL (Kinnow), 916.52 mg/100ml (Kinnow) to 1321.60 mg/100mL (mussambi), 9.87 mg/100ml (mussambi) to 530.66 mg/100mL (Kinnow), 0.366mg/100mL (mussambi) to 0.842mg/100mL (Kinnow) respectively in different citrus species. Storage stability studies revealed that ascorbic acid, citric acid, malic acid and tartaric acid content varied between 38.49 mg/100mL (end of storage in mussambi) to 51.43 mg/100mL (at day 0 in Kinnow), 907.63 mg/100mL (30th day in Kinnow) to 1323.25 mg/100mL at initiation of storage (mussambi), 9.67 mg/100mL (at day 0 in mussambi) to 545g/100mL at end of experiment (Kinnow) and 0.318 mg/100mL at start of storage in mussambi to 0.843 g/100mL at the end of storage time (Kinnow), respectively for different citrus cultivars.
INFLUENCE OF STORAGE PERIOD ON THE RETENTION OF MACRO MINERALS IN JUICES OF DIFFERENT CITRUS CULTIVARS[Full-Text ] Anjum Rashid, Zafar Iqbal, Muhammad Atif Randhawa, Azhar Ali, Atta Muhammad Arif, Sharoon MasihCitrus are nutritious fruits consumed as medicinal and food supplements, low in sodium, free from fat and cholesterol and rich in minerals. Minerals play an indispensible role in human body and essential for health maintenance. These remain stable under most of the conditions; however losses may occur during processing and storage. Minerals were extracted by wet digestion method and determined through Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Concentration of calcium and magnesium consistently decreases while potassium and iron contents increase and sodium content remains almost stable during storage. Mineral content varied with citrus cultivars and storage period. Sodium content ranged from 5.404 (grapefruit) to 12.339mg/100mL, Potassium 483.190 (grapefruit) to 957.846 mg/100mL (Kinnow), magnesium 5.384 (mussambi) to 7.707 (Kinnow), calcium 0.545 (mussambi) to 0.773 (Kinnow), iron 0.381(Blood Red) to 1.310 (Kinnow), respectively. Mean (mg/100mL) vary from 6.755 (10th day) to 11.766 at 0 day for sodium, 733.333 (10th day) to 844.270 (20th day) for potassium, 6.083 (10th day) to 6.282 (30th day) for magnesium, 0.608 (10th day) to 0.640 at 30th day for calcium and 0.270 (0 day) to 1.467 at 45th day of storage for iron. Most minerals remain stable during storage except iron. Iron concentration increases during storage in all citrus juices.
Andorid platform and mobile game development[Full-Text ] Gunay Karli, Ena KurtovicAs technology improves, there is an ever-growing demand for better quality games and the Android, being the fastest growing platform in recent history is no exception. Mobile gaming is becoming an increasingly popular past-time and as such, it's a constantly evolving field. This research has brought to light the possibilities and hurdles of developing games on the Android, mostly centered around the issue of input and lack of tactile feedback, perhaps the most glaring problem new developers face. Furthermore, the huge variety in screen sizes and resolutions, their implications and problems they create were discussed. Several game engines that support Android have been explored and compared; and finally through a case-study game using the Unity Engine, a working prototype was developed, demonstrating solutions to some of the common pitfalls in the development pipeline.
An Increasing Tendency of Management studies in Pakistan: A Perception of Employability Skills in Business Graduates[Full-Text ] Irum Shahzadi, Bilal Hassan, Fiza Sabir, Muhammad Rizwan KamranIn this study, an effort has been made to explore the role of Business Educators in developing employability skills in business graduates under current trends prevailing in management studies that affect their Job Marketability. It also has aim to reveal those factors that affect the ability of business educators to include objectives of developing employability skills in curriculum of offered course of business study. The study is based on descriptive and explanatory research methodology. Quantitative analysis techniques are used to explore the relationships between variables. Descriptive statistics are used along with correlations and regression analysis to verify the propositions made by the author. Data was collected through adopted research questionnaire, Employability Skills Assessment (ESA) from Bennett T.M (2006). Results of this research indicate that there is a strong connection among the perception of curriculum course objective and employability skills. The correlation among these two variables is strongly positive and the business schools educators perceive that all the 25 objectives mentioned in questionnaire are important in designing instructions of employability skills. The regression analysis further confirms this relationship as significant and positive. Valuable suggestions and recommendations are presented in the end.
