Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017.
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A man 56 years old suffers from thyroid crisis. Case Report in Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro Hospital[Full-Text ] Maharani, Nila, Hasan, Farid AlBackground: Thyroid crisis is one of endocrine disorder emergency with rare incident only about 10% but high mortality number about 20-30%. For making it easy to diagnosed, doctor can use Burch and Wartofsky score. Once a doctor assume that patient with thyroid crisis, it must be treated fast. Case Report: A 56 years old man was brought to the ER Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro hospital by his family in a state of delirium on November 29th, 2017 evening. His family said that he had fever, nausea, and vomitus about 2 days. His awareness was being deteriorated since this morning. Glasgow Coma Scale was E2M5V3. His blood pressure was 140/90, heart rate 124 bpm irregular, respiratory rate 28x/minute, temperature 39,40C. His eyes looked slight exophtalmus and conjunctiva seemed jaundice.
Isolation of stigmasterol, α-amyrin acetate and lupeol acetate from Tabernaemontana Stapfiana Britten[Full-Text ] Kipkemei Abraham SeremPlant sterol, compound (1) and two pentacyclic triterpenoids, compound (2) and compound (3) were isolated from Tabernaemontana stapfiana Britten. The stem extracts of the plant were subjected to isolation and characterization of the compounds using several chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques.
Designing of Circular Monopole Patch Antenna Loaded With SRR[Full-Text ] Apoorva Dhiman, Mr. Sudarshan KumarThe EM conduct of the coplanar waveguide fed, filled split ring resonator to the ultra-wideband antenna with single band notch symptoms have offered. The size of proposed antenna 30x35x1.6 mm3 is very compact and easy to integrate with handheld devices. Here the antenna loaded with SRRs to create single frequency notch in 6.41GHz to 8.26 GHz used for X-band satellite communication. The radiation pattern of H-plane is omnidirectional and radiation pattern of E-plane exhibits like a dipole. The antenna gain is stable across the absolute operating frequency besides at notch. Therefore, a VSWR< 2 with a large bandwidth was cognizable. This work investigates several problems simulated using HFSS (High frequency structure simulator) tool.
RE-READING ISAIAH 6:1-8 IN CULTIVATING THE ART AND SCIENCE OF WORSHIP THROUGH 3C’S[Full-Text ] Jonathan Ola. Ojo Worship is primal in people’s experience of the numinous. In fact, human beings are relational beings and as such try to relate to higher being through worship. Worship is a way of expression of love, dependence, devotion, loyalty to the almighty. Worship is like a two way traffic which is purely interactive, dialogical, with a lot of dynamism, remarkable and spectacular experience of the worshipper.
The Effect of Community’s Perception of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Biogas Utilization for Cooking Towards Community’s Interests of using Biogas in Pacet Sub-District of Cianjur Regency[Full-Text ] Erry Rimawan, Muhammad Kholil, Edi Saadudin, Angga Dwi MulyantoThe purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting community’s interest in using biogas as an alternative energy for cooking in Pacet Sub-district, Cianjur Regency. The analyzing tool used in this research was regression analysis. The result indicated that people's perception of the advantages and disadvantages of biogas utilization as cooking energy gave significant effect on community’s interest to use biogas. Thus one way to increase community’s interest in utilizing biogas as cooking energy was by educating the people about the advantages of biogas as well as providing a solution to the weakness of using biogas, especially in relation to the guarantee of biogas sufficiency for all residents’ cooking needs.
State of the Art Study of Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Mohammed Yesuf Getu, Husain ShahnawazIndustrialization of Cloud Computing platform opens the doors for the technology but as well it raises the security concerns for the stakeholders of the technology. Cloud computing is a “network of network” over the internet and possible backbone of development and deployment of services, therefore possibilities of intrusion is more with the intensification of erudition of intruder’s attacks. For cloud computing, enormous network access rate, relinquishing the control of data and application to service providers and distributed attacks vulnerability, an efficient, reliable and information transparent a very powerful security system not only the intrusion prevention system but also an Intrusion Detection System is obligatory. In this paper, a state of the art study for cloud computing features and IDS models as well as the key players of the technology and open source simulators to support the researchers and for a better and optimized efficiency and transparency for the cloud services.
Reviewing the evidence in the proper management of headache in primary care[Full-Text ] Badeah Ayesh Alsofyani, Rahaf moawed AlslaqiThe primary aim in this specific review was to discuss the classification of headache, highlight the prevention and as well emphasize the diagnostic process in primary care and evidence on the influence of diagnosis on management. Comprehensive search was performed using following databases; PubMed, and EMBASE, for studies discussing the roles of family doctors in management of headache in primary care all studies published up to September, 2017. Headache is one of the most common symptoms in the general population.
Assessment of the student learning outcomes for the research course (CMED 305) from 2011 to 2014 at college of medicine, King Saud University[Full-Text ] Prof. Ahmad Fathallah, Rakan Nayaf AlMutairi, Nawaf Abdullah AlSuhaim, Ibrahim Abdullatif BinMuhainy, Abdullah Awad Al Shehri and Abdulrhman Molfih Alshahrany.Health research courses are an important component of medical education to improve medical care.(1) Studies have proven that research experience during medical college strongly associated with postgraduate research initiatives.(2,3) CMED-305 course is the first gate for students in College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to enter medical research life. The research will give a feedback to Community Medicine Department to help them in the process of course development. In addition, the course progress has never been assessed for the last three years.
