Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2015 Edition
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A Survey of Various Online Social Media & Applications[Full-Text ] Abhay Narayan Singh, Anurag JainHere in this paper a survey of all the technique that are used for the mining of Online Social Media are discussed and their applications such as Community detection and Message Wall Filtering and Student’s learning experience and their opinions. Since Online Social Media seems to be advantageous and its usage by various users over internet may create some harm to the other users. Hence a complete survey of all such technique is analyzed and hence by analyzing their various advantages and limitations a new efficient technique can be implemented in future.
A Review on Overall Analysis of Different Data Dissemination Strategies[Full-Text ] Kanak ManjariWireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology has provided the availability of small and low-cost sensor nodes with capability of sensing various types of physical and environmental conditions, data processing, and wireless communication. But the sensor nodes in WSN have a limited transmission range, and their processing and storage capabilities as well as their energy resources are also limited. Thus an efficient architecture is required for overcoming these issues which strongly depends on Data Dissemination strategy used. Data Dissemination, where each node is able to send data to every other node in the mesh network and each node decides to forward the data using some protocols. So it is an important issue to design suitable Dissemination protocol according to different application scenarios. A variety of different energy efficient Data Dissemination protocols were proposed in recent years. In this paper, we present the comprehensive analysis of various Data Dissemination strategies. This paper provides useful insights for the network designer such as which Data Dissemination protocols scale well, reduce overall energy consumption or improve task completion.
Evaluation of end to end delay and packet loss probability in congestion control system[Full-Text ] OJEDAYO, Benson, OYINLOYE, Elohor In recent years there has been an extensive growth in the number of Internet users, hosts and applications. The success in coping with the fast growth of the Internet rests on the IP (Internet Protocol) architecture’s robustness, flexibility, and ability to scale the underlying end-to-end paradigm of the IP architecture.
An investigation into the enforcement and compliance of wastewater regulation in Zimbabwe[Full-Text ] Cassian Mandizvidza, Scott Ncube, Khulumani SibandaThe aim of this research was to assess the level of compliance among the regulated polluters and also the effectiveness of enforcement by the regulating authority culminating in the identification of the factors which positively affect compliance and enforcement as well as the factors which negatively affect compliance and enforcement. The Table of the Eleven methodology was employed. Two questionnaires which were mirror images of each other and based on the Table of Eleven questions were administered to ten agents from the target group (industries) and to nine enforcement agents from the Environmental Management Agency and the local authority. Field observations were also done in which the researcher was a non-participant observer. The iT-11 version was then used to process the data and two outputs were produced which are compliance profile and compliance estimates. The compliance profile results showed the factors strongly encouraging compliance, weakly encouraging compliance, strongly encouraging violation and strongly encouraging violation. The compliance estimates showed the different categories in which the target group can be placed. The level of compliance was found to be low-40% (Target group perspective). The general lack of acceptance of the policy objectives was found to be the major factor hindering compliance. To improve the situation this research recommended the introduction of subsidies and incentives to the target group, enhancing stakeholder participation in policy formulation, making sanctions more deterrent and improving the access to technology on cleaner production.
Blackhole Prevention Algorithms for AODV in Mobile Ad Hoc Network- A Review[Full-Text ] Devottam GauravA Wireless ad-hoc network is a temporary network where several mobile autonomous nodes can move freely in any direction. With the help of routing protocols source node finds a path to the destination node and forward data packets through intermediate nodes connected by symmetrical transmitted links. However, due to mobility and ad-hoc nature, security becomes an important issue in MANET because once malicious nodes are in the range of networks; they can join the network freely and degrades the performance by attacking it. The vulnerability of MANET is very high towards routing attacks such as blackhole, which drops all the packets instead of forwarding it to the destined node and results in data loss. This research paper focuses on analyzing the probable solutions pointed out by several eminent researchers to reduce the effects of blackhole attack in MANET.
