Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 Edition
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A Hierarchical Resource Switching and Load Assignment Algorithm for Load Balancing in Cloud System[Full-Text ] Ambika Mishra, Prof. Susheel Jain, Prof. Anurag JainTo cloud computing is one of the fastest growing fields in computer networking, it provides the resources (hardware, software or other computing resource) as a service over a computer network (typically the Internet). However, the complexity involved in incoming load to the cloud and the limited availability and characteristics of the resources in the cloud needs some well-designed resource management system to efficiently utilize the resources, without any latency or lag. In this paper we are presenting an effective Virtual machines (VMs) controlling and load distribution algorithm for cloud computing. The proposed technique ensures power saving without producing delay. The proposed work is validated by simulating it for different cloud and load configurations using Matlab and the simulation result verifies the efficiency of proposed algorithm for cloud computing.
Secured Content Transmission and Remote controlling in MANET[Full-Text ] R.Subadhra, S.GovindarajThe Software entitled “Secured Ultimate VPN for Content Transmission Support in MANET” is a windows application which is implemented to replace the manual system effectively. It can eliminate the human errors, which are likely to creep in the kind of working with bulk quantity of data, and typical calculation has to be processed. This package designed for the particular need of the college placement cell is found to work out the operations effectively and efficiently. This system attempts to integrate all departments and functions onto a centralized database that can serve all those departments’ particular needs for placement support.
RGB Based Visual Steganographic Cipher Mechanism Integrating Biometric Authentication in RSA[Full-Text ] Pankaj Rakheja, Ritu Malik, Shivali GuptaCryptography is the art of making human readable text to non readable for ensuring secure communication over the network. There are broadly two types of cryptographic schemes one is symmetric cryptography and the other is asymmetric cryptography. In the symmetric cryptography we use single key for encryption and decryption which creates problem of key sharing whereas in asymmetric cryptography different keys are used for encryption and decryption so key sharing is not a problem. But now traditional cryptographic ciphers are prone to different attacks and problem of authentication also exists. So we have integrated biometric and visual cryptographic modules in the basic RSA module to make it more secure. The RSA encrypted text or message is hidden through LSB insertion in RGB components of an image which also has shares of the fingerprint of the desired recipient. The receiver would be able to get the message only if his fingerprints matches to that of the desired one else he would just be able to see image only that is we have hidden the existence of secret message so as to make it even more secure. Computer simulation has been carried out to validate the proposed technique
Metal based Synthesis of Graphene by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique[Full-Text ] Umber Kalsoom*, M. Shahid Rafique, Rabia Shaheen, Khizra Fatima.Pulsed laser deposition technique was used to investigate the effect of cobalt and silver on the fabrication of graphene layers on silicon substrate at 500oC temperature. A uniform and layer by layer deposition of the graphene film has been identified by Atomic Force Microscopy. Micro Raman spectroscopy revealed that by increasing graphite content there is decrease in ID/IG ratio and increase in I2D/IG ratio which is indicative of the formation of low defect, monolayer and few layer graphene.
Directional Derivative in Edge Detection[Full-Text ] H. Aboelsoud M. Step edges are localized as maxima of the gradient modulus taken in the direction of the gradient, or as zero-crossings of the Laplacian or the second directional derivative along the gradient direction. This paper shows that the step edge can be localized as a zero or positive minimum of the magnitude of the second derivative along the gradient direction, or the negative minimum of the third derivative. The results of applying the proposed methods to real images are given. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods over the classical methods are presented.
Effect of Magnesium on Wear Characteristics of Silicon Carbide and Alumina Reinforced Aluminum-Metal Matrix Composites[Full-Text ] Md. Habibur Rahman, Dr. H. M. M. A. RashedMagnesium (Mg) plays an important role in improving interfacial bond strength between reinforcing particles and aluminum (Al) matrix in aluminum-metal matrix composites (Al-MMC). Strong interfacial bond affects mechanical and wear properties of Al-MMC. The purpose of this work is to investigate the effect of Mg on wear characteristics of silicon carbide (SiC) and alumina (Al2O3) reinforced Al-MMC. Al-MMC reinforced with varying wt. % of SiC and Al2O3 were prepared using stir casting fabrication technique. Hardness and wear characteristics of prepared composites were evaluated. Microstructural observation revealed random dispersion of reinforcing particles in Al matrix. Hardness test results indicated that hardness of both unreinforced Al and Al-MMC increased after Mg addition. Heat treatment increased the hardness of Al-MMC further. Pin-on-disc wear test results showed that Mg addition increased wear resistance of Al-MMC. Heat treated Al-MMC showed better wear resistance compared to as cast Al-MMC.
