Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020
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Radiation of Linear Waves for a Heaving Rectangular Box in Shallow Waters[Full-Text ] Juma Charles Membo, Manyanga David Ondiek, Gathia Patricia Wanjiru, A rigid rectangular box is studied in three-dimensions for finite water depth. The series form of the Green’s function is utilized in the determination of added mass and damping due to a rectangular box. The series form used is preferred to the integral form as it eliminates the singularity of the integrand at the source and converges uniformly throughout the fluid domain. The results obtained in this study were compared with those obtained by using the Gauss Laguerre quadrature method, and there was good agreement between the two methods
Improvements in human skin texture and surface with the use of emulgels containing Annona squamosa L. fruit extract along with penetration enhancer[Full-Text ] Sidra meer, Saira Aslam, Muhammad S.A. Abbasi and Muhammad Aslam TahirThis investigational study was designed to characterize anti-aging effects of o/w emulgels containing Annona squamosa L. fruit extract by comparing it with its control and the variation in these effects with the addition of penetration enhancer. The control (without extract and penetration enhancer i.e. clove oil 8%) and the two test formulations with 4% fruit extract (one without clove oil and other with clove oil) were formulated and applied on the cheeks of 26 healthy female human volunteers (n=26, divided into two equal groups) for a period of 12 weeks.
DEVELOPMENT OF AN IMPROVED SOLAR POWERED LAWN MOWER[Full-Text ] P. B. MOGAJI, O.S. BEYIOKU and O. D. OYEDOKUNAs a result of the continuous hike in the cost of gasoline and the adverse effect caused by the emission of greenhouse gases from the burnt fuel into the atmosphere, this necessitated the use of the abundant solar energy from the sun as a source of power to drive a lawn mower. A solar powered lawn mower of 0.109 m2/s field capacity was designed and developed for operational convenience. It is made of a solar panel of 75A/100W capacity which charges the battery of the mower. The solar panel is connected to a charge controller that prevents complete discharge or overcharge of the battery.
Determinants of Cargo Dwell Time and Performance Onne Seaport, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Okwong, K.B., Ogbuji E.C.and Emenike G.C.This study examined the determinants of cargo dwell time and the performance of Onne seaport, Rivers State, Nigeria. Two hundred and sixteen copies of questionnaire were administered to the operators and the clearing and forwarding agents in the study area to elicit information on the determinants of cargodwell time and performance. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the data analysis. Findings reveled that males were 73% and females were 27% while majority (45.1%) had working experience of maximum of 10 years. Findings showed that the berth occupancy rate was highest in 2015 (40.86%) while the least was observed in 2017 (18.40%).
BIO-TREATMENT OF PRODUCED WATER USING ELECTRODE PRODUCED FROM SELECTED BIOMASS IN MICROBIAL FUEL CELL[Full-Text ] Akuma Oji and Chukueggu Providence ChineduThe aim of this research is to investigate the electrodes potential of groundnut shell charcoal (GSC), used toner charcoal (UTC) and wood ash charcoal (WAC) used as electrodes in microbial fuel cell for wastewater treatment. AAS and laboratory water sample analysis methods were used to check for the properties of the wastewater after subjecting to MFC treatment.
Simple Approach to Analysis of Thin Laminated Rectangular Plate with Exact Displacement Functions[Full-Text ] Ibearugbulem, O.M, Ezeh, J.C, Anya, U. C, Okoroafor, S. UThis research aimed at analysis of thin laminated rectangular plate with exact displacement functions. The displacement filed and kinematics of the laminas were considered and the total potential energy of the system were applied in generating the total potential energy of the thin laminated plate.
Relationship Between Beta, Gamma and Bessel's Function[Full-Text ] A relationship has now been de ned for Beta, Gamma and Bessel Functions. Various properties of Beta, Gamma, and Bessel's Functions have been used to simplify the Bessel's summation down to a single term by building the relationship between Beta, Gamma and itself. Through the course of the paper, you will see how this relationship has been built and how it proves useful.
Life cycle assessment of residential apartment buildings: a case study of the environmental im-pacts on buildings in Sweden[Full-Text ] Matiur Rahman Raju, Benjamin Sanchez & Md. Mashreki Islam SamiThis research paper focuses on the environmental impacts of construction buildings performing a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). According to the Sweden Green Building Council for environmental certification, fifteen environmental factors and five impact categories are considered such as global warming potential, land use, mineral resource use, fossil resource use, and water consumption. The tools used performing LCA for this project are ReCiPe 2016 methodology, SimaPro® software to assess the impacts of construction and productions of different building materials.
