Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017.
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Environmental Problems of Test Room in Musical Centers, its Impact on the Indoor Space[Full-Text ] Dusan Katunsky, Jana Katunska, and Lenka Kormanikova, Technical University of Kosice, Institute of Architectural Engineering, Kosice, SlovakiaThe contribution points to environmental problems in the interior of cultural buildings. The aim of the article is a description and characteristics of typological, structural, physical and acoustic requirements of test rooms in cultural buildings and in musical centers for presenting rock and pop music.
POPULATION STRUCTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF BUFFON KOB (Kobus kob ko) WITHIN OLI COMPLEX IN KAINJI LAKE NATIONAL PARK, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Sunday Oladipo Alawode, Lateef Funmilayo Lewiska, Lameed Gbolagade AkeemRegular survey of wildlife population and community structure is a primary step in achieving conservation objectives of protected areas. Although Buffon’s kob has been categorised as vulnerable, there is limited information about its population status in Kainji Lake National Park (KLNP). Hence, population structure and distribution of kob in Oli Complex, KLNP were investigated. Oli Complex KLNP was stratified into five sites: Gilbert Child (GC), Shehu Shagari (SH), Mamudu Lapai (ML), Hussaini Mashi (HM) and Mara Tsaude (MT). Kob species in KLNP were monitored using variable line transect method on a 5km transect-belt per site. The kob population within transect were assessed for abundance, density, distribution and structure (sex and age) using standard procedures. Sample collection covered wet (WS) and dry (DS) seasons and lasted for 24 months. The Kob species diversity was determined using Shannon-Weiner and Simpson indices. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA at α0.05.
Moderating effect of Brand Image on the Relationship between Online Marketing, Product Quality and Consumer Purchase Intention of Leather Product among University Students[Full-Text ] WALEED MALIKGrounded in the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the current study designed to examine the Moderating effect of Brand Image on the relationship between online Marketing, Product Quality and Consumer Purchase Intention among University Students for Leather Product. The statistical population included Universities student of Punjab Pakistan. A 16 questionnaire filled to analyze and compare the moderating effects on the selected variables. Data analysis was carried out with the help of PLS 3.Cronbach’salpha was to be applied and likert type scale questionnaire were selected to record their observation of the theory variables. The purpose of this study showed that online marketing and Product quality of leather significantly affect the brand image with intention of consumers.
Formaldehyde Intoxication and Open Field Behavior in Mice[Full-Text ] Marya Afrin, Tanjina Amin, Md. Rabiul Karim, Mohammad Rafiqul IslamFormaldehyde (FA) is toxic over a range of doses. Even though at lower concentration, FA can cause significant alteration in the motor activity. Many animal studies have shown that FA alters behavior after repeated exposure. But little information regarding the behavioral consequences of acute low-level FA exposure is available. However, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of acute inhaled and oral exposure to FA on the explorative and locomotor behavior of mice. For this study, Swiss albino mice were divided into three groups; control, inhalation and oral group. Inhalation and Oral groups were further divided into three subgroups which were subjected to exposure of FA for 30 consecutive days. After two hours of FA exposure behavioral study for each group was performed in a confined area. We found that, FA exerts effect on locomotor and explorative behavior of mice in all treated groups in comparison to control group. Our behavioral study revealed that the number of crossing floor squares, grooming and wall climbing were decreased significantly (p<0.05) whereas the air and floor sniffing were increased significantly (p<0.05) in 2.5 ppm and 5 ppm FA exposed mice. In 10mg/kg FA exposed oral group, significant reduction were observed in the number of crossing floor squares along with increased air and floor sniffing. However, more significant alterations were recorded in inhalation groups of highest concentration than the oral groups. These findings notion that FA has toxic effects that is route specific and significantly influences the locomotor and explorative behavior of mice after exposure in a dose-related manner.
The Relationship between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Dementia in Elderly[Full-Text ] Rawan. M. AlmatrafiBackground: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most common chronic disease specifically in aging population. Diabetes results from increase the level of blood glucose. There are many complications that associated with diabetes like cognitive decline.
