Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017.
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Management control by activity: theoretical foundations and contributions to the organization[Full-Text ] RigalmaHamzaThis article focuses on the theoretical foundations of management control by activity and its contributions to the organization while decomposing the axis of time before and after its birth, its evolution until today and the new expectations addressed to its system.
A Study of Space Use Pattern and Historical Residential Building Morphology of Chittagong[Full-Text ] Ali Akbar RazonThis paper presents a meta-analysis of historical dwellings in Chittagong. The first study investigated the relationship between activity patterns in dwellings and spatial morphology on a sample of six historical building plans in Chittagong which was constructed in more than 100 years ago. The second study focussed on the spatial morphology of historical architecture, and meaning in space use. All the studies employed Space Syntax theory developed by (Hillier and Hanson 1984) for the morphological analysis. Questionnaire interview of the users of these dwellers and their opinion are analysed to depict an actual activity pattern in given domestic spaces. This study attempts to examine the spatial patterns of the lower middle and middle income group dwellers who lived in old buildings whether it supports user lifestyle and spatial demand of their daily activities by means of the location and size of each spaces and the connectivity between them. The reason for the selection of the case studies, each of which form a fascinating body of data, is that to date no enough study has been carried out of these buildings which have significant individual characteristics in relation between activity patterns in dwellings and spatial morphology to their immensely rich historical and cultural background. It is also believed that the morphological analyses which they are subjected to in this paper will contribute to the growing body of numerical data on such buildings. The aim of the study is to analyse the morphology of these buildings in the light of 'space syntax', which is a method used to give quantitative descriptions of built space in a comparative way. In this study each building pattern and morphogenetic structure have been analysed and compared by visual analysis and using the method of space syntax in terms of logical examination. The findings include a strong continuity in space use meaning in Chittagong traditional dwelling types, despite changes in spatial morphology. Also, a relatively low specialization of spaces/rooms was found in the seven samples, as the generic function label used to describe many spaces rarely captured the variety of activities within the key spaces.
Sound and Air Pollution Monitoring System[Full-Text ] Kulkarni Chaitanya, Kulkarni Shruti, Bhopale Siddhi, Mrs. M. M. RasteThe sound and air pollution monitoring system is the new concept and which we can used in various sectors. The Pollution is very big and dangerous issue in front of the world. So with help of this system we can detect the harmful and dangerous gases around us. We have Proposed a system which can detect excessive noise during festivals.
Security Enhanced Routing for VANETs[Full-Text ] Security Enhanced Routing for VANETsVehicular Ad Hoc Netoworks (VANET) aim to efficiently distribute and transfer information between communicating vehicles or between these vehicles
Implementation of Optical and Electro-Optical Sensors In Robotics and Other Industries[Full-Text ] Aishwarya Sharma The research on engineering experiment is a key step in translating technical development to industrial application. Active, optical range imaging sensors collect three-dimensional coordinate data from object surfaces and can be useful in a wide variety of automation applications, including shape acquisition, bin picking, assembly, inspection, gaging, robot navigation, medical diagnosis, and cartography.
Development of the method of Optimal Control by Technological process of Crushing[Full-Text ] Kul'muratov Nurillo Raximovich, Igamberdiyev Xusan ZakirovichThe problem of optimal control is qualified by process of crushing of initial materials, as a problem of consecutive decision-making which belongs to the class of statistical problems in research work. Process of search of optimum control was approximated Markov by casual process with discrete conditions and continuous time. The method of optimum control by process of crushing with the minimum square-law function of losses on each step of management is developed.
Cobb-Douglas Agri-Metereological Model Applied to the Reference Evapotranspira-tion for Benin Subbasin of Niger River[Full-Text ] Volynski R., Ben-Asher J, Selezov I. , Gulko NThis paper is concerned with using of Cobb-Douglass agri-meteorological model for the environmental data obtained for the rice fields placed in the Benin Subbasin for Niger River for seventy years of observation. Mathematical model was develop-ped using Matlab software for the the multiple non-linear regression with the coefficient of determination Rsq=0.9876,i.e. with high goodness of fitting. It is concluded that for the extremely complicated environmental conditions for considering rice fields reasonable use of water resources needs in the individual regional formula for evapotranspiration similar to that developed in Poland recently . Presented CobbDouglas model could to be a step to obtain this aim.