An Improved Spectral Subtraction Algorithm for Noise Reduction in Cochlear Implants[Full-Text ] Saeed Kermani, Marjan Mozaffari leghaCochlear implants are widely known as the unique ways for persons with severe to profound hearing loss to restore some degree of hearing. Speech enhancement strategies play an important role in improving the cochlear implant. In this paper, a noise reduction algorithm is proposed that applies a spectral subtraction using the classifications between the speech dominant and the noise one in each channel. The proposed classifications use the spectrum entropy of observation signal in each channel. The performance of the proposed noise reduction algorithm is evaluated with segmental SNR using Noisy92 sentences embedded in babble and white Gaussian noise (WGN) at 0–20 dB SNR. On the basis of comparing segmental, and visually inspecting the enhanced spectrograms, the proposed method was found to effectively reduce noise.
Facile Route to Synthesize Organically Capped Size Controlled Silver Nanoparticles[Full-Text ] Joseph A. Adekoya, Enock O. Dare, Kehinde O. Ogunniran, Tolutope O. Siyanbola, Anuoluwa A. Akinsiku, Cyril O. Ehi-Eromosele, Christiana O. Ajanaku and Winifred U. AnakeA versatile route to synthesize polymer based and polyol mediated silver nanoparticles with tunable morphological properties was evolved. Novel three dimensional (3D) quasi nanocubes, one dimensional (1D) nanorods and (2D) nanorods were produced by rapid solution phase transformation of silver sol with hot addition of absolute ethanol or toluene. The optical characterization showed existence of plasmon resonance band occurring in all cases. The electron micrographs revealed that the shape, size and size distribution of as prepared silver nanoparticles depended on the stabilizer or capping agent, mole ratio of metal ion sources, temperature and time of reaction.
Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Review[Full-Text ] Parth I Patel, Ninad C Bhavsar, Neha R SoniNeighbor Discovery (ND) is an important pre-requisite for a typical Wireless Ad-hoc Network for achieving self-organization and multi-hop communications which subsequently affect routing, MAC and topology control protocols. Reliability, Resource Efficiency and Responsiveness could be termed as important performance parameters for a typical Neighbor Discovery protocols. This paper attempts to review the working/ operations of some of the popular ND approaches/techniques under various operating scenarios/ assumptions.
Analysis of Cometary X-ray Spectra[Full-Text ] S. Z.Khalaf and M. I.JaleelThe compositions of comets depend on the interaction between cometary nucleus and tail with solar wind. The chemical composition of cometary nuclei is inferred from measurements of neutral and ionized gases from the coma, tail, and dust grains. The comets images have been taken from Chandra space telescope site and analyses by SAO ds9 software (version 7.2 April 15, 2013) to obtain the spectroscopic data. The results illustrate the relationship between the photon count and the observed energy for two comets (C/Linear 1999 and, C/NEAT 2001). These two comets come from Oort cloud, observed with Chandra X-ray observatory and ACIS-S spectrometer in the energy range (100-10000) eV. The results of this interaction are important to know composition of two comets, we found that main materials are C, Si, O, Ne, Mg, and S in C/Linear comet, and C, Si, P and O were significant elements in C/ NEAT comet’s nucleus .
Mineral-Mineral Interactions as a possible limiting factor to livestock production in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya[Full-Text ] Shisia K.Silvanus, Ngure Veronica, Nyambaka HudsonA study was conducted in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya between January 2010 and December, 2012 to determine the effect of mineral-mineral interaction on mineral concentrations and its contribution to mineral deficiencies in grazing cattle in the county. Samples of soil, pasture and blood samples were collected from selected farms in the region. The trace and major mineral elements were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrometry except Molybdenum which used UV-Vis spectrometry. The study revealed severe deficiencies of copper, zinc in soils; sodium, potassium calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc in pasture species and iron, manganese, copper, magnesium in animal blood. The mineral-mineral element interaction was a major contributor to the mineral deficiencies reported in the region. There was evidence of possible magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc deficiencies due to Ca-Mg, P-Mn, Fe-Cu, Cu-Mo and Fe-Zn interactions respectively. These interactions reach potential importance when the first mineral is in excess compared to the second. The negative interaction of metal ions is one of the major dietary factors that causes low bioavailability of these nutrients. The study recommends immediate mineral manipulation in feed rations for grazing cattle in the county.