APPLICATION OF GROUP SERIES TO SMALL ORDER GROUPS[Full-Text ] M. Bello, Suraj Ibrahim Isah, Abdulrahman Mohammed and Raliatu Mohammed KashimThe aim of this research is to combine and upgrade the work of Ibrahim and Audu (2007) who give some basic procedure for computing wreath product of groups and that of Thanos (2006) who gives all the definitions related solvable groups and showed that any group of order up to 100 and not 60 is solvable. In this research, we apply group series to test the solvability and nilpotency status of small order groups, which began by constructing some groups of small order (Dihedral Groups and Groups Generated by Wreath Product), and test them for solvability and nilpotency using some hypothesis and theorems. The survey application of GAP are based on M. Bello et al (2017), where they constructed some groups, explore all their subgroups and test them for solvability. The standard program called Group Algorithms and Programming (GAP) is used to enhance and validate our result.
Investigation of hepatoprotective activity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Paederiafoetida on paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in animal model[Full-Text ] Rajanya Roy,Gautam Kumar Bagchi, Joydeep Samanta, Sagar Singh KangThe plant Paederiafoetida belonging to family Rubiaceae though being used traditionally for long, the mechanism of action behind its beneficial activities are not yet well established. A wide range of activities namely antidiarrhoeal, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive have been reported. In the present study, hepatoprotective activity of the above-mentioned plant was examined and results were found in accordance to the speculated activity. To examine the hepatoprotective activity of this plant, paracetamol (500mg/kg BW) induced adult wistar albino rats were subjected to oral administration of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of leaves of P. foetida. Phytochemical analysis was done using various phytochemical tests and HPTLC technique. Further, the activity was confirmed by evaluating the changes in biochemical indicators such as SGOT, SGPT, ALP, direct and total bilirubin. From experimental results, it was found out that the test extract showed potent hepatoprotection activity in case of ethanolic extract and the dose 200 mg/kg showed potency comparable to standard reference drug silymarin (150 mg/kg BW). The ethanolic extracts were able to restore the biochemical levels to normal which were altered due to paracetamol intoxication in the hepatocytes of adult wistar albino rats. The results indicate that there is some rationale behind the ethnomedical use of the plant for treating hepatic disorders.
Level Of Knowledge Among Local Community Regarding Health Hazard Caused by Drinking Contaminated Water at Karachi, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Sami Shoukat, Sana Sultan, Ambreen Ramzan, Imtiaz Ahmed, Naik Perveen, Khizer Hayat Shah, Adeel Ilyaz The water borne diseases are major cause of morbidity and mortality. The World Health Organization (2010) estimates that worldwide about 1.8 million people die from diarrheal diseases annually. Thus it is important to create awareness of water purification in order to decrease morbidity and mortality rate. The study was conducted in May 2016 to asses the level of knowledge in local community of Karachi Pakistan regarding health hazard caused by drinking contaminated water.
IMPROVING SECURITY AND PRIVACY OF INTERNET OF THINGS IN HEALTHCARE[Full-Text ] Okafor, Nwamaka Uchenna, Oparah, Chidiebere ChukwumaThe proliferation of Internet of Things (IoTs) in recent time has brought huge changes to all areas of human endeavors, the healthcare is no exception as it is now one of the most attractive areas of application for IoTs. With the introduction of IoT in the healthcare, the sector has witnessed a new phase in providing health care to patients, shifting from the traditional way of health monitoring to a more sophisticated and robust remote monitoring and response. The sector is expected to witness a huge adoption of IoT, flourishing through new ehealth Internet of Things devices and applications in the nearest future. There are many security challenges facing IoT-based devices used in healthcare, both medical practitioners and manufacturers of Internet of Things devices are usually faced with security concerns about the privacy of users' data collected with IoT devices, what if the data is hacked and collected by cyber criminals, what if a virus attacks the device and cause it to malfunction, thus causing harm to patients’ lives.