Cybercrime in Iraq[Full-Text ] Sattar J. AboudIn some years ago, an Internet has been developed what so-called Web. But, the broad use of an existing Internet services has made individual users the possible target for cybercrimes. In this paper, we study and analysis different cybercrime cases and compare the result with the preceding work. The illustrated results include all cases that described in the cybercrime in Iraqi authority, the Criminal Investigation Bureau.
Ultrasonic Visual Aid Using ANN[Full-Text ] Manju Joseph, Meera Ajithkumar, Sahna Ashraf, Shyam G Nair, Ms. Sony N SIn the present world of advanced technology and development, millions of people with sight problems lack a full and independent life. We put forward a technological approach for helping the blind to lead a better life. The “ultrasonic visual aid using ANN” prototype is a small effective and wearable navigation aid for blind and visually impaired person. It functionally addresses global navigation for guiding the user to reach the destiny with the avoidance of static as well as moving obstacles, water pits, and transparent objects. The remarkable part of our work is to distinguish the profile of the obstacles using ANN training algorithm. The importance of our work arises since we are implementing a system which is capable of solving the problems faced by the blind just by using a set of ultrasonic sensor modules.
Advanced Protection Against Phishing Pages By Using Multi-Usage Browser[Full-Text ] Joy Nelson.S, Kavipriya.RPhishing is a criminal mechanism employing both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers’ personal identity data and financial balance credentials. Social engineering schemes use spoofed e-mails purporting to be from legitimate businesses and agencies, designed to lead clientele to counterfeit websites that trick recipients into divulging financial data such as usernames and passwords. Technical subterfuge patterns plant crime ware onto PCs to steal credentials directly, often using methods to intercept consumers online account user names and passwords -- and to corrupt local navigational infrastructures to misdirect consumers to counterfeit websites (or authentic websites through phisher-controlled proxies used to monitor and intercept consumers’ keystrokes). This project provides the anti-phishing technique in the form of browser where a webpage is filtered at three levels, as URL filtering, server address filtering and Action content filtering which may provide more accuracy in identifying phishing pages and to block it. In this anti phishing technique here they contain list of phishing sites helps in taking decision about the site weather it is an genuine site or not. Based on this report analysis each site will been decided to be processed or not.
Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm with ECDH Algorithm for Finding Optimal Path and Secure Data Transfer[Full-Text ] V.Deeban Chakravarthy, S.Sivarajan, N.GayathiriIn a dynamic network, routing is a very challenging because of the topology of the network is not fixed. This paper involves Artifi-cial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm for finding shortest path in a dynamic mesh networks. The ABC optimization algorithm is a population-based search algorithm which applies the concept of social interaction to problem solving. The ABC algorithm is inspired by the collective behavior of bees to find better food sources around the hive and this biological phenomenon when applied to the process of path planning problems, it is found to be an excelling in solution quality as well as in computation time. The effectiveness of the paths has been evaluated with the parameters such as tour length, bee travel time by using Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm. Thus the pursued approach gives the best result for finding the shortest path in a shortest time for moving towards the goal in more effective way. Then the data is transfer securely by using ECDH algorithm in this optimal path.