Hypertension and coronary artery disease[Full-Text ] Saoud Tariq Etaiw, Dana Essam Asali, Nasser Ali Aljalfan, Esam Mousa Othman Aqeeli, Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed, Ali Nassir Bumejdad, Fatimah Assad Aljabri, Hamzah Mohammed Alarfaj, Wed Ahmed AlsubhiIn this article, we will discuss the relationship between CAD and hypertension, also we will review both nonpharmacological therapy and the different classes of medications and their benefits in the management of hypertensive individuals with CAD. We performed comprehensive search using biomedical databases; Medline, and Embase, for studies concerned with Hypertension and coronary artery disease published with English language up to, October 2017. Hypertension is a significant threat factor for coronary artery disease.
Consequences and management approaches aortic stenosis[Full-Text ] Haitham Rasheed AlHaeti, Meshari Khaled Alowais, Razan Yaseen Alharbi, Abdulrahman Salem Al-Nahdi, Randah Fahad Alsallum, Rawan Khalid AlBraik, Faisal Abdullah Alosaimi, Afnan Ayed O Almutairi, Ahmad Edan AlzahraniThe aim of this review is to briefly explain the pathology and etiology. As well as to discuss the management methods and further progress and consequences of the AS. We conducted a search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), through October, 2017. Search strategies used following MeSH terms in searching via these databases: “aortic stenosis”, “Management”, “Treatment”, “etiology”. The progression of AS is very variable.
NUMERICAL MODELLING OF VELOCITY AND TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION INSIDE A CABINET DRYER ON NO LOAD[Full-Text ] Olaoye, O.S, Waheed, M.A and Lucas, E.BMajority of ginger farmers in Nigeria are using the open-sun drying method for drying agriculture produces. This method is time consuming and exposed the material to rain and contamination. A maintenance friendly and properly enclosed dryer is desired. A hybrid solar-biomass dryer was studied and adapted to suit the needs of small scale ginger farmers in Nigeria. The dryer model was evaluated using commercially available computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to study natural convective heat transfer process inside the dryer. The results show that thermal heat distribution in the drying chamber was uniformly distributed for the natural convection model considered.
Online Bank Transaction Processing System : An Operational Overview[Full-Text ] Amit Hajare, Dr. Kishor R. KolheThe paper presents a brief overview of Online Bank Transaction Processing system which addresses entire process of online trading starting from the basic Terminologies to functionality offered by each components & then heading towards actual work flow. As we all know how much secured and confidential bank account details are than what actually makes it possible for middleware’s like Flipkart, Paytm, Snapdeal to look into clients account and smoothly carry out transaction process, by deducting the exact payment and that too without causing any security issues. The payment Gateway is responsible for offering n number of features such as customer & merchants account authentication, unforgivable proof by customer to merchant & bank. Most importantly personal credentials of user are highly secured.
A comparative study between lycra integrated slub (LIS) yarn and normal slub yarn produced in same ring spinning frame[Full-Text ] Md. Abid HasanThis project work focused on the comparative study between the lycra integrated slub (LIS) yarn and normal slub (NS) yarn. The core spun method was introduced in the Slub mechanism for producing lycra integrated slub yarn. The experiment and test results indicate that the strength, unevenness, elongation percentage, hairiness of normal slub yarn were significantly affected by introducing lycra as core component. The yarn properties were compared with those of 100% cotton ring slub yarn. Lycra integrated slub yarn showed lower unevenness, imperfection and strength values than that of normal slub yarn.
The Use of Ceramic Tile Waste as Aggregate in Concrete[Full-Text ] E. H. Wadie, E. F. Sadek, M. M. Abdel WahabThis paper presents the results of an experimental studyto investigate the potential of using recycled ceramic as aggregate in concrete. The ceramic aggregate used in this study wasrecycled from industrial ceramic tile waste in Egypt. The physical and mechanical characteristics of the recycled ceramic aggregate were investigatedand compared to the conventional aggregates. Eleven concrete mixes with constant w/c ratio were prepared and tested. The reference concrete mix was made withconventional coarse and fine aggregates (crushed stone and natural sand). Five mixes were prepared incorporatingcoarse ceramic aggregate as partial substitute of coarse aggregate with replacement levels of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. Besides, five mixes incorporated fine crushed ceramic as partial substitute of fine aggregate with replacement levels of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%. Slump test was conducted to investigate the effect of incorporating ceramic aggregates on the workability of fresh concrete. Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, density, water absorption and sorptivity tests were accomplished to investigate the properties of hardened concrete.The experimental results revealed that the use of recycled ceramic tile aggregates is promising in structural concrete applications.
TWO DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS OF TRANSPORT PHENOMENA OCCURRING DURING CONVECTIVE DRYING OF GINGER[Full-Text ] Olaoye, O.S and Alagbe, S.ODrying is a preservation technique to reduce the water content of the food product to a safe level and to minimize biochemical reactions of the degradation and also to increase the shelf life of the product. Transport phenomena involved in drying process of food is considered in this study. The important parameters in drying process such as temperature, time, velocity and humidity were considered in the theoretical study of drying process of ginger.