Two Step Process for Biodiesel Production from Ethiopian Energy Source of Coffee Spent Ground Waste[Full-Text ] Ramachandran Kasirajan, Wondwosen SimeUtilize the coffee spent ground (CSG) as a raw source for biodiesel production by the way of two steps: esterification and followed by transesterification reaction procedure. The achievability of lipids were extracted and characterized by Soxhlet solvent extraction and gas chromatography, respectively. Biodiesel production from CSG using H2SO4 pre-treatment (Esterification) were performed and alkali catalyst transesterification investigational condition such as reaction temperature, methanol-oil molar ratio, catalyst loading, reaction time and mixing intensity were studied. The premier conversion of CSG lipid to biodiesel was achieved as 98.6 wt% at the favorable circumstances of 65 oC, 1 wt% of KOH and 1:9 molar ratio of oil and methanol, 400 rpm of mixing intensity with 50 min of reaction time. The conversion and methyl ester properties were confirmed by Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) and ASTM standards, respectively.
Efficient Computation of Interfacial Flows[Full-Text ] Ram Kumar, Balaji SrinivasanMany methods were proposed so far to compute interfacial flows. Most of them explicitly use the value of Surface Tension to calculate the Surface Tension force which induces descretisation errors .Recently Date[5] has suggested a method to alleviate this problem by calculating the surface tension force as the difference of pressures on either sides of the interface. Because this method is first order in nature it required finer mesh near the interface to track the interface exactly which ultimately increased the computation time. This project has been done in two phases. In phase 1 Interfacial flows were computed by coding in C language and tried to replicate Date’s[5] method which took too much time to solve. In phase 2 Interfacial flows were computed using a software called Open Foam and some of the results obtained were compared with the standard test results.
Studying and Evaluating the Development axis in Damietta Governorate based on Geographic Information System (GIS)[Full-Text ] Shimaa Hesham El-Borsh, Mohmoud El-Mewafi , Fawzi ZarzouraRapid urbanization and population growth in Damietta governate have effect on the sustainable development axis and spatial distribution of urban services as other governates in Egypt. The educational services are an important service as one of axes of sustainable development because of their effect on the community, economic life and its sustainability. The correct planning for urban services in general and educational services in particular in order are important to actualize the social justice.
A comparative study of Numerical Solutions of heat and advection-diffusion equation[Full-Text ] Nisu Jain, Shelly AroraA comparative study of Numerical Solutions of One Dimensional heat and advection-diffusion equation is obtained by collocation method. Equations are solved numerically by using Orthogonal collocation on finite elements. Numerical values obtained are in good agreement with exact ones. It can be seen that the method of orthogonal collocation on finite elements give better results. Collocation points are taken to be the roots of shifted Legendre polynomial. Lagrange basis are used to describe the equation. The results are verified for three test problems. The system of differential algebraic solutions is obtained and is solved using MATLAB ode15s. The results are examined in terms of absolute error.
A Study on the Present Scenario of Solar Irrigation in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Al-Amin, Tasmiah Fatema Tanni, Dr.Md. Habibur Rahman, Miah Md. Asaduzzaman, Md. Abdullah Al MatinBangladesh has a primarily agrarian economy. Irrigation plays a very important role in our agriculture as well as on economy. During dry season, irrigation of the whole country faces an acute crisis due to load shedding of 1400 MW [1]. As Bangladesh has good solar resources, with high availability during the peak irrigation season, therefore, solar pumping of water for irrigation is an innovative and environment-friendly solution for its largely agro-based economy. Infrastructure Development Company Ltd (IDCOL) is providing financial support to solar irrigation. Already 450 irrigation pumps have been installed by IDCOL in different divisions of Bangladesh. In this paper, 450 project’s data has been analyzed and the findings are shown by different graphs. Different division’s radiation, water-head and required water are mainly focused in the analysis which will be very useful for upcoming irrigation projects. To accomplish the analysis on solar irrigation, several field visits were done at Poradaho, Kushtia, Bangladesh. This is a project of Bright Green Energy Foundation (BGEF) and financed by IDCOL. Numerous important prospects of solar irrigation besides Diesel-based Irrigation in Bangladesh have come out from this comparative study.
Semantic Based Approach for Adaptive E-Learning System: An Architectural Model[Full-Text ] Nehru Veerabatheran, Kalla. MadhusudhanaE-learning systems are expected to provide the suitable learning materials for learners. However, they cannot meet this expectation due to the similarity of learning material. This problem is caused due to lack of personalization and the current solutions are not sufficiently aware of the context of the learner. This paper aims to develop the ontology based learner model for context-aware adaptive e-learning system to provide context-aware delivery of learning material. Furthermore, this study discusses about the approaches for acquiring contextual information of e-learner along with the appropriate architectural overview of e-learning system.
The Increase in Sustainability Level of Heritage Tourism Through the Dynamic Planning Model[Full-Text ] Niloofar SafaeiTourism developments in heritage landscapes require a comprehensive consideration in order to sustain the consequences of economic, socio-cultural, and environmental parameters. In recent years, these areas as a document of human history have become noteworthy, which should be kept alive for present and future generations. In addition, the tourism industry has considered through a wider focus because of its critical turn on historic sites. Most of the contemporary perspectives through heritage tourism, are based on general guidelines through the management of developments, events, people, urban growth and so on. There is a lack of a key layout with a holistic approach for evaluation and management of this issue. This study proposes a new idea toward heritage tourism that evaluates the socio-culture, economic, and environmental aspects. If heritage tourism notices all these terms besides conservative use, the sustainable heritage tourism is the result. Arguments around interrelation between tourism, and mentioned subjects lead to this research question: How can heritage tourism be investigated and managed in order to increase the level of sustainability? This study was undertaken to introduce a method which is flexible and variable and depends on the heritage site values, limitations, and development capacity. It consists of two stages: first is the assessment process and the second is a strategic planning. The main purpose of it is to guide future planning upon the sustainable heritage tourism concept and the improvement in heritage conservation.
A Review of Research and Development in Accelerators of Green Power Generation[Full-Text ] Sahith Reddy Madara, M. Chithirai Pon Selvan, Rahul Reddy MadaraThe increasing availability of green power enables electricity customers to accelerate installation of renewable energy technologies. This review paper provides various approaches towards power market worldwide. Impact of power generation on international trade are discussed to understand various opportunities in green power generation. Current trends used in green power generation with scope for future advancements are also discussed in detail. Also the various challenges in this field with economic and ecological effects are addressed. This review paper will help researchers and policy makers widely.
The use of mobile learning on the students of DUT GBABB at ENS Tetouan, Morocco[Full-Text ] Anas SOFI, Mohamed LAAFOU, Rachid JANATI-IDRISS, Mourad MADRANEIn this article, we will study the uses of mobile devices in Moroccan higher education and their impact on learning processes. We propose a solution based on mobile learning is particularly in the practical work of biology field of the DUT GBABB ((Diplômes Universitaires de Technologie Génie Biologique: Analyses Biologiques et Biochimiques) of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Tétouan. We propose this method because of problem of the unavailability of the materials in the students who want to follow practical work in their formations.
Mother Tongue-Based in Loob-Bunga Elementary School in Botolan, Zambales[Full-Text ] Baby S. AbagonThe Mother tongue or the first language of a child has been used as a medium of instruction in all public schools. Researchers revealed that the children learn better using their own Mother Tongue. This descriptive research study was aimed to determine the effect of using mother tongue-based in Grade I, II, and III teachers of Loob-Bunga Elementary School in Botolan, Zambales 2016-2017. It covered fifteen (15) teachers-respondent among the Grade I, II and III . Teachers were the participants of the study. Results revealed that there is an effect of using Mother Tongue-Based in terms of content, teaching strategies, competencies to be developed, personal/ professional competence. The Teacher’s Knowledge using Mother Tongue-Based will improve their pupils academic performance. And there is a significant relationship between the teacher- respondents perceptions on the effect of Using Mother Tongue Based and Teacher’s Knowledge Using Mother Tongue-Based. The result of the study will be the baseline information in attending the activities or seminar in MTB Language Proficiency to enhance professional growth in teaching in terms of Content, Strategies, Competencies, and Personal/Professional Competencies, teachers may use different strategies and instructional materials like books written in mother tongue for a better understanding, teachers may practice the pupils to speak and express their ideas using Mother –Tongue Base and also the teacher may use Mother-Tongue Based –Multi-Lingual Education in discussing the lessons for a better understanding of the pupils.
Correlations and Weights of Fibosis-4 (FBI) for Liver Cirrhosis[Full-Text ] Tamer Sh. MazenHepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and its complications are one of the most leading health challenges over the world.Where it causes tissue damage, causing cirrhosis of the liver gradually. Liver biopsy and Fibro-scan are the standard methods to measure fibrosis before treatment. however, those methods have its own limitations, risks and cost.Liver fibrosis has been determined usingroutine laboratory tests. The laboratory tests are Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), platelet count (PLT) and patient age. The aim of this paper, determine effectiveness weights of each laboratoryusing correlation coefficient and analytical hierarchy process.
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis /atypical presentation case report[Full-Text ] Mohammed A. faqehi, Mohammed A. Homood, Wejdan M. Shabi, Abdullatif M. Alfaifi, Maryam I. Jaran, Ali M. Aljabry, Hanouf M. Hakami, Abdulrahman A. Khawaji, Mohammed H. Hakami.Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a rare disease of central nervous system with different presentation. It is difficult to diagnose it clinically and relies on neuro imagining, here we present a case of ADEM which presented by atypical presentation and discovered by MRI brain as case of ADEM. Early diagnosis and treatment is the determinant of favorable outcome.
Parameter Optimization on Surface Roughness and Cutting Temperature in Hard Part Turning of AISI-1060 Steel Using RSM and GA[Full-Text ] Nandini Bhowmik, Md. Habibor RahmanA difficult-to-cut material like hardened steel is used predominantly in the automotive and bearing industries due to its exceptional corrosion and thermal resistance and high shear strength. This paper represents the study and development of a regression model to predict surface roughness and cutting temperature using SNMG insert for hard turning of AISI-1060 medium carbon steel for both dry and wet condition.
STAMP: ENABLING PRIVACY-PRESERVING LOCATION PROOFS FOR MOBILE USERS[Full-Text ] A. Vigneysh AravindhLocation-based services are quickly becoming immensely popular. In addition to services based on users' current location, many potential services rely on users' location history, or their spatial-temporal provenance. Malicious users may lie about their spatial-temporal provenance without a carefully designed security system for users to prove their past locations. In this paper, we present the Spatial- Temporal provenance Assurance with Mutual Proofs (STAMP) scheme. STAMP is designed for ad-hoc mobile users generating location proofs for each other in a distributed setting. However, it can easily accommodate trusted mobile users and wireless access points. STAMP ensures the integrity and non-transferability of the location proofs and protects users' privacy. A semi-trusted Certification Authority is used to distribute cryptographic keys as well as guard users against collusion by a light-weight entropy-based trust evaluation approach. Our prototype implementation on the Android platform shows that STAMP is low-cost in terms of computational and storage resources. Extensive simulation experiments show that our entropy-based trust model is able to achieve high collusion detection accuracy.
Corneal surface and tear secretion parameters and their relation with clinical signs in patients with thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy[Full-Text ] Jurate Jankauskiene, Dalia JarusaitieneBackground In patients with thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO), symptoms and signs of ocular dryness are common, these disorders may coincide and it is difficult to accurately identify and differentiate them early.
Study and Analysis of the Flow Field around the Horizontal Wind Turbine Blade[Full-Text ] Amit Kumar, Shivasheesh Kaushik, Kundan Kumar, Vikas ChauhanThe purpose of this project is firstly to give an overview of aerodynamic performance of HAWT and description of recent developments and current status of the drag-reduction research. The wind energy is deemed as one of the most durable energetic variants of the future because the wind resources are immense. Therefore research in this field must be continuous and interdisciplinary. The objective of these investigations is to improve the wind turbines aerodynamic performance and increase their operational range by inducing complete or partial flow reattachment. Through CFD simulations for a horizontal axis wind turbine, this study is trying to analyze the flow field around the wind turbine blade. Current efforts focus on increasing their aerodynamic efficiency and operational range through passive flow control techniques. A portion of my research is focused on investigating passive flow control strategies in order to provide wind turbine manufacturers with effective approaches to enable them to increase the amount of energy that can be captured by a wind turbine. In this project we focus on exploring the way of increasing the aerodynamic performance of HAWT blade aerofoil. Current research is focused on S819 aerofoil which is used for large wind turbine blade and a new technique is used to control the flow separation.
DATA CENTER AUTO DISCOVERY[Full-Text ] Shynu Thankam Mathew, Aparna VAs data growth is continuing, the number of data centers is also growing at an enormous rate and it has become a challenge to detect and manage the active devices or resources in a network especially for large organizations. Connectivity and management issues have become a great concern. Auto Discovery tool has greatly helped in this concern. It checks for the active devices in a network and provides with the basic configuration details (name, description, IP address, location, contact person, etc.). Not only the PC devices, its unique in a way that it also detects the network resources such as printers, switches, routers, and gateways. It means it can find information about any devices that has an IP address. All the detected devices are discovered by using any of the enabled discovery protocols – Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Common Information Model (CIM), Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). This feature is used in the NetApp’s clustered Data ONTAP OS and OneCollect. With SNMP, it allows the network applications to study about the device sort and to send SNMP queries to the active devices. With this, it also helps to learn about the solution stack and identify the neighboring devices which a device is connected to.
Towards a global DSS evaluation framework using decisional guidance[Full-Text ] Khaoula Boukhayma, Abdellah ElmanouarThere is a considerable amount of research work covering the evaluation of decision support systems. Many methods have been proposed, but no consent has been made yet on a global model covering the needs of evaluators. Decisional guidance is guidance for judgmental inputs provided to the user while interacting with a decision support system (DSS). By exploring the empirical studies linking DSS effectiveness to the implementation of decisional guidance, we came to propose an evaluation approach for Decision support systems evaluation using decisional guidance. The model uses guidance elements as evaluation criteria to assess decision quality, user satisfaction, user learning and decision-making efficiency.
The role of Auto ZelK BRIDGE Hard wares, in Biomedical and Space Science Advanced Research and New Vaccine and Drug for cure Discovery and Development[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueModern biomedical, space science research and health care are provided by multidisciplinary teams in which biomedical engineers contribute to the advancement of knowledge equally as medical professions. Biomedical engineering represents one the most rapidly growing branches of industry in the developed world
pentaquark In Multiquark Theories[Full-Text ] A. R. HaghpeimaNow it is very difficult to calculate the whole hadron spectrum from first principles in QCD, under such a circumstance, various models which are QCD-based or incorporate some important properties of QCD were proposed to explain the hadron spectrum and other low- energy properties. In this paper we will explain and discus some features of them.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Cervical Cancer among women attending Primary Health Care Centre in Al-Madinah city[Full-Text ] Dr. Marwa Qabl M. AlsaediIntroduction: Cervical cancer ranks as the 8th most frequent cancer among women in Saudi Arabia. It accounts for 2.6% of all new case. In developing countries, only about 5% of women have been screened with pap smear. The important key in the management of cervical cancer is early detection of the cancer.Objectives: To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices toward cervical cancer among women attending primary health care in Al-Medina city .
ANTHROPOMETRIC, PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF SUB-ELITE NIGERIAN BADMINTON PLAYERS[Full-Text ] O. O. AKINBIOLA, S. A. ADENIRAN and C. F. AKINNUBIThe purpose of this study was to determine the anthropometric, physiological and performance profiles of sub-elite Nigerian badminton players and to find out if differences exist between the male and female players. The descriptive survey design was used in the study. Twenty two Obafemi Awolowo University badminton athletes (14 male and 8 female) were selected for the study.
ENHANCEMENT OF POWER SYSTEM INTERPRETATION THROUGH PID CONTROLLER[Full-Text ] SHARAD CHANDRA RAJPOOT, PRASHANT SINGH RAJPOOTPower system is integration of the different sub system just like generation , transmission and distribution. So there will be many chances to subject with the disturbances. These disturbance may be caused by the atmosphere or may be caused by the system itself . these disturbances will responsible for the instability of the operating power system .
Effective Waste management[Full-Text ] C.RAJESIntroduction: We all know that wastage occurs in each and every process in our day to day life. Humans,animals and all living organisms expel organic wastages in day today life which has to be effectively removed,disposed, recycled into useful matters.
ANTHROPOMETRIC AND PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF ELITE NIGERIAN SOCCER PLAYERS[Full-Text ] Akinbiola, O. O. & Adeniran, S. A.This study assessed the anthropometric and performance characteristics of male elite soccer players in the South Western Nigeria with a view to determining status and to examine if there were positional related differences among players. The descriptive survey design was used in this study. Ninety male players were drawn from six soccer clubs competing at the Professional League level in South-West Nigeria using the purposive sampling technique. The procedure of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) was used for all anthropometric measurements.
Determinant of Capital Structure: New Evidence Panel Datafrom100 Largest Cooperativesin West Java[Full-Text ] SugiyantoStudy of Capital structure in Indonesia cooperative entity is almost never be done,the sources of cooperative capital not only from internal source i.e. reserve of business surplus and members contribution but also derived from debts. Ability to raise capital also becomes a major problem for cooperative in Indonesia. The study was conducted to assess the financial performance as determinant factors affecting on cooperative capital structure. Descriptive quantitative research method used in this study, using new evidence panel secondary data from 100 samples size of largest cooperatives in West Java. Analysis data used regression correlation analysis approach either partially or simultaneously.The study results showed thatpartially are not all financial performance that analyzed as a determinant of cooperative capital structure, from six financial performancesthat measured, only sales stability, asset structure, and company size that become determinant factors that effect oncooperative capital structure, while profitability, liquidity, and business risk are not as a determinant factors of cooperative capital structure. But simultaneously all financial performances that analyzed by multiple correlation becomes determinant factors that effect oncooperative capital structure.
Effects of Prior Conceptualization of Force and Kinematics on Later Instruction in Newtonian Mechanics[Full-Text ] Peter K. KaptingeiRepeated analysis by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) after release of results of National Examinations has consistently shown that performance of physics is low and so is enrolment. This paper presents research finding of a study that was undertaken to find out what ideas about Newtonian Mechanics learners had prior to instruction and how they influenced the conceptual acquisition of the same after instruction and subsequently affect performance in the subject. The specific objective was: To investigate learner conceptualization of Force and Kinematics before instruction. The theoretical framework for the study was based on the constructivist learning theory of Jerome Bruner. The theory lays emphasis on guiding learners as they build on and modify their existing mental models. The two-tailed t-test was used to test the hypothesis.
REVERSIBLE DATA HIDING USING ENCRYPTED BYTE ARRAY IMAGE[Full-Text ] A. Vigneysh AravindhOutsourced storage of Multimedia Files by cloud has become more and more popular. To Manage the Outsourced Image, the cloud server may embed some additional information regarding the ownership of Image. Obviously, the cloud service has no rights to introduce permanent Data Distortion. Different from all previous encryption-based frameworks, in which the cipher texts may attract the notation of the curious cloud, RIT-based framework allows the user to transform the content of original image into the content of another target image with the same size. Therefore, RDH is needed. It is a technique by which the original image can be recovered without loss after the embedded message is extracted.
A Space-Time Scan Statistic for Detecting Poverty Hotspots in Java Island[Full-Text ] Mochamad Fahim, Erfiani, Bagus SartonoPoverty rate reduction is one of eight goals in Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). Most of Indonesian population lived in Java Island, it reached 56.82 percents in 2015. It is also followed by high poverty rate, where poverty rate of three provinces (Jawa Tengah, DIY, and Jawa Timur) is greater than Indonesia. This condition made Java Island as a great contributor to Indonesia’s poverty rate. Therefore, it is needed to know when and where poverty hotspots were detected. This research focused on poverty hotspot detection in Java Island based on data from BPS-Central Bureau of Statistic for the situation of 2011-2015 using space-time scan statistic. As a result, we managed to identify eight hotspots that were statistically significant. Among those eight hotspots, seven were detected in the period of 2011-2013 while the other one hotspot was in 2014-2015. According to the target that had MDGs set in 2015, it meant that the effort of poverty rate reduction in Java Island were quite succesfull in the end of MDGs program, it was shown from only one hotspot detected, which only one member namely Malang Regency.
