Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2013 Edition
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Optimization methodology based on Quantum computing applied to Fuzzy practical unit commitment problem[Full-Text ] B. N. AL-Matrafi, A. A. Mousa In this Paper, an algorithm to solve constrained unit commitment problem (UCP) with operational and power flow constraints will be developed to plan an economic and secure generation schedule. This Paper presents a quantum gentic algorithm QGA for unit commitment problem (UCP) problem. Our approach integrates the merits of both Genetic algorithm and quantum computing and it has two characteristic features. Firstly, unit commitment problem UCP has been defined, where the input data involve many parameters whose possible values may be assigned by the expert. Secondly, quantum genetic algorithm can represent a linear superposition of states, and there is no need to include many individuals. QGA has an excellent ability of global search due its diversity caused by the probabilistic representation. Several optimization runs of the proposed approach will be carry out on the test problems to verify the validity of the proposed approach. In this perspective, having a quantum version of a genetic algorithm seems to be a relevant topic in the future, when quantum computers will be available. Moreover, the integration between the two paradigms can be a way of applying quantum computation to hard problems for which a quantum algorithm is not available yet.
Effect of Zingiber officinal (ginger) on electrophoresis analysis and biochemical aspects of Biomphalaria alexandrina snails infected with Schistosoma mansoni[Full-Text ] Fayez A.Bakry, Abd El-Atti M. S, Somaya M. IsmailSchistosomiasis is an important parasitic disease that infects humans. Schistosoma mansoni is one of the main species of schistosomes infecting humans. Biomphalaria alexandrina snails, act as an intermediate hosts and play a major role in the transmission of schistosomes. The effect of Zingiber officinal (ginger) on the survival rate, egg production, electrophoresis analysis, biochemical aspects of B. alexandina snails infected with S. mansoni were studied. The obtained result showed that a rapid decline in survival rate and egg production of infected snails with S. haematobium exposed to ginger. The present results also, showed that the glucose concentrations in uninfected and infected snails exposed to ginger were increased in hemolymph, while soft tissue glycogen decreased. The activities of glycogen phosphorylase, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and glucose-6-phosphatase in homogenate of snail’s tissues of uninfected and infected snails exposed to ginger were reduced (P< 0.001) in response to infection and exposure to ginger. Qualitative and quantitative effects on the protein patterns have been revealed for uninfected and infected snails exposed to ginger. The electrophoresis pattern of total protein showed differences in number and molecular weights of protein bands.
An Appraisal of Conflict Stimulation in Nigerian Construction Industry: Project Manager’s and Project Team Views[Full-Text ] Olalekan Mumuni OgunbayoIt is of ideal conjecture that conflict stimulation is hygienic in project management as getting the best out of the team is through objectively orchestrated conflict stimulation. However, the decision of the Project manager stimulating conflict in projects is plausible to achieve the project objectives through the Project team members. Therefore, the study looked at conflict stimulation in the construction project management through further understanding of previous researchers; by confirming the factors that instigate Project managers’ conflict stimulation; ascertaining conflict stimulation synthesis and determining the available benefits of conflict stimulation. The result of the analysis suggests that stimulation of conflict occur mostly when there is lack of new ideas, creativity and innovations; synthesising conflict is by bringing a new person into existing situation to raise new questions to provide different fresh views that propel the solution to the contending issue. Lastly, achieving better solution is through conflict synthesis. Project manager’s interest in the project success is significant to conflict stimulation and conflict application, which invariably create a new and better value from divergent views of the project team. Therefore, the Project manager must identify the current situation to determine the type of conflict stimulants and synthesis to adopt in a project setting.
Corrosion inhibition of indoloimidazole derivative on mild steel in H2SO4[Full-Text ] D. Sudha and D. NaliniThe corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 0.5M H2SO4 by indoloimidazole derivative namely, (3,4-dihydro-2-(phenyl)imidazo[4,5-b]indole) (DPI) has been studied using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance and quantum chemical studies. Inhibition was found to increase with increasing concentration of the inhibitor. The effect of temperature on the corrosion behavior of mild steel was studied in the range of 303 K-343 K. Potentiodynamic polarization results show that the inhibitors act as mixed type in 0.5M H2SO4. The adsorption of the inhibitors on the mild steel surface follows Langmuir and Tempkin adsorption isotherms at 303K. Molecular modeling has been conducted to correlate the corrosion inhibition properties with the calculated quantum chemical parameters.