DCT-DWT-Based AudioWatermarking Using SVD[Full-Text ] Salma Rizk,Fahmi Khalifa,Mohamed A. Mohamed, Mohy El-Din A. Abou-SoudThis paper proposes anovel and efficient algorithm for digital audio watermarking. The proposed system is ahybrid framework taat utilizes discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) in addition to singular value decomposition (SVD) and quantization. In the proposed method, the original audio is initially segmented into nonoverlapping frames. Watermark data is embedded into the largest singular value of amatrix formed from coefficients of two levels DWT which were obtained from the largest singular value obtained from DCT coefficients of each audio frame by quantization.
MANAGEMENT OF UPPER EXTREMITY INJURIES[Full-Text ] Kastriot Haxhirexha, Saimir Heta,Ekrem IsmaniInjuries of the upper extremities represents a most frequents problems in ED. This wound must be treated actively and effectively while optimal anatomical repair and functional recovery must be take in consideration because they may have significant consequences for the individual life. The surgical treatment of upper limb wounds depends on several factors such as the type and extent of injury, the nature of the wound, the interval between injury and treatment, and of course the age of the patient.
Determination of polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids and evluate the antioxidative properties of extracts of five marine sponges of Atlantic Morrocan coast the essential by DPPH[Full-Text ] M. El Amraoui, Z. Rhandour, J. Benba, A. Abourriche B. El Amraoui, T. BamhaoudMarine sponges have been regarded as a treasure trove of drugs compared to a great potential regarding their secondary metabolites. Most studies have been conducted on compounds derived from the sponge to examine its pharmacological properties. Such compounds have been found to have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antitumor, immunosuppressive and cardiovascular activities.
Thermodynamic analysis of release volatile species during pressurized combustion of biomass[Full-Text ] Gul-e-Rana JaffriHigh level of volatile species (e.g. Na-,K-,Cl-, and S) are released during combustion of biomass.The accumulation of these species causes eventual problems such as agglomeration, fouling, slagging and corrosion, especially in gas turbines, on super heaters and in the colder part of heat recovery systems. Thermodynamic study of high released volatile species is informative prior to carry out experimental work. Therefore, thermodynamic equilibrium was calculated using FactSage 5.2, simulating combustion conditions at elevated pressure (5, 10 and 15 bar) at 1000 °C Their releasing order of various volatile species was estimated by plotting mole fraction of each species at elevated pressure(5, 10 and 15 bar) at 1000 °C . These calculations predict that SO2 is the most stable species for combustion. At all pressure the lowest amount of H2S and NaCl volatilized for Rice husk while lowest volatilization of kCL for Bagasse evolution of NaCl, KCl and HCl depends on the amount of Cl present in both biomass (e.g. Bagasse and Rice husk).
AMYAND’S HERNIA: A REPORT OF TWO CASES[Full-Text ] Kastriot Haxhirexha, Lutfi Zylbehari, Ekrem Ismani, Ferizat Dika - HaxhirexhaInguinal hernia is one of the most common operations in general surgical practice. During hernia repair the surgeon may encounter in hernia sac unusual contents such as appendix which can be partly or completely introduced into the hernia sac. Sometimes appendix can be inflamed or adhered with the walls of sac. The presence of appendix in inguinal hernia sac is very rare and is known as Amyand’s hernia.
EVALUATION AND TREATMENT OF FUNCTIONAL CONSTIPATION IN CHILDREN[Full-Text ] Ferizat Dika – Haxhirexha, Kastriot Haxhirexha, Lutfi Zylbehari, Ledia Kaci, Sevdie Koxha, Krenar Kercishta, Aulona HaxhirexhaFunctional constipation is one of the most healthcare problem during childhood. In the pediatric population its incidence has been estimated to be approximately 3%-10%.
SOLID PARTICLE EROSIVE WEAR OF POLYESTER HYBRID COMPOSITES USING TAGUCHI APPROACH[Full-Text ] Suresh.J.S, Dr. M. Pramila Devi, Dr. M Sasidhar, Dr.K.Sai ManojSolid particle erosion has been considered as a severe problem for many failures in engineering applications. This article presents the analysis of erosion reaction of a glass fiber reinforced polyester composites with modified weight proportions of natural filler materials like Arabic gum tree coal powder(A.C.P), Jambal tree coal powder(J.C.P) and Neem tree coal powders(N.C.P) which act as secondary reinforcement materials. Assessment of wear behaviour is carried out experimentally by an air jet type erosion test rig and Taguchi orthogonal arrays have been used. Taguchi method is well known technique that provides a universal and efficient methodology for design optimization and experiments were followed by using Taguchi experimental design (L27 orthogonal array). Use of orthogonal arrays significantly reduces the number of experimental configurations to be studied. Finally, the through experimentation has led to determination of significant process parameters and material variables that predominantly influence the wear rate of glass fiber reinforced polyester with modified weight proportions of natural particulate fillers of Arabic tree coal powder(A.C.P), Jambal tree coal powder(J.C.P) and Neem tree coal powders(N.C.P) respectively.