Micro Grid Reliability Improvement Based On Smart Grid Techniques[Full-Text ] M. A. A. MEHANNA, M.F. ABD ELAZIZ OMARThe electric utilities now a day in the way of modification from the traditional grids to smart grid. This modification improves in high signifi-cant action the reliability indices. Smart meter is considering one of the major component in smart grid. As smart meter improves the most important characteristic of smart grid which is the accurate and fast communication between grid component. This quick, and accurate information between grid component support the quick action needed to improve grid reliability specially both of the customer base indices, and the energy base indices. This paper will introduce how smart grids decrease the outage time and load, which reflect on SAIDI, CAIDI, ENA, and AENS indices. The paper will discuss two issues how smart grid affect the reliability indices over two different modules. First the impact of installing smart tools in conventional grid, which consist of commercial and residential loads. Second the load shedding technique within an existing smart grid of commercial loads, how this technique uses the spare generation power, and maintain system stability.
Linear Interactive and Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Plane Frame Combined Footing Soil System- A Parametric Study[Full-Text ] H.J.Puttabasavegowda, Karisiddappa and K.C. Krishna The finite element analysis has been carried out considering the effect of soil structure interaction on two dimensional frame structure resting on combined footing subjected to pseudo static wind load. An independent analysis has been carried out for structure assuming the column has been rigid (non – interactive with lateral + vertical loading). A linear interactive analysis (with lateral+ vertical loading) of the structure has been carried out to understand the effect of soil structure on behavior of super structure. A Elasto-Plastic interactive analysis has been carried out using Drucker-Prager model in a non-linear elastic state for the soil.
INVESTIGATION OF SLIPSTREAMING EFFECT BETWEEN A SEMI TRAILER-TRUCK AND A SEDAN CAR[Full-Text ] Rubiat Mustak, Md.Habib Ullah Khan, Md.Mahbubur RahmanThe study focuses on the slipstreaming effect on an aerodynamic sedan vehicle, trailing a semi-trailer truck on highways. A Subsonic wind tunnel (100×100×100 cm) is used to investigate the effect of slipstreaming. For design purpose, solid works software is used. Wooden models of semi-trailer truck and a sedan car have been constructed. In this experiment, the effect of distance of separation of the vehicles to slipstreaming has been studied and the critical distance is identified. The relative drag during slipstreaming at different velocities of the critical distance has also been addressed. From this investigation it has been observed that slipstreaming is effective at higher velocities of the vehicles under consideration.
Interactome Mapping Guided by Tissue-Specific Phosphorylation in Age-Related Macular Degeneration[Full-Text ] Srinivas Sripathi, Weilue He, Cameron L. Prigge, O’Donnell Sylvester, Ji-Yeon Um, Folami L. Powell, Musa Neksumi, Paul S. Bernstein, Dong-Won Choo, Manuela Bartoli, Diana R. Gutsaeva, and Wan Jin JahngThe current study aims to determine the molecular mechanisms of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using the phosphorylation network. Specifically, we examined novel biomarkers of oxidative stress by protein interaction mapping using in vitro and in vivo models that mimic the complex and progressive characteristics of AMD.
Hilbert Transform and its Applications: A survey[Full-Text ] Dr. Matheel E. Abdulmunem, Ameer A. BadrThe Hilbert Transform (HT) has globally played an important part in theory of signal processing operation in both continues and digital systems theory because of its relevance to such problem as envelope detection, as well as its use in relating the real and imaginary component, and the magnitude and phase component of spectra.A recent development, proposes an approach to the solution for the nonlinear and non-stationary class of spectrum analysis problems, renowned as Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT). By using first the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), followed by the HT of the empirical decomposition data.In this survey paper, HT was introduced and its usefulness in the field of signal processing was explained, Then the use of the HHT in signal processing domain was discussed, also an outline to the recent development methods called EMD was introduced, Finally, the application of the HHT was introduced.
