Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 is in-process.
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Energy efficiency and conservation: a positive step towards sustainable economic growth of Nigeria.[Full-Text ] G.N Osaghae,H. Ahidjo,A.M UmarThe growth, prosperity and security of any Nation depend, to a large extent, on the adequacy, efficiency and functionality of its electricity industry. Unreliable power supply constitutes a major challenge to Nigeria’s economic growth and development, hence solving the lingering electricity problem is critical to realizing the nation’s quest to become one of the 20 largest economies of the world by 2020 and also becoming a preferred investment destination in Africa.
Agents Technology Based Cooperative Neural Networks for General Pattern Classification Model[Full-Text ] Hanaa Mohammed Mashjel, Dr. Loay E. George, Dr. Ban N. DhannoonSoftware agents technology took an important role in information technology world for solving the complex problems in the real world, they behave like human intelligently, autonomously, cooperatively, and socially to solve problems or to support human users. In this paper an efficient classification model using agent's technology based on Cooperative Neural Network (CNN) is introduced, where a modular Neural Network (MNN)-classifiers (trained using back propagation with adaptive learning rate) attempts to reduce the effect of complex classification problems by decomposing the large complexity classification task into several sub-tasks; each one is handled by a simple, fast and efficient agent (classifier), each agent implemented using neural network where the role of neural network technology in agents is a supporting one. In this work a simulator has been developed to generate data sets that have controllable statistical behaviors with various degree of complexity. The simulators as well as the whole classification model have been built using "vb.net". The developed system was tested using different simulation cases and was able to obtain 100% correct classification accuracy for all cases in optimal execution time (because it takes only 5.5 seconds only to classify 100 sample each of 10 feature).
Improved Pattern Classification Model Using Agents Technology Based Cooperative Neural Networks with Pruning[Full-Text ] Hanaa Mohammed Mashjel, Dr. Loay E. George, Dr. Ban N. DhannoonThis paper attempts to improve the efficiency of pattern classification model which proposed by "Hanaa M.M 2014" in [7], where an efficient classification model built using Cooperative Neural Network (CNN). It decomposes the large complexity classification task into several sub-tasks; each one is handled by a simple, fast and efficient classifier (agent). Although the previous system tested on various simulation cases and was able to obtain a 100% correct classification ratio upon the tested dataset with optimal execution time; but here in this paper, we improve its ability to choose the best useful sub-set of discriminating features given to the system through the input layer. The selection of best features is a complex process because it requires extensive experience and a deep understanding of the problem domain in case of very complex data set or when the number of distinctive features are few, so neural networks were able to detect the features have no role in CNN modules (which trained using Bp with adaptive learning rate) and, then, making decisions' by decreasing their weights or even applying pruning procedure to delete them such that performance of the classification process is impoved in terms of accuracy or time. The tests results indicated a success rate nearly 100% when simulated complex patterns are fed to the improved model. Also, the test results indicate that the raise of complexity degree does not cause dramatic effect on the system performance; except the model execution time becomes more than few seconds which considered a promising results.
Isolation and Identification of Highly Xylanase Producing Bacterium Sphingobacterium sp. SaH-05 from Soil[Full-Text ] Younes Ghasemi, Hajar Sadeghi, Ahmad Gholami, Milad Mohkam, Mohammad KargarA newly xylanolytic Sphingobacterium strain, designated as SaH-05, was screened from farmland environment of Fars province, Iran. Optimization of cultural conditions for production of xylanase was conducted by keeping all of parameters constant except the one which was studied. One hundred and fifty bacterial strains were isolated from different samples collected and screened for production of xylanase enzyme. One isolate designated as SaH-05 was identified as Sphingobacterium sp. based on morphological and biochemical characteristics along with 16s rRNA partial sequence analysis. This strain showed highest xylanolytic activity in media containing xylan as sole carbon source. The production of xylanase by this organism was optimized using different substrate concentrations, pH, temperature, incubation period and nitrogen sources. The maximum enzyme production (40 U/ml) by Sphingobacterium sp. SaH-05 was observed in wheat bran 0.9%, ammonium sulfate 0.01%, pH 8, 37 °C and after 24 h of incubation. Therefore, this indigenous isolate could be considered as promising xylanase producer with low requirement of carbon and nitrogen substrate, suitable for food industrial applications.