Study of Various Algorithms for Direction of Arrival Estimation In Smart Antenna[Full-Text ] Tithi Gunjan, Gaurav ChaitanyaSmart Antenna system has received much attention in the last few years because they can increase system capacity by dynamically tuning out interference while focusing on the intended user along with impressive advances in the field of digital signal processing. They offer wide bandwidth, less interference, flexibility, high speed, phase and low propagation loss. On the other hand the performance stability of smart antenna depends upon the Direction of arrival estimation of the signals which are incident on the antenna array. In Smart antenna, to locate the desired signal, various direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms are used. In this paper besides a short review on the advances on smart antenna, certain assumptions for the DOA estimation has been shown. A uniform linear array is used to explain the algorithms. In the rest of study, we focus on different types of algorithms for DOA estimation with their performance comparison
Thermodynamic Analysis and Comparison for “COP” In Solid Adsorption Refrigeration Systems (BaCl2-NH3 & SrCl2-NH3)[Full-Text ] Jitendra Kumar, Naushad.A.Ansari, Vikas Verma , Pradhuman DobhalSolid sorption refrigeration systems are environment friendly as they use low grade thermal energy and the refrigerants used have zero ozone depletion potential and very low global warming potential. Though lot of efforts have been made in this field, COP of the solid sorption refrigeration system is still quite low compared to vapor compression refrigeration systems, thus there is a need for further research to make these systems a viable alternative to vapor compression systems. In this paper solid BaCl2 and SrCl2 are used as solid absorbent and ammonia as refrigerant .The technical feasibility of the system is studied using a simple thermodynamic model assuming ideal material kinetics. In this paper it shown that the variation of the COP & second law COPC with the variations of evaporator temperature, Ratio of mass of reactor material to that of absorbent bed mr and maximum desorption temperature .The main results showed that the generation temperature is very low for the BaCl2 - NH3 system, as shown by a comparative study of SrCl2 - NH3 system and BaCl2 - NH3 systems.
Stabilisation of Wind Farm Integrated Power System by Using STATCOM/SMES[Full-Text ] M. Amzad HossainIn this work, the STATCOM/SMES system with a voltage-source IGBT converter is modeled as a controllable energy source. The objective of the proposed STATCOM/SMES topology is to provide both active and reactive power, which can significantly decrease the voltage and power fluctuations of grid connected fixed speed wind farm. One major problem in wind generator output power smoothing is setting of the reference output power. Constant output power reference is not a good choice because there can be some cases where wind speed is very low and then sufficient power cannot be obtained. In that case, energy storage device can solve the problem but large energy storage capacity may be needed. Therefore, to generate output power reference STATCOM/SMES with wind power is modeled using a filter approach in which a Simple Moving Average (SMA) corresponds to the energy storage capacity. Thus the capacity of SMES can be small. Simulation results clearly show that the proposed STATCOM/SMES topology can smooth well the wind generator output power and also maintain the terminal voltage at rated level.
A Fuzzy Random Impulse Noise Detection and Reduction Method Based on Noise Density Estimation[Full-Text ] Dr. Muna M. Jawad, Dr. Ekbal H. Ali, Adel J. YousifIn this paper a new method is proposed for restoring images that are corrupted with random valued impulse noise. The proposed method employs the fuzzy logic approach and consists of three main steps: Noise density estimation, fuzzy noise detection and fuzzy noise reduction. In the fuzzy noise detection step, a fuzzy set Noise-Free is constructed based on the rank-ordered mean of the absolute differences and the estimated noise density to determine whether a certain pixel can be considered as a noisy or noise-free. While in the fuzzy noise reduction step, another fuzzy set Similar is constructed to determine the similarity degree for each pixel in the observed window. These two fuzzy sets are used together to determine the final fuzzy weight to each pixel for restoring the corrupted image pixels. Experimental results that based on peak signal to noise ratio, edge measure and visual observation show that the proposed method provides good results for noise suppression and detail preservation as well as outperforms many well-known filtering techniques.