An Empirical Study Of The Application Of Data Mining Techniques Classification In Intrusion Detection System[Full-Text ] Mohssine EL AJJOURI, Siham BENHADOU, Hicham MEDROMITo detect the unwanted traffic on a network, there is a great need for intrusion detection system robust and powerful which can detect the attacks. The IDS need to be accurate, adaptive, and extensible. Recently, many novel methods are experimented to build strong IDSs. These approaches include neural networks, decision trees, support vector machines, classification and clustering techniques, thereby helping in development of smart intrusion detection systems. The aim of this paper is to present an experimental study of many techniques of dataminig. The simulations are made using WEKA datamining tool and NSL-KDD dataset.
Multiple Buffer Overflows in Kerberos Authenticated Services[Full-Text ] Kaiser Ali BhatThe buffer overflows occurs when data exceeds the array bounds, causing the variable and state information to change. Since the process does not check these additional changes and thus acts incorrectly thereby places the system in an un-secure state. This paper analyses the impact and existence of such vulnerabilities in Kerberos 5 developed by MIT. This paper dictates various measures to address these problems as proposed by MIT.
Study of synthesis, molecular structure and application characterization of a novel stilbene based diazo direct fibre dye for dyeing various fibres[Full-Text ] Noor MuhammadColors are shaded mixes which are used for passing on shading to the silk, nourishment stuffs, materials and fleece. Direct dyes were at first familiar fiscally for application with cellulosic fibers and this was so far their most essential use. The improvement rate of direct dyes for cellulosic strands was depended upon to continue growing. The present research work was related to prepare of new 4,4-diamino biphenyl stilbene - 2,2-disulphonic destructive based direct shading. This prompt shading was organized by methods for buildup, diazotization, hydrolysis and coupling forms. The joined shading had been associated on cellulosic material by debilitate process. Shaded surface qualities moreover had been concentrated, for instance, light speed, rubbing snappiness and washing speed. Application qualities like salt focus, pH, shading temperature and shading time were moreover shown. The fundamental depiction of consolidated 4,4-diamino biphenyl stilbene - 2,2-disulphonic destructive based direct shading were done with fourier change infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR).
A Survey to Study PhD Direct after Graduating Masters: A Suggestive Flow Model[Full-Text ] Thakur Dhakal, Shraddha TiwariThis survey presents the survey on motivation and suggestions from seniors to study Ph.D. direct after completion of masters study. This paper is prepared form the survey, done on a Facebook close group named “PhD and Postdoc Positions”. The inquiry status was, “After Masters what is your suggestions: Phd or Job”. The sample survey was done for 24 hours where 365 commentators commented on the post and found 49.45% of them suggested to do job direct after masters, other recommended to do PhD, Job & PhD at same time, do marry, self-business and others as travel, take rest and so on were 25.28% , 14.01%,5.22% ,3.02% and 3.02% respectively. According to the responses a dynamic mental model is formed to understand the entire suggestions.
Ecthyma gangrenosum leading to fatal outcome in a 1 year old previously healthy boy[Full-Text ] Afrah A Ghawi , Ahmed E Shamakhi , Nabeel S DhayiEcthyma gangrenosum is a skin lesion with fatal prognosis, the most common cause being the infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It usually occurs in patients with immunodeficiency or in critically ill patients with chronic diseases. Ecthyma gangrenosum in previously healthy individuals is rare.
Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial studies of some transition metal complexes derived from Curcumin and 2-Aminopyrimidine[Full-Text ] Saritha. T.J, P.MetildaSchiff bases are an important class of compounds in medicinal and biological field. However various studies have shown that schiff bases derived from biologically active ingredients present in medicinal plants are more effective in biological and medicinal activity than in its pure form. In this paper Zn(II), Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) complexes were synthesized from schiff bases derived from curcumin (a yellow bioactive component extracted from curcuma longa) and 2-Aminopyrimidine.The ligand and their complexes were characterized by powder XRD,SEM-EDAX, and Antioxidant studies. Also the synthesized ligand and metal complexes have been screened for their antimicrobial activity against E.coli, S.aureus, B.subtilis, P.aeruginosa, K.pneumoniae and against various fungi like A.flavus and P.notatum. Results reveals that the complexes showed enhanced activity than their corresponding ligand.
Surgical management of ischemic bowel surgery: Review[Full-Text ] Abdulelah Hussain Mohammed Al hamid, Essa Ali Hasan Alshehri, Abdulaziz Hassan Ghaythan Alamri, Ali Saad Mohammed Alshahrani, Ahmad Hussain Misfer Al-Qahtani, Ahmad Saeed Al Ayed, Mazen Ali Saad Alqahtani, Dhafer Fayez Abdullah Alshehri, Abdulrahman Awaji Alnami, Saud Abdulaziz Musa Alqahtani, Hassan Mohammed saeed aladhadhiThe aim of this review is to discuss the surgical treatment of ischemic bowel, that’s why it’s very important to understand the anatomy, etiology and pathophysiology of this disease. We outline the diagnosis types and surgical treatment. We conducted a search through electronic databases; PubMed, and EMBASE, for studies published in English language thought instant to 2017. Studies discussing the Surgical management of ischemic bowel surgery were included whether were reviews or control studies. The etiology of ischemic colitis is multifactorial and also the medical presentation variable. The medical diagnosis is based upon a combination of clinical suspicion, endoscopic and also histological results. Treatment and also result rely on the seriousness of the illness. The majority of situations of the non-gangrenous type are transient and also solve spontaneously without difficulties. Identifying danger factors in younger patients and also sustaining a high index of suspicion is necessary to institute appropriate care. Most of patients respond to medical management. High morbidity and also death and immediate operative intervention are the trademarks of gangrenous ischemic colitis.