Google Glass[Full-Text ] Jinal C. Thosani and Prof. Dharmesh MistryProject Glass is a research and development program by Google to develop an augmented reality Head-Mounted Display (HMD). The intended purpose of Project Glass products would be the hands-free displaying of information currently available to most smartphone users, and allowing for interaction with the Internet via natural language voice commands. These glasses will have the combined features of virtual reality and augmented reality. Google glasses are basically wearable computers that will use the same Android software that powers Android smartphones and tablets. Google Glass is as futuristic a gadget we’ve seen in recent times. A useful technology for all kinds of people including handicapped/disabled.
Circuit Level Design Approaches for Radiation-Hard Digital Electronics[Full-Text ] C P Jain, K.B JoshiIn this paper, we present design based architectural techniques for radiation hardened digital electronics. These techniques can be applied at many levels of the design without any changes in the fabrication process technology. These are planned to just detect the presence of an upset in the system or although these are more complex to detect and correct the system error in the presence of an upset. Design based techniques are composed of some kind of redundancy which can be provided by extra components (hardware redundancy) or by an extra execution time or by different instants of data sampling (time redundancy), very often techniques implement a combination of both. We present a Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) and Code word state preserving technique that ensure radiation tolerance.
Evaluation of Natural Radioactivity Levels for Local and Import of Cement in Iraq[Full-Text ] Ali A. Abojassim, Mohammed H. Al-Taweel, Talib A. AbdulwahidCement samples were collected from Iraq market. Radioactivity was measured using (NaI)Tl detector, specific activity levels due to 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were measured in 11 cement samples. The average activity concentration Bq/Kg in the collected cement samples were found the range from (17.027±4.609) to (95.436±5.565) Bq/Kg with an average value of (40.49391±3.09627) Bq/Kg for226Ra, 232Th specific activities range from (2.303 ±0.319) to (8.8159±0.366) Bq/Kg with an average of (4.79±0.3455) Bq/Kg and 40K specific activity range from (84.135±5.387) to (389.436±8.364) Bq/Kg with an average value of (275.8±5.763) Bq/Kg . The average value of the radium equivalent was found (68.21907) Bg/Kg, while the average value of the absorbed dose in air, external hazard index and internal hazard index were found (32.9866) nGy/h, (0.2937) and (0.184298) respectively. The results were compared with international recommended values and found to be with in the international level.
Survey Paper on Data Mining Techniques: Outlier Detection and Text summarization[Full-Text ] Divya Goyal, Hardeep SinghIn this paper, we will discuss all the researches we have find till. And what we have concluded from that survey. We try to compare and combine two subjects that are Natural language Processing and Data Mining. We will work on Outlier Detection and Text summarization. Data mining is the process of extraction of data that would be of any kind and Outlier is detection of irrelevant data. Natural Language Processing is any kind of process that would be applied on natural language to make it understandable for other than any person and Text summarization is the task which can complete with the help of NLP procedures and is useful to compress the text.
TWO WAY WIRELESS DATA MESSAGING SYSTEM IN RURAL AREAS USING ZIGBEE[Full-Text ] A.NAVANEETH REDDY, D.L.V.S.SRIKANTH, T.MANOJ NAGA KUMAR, S.SAI ROHITHIn this paper, the data can be transmitted to and received from remote ZigBee communication device. Data Security is primary concern for every communication system. There are many ways to provide security data that is being communicated. However, what if the security is assured irrespective of the hackers are from the noise. This Project describes a design of effective security for data communication by designing standard algorithm for encryption and decryption. Zigbee is a PAN technology based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Unlike Bluetooth or wireless USB devices, ZigBee devices have the ability to form a mesh network between nodes. Meshing is a type of daisy chaining from one device to another. This technique allows the short range of an individual node to be expanded and multiplied, covering a much Larger area. The source information is generated by a keypad and this will be encrypted and is sent to destination through Zigbee modules. The receiving system will check the data and decrypt according to a specific algorithm and displays on the LCD. This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.
EFFICIENT TECHNIQUE FOR MATERIAL NOISE DIMINUTION USING IMAGE PROCESSING[Full-Text ] N.Nithyanantham, Dr.P.Suresh, Dr.M.SuganthiThe Automated visual inspection systems are developed effectively to identify the defects in various digital images in industries. These visual inspection systems have a scanned digital copy of a image to identify the defects in the image. The visual inspection systems are used textile fabric defect detection fruit defect detection metal crack detection and etc. In our research work we have used median filter high pass filter and low pass filter to eliminate the texture elements in the digital image by dividing the defected area. In this research work we have proposed a new defect detection algorithm which is fast and simple compared other defect detection algorithms. We have implemented the technique of feature extraction and segmentation to identify the defects in the image.
Pre-Post Processing of Discriminated Data in Data Mining[Full-Text ] Vaibhav P Sonawane, P C JaypalData mining is increasingly important domain for retrieving knowledge from the large from the large databases. However potential privacy invasion and potential discrimination have made a negative social perception about data mining. The later consist of unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people specifically on basis of their age, region or race. Biased decision may occur because of sensitive attributes which may infer in biased rules. Such discrimination is defined as direct discrimination. Some biased decision may occur because of some attributes are strongly connection with the sensitive attributes; such discrimination is called as indirect discrimination. In this paper, we try to summarize the techniques used to prevent this discrimination also some transformation are being focused. We also highlight the post-processing method to remove discrimination by using (CPAR) algorithm.
Noise Reduction in Computed Tomography Image Using WB Filter[Full-Text ] S.Senthilraja, Dr.P.Suresh, Dr.M.SuganthiImage processing concept play a important role in the field of Medical to diagnosis of diseases. Noise is introduced in the medical images due to various reasons. In Medical Imaging, Noise degrades the quality of images. This degradation includes suppression of edges, blurring boundaries etc. Edge and preservation details are very important to discover a disease. Noise removal is a very challenging issue in the Medical Image Processing. Denoising can help the physicians to diagnose the diseases. Medical Images include CT, MRI scan, X-ray and ultrasound images etc. This paper we implemented a new filter called WB-Filter for Medical Image denoising. WB-Filter mainly focuses on speckle noise & Gaussian Noise removal especially in the CT scan images. Experimental results are compared with other three filtering concepts. The result images quality is measured by the PSNR, RMSE and MSE. The results demonstrate that the proposed WB Filter concept obtaining the optimum result quality of the Medical Image.
Brain MR Image Classification Using Least Squares Support Vector Machine[Full-Text ] Mrs.Sapna N.Gaikwad, Prof. Dr. D. S. BormaneThis research paper proposes an intelligent classification technique to identify tumor. The manual interpretation of tumor based on visual examination by Radiologist/physician may lead to missing diagnosis when a large number of data are analyzed. To avoid the human error, an automated intelligent classification system is proposed which caters the need for classification of medical image after identifying the volume normal and abnormal images for tumor identification. In this research work, advanced classification techniques based on Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM) are proposed and applied to medical image classification using features derived from images.
Preparation and characterization of multi walled carbon naotubes /Ag nanoparticles hybrid materials[Full-Text ] Adawiya J. Haider, M.R.Mohammed, Duha S. AhmedIn this paper, multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have been functionalized by concentrated acid treatment. Then Ag nanoparticles are attached onto the functionalized F-MWCNTs using a chemical reduction process as an example of direct formation of AgNPs/ MWCNTs hybrid materials between the functionalized F-MWCNTs and the Ag ions. Finally, chemical composition and crystallographic structure of F-MWNTs and Ag/MWCNTs results have been confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman measurements. Zeta potential analysis has been shown the change of the surface properties of F-MWCNTs and AgNPs/ MWCNTs hybrid materials, while transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used for characterization of the morphology of results as well as the distribution of nanocrystals on the MWCNTs surfaces. These observations point to the potential use of MWNTs decorated with silver nanoparticles as building blocks for antimicrobial applications, optoelectronic devices, solar energy conversion, and photocatalysis.
Implementation of Total Productive Management in Manufacturing Companies through TQM & Process Improvement Techniques[Full-Text ] Muhammad Zeeshan Rafique, Atta-Ur-Rahman Mir, Waqar SaadatThe main goal of any manufacturing company is to raise its profitability by proper improvements in the quality and quantity of company output. In this global economy and furious competitors, total Quality management is considered to be major way to long term profitability. Quality is basically a business strategy leading to growth, success, and to enhance competitive position. In this research there is a description of implementation of different process improvement tools to enhance quality for engineering products in manufacturing company. First of all overall Equipment Effectiveness is calculated and in second step, implementation of different tools like 5s, Six Sigma, TQM, PVR and QCO are used to increase company efficiency.