A Review on Document Clustering Using Concept Weight[Full-Text ] Sapna Gupta, Prof. Vikrant Chole, Prof. Dr.A.MahajanTraditional document clustering techniques are mostly based on the number of occurrences and the existence of keywords. The term frequency based clustering techniques takes the documents as bag-of words while ignoring the relationship between the words. Similarly Phrase based clustering technique only captures the order in which the words appear in a sentence instead of determining the semantics behind the words. Considering the drawbacks of such system this paper proposes a concept based clustering technique. The ideology behind this concept is uses Medical Subject Headings MeSH ontology for extracting the concept and the concept weight calculation is done by its identity and relationship with its synonym. The method used for clustering documents on Semantic is called K-medoid algorithm through which the results are analyzed.
Fractional Frequency Reuse and Power Control for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Using Lagrange and Gradient Descent Method[Full-Text ] Dr. B. Bharathi, Anima GoswamiAmong the fast growing wireless network capacity and coverage demands, the heterogeneous wireless networks have emerged in a great way. More advanced interference coordination and radio resource management schemes are necessary to achieve a high network capacity. This is the result of the co-deployment of high power and low power nodes in the same network using the same spectrum, In this paper, an optimal fractional frequency reuse and power control scheme that can efficiently coordinate the interference among high power and low power nodes is proposed. In order to carry out the sum of the long term log-scale throughput among all the user equipments (UEs) and also to maximize it, the above mentioned scheme can be optimized. The Lagrange dual function is first derived for the proposed optimization problem and the Gradient descent method is then used to search the optimal solution for the convex dual problem. The optimal solution for the dual problem is accepted as the optimal solution for the primal problem, as the system exhibits a strong duality condition. The proposed scheme can greatly improve the wireless heterogeneous network performance on system capacity and user experience.
Power System State Estimation Distributed Computing Technique[Full-Text ] H. Nagaraja Udupa, H. Ravishankar KamathThe growth of modern electric power system is phenomenal. In this era of automation, Electric companies depend more on SCADA based system. The main challenge is to solve large and complex non-linear equation with huge measured data in a very short time. The various techniques discussed in the literature are having their own limitations. A few such methods are Two level state estimation by M.Y.Patel, A.A.Girgis et al [2], Bahgat A. , Sakr [7], Fuzzy logic by Jeu-Min Lin, Shyh-Jier Huang et al., [3], Dynamic State Estimation by S. J. Huang and K. R. Shih [4], S. K. Sinha and J. K. Mandal, [5] and G. Durgaprasad, S. S. Thakur, [6], Multi-level state estimation by Mofreh, M. Salem, McColl et al..,[9]. This paper presents an innovative state estimation technique without compromising the existing Newton-Raphson state estimation mathematical model. A node/bus along with its connected nodes/buses is called “Node Area”. This node area can be treated as an independent entity provided sufficient measurements at each node area and adequate communication between the processors of each node-area are made available. The growing smart grid application to power system makes it suitable for this unique Node Area level of state estimation. This paper presents complete analysis of Node Area state estimation technique along with its computational time and comparison with the conventional Integrated State Estimation (ISE).
Decentralized erasure code assisted cloud with smartcard implementation[Full-Text ] P.Yogalakshmi, S.P.ManirajCloud Computing is becoming next stage platform in the evolution of the internet. It provides the customer an enhanced and efficient way to store data in the cloud with different range of capabilities and applications. The data in the cloud is stored by the service provider. To ensure security and to prevent the data from discloser by unauthorized users, encryption of the data at the local device, e.g. desktop, tablet, or smartphone, prior to the data transfer to the remote cloud-based storage is the only possible solution. But if a cloud system is performing a task of storage of data and encryption and decryption of data on the same cloud then there are much more chances of getting access to the confidential data without authorization. This increases the risk factor in terms of security and privacy. This paper describes an enhancement for the already existing data security model in cloud environment. The proposed data security model provides user authentication and data protection using digital signature. It also uses locking protocol in cloud data storage with the help of CSP for data update. The main technical contribution is that the proxy re-encryption scheme supports encoding operations over encrypted messages as well as forwarding operations over encoded and encrypted messages. Our method fully integrates encrypting, encoding, and forwarding. We analyze and suggest suitable parameters for the number of copies of a message dispatched to storage servers and the number of storage servers queried by a key server. These parameters allow more flexible adjustment between the number of storage servers and robustness.