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM (DSS) FOR MAXIMIZATION OF AVAILABLE TRACTOR POWER[Full-Text ] Engr. Akerele Felicia .O. and Mr. Omotayo Temidayo . D. Engr.Akhire C.NathanielThe design support system for maximization of available tractor power is a project designed for a mono-functional purpose of calculating all the parameters involved in tractor power maximization. This paper explicitly focuses on the conjunction of model driven decision support systems (DSS) which is a branch of decision support systems that deals with manipulation of a statistical, financial, optimization, or simulation model which has significant effect of agricultural practices(especially in farm-mechanization).
Analysis of Seasonal Temperature Variation on Thunderstorm Activity over Barkin Ladi, Palateau State Nigeria[Full-Text ] T.A Mshelia, T.I Yahaya, .S. Ojoye and M.B YunusaVariation in temperature has been a general concern to scientist due to its direct and indirect effect on meteorological phenomena (thunderstorm). This research work examined the effects of seasonal temperature variation on thunderstorm occurrences over Barkin Ladi area of Plateau State. Thirty five years (1981-2015) of temperature (Max) and thunderstorm (TS) occurrence was extracted from the archive of Nigerian Meteorological Agency Abuja. The data were subjected to statistical analysis using regression and correlation analysis to evaluate the effect of seasonal temperature variation on the occurrence of TS.
A Comprehensive Collation of River Basins in Nigeria: Benefits and River Basin Development Planning and Management[Full-Text ] EZENWEANI Raymond SundayRiver basin is defined as an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries. There are over eighty major rivers in Nigeria and the biggest among them are the river Niger and Benue. Significances of river basins include; provision of drinking water, food, habitat, fossil information, transportation, recreation, hydro-electric power, erosion control, flood control, oceanic recharge and pollution control. There are eleven River Basin Development Authorities in Nigeria and they are charged with functions such as water supply facility construction and control, basin management and pollution control and fishery and its control. River Basin Development Planning and Management is the process of identifying the best way in which a river and its tributaries may be used to meet competing demands while maintaining river health and could be single purpose, dual purpose, multipurpose, comprehensive or integrated. There are threats to river basin in Nigeria and the commonest include waste input, excessive water resources exploitation and invasive weeds. River systems in Nigeria should be properly and sustainably developed to enhance economic growth of the nation.
Mitigation of Current and Voltage Perturbations in a Power Distribution Network by Fuzzy Control of UPQC[Full-Text ] Ramesh Babu Mutluri, Yatindra Gopal,Suman KhicharIn power quality, the current harmonics is the common problem and voltage sags are the severe. This paper presents voltage and current perturbations compensation by Unified Power Quality Conditioner in a power distribution system. The topology is based on a parallel active power filter and a series active power filter which share two DC link capacitors acting as 3-phase voltage source inverters.
Construction and Empirical Study of Electronic Piezzo Buzzer Mosquito Repellent[Full-Text ] Ikeri, H. I., Onyia, A. I., Chima A.I., Nwobodo A.NA successful construction and study of a 20 - 70 kHz Electronic Mosquito Repellent is here presented. The device has three compartments: a power unit which ensures a constant 5 V DC supply to the system, the oscillator which generates the ultra-frequencies that drive the buzzer and the piezo buzzer that converts the ultra-frequencies to ultrasounds. The ultrasonic device sweeps sound waves in the range of 20 - 70 kHz which are well above the upper human audible limit but nonetheless produces enough stress on the nervous system of mosquitoes to repel them. Experiments were carried out to obtain counts of mosquito bites on exposed observers with the repellants active as well as with the repellant inactive. The results showed that mosquitoes were repelled significantly by ultrasonic emission in the ranges of 40 – 55 kHz frequencies, the higher the intensity of the ultrasounds, the greater the repelling effect on mosquitoes. However, safety considerations limited our device to 60- 70 dB . The device is cheap, reliable, non-toxic and can provide a better alternative to most of the traditional repellents. The device is also tunable to the optimum hearing frequencies for mosquito and other insects.
Voice Controlled Personal Assistant Using Raspberry Pi[Full-Text ] Ass. Prof. Emad S. OthmanThe purpose of this paper is to illustrate the implementation of a Voice Command System as an Intelligent Personal Assistant (IPA) that can perform numerous tasks or services for an individual. These tasks or services are based on user input, location awareness, and the ability to access information from a variety of online sources (such as weather or traffic conditions, news, stock prices, user schedules, retail prices, telling time, local traffic, travel assistant, events, notification from social applications plus one can ask questions to the system, invoke its machine learning otherwise get it from Wikipedia… etc…..).
