Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2015 Edition
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A Study on Primitive Holes of Certain Graphs[Full-Text ] Johan Kok, N.K. SudevA hole of a simple connected graph ?? is a chordless cycle ?? , where ?N, =4, in the graph ??. The girth of a simple connected graph ?? is the smallest cycle in ??, if any such cycle exists. It can be observed that all such smallest cycles are necessarily chordless. We call the cycle ?? in a given graph ?? a primitive hole of that graph. We introduce the notion of the primitive hole number of a graph as the number of primitive holes present in that graph. In this paper, we determine the primitive hole number of certain standard graphs. Also, we determine the primitive hole number of the underlying graph of a Jaco graph, ?? ( ), where ???, =4 recursively in terms of the underlying Jaco graph ?? ( ), with prime Jaconian vertex ?? . The notion of primitive degree of the vertices of a graph is introduced and the primitive degree of the vertices of certain graphs is also determined in this paper.
Surface Roughness Prediction for Roller Burnishing of Al Alloy 6061 Using Response Surface Method[Full-Text ] Kiran A Patel, Dr. Pragnesh K BrahmbhattIn recent years, industries have aggressively been deploying the method to improve the quality of surface roughness due to its effect on fabricated components. Burnishing is one of the best chip less finishing process in which a material will undergo the plastic deformation by pressing the burnishing tool against the work piece. It is possible to achieve a surface roughness up to 0.1µm by recent developments. The burnishing process provides a good surface roughness in addition of mechanical characteristic improvement by uniform stress distribution into the surface layer. This paper will show the effect of various process parameters on the surface roughness for aluminium alloy 6061. Design of experiment techniques, i.e. response surface methodology, has been applied to accomplish the objective of the experimental study. The generated mathematical model can predict the value of surface roughness for all conditional value of variables and also check the accuracy of machine as well.
General method for data indexing using clustering methods[Full-Text ] Karwan Jacksi, Sobhan BadiozamanyIndexing data plays a key role in data retrieval and search. New indexing techniques are proposed frequently to improve search performance. Some data clustering methods are previously used for data indexing in data warehouses. In this paper, we discuss general concepts of data indexing, and clustering methods that are based on representatives. Then we present a general