Ground Water Quality Assessment of Najaf City, Iraq.[Full-Text ] Kasim Kadhim AlasediGroundwater (GW) quality in Najaf city were evaluated by determining Radon (222Rn), Heavy metals (HMs), and physiochemical parameters of twenty-seven different public GW on November 2013. The products showed that wells 222Rn concentrations ranged (317-5010) Bq/m3 were lesser than 11000 Bq/m3, a maximum contaminant level (MCL) proposed by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). hydrogen ion concentration (pH), Electrical conductivity (EC), Total dissolved solids (TDS), Salinity (Sal.),Turbidity (Tur.), Cations ( Na+, K+ ) and heavy metals (HMs); Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb for the groundwater under study has been examined. The results showed great variations among the analyzed samples with respect to their physical and chemical parameters. However, most values were higher the maximum permissible levels recommended by world health organization (WHO) drinking water standards. The harvests of metallic contents except Cu and Zn were higher the maximum permissible levels recommended by WHO drinking water standards. The quality assessment shows that in general, the GW in the study area is not entirely for direct drinking according to physiochemical properties and HMs concentrations, the water in the studied wells can be used for irrigational purposes.
Comparative Study of Effect of Temperature and Chloride on Silica Fume Concrete and Metakaolin Concrete[Full-Text ] Mr. Ranjitsingh Pandurang Pati, Dr. H. S. JadhavMany civil engineering structures are subjected to marine conditions such as dock structures, bridges and oil refinery projects, etc. So this becomes im-portant to study the effects of salted water on the concrete and its compressive strength. Also in some accidental case concrete structures are directly getting exposed to fire, which may cause loss in strength of structural components. In this paper, we have carried out the study of the effect of temperature and chloride (NaCl) on silica fume and metakaolin concrete. For this study, we have used M20 grade concrete, so as to find out effect on general category concrete as it is widely used in practice. The concrete cubes (150 mm × 150 mm × 150 mm) are cast for cement replacement by silica fume and metakaolin with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The 0% specimens are considered as ‘Controlled Specimen’. Then these specimens are tested after 60, 90 and 120 days for 2000C. Similarly, separate cubes are cast for same M20 mix proportion and tasted after same days, respectively, as Chloride Attack Test. For this we have kept 5% NaCl consistency. The graphs are studied with respect to ‘Controlled Specimen’. These show variatios in compressive strength for cement replacement by silica fume, metakaolin concrete for chloride attack and temperature. For chloride attack, results show that up to 10% replacement, concrete gives better compressive strength. And then after compressive strength goes on decreasing, subsequently. Thus 10% give a desirable percentage of replacement. Similarly, compressive strength goes on increasing with age of concrete for temperature exposure.
An Efficient Privacy Preservation for Data Outflow[Full-Text ] D. Raja VigneshwarPrivacy preserving data mining methods apply a transformation which reduces the effectiveness of data. The goal of privacy preserving data mining is to develop algorithms to preserve and such, no confidential information remains preserved as a result of applying data mining tasks. In existing system the ID3 decision tree learning algorithm along with AIDA is used. The problem in the existing system has insufficient storage mechanism and this ID3 only can be implemented for discrete valued attributes only. The proposed work covers a new privacy preserving approach via dataset complementation which confirms the utility of training dataset for decision tree learning along with C4.5 algorithm. It converts the sample datasets into some unreal datasets such as any original dataset is not reconstructable if an unauthorized party were to steal some portion of data. Meanwhile, there remains only a low probability of random matching of any original dataset to the stolen datasets. Leakage of unreal dataset can be overcome by detecting the leakage user. Data Distribution strategy is proposed to improve the distributor’s chances of identifying a leaker.