Parametric Optimization of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine for Brake Thermal Efficiency Using Tyre Pyrolysis Oil and Diesel Blend[Full-Text ] Saumil C Patel, Dr. Pragnesh K BrahmbhattAn experimental study has been carried out for Tyre pyrolysis oil blended with diesel used in a single cylinder diesel engine. Tyre Pyrolysis oil is obtained from tire waste by pyrolysis process. Blending of Tyre pyrolysis oil with diesel in maximum possible proportion helps to reduce the consumption of diesel fuel. In this study, the effects of parameters i.e. Injection Timing, Injection Pressure, Compression Ratio, and Load are taken as variable for optimization. As the experiment required simultaneously optimization of four parameters with five levels, Taguchi method of optimization is used in this experiment. The results of the Taguchi experiment identify that 240 Injection Timing, Injection Pressure 140 bar, Compression Ratio 18 and Engine Load 5 kg are optimum parameter setting for highest break thermal efficiency. Engine performance is mostly influenced by Engine load and is least influenced by Injection Pressure. Confirmation experiment was done using optimum combination showed that Brake Thermal Efficiency was found by experiment is closer to the predicated value.
Data Mining Based Social Network Analysis From Online Behaviour[Full-Text ] Hamza AhmedData mining has evolved into a complex knowledge-seeking venture that provides variable perceptions of viewing data. Previously data mining was intended for extracting useful and extensive information to be used for potentially any application. Several databases allowed discovery of past information through complicated software and hardware reading to make any application understandable without excessive learning about how the system really operated. Ironically data mining has been created by the human mind yet the concepts transitioning into practice has been complicated through its evolution through the usage of data. But sometimes when data systems are subject to improvement and evolution, the concept becomes lost in translation and created a number of challenges instead. Large organizations and associations have been faced with challenges of amassing data of information into servers required to be accessible by all sorts of company personnel. The majority of challenges encountered while attempting to resolve complex data mining emerged in the form of designing high speed data streams, mining sequence, network settings, and security integrity concerns. This report is outlined to the issues of data mining through notable uses and their processes in various applications mostly for computer, business and visual data. A few details of obtaining company data is illustrated and how multiple networking systems are compromised, although not necessarily intruded by external users. The data is described through open-source and proprietor sources where commercial data is frequently shared in networking systems.
Application of Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear models to Micro Satellite Launchers (MSL) Trajectory[Full-Text ] Adetoro M.A Lanre, Fashanu T.A and M.K.O. AyomohUniversity of Lagos, Systems Engineering Department, Akoka, Yaba,Lagos, Nigeria
The Relationship Between Dividend Payout Ratio With Revenue, Liabilities And Expenses: An Empirical Study Of KSE Listed Non-Financial Firms[Full-Text ] Bibi Roheel Sarhandi, Kiran Farooq, Mariam Qamar Iqbal, Ayesha Mukhtar, Saima AmirThere had been several researches and studies developed for identifying relationships between dividend policy with many other factors. These factors are searched or sometimes tested directly. Authors have continuously been engaged in different findings related to dividend policy of specific firms and specific areas. This research aimed towards finding the impact of total sales, debts and expenses on dividend payout policy of non-financial or manufacturing firms, listed in Karachi stock exchange, using past years financial data from financial statements. This research would be helpful to conclude for investors who mostly expect that those firms who have more earning pay more dividend and same thinking they keep for liabilities and expenses. Multiple Regression analysis was carried out to establish the relationship between dividend payout and all these three variables. Study shows the relation between all these variables with dividend payout and what correlation exists between them. It’s also shown that how much impact each of the variable has on dividend policy, what correlation is and what significance level is.
A GIS Based Approach To Select Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Technology A Case Study – Shollinganallur Taluk Kanchipuram District Tamil Nadu[Full-Text ] K.Deepa, M.Krishnaveni, M.MageshwariShollinganallur Taluk of Kanchipuram District has been chosen as study area for the present research work which falls in the extension part of the peri-urban area of South Chennai city. The study area was facing problems of water scarcity and wastewater management. The wastewater generated in the study area is mainly disposed into nearby surface water bodies like ponds, lakes and low lying vacant lands, which create environmental pollution. The quality of surface water and groundwater were assessed during pre monsoon and post monsoon periods and compared with BIS water quality standards. The laboratory study revealed that Shollinganallur Taluk was facing environmental pollution problem. Thus in order to reduce the problems associated with the disposal of untreated wastewater, there is a need to identify advanced wastewater treatment technologies to provide improved sanitation for the people.