A Survey On Various Data Dissemination Techniques Used In Data Analytics – Business Intelligence[Full-Text ] M V Kamal, P DileepBusiness Intelligence (BI) are the set of strategies, processes, applications, data, technologies and technical architectures which are used to support the collection, data analysis, presentation and dissemination of business information. BI technologies provide historical, current and predictive views of business operations. Common functions of business intelligence technologies are reporting, online analytical processing, analytics, data mining, process mining, complex event processing, business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics and are capable of handling large amounts of structured and sometimes unstructured data to help identify, develop and otherwise create new strategic business opportunities. The goal is to allow for the easy interpretation of these big data.
Chronic rhinosinusitis, updated review of treatment approach[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman Hassan O Makin , Reem Mohammed Noor Kalakattawi , Yahya Ali A Khubrani , Nassar Mohammed Alqurashi , Sulaiman Ahmed Hussain Darbashi , Wjood Abdullah Altalhi , Muna Mahmod Saleh Sambawah , Mohammed Ahmed H AgeeliThis review was conducted for the purpose to demonstrate and summarize the most updated various treatments in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Moreover, to discuss the etiology and pathogenesis of CRS. PubMed/Medline, and Embase databases were comprehensively searched for relevant studies concerning chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) especially current treatment options available for CRS. studies published between 1991 up to date (2017) were included in this review.
Reviewing the diagnosis and treatment approaches of epiglottis[Full-Text ] Wjood Abdullah Altalhi , Abdulrahman Hassan O Makin , Reem Mohammed Noor Kalakattawi , Yahya Ali A Khubrani , Nassar Mohammed Alqurashi , Sulaiman Ahmed Hussain Darbashi , Muna Mahmod Saleh Sambawah , Mohammed Ahmed H AgeeliCurrent review was aimed to discuss and overview the epiglottitis from different clinical approaches, as we intended to review the diagnostic methods used for a proper diagnosis of epiglottitis, as well as the treatment of it. Review was performed, following the review studies guidelines using electronic medical databases; (PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Google Scholar). All databases searches were performed for articles published up to June, 2017.
Stress and Burdens among Family Caregivers of Adult Patients with Cancer at Oncology Center in Al-Najaf City[Full-Text ] Mohammed rashed oweed; Fatima Wanas KhudairCaregivers have an important role in caring and in recovery of patient with cancer. They may experience psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and decreases in quality of life.
Sexual and Urological Problems among men with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in Al-Najaf center for Diabetes and Endocrine[Full-Text ] Alaa Sabeeh Mahel al Khuzaai; Fatima Wanas KhudairDiabetes is one of the biggest health problems in the world. About 4.6%, or approximately 285 million people are with diabetes in 2010 in the world. The projections indicate an increase in the number of diabetes cases which reaches in 2030 to 7.7% or about 439 million. A descriptive design cross-sectional study was applied to identify the sexual and urologic problems among men with diabetes mellitus type II, and to examine the risk factor that develops sexual and urological problems.
ADAPTIVE DRIVER ASSISTANCE USING AUTOMATIC HEADLIGHTS[Full-Text ] Suraj M. Gend , Snehal A. Jadhav , Pooja R. Sarode , Anmol SharmaThis paper presents the adaptive driver assistance using automatic headlights. Headlights of vehicle are inherent for night driving [2]. The driver of most vehicles uses high, bright beam while driving at night time. These bright headlights which assist the driver for better vision, may cause a discomfort to the person travelling from the opposite direction (oncoming driver) in the form of glare for short period of time. Once they spot an oncoming vehicle within 150 meters in order to reduce the glare as a rule during night driving, every driver is supposed to switch their headlight from high beam to low beam [2]. This is one of the major causes of accidents during the night, as the opposing driver will not be able to see road clearly due to brightness of the oncoming vehicle’s headlights.
Design of Three Phase Dynamic Voltage Restorer to Mitigate Voltage Sag[Full-Text ] Alamzeb Khan Jadoon, Mustafa Shakir, Nasrullah KhanPower quality is the major concern in distributed power system. Consumer always demands for reliable and good power quality supply. Voltage sag is a common and undesirable power quality glitch in the distribution system which causes sensitive loads to misoperate. Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a custom power quality device used for mitigation of voltage sag by injecting voltage as well as power into the system. This work shows the hardware implementation of three phase DVR to mitigate voltage sag for balanced three phase system. DVR is implemented to test small scale laboratory equipment with rating up to 1KW power. The three phase DVR can be used for the restoration of voltage for single phase as well as three phase equipment. This work presents the hardware laboratory testing for the three phase DVR. Three phase DVR is designed to operate for almost 78% voltage sag restoration i.e. voltage magnitude more than 50V input voltage is restored. Hardware results are analyzed with the signal analyzer and multi-meter for single phase and three phase loads. For three phase load, a three phase squirrel cage induction motor is tested in laboratory to demonstrate the functioning of three phase DVR. The demonstration showed that the three phase induction motor did not trip over due to the presence of voltage sag in the input supply.