Survey of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Email Management[Full-Text ] Jainesh Patel, Neha R SoniIncrease in internet speed provides an environment to grow the use of emails. Almost all organizations now communicate with the help of emails, which makes emails an important part of human life, as it helps in daily communication in formal or informal way. The rapid growth and use of email increases the problem of email overload. The email management is the task of managing emails into different categories or classes or folders according to some criteria or condition. The email management task is talked with the help of machine learning algorithms. This paper surveyed Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor from supervised and K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means, Evolving Email Clustering Method from unsupervised algorithms for email management. These algorithms are discussed in brief along with their working strategy and their performance for email domain.
SMS Public Access Catalog (SPAC)[Full-Text ] Mayura Dunung, Amit Ghotikar, Prashant Navkudkar, Ranjitsinh Pasale, Rushikesh DeshmukhThe main objective of this project is to build a library management system with Short Message Service (SMS) and android application basically for college which can be used from anywhere and anytime. This system provides SMS facility for checking availability and reservation of books in library and also an android application which shows all the books available in the library and has a facility for checking availability and reservation of books. This reduces the travelling time to the library and makes the working simple.
Using cloud computing-exaggerated promoting worth of ERP structure[Full-Text ] Vishali thakur, Anant kumar jaiswalOur project entitled “Using Cloud computing – exaggerated promoting worth of ERP structure”. Associated with vast type of instrumentality growth regarding on-line facilitate within the cloud, additional IT executives area unit allowing whether or not to maneuver their enterprise resource coming up with (ERP) systems there in addition. whereas a couple of IT organizations have succeeded in moving a vicinity of their “fringe” ERP services, like human financial gain systems, into the cloud, a bunch of CIOs keep distrustful of doing the parallel with core financial and provide chain operations.
Leakage Power Minimisation in memory design using an adaptive technique to optimize the Body Biasing Voltage[Full-Text ] Asmita Pattnaik, Kanan Bala RayHere the discussion and analysis is based on an adaptive technique that has been done using 180nm Technology in Cadence.It is being used with the memory design of 6T SRAM cell for Leakage power minimization in the Standby mode of operation, SNM based calculation to check the stability of the circuit.This Adaptive system used over here to provide an optimal value of the body bias voltage which will increase the threshold voltage and the leakage reduction will occur in whole standby process as well as an effective compensation of the process and temperature variations.
Numerical Modeling of Fretting Fatigue Crack Propagation based on a Combined XFEM and Mortar Contact Approach[Full-Text ] Abbas Moradi, Saeed Adibnazari, Mohsen SafajuyIn this Paper, crack propagation in the fretting fatigue problems has been investigated. In order to include the contact constraints, the mortar formulation is employed. Mortar method provides a powerful algorithm for solving frictional contact problems. For modeling of cracks and crack growth, the eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) due to its influential capability for modeling of cracks and crack growth, is employed. In this method, the finite element mesh does not need to conform to the crack. Therefore, only a single and regular mesh can be used for any crack geometry. Classical law of coulomb is applied to model the friction. The consequential sets of non-linear equations are solved using an efficient numerical algorithm based on Updated Lagrangian formulation and Modified Newton–Raphson iteration method. A two-dimensional computer code is developed based on proposed procedures, and crack propagation in fretting fatigue problems is investigated. On utilizing the non-linear contact capabilities of the code, the numerical technique is applied to solve some typical problems of contact. Then a fretting fatigue problem is modeled and the results are validated by comparison with the results of fretting fatigue tests. The presented numerical examples show that the presented formulation exhibits a suitable accuracy and has a reasonable convergence rate.
Quantum theory and Paradoxes[Full-Text ] K. Salehi, Suzan M. H. Shamdeen, Esraa A. M. SaedWe want to review the Paradoxes in quantum mechanics and show that despite the large number of interpretations and ideas in Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Three variant Loic (QTL) solves the quantum well-known paradoxes.