A NEW THESIS ON “THAILAND”!...[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha“THAILAND” had Ancient history in geological evolution behind the name THAI… LAND… The Author Visited Thailand to bring out the hidden scientific, cultural truth for international understanding and promoting international peace among world nations for sustainability of future human value based life system. “THAILAND” means “DIVINE LAND”!... THAILAND means MOTHER of all lands!!...
Effect of Cow Milk on the Growth and Economic Traits of Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.)[Full-Text ] M.S. Hossain, M.A. Uddin, M.S. Islam and M.A. AlimSilkworm Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), is a domestic insect which produce silk through spinning. Silkworm is a monophogous insect and major portion of successful silk production as well as quality of silk cocoon depends on nutritional value of mulberry leaf. The present study was undertaken to find out the effect of cow milk on increasing the growth rate and economic traits of silkworm. Silkworm became voracious in the last fifth stages and it consumed about 94% of its total fed and major portion of raw silk (fibroin & sericin) is secreted in the last stage. The mulberry leaves were dipped in milk and air dried before giving them as feed to the silk larvae. Larval weight, cocoon weight and shell weight was measured. The result showed that the larvae fed with milk treated leaves gained 208% weight from day 1 to 5, while the larvae fed with fresh leaves gained 188% weight in the same span. Cocoon weight increased by 18% and shell percentage by 11% when compared to the control. These result suggested to fed silkworm larvae with mulberry leaves dipped in cow milk at fifth instar for better larval weight and reeling performances.
Empirical Relationship of Birth Rate, Female Literacy Rate and GDP Per Capita with Child Mortality Rate in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Zareena Ali, Talib Hussain, Fawad AzamChild mortality is considering an important indicator of quality of life and economic condition in underdeveloped countries. It is also a good indicator of female’s literacy, adult health, income and birth rate. Pakistan has rapid economic growth from past few years. Despite of economic growth Pakistan has been unable to decrease child mortality rate to the target level. There are a lot of socioeconomic factors that affect child health. Due to the lake of data and many other problem this study has not include all variables. This study consider only three major factors are GDP per capita, females literacy rate and birth rate. This study result shows that increase in GDP per capita has significant affect to decrease child mortality. This study shows that females literacy play key role in decreasing child mortality because when mother is educated the chances to become a child sick is very low as compare to an uneducated woman .This study result shows that decrease in birth rate means child mortality rate will be also low. It means in Pakistan birth rate is high it is difficult for parent and government to provide efficient health facilities children as compare to developed nations. The study’s result imply that females literacy ,GDP per capita and birth rate are key determinants of child mortality, among other significant indicators.
Transient Stability Enhancement using Coordinated DMPC for Power System[Full-Text ] S. KulkarniPresent paper proposes a solution in the form of a Distributed Model Predictive Control (DMPC) strategy for excitation control in large scale networked applications, such as Multi-machine Power Systems (MMPS). Each MPC solves its own optimization problem using local decomposed model of the overall system, as it is more convenient to design control laws in distributed manner, based on only local measurements and reduced order dynamical model of the system. The coordination amongst these controllers is achieved through information exchange to obtain performance close to that of centralized MPC scheme. The effectiveness of the proposed DMPC is tested on a 3rd order model of 2-machine system with lossy transmission lines and loads.
Noise Analysis for low-voltage low-power CMOS RF low noise amplifier[Full-Text ] Mai M. Goda, Mohammed K. Salama, Ahmed M. SolimanIn this paper, a noise analysis to a 1V , 1.5GHz CMOS low-noise amplifier (LNA) was done. The Circuit is simulated in 90nm CMOS MOSIS. The LNA gain is 18dB , noise figure (NF) is 2dB , reverse isolation ( ) is -36dB , input return loss ( ) is -12.6dB , output return loss ( ) is -17dB , and the power consumption is 5.4mA from a single 1V power supply.
PV Fed Modified SEPIC Converter[Full-Text ] B.V.N.V.Shiv Kanth, C.V.S.Sainath, G.SandeepIn this paper utilization of a modified Single Ended Primary Inductance Converter (SEPIC) for control of photovoltaic power using Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control mechanism is presented. The main aim of the project is, SEPIC converter is to be used along with a Maximum Power Point Tracking control mechanism. The MPPT is liable for extracting the maximum possible power from the photovoltaic and feed it to the load via the SEPIC converter which steps up the voltage to required level. Voltage multiplier technique is applied to a traditional SEPIC converter. The multiplier technique provides new operation characteristics and a high static gain. The theoretical analysis, design procedure and simulation results are shown in this paper. The results are compared with a traditional SEPIC converter.