Flexural Performance of Bamboo Reinforced Foamed Ae-rated Concrete Beams With and Without Compression Reinforcement[Full-Text ] Efe Ikponmwosa, Funso Falade, Christopher Fapohunda, James OkosunThe results of investigation conducted to evaluate the flexural performance of foamed aerated concrete beams with bamboo splints as tensile reinforcement, but with and without shear links are reported in this paper. The properties assessed are: density, compressive strength, crack pattern, deflection, and failure and moments. Foamed aerated concrete, having a cement-sand ratio of 1:3 was prepared. For foam generation, foaming agent and water in the ratio of 1:33 was prepared. A total of seventy two numbers of 225 x 225 x 2350 mm beam specimens with bamboo splints as reinforcement, with and without shear links and compression reinforcement were tested for flexural strength. For the shear links, 8mm diameter steel reinforcement at 150 mm centres was used. The specimens were tested at 7, 21, 28 and 45 days of curing. The results showed that beams specimens without compression and shear reinforcement exhibit shear failure while the beam specimens with compression and shear reinforcement displayed flexural failure. Larger deflection was recorded for beams without compression and shear reinforcement than for beam specimens with compression and shear reinforcement. Also beam specimens with compression and shear reinforcement developed higher moment than specimens without compression reinforcement. From the results of the investigations, it can be conclude that specimens with compression reinforcement in the compression zone displayed a better flexural performance than specimens without compression reinforcement in the compression zone.
Wi-Fi Based Positioning Algorithm for Indoor Environment using 802.11 Standards[Full-Text ] Sikandar Khan, Adeel Akram, Saeeda UsmanWi-Fi based positioning approaches perform a significant role in resource localization using IEEE 802.11 standards for indoor environment without requiring specialized positioning hardware. User’s position is calculated on the basis of Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from Access Points (AP’s) within a coverage area by using Hata Okumara model and technique adopted is Trilateration. Experimental results indicated marked improvement in accuracy with reference to previous work using the same technique. Statistical data shows improvement of results in efficiency and being accurate enough to locate user within 1m or less in indoor environment.
Enhancing Protocol Steganography Using Firefly Algorithm[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Dr. Ziyad Tariq Mustafa, Asst. Prof. Dr. Bassim Abdul Baki Juma, Authman Waleed KhalidProtocol steganography is a secret mechanism that can be used to leak significant information across a network in a manner that violates security policy and it can be difficult to detect. The huge amount of data and vast number of different protocols in the internet seems ideal as a cover for secret messages. In this paper, a proposed method is suggested for protocol steganography system enhanced by firefly algorithm. The proposed method uses the TCP/IP protocol header field of packets chosen by firefly algorithm to cover secret message. The secret characters are encoded to ASCII code before merged in IP ID field using specially designed embedding / extracting algorithms in order to make the system more complex to be defeated by attackers. Results are tested successfully with different sizes of secret messages, and different sizes cover raw packets.
Numerical Investigation of Fredholm Integro- Differential Equations by STHWS Method[Full-Text ] S. Sekar and C. JaisankarIn this paper presents a method based on Haar wavelet approximation using single-term Haar wavelet series (STHWS) to obtain approximate numerical solution of Fredholm integro-differential equations of first [26] and second order [5]. The numerical results obtained by the present method compares favorably with those obtained by various methods earlier in the literature. The obtained discrete solutions were compared with exact solutions of the Fredholm integro-differential equations of first [26] and second order [5] and Runge-Kutta method (RK) to highlight the efficiency of the STHWS.
An Improved Satellite Digital TV Broadcasting Layout based On the Compression Model with Proposed QPSK model[Full-Text ] Salauddin MahmudDigital Video Broadcasting Satellite (DVB-S), - Second Generation (DVB-S2) is a digital television broadcast standard that has been designed as a successor for the popular DVB-S system. In this paper Satellite television system Digital Video Broadcasting layout has been improved. Data compression model has been inserted to the broadcasting layout and also Proposed QPSK modulation has been design based on the data compression model.
E-Commerce: Indian Scenario[Full-Text ] Mrs.Nilima Jadhav, Mrs.Harsha PatilAdvent of Internet has made the world “shrink” these days. Customer is not bound to the local market but has expanded its search to international markets. Ecommerce is the term which has made a profound change in the way purchase and buying has been done these days. As American and European markets have reached the maturity phase, Asia is becoming increasingly attractive to businesses, especially to e-commerce firms that thrive on global and scalable business models. Asia is a large and rapidly growing region with a rising spending capacity of middle class, growing internet usage and an acute penetration of mobile phones. This Desk research focuses on the issues faced in development of e-commerce in India and Asian subcontinent as a whole.