Assessment and Strategies for Urban Green Spaces: Case of Hyderabad[Full-Text ] Vaishali SharmaThe last few decades witnessed India’s rapid socio- economic growth on the positive side. But it also witnessed increasing urban populations and expanding urban areas, that have put pressure on existing urban green and open spaces. Current scenario clearly depicts that the environment is often being sacrificed to benefit urban development, resulting in a widespread loss which is of global concern. In this context, the study investigates the dynamics of green space system in a city by effectively analyzing their qualitative and quantitative aspects at hierarchical levels.
A Novel Approach of CT Images Feature Analysis and Prediction to Screen for Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19)[Full-Text ] Ahmed Abdullah Farid, Gamal Ibrahim Selim, and Hatem Awad A. KhaterThe paper demonstrates the analysis of Corona Virus Disease based on a probabilistic model. It involves a technique for classification and prediction by recognizing typical and diagnostically most important CT images features relating to Corona Virus. The main contributions of the research include predicting the probability of recurrences in no recurrence (first time detection) cases at applying our proposed approach for feature extraction.
Applications of Exponential Functions in Artificial Intelligence[Full-Text ] Risiraj Dey,Dr. Anitha NExponential functions have always been useful in physics, economics, chemistry, engineering and various other domains. The first use of the exponential function was in calculating the compound interest , where “a quantity grows or decays at a particular rate proportional to its current value”. This was discovered by Jacob Bernoulli in 1683.In fact he found e^(1) or e.
The Alternative Design of Gidabo Embankment Dam by Introducing Asphalt Concrete Core: Southern Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Desta GemedaThe alternative selection of asphalt concrete core have much advantage over the clay core like the effective safety of the dam, economical prospective and the seepage reduction capacity; particularly in the area of Gidabo rock fill dam. This study is aimed to replace the clay core by asphalt concrete core in case of Gidabo rock fill dam located in the southern part of the Ethiopia.
Effect of internal audit practices on public expenditure management in Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Isoboye Jacob DamieibiThis study empirically analysed the effect of internal audit practices on public expenditure management in Rivers State with a view to establish whether such internal audit practices produce any meaningful results in improving the overall management objectives of the tertiary institutions. The study population consisted of 6812 staff from four tertiary institutions in Rivers State.
Simple and Better Approach to Analysis of Plates with Large Deflection[Full-Text ] O. M. Ibearugbulem, J. C. Ezeh, U. C. Anya, C. P. AnyadiegwuThis paper presents a new, simple and better approach to analyze thin rectangular plates with large deflection. This fit is achieved by circumventing the use of Airy's stress function. It was possible to circumvent the Airy’s stress function solving the Von-Karman strain-displacement equation in closed form. The resulting non-linear strain-deflection equations were substituted into the constative equations to obtain the non-linear stress-deflection equations.
Developing Fourth Industrial Revolution Ready Electronics Engineers in a Problem-Oriented Project-Based Learning Environment: A Theoretical Framework[Full-Text ] Terungwa Stephen Akor, Demenongu Alfred Tyav, Mlahaga Michael Iorbee, Kwaghkar Boniface NandeThis article aimed at developing a Problem-Oriented Project-Based Learning (POPBL) theoretical framework for the development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) skills in electronics engineering. To this effect, content analysis and synthesis of related literature, models and frameworks were carried out based on the title and the keywords of the article. The content analysis and synthesis were carried out on the concept and the skills needs of the 4IR; electronics engineering in the era of 4IR; POPBL components, processes and related theories.
Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Data using Capsule Cap Network[Full-Text ] Snehal Sarode, Sarika Jadhao, Bhavna Shinde, Rajashree Gadhave Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is a function of dividing the class label across the pixels of the captured image using visual sensors. HSI collects and processes information from an electromagnetic microscope. The purpose is to find the capacity of each pixel in the image of the acquisition site, to identify materials. We propose a new CNN based concept on the spectral-spatial capsule networks to achieve accurate HSI classification while significantly reducing the complexity of the network design.
Development of Speed for 12-14 Years Boys[Full-Text ] Md. Zillur Rahman, Md. Zafiroul IslamSpeed is an important motor fitness component and it increases from childhood in the process of growth and development. But increase in locomotion speed with respect to age is not uniform. According to Cratty (1967) both boys and girls improve speed with age about 1ft/s per year from 06 to 11 years. Fisher (2005) reported that men increased in all aspects of speed up to 21 years, whereas women reached maximum speed at about 18 years of age.