Fuzzy Technique for Assessment the software Productivity[Full-Text ] Vishal Choudhary , Dr.P.K BhartiSoftware engineering is a field of computer science that concerns the establishment and use of engineering principals for the development of high quality reliable software at a consistent productivity rate, with minimal cost within a scheduled time. There is a myth that software does not wear out deform or crack. But recent research found that software can wear-out and deform. Software maintenance claims a large proportion of organizational resources .however it is difficult to assess the actual maintenance performance effects of software practices because their impacts is realized over the software life cycle to estimate the impact of development activities in a more practical time frame, this research develops a fuzzy logic based model in which software complexity density is a key intermediate variable that links design and development decisions to their downstream effects on software maintenance. Our results show an important link between software development and maintenance performance
Reverse Engineering: Decipher of elementary Software’s using rudimentary tools[Full-Text ] Romil Gandhi, Deesha Vora, Prof.Vinayak ShindeReverse engineering is a process of analyzing, decompiling, debugging, and if required making patches in software for uncovering the limitations. Reverse engineering: 1) It is a field in computer engineering which helps to decode the applications to solve the determined purpose. It is the last phase after the application is fully developed and tested i.e. when it is in production phase. 2) It can be used by almost all industries for the betterment of software which is self-developed. It can be used to remove the software glitches, to do better with the security aspect and can be used to optimize the performance of software. 3) It is a way where the particular applications executable is open differently to find the source code instead of running normally. It is exactly opposite of the software development cycle which is used to design application. 4) As the name states that going back from the end point to start point in a linear fashion for accessing and uncovering the features of an application.
Preparation of Iran Oil-Rich Zones; Emphasizing Environmental Issues[Full-Text ] Fatemeh AdibisadinezhadOil industry has a very old history in world. The oldest civilization has been in Nile Valley, Tigris and Euphrates, and in China. Historical documents and explorations of archeologists indicate that, mentioned people have been familiar to oil from ancient times. 4000 years BC, people of Tigris and Euphrates used to apply asphalt as the mortar in building. They used to also apply the asphalt to prevent water influence; coating ship and boats; as fuel; and to treat some diseases. Among treatment applications of oil one can mention skin diseases, Rheumatism, and other diseases. In Iran, explorations have indicated that, Iranian society used to apply asphalt as mortar in buildings since 5 or 6000 years ago. They used to also apply asphalt for installing and connecting jewelries and ceramic dishes; and coating boats and so on. The main objective of the present study is to preparing Iran oil-rich zones, emphasizing environmental issues. Necessity of considering environmental issues in oil industry and relevant industry would become clearer, when people find that achieving industrial sustainable development would be impossible without considering environmental issues. Problems of environmental pollution, induced by oil and its products, have gained special position in environmental issues at the world currently. Negative pressure of the problem has made critics to attend different discussions in this regard.
Variations of Surface Refractivity for Different Climatic Zones across West Africa[Full-Text ] Ajileye, O. O, Jegede, O. O, Ayoola, M. A, Eguaroje, O. E and Mohammed, S. OTemporal variations in surface refractivity, N, in the lower part of the atmosphere is an important parameter in the study of micro-meteorology and in planning of terrestrial communication links. Previous studies across West Africa on surface refractivity were based on extrapolated data from radiosonde measurements which lacked the required resolution and coverage necessary for the investigations of spatial and temporal variations of surface refractivity across West Africa particularly in the lower atmosphere. In this study, West Africa continental areas have been partitioned into four climatic zones: Mangrove Rain Forest (below latitude 5oN); Tropical Rain Forest (within 5oN and 10oN); Guinea Savannah (within 10oN and 15oN); and Sudan Sahel (within 15oN and 20oN). The Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) dataset used for this study are satellite and model-based products covering thirty-six meteorological stations in four climatic zones across West Africa within Latitude 3o and 20oN. The data contained three variables including atmospheric pressure at 2 m and 10 m, temperature at 2 m and 10 m, and relative humidity at 2 m and 10 m within a period of 22 years (1983 – 2005). The results showed that the range of deviation was determined by seasonal moisture distribution. Seasonal variation of surface refractivity in climatic zones 1 and 2 showed similar trends of bimodal pattern and a deep in August due to short break in rainfall. Surface refractivity values were generally low during the dry months and high during the wet months. Surface refractivity was observed to have higher values at 2 m than 10 m. The maximum of 326 N-Units and 300 N-Units were recorded in April while the minimum of 300 N-Units and 261 N-Units were recorded in January for zones 1 and 2 respectively. Maximum values of 332 N-Units and 336 N-Units were recorded in June and July for climatic zones 3 and 4 while minimum of 272 N-Units and 269 N-Units were recorded in December and January respectively
Effects of Hall and thermal on MHD Stokes’ second problem for unsteady second grade fluid flow[Full-Text ] Dr.G.PrabhakararaoIn this paper, we investigated the combined effects of Hall and thermal on MHD Stokes’ second problem for unsteady second grade fluid flow. The expressions for the velocity field and the temperature field are obtained analytically. The effects of various pertinent parameters on the velocity field and temperature field are studied in detail with the aid of graphs.