Irys A Jewelry Tracking And Management Application[Full-Text ] Anagha Ainapure, Urvi Gandhi, Yashodhara Pandit, Megha BisaniFrom the last few years Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has gained increasing focus from the developers as well as actual users. Its main advantage lies in the usage of RFID tags over the now in use barcodes. The prominent advantages are:tags are available in sizes ranging from postage stamps to burly sizes, RFID tags need not be visible to the reader, mere presence in the read zone is sufficient for a successful scan ,tags have no moving parts and can be in protective material for an indestructible case with a multi-year life span, tags can be placed in extreme environments and perform to specifications thereby allowing organizations to handle a variety of industrial, material handling and asset management applications, RFID tags are available in various packaging and are available as a reusable tag too. The prime objective of “IRYS- Jewelry Tracking and Management Application” is to create a full-fledged android application which could locate a jewelry item based on the RFID code read as the input. It focuses on identifying an RFID tag attached to the jewelry item and shows the complete details. It will generate complete reports regarding sales analysis, staff management, inventory, customization of the product, etc. It will also provide marketing tools which will foster ROI of the jeweler. The app will be useful in B2B and B2C transactions. It is developed using the Android 4.0 version, API 15 (Ice-cream sandwich).
Simple Antiflexible Rings[Full-Text ] M. Hema Prasad, Dr. D. Bharathi, Dr. M. MunirathnamLet R be an antiflexible ring of characteristic ? 2,3. In this paper, first we prove that associator is in the center. Using this, we prove that a simple not associative and not commutative antiflexible ring R is right alternative .
Review of Computational Approach to Finite Element Analysis of Slab[Full-Text ] Mohd Nasim, Chintan PathakSlabs are one of the most widely used structural elements. The function of slabs is to resist loads normal to their plane. In many structures, in addition to support transverse load, the slab also forms an integral portion of the structural frame to resist lateral load.The paper presents review of computational approach to finite element analysis of slabs. The finite element method is chosen as this is more powerful and versatile compared to other numerical methods.
A new theory on "All-e" culture[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaThis scientific research focus that "All-e" culture shall be considered as the prehistoric Divine, social culture enhancing the human society having he sense of "ONE NESS", "ONE FAMILY". All-e culture shall also be considered as "e-MEDICINE" promoting "PEACE" and keeping the society under symmetric and Balanced condition.
Graph Based Text Classification[Full-Text ] Lakshmi KumariIn this paper, a graph based classifications model is proposed on the basis of the word semantic space. This model can solve the problems of vector space model, such as the order or words, the boundary between sentences and phrases, etc. Different feature selection methods are also explained in this paper.
Performance Analysis of an Earth Tube Heat Exchanger for Winter Heating in Erbil[Full-Text ] Sirwan A. RashaThe aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of a specially designed earth tube heat exchanger that was installed in a loamy soil inside the campus of the college of Engineering, Salahaddin University at Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan region for winter heating from November 2012 to February 2013. The system was composed of 23 pipes in form of two tiers buried at a depth increment of 3 – 4 m. Air was sucked from a testing room to the inlet pipe of the system by a ventilator which was powered by 70 W motor. The results indicated that the inside soil temperature differed significantly from the ground temperature recorded at a depth of 3.5 m. The coefficient of performance ( COP) in heating mode ranged from as low as 1.97 during November to as high as 4.22 during January. Furthermore, it was also noticed that Cop values that were obtained during the night time were higher than those obtained during the daytime. It can also be inferred that the system alone is not sufficient to create thermal comfort with a limited length of 33 m, but provides a significant portion of the heating load. The system efficiency can be improved by expanding the pipe network and controlling heat dissipation.
Efficient Service time Prediction and Bandwidth Reservation Technique for Vertical Handoff in 4G Networks[Full-Text ] Nirmal Raj T, R.M.SureshThe main challenge in 4G networks is the vertical handoff between pairs of different types of networks in the presence of 2G, 3G, WLAN, WMAN, satellite etc. along with the fulfillment of Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. The lack of QoS can cause breaks in network during handoff or loss of network at remote condition. Hence in order to overcome these issues, in this paper, we propose an Efficient Service time Prediction and Bandwidth Reservation Technique for Vertical Handoff in 4G Networks. Initially, when the Mobile Terminal (MT) is on a highly movable condition, an efficient service time prediction is done. It collects the distance, data rate, velocity and time threshold. According to the algorithm, an efficient service time provides seamless movement. The second procedure is for providing an efficient bandwidth management through a described algorithm. The solution is able to provide a better method to guarantee QoS in the network by providing efficient bandwidth utilization method and to provide a mapping method that helps in improving the transmission quality.
Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Actualize the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria: A Mission yet Accomplished[Full-Text ] Okwubunne Anthony Chukwudi, Mabude Charles Nnamdi, Ejiata Godbless Chukwudi, Okorhi Johnson OjiyowviSince the introduction of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the United Nations Millennium submit held in September 2000 by the 193 United Nations, Nigeria and other member countries have been working assiduously to meet up with the 2015 target date as agreed by the UN assembly. The question of how the MDGs can be achieved within the stipulated time and the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) made this paper imperative. The major focus of this work is to look at the way forward by using ICT to actualize the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria. This paper understudied the key challenges and uses of ICTs to drive the achievement of the MDGs with a specific focus on poverty eradication, education, gender equality, health, and environmental sustainability.
Chebyshev-Collocation Spectral Method for Class of Parabolic-Type Volterra Partial Integro-Differential Equations[Full-Text ] G. I. El-Baghdady, M. S. El-Azab, W. S. El-BeshbeshyThe main purpose of this paper is to introduce a novel numerical method for parabolic Volterra partial integro-differential equations based on Chebyshev-collocation spectral scheme. In the present work, the parabolic Volterra integro-differential equation is converted to two coupled equivalent Volterra equations of the second kind. Then, we approximate the integration by replacing the integral function by its interpolating polynomials with Lagrange basis functions in terms of the Chebyshev polynomials instead of using Gauss quadrature approximation to obtain a linear algebraic system. Finally, some numerical examples are presented to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method.
Systematic Entrepreneurship[Full-Text ] Adnan Miski, Mohammed BasheikhThe success of companies lies mainly in designing a competitive strategy and on the practicality of its implementation. Studies have shown that 9 out of 10 companies fail to implement their strategies. This project concentrates on finding the sources of weaknesses in implementation. It was found that there are two main reasons leading to failure in implementing strategies. The first reason is not having the right sequence of stages in developing and implementing the strategy. And the second reason lies in the lack of proper integration between these stages. In the present project, a new approach was developed to overcome the above mentioned weaknesses, namely, “sequencing” and “integration”. The approach focuses on the integration of two key capitals, the “Human Capital” and the “Physical Capital”. It was noted from literature that the failure of many companies is due to unjustified jumps from one capital to the other ignoring the integration and sometimes ignoring some specific types of capitals. The main contribution of this project lies in introducing how capitals are linked together and to present the holistic view of the process of developing and implementing a strategy, arriving at the end to a “Learning Organization”. The objective of this project is to provide the reader or anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur a sequential and systematic methodology to build his/her own company. Whether the company or organization is big or small this methodology can be adopted. The methodology that has been followed in evolving this approach is based on studies of success companies and through consulting experts who are dealing with success companies. The biggest advantage of this approach is in realizing that employees’ performance is the key and most important aspect of any successful business.
The Linkage Between Innovation and Services[Full-Text ] Muhammad AlEnzyInnovation would be the rule of thumb that facilitates the achievement of gaining competitive advantages and accomplishing excellence among others. Innovation starts from the early stages of recruiting people who can innovate new process to result in novelty and creative outcomes that fulfill the customer’s demands [3]. Innovation can results in increased market share, revenues, profits, reduced costs, and other significant implication that any firm would work to achieve. However, innovation is likely to have some atmospheres of uncertainty, risk taking, and entrepreneurial actions. And that would quietly require special conditions on both aspects of management and organizational culture [6]. Therefore, there is a need for exploring those conditions and managerial practices that can boost innovation in such firms that perceive innovation as a building block for their whole road map. And that would reveal more facts regarding innovative practices from both parties the firm (the product / service) and the consumer (the feedback). Moreover, an investigation as also required revealing the factors that might become barriers for innovation boosting, which result in poor performance and deficiencies.
A Critique on Forecasting Management Philosophy Lifecycle[Full-Text ] Muhammad AlEnzyBeing a passionate manager or employee will lead you to always looking for a better way to do the job and expecting better results from that way. However, this takes such person to do some research on how to make improvement at the workplace and how to develop such breaking results to your organization and targeted customers. And after searching on “how” to improve the workplace? The question will change into “what” to select out from all of these tools and techniques? Therefore, this leads us to the point where want to reveal; how to choose an improvement program or project? How it can be convincing for your organization to adapt such improvement? And what does really matter? All of these points will be discussed based on what was found in the article of “Forecasting Management Philosophy Life Cycles: A Comparative Study of Six Sigma and TQM” as well as all the view point that can enrich the subject.
The Direction Towards Lean Management[Full-Text ] Muhammad AlEnzyIn this paper, the measurement style in terms of measures and key performance indicators (KPIs) “which I doubt to have some of them as key!” will be discussed in the sense of the traditional / classical system and the modern lean system of measuring organizational performance. Some classification will be there for the traditional measurement system in terms of financial and nonfinancial measures, and how those measures differ from the ones in the lean systems.