Wet dark fluid Cosmological Model in Lyra’s Manifold[Full-Text ] A.S.Nimkar, M.R.Ugale A.M.PundIn this paper, we have obtained field equations and their solution in the presence of wet dark fluid in Lyra’s manifold with the aid of Bianchi type-I space time. For solving the Einstein field equations the relation between and is used. Also, some physical and kinematical properties of the model are discussed.
A new Technique for Solving A Linear Pro-gramming Problem with Homogeneous constraints in Fuzzy Environment[Full-Text ] S. Mohan and Dr. S. Sekar This paper proposes a technique for solving a Fuzzy Linear Programming Problem(FLPP) when some of its constraints are fuzzy homogeneous. Using these fuzzy homogeneous constraints a fuzzy transformation matrix is constructed. This fuzzy transformation matrix transforms the given problem in to another FLPP with fewer fuzzy constraints. A relationship between these two problems, which ensures that the solution of the original problem can be recovered from the solution of the transformed problem. A simple numerical example explains the steps of the proposed techniques.
CONSERVATION STATUS OF MANSBAL LAKE: A CASE STUDY[Full-Text ] Ajaz Ahmad Magray, Dr. Tasleema JanMansbal lake is located in Jammu and Kashmir State of India.The present study aims to analyse the conservation status of Mansbal lake. It can be concluded that there is an immediate need to conduct a collaborative study on the present status of the lake. Thus, the present study serves as a reference for the future conservation planning and management of the lake.
HL7 Aware Medical Information Exchange[Full-Text ] Ajeta Nandal, Usha BatraThe complexity of sharing information among different databases remains the major issue in achieving patient medical record. There are many researches done to solve issues like differences in data formats ,structures of tables and communication mediums is still far away to achieve the goal. The Middleware application semantically identifies the nodes or concepts between different databases of different applications to perform inform exchange among different hospitals. The architecture of middleware application offers advantages in system robustness and flexibility. Since concept matching is performed automatically, the effort which is required to enable data exchange is construction of the semantic network representation using xml. Pre negotiation is not at all required between different healthcare organizations to recognize data which is compatible or not for exchange between them, and there is no additional overhead to add more databases to the exchange network. Because the concept matching process is dynamic which performs at the time of exchange of information, therefore the system is simple and robust to customize in the available databases till representation of semantic network is updated.
Investigation of Flushing Phenomena in a Reservoir[Full-Text ] Shoaib Ashraf, Hashim Nisar Hashmi, Abdul Razzaq Ghumman, Usman Ali Naeem, Ali ShaminSediments eroded from the catchment area plays key role in diminution of reservoir efficiency and overall performance.Sediment concentration depends upon many factors i.e. topography of catchment area, vegetation cover intensity of rainfall and duration of rainfall etc. Most reservoirs in the world have lost their major storage capacity due to sediment deposition and inadequate flushing phenomena. Sediments can be removed by flushing process. In order to observe the flushing phenomena and its characteristics experiments have been performed on a one dimensional model located in Hydraulic laboratory of Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering & Technology Taxila. Sluice gate having circular opening was installed at the bottom of the dam model. Sand having 1200 kg/m3 density and 0.75mm mean size diameters was used as sediment. Chanel having dimensions (20m x 1m x 0.75m) was modified as a reservoir model. Experimental results indicated that the rate of sediment flushing is dependent on the discharge, flushing channel width and water surface profile.
The Implementation of Electronic Health Record Systems: The factors influencing the successful implementation of Electronic Health Record Systems[Full-Text ] Mayowa Olayemi AkomolafeThe Electronic Health Record is a very important technology to improve the health care delivery, but the implementation has been challenging. However despite of all the benefits, physicians are not showing interest in adopting the technology and to compete well in today’s market all health institutions must explore the opportunities of the new technology. The aim of this paper is to critically analyze the factors which influence the successful implementation of the EHR system.To achieve the successful implementation of EHR there is need for involvement and participation of all the relevant stakeholder groups in the health sector. Involvement and the dedicated attitude of users is very important to achieve implementation success. A good leadership skill and change management strategy is also very important to manage people. The end users should be communicated too as early as possible to involve them in implementation.