Fault-Tolerance Verification in a Distributed Collective Collaborative Robotic System[Full-Text ] Sungeetha Dakshinamurthy , Dr.Vasumathi NarayananIn this paper, we model a collective collaborative robotic system which acts as a distributed system, solving the problem which a single robot cannot. A system consisting of n processes is modeled by a respective set of n communicating finite-state machines (CFSMs). Robotic processes often run concurrently and communicate with each other to accomplish a common goal. We begin from a specification of a set of robotic tasks in the form of CFSMs. As opposed to the traditional product automaton, built from a given specification of CFSMs, whose state-space explodes, we build a state-compressed model out of CFSMs. The model is composed by simulating the specified set of CFSMs in a global environment into a corresponding set of what are defined as communicating minimal prefix machines (CMPMs). The states of CMPMs form a well-founded, partial order. This model truly represents sequence, choice/non-determinism and concurrency exhibited by the concurrent robotic system tasks. The model provides a sound platform for performing state exploration/model-checking without exponential state explosion to verify both safety and liveness properties of the given set of robotic tasks.
Hand Identification Using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Ali M. Mohammed, Dr. Loay E. George, Dr. Ban N. DhannoonBiometrics refers to the automatic identification of a living person based on physiological or behavioral characteristics. Hand identification involves an analysis and measures of the features of the hand. In this work, an authentication system based on hand geometry (i.e., fingers' features) and non-geometry (central moment) are proposed and implemented. The features of the fingers are extracted from the binary figures sub-images which are producing after passing through a sequence of preprocessing stages. The authentication process consists of two phases, enrollment phase were image capture, binarization, edge detection, chain coding and feature extraction were implemented. In the verification phase, feature vector to the unknown person is extracted from its hand image were Euclidian method is used.
On The Stability of Immune-Tumor Model with Two Term Delay in Tumor[Full-Text ] Anuradha Devi, Aditya GhoshThe model presented here is a two variable model which include immune cell ( ) and tumor cell ( ). Two term delay has been introduced in the tumor growth. The intrinsic behavior of the tumor cell by the introduction of two delay terms have been analyzed under the equilibrium points. A relation of immune and tumor cell under the effect of delay at equilibrium point have been established in this paper. The stability condition of the model have been analyzed numerically.
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of some novel Schiff base Complexes of Ru(III) and their biological screening[Full-Text ] Netra Pal Singh, Poonam Saini, Asvini Kumar , Krishan KumarRu(III) complexes of novel Schiff base derived from 4, 5-Dimethoxy 1, 2-phenylenediamine and 5-substituted salicylaldehyde have been synthesized and characterized by various physico-chemical techniques viz. elemental analysis, magnetic moment, IR, NMR, TGA and electronic spectral studies. The complexes have found a stoichiometry of 1:1 (M:L), where in azomethine nitrogen and phenolic oxygen of ligand is coordinated to ruthenium. These studies revealed an octahedral geometry for all the complexes. The ligands and their complexes were screened for their antimicrobial studies.