Freshwater Cultivation by Continuous Flush-ing of River Water through Elephant Pass La-goon to Vadamarachchi Lagoon in Northern Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Nitharsan, U., Anusuthan, N., Thinojah, T., Mafizur, R., and Sivakumar, S.S.Elephant pass lagoon which is located between the mainland and the Jaffna peninsula is fed by the larger catchment. Sea water intrusion caused the lagoon water more brackish. Further ground water quality in Jaffna peninsula is getting worse due to the high contamination of nitrates, bacteria-coliforms and oil. Posibility of converting the lagoon water to fresh water lake can be an alternative solution to reduce the water demand of pipe born water in the current situation in northern Sri Lanka. It can improve the agricultural land and reduce the salinity around the periphery of lagoons, presently abandoned due to salinity. This study is being carried out to analyze the water balance in Elephant pass lagoon and study the possibility of flushing the vadamarachchi lagoon by the excess water in elephant lagoon. Numerical rainfall runoff model was developed and the results were analyzed by changing the crest level in eastern spill crest of elephant pass lagoon and sill level of the northern outlet of elephant lagoon to take water to Mandalai canal to flush saline water of vadamarachchi lagoon. Preliminary study indicate water availability but the insufficient driving head in “mandalai” canal to take excess water from elephant pass lagoon to vadamarachchi lagoon. Alternate possibilities are being studied by changing the crest level of eastern spill crest and sill of northern outlet of elephant pass lagoon.
Various Phosphorus Levels and Early Sowing Affect on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat under Semi Arid Conditions[Full-Text ] Raheel Atif Hameed and Shazia AnjumA study was carried out to determine the effect of different doses of Phosphorus (0, 40, 70 and 100 kg ha-1) on growth and yield of wheat. The application of 100 kg P2O5 ha-1 produced significantly the highest total biomass, plant height (cm), number of fertile tillers m-2, number of grains spike-1, straw yield, harvest index and 1000 grain weight that consequently resulted to maximum grain yield (7060 kg ha-1)
EFFECT OF PRE-EMERGENCE WEEDICIDES ON WEED CONTROL, YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS IN COTTON ON SANDY LOAM SOIL[Full-Text ] Raheel Atif Hameed, Shazia Anjum and Muhammad Naveed AfzalScreening of weedicides (Stomp 330E @ 2.5 L ha-1, Stop 33EC @ 2.5 L ha-1 (Pendimethalin), Fuslan 48 EC @ 3.125 L ha-1 (Trifluralin), Galaxy 450 EC @ 1.5 L ha-1 (Pendimethalin + Clomazone) against untreated (control) was investigated against cotton cultivar CIM-473 under field conditions during Kharif 2011-12 at Agronomic Research Area, Central Cotton Research Institute Multan. Significant effects on weed Control and cotton yields were observed. It was indicated that the highest yield and control of weeds obtained with Stomp 330E @ 2.5 L ha-1 as compared to other weedicides and untreated control. During both the years number of bolls plant-1 and final plant height was not significant against one another but effect was significant against untreated control. Maximum net profit was also obtained by the Stomp 330E application than other all other treatments.
Comparative study of calcium binding protein expression in developing spike of two different contrasing genotypes of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.)[Full-Text ] M. Metwal and A. KumarCalreticulins are a high-capacity calcium binding proteins (CaBPs) comprising the major intracellular storage reservoir. Finger millet is rich in calcium; it accumulates upto 450 mg Ca/100g of seed. Ec_CRT1 is identified as one of the calreticulin present in the transcriptome of the fingermillet developing spike. But there is little molecular information present about it in different genotypes of finger millet. Such information when available would be immensely helpful in the genetic engineering of common cereals for high seed calcium contents and in turn be an important step forward to alleviate the problem of calcium deficiency. In order to understand the mechanism of high calcium accumulation by Ec_CRT1, two genotypes of finger millet differing in seed calcium content i.e. GP-1 (low calcium) and GP-45 (high calcium) were selected in present study. The differential expression was analyzed in developing spike of both genotypes and it was observed it is highly expressed in GP-45 as compared to GP-1 in later stages. This high expression of genes in later stages could be utilized in future biofortification programme of the Finger millet.
Assessment of Crop Yields And Soil Fertility Based On The Location Of Bench Terraces In The Landscape[Full-Text ] Derrick Bugenimana, Shemu Moenga, Bigaraba AggeeSoil erosion is a pressing challenge causing deterioration of soil quality and bench terraces are measures to minimize it nonetheless crop yield is not t of quality the same and quantity along the terraces. The objective of this research was examining the crops growth and yield parameters and soil properties along the slope of terraces. Testing of soil samples and evaluating crop growth parameters collected on upper, middle and lower slopes of Mugera bench terrace. There was a decrease in acidity from upper to lower slopes while there was an increase in maize yield Therefore, compering the yield trends by location in the landscape, the effect of the slope was very clear. The maximum grain yield of 6.21 tons per hectare was observed in down slope, followed by Middle slope which produced 5.78 t/ha. The upper slope produced a minimum of 5.031 t/ha. These differences in the grain yield according land steepness are due to the soil properties, soil fertility as shown by the results.
Robust Regression with an Application to Nigeria’s Micro-Economic Data[Full-Text ] David Peter Ilesanmi and Samuel OluwarotimiIn this research work, variable selection method is used to select the useful variables from Nigeria's macro- economic data. Robust regression method is then used to analyse them. Robust regression analysis provides an alternative to a least squares regression model when fundamental assumptions are unfulfilled by the nature of the data. Sometimes, the analyst can transform his variables to agree to those assumptions. Often, however, a transformation will not eliminate the leverage of influential outliers that bias the prediction and distort the significance of parameter estimates. Under these circumstances, robust regression that is resistant to the influence of outliers may be the only reasonable recourse. The weaknesses of the Least Squares estimator are highlighted, and the idea of error in data refined. Properties such as breakdown point, efficiency and leverage are discussed and, through consideration of M and MM-estimators in relation to these properties. The study reveals that Fixed Asset, Foreign Exchange, Consumption, Net Savings and External Reserve contributed to the improvement of the Nigerian economy. However, one of the recommendations of the study is that, the method of robust regression should be used in situations where the presence of outliers is suspected.
Conservation and Uses of Water Resources as Climate Change Adaptation in Komolchari Village Common Forest (VCF), Khagrachari, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] MD. Arif Chowdhury, Fatima-tuz-Zahra, Md. Shibbir AhmedImpact of climate change on natural resources and people’s livelihoods is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. Because of less capacities, indigenous communities in Chittagong Hill Tracts areas of Bangladesh are most vulnerable to climate change. To conserve natural resources, local tribal people were applying indigenous knowledge as community based adaptation. The major objective of this research work is to explore ways of local indigenous people of Komolchari Village Common Forest (VCF) in Khagrachari in conserving their water resources. To address this theme, we conducted six focus group discussions and field survey following two questionnaires. Four key person interviews were also conducted with local leaders and non-governmental officials who were working with communities around komolchari VCF. This paper is designed on following major points: (a) available edible aquatic fauna of Komolchari VCF, (b) changing status of livelihood due to climate change, (c) application of indigenous knowledge to conserve water resources, (d) community based management for VCF. Community based approach to cope against climate change in disadvantageous CHTs is important to maintain a sustainable conservation and use of water. Findings of this research will help policy makers, governmental and non-governmental authorities to initiate suitable adaptation activities in areas vulnerable to climate change.
Climate Justice for Displaced Persons in Bangladesh: A Review Paper[Full-Text ] MD. Arif ChowdhuryClimate change is a recent burning global phenomenon which is imposing significant threat through changing different components of environment all over the world and Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world. Climate justice is the suitable way to eradicate differences in equality for all people resulted by climate change and ensures the equal rights through confirming the implementation of necessary legal practices and protects climate changes to remove discrimination permanently and minimize the impact on economy. Several impacts of climate change such as increased temperature, drought and salinity intrusion etc. are imposing risks and damages on the economy sectors for example, rice and wheat production, fisheries, surface and groundwater resources, industry, marine resources, livelihoods, forestry, biodiversity of Bangladesh. Furthermore, it is predicted that, because of sea level rise, more than 30 million people of Bangladesh will migrate where climate change is main responsible for changing ecosystem services. Adaptation is the major mechanisms for displaced person to adjust at the place of origin and destination in the local and global level. Present status of climate justice in human rights for displaced in the perspective of adaptation and migration shows that, protecting self against arbitrarily displaced, inspiring adaptation including opportunities for development, equal rights for men and women, right to move freely, right to seek safety and asylum, right to protected against forcible return etc. are covered by legal practices; Other hand, climate justice in different aspects- protection of property left behind by internally displaced persons, right to know about missing relatives, fully support to sick people, involvement of affected people and other several issues which are not issued in legal practices in Bangladesh are presented in this paper highlighting the importance on implication of justice. The establishment of proper climate justice issue on human rights should be introduced in the legal practices to maintain sustainable migration and adaptation for displaced persons. This study will help policy makers, administration panel and others to think about climate justice on human rights in the perspective of migration and adaptation in the national and global level.
Nanostructured NickelDopedVanadiumPentoxideThinFilms with Improved Surface Morphology and Electric Conductivityfor Supercapacitor Applications[Full-Text ] M.A.Sutar, M.S.Pawar, M.K.Rendale, S.G.KandalkarThere is great concern of surface morphology and electricconductivity of materials to be as righteous electrode for supercapacitor application. Thin film electrodes of nickel (Ni)doped vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) at different doping proportions(0 wt.%, 2.5 wt.% and 5 wt.%) were prepared on stainless steel (SS304) substrate using electrodeposition with intention to improve ion diffusion kinetics and electric conductivity.Changes in the nature of these film surfaces have been tracked with X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and contact angle measurements. The proportion of nickel doping was being quantified by using energy dispersive spectrum (EDS). The electrochemical behavior has been investigated through cyclic voltammetry. The porosity, pore density and subsequently electric conductivity are found to be increased as Ni doping increases. Among threefilms, the film with 5 wt.%of Niexhibited the maximum specific capacitance of412 F/g.It is also seen that the maximum peak current was shown by the capacitor cell for5 wt.%of Ni doped V2O5electrode.It infers thatNi doped V2O5thin film is viable as electrode in supercapacitor.
Estimating the Occurrence Probability of Earthquake In Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Nurul Absar, Shamsun Nahar Shoma , Aklima Akter ChowdhuryEarthquake has become a common problem in Bangladesh and as well as all over the World. Data mining software also is one of the analyzing tools for the data. Our neighbor countries like Japan, Nepal are seriously victims of serious earthquake. Every year many people died for earthquake and also loss their property. So scientists are working continuously for reducing the loss of earthquake. Although we cannot stop the earthquake or cannot see any sign before earthquake. But scientists are still working for earthquake. There are several research have been completed to predict the earth quark based on many theoretical method especially statistical method in Bangladesh also in the world. We were made prediction software to the estimating the occurrence probability of earthquake which helps to find out the safe or risky area based on some factor such as distance from epicenter, communication links, population density, development and severity which is different from previous study. Here, severity is used as the magnitude of Richter scale and other factors is used as present condition of its numeric level. Naive Bayes classifier algorithms were used to predict the result. We were used many geospecial data on the database and the algorithm were analysis over the data. If the users fill up all factor that are in the input field then they can identify the location is safe or risky for earthquake within a few moment. It is a system of software where included sign in or registration system with password protection bearing dynamic database.
Voice Recognition Electric Wheelchair[Full-Text ] V.Hiroshaan, R.M.T.C.B. EkanayakeWheel chairs are the evaded partner for most of disabled people lives to support their day to day activities. Manual and powered wheelchairs fail to meet the needs of the quadruple amputees. The objective of this study is to produce wheelchair to meet the needs of quadruple amputees by adjustable seat and control the wheelchair movement by means of voice commands. Aluminium frames were used to make the body of the wheelchair and modified wheel and caster wheels were used as wheels. Jack was connected with the motor to make the seats adjustable to various heights. Wheelchair was designed to work with two modes, which were human voice control and switch control. In voice control mode, commands were given through microphone which was connected to the voice recognition module. Access port 137 software was used to access the voice recognition module via computer. This software recognizes and records the voice. Voice recognition module was initially trained to identify our voice commands. It was attached with USB TTL to connect with the computer. Given voice command was identified by voice recognition module, converted as serial signal and was input to Arduino programming board (Uno) which was programmed to control the wheelchair. Five essential actions which were "forward", "backward", "left side turning", "right side turning" and "stop" were implemented in this project. Based on the serial signal input generated by Voice recognition module, commands were identified in Arduino and required signals were sent to motor control circuit to control the viper motor in order to get the desired motion for the command. In Switch mode command signals from switch were directly connected to Arduino and were identified. 94% of the voice commands were successfully identified and desired actions resulted.
Selection of Consistent Rules with Market Basket Analysis and Overall Variability Association Rules Method (OVARM)[Full-Text ] Fajrianza Adi Nugrahanto, Hari Wijayanto, Farit Mochamad AfendiMarket Basket Analysis (MBA) is one of the most popular data mining techniques used in retail environment. To monitor rules performance over time a variation indicator is needed, which OVARM can fulfill. This study aimed to apply MBA and OVARM on transaction data from a retailer with several supermarket stores to find the most consistent item pair bought by consumers. Application of MBA with minimum support 0.1% and minimum confidence 50% found eleven rules with high support, confidence, and lift values. Applying OVARM on those eleven rules resulted in a product association “If consumers buy Blueberries, then Bananas also tend to be bought” as the most consistent rule with 12% value in OVAR (Overall Variability Association Rules).The selected rule was a trivial one, therefore several modifications on OVARM usage were proposed in this study to acquire the most consistent non-trivial rule.
A Comparative Study of Mathematical and Statistical Models for Population Projection of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Kerry C. C, Subeno Tessy, Dr J.N. Ezeora, Okafor Joseph Iweanandu For a country to develop socially and economically, it needs to plan its activities not only for the present, but also for the future. Population projection provides future estimates of population sizes needed by planners. In Nigeria a number of factors have contributed negatively to having an accurate and reliable census data. Successive Nigerian Governments have embarked on Population Census in which huge sums of money was expended. Population projection can be made by examining the influence of demographic components, such as birth, death and migration of population as it affects population from time to time so as to determine future population. In this work we compare the exponential growth model and a statistical model. Using performance measures we determine which is more accurate in forecasting the future population of Nigeria projected to 2036.
WordPress: A Versatile Tool for Managing Contents[Full-Text ] Zujaj Misbah Khan, Kamran Rasheed, Muhammad Imran Nowadays, most of the websites are powered by different content management systems (CMS) that allowswebsite administrators to make changes to their websites without web programming tools knowledge. WordPress, Joomla and Drupal are popular open source CMS technologies, but WordPress has becomefar more popular among three in the past couple of years.
Measuring adaptive capacity: towards a conceptual framework to analyse adaptive capacity of Maldives[Full-Text ] Ahmed Aslam, Bin Xu, Randy Polyanna Po, Aminath DhunyaThis paper reviews the concept of adaptive capacity and various approaches to assessing it, particularly with respect to climate variability and change. It will also suggest a framework to analyse adaptive capacity for the Maldives. Adaptive capacity is a relatively under- researched topic within the sustainability science and global change communities. However, it is uniquely positioned to improve linkages between vulnerability and resilience research. We identify opportunities for advancing the measurement and characterization of adaptive capacity by combining insights from various adaptive capacity analysis frameworks, and we suggest several assessment approaches for possible to analyse adaptive capacity for the Maldives. Those methods identified include those that draw from both frameworks and focus on analysing the governance, institutions, and management that have helped foster adaptive capacity.
Dynamic Bandwidth Scheduling For WCDMA Uplink Transmission[Full-Text ] Dynamic Bandwidth Scheduling For WCDMA Uplink TransmissionProviding quality of service is a challenging issue in UMTS mobile networks for multimedia traffic (video, voice and data). Critical services such as real-time audio, voice and video are given priority over less critical ones, such as file transfer and web surfing. One of the approaches that efficiently provide standard quality of service for multimedia traffic in wireless networks is to dynamically allocate bandwidth to varying traffic load and channel conditions. There are several of such dynamic bandwidth allocation approaches developed in the recent time by researchers. The choice of which one to implement at an instance and for a specific condition is an issue in mobile communication networks. In this work, the popular Code-Division Generalized Processor Sharing (CDGPS) was analyzed.
SURVEILLANCE AND ESTIMATION OF THE CROP USING QUADCOPTER[Full-Text ] Britto Martin Paul N, Rajendra Prasad K, Srikanth MQuadcopter plays a vital role in surveillance, monitoring and estimation of a crop or a particular area where human access is limited by the terrain contour of the area which is to be monitored. The response of the Quadcopter to the control input is very much essential in case of emergency situations. The flight control board on which it is designed plays a vital role in the response time of the Quadcopter [2] drone. Capabilities of the drone increases with the incorporation of power-packed processors running at higher mega hertz so that all the channels of the transmitter can be decoded by a single timer instead of multiple channels for decoding. In this paper, we present a new Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Drone, called as Quadcopter, based on ARM processor board. For the purpose of on board processing and for current location of the Quad, MPU 6050[6] sensor is incorporated. This Quadcopter[2] will consume less power so that the Flight time of the Drone will increase greatly. The fusion of accelerometer and gyroscope data will deliver accurate position of the Drone. Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID)[3] control algorithm is implemented for stabilization of the Quadcopter. The drone can be operated even at the night time for emergency operations. Our experimental result shows Quadcopter[2] is highly stable during its flight time and responses are very fast for the user input.
Multiple Intestinal Perforations In A 34 Years Old Male With Behcet Disease : a Case Report[Full-Text ] Taher Y. Somili, Jamal S. Matar, Mohammed A. Albasiouny, Raed H. Rayani, Naif A. Hakami, Ohud E. Alakhrash, Fazal H. Shah34 years old male patient patient, a known case of Behçet disease on high dose of daily cortisone for seven years, presented with generalized abdominal pain, blood-streak stool and multiple mouth and scrotal ulcers with pneumoperitonium confirmed by erect abdominal and chest x-ray. Diagnosed as a case of perforated intestine with peritonitis. His condition improved after exploratory laparotomy and resection of distal ileum with limited right hemicolectomy.
Analytical method of Identification of an Object Automation on examples of Floatation of ores of Precious Metals[Full-Text ] Nasirova Shaira NarmuradovnaIn this study the problems involved in questions of identification of an object automation were deeply analyzed. These problems were formed as differential equations and the coefficients of these differential equations were determined. In this process a combination of models of elementary objects were used and the information related to the object of automation detension was processed. Further, the analytical identification of an object of automation in different stages was done by using multistage analysis for the identification of an object automation by applying a concept of movement of information or movement of a signal in the object. Using this information, the sequence of performance of a research is also determined. The capacity of information is also obtained by hirarchical steps. For the purpose of the study three models were used viz. A computer model by using the liquid capacity of a Hydraulic capacitor installation with a Hydraulic Reservoir concept, finally a rather complex model of Heat exchanger with a stream shirt with a three element approach and finally a Floatation Device using six transition process for liquid phase, gaseous phases. It was found that the maintenance of a component at the beginning of process decreases almost hyperbolic, and the maintenance of useful components in a gas phase increases, consistently beginning from initial to the maximum value in each layer then begins hyperbolic to decrease at the end of process, concentration of components in a liquid and gas phase will be close to zero.The received results allow to develop a control system of process of flotation in the periodic mode and also it will be possible to calculate a theoretical bubbling cube of the floatation device.
Investigation of the Causes of Severe Asphalt Damagedon Road Pavement in Addis Ababa - Jimma Road[Full-Text ] Nikodimos Bekele,Bobby C. Lupango, Mamuye BusierThe research study was conducted in Addis Ababa – Jimma Road Upgrading Project with a total road length 355 km. Detailed Investigation was carried out from km 265 to km 281, and more attention was given to several damaged sections between for km 265 to km 281. In this study, a sampling of pavement materials from the road was collected for laboratory tests, and I carried out in-situ DCP test on five testing pits along the road on layers of Subbase and Subgrade. These samplings have been done on all layers from each pit. From the test result, I confirmed that the subgrade is so weak based on strength parameter.I identify subbase strength tests along the study area which I revealed that the subbase has an excellent material and its class is based on ERA design manual. Therefore,it has no problem to the pavement structural thickness to accommodate the current traffic.I also investigate the pattern of shear failures from km 275+000 to km 281+600 which are very similar failure type to the one in km 265+000 to km 271+340. Therefore, the shear failure is caused by the under design. Whereas, the failure comes exactly from weak subgrade with higher PI value and the subgrade is made up of black cotton in which eventually weaken the overall performance of the pavement structure. The investigationwas also carried out in the drainage facility along the study area, especially from km 265+500 to km 281+600 has been found a side water from uphill to the side of the road which eventually saturates the subbase and makes pavement structure so weak.Based on the actual moisture determination of the sub base from km 265+500 to km 281+600 would reveal that the sub base is saturated with water, but the subgrade has critical change with the laboratory optimum moisture content due to the nature of the materials mainly expansive which not drain the water easily.Based on the findings of this investigation, it is recommended the following proposed remedial measures should be taken into account: a) There are some isolated potholes and cracks which cannot be caused by the quality of the materials but it came from poor workmanship, and therefore it is better to patch all the potholes and defect areas to cut and west the contaminated materials and cut to fill based on the recommended thickness and quality of materials, b) The damaged part of the road basically needs reconstruction based on my recommendation, soil stabilization is the best solution because the main problem is the weakness of the subgrade soil which is a black cotton type of soil,c) Under this study I observed that the failed section is starting from km 265+000 to the end of km 285+600; however, from the point of quality of the materials used for the sub-base has been done by according to ERA standard compacted layer by layer not greater than 200mm.