Teaching Experience of Teachers and its Influence on the Perception of the Rights of Children in Guidance and Counseling Programme among Public Primary Schools in East Pokot Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya[Full-Text ] Muraguri Wangui Rose, Barasa Enos, Mbuthia NgunjiriThe teaching of children’s rights has been at the centre of many debates in recent years. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Articles 29 and 42, mentions that children are entitled to be informed of their legal rights and that they should respect human rights (United Nations, 1989). It is argued that this will help them become democratically informed citizens. Children who learn about their rights tend to be more supportive of human rights issues and even volunteer in programmes that promote other people’s rights (Howe & Covell, 2010). Rights protect children from potentially harmful situations. Hence, they should be taught at all levels so that they become common knowledge. Countries are obliged to teach children about their rights, and their educational practices should be in line with the rights of the child (Covell, Howe, & McNeil, 2010).
Analysis on Some Essential and Non-essential Metals in Bulla of Enset (E. Ventricosum) with Supporting Soil sample in West Showa Zone[Full-Text ] Teressa Bedada and Alemayehu Abebaw The aim of this study was to investigate the level of essential and non essential metals in Bulla of Ensete ventricosum and soil samples in West Showa Zone. K and Na were analyzed using FAES, Ca and Mg were determined complecometric titration method and the other metals with FAAS after appropriate quality control measures were undertaken to verify and maintain the quality of the data generated.
Image Steganography based Cryptography[Full-Text ] Jemima Dias, Dr. Ajit Danti The privacy and security of data is of utmost importance to individuals whose critical data can be leaked out and used for illegal purposes. The data needs to be secure and precautions needs to be taken whenever it gets transmitted from one place to another. In the preceding years, chaotic systems are erratic but definite in nature.
Descriptive study on Patient satisfaction with quality of nursing care in tertiary care hospital[Full-Text ] Asma Zarish, Nadia Sial, Uroosa Nizam DeenPatient satisfaction is the perception of the client regarding health care received and compared with the expected health care. Patient satisfaction regarding nursing care holds importance because nurses are involved with the patient in every aspect of care in hospitals. They spend more time with patients than any other health professional. Patient satisfaction is one of the recognized standards to assess accomplishment of the services being provided in the health care setting. It is an essential component to evaluate and improve the performance of the organization.
Analytical Study to achieve Exact Visual Appearance of Printed Products[Full-Text ] Parag Dnyandeo Nathe, Rahul Chandrakant AthawaleThe vision sensitivity of human plays significant roll in first impression and acceptance of any printed item. The printing service sector which caters promotional media, magazine, brand products - brand identity always have threat to get rejection because of visual difference between real life and printed appearance of product.
SEVERAL ASPECTS OF THE STUDY OF THE HUMAN ECONOMIC SECURITY[Full-Text ] Abulkasimov Murod HasanovichIn the paper proposed some aspects of the study of the human economic security and was calculated the indicator of life expectancy,the indicator of the level of development of education in the country, the per capita gross national income (GNI) indicator, the index of housing provision, the population savings index and the crime rate index is determined using the number of crimes per hundred thousand people.
THE IMPROVEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM TO INCREASE RESOURCE EFFICIENCY IN TEXTILE ENTER-PRISES[Full-Text ] Madrakhimova GulasalThis article addresses the issues of improving the organizational and economic mechanism for increasing the resource efficiency of textile enterprises, explores the methods for determining the efficiency of resource-saving technologies, and the author offers scientific proposals for improving the organizational and economic mechanism for increasing resource efficiency in textile enterprises.
THE CASH ABSTRACTION: MANAGEMENT FROM LIABILITY TO ASSET[Full-Text ] Shukurov Gafurjan Hamidullaevich, Berdinazarov Zafar Ulamovich, Nigmanov Erkin AbdulmugnievichThe effective organization and management of the money circulation system in the economy is considered one of the fundamental studies of the sphere. However, this issue is not considered as an object in the scientific research of domestic scientists and economists. In the conditions of transformation into a modern economy (digital economy), the attention of economists is attracted by the significance, relevance and scientificness of the abstractions advanced in the theory of monetary circulation.