Identifying Antecedents and Outcomes of Relationship Value between Buy-ers and Suppliers in Vietnam’s Electrical Equipment Industry[Full-Text ] Hai Le Ba, Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami, Osama IsaacThe relationship value between buyers and suppliers in the electrical industry is important for both sides. The questions are how to improve and maintain their relationship value with their partners in drastic competition market. To answer these questions, the concept of the creation of the relationship value, the relationship value interaction between relationship value and firm performance were addressed in this research. The model and hypothesis were constructed basing on literature review and qualitative study.
EARTH QUAKES - THEORIES - CRUSTAL THERMO COUPLE[Full-Text ] Hari Prakash SharmaThe scientists world over accepted the plate tectonic theory is the best to explain the causes of earth quakes. Tectonic earthquakes occur anywhere in the earth where there is sufficient stored elastic strain energy to drive fracture propagation along a fault plane. The sides of a fault move past each other smoothly and seismically only if there are no irregularities or asperities along the fault surface that increase the frictional resistance.
Travel time optimization between source and destination, containing traffic signals, using traffic signal timer[Full-Text ] Saima Ali, Afzal Qureshi, Rajeev Kumar Gupta
Travel time optimization is the minimum amount of time spent by a person (driving a car), while going from source to destination on a particular route containing traffic signals in a city. This is achieved by calculating the time spent on traffic signals, when they are red, calculating time to cover distance between consecutive traffic signals, calculating time from source to first traffic signal and calculating time from last traffic signal to destination and adding the above time spent to find the overall time. Using an algorithm, the total time spent from source to destination is optimized.
The above approach will tell the user that he/she will reach his/her destination by this time if he/she starts now from the source at a particular time of day. This approach would also tell the user the minimum time, he/she spend on road, to reach his/her destination if he/she starts his/her journey with a delay (approximately 5-10 minutes).
The Significance of Grout Curtain in Rock Fill Dams[Full-Text ] Meral KORKMAZDams are built due to increasing drinking and irrigation water and energy requirements. The objective of the dams is to hold water. Thus, the seepage volume is required to be minimum in a constructed dam. Water retention is reduced when no seepage analysis is conducted for the dams. Seepage causes both loss of water and damages to the dam structure. Thus, it is necessary to perform seepage analyses in the pre-construction project phase. The basic principle in seepage analysis is Darcy's law. Often, seepage analysis can be conducted with software that utilizes the finite element method, can process the water flow and accept geological parameters. The phreatic line is very important in calculation of seepage. The highest the intersection of the phreatic line and the downstream slope, greater the damage it causes. Therefore, the phreatic line needs to be determined during the profile design phase of the waterline profile and thus, measures can be taken against the said damage.
Prevalence of hepatitis B & C virus among blood donors in Taif City, KSA [Full-Text ] Albugami,A.N , Alghamdi A.M , Alosaimi N.M ,Abdullah A.M ,Elnashar N.AWorldwide, about 400 million people are infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV), and the Middle East is the most common infected. Another 170 million people around the world presently infected with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection [1]. Despite education and availability of effective drugs and vaccines, infection by Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) are still a major global health problem [2]. Both HBV and HCV represent a wide-reaching epidemic. However, it showed a significant decline in the last two decades that could be attributed to the vaccination programs and the improved health services [3]. Although significant decline in the occurrence of HBV and HCV infection in Saudi Arabia, these viral diseases cause significant morbidity and mortality, and impose a great problem on the country's healthcare system [4].
The mode of transmission for both types of hepatitis is mainly parenteral. The transfusion recipients of blood and blood-products [5] and intravenous drug abusers are major causes of transfusion-transmitted infection (TTI). The prevalence of HBsAg among blood donors ranges from near zero in some of the western world to as high as 15% in some Asian and African Republics [6]. Among Saudi blood donors, the prevalence of HBsAg and anti HCV were found to be 5% and 1% - 2% respectively [7].
Blood safety still remains an issue of major concern in transfusion medicine in Saudi Arabia. There is high incidence of blood-demanding health conditions in Saudi Arabia resulting from anemia, malnutrition, accidents, surgical and obstetrical emergencies associated with blood loss, etc. The higher possibility of transmitting HBV and other blood-borne pathogens through contaminated blood present among those higher demand for blood transfusion services [8]. So, Screening blood donors is needed to prevent additional spread of such infection. Thus the objective of this current retrospective study was to determine prevalence of hepatitis B & C virus among blood donors in Taif City based on reviewing available records of the Blood Bank of different Taif Hospitals in the past 2 years, and to detect any change in the trend of prevalence over the study period in attempts to reduce the rates to ensure safer and more reliable blood for transfusion.