Megacities In Developing World – Environmental Ethics In Urban Planning And Development[Full-Text ] Lynette Umuratwa, Dragan Cigoja Cities are places of man’s greatest impact on the environment. The high rate at which the megacities are developing will surely have huge impact on the present and next generations if no serious measure are taken to stop further expansion of cities. Social inclusion is one of the aspects of a good society, the economic well-being is widely shared between different class, ethnic and religious groups on a nation level. Besides economic development, it is the society’s responsibility to take good care of the natural environment. The question arises on how we can possibly achieve sustainable development with growing economy and city expansion. Rapid urbanization trend in developing countries resulted with enormous pressure on local infrastructure. Waste and water management and infrastructure have significant importance for cities sustainable development. Comparing urban planning and development of the three megacities in the developing world, Shanghai, Mumbai and Lagos, this paper emphasizes the impact of these megacities on social development and sustainable development and how environmental ethics can offer better solution to combat with the rising urban development associated issues.
Reducing the effect of torque on SISO Gas Turbine System by applying suitable H∞ Controller[Full-Text ] Nihal D. Salman, Muammel M. HanonThis paper describes the robust control of single input-single output (SISO) gas turbine system by employing suitable H∞ Controller. A non-linear model of this system has been taken from literature and developed to a linear model, the state space H∞ controller is performed using this linearized model. The performance criteria are specified in terms of bandwidth and desired response of the system. The employed H∞ is compared to a classical Proportional-Integral Drifted (PID) controller, the results show that the H∞ Controller is best.
Real Time Matrix Stimulation Engineering - A Novel Approach for Optimized Treatments in Deepwater Brazil[Full-Text ] Raphael Mohallem,Ernesto Franco, Alan Diaz, Franco Feliciano, Cremilton Junior, and Sascha Trummer, Schlumberger; Fabio Resende, ManoelGoveia, Sergio Brito, Ivaldo Pereira, Marcelo Galvão, Marcos Pereira and Dayana Nunes, PetrobrasFor over 20 years, in the main fields in Deepwater Brazil, matrix stimulation treatments have been carried out in sandstone reservoirs, where several sand control techniques and chemical treatments have been widely implemented. In recent years, an operator faced challenges found in carbonate reservoirs, such as high permeability profile contrast, heterogeneous porosity distribution, and long producing intervals, which demand selective matrix stimulation treatments.In the past, matrix stimulation treatments were pumped using the “bullheading” technique at high pump rates with chemical diverter agents. However, the approach was ineffective, for these multiple zone reservoirs showed nonuniformely stimulated intervals on post-treatment evaluation logs due to high variations in the permeability profile. Nowadays, stimulation treatments can benefit from the use of coiled tubing (CT) with real-time monitoring of downhole parameters during intervention. Key parameters, such as pressure, temperature, and depth are tracked. The gathered information is compared to petrophysical data and available post-treatment production log results, allowing the Matrix Stimulation Engineering (MSE) team to evaluate and adjust the chemical pumping schedules accordingly. Selective fluid placement techniques along the target producing zones are then employed, which have resulted in overall improvement of the well productivity.