WAYS OF FINANCIAL ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT IN COMMERCIAL BANKS[Full-Text ] Saipnazarov Sherbek ShaylavbekovichIn this article, the author has studied a number of categories related to “financial management”, “financial engineering” by systematizing the approaches of scientists in the field of methods and results of financial engineering. As a methodological basis, a set of general scientific methods was used: induction, deduction, and comparative methods. At the end of the article, the author suggests ways to develop financial engineering in commercial banks.
EFFECT OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT ON SURFACE WATER QUALITY OF MEDCHAL LAKE HYDERABAD CITY[Full-Text ] Dr.D.SoundarRajan, Dr.K.Nagamani, Snehalata Kotagi, A.S.S.Yasaswini, Priya Ambati ShakeelWater is a natural resource (lakes and rivers) which is decisive for the survival of living organisms. Due to rapidly increasing population, exponential industrialization and urbanization, etc. various water bodies, all over world are exposed to various forms of environmental degradations. This leads to aggregations of phytoplankton, macro algae and occasionally colourless heterotrophic protists can discolour the water giving rise to foam. Due to this, there is reduction in DO (Dissolved Oxygen) level which ultimately disturbs the ecological balance of the lake and finally leads to eutrophication in water bodies.
COMMUNITY BUSINESS DRIVEN IN MYANMAR: A STUDY OF THE POVERTY ALLEVIATION PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION IN VILLAGES GROCERY SHOPS IN MANDALAY REGION[Full-Text ] SOE MYINT THAN,Naris Penpokai The purpose of the current study was to examine the structural relationships among the government policy, community participation, modern technology, innovation and local shops performance by testing a structural model. The current study applied the five-point Likert scale questionnaire to collect quantitative data from targeted participants who live in rural areas at the time of study. The respondents aged between 20 and 60 years, and who had minimum 3 years working experience.
On -fuzzy p-ideals in BF-algebras[Full-Text ] Saddam HussainThe purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of -fuzzy p-ideal in BF-algebra and investigate some of their related properties, where , are any one of , , , unless otherwise specified.
Developing a Methodological Framework for the Asset Management Elements[Full-Text ] Noha Nabil, Ahmed Waly, Enas SamirLocal government assets are always supplying the community with important services. Assets effective management methodologies are significant to the sustainable provided services. These services have to meet current and future community needs. The Framework has been developed for use by local governments with data input exported from the Institutes, ministries, entities and research centers.
Artificial Intelligence Doll: Hello Barbie[Full-Text ] Jyothi M, Kavya K, Monisha S, Ramya S NModern dolls that can “speak”, play an important role in shaping the young minds of children. Artificial intelligence is the future of technology that has ease the “humanizing” of objects. . The desire to make inherit objects more user-friendly and functional has facilitated the research and development of AI. Toys are a major component in each and every child’s life and the necessity to develop toys that encourage communication is a common trend today. .
Perceptions and Experiences of State Scholarship Program Abroad[Full-Text ] Narmin SuleymanzadaThis study focuses on State Scholarship Program on Study Abroad 2007-2015. The main research question is to understand the ways State Scholarship Program on Study Abroad 2007-2015 contributed to development and internationalization of human capital in Azerbaijan. In connection to this main departure point, some of the relevant sub-questions to be answered are the following: What is the perception of study abroad program implementers? How do the implementers evaluate the effects of study abroad program in terms of globalization and internationalization? What is the perception of par-ticipants who went abroad via the mentioned program?
Synthesis & Characterization of Glycineand Sarcosine Based Surfactants[Full-Text ] Rutu Parikh, Faiz Khan, Amit P Pratap Surfactants are multiutility products and have large application in different fields but primarily they are derived from petroleum non-renewable feedstock. Biocatalysis and renewable raw materials can bring about positive changes from conventional method for production of green surfactants.
COVID-19: A Horrendous Death Pandemic A Global Hit[Full-Text ] Rai Kirti, Kumar YogeshThe outbreak of COVID-19 has hit the world globally creating a great havoc worldwide. A novel human coronavirus termed SARS-CoV- 2 (formally termed HCoV-19) is a severe respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2. The virus was first diagnosed in Wuhan, China, in late 2019 and is now a challenging health concern for the world, threatening the life of millions. Various experiments have been carried out on this pandemic, resulted in the surfacing of its existence and tenure of life on different objects. COVID-19 has not only smacked the health but also has its gruesome impact on the world’s economy.