Enhanced Image Filtering Method[Full-Text ] Saksham Sinha, Hifzur Rahman, Mahesh ThoratWe have developed a new fuzzy filter for the noise reduction in images having the additive noise. Our proposed filter works in two stages. The first stage of our filter computes the fuzzy derivatives for eight different directions. And the second stage of our filter utilizes these fuzzy derivatives to do fuzzy smoothing by taking weightage of the contributions of neighboring pixels. Both of the stages uses fuzzy rules which takes help of membership functions. This filter could be used many times iteratively to give more better results. While filtering, the membership functions are altered according to the amount of noise present in an image after every iteration. This is done by using the homogeneity in the image.
Child Labor in the Rural Setting: Voices of Toil from Indigenous Youth Learners[Full-Text ] Maricel R. MeridaThis phenomenological research was conducted at DepEd, Bislig City Division for the school year 2014-2015. The participants were the 18 students of San Jose National High School who were engaged in child labor. An In-depth Interview and Focus- Group Discussion were employed in order to find out the experiences, coping mechanisms and insights of the child laborers. Responses of the participants revealed that their experiences as child laborers were the pressing need for labor, the underpayment of the services by their employers, the trivial participation in school activities since they could no longer attend regularly to their classes, they had divergent outlook in life and experiences also of the unhealthy physical condition. In order to cope with their situation, the participants generally embraced self-denial of the hardships they experienced, they did medication when ill and they also uphold their ambitions. Furthermore, their insights shared to their peers were to value the importance of work and school in order to survive the challenges of child labor.
An improved method for the determination of HLB properties of nonionic surfactants[Full-Text ] Roland Nagy, Réka Kothencz, Rubina Sallai, László BarthaThe nonionic surfactants have received an increasing attention in the industrial field. The partial solubility in water of the own-developed and own-synthesized vegetable oil-based nonionic surfactants was examined. The solubility is one of the key properties of the surfactants. The new fiber-optic spectrophotometric analytical method was found appropriate and beneficial to determine the water number and the HLB value of the nonionic surfactants. Two series of nonionic surfactants were studied by different HLB methods (conventional-, numerical- and a developed method). A new method was developed inspired by the method of Becher et al. which approximates better the theoretical HLB value.
TOC reduction in drinking water using anionic surfactant modified bentonite[Full-Text ] Farida M. S. E. El-Dars, M. Y. M. Hussein, A. H. T KandilThe removal of Total organic carbon (TOC) from liquid solution using Na-bentonite (Na-B) and anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate surfactant modified bentonite (SDS-B) was investigated. Batch studies were carried out to investigate the effect of experimental parameters including the initial solution pH, contact time, temperature, and adsorbent dose upon the adsorption process. The experimental data was well represented by a second order kinetics model for both types of bentonite. However, the process was found to involve some degree of intra-particle diffusion for SDS-B adsorption and intraparticle plus pore diffusion for Na-B. Based upon the kinetic modeling, the calculated energies of activation for the process was - 49.06 kJ/mol and -22.41 kJ/mol for Na-B and SDS-B, respectively. The data also indicated that the process of adsorption onto both materials was better fitted to the Freundlich model. The thermodynamic parameters (?Hº, ?Sº and ?Gº) were calculated and they indicated that the process was exothermic and spontaneous and in the forward direction for SDS-bentonite and was spontaneous in the reverse direction for Na-bentonite.
Graft copolymerization of methyl acrylate on chitosan: Adsorptive removal of Cu (II)[Full-Text ] Mai Mamdouh Sheta, N.S. YousefChitosan is a natural based polymer obtained by alkaline deacetylation of chitin, exhibiting excellent bio-logical properties such as biodegradation in the human body, and immunological, antibacterial, and wound-healing activity. Chitosan has also been found to be a good candidate as a support material for gene deliv-ery, cell culture and tissue engineering. For a breakthrough in utilization, graft copolymerization onto chi-tosan will be a key point, which will introduce desired properties and enlarge the field of the potential ap-plications of chitosan by choosing various types of side chains. Methyl acrylate was grafted onto chitosan by using the ceric ammonium nitrate as initiator. The grafted and un-grafted samples were characterized us-ing Fourier (FTIR), and (SEM) methods. Evidence of grafting was confirmed by FTIR. The morphology of both biosorbents was evaluated by SEM. Both grafted and un-grafted chitosan were used for the removal of copper ions from aqueous solutions. The effects of pH of solution, initial copper ion concentrations, dose of biosorbent and contact time on percentage removal of Cu (II) using both biosorbents were studied. Grafted chitosan has been found to have higher adsorption capacity than un-grafted one.
Analysis of wind data and assessing wind energy potentiality for selected locations in Egypt[Full-Text ] A. Y. Hatata, M. G. Mousa, Rana M. ElmahdyThe wind energy resource is available in large regions at Egypt. This paper investigates the wind energy potential at different locations at Egypt. The wind data for these regions was collected at 10m height for period of ten years. These data are used to find out the wind energy potential with help of 2-parameter Weibull distribution. The wind speed distribution is modeled by using Weibull distribution. Weibull parameters, shape and scale parameters are calculated using two different methods which are method of moments (MOM) and maximum likelihood method (MLM). The annual energy and the annual capacity factor of three different manufacturers wind turbines are calculated for the selected regions in Egypt. The highest annual mean wind speeds at 10 m height were 9 and 8.2 m/s at Gebel El Zeit and Ras Ghareb respectively. The maximum wind power density was found to be 445 W/m2 and 344 W/m2 at Gebel El Zeit and Ras Ghareb respectively. From this study, it is concluded that, Gebel El Zeit and Ras Ghareb are the most suitable for large-scale wind energy generation.
Understanding the Protective Factors among Mothers of Children with Autism[Full-Text ] Shruti Nedungadi; Aneesh Kumar P.Innumerable studies have been conducted to understand the role that mothers play in the development and nurturance of the child. The role of mothers is further enhanced in the care of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. There is a wide amount of research has been conducted in the field of Autism. A lot of the research has focused on the stress associated with bringing up a child with Autism and the comorbidity of depression, emotional problems, poor mental health etc among parents of children with Autism. Very little, if any, research has been conducted on the positive aspects, namely the protective factors. Hence, this research aims to focus on the protective factors associated with the mothers of children with ASD and the role these protective factors play in the development and growth of the child. The study was conducted on 41 mothers (20 mothers of children with Autism and 21 mothers of typically developing children) by administering three questionnaires viz. the Sense of Coherence Scale, the Brief COPE, and the BU Resilience Scale. The results were computed using an independent sample t-test. The results of the study showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups of mothers on any of the three protective factors. This shows that in today’s day and age, mothers of special children are capable of successfully handling the challenges that come their way. Some of the other protective factors that appear to have played a role include age of the child, the socio-economic status of the parents, and social support.
Modeling and Simulation of a Distillation Column using ASPEN PLUS for separating methanol/water mixture[Full-Text ] Sohail Rasool Lone & Mushtaq Ahmad RatherIndustries are always posed with the problem of separating methanol from water. Distillation is regarded as one of the best processes by which this goal can be achieved. Present study was carried out on these lines to obtain 99.5% composition of methanol in distillate and 99.5 % of water in the bottom product by utilizing ASPEN PLUS simulation software. MESH equations, which actually represent the behaviour of the distillation column, have been solved through ASPEN PLUS in order to study the effect of different parameters. Optimum feed stage location, number of stages and reflux ratio was also established. The optimum conditions found out by our analysis to determine No. of stages (N), feed stage (Nf) and optimum reflux ratio (Rr) were 21, 16 and1.5 respectively. The paper as such best describes the modeling and simulation of a distillation column using ASPEN PLUS to obtain 99.5% composition of methanol in distillate from 1:1 methanol/water mixture. This analysis will thus prove beneficial for designers in industry who deal with separation of methanol for methanol/water mixture.
Behaviour of living and non-living extincts and Law Of All Laws[Full-Text ] Sunirmal RoyIn Roy we have discussed growth of cells and effect of physical factors upon the actions of cell. The author has also constructed a model upon the behaviour of living and non-living extincts.Since any law is an incident of living or non-living extincts under some atmosphere or under some factors,hence these give “LAW OF ALL LAWS”.
I.Q. AND MEMORY MAXIMISATION[Full-Text ] SUNIRMAL ROYGraph enumeration is the most important work in graph theory. Author’s technique in graph enumeration is able to draw all types of graphs. All non-isomorphic structures of a compound has been possible to draw by this technique. The number of possible connected non-isomorphic graphs having a fixed number of vertices and edges was possible to count by polya’s method. This was the base of graph theory. But this method did not consider parallel edges (edges joining the same two vertices) and by this method the graphical pictures of the non-isomorphic graphs were not possible to obtain. All these limitations are removed in Roy’s graph technique . For this reason, it is possible to draw all possible connected non-isomorphic structures of all graph theoretic-problems.
HOW TO KNOW IN WHICH LINE ONE CHILD CAN SHOW MAXIMUM ABILITY[Full-Text ] SUNIRMAL ROYMainly nineteen cellular entities take place in mainly thirty chemical reactions in a cell. The cell is divided into two when the cellular entities are doubled at a time. In this way growth process takes place in a living body. From the solution space of this cell generation it is possible to explain mathematically why the shapes of different species are different and why the shapes in the same species are same.
Discovery Of many new compounds[Full-Text ] Sunirmal RoyGraph enumeration is the most important work in graph theory. Author’s technique in graph enumeration is able to draw all types of graphs. All non-isomorphic structures of a compound has been possible to draw by this technique. By drawing all structures of all compounds and considering physical factors light, sound, temperature etc. on them it is possible to get the theory of evolution of matters.The number of possible connected non-isomorphic graphs having a fixed number of vertices and edges was possible to count by polya’s method. This was the base of graph theory. But this method did not consider parallel edges (edges joining the same two vertices) and by this method the graphical pictures of the non-isomorphic graphs were not possible to obtain. All these limitations are removed in Roy’s graph technique . For this reason, it is possible to draw all possible connected non-isomorphic structures of all compounds.In these way many new compounds are discovered. By drawing all structures of all compounds and considering physical factors light, sound, temperature etc. on them it is possible to get the theory of evolution of matters.
A Creative Review on Integer Additive Set-Valued Graphs[Full-Text ] N. K. Sudev, K. A. Germina, K. P. ChithraFor a non-empty ground set , finite or infinite, the set-valuation or set-labeling of a given graph is an injective function , with induced edge-function is defined by , where is the power set of and is a predefined binary operation on sets. A set-labeling of a graph is called a set-indexer if the induced function is also injective. An integer additive set-labeling is defined as an injective function such that the induced function defined by is also injective, where is the set of all non-negative integers, its power set isthe sumset of the set-labels and of the vertices and in . In this paper, we critically and creatively review the concepts and properties of integer additive set-valued graphs.
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Analysis: Selection of Passenger Airlines for Gulf Country[Full-Text ] Amit Yadav, Maira Anis, Mohsin Ali & Sadhana TuladharNepal is underdeveloped country with political instability and due to lack of job opportunity every year many people travel gulf country for job. In advance world, airway is the fastest medium for passenger to reach the destination. As day by day advancement of the aviation technologies, increased in speed and a lot of companies that entering to the airways sector. This leads to the conclusion that rising competition, price, services, airlines profile, comfort and other factors effect on decision making by the passengers. So we use AHP as a decision making approach to investigate if it is applicable in dealing the multiple criteria decision making problem. The criteria that care taken into consideration in this study include that food quality, risk management, airlines profile, cost, service and comfort of the four gulf country airlines. AHP helps in decision making by constructing hierarchies and each criterion can be assigned with the preference scale that is determined by the decision makers. It is further believed that the results of this work will be directly benefit to passengers travel gulf country, manpower company of Nepal and airlines in putting forward efficiency boosting suggestion by way of improvement in airlines and causes behind passengers choice.
Striving and Surviving: The Phenomenology of Orphaned Students in Public Elementary Schools[Full-Text ] Vilma Baldo-SangianThe phenomenological study dealt on the experiences, hopes, dreams and fears of the orphaned students in public elementary schools of Division of Compostela Valley for School Year 2014-2015. There were 10 participants for the In-depth Interview and six for the Focus Group Discussion. Results revealed that the orphaned students experienced draining study endeavors, desolate life, rare happy moments, and profound coping with challenges. Their hopes include finishing a course, like becoming a teacher, engineer, doctor, electrician, policewoman, pilot, accountant and soldier. Further, they also hoped for their grandparents’ health, happiness, supports for their young brothers and sisters and to inspire other orphans. They also dreamed to be rich, to have family gathering, good job and to acquire a vast parcel of land. They feared of another calamity, influence of bad classmates, to get sick and of losing their love ones.
Joys and Pains of Non-IP Teachers Amidst Indigenous Community: A Multiple Case Study[Full-Text ] Angeline A. DayaganonThe purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to describe the experiences of the Non-Indigenous teachers who were assigned in the indigenous community. It highlighted with the complex task of teachers whose lives and profession has been offered to endure, and continue the program that aims to provide a bright future for the minorities. Through the in-depth interview, it was found out that workplace difficulties is the common problem of the teachers as they deliver their services to the indigenous community. Among the coping approaches of teachers, immersion with the community came out as their best weapon to be able to stay safely in the indigenous community. Cultivate passion for teaching is the strongest insight given by teachers as they continue their services to the indigenous students. This study has implication on how to address the problem and find ways to prevent it.
Microstructural and Electrical Properties of Mn Doped Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Film Devices[Full-Text ] Ko Ko Kyaw Soe, May Aye Khaing, Kyaw Win, Pwint Yee Thein, Than Than Win and Yin Maung MaungManganese (Mn) doped Bismuth Titanate (Bi4Ti3O12 ) powders (BMT) were prepared by solid state mixed oxide route and annealed 1000ºC to become polycrystalline powders. Bi4MnxTi(3-x)O12 / n-Si (x= 0.0 to 0.4) thin films were also prepared by own sol-based method, spray pyrolysis coating techniques and heat treated at 600ºC process temperature. The microstructural characteristics of the films were determined by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) spectroscopy. The density of state was determined from I-V characteristics and the switching behaveour has been studied by I-t characteristics. According to the results, the manganese composition (x=0.4) should be used in the ferroelectric memory applications rather than other compositions.
Application Of Physical Planning and Design Startegies to Urban Violence and Crime Prevention in Nigeria[Full-Text ] R.O. Oladosu, H.B. Bwala, I. MuhammadThe rate of crime and violence is on the increase globally. Although crime and violence have been part of the Nigerian system since her experience of the civil war, even away from the ancient history of aggression and attack leading to emergence of walled cities, but the scale and magnitude of the nation’s experience of crime and violence in recent times, is unimaginable. Series of effort are continuously being made to put this menace under control but the efforts are really not yielding noticeable results; hence, the need for an alternative measure; this the authors advocate through the application of Physical planning and design strategies. The global trend and the trend of crime and violence in Nigeria were reviewed to establish the basis for the study. The nexus between crime and violence and the environment was also justified; various underlying causes of crimes and violence in Nigeria cut across socio-cultural, economic, political and environmental factors. Some major Physical planning and design strategies, including Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), urban upgrading, and development control, which have reasonably proved successful both in certain developed and developing nations, were discussed as possible options to prevent and consequently reduce the rate of crime and violence in Nigeria urban centres.
A Better Understanding of the Antonyms[Full-Text ] KAWA MIRZA SALIHThis paper proposes new different ways to give opposite meanings of words, changing only one letter of a word can make antonyms, for example: hire and fire. The letter (h) is just changed into (f), and the two words are completely opposite of each other. There should be notice that adding prefixes doesn't always work, like flammable and inflammable pretty much mean the same thing rather than antonyms. Antonyms in English language have played a significant role in the advancement of the users positions. Another important role of them is to control and learn a good amount of English vocabulary. as The English language is the language that possesses the largest vocabulary in the world. The main purpose of this study is to apply the creative thinking process for opposite words instruction. Showing the differences among the opposite words in relation to their meanings is also important, when a word has more than one antonym.