Assessment of Sediment Transport Equations with GSTARS3 model[Full-Text ] Fariba Khodabakhshi,Farzad Hassanpour, Mehdi Motallebian, Mohammad DadashiWater and water resource management are one of the main elements in regional and national development Increasing efficiency in water and soil supply usage and procure industrial needs for water and urban drinking water have importance rule in increase economic growth and development indexes. The prediction of sediment load and its variability in rivers is a component of water resources and environmental engineering and management of infrastructures. The Sistan River, located in southeast of the Sistan Plain in Iran and Afghanistan border, branched off the Hirmand River and after passing distance around 72 km, reaches to Lake Hamoon of the Hirmand. In this study, the morphological classification of Sistan River in the distance between Kahak dam and Hirmand Hamoon Lake (with the length of 34 km) was examined. In this paper we have evaluated the software GSTARS3 sediment transport equations. Model GSTARS3 which quasi-two-dimensional model is flow tube was run with three and the best equation to calculate sediment transport equation've got a Toffaleti transport equation.
Control Of Robotic Arm Using Machine Vision[Full-Text ] M.Shri Harish, R.Hushein, S.JayaveluEvery invention has a aim to reduce humans effort and make it easy for his life.In this regard this paper is focused on easy control of robotic arm using simple hand movements. The movement control can be used for heavier machinery like JCB earth movers which can also be used in delicate environment like saving lives in earth quake demolished sites. Image processing techniques is involved in realizing the hand movement, MATLAB is utilized to complete image processing part , To implement the approach on a real-time application, a Personal Computer interface was designed to control the movements of a four degree of freedom robot arm by transmitting the orders via radio frequency circuits.
SIBCast: Swarm Intelligence based broadcasting for Mobile Ad hoc Networks[Full-Text ] Shaik Jaffar, Dr. M.V. SubramanyamAd hoc networks comprise sovereign self-ordered nodes. Nodes utilize radio frequency to exchange transmissions, consequently two nodes may communicate immediately if and only if they're within each other's transmitting radius. Swarm intelligence describes complex behaviors that appear from quite basic being behaviors and relationships, which is frequently discovered in nature, notably among social insects including bugs. Even though each being (an ant) has little brains and just uses basic guidelines using local information acquired from the surroundings, including ant's pheromone trail laying and subsequent behavior, globally optimized behaviors, including finding a shortest route, emerge if they function together for a team. Within an extensive series of simulator tests, we evaluate our routing algorithm using state-of-the-art criteria, and demonstrate it gets better efficiency on a broad variety of various situations and for several various assessment steps. Specifically, we demonstrate it scales better using the variety of nodes within the system.
Particular and unique solutions of DGLAP evolution equation in leading order and gluon structure function at small-x [Full-Text ] R.Rajkhowa and J. K. SarmaWe present particular and unique solutions of Dokshitzer- Gribov- Lipatov- Altarelli-Parisi (DGLAP) evolution equation for gluon structure function in leading order (LO) and obtain t and x-evolutions of gluon structure function at small-x. The results are compared with a recent global parameterization.
Personalized Mobile Web Search Techniques[Full-Text ] Disha Gupta, Nekita ChavhanVolume of information available on web is increasing day by day. People frequently explore web for their various information needs, using web search engines. The recent advancements in the mobile technology have boosted searching and browsing tasks on mobile platforms also. However, the ambiguity in queries and presence of noise hampers the performance of traditional search engines. They provide similar results to all users, irrespective of their context. Thus users require additional effort and time for getting relevant results. In addition to this, the constraints associated with mobile devices pose new challenges for mobile search. Approaches and issues of existing search techniques have been studied in this paper. A framework, incorporating user preferences, has been proposed for mobile search engine personalization.
Limitations, Patterns And Integration Of Data Warehousing, Data Mining And Database Technologies- Multidimensional Approaches[Full-Text ] Tiruveedula Gopi Krishna, Dr.Mohamed Abdeldaiem Abdelhadi, M.Madusudana SubramanyamData Warehousing and Data mining on large databases has been a major concern in research com-munity, due to the difficulty of analyzing huge volumes of data using only traditional OLAP tools. This sort of process implies a lot of computational power, memory and disk I/O, which can only be provided by distributed/parallel computers. We present a discussion of how database technology can be integrated to data mining techniques. This paper provides a comprehensive compilation of knowledge covering state-of-the-art developments and research, as well as current innovative activities in data warehousing and mining, focusing on the integration between the fields of data warehousing and data mining, with emphasis on the applicability to real world problems” In the last years, data In the last years, data warehousing systems have gained relevance to support decision making within organizations. All in all, we discuss the current scenario of multidimensional modeling by carrying out a survey of multidimensional design methods. We present the most relevant methods introduced in the literature and a detailed comparison showing the main features of each approach. We present a discussion of how database technology can be integrated to data mining techniques. Finally, we also point out several ad-vantages of addressing data consuming activities through a tight integration of a database server and data mining techniques.
BER analysis of using Adaptive Channel Equalization Methods for MC-CDMA Communication System[Full-Text ] Md. Kaiser Ahmed, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nurul HudaOur society where communication through modern technology is prominent, seeking high speed voice, video and data in quantities that could not be imagined even a decade ago. The mobility and channel impairments have added more challenges. Multi Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) system is an attractive choice for high speed wireless communication as it avoids the problem of Inter Symbol Interference (ISI). The approach of this paper is based on Least Mean Square (LMS), Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) and Recursive Least Square (RLS) algorithms are considered as channel equalization method that are proposed and examined to fight for the ISI effect for MC-CDMA system of achieving fast and reliable wireless digital communication. The simulation results of estimated Bit Error Rate (BER) show that the proposed system with Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulation with RLS algorithm outperforms as compared to other modulation techniques and channel equalization methods.
Land use/Land cover mapping of the Lagos Metropolis of Nigeria using 2012 SLC-off Landsat ETM+ Satellite Images[Full-Text ] Ugonna C. NkwunonwoRecent explosions in demography and urbanization have prompted concerns for investigating the various dimensions of human environment. Of particular interest are the land use/land cover (LU/LC) themes, which have been undergoing severe modifications, due to the range of human activities. The problem with such changes, if not checked, is that the land surfaces will become vulnerable to environmental threats of all kinds, and human populations will be at the receiving end of incidental difficulties. This paper presents the result of LU/LC investigation and mapping of the metropolitan areas of Lagos, Nigeria, using 2012 SLC-off Landsat ETM+ images. While unsupervised maximum likelihood classifier (MLC) was adopted for the investigation, the gaps in the SLC-off images were filled by means of a simple heuristic approach that applies the inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation algorithm, available in QGIS software. The result obtained tends to show that more than half of the land areas of the Lagos metropolis have been urbanized, and this change is occurring at an alarming proportion. This rapid urban explosion can be attributed to the influx of large numbers of the human populations, who have migrated from different parts of Nigeria, and the establishment of more housing units to accommodate them. The evidence of such urban growth is often perceived in the reclamation of land from water body, and the despoliation of vegetative networks, which help maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Ultimately, such adjustments compound the impacts of climate change and intensify the frequency and severity of environmental disasters, such as flooding and drought, on human populations.
Modeling and Control of a Buck DC-DC Converter Based on Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Hussain K. SayedThe dc-dc converters are highly efficient tools to supply power to different systems, they have a nonlinear behavior and variations at their main parameters could affect their stability. This paper proposes the Artificial Neural network (ANN) methodology to control the output voltage of a dc- dc buck converters. The mathematical model and simulation of the nonlinear dc-dc buck converter is represented in this work .The conventional PID controller of a dc-dc converter is illustrated as an example of comparison. The proposed technique is evaluated on a dc-dc buck converter under different operating conditions (no-load and full load condition) by using MATLAB Simulink software. The results proved the fast response and robustness of the proposed neural controller with no significant additional cost were compared with traditional PID controller technique.
Low Cost Design of Sequential Reversible Counters[Full-Text ] Shubham Gupta, Vishal Pareek, Dr. S.C.JainReversible computing has attracted the attention of researchers due to its low power consumption and less heat dissipation. A number of reversible gates have been proposed by different researchers and various combinational circuits based on reversible gates have been proposed. Sequential circuits were not available because of feedback was not allowed in reversible circuit. However allowing feedback in space (not in time), some sequential reversible gates and circuits have been reported in the literature. In this work, we propose a novel reversible gate and low cost T flip-flop by using our proposed gate. The proposed gate has significant improvement over earlier design in terms of garbage outputs, constant inputs and number of reversible gates. The design of efficient asynchronous and synchronous reversible counters has also been proposed. We hope this work will strengthen the development in the field of reversible sequential circuit.
Rapid Solidification of Al-7 wt.% Si Using The Twin-Roll Technique[Full-Text ] Maftah H. Alkathafi and Awanikumar P. PatilThe aim of this study is to understand the improvement in the properties of Al-7% Si with rapid solidification processing using the twin-roll technique. The process is based on two rolls rotating in opposite direction with 3900 revolution per minute (r.p.m.). The rapid solidification leads to a fine particle distribution of the second phase in the aluminium matrix. It is found in the metallographies test that the second phase undergoes coarsening on annealing and extent of coarsening increases with increasing annealing temperature (200, 300, 400 and 500 ). It is also found that the micro-hardness is increased with rapid solidification and decreased in subsequent annealing. The micro-hardness depends on the thickness of the ribbon where with lower thickness the micro-hardness increases because of the highest cooling rate. This is attributed to increasing the chilling effect on decreasing thickness of ribbon. X-ray diffraction was employed and it was found that the lattice parameter of rapidly solidified sample was more than the slowly cooled one. It is attributed to entrapment of silicon in the aluminium matrix owing to rapid solidification.
Review Paper On TPM- A Key Strategy For Productivity Improvement In Medium Scale Industry[Full-Text ] WASIM.S.HANGAD, Dr.SANJAY KUMARTPM is a maintenance program which involves a newly defined concept for maintaining plants and equipment. The goal of the TPM program is to increase production while, at the same time, increasing employee morale and job satisfaction. The results of implementing TPM program in terms of increased plant efficiency and productivity are outstanding. Depending on size, industries are mainly classified into three categories, small, medium, and large industries. Of the entire business population of 3.7 million enterprises, only 24,000 were medium sized (having 50 to 249 employees) and fewer than 7,000 were large (having 250 or more employees). Small businesses, including those without employees, accounted for over 99% of businesses, 45% of non-government employment and (excluding the finance sector) 38% of turnover. In contrast, the 7,000 largest businesses accounted for 45% of non-government employment and 49% of turnover
Electric conduction mechanisms of PS-PMMA blend film pure and doped with salicylic acid[Full-Text ] S.G. Vdhale, N. G. BelsareThe electrical conduction mechanism in (PS Polystyrene) (PMMA) Polymethylmethacrylate blend film, pure and doped with salicylic acid has been studied at various temperatures in the range 323K to 363 K. The results are presented in the form of I-V characteristics. Analysis has been made in light of Poole-Frenkel, Fowler-Nordheim, Schottky, log (I) Vs T Plots and Arehenius plots. It is observed that, Schottky Richardson mechanism is primarily responsible for the observed conduction
Flower pigment analysis of mirabilis jalapa [Full-Text ] Sujata Mahapatra and Bhaskar PadhyThe betacyanin pigments were extracted from the Mirabilis jalapa (dark pink ) flowers, of Nyctaginaceae family, available in Berhampur University campus of south eastern Odisha, using aquash acidified methanol (0.01 % Hcl).The extracted pigments were exposed to different pH. (1,4,7 ,10) at different temperature (4ºC,25ºC,35 ºC & 45 ºC) under dark conditions. The result showed that increase in pH, temperature or exposure to light destruct the betacyanin pigments. The antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of the test flower and the standard antioxidant ascorbic acid was assessed on the basis of the radical scavenging effect of the stable 2, 2- diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) free radical activity according to the method described by (Sadhu et al., 2003)
Automated Blood Culture for the Detection of Septicemia[Full-Text ] Dr Yagnesh Thakar, Miss Neha N SinghBlood culture is a microbiological culture of blood. It is employed to detect infections that are spreading through the bloodstream (such as bacteremia, septicemia amongst others). The blood culture represents a critical tool for the health care professional as a means of detecting the dangerous presence of living organism in the blood stream. A positive blood culture can suggest a definitive diagnosis, enable the targeting of therapy against the specific organisms and provide prognostic value (Bryan C.S 1989). In blood culture, false positive arises due to contamination which occurs when organisms that are not actually present in a blood sample are grown in culture.
Steps towards Costing[Full-Text ] Naila Parveen, Mohammad Ayub LatifAccurate software estimation is a challenging task from decades while managing a project. A lot of work is done to estimate with maximum accuracy but increasing complexity and uncertain risks made it more difficult to achieve. Although its difficult but not impossible. As estimates play an important role for the success of software project, therefore requires significant attention in the early stages of software development activities. This paper presents the important activities that need to be performed while estimating. The aim is to provide a life cycle of activities including estimating project size, effort, uncertainties, and complexities and so on. Here a line of action is presented to show a step by step solution which provides ease as well as accuracy in estimation.
Need Of Green Factory Concept In Zipper Industry[Full-Text ] R.J.Raj KumarThe research is about the zipper manufacturers of India and the efforts taken to upgrade their performance in the global arena. This particular article is one more addition striving hard to make the product greener. Create more number of green zip factories. The awareness towards preserving the environment and natural resources is the keyword of the world and the consumers. Now it is our responsibility to manufacture eco-friendly products. Here comes the green factory concept which is general in nature to be followed by all responsible manufacturers of the world.
On a new Tapeworm Aliezia caprai Sp.Nov.(Cestoda : Nematotaeniidae) from Capra hircus at Islampur, District Sangli, M.S.,India[Full-Text ] Bandagar S.S., Patil S.R.The genus Aliezia is erected by Shinde G. B. in 1967 with its species Aliezia indica from sheep. The present communication deals with the description of a new species Aliezia caprai n.sp. which is having the scolex simple, almost quadrangular in shape , mature segments broader than long , testes 5-8 in number, almost round in shape, in two groups on each side, The ovary is distinctly biolobed , lobes oval , small in size, situated in the posterior half of the segments, vagina posterior to cirrus pouch, vitelline gland is absent The genital pores are bilateral , small in size , oval in shape and host Capra hircus.
Electronic differential in electric vehicles[Full-Text ] Akshay aggarwalElectronic differential is advancement in electric vehicles technology along with the more traction control. The electronic differential provides the required torque for each driving wheel and allows different wheel speeds electronically. It is used in place of the mechanical differential in multi-drive systems. When cornering the inner and outer wheels rotate at different speeds, because the inner wheels describe a smaller turning radius. The electronic differential uses the steering wheel command signal, throttle position signals and the motor speed signals to control the power to each wheel so that all wheels are supplied with the torque they need. The proposed control structure is based on the PID control for each wheel motor. PID Control system is then evaluated in the Matlab/Simulink environment. Electronic differential have the advantages of replacing loosely, heavy and inefficient mechanical transmission and mechanical differential with a more efficient, light and small electric motors directly coupled to the wheels using a single gear reduction or an in-wheel motor.
Cycle Detection in Signature Images[Full-Text ] Zulfiqar A. KhanCycle/loop detection is a well known problem in graph theory. Surveyed literature shows that this problem has been studied in diverse domains like operating systems, circuit analysis, network analysis, curriculum adjustment and automata theory. Efforts have also been made to study it in the context of handwriting and digital signature recognition. However no attempt has been made to completely illustrate the cycle detection process in signature images/alphabetic characters despite the fact that cyclic structures form an inherent part of many characters and human signatures. This paper shows techniques for finding out cycles/loops in signature images by analyzing their neighboring pixels & then applying the Depth First Search algorithm and a variant of it. Results of the technique are promising.
Application of Bitwise Operators in C[Full-Text ] Reshant Chandra, Saurabh Rawat, Tushar JainGenerally a programmer is not concern about the functioning at the bit level, he deals with data type i.e. int char as a whole. He is not concern about how data is actually stored in the memory in the form of array of bits holding value '1' or '0'. C language was particularly created to make development of operating system easier. C language was developed as a replacement for UNIX in development of operating systems. Manipulating data at individual bit level or as group of bits is required in development of operating systems. Functioning at bit level is kept abstracted in normal C program. This research paper deals with the usage of bit wise operator in normal C programs. The research paper tells about the different bitwise operator and illustrate how shift operator work for signed and unsigned integer. Here we have also shown the different implementation of bitwise operator and how it can be used to calculate modulus, manage Boolean flags in C programming.
A DFT Study of the Conformational Behavior of N”-[1-(5-chloro-2hydroxyphenyl) ethylidene]- N”’-[(1-(2-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl) ethylidene] carbohydrazide[Full-Text ] Reena dwivedi, Prabhakar Sharma, Rajiv Dixit and Rajendra PrasadaConformational behavior of N”-[1-(5-chloro-2hydroxyphenyl) ethylidene]-N”’-[(1-(2-hydroxy-5-methyl phenyl) ethylidene] carbohydrazide molecule is reported. Molecule has been studied employing the technique of density function theory. Three main conformers arising due to rotation of one of the benzene ring about C-C single bond has been predicted. The s-trans conformer with -OH groups trans to each other was found to be of lowest energy while s-cis conformer was found to be of highest energy. The gauche conformer with one benzene ring almost perpendicular to the plane of the molecule was found to be of intermediate energy. Complete geometry of the s-trans conformer its vibrational frequencies along with their assignments is reported. The IR spectrum of the ligand L is also reported and it was found that theoretical calculations matches well with experimental values within the acceptable range. The structural parameter table is also given in which our theoretical calculations matches well with reported bond length. Nature of frontier molecular orbitals has been discussed and band gap has been calculated.
Lowest Allocation Method (LAM): A New Approach to Obtain Feasible Solution of Transporta-tion Model[Full-Text ] Md. Ashraful Babu, Md. Abu Helal, Mohammad Sazzad Hasan, Utpal Kanti Das The study in this paper is to discuss a new approach to find the feasible solution of a Transportation Problem (TP). There are some existing algorithms to solve Transportation Problem such as North West Corner Rule (NWC), Least Cost Method (LCM), Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM) etc. where VAM is the most efficient algorithm for finding feasible solution. In this paper we proposed a new algorithm to find feasible solu-tion of TP named “Lowest Allocation Method (LAM)” based on supply and demand. Our proposed algorithm takes minimum iteration to find feasible solution other than existing algorithms and which is close to optimal solution.
Characterization of CdS nanocrystals grown from newly organic salt[Full-Text ] Ahmed M. Abo-Bakr, Ahmed A. Abd El-Raady, A. A. Ebnalwaled Two CdS nanocrystals were grown by using the newly organic salt named Potassium N'-[4-(N'-dithiocarboxy-hydrazino)-4-oxo-butyryl]- hydrazinecarbodithionate which dissolved using different solvents, (200 ml water) and (100 ml water and 100 ml ethanol). The synthesized nanocrystals were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and UV-visible spectrophotometry. The yield, elemental analysis, lattice parameters, crystallite sizes, microstrains, transmittance, absorbance and the band gap energy were compromised for the two CdS nanocrystals. The obtained CdS nanocrystals show ~ 53.2 % and 52.3 % transmittance.
Clap Switching[Full-Text ] Somangshu BagchiThis is a project on CLAP SWITCH which can switch on/off any electrical circuit by the sound of the clap. The clap-operated circuit is a circuit which operates by clapping from a remote point. When a person claps one, the first output of the circuit is turned on. If another one is clapped, the second output is switched on and then another one will cause to energize the third output. The basic idea of clap switch is that the electric microphone picks up the sound of your claps, coughs, and the sound of that book knocked off the table. It produces a small electrical signal which is amplified by the succeeding transistor stage. Two transistors cross connected as a bistable multivibrator change state at each signal. One of these transistors drives a heavier transistor which controls a lamp. Basically, this is a Sound operated switch. For example, fan, fluorescent light, TV and other appliances can be switched on (or) off by clapping. This circuit can be used by changing individual situations.
Adiponectin 21 Century Protein[Full-Text ] Majid Khandouzi*, Morteza Kordafshari, Sayed Mehdi Dehdashti, Dr. Manab Deka.Adiponectin is a macromolecular complex similar to the members of the C1q and other collagenous homologues. Adiponectin is secreted by white adipose tissue and as known as for its function it is anti-diabetes, anti-atherosclerosis, anti-inflammation and antitumor activities, which have been directly linked to the high molecular weight (HMW). Oligomeric structures formed by multiples of Adiponectin trimmers. Adiponectin receptors in various organs and tissues clearly show that adiponectin has pleiotropic effect on numerous physiological process. Evidence suggests that adiponectin may also have anticancer Properties, cardio protective and effect on female reproductive. Adiponectin has two receptor .The two receptors for Adiponectin, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 have been characterized that mediate effects of Adiponectin in various tissues. These receptors contain 7-transmembrane domains but are structurally and functionally distinct from G-protein-coupled receptors. In this study we will shows the characterization and properties of Adiponectin, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 and their relation with obesity and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes .
Seamless Handover in UMTS-HSDPA / WiMAX Interworking Using Proxy Mobile IPV6[Full-Text ] Jacqueline. J. George, Mohammed Mohyeldin Siddig, Abdelrhman.O.A.Siribbal, Hind Al_jaily Mohammed, Rowa Mohammed Ishag, Wafa Hamid AbdelrhmanProviding an automatic handover for any moving device in a heterogeneous network with different access technologies is the main aim of Next Generation Networks. Using the global mobility protocol for managing localized mobility causes a number of problems, such as long registration delay, signalling overhead and location privacy. To overcome these problems, Proxy Mobile IPv6 is proposed which can avoid tunnelling overhead over the air and provide support for hosts without an involvement in the mobility management. In this paper, we present a UMTS-HSDPA and Mobile WiMAX interworking architecture based on the 3GPP and WiMAX standards and explain the seamless inter-system handover scheme using PMIPv6 which enables the service continuity with low handover latency.
Mathcad Tool for Design of Volute of Centrifugal Air Compressor[Full-Text ] P V Shyam, Vithuraj TThis paper presents a project work aimed at developing a Mathcad tool capable of designing different types of industrial centrifugal air compressor volutes. Six different volutes are designed in this project with the help of suitable algorithms, which are Rectangular Cross Sectional External and Semi-External volutes; Elliptical Cross Sectional External and Semi External volutes; Circular Cross Sectional External and Semi-External volutes. The geometry generated incorporates the manufacturing and performance requirements necessary for a practical volute design. The Mathcad tool capability is validated by comparing with the prediction of an established Commercial Tool called COMPAERO©. Thus, this project ultimately looks in introducing a volute design tool compatible to the industry.
Image Quality using Attributes[Full-Text ] Yusra Al-Najjar, Dr. Chen Soong DerQuality Assessment (QA) algorithms aim to assess the quality of images and videos automatically in a way that is consistent with human quality judgment. Many approaches have been followed in predicting image quality but up till now quality assessment algorithms are pointed toward specific type of images or distortion. In our approach we use contrast enhanced images trying to compute the quality depending on some attributes of the image such as naturalness, colorfulness and contrast. As well as discussing theoretical and practical implication of these attributes.
Attribute-Based Encryption: An Efficient Way to Secure Cloud Storage[Full-Text ] P. R. Jaiswal, A. W. RohankarCloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm that enables users to remotely store their data on a cloud so as to enjoy scalable services on-demand. It has been found that maintaining the privacy of data from an unauthorized user is really a major challenge. This is a major concern as such data is outsourced to keep storage at third parties - say cloud service providers. It is very much essential to use promising method, which performs encryption on such data before it actually get outsource to the third parties. Besides this, other key issues like - efficient user revocation, scalability in key management; must have to get address while achieving fine grained and scalable access control to cloud storage. This paper ensures effective dealing with above mentioned security concerns by making use of Attribute-Based Encryption technique. Besides this paper presents how cloud storage security is achieved by designing efficient security framework, which is capable of dealing with multiple data owner scenario, handling multiple security domains and dynamic modifications of access policies.
Features Classification for the Extracted ROIs of Microscopic Pap Smears Images[Full-Text ] Loay E. George, Yusra A. Sroor, Haider G. HusseinPap smears is a very effective screening test for cervical precancerous. However, hundreds of small windows have to be looked under microscope by a trained cytologist for a single slide from each patient. It makes this process very tedious and erroneous. The proposed system is designed to give a discrimination ability of the adopted features to do successful classification for the extracted ROI (i.e., nucleus of the cells). Two kinds of features have been used for discrimination purpose; the first kind is a set of geometrical features because many of the extracted Pap smear ROI are categorized according to their shapes (i.e., circular, oval, irregular, small, big). While the second kind of features is a set of texture features (local and global color features) because one of the main differences between cancerous cells and other types is the local changes in the brightness.
Development Of Pattern Recognition System For Nigeria Fabric[Full-Text ] OLAWALE, Jimoh Babatunde, FASIKU, Ayodeji Ireti, ADEDEJI, Olusina Olarewaju, OLAWOYE Taiwo, AKINOLA, AlexThe study acquired and analyzed Nigeria fabric patterns, developed a recognition model for the patterns and implemented a prototype of the model for mobile devices. This was with a view to addressing the problem of information failure constraining the development of commerce and business in Nigeria. Collected Nigeria fabric patterns were analyzed using image processing and wavelet analysis techniques to extract the relevant features for recognition purposes. The recognition model was a multi-layered artificial neural network with an adaptive back-propagation learning scheme. The fuzzy inference engine was used to extract the subset of matching images to reduce storage computation time. The model was designed in a Matlab environment. The performance evaluation of the model with respect to the accuracy of extracted images was done using the sensitivity and specificity analyses. The study concluded that the model has a strong capability to recognize the patterns of the fabrics used in the study. It will also provide timely information in decision making process. Results from simulation experiment indicated that the recognition model obtained 100% correct detection rate for all the fabrics. The model also obtained correct rejection rate of 100% for and Aso-oke fabric and 86% correct rejection rate for Adire fabric.
A Study on Impact of Wrap Advertising[Full-Text ] N.Santhosh KumarThis paper focuses on the wrap advertising and its impact. Advertising, as presently practiced, ignores all that has been learned by psychological feature psychologists within the past thirty or forty years. Customers method all incoming data, as well as advertising, in a very advanced nonetheless fast manner. Advertising isn't stimulation within the unstylish activity scientific discipline stimulus- response model of human IP. Advertising, if it's attended to in the least, is nothing quite a internet addition to everything the buyer has antecedently learned and maintained regarding the complete. The challenge for advertising is to seek out ways in which and suggests that to bypass or upset business as was common within the consumer's brain and to make a permanent sensory activity illustration of the complete joined that's acceptable and fascinating. The advertising business has toughened dynamic changes over the last many decades. The changes are smart in terms of Technology advancement, Medium and additional ways to draw in customers and on creative thinking. Wrap Advertising is thought-about because the prospering resource that may be a combination of various techniques that might be used for the aim of promoting product and services of an organization. The complete image and complete awareness is created by treatment the wrap advertisements. Wrap advertisings are providing several intercalary benefits to the businesses in maintaining their product experience with complete information and that they can even save the prices and time of the businesses who try to promote their product and services by this mode. Wrap advertising may be a straight-forward advertising mode that reaches on to the general public at massive. Brand Awareness has emerged as a prime management priority within the last decade thanks to the growing realization that brands are one among the foremost valuable intangible assets that corporations have.