Investigation and Assessment of Heavy Metal Concentration in Soil Samples Using Enrichment and Contamination Factors Along Four Busy Roads in Parts of Obio/Akpor, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] T. N. Udeagbala, F. B. G. Tanee, I. O. AgbagwaSoil and vegetation along high vehicular traffic roads are prone to contamination from vehicular emissions, and wear and tear of vehicular components. The level of heavy metal contamination in soil at different soil depths (0-15cm and 15-30cm) along four busy roads (Aba road, East-West road, Ikwerre road and NTA road) in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area and a control site (Ikwerre Ngwo) in Etche Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria was investigated. Four sampling points were established along each road at a distance of 1Km from each other. Soil pH and conductivity were assessed by the metre method while the levels of ten heavy metals (Ag, Cr, Ni, Co, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Fe) were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The metal distribution pattern observed from the results of analysis was in the order Fe>Mn>Zn>Pb>Cu>Ni>Cr>Co>Ag>Cd. Of all locations sampled, Fe (3162.3±38.31mg/kg) in East/West road had the highest mean concentration while Cd (0.003±0.002mg/kg) in NTA road had the least. The Pollution Load Index (PLI) showed low (0.545) to moderately polluted (2.593) sites but the Enrichment Factors (EFs) for Pb and Cu ranged from moderate to severe enrichment. This means that the soils are contaminated to an extent but not polluted. It is therefore very obvious that the concentration of these metals on roadside will increase with time and pose serious threat to soil, surface and ground water, as well as animal and human health. Continuous monitoring of these metals along the identified and similar roads by relevant government agencies is advocated as a proactive measure to check pollution arising from vehicular movement and indiscriminate abandonment/dumping of spoilt vehicles on roadside.
Pemphigus vulgaris : A Case Report[Full-Text ] Dr. Hessa Al Wayli, Dr.Hesham Al Owaimer, Dr. Salma AlbatiPemphigus is a serious chronic skin and mucous membrane disease characterized by the appearance of vesicles and bullae, small or large fluid-filled blisters that develop in cycles. It is mediated by circulating auto antibodies directed against keratinocyte cell surfaces. Widespread ulceration following rupture of the blisters leads to painful debilitation, fluid loss, and electrolyte imbalance. Before the use of corticosteroids, death was not an uncommon outcome for patients with pemphigus vulgaris [1] . Dental professionals must be sufficiently familiar with the clinical manifestations of pemphigus vulgaris to ensure early diagnosis and treatment, since this in turn determines the prognosis and course of the disease. Here, we report a case of pemphigus vulgaris that was misdiagnosed in its earliest stage.
A rare case of fungal keratitis caused by curvularia Lunata in jazan city (Prince Mohammad Bin Naser Hospital)[Full-Text ] Sultan Mousa Bakri A 74 year old male individual visited our ophthalmology clinic at the Prince Mohammad Bin Naser Hospital in Jazan city in the month of January 2016. The ailment that he was suffering from had manifested in the form of signs such as suppurative ulceration of the cornea in the right eye, showing that it was a chronic case of fungal keratitis. The symptoms that were apparent due to the ailment also included visible infiltration of the cornea by the fungal pathogen through the use of superficial filaments that were largely feathery in shape. The risk of complications due to the infection was increased to a large degree owing to the presence of hypopyon in the anterior chamber of the eye. The hypopyon could be clearly visualized on observation under a clinical environment during the first phase of trials, characterized by a mass of white blood cells which had accumulated in the anterior chamber and was visible through the iris. The presence of the hypopyon indicates that the infection might have been discovered quite late in terms of the time of the onset, namely apparent due to the considerably low degree of precedence of this condition during fungal eye infections occurring due to organisms like Curvularia lunata.
The Legal Regime of Women Property Rights - Kosovo Case[Full-Text ] Dr. Jorida XhafajPossession of a movable or immovable property gives to everyone the opportunity to create financial capital and the power of women to be part of decisions in family and society. Despite the comprehensive legal framework, still exists gaps created by an adequate system of practical appliance of the responsibilities from different actors (administrative and judiciary institutions), the lack of awareness and insufficient understanding of the position of women according to the law, the prevalence of traditional attitudes and practices, the discriminable arguments and/or improperly use of evidences. With the scope to realize a comprehensive study on protection of property and inheritance rights mainly are using methods of theoretical and empirical analysis of the legal framework and social norms in Kosovo to address as recommendations to achieve bigger results in protection of the rights of women in the inheritance or marital property.
Species Composition of Phlebotomine Sandfly (Diptera:Psychodidae)Vectors of Leishmaniasis in Katsina State, Northern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adamu Isa, Yahaya Abdullahi Umar, Joseph AppahTo determine the composition of Phlebotomine sandfly vectors of leishmaniasis in Katsina state northern, Nigeria, Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction of the mitochondrial DNA fragment was used to identify species of sandflies captured in the field. Trapping of sandflies was carried out biweekly using sticky paper traps that were set in six trapping points in the two stable foci of leishmaniasis in the study area between January-March (dry season) and June-August (rainy season) 2016. During the study, a total of 2,232 sandflies belonging to two sandfly genera (Phlebotomus and Sergentomyia) were collected out of which 573 (25.67%) were Phlebotomus species. Analysis of PCR product by electrophoresis indicates the presence of P. duboscqi in all the collection points. Phlebotomus orientalis known to transmit Leishmani adonovani in other parts of the world was also recorded in two of the collection points. This is the first time P. orientalis is been detected in Nigeria.
Cost as a Barrier to Access Dental Healthcare in Saudi Patients[Full-Text ] Ashraf Alhujaili, Ahmad Alhujaili, Abdulmajeed AljabrAim: to measure the cost as a barrier which inhibit Saudi people from obtaining dental care. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study through a questionnaire-based e-survey has been published to social networks, forums, emails, online newspapers, the answered questionnaire accounted for 15,786 individuals, among whom 14,831 were participated in the study after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria.