Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2018.
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Extensive Analysis of Standard VQ and Multi-Codebook approach using K-Means algorithm in DCT domain[Full-Text ] Dr. Ali Tariq Bhatti, Dr. Jung H. Kim, Dr. Robert LiBig data technologies are one of the vast and hot topics for image compression. In the digital and computing world, information is generated and collected at a rate that rapidly exceeds the boundary range. It is increasing significantly in bio-medical, bio-informatics, engineering and health. Its main goal is to reduce the storage space, cut down the transmission cost and maintain good quality. There are two types of compression used to reduce the data amount which are lossless and lossy compression. For complete parametric study, image vectors or blocks for a codebook size of 25 and 50 were applied in many different scenarios using K-Means algorithm in Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) domain.
A Psychological Study of Business Strategies used By Drug Mafia in Azad Jammu & Kashmir[Full-Text ] Noman Mushtaq, Sadia Bibi, Sadiqa Bibi, Sajid Ali Khan, Anum Abid, Sabeela Akhtar, Faran Mushtaq, Safoora Afzal, Kalsoom Kabir, Uzma Shazad, Kamila Hafiz, Aneesa Naseem, Zainub RiazThis research study examine the business strategies used by drug mafia in Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K) and their favorite targets in general population. A sample of 60 males comprising members of drug mafia (20) from Poonch (21) from Muzaffarabad and (19) from Mirpur AJ&K was taken.
SOUTH KOREA: A PROGRESSIVE DISCOURSE ON THE CONTRIVE IN TRANSITIONAL DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Atabongwoung GallousBy December 2002, South Korea elected the fourth president since transition to procedural democracy in 1987. On May 9, 2017, the 19th presidential election was held. The significance of these elections to the global community is that South Korea has made a progressive transition to a commendable democracy. Critical as South Korea had experienced frequent military involvement in politics (coup d’états), dictatorship, political repression and uprising between 1961 and 1987 (same period of the ‘Korean Miracle)’.
Prevalence of Dyslipidemia in Obese patients in Jazan[Full-Text ] Mohammad Othman Abu Omrain, Asma abdullah alazwari, Munira Abdullah Alhashim, Taef Hassan Abdullah Al-Hussan, Ala’a atef ismail, Fatimah hamad s alfeheid, Mariam Obaid Alenezi, Samah Mohammed AlQurashi, Abdullah Abdulatif Allahiany, Abdulrahman Abdullah M Alghamdi, Yasser Ali Doshi, Dyslipidemia prevalence increases all over the world and it became apublic health problem. Dyslipidemia is associated with several complications including cardiovascular diseases and arthrosclerosis. Obesity can result in development of dyslipidemia as a result of increasing in lipid concentration in the blood.
Comparative Study Between White And RedHibiscus sabdariffa inPhytochemical and Chemical Composition of Water Extract[Full-Text ] AsimHalfawi Shargi,Mohammed.E.AdamFrom the results of this study it can be concluded that the water extract of roselle calyces(Red and White) they contains carbohydrates, reduced sugars ,flavonoids ,saponins, alkaloids,Polyuronides and mucilage’s in both samples(Red and White). The mineral nutrients required for the healthy growth by humans. The values for the elements, iron, calcium potassium, sodium, and magnesium in the water extract were found to be for red Karkade 0.219, 0.560,0.460,0,340,0.220 mg/g respectively.
Employee Engagement In India-A Review[Full-Text ] Ms. Narmada Kalgi, Dr. S H HonnalliTo be successful in Indian industry, an employer is depended on the country’s education level and ambitious professional workforce. But unfortunately attracting and retaining the valued employees and upgrading their skills continuously is a biggest challenge across the globe including India. India has got most of the educated employee workforce under the age of 40 and have expectations of fitting together jobs and family and which are spoken loudly about the desires to be able to balance work and life hence engaging the employees is a particular concern in India. Hence it has transcended from being the latest buzzword of business to being recognized by organization as tool that has a positive impact on the business performance.
Mix Design Guidelines for Concrete Produced Using Portland cement Types Manufactured According to Recent Cement Standard Specifications[Full-Text ] Mohamed A. Nower, Ibrahim A. Yousef, Hany. M. Elshafie and Goda M GhanemRecently issued Portland cement specifications allow producing Portland cement with different types, compositions, and grades that differ from those conventionally produced and used before issuing these specifications. Available mix design methods are based on the conventional Portland cement manufactured and used before issuing these specifications. This triggers the need to develop mix design guidelines based on the different types of cement that become available according to the recently issued cement specifications, therefore the current study has been initiated.
A new polyherbal contraceptive rendering positive effects on hematology in Swiss albino mice[Full-Text ] Sonali Bhakta, M. A. Awal and Shonkor Kumar DasContraception is a way to prevent pregnancy. Hematology includes the study of etiology, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of blood diseases that affect the production of blood and its components, such as blood cells, hemoglobin, blood proteins, and the mechanism of coagulation. To find out the effect of herbal products on the blood parameters or hematology an experiment was conducted in the Bioresearch Laboratory, Dept. of anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh. The Swiss albino mice (both male and female) was the experimental animal, which were of 45-60 days of age and were brought from ICDDR,B, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
Evaluation of Health Related Quality of Life Among Primary Caregivers Of Children Needs Special Care[Full-Text ] Dr. Mehwish Khan, Dr. Muhammad Asif, Dr. Shazia Abdul Hamid Khalfe, Dr. Erum Tanveer, Dr. Vinod Kumar, Dr. Anita Kumari, Dr. Abdul Rashad, Dr. Satish Kumar Objective: To determine the quality of life related to health among primary caregivers of children needing special care. Material &Me-thods: It was a Descriptive Cross-sectional Study, 377participantsincludig Parents having special children, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Teachers working with special children were included, Age ranges between 20-40 years. SF-36 Questionnaire used to collect the data. Results:From the total population49% were with limited a little and 33 % Said Not limited at all for the limitation in different bodily activities.29% participants replied yes while the 71% replied NO for the emotional health problems.Mental and social health also proved good. Conclusion: Overall physical health was found to be good among most of the participants. Most of the participants showed to have good energy and emotional health while few participants responded to face emotional problems when dealing with the special children. However most of the participants showed positive attitude towards the emotional health and have good knowledge about their health.
Clinical impact of dental enamel and mechanism of formation: Review[Full-Text ] Redha Mahdi A Almuhanna, Ziyad Abdulsalam Q Sukumbaji, Aldarweesh, Ahmed Mohammed A, Bashaer Mohmmed Hasan Alhawsawi, Rahmah Mohammed Hawsawi In this review, we will describe how dental enamel forms and discuss how dental practice is affected by the nature of dental enamel and the mechanism of its genesis. We performed an electronic search through Medline, and Embase databases (up to December 2017) for publications, we limited our search to English language Articles, and to every study discussing dental enamel and mechanism of formation. The formation of tooth enamel takes place before the tooth erupts in a constrained extracellular atmosphere in between dentin and ameloblast cells (enamel-making cells). A series of physiological and chemical occasions consisting of gene expression, protein secretion, protein folding and assembly, mineral development, and protein degradation are associated with making enamel. Since mature enamel post-tooth eruption does not consist of cells and does not remodel, synthetic enamel is necessary for enamel regeneration. Understanding the genetic and molecular events that manage the formation of enamel will cause improvements in the prevention, medical diagnosis, and therapy of heritable and acquired diseases of enamel, consisting of caries, in addition to insights that allow the engineering of replacement enamels for therapeutic treatments.
CAPACITY BUILDING NEED OF WOODWORK TEACHERS IN TECHNICAL COLLEGES AND INDUSTRIAL WOOD WORKERS[Full-Text ] Onaga, Paul Okwudilichukwu This study is on capacity building needs of woodwork teachers in technical colleges and industrial woodworkers in Enugu State. Given the fact that most of the graduates of woodwork technology are not ready for jobs, the need to determine the skills required by teachers to prepare the students to be employable becomes necessary. One research question and one null hypothesis guided the study.
A Cross-platform model for an adaptive play-based assessment tool for school readiness[Full-Text ] Iyad Suleiman, Maha Arslan, Reda Alhajj, Mick Ridley This paper will describe a three-tier adaptation mechanism to personalize educational web-based games according to several special characteristics of preschool children.
Framework for Assessing School Readiness[Full-Text ] Maha Arslan, Iyad Suleiman, Reda Alhajj, Mick Ridley A computerized platform for assessment of school readiness, covering assessment outcomes about cogni-tive, socio-emotional competences and temperament/personality characteristics and satisfying the constraints mentioned the paper may offer a substantial added value.
Review on relationship of somatotype variables with different motor fitness components of athletes[Full-Text ] Bhawani Singh Jadoun and M.S. ChundawatHuman Physique across the centuries has been the subject of discussion with the scientist, artist and even layman. However, it has not been possible for any of these to say clearly as to what physical characteristics are more suited to what type Performance task subjective judgment and hypothetical view have been expressed but there has been lack of empirical data to substantiate various theoretical viewpoints Perhaps no serious attempt has been made through either systematic or experimental study to relate performance with certain physical characteristics.
Groundwater Level Distribution and Evaluation of Physicochemical Characteristics in North-Eastern Bayelsa State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ihuoma Nmerukini, Etim Daniel Uko and Iyeneomie Tamunobereton-ariThis research involves the analysis of the spatial distribution of groundwater level, and the evaluation of its physicochemical characteristics in the north-eastern Bayelsa State in Nigeria. The study area is located between latitudes 4o12’ and 5o23’N and longitudes 5o22’ and 6o45’E. The samples locations were geo-referenced and the elevations of the locations also determined using global positioning system (GPS). 12 randomly-selected groundwater sample borehole locations were used from where the water samples were collected for the physicochemical analysis.
Effect of Solvent on Ball Milling PVdF-HFP-based composite membrane for DMFCs[Full-Text ] Md. Anwarul Karim, Sayed M.A.SalamIn this study poly (vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoroprropylene) (PVdF-HFP) porous copolymer based membrane were prepared with polyvinyl alcohol as well as with and without titanium oxide as ceramic filler using two types of solvent (DMF and acetone). The effects of two type solvent were also compared on the properties of the membranes. The membranes were characterized by FT-IR, porosity, conductivity, methanol permeability and cell performances. From the investigation of ionic conductivity and methanol permeability impels that the ball milling PVdF-HFP/PVA/TiO2 (DMF) have a higher and balance ionic conductivity and methanol permeability than others. Among the membranes the cell performances were examined for PVdF-HFP/PVA/TiO2 (DMF) and PVdF-HFP/PVA/TiO2 (Acetone). The cells performance indicated that the PVdF-HFP/PVA/TiO2 (DMF) has a better membrane than that of PVdF-HFP/PVA/TiO2 (Acetone).
New Absolute Volume Mix Design Method For Self-Compacting Concrete[Full-Text ] Godfrey Waribo Tom Jaja, Ngoji Tonye Johnarry, Maurice Efremus EphraimThis research focuses on developing an enhanced rational mix design method for self- compacting concrete and optimizing it with existing specification and modifications of self-compacting concrete generally accepted in the construction industry. Trial mix were prepared and laboratory tests for self-compacting concrete which include slump flow test, J-ring test, V-funnel test and L-Box test were carried out on the fresh concrete. The tests on the trial mix were carried out in accordance with the EFNARC Specification and Guidelines for self-compacting concrete. Compressive strength test, flexural test and split tensile test to BS 1881: 1997 were carried out on a total of 250 cubes, 60 beams and 60 cylinders to investigate the properties of the hardened self-compacting concrete. The proposed new absolute volume method produced a self-compacting concrete with the highest compressive strength of 65 N/mm2 at 28 days with the same water/cement ratio and best workability in comparison to other existing methods and subsequently should be adopted as the standard for the production of self-compacting concrete.
Normalization of Accident Prediction Parameters at Unsignalized Intersections Using Skewness and Kurtotic Approach[Full-Text ] Nosakhare Kent Oghoyafedo, Jacob Odeh Ehiorobo, Sylvester Obinna OsujiAccident prediction parameters are parameters considered to be the independent variables in the development of an accident prediction model. These prediction parameters are discrete in nature since they cannot assume continuity owing to the fact that they must assume a whole value. For this reason some mathematical models such as Poisson Regression, Negative Binomial Regression, Zero Inflated Regression etc. have been developed specifically these data. It is our bid to use multiple linear regression method for the development of the accident prediction model but the condition of normal distribution must be satisfied. The statistical normality tool employed for normalization of the accident prediction parameters was the skewness and kurtotic approach and further checking the Z-Value which have a satisfying conditional range of ±1.96. The Z-Value is computed using the skewness and kurtotic and standard deviation values. The SPSS software was used in computing the skewness, kurtotic and standard deviation values. The result obtained from the analysis shows that the accident prediction parameters from the five selected unsignalized intersection were normally distributed and hence the multiple linear regression method can be adopted in the development of the mathematical model.
Synthesis and Surface Modification of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Electrode for Supercapacitor[Full-Text ] Danlami Umar Zuru⃰, Bala Hassan⃰, Muhammad Nuraddeen Bui, Aliyu Moh’d MahutaThis work was an attempt to synthesize multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method and chemically modify their surface wettability to enhance their energy storing capability. The as-grown sample was subjected to simple alkali/acid treatments, which results in the attachment of amide and carboxylic functional groups and the electrochemical analysis of the resulting electrode reveals about 290% pseudocapacitance contribution to the electrochemical double layer (EDL) capacitance in aqueous H2SO4 electrolyte. Highest specific capacitance of 86 F/g was recorded in aqueous KOH due to double layer capacitance only. Cyclic voltammograms of the sample reveals stable pseudocapacitive and S-shaped rectangular curves and the resulting charge/discharge profiles shows straight triangular lines. These outcomes may suggest possible application of these materials as potential electrode for both pseudocapacitor and electrochemical double layer capacitor (EDLC).
OCRV: Optical Character Recognition from Videography[Full-Text ] Sukanya Roy, Amit Sinha, Soumyendu Chatterjee, Avijit DasThe goal of this paper is to provide a new methodology to detect and recognize the text from the video frames. Here the task performed is divided into three steps; combination of that detect and recognize the text from the video frame. The video frame creation devides the input video into several individual frames that grabbed and passed to the rest two phases. The text detection is a two-step approach, which involves text localization phase and the text verification phase. The text recognition involves in text verification phase and the optical character recognition phase. The final outcome of this paper is the detection of the text from the video frames in a text or word file.
Hint of Predictions of Leptonic δCP phase from Octant Degeneracy at LBNEs[Full-Text ] Gayatri GhoshIn this work, we discuss how the effect of CP violation discovery potential can be improved at long baseline neutrino experiments (LBNE/DUNE), by combining with its ND (near detector) and reactor experiments. study can be further analysed to resolve entanglement of the quadrant of leptonic CPV phase and Octant of atmospheric mixing angle Θ23, at LBNEs. The study is done for both NH (Normal hierarchy) and IH (Inverted hierarchy), HO (Higher Octant) and LO (Lower Octant). We show how leptogenesis can enhance the effect of resolving this entanglement, and how possible values of the leptonic CPV phase can be predicted in this context. Carrying out numerical analysis based on the recent updated experimental results for neutrino mixing angles, we predict the values of the leptonic CPV phase for 152 possible cases. We also confront our predictions of the leptonic CPV phase with the updated global fit and find that five values of δCP are favoured by BAU constraints. One of the five values matches with the recent global fit value of δCP (leptonic CPV phase) close to 1.41Ï€ in our model independent scenario. A detailed analytic and numerical study of baryogenesis through leptogenesis is performed in this framework in a model independent way..
Retinal detachment after cataract surgery: Review[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz Saud Fahad Aljuaid, Fahad Saud Fahad Aljuaid, Saud Mohammed Saud Aleisa, Abdulaziz Saleh Omar Khalid, Ameera Mishal AlosaimiRecent studies confirm risk factors and further analyze others such as male sex, younger age, myopia and the presence of a retinal detachment. This review examines the current evidence to identify and characterize risk factors and incidence rate for retinal detachment following cataract surgery. PubMed and Medline database search was performed for published articles up to October, 2017 related to Retinal detachment after cataract surgery.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Awareness Among Jazan University Students[Full-Text ] Sulaiman Ahmed H Darbashi, Abdulwadood muhammed Y Hefdhi, Khamis Abdu Khamis Khamis, Rayan Thabet Shayani, Abdulrahman Yahya Ahmed Alqasem, Mohammed Ahmed Khormi, Yahya Ahmed M Doshi, Khalid Mohammed Mania, Yahya Ali A Khubrani, Mansour Ali ShaibanObjective: To assess of the knowledge and attitudes towards cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) among the students of Jazan university. Methods: The study design performed as a cross-sectional survey among male and female Jazan University Students. The study consumed about 10 days to be done. The criteria in which student selected include young age and more suspected to be in situations where CPR is required. Strata and Clusters sampling of 500 students with a confidence interval of 95% ,accuracy of 5% and prevalence of 50% (because of no prior studies conducted in Jazan region) involved in the study.
Homework vs. In Class-Exercise: Means of assessment, Waste of time, or Punishment?[Full-Text ] Babaniyi Yusuf OlaniyiThis study investigated the aim of Teachers/Instructors when giving homework and In class-exercises (classwork), we also took a survey of students opinion regarding Homework and In Class-exercise. We study the factors affecting the academic performance of students at a Kwara State University, We also investigated different students with their GPA‟s and a major contribution of the study is it examines the impact of homework and classwork on academic performance of various students‟ subgroups such as: male vs. female students. Graded assignments had their strongest effects among male students. GPA and higher levels of teacher experience also positively affected performance.
Study of parents' knowledge of asthma in Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Fadhel Mohammed Alfayez , Khaled Sadeq Al-Shaibari, Abdullah Saad Alalyani, Mohammad ali Ahmad Alaslani, Abdullah Saeed Alqarni, Hanan Saleh Aloqbi , Awad Salem AlrashdiAsthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways which results in mucus production, mucosal edema and hyper responsiveness in the airway. It causes recurrent symptoms of asthma symptoms such as wheezing, dyspnea and cough. Children are the most affected with asthma, the cure of this disease remains to be discovered. Parents are responsible for their children and management of asthma requires good knowledge about it, so it is very important for parents who have children with asthma to be aware of asthma to avoid severe outcomes of asthma for their children and for good control.
MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF POWER OUTAGES IN A 33/11kV DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION USING FAULT TREE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE[Full-Text ] Adelabu Ademola JubrilThis research work has performed the modeling and analysis of power outages in a 33/11kV distribution substation using fault tree analysis (FTA) technique. More specifically, the Anglo-Jos distribution substation of the Jos Electricity Distribution PLC was used as the case study for this research. The aim of the research is to analyze the reliability of power equipment in a distribution substation by using fault tree analysis.
Knit Designs: Possibilities of tubular knitting in Design Developments for Pakistani knitting Industry[Full-Text ] Mr. Allah dad, Dr. Asif KarimTextile industry has preeminent position in economic structure of Pakistan. Textile industry is capable of making yarn to garment products. In Pakistan Fabric manufacturing sector mainly divided into two main categories one is weaving and second is knitting goods. During September, 2016 the 9 selected commodities of Textile Manufactures contributed 59.55% of total exports in which the share of knitwear, bed-wear, cotton fabrics, articles of apparel & clothing accessories (excl. knitwear), cotton yarn, and towels were 11.95%, 11.27%, 10.96%, 10.56% and 5.71% respectively.
Nostril Bleeding with Severe Thrombocytopenia in A 6-Year-Old Female with Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia: A Case Report[Full-Text ] Abdullah Saeed Alqarni, Saad Ali Alalyani, Abdullah Saad Alalyani, Abdulrahman Saleh Alghamdi, Dr. Mahmoud Alattar,Reem Mohammed Noor Kalakattawi Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia (CAMT) is a rare bone marrow failure disorder that offers with separated thrombocytopenia within the first year of life. Although CAMT is an unusual root cause of thrombocytopenia in the newborn, it needs to be taken into consideration for youngsters with a lingering, unexplained thrombocytopenia without anomalies particular for various other bone marrow failure disorders. In our case report we intended to show the platelets evaluation test before and after the treatment, however with the consideration that the CAMT is a rare disease, our patient came with platelet level of 0/µL which was very rare case with not physical abnormalities.
EEZC: Energy Efficient Zone based Clustering protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Wided Abidi, Hamadi Lirathni, Tahar EzzedineWireless sensors networks (WSNs) are composed of a number of sensor nodes which are limited energy resources. Therefore, the major challenge for WSNs is how to minimize the energy consumption and prolong the network lifetime. Hence, the selection of the adequate Cluster Head (CH) is essential. In this paper, we propose a new protocol that divides the network area to zones, assigns the different types of nodes to each zone. Then our proposed protocol selects CHs basing on the residual energy of the nodes and without penalizing nodes that have the highest energy level. Our simulation results are compared with some famous and recent protocols like Stable Election protocol (SEP), Zone-based stable election protocol-enhanced (Z-SEP-E) and other recent protocols. This comparison has demonstrated that our proposed protocol outperforms these protocols in term of increasing the stability period, saving the energy and prolonging the lifetime of network.
Cone Penetration Test to Examine Susceptibility of Soil to Liquefaction[Full-Text ] J.A IgeSoil liquefaction is the gradual loss of effective strength and development of unrecoverable strain due to induced vibration or repeated loads applied to fine-grained soils. Earthquakes, volcanoes, human activities and construction vibratory works are common sources of liquefaction with consequential negative impacts on human and physical resources in and around neighbourhoods. Knowledge of the liquefaction potential of a soil at the planning and the design stage is a preventive strategy against infrastructure failure and damages. This study aimed at examines the susceptibility of soil to liquefaction in Lagos, Western-Nigeria.
Patients satisfaction about their hospital discharge experience and factors associated with delay in their discharge at a tertiary referral hospital; a cross-sectional study[Full-Text ] Emad Fouad Azhari, Abdullah Alsayed, Eyad Al-Tarazi, Israa Bajabir, Khawla Kalantan, Amjad Altijani, Amjad Hashem SunqurahThis study measures patient’s satisfaction with their hospital discharge experience, and to identify the prevalence, causes, and costs of delays in discharges.
KINETICS AND MECHANISMS OF THE CATALYTIC HYDROLYSIS OF ACETAMIDE IN PRESENCE OF COPPER COMPLEX[Full-Text ] Magdy. A. Wassel , Abdou. S. EL-Tabl, Moshira. M. Abd El-Wahed, Anwar. A. Wassel and Mahmoud. M. ArafaIn this paper, we report combined theoretical and experimental effort aimed at providing an understanding of the kinetic and mechanisms and surface process involved in the catalytic hydrolysis of acetamide with copper complex as a catalysts. The kinetics expermental was carried out at different temperetre ( 25, 35 and 45 oC ) and at different amount of catalyst (0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 gm ) also at different concentration of acetamide (0.84, 1.69, 2.54 and 3.39 M) and we calculated the thermodynamic parametrs ( ΔH, ΔS, ΔG and Ea ).
Considérations sur le paradigme du Don[Full-Text ] Contrairement à l’anthropologue Marcel Mauss pour qui le Principe de Réciprocité inclus dans le Paradigme du Don : « Donner, Recevoir et Rendre, « sont des des données et des réflexes sociaux quasi contraignants et automatiques ( l’»Obligation de Donner, Recevoir et Rendre « , chère à Marcel Mauss ! ), qui relèvent de l’ Ethos humain : celui-ci pris dans une dynamique de valorisation sociale
Incidence, Risk Factors, and Clinical Characteristics of In-fectious Keratitis Due to Contact Lens Supplied without Pre-scription: Systematic Review of Primary Reports[Full-Text ] Dareen Talal alahmadi Co aurhers: Basil Talal Alahmadi Ahlam Mohammed Al sharafi Ibtisam Yunus Alruwaili The over-the-counter sale of CLs is allowed in some European and most of Asian countries. These unregulated sources of supply were reported to be associated with lack of proper knowledge and adequate compliance to CL guidelines. Therefore, we performed this systematic review to synthesis evidence from the published literature about the incidence, risk factors, and clinical characteristics of microbial keratitis due to CL supplied without prescription.
Design and Development of an Infrared Remote-Controlled Queue Management System[Full-Text ] Md Istiak Khan, Abdullah Ibn Masud, Md Habibur RahmanQueue management system helps service providers to manage customers in an efficient way. In this paper, design and development of an infrared (IR) remote controlled queue management system has been described. Use of IR remote makes the system more efficient and prevent cluttering of wires for large systems. This developed system supports the NEC protocol based infrared remotes. The circuit for the system has been designed based on the microcontroller ATmega328p. Three 7-segment displays have been used to show the output. One 7-segment display shows the counter number and two others show the serial number of the customer to be served. As the number of I/O pins of ATmega328p is limited, only 4 pins have been used for interfacing 7-segment displays using time division multiplexing. To store the data for three 7-segment displays three 4-bit registers have been used. The outputs of these registers have been decoded by BCD to 7-segment decoder IC and fed to the display units. A program has been developed using C programming language that provides the intelligence of the system. The performance of the system has been studied and it is found that the system works properly without any interruption of noise. The coverage range of the IR remote has been measured and it has been found that it works properly from a distance of 7 meters.
INVESTIGATE THE FACTORS OF MALAYSIAN MULTINATIONAL (SETS) COMPANY EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] Abul Kalam AzadHuman resource department is responsible for the HR policy, Planning, Job analysis, Recruitment and Selection, employees training for the company. Sundarban Express Transportation System Sdn. Bhd do their employee performance by their own way. Depending on policy, training & development, varies on employees‟ performance. The aim of this study is “TO FIND OUT TH EFFECT OF EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT ON EMPLOYEE‟S PERFORMANCE „‟,this study is quantitative in nature a survey was conducted convenient sampling technique was applied to collect data from H.R. department of sets in Malaysia. Variables for employees development was taken -employee performance as D.V from literature review and evaluated from two hundred employees, IV was H.R.
Image processing and it’s applications on Cryptography[Full-Text ] The importance of embedded applications on image and video processing, communication and cryptography domain has been taking a larger space in current research era. Improvement of pictorial information for betterment of human perception like deblurring, de-noising in several fields such as satellite imaging, medical imaging etc are renewed research thrust. Specifically we would like to elaborate our experience on the significance of computer vision as one of the domains where hardware implemented algorithms perform far better than those implemented through software.
Why Phishing continues to work[Full-Text ] Asela Jayatilleke, Parakum PathiranaPhishing is an attack vector that is increasingly being used as part of social engineering campaigns to ‘trick’ unsuspecting users into ultimately revealing their credentials to sites containing sensitive information. Whilst technological controls are being implemented, as the term ‘social engineering’ suggests, phishers mainly attempt to befriend and instruct users to unknowingly share their credentials with the phisher. With limitations on how technology can assist in detecting phishing attacks, it has become essential that users have a sound knowledge on how to identify and respond to phishing attacks.
KNOWLEDGE ABOUT DRUG PRESCRIPTION AMONG DENTAL STUDENTS[Full-Text ] Ibtihal Aldhayan, Sara Alaudan, Wedadd QassadiDrug prescription is a process of drug indication for patients which requires practical skills and enough knowledge about the different drugs. Antibiotics and analgesics are the most common medication used in dental field. There are wide uses for analgesics and the antibiotics used are of wide spectrum, so it is very important to have enough knowledge about the drug, its toxicity, drug interaction, benefits and adverse outcomes to ensure the safety of the patients.
Performance Analysis and Quality of Service Passive Optical Networks using Gaussian pulse[Full-Text ] Gebrekiros Gebreyesus GebremariamWhen the data is transferred over the network, a performance and quality of service is one of basic requirement of both user and network but there are many major causes that can result packet loss, such as Congestion over the network. Because of this there is requirement of some methodology that can enhance the performance and quality of service for data transmission over the network. In this paper, the proposed work is representing the solution of the same problem as the major Hypothesis.
Biochemical profiling of red and white wine varieties grown under tropical condition[Full-Text ] Aarti Bhongale, Ramhari Somkuwar, Amruta Vijapure, Dashrath OulkarVariation in yield parameter, biochemical profile like amino acid and sugar composition of different red and white grape wine varieties and their impact on quality of grapes was studied. The analysis showed difference in the concentration of total reducing sugar, phenol, protein, carbohydrate, starch, individual amino acid and individual sugar as the significance values less than 0.01. Total acidity was highest in the red variety of wine grape as compared to white variety of wine grape, however, reducing sugar and phenols were higher in the red variety. Similarly, sugar profile showed higher amounts of individual sugars like glucose and fructose in red variety of wine grape. Amino acid profile showed the concentration of different amino acids were high in white grape varieties as compared to the red grape varieties.
Early diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus in primary care by family doctors[Full-Text ] Saad Ali Alalyani, Abdullah Saad Alalyani, Sultan Salem Algethami, Hamad Sulayyih Alosaimi, Abdullah Saeed Alqarni, Sulaiman Awadh Althobaiti, Reem Shadaid AlQahtani, Maria khalifah Alhamed, Hadi Ahmed Alshehri, Ali Hamoud Alanazi, Ali Zaidan AlbalawiThe goal of this article is to describe effective evidence-based diagnosis and clinical presentation of SLE with a focus on the role of the primary care physician. We searched for articles published up to end of 2017 in the following five electronic databases: PubMed, Science Direct, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus, for both English and non-English language articles with the following keywords: "systemic lupus erythematosus", "diagnosis", "management", "primary care", "family medicine. SLE is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder that most often influences females of childbearing age, specifically African Americans. A medical diagnosis is made by verifying the existence of at least 4 of 11 criteria suggested by the ACR. A normal patient may have arthritis, a malar or discoid rash, and might test positive for ANA and anti-Smith or anti-dsDNA antibodies. One of the most common complication of vital organ participation is nephritis. Virtually all patients need to take HCQ and most will certainly need corticosteroids. The dosage of the last should be kept as low as feasible. Immunosuppressive medications are regularly given too, especially for vital body organ illness. With better management, patients with lupus are living longer yet are at increased risk of disease and treatment-related complications, including infection, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. These issues ought to be monitored and managed in the primary care setting.
Overview of diagnosis and management of Intestinal Lymphoid Nodular Hyperplasia[Full-Text ] Masoud Abdullah M Alshuraym, Ibrahim Salem H Alfaifi, Yahya Hussain Saad Alqahtani, Khalil Eissa Saeed Alzahrani, Waleed Abdulrahman H Alqahtani, Mohammed zaher M AlbakriDiffuse nodular lymphoid hyperplasia is a rare lymphoproliferative disorder which can be seen in immunodeficient, as well as immunocompetent individuals. In this review we discuss background to better understand disease, we emphasize diagnostic and management methods. This electronic search was performed through different databases such Midline, and Embase and the date last searched was November 2017. Results were screened manually to identify relevant publications based on title and/or abstract. Publications that did not focus on the management of Intestinal Lymphoid Nodular Hyperplasia. NLH is a rare problem in grownups that has numerous clinical manifestations. Its etiology has been connected to immune system problems. Although there are couple of reported cases connected with IBD, this could represent over-regulation by response mechanisms of lymphoid tissue connected with the gastrointestinal system. Because of its endoscopic appearance, differential diagnosis needs histopathology. It could present with varying signs and symptoms, the majority of frequently reported being abdominal pain and diarrhea. In symptomatic patients, workup should be directed in the direction of underlying hypogammaglulinemia, infections and possible malignancy. Eradication of infection can lead to resolution of symptoms. In the absence of CVID it is hardly ever seen in association with autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
Laparoscopic transhiatal esophagectomy[Full-Text ] Abdullah Saad Amer Alshahrani, Mohammed Sharaf Alshahrani, Amer faiz binzafrah, Abdullah Mohammed Alsuayri, Abdulrahman mohammed almobty, Saeed Mohammed almobty, Abdulelah Mohammed Almuqaytif, Yousef Sayed Alfahdah, Sultan Khalid S KadasahThis review was conducted to elucidate the current status and approach method and possible beneficial effect of the Lapascopic Transhiatal Esophagectomy. We searched PubMed, and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) databases for recent for studies concerning Lapascopic Transhiatal Esophagectomy. Laparoscopic transhiatal esophagectomy has a number of benefits over open strategies for esophageal cancer resection. Operative mortality and reoperations are equivalent to open techniques, with lower major complication rates, less blood loss and shorter LOS. Laparoscopic transhiatal esophagectomy gives excellent exposure and generates a proper lymph node harvest and oncological resection with equal recurrence and survival rates. Laparoscopic transhiatal esophagectomy needs to be taken into consideration as a preferred approach to esophagectomy.
Polymorphism Investigation of Key Regulating Regions of Calpastatin Gene In Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpeio)[Full-Text ] M I Mir, Aashiq Hussain Bhat, Salma KhanThe biochemical regulated mechanism of softening of muscle fibers is due to proteolytic enzymes especially calpain. In the present study 1445 bps of calpastatin gene an endocytolic inhibitor of calpain has been amplified using five set of primers. The bioinformatic tools were used for demarcation of exon intron margins and phylogenetic analysis. The published sequence accession numbers NP_001124063.2(ZF), NP_001118010.1(RT), NP_001167162.1(SS), gb/AA162761.1 (ZF), gb/AAY18570.1(RT) and gb/AFV08638.1(SS) were taken for marking out of exon intron boundaries and positioning of mutations which resulted change in amino acid within the conserved region for functional validations.
Effect of Dissipation on Non-Darcy convective Heat transfer in a Vertical Channel with Oscillatory Temperature[Full-Text ] Dr. C SulochalaFlow through porous medium is very prevalent in nature and therefore the study of flow through porous medium has become of principal interesting in many scientific and engineering applications. In the theory of flow through a porous medium, the role of momentum equation or force balance is occupied by the numerous experimental observations summarized mathematically as the Darcy’s law. It is observed that the Darcy’s law is applicable as long as the Reynolds number based on average grain (pore) diameter does not exceed a value between 1 and 10