Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2015.
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On The Behavior of Strategies in Iterated Games Between Relatives[Full-Text ] Essam EL-Seidy ,Salah El Din S.Hussien and Ali M. AlmuntaserThe theory of iterated games provide a system framework to explore the players' relationship in a long-term. In this paper we consider the iterated prisoner's dilemma game (IPD) played between relatives . Two state automata are used to play infinitely iterated the two players where each action can be mis-implemented with small error probability. the payoff matrix using the perturbation approach is computed . Using a different values of the average relatedness between players and different values of the payoff variables (R; S; T; P) , the behavior of strategies for iterated prisoner's dilemma game in each situation is studied .
Performance Evaluation of Novel Energy Efficient Water Cooler[Full-Text ] Mr.Kharat Amol.S, Dr.Kore S.S, Prof. Jagdale M.RThe continuously increasing imbalance between the energy demand and supply, together with escalating cost of the conventional energy resources as well as growing environmental pollution are forcing people to invent newer methods either to reduce energy demands or to find alternative energy resources. In refrigeration and air- conditioning systems, the compressor is the largest consumer of electricity, in most of the cases consuming about 70% of total electricity. It is well known fact that water cooling is always effective than air cooling. Water cooler provides an opportunity to use water cooled condenser being always installed near water source. An in-house facility is developed by modifying the existing water cooler system to use the water as cooling medium instead of the air as cooling medium. Accordingly, a water cooled condenser system is designed and developed for existing water cooler with the facility to use of waste water from the water cooler, available relatively at low temperature in significant amount. Experiments were conducted at various operating conditions. It is observed that the COP is higher with water cooled condenser in comparison with air cooled condenser due to saving in power. However, cooling capacity is obtained low for water cooled condenser due to reduction in condenser pressure. High flow rate of cooling water in water cooled condenser system gives better performance when compared to low and medium flow rates of cooling water at condenser. High flow rate of cooling water offer better performance at the cost of water. Waste water utilization of the water cooler with low flow rate brings the system COP almost similar to medium flow which saves the water.
Securing and Authenticating Access to Encrypted Cloud Data[Full-Text ] Kunal Kashelani, Varshapriya JyotinagarSensitive information, when placed in wrong hands may lead to unwanted results. One way of protecting your data is to never use a cloud based service, but it carries dis-advantages of its own. So, how could it be possible to actually trust the cloud service provider with your sensitive information, without actually giving away the key to access your information?
Constant Market Share Analysis for Exports of Pakistan: Case of Developed Market Economies[Full-Text ] Arsalan Ahmed, Dr Shahida WizaratThis Paper investigates Pakistan`s exports to Developed Market Economies (DMEs) for the period 2003-12 using the Constant Market Share analysis. CMS decomposed the total export`s growth in to four major components. i.e. the world trade effect, the commodity composition effect, the market distribution effect and the competitiveness effect. HS 4 digits panel data on yearly basis has been used in the study which has been collected by the International Trade Centre (ITC). The study shows that Pakistan has the potential to increase its exports to the DMEs, but targeted diversification is required with respect to commodities and Pakistan’s exports are competitive in the DMEs..
Privacy Preservation of Cloud Storage Data using Classification[Full-Text ] Gurudayal Singh Bhandari, Asst. Prof. Abhishek Singh ChauhanPrivacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) addresses the problem of developing accurate models about aggregated data without access to precise information in individual data record. Under the single trust level assumption, a data owner generates only one perturbed copy of its data with a fixed amount of uncertainty. This assumption is limited in various applications where a data owner trusts the data miners at different levels. Multilevel Trust (MLT) poses new challenges for perturbation-based PPDM. In contrast to the single-level trust scenario where only one perturbed copy is released, now multiple differently perturbed copies of the same data are available to data miners at different trusted levels. The more trusted a data miner is the less perturbed copy it can access; it may also have access to the perturbed copies available at lower trust levels. Moreover, a data miner could access multiple perturbed copies through various other means, e.g., accidental leakage or colluding with others. Here a new and efficient technique for privacy preservation is implemented for the cloud so that various security issues in the cloud is detected and prevented.
Optimization of EDM Process by new Carbon Black Layer Technology and Comparison with Traditional Regression Analysis Method[Full-Text ] Er. Mukesh Didwania, Ato esmael Adem, Gurala Muralidhar ReddyIt is method in which the metals like has talloy, nitralloy, nimonics etc. are such that they can't be machined by conventional methods but require some special techniques. In this paper there is a optimization of characteristics of EDM like Material removal rate, tool wear ratio and surface roughness by using different input parameters like ram speed, current intensity, pulse duration and duty factor. To optimize the EDM process, the fractional factorial method developed by Taguchi, which is a traditional technique that allows a process to be optimized using relatively few experiments when there are large No. of input variables, are used. By traditional method, as result we find out the highest MRR value obtained is (1) 98 mm3/min; the TWR at these setting 0.5% and the surface roughness (Ra) is 9.4 µm. (2) The lowest TWR obtained is 0.16%, the values of MRR is 17 mm3/min and Ra is 5.8 µm. (3) The lowest Ra is 4.6 µm, the MRR and TWR values for these settings are 28 mm3/min & 3.5%. So these results confirms that there is no single set of input parameter settings which optimize all three output parameters. If it is essential to have as smooth a surface finish as possible, then a very low MRR and a very high TWR would be obtained. In new method, there is an improvement in TWR. The mean value in the improvement is (60±16%) to 95% significant. The MRR appears to increase slightly for a preprocessing depth of 0.025 mm but decreases there after so the results confirm the theory that the TWR in improved by the preprocessing method. It can been seen that there is an improvement in all cases. The mean value of the ratio is 1.39 ± 0.9 (95% confidence limit). There is, however, no significant correlation between pulse duration and TWR improvement. The MRR was largely unchanged for the 1 mm preprocessing depth, but was reduced for the 4 mm depth. So we can conclude that the improvement in TWR was due to influence of migrated carbon in new method.
AUTOMATED GUIDED VEHICLE[Full-Text ] Manali Pohare, Ashok Shinde and Prashant BorkarVision guided robotics plays a vital role in all research areas. The basic idea our project is to increase the visual system of humans. The other major aim of our project is to develop intelligent machines. AGV is one kind of transportation that follows the given respective paths and route. It is widely used industrial fields and community services as well as in dangerous working areas .Nowadays AGV are used in almost all the countries .It has many advantages in our day to day life. IT works just like a robot as it is able to sense and respond in the given environment. Considering that AGVs are used to optimize our work in almost all the fields. In this project we develop a prototype of an AGV which follows a given path on a flat surface with the help of two dc motors and one freewheel. Camera is interfaced with PC for image acquisition and processing is done with the help of Matlab. Path can be determined by the user with the help of GUI application. RF module is used for communication between PC and microcontroller .Commands can be sent from PC based on location of vehicle. Microcontroller will then move the vehicle forward, left, right and stop.
Comparative Performance Analysis of AODV, DSDV and DSR for Wireless Devices[Full-Text ] Tanvi Shanbhag, Ahmed Hussain, Dhruv Shah, Prof. Jay BoradeRouting is the task of directing data packets from a source node to a given destination. The On-demand protocol performs better than the table-driven protocol.In this project we have analyzed and compared three routing protocols i.e. AODV, DSR, DSDV implemented in ns-2. The protocols are simulated in a wireless environment with routing protocols and varying pause time in a simulation environment of 100 nodes. We investigated the performance metrics namely Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), Average end-to-end delay, energy spent and throughput through NS-2 simulation. The performance of protocol is one of the interesting issue.
An Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Various Cement Concrete Under Sea Water[Full-Text ] Swati Maniyal, Ashutosh PatilPotable water is becoming a scarce commodity on this planet Earth with time. Hence, we need to find alternatives for potable water as billons of liters of water is used in construction industry. This research work seeks to investigate the use of sea water as mixing and curing of concrete as 97% of the water on Earth surface is sea water. For this concrete cubes were cast for a design mix of M-20, 1:1.777:2.826 by weight and 0.47 water cement ratio and M-25, 1:1.432:2.472 by weight and 0.414 water cement ratio using OPC 43 grade, OPC 53 grade and PPC cement as per guidelines for concrete mix proportioning with a slump of 75 mm to 100 mm. Half of the cubes were cast and cured with potable water and half with sea water. The cubes were cast and cured for 7, 14, 21, 28 days and was tested for compressive strength. From the results it was found that compressive strength increases during initial days of curing when cubes are cast and cured in sea water but finally characteristic strength decreases by about 5% as compared to cubes cast and cured with potable water.
Performance Investigation of Cement Concrete Under Variation of Curing Time[Full-Text ] Shreyash Shah, Ashutosh PatilToday there is a need of speedy construction as the world is growing and developing at a fast rate. Time is as precious as money. Curing each and every element of structure for 28 days sometime becomes a problems due to shortage of time and resources. This work is concerned with finding an experimental research of variation of curing time on concrete compressive strength. For this concrete cubes were cast for a design mix of M-20, 1:1.777:2.826 by weight and 0.47 water cement ratio and M-25, 1:1.432:2.472 by weight and 0.414 water cement ratio using OPC 43 grade, OPC 53 grade and PPC cement as per guidelines for concrete mix proportioning with a slump of 75 mm to 100 mm. The concrete cubes gain about 85%, 94%, 108%, and 124% of target characteristic compressive strength for PPC if cured for first 7, 14, 21 and 28 days respectively.
Survey on Enhancing Infrastructure Scalability by Predicting Future Requirements[Full-Text ] Wegdan Altayeb, Ahmed KayedAutomatic resources scalability, performance and resources management are required properties for successful services in cloud infrastructure.
Numerical Solutions of Two-Dimensional Burgers’ Equations[Full-Text ] Vildan GülkacTwo-dimensional Burgers’ equations are reported various kinds of phenomena such as turbulence and viscous fluid. In this paper, we illustrate the LOD method for solving the two-dimensional coupled Burgers’ equations. We extend our earlier work [1] and a stability analysis by Fourier method of the LOD method is also investigated. The computational results obtained by present method are in excellent agreement with earlier results. Present method can be easily implemented for solving nonlinear problems evolving in several branches of engineering and science.
An Evaluation of the Capacity of two Roundabouts: A Case Study of Agartala, Tripura[Full-Text ] Amitabha Acharjee, Viki Das, Dr. Manish PalRoundabouts are one of the biggest areas in road intersection. The special form of at-grade intersection is roundabout which is laid out for the movement of traffic in one direction. In urban area, total quantity of vehicles increase very sharply. Quantities of vehicles are also increasing at the intersection of post office chowmuhani area as well as circuit house area in Agartala, Tripura. With this increasing rate of vehicles may cause congestion, delay and accident in intersection. The study shows that the Post office chowmuhani and in Circuit House chowmuhani roundabouts the total traffic capacity is 3599 PCU/hour and 2970 PCU/hour respectively. Hence, as per the study it expected that the Circuit House chowmuhani roundabout will be collapsed by the year 2022.
An Extrapolation Method for Oxygen Diffusion Problem[Full-Text ] Vildan GülkacWe consider the oxygen diffusion equation. Oxygen diffusion in a sike cell with simultaneous absorption is an important problem. Oxygen diffusion has a wide range of medical applications. Numerical solutions of its partial differential equation are obtained by extrapolation method with the vector of values V approximating to C (diffusion) at the mesh points. And the results gave a good agreement with the previous methods [1,2,3]. And L0 stability method of analysis of the stability is also investigated.
The Manobo Tribe Then and Now:An Ethnography[Full-Text ] Abraham L. MasendoThe study delved into the cultural practices of Agusan Manobo tribe in the past as it is practiced in the present. It also sought the strategies used by the tribe to withhold their practices as well as their hopes and aspiration. The study made use of the interview to the selected ten elders of the tribe and conducted also a focused group discussion to the seven datus surrounding Sitio Kapda, Barangay Sabud, Loreto, Agusan del Sur, Philippines. It is revealed in the study that rituals, belief in the spirits, marriages, healing, settling disputes, burials and choosing new leader were the practices of the tribe. As pious people, their activities are always consulted with unseen spirits to whom they believed to have interference of every activity of human being. It is revealed that the oral tradition was the most common way of conveying their practices to the young so that it will continue to exist. The family was the first venue of such witnessing of practice. They believed in the unity and faith of the tribe in order to continue their practices. It made known from the study that the tribe longed for indigenous education for their young to use when they led the tribe in the future. They wanted also that they have their own land to live where the next generation can exercise their beliefs and practice their rituals. It went out also that they wanted their culture to be written as part of the history.
Hospital Engineering and Infection Control[Full-Text ] Dr Sameer Mehrotra, Dr R K Ranyal, Dr Punit Yadav, Dr Sunil BasukalaThe hospital design has an important role in the control of hospital associated infection. The physical design of hospital is an essential component of a hospital’s infection control strategy, incorporating infection control issues to minimise the risk of infection transmission. Hospital design therefore, needs to consider the separation of dirty and clean areas, adequate ventilation, lighting and storage facilities and design of patient accommodation areas, including adequate number of wash hand basins and single bed facilities. However, there is inherent difficulty in establishing this fact because of too many confounding factors in the form of type of patients, number and type of man power available in the facility, the policies and procedures and other resources used. These factors cannot remain constant. A review of various studies and guidelines available on the subject was undertaken. It is concluded that the hospital design does matter for infection control.
Recent trends towards multi-focus image fusion techniques[Full-Text ] Harmanjot Singh, Sharanjit SinghImage fusion finds application in an exceedingly wide selection of areas involving image processing. It is just a mechanism to improve the grade of information from a group of images. The primary objective of image fusion would be to generate a fused image that gives the complete and consistent data. The resultant image is formed by combining such magnified information from the input images right into a single image. The typical objective of the paper has gone to explore various applications of image fusion and the various methods for efficiently fusing digital images. It's been found that many the prevailing researchers have neglected many issues; i.e. no technique is accurate for different sort of circumstances. This paper eventually ends up with suitable future directions which can increase the performance of image fusion than existing techniques.
Performance and emission characteristics of diesel sunflowers-based biodiesel fuels[Full-Text ] Miqdam Tariq ChaichanBiodiesel is one of the most desirable alternative fuels to implement. Biodiesel pertains to alternative fuels called biofuels. Bio-fuels are the fuels that derived from biological resources. Biodiesel consists of long chains of carbon molecules attached to an alcohol molecule called fatty acid alkyl esters. Biodiesel is green and clean alternative to fossil diesel fuel.
Lipid analysis of tissues from camel (Camelus dromedaries) reveals unique composition in fatty acids[Full-Text ] Boubker NASSER, M’hamed Said EL KEBBAJ, Khadija MOUSTAID, Abdallah BAGRI, Abdelkhalid ESSAMADI and Norbert LATRUFFEDomesticated Arabian camel, Camelus dromedarius, is the most important animal in arid and semiarid areas, as it represents the main source of meat, milk and fat besides its high cultural and economical values. The present work was carried out to determine the compositions of fatty acids and phospholipids in the hump, plasma and liver mitochondria were studied under various physiological and nutritional conditions of this ruminant. In plasma, palmitic (C16:00), linoleic (C18:2 n-6), stearic (C18:00) and oleic (C18:1 n-9) acids represent 70% of the fatty acids identified. In liver mitochondria, a closely similar ratio was obtained (62%) but with different proportions. In the hump, palmitic, oleic, stearic and myristic acids represent 82% of the total fatty acids. Moreover, qualitative differences were observed with myristic (C14:00) acid whereas linoleic acid was lacking. The phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine are the major mitochondrial phospholipids with (62%) whereas sphingomyelin represent (14%), while phosphatidylinositol shows the weakest rate (5%). The composition of fatty acids (chain length and unsaturation) in plasma and in liver mitochondria did not depend on age, sex, mass and diet. These results shows qualitative similarity in the composition of fatty acids between plasma and liver mitochondrial membranes but not with in the hump. These results suggest that the camel developed a particular metabolic regulatory system to maintain constant the composition of fatty acids independently of physiological and the nutritional conditions.
Antihyperglycemic potential of urticol from Urtica dioica leaves using freshly isolated rat hepatocytes[Full-Text ] Charles K. Rono, Geoffrey K. Maiyoh, Clare I. Muhanj and Eliud LimoThe present study investigated the potential upregulation of glucose absorption in primary rat hepatocytes by compounds from Urtica dioica leaves (UD), isolated in our previous study. The isolates were then subjected to ex vivo assays using primary rat hepatocytes incubated under humidified 5 % CO2 incubator at 37 oC. It was found out that urticol at 100?M stimulated glucose uptake by 28.57 % and 11.45 % as compared to the untreated control and pioglitazone at 100 ?M respectively (p=0.05) while the terpenoids were found to be non-bioactive at both 50 ?M and 100 ?M. This showed that urticol is stronger than pioglitazone in stimulation of glucose uptake. Therefore, the findings show urticol as a potent antihyperglycemic agent. This work may provide a scientific proof of the folklore antidiabetic activity of UD. Further work needs to be done to fully understand the exact mechanism of action of urticol in inducing glucose uptake. It is hypothesized that urticol may work by inducing Glut-4 expression on hepatocytes but this remains to be determined.
Telematics: Tele-Operated System[Full-Text ] MSc. Karwan KareemWith the advent of the Internet and more recently the high-speed academic networks, has created a dynamic that has allowed the academic, scientific and research worldwide for greater interaction in order to develop collaborative, relevant research and cooperatively competitive. Thus, Tele-operation stems from the need to keep people away from sources of changing radiation.
An Efficient X-ray annotation removal Algorithm and cluster based segmentation for mammogram Images[Full-Text ] Rabi Narayan Panda, Mirza Ashad Baig, Dr. Bijay Ketan Panigrahi, Dr. Manas Ranjan PatroComputer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) has drawn significant attention in the area of medical science as it has brought a paradigm shift in the areas of medical Imaging and Analysis and has a demonstrated potential for increasing survival rates by early detection of intangible malignant tumors and small lesions. A Digitized Mammogram usually contains non resourceful information such as x-ray annotations, noise due to the presence of pectoral muscle in the vicinity of region of interest (ROI). This paper instigates in increasing the quality of evaluation data. This paper thus focuses on implementing clustering method for identifying suspected clusters in digitized mammograms taken from publicly available MIAS database after removal of unwanted noise , so that the proportion of true data exceeds that of false data.So CAD assistance with subjective analysis devises an effective method to eradicate human errors by providing a second opinion diagnosis and improve the accuracy and reduce false positive cases.
QoS Aware Resource Scheduling in Internet of Things-Cloud Environment[Full-Text ] Krishnapriya .S, Joby P. PInternet of things (IoT) is a novel idea of linking objects. Establishment and functioning of IoT rely on existing networks as well new network infrastructures. Cloud environmentis an critical factor for the establishment and functioning of an IoT system. When cloud infrastructure is used for the establishment of IoT, it has to deal with heterogeneous workloads. These workloads include diverse applications with various priorities, performance and resource demands. There are tasks that are limited to the kind of machine types they demand for execution. Also, majority of the IoT applications are time bound and therefore task response time is an important QoS factor. Sub-optimal resource scheduling and sub-optimal load balancing will cause performance degradation. In this paper, we have proposed the concept of a QoS aware resource scheduling technique called Load Balanced Particle Swarm Optimization scheduling, which can reduce application response time and ensures load balancing.
Software Engineering[Full-Text ] Muhammed MakhshaSoftware engineering is quite hard to define the meaning of what exactly software engineering is. It uses both engineering and science as a way to try to produce improvements with software technology. Different persons have somewhat different definitions of the term software engineering dependent upon what area they work in (Jonny, 2010).The history of software engineering will assist us to comprehend the issues that started for being obvious within the late 1960s and early seventies, as well as the solutions which may have led on the creation with the field of software engineering (Edeh, 2007). Software engineering is usually discipline when designing and implementing high performance data projects. Also software package engineers are certainly not certified or sanctioned by any standards body, by using software fitters with experience in the Intelligence community increases likelihood of success (John, 2009).
Elimination off Bootland Time of an Operating System[Full-Text ] Sohan Nipunage, Surbhi Shukla, Mayuri PatilThere has been significant improvemetn in the computing power by inclusion of various technologies that are needed to be integrated into one single operatings system for the convenience of users
Design and Simulation of Terminal Node Controller for KufaSat NanoSatellite[Full-Text ] Mohammed Chessab Mahdi, Hiba Imad Sadiq, Zahraa Razaq Hameed, Hussain kareem Mute'ebThis paper presents the design and simulation of communication subsystem of KufaSat Nano-Satellite in general and focuses on the terminal node controller as a key part of the communications subsystem. A transceiver, terminal node controller (TNC), and antenna has been selected as communications subsystem hardware. A terminal node controller consists of a micro control unit, a modem, EPROM and software that implement the AX.25 protocol.
Data Warehousing Concepts Using ETL Process for Social Media Data Extraction[Full-Text ] Rohita Yamaganti, Usha Manjari SikharamThe importance of using social media has increased enormously and focus of the software analyst has shifted towards analyzing the data available in these social media sites. For Example if a college wants to retrieve the alumni data from the social networking sites. Yes it can be done by using power tool called ETL Tool that is available for analyzing the data. In order to analyse the data it’s important to have cleaned or preprocessed data. This preprocessed data helps us in retrieving the desired data. In this process, we need to create special type of database that is specifically built for the purpose of getting information out rather than putting data in. Data warehousing concepts using ETL process trying to build the Data warehouse. Not only alumni data can get the list of friends along with their bio-data, list of employees who are working in different industries. The data Warehouse exists to provide answers to strategic questions and assist managers of the organizations in planning for future. The beauty of creating Data Warehouse will enable the user to analyse the data. We use powerful Tool called Informatica to create this warehouse from social media.
OFDM Based Cooperative Sequential Spectrum Sensing[Full-Text ] Pooja AnandSpectrum sensing is the most significant technique in Cognitive Radio system. So in this paper for the terrestrial television broadcasting (ISDB-T) system of integrated services digital broadcasting, i develop the algorithm based energy detector with low detection delay using sequential hypothesis testing and matched filter detector of spectrum sensing used on OFDM system which is use as a primary signal. For this i develop Cooperative sequential detection algorithms based on energy detectors and the autocorrelation property of cyclic prefix (CP) used in OFDM systems i modify the result of detectors to mitigate the effect of impairment and also compare the result of detectors. The performance of OFDM is assessed by using computer simulations performed by using MATLAB.
Anthocyanin Pigment Identification of Batu Local Rose Flower as A Natural Colorant to Replace Harmful Rhodamin B Colorant[Full-Text ] Elfi Anis SaatiThis study aimed at identifying anthocyanin pigment in local rose petal from Batu. Extraction processes were conducted in four-level solvents (aquades-citric acid, aquades-lactic acid, methanol-HCl and Aquades-sulfuric acid). In order to measure the potential amount of anthocyanin pigment, isolation procedure was done with its twice further developers, concentrated HCl: H2O=3:97 and BuOH-HCl (n BuOH: HCl 2N=1:1) resulting in isolate and powdered pigment. The identification of anthocyanin was further conducted by using UV Vis spectrophotometry and FTIR analysis (by malvidin chloride standard).