A Novel Approach for Data Hiding using Tree based Parity Check Method with Art Image[Full-Text ] Ms. Rukaiya A. Chaugule, Ms. Amrita A. ManjrekarSince the rise of the Internet, security of information is one of the most important factors of information technology. This paper represents a new approach for data hiding by combining art image creation and tree based parity check method. First, a cubism-like art image which is an abstraction by prominent lines and regions is generated using source image. Then text message is embedded using tree-based parity check (TBPC) method into the cover art image created earlier. The TBPC method is a least significant bit steganographic method which is very efficient for hiding data in image due to its simplicity. Reducing distortion between the cover object and the stego object is an important issue for steganography. TBPC algorithm embeds data in cover image with minimal distortion yielding good quality stego images. This method provides a higher level of security to the valuable information.
Performance Analysis of Different LMS Algorithms for Health Monitoring ECG Sensor[Full-Text ] Monpur Ashwin, Chunduri.V.M.Naren SimhaIn this paper, with the latest advancements in electronics, several techniques are used for removal of unwanted entities from signals especially that are implied in the most sophisticated applications. The removal of power line interference from most sensitive medical monitoring equipment’s can also be removed by implementing various useful techniques with different error nonlinearity-based adaptive filters, which are computationally superior having multiplier free weight update loops are used for cancellation of noise in electrocardiographic (ECG) signals. The proposed implementation is suitable for applications such as biotelemetry, where power line interference (50/60 Hz) is the main source of noise in most of bio-electric signals. These schemes mostly employ simple addition, shift operations and achieve considerable speed up over the other least mean square (LMS)-based realizations. Simulation studies shows that the proposed realization gives better performance compared to existing realizations.
Promotion of heat transfer using twisted tape to generate additional turbulent[Full-Text ] Qasim Al-Saiman, Ossama ThamerHeat transfer enhancement techniques refer to different methods used to increase rate of heat transfer without affecting much the overall performance of the system. These techniques are used in heat exchangers. Some of the applications of heat Exchangers are-in process industries, thermal Power plants, air-conditioning equipments, refrigerators, radiators for space Vehicles, automobiles etc. These techniques broadly are of three types viz. passive, active and compound techniques. Three cases of heat transfer enhancement by turbulence promoters were adopted in order to increase the thermal performance of a double pipe heat exchanger effective length, 30 mm outer pipe diameter and inner pipe diameter (20 mm). Twisted tape of 10 mm width and 3.5, 4and 5 twist ratio were used as turbulence promoters to augment heart transfer inside the inner tube of heat exchanger at a Reynolds number range of 5000 to 35000 based on smooth tube diameter. Two new types of turbulence promoters are used to enhance heat transfer in the inner tube of the same double pipe heat exchanger. The first was by Twisted tape of (twist ratio= 4) and 1100mm length set up on the inner tube. The second was by Twisted tape of (twist ratio= 3.5) with five hole on it and 1100mm length at the same position. The third was by Baffled Reduced Width Twisted Tape (twist ratio= 5) with five holes, holes of diameter 6 mm were drilled at midpoint of two consecutive strips of BRWTT. Water was used as the working fluid in the two sides. Variation in the experimental conditions was attained by changing the mass flow rates of unenhanced side and changing the inlet temperature of hot fluid. These conditions were followed in order to increase the data points in addition to observe the effect of these conditions.
Soil Erosion Zonation Mapping in Parts of Hulgi Watershed using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques – A Case Study[Full-Text ] Chaitra R, Chandrakantha GSoil erosion is a continuous process that is relatively unnoticed in the Western Ghats region of Karnataka. Soil erosion is one of the most significant and widespread form of soil degradation that has environmental and economic impacts. Economically, soil erosion affects the productivity of land and hence conservation strategies assume lead roles in the development programs. It is therefore desirable to identify soil erosion in a watershed in order to plan structural works and other means of reducing the problem. The present work is a case study undertaken in parts of Hulgi watershed, a tributary of Bhadra River in the Western Ghats region. RS and GIS are employed to prepare thematic maps such as drainage, LULC, hydro geomorphology, slope, soil, and geology maps. These thematic maps are integrated on GIS platform after assigning weighted capability values to each unit in all the layers. Soil erosion zonation map prepared for the watershed indicates that 49%, 24%, 14% and 13% of the total geographical area is prone to very high, high, moderate and low soil erosion respectively. The present study demonstrates the efficiency of RS and GIS in generating soil erosion zonation mapping. Such maps are valuable resources for action planners to suggest suitable measures for overall development of the watershed.