The Impact of Strategic Integration of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Performance: Some Evidence from Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr. Amaeshi Uzoma Francis This study investigates the impact of strategic human resource management practices on performance of Nigerian organisations. A multi-respondent survey of companies was undertaken and data collected were derived from questionnaires completed by 225 human resource managers from 186 out of 195 organizations listed on the Nigeria stock exchange that have implemented performance management systems. The survey was subjected to regression and correlation analysis as well as descriptive statistics in pursuance of the study’s stated objectives. The questions used to measure the concepts were developed on the basis of the literature and their content was validated by twenty managers. Organizational performance was measured through a set of questionnaire that we developed based on previous studies. The internal reliability of the scales varies from .77 to .90. The results show that strategic human resource management practices affect performance of organizations generally and that recruitment and selection practices if strategically integrated with business in Nigeria will positively lead to organizational performance. Our findings also show that majority of enterprises in Nigeria had a LOW level of recruitment and selection strategic integration in business strategy formulation and implementation. We recommend that more strategic elements of human resource management practices be integrated into the performance management system to increase competitiveness and the survival of Nigerian organizations.
Coal Fly Ash of Barapukuria Thermal Power Plant, Bangladesh: Physico Chemical Properties Assessment and Utilization[Full-Text ] Md. Anwar Arfien Khan, Madhu Sudan Saha, Sharmin Sultana, Aninda Nafis Ahmed and Rajib Chandra DasProper utilization of fly ash could be minimized the surrounding environmental pollution of coal fired power plant and therefore some physico-chemical properties such as pH, conductivity, moisture content, bulk density, unburned carbon content, specific gravity, water holding capacity, liquid limit, plastic limit, grain size distribution along with X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis were investigated on coal fly ash of Barapukuria Thermal Power Plant, Bangladesh. Resulting data showed that the analyzed fly ash are of useful component for recovery of alumina, opencast mine filling, road reclamation, cement and concrete production, waste water treatment and various agricultural applications.
A Software Code Measures Based on Requirement Engineering Documents[Full-Text ] Dr. Zainab Mohammed Hussein, Dahlia Jasim MohammedResearch shows that Metrics are used by the software industry to estimate the software before creating it to impact the quality of the decision making earlier at the requirement stage, quantify the development, operation, and maintenance of the software. In this paper a software code measures could be anticipated by the requirement measures gathered from the requirement engineering documents. Ten case studies have been analyzed, data-driven approach have been used to propose two mathematical models, one for requirement metrics which is the Requirement Model (RM) and another one for code metrics which is the Code Model (CM) based on the gathered and analyzed data from the tested systems. The results proved that the RM and CM values are approximately equal based on the relative error measurement and thus a method is gained for computing the code metrics in advanced phases of the software life-cycle and hence time and effort are saved, the cost is decreased, and low wastage is achieved.
Mixed-Noise Reduction by Using Hybrid (Fuzzy & Kalman) Filter For Gray and Color Images[Full-Text ] Mohammed Shaker MohammedRemoving or reduction mixed noise that corrupted image is very active environment research area in image processing. In this paper a new hybrid filter that combine the advantage of fuzzy classical filter and median filter with Kalman filter are suggested, the hybrid filters can be reducing the effect of mixed noise(Gaussian and salt-pepper) noise with different level densities for two type gray and color images. The first sub two filters(fuzzy classical filter and median filter )are reducing the salt -peppers noise, while the second sub filter (Kalman filter) reducing the Gaussian noise and the final output from the last has updated (modify) the central pixel of the noisy image window 3*3 in recursive model. Comparative result of the hybrid filter with the conventional reduction filter such as mean, Median, single Kalman filter, the asymmetrical triangular fuzzy filters with median center (ATMED), the symmetrical triangular fuzzy filter with median center (TMED), and median rational hybrid filter are done by using Matlab with numerical measurement signal to noise ratio (SNR) and mean square error (MSE) to explain the performance of this filtering technique.