Wavelet and Spectral Analysis of theTabla-an Indian Percussion Instrument[Full-Text ] Farhat Surve, Ratnaprabha Surve, Anand AmberdekarTablais a percussion instrument, mainly used as an accompaniment in Indian classical music with vocalists, instrumentalists, and often with classical dance performers, for upholding and sustaining rhythm. The Tablacomprises two drums that are structurally different and produce a range of overtones. This paper describes the spectral characteristics of the most frequently played syllable Naover five Tablavariants viz. Kali 1 C Sharp (Tipe), Pandri 2 D, Pandri 1 C, Kali 5 G Sharp, andPandri 2 D (Dalya), using two different analysis techniques viz.1) Wavelet analysis using MATLAB,and 2) FFT using:a) Origin 8, and b) DSO in real time. Wavelet analysis is used in general for analyzing localized variations of power within a time series and to determine the frequency distribution in the time-frequency domain, while the FFT computes the transformation of the original time domain signal to a representation in the frequency domain. The FFT therefore, is used to determine the prominences viz. the overtones in the syllable played. Origin is used as it offers customizable graph templates and auto-recalculation on changes to data and analysis parameters.
Environmental and Technical Problems of Test Room Spaces in Cultural Buildings[Full-Text ] Dusan Katunsky, Jana Katunska, Lenka Kormanikova, Iveta Bullova, Richard GermanusAim of the article is a description and characteristics of typological, structural and acoustic requirements of test room spaces for presenting rock and pop music. It includes initial requirements for the spaces, the suitability of their combination with other functions, or spaces, as well as their integration into the environment. It presents a case study, points to the problems in the acoustic design of a music rehearsal space in a music centre building.
Differences in survival by race/ethnicity among cutaneous melanoma patients in the United States over a period of thirty years (1982-2011)[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman M Nasiri, Elharith S Al-AkeelMelanoma is an aggressive skin cancer with a high mortality rate. The incidence of melanoma has increased in recent years from 1:1500 in 1935 to 1:50 in 2011. The aim of this study is to investigate survival by race/ethnicity, taking site into account, among melanoma patients in the United States.This study is a secondary analysis of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program. SEER collects data through a non-concurrent cohort study design. The sample size was 185219 participants. The chi-square test was used to examine the association between categorical variables. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to estimate the overall survival curve and to estimate the survival curve per race/ethnicity. Collinearity was assessed using Pearson correlation. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to calculate the unadjusted and adjusted hazard ratios (HR).
Public Facilities Services from Planning Perspective (The case of Debre BirhanTown, ANRS, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Dagne Amdetsion, UrgessaLike in any other developing countries, urban centers in our country are growing rapidly and residing a lot of people. Consequently, alleviation of urban problems has already become one of the prime agenda and attracts the attention of decision makers at all levels (Federal, Regional and City Governments). With such understanding scholars, practitioners, federal and regional governments are giving attention for solutions emanated from scientific research. Accordingly, this study has given a focus to undertake situational analysis on public facility provision in Debre Birhan Town in order to compile all relevant data, generate information and document them to enables city planners and engineers understand very well the context and to give required information for municipality administers which capacitate them in their day to day activities of the town particularly to respond for infrastructure demand. In light of this all necessary data based on scientific research methodology has been gathered and analyzed with respect to the nation interest and programs; and norms and standards. The theme under this study covers, major public facilities which dominantly owned and run by the government like Education, health care, sport and recreation, youth centers and play ground; and religious institutions and cemeteries. On top of questionnaires, reviewing the compiled documents of each sector a face to face discussion with respected professionals and a focus group discussion was conducted. Finally, after identifying the related SWOT of the town recommendations have been forwarded.
Evaluation of Anatomical Variants of the Circle of Willis in a Nigerian Population Using Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography (CECT) Scan[Full-Text ] S. O. Paulinus, A. O. Igiri, N. O. Egbe, C. C. Ani & G. U. Udo-AffahObservations from different races have demonstrated the importance of variants of the major arterial supply to the brain, these are lacking in the Nigerian population. This anatomic-imaging study was carried out to identify, evaluate and document the distributions of variants of the Willis’ circle using Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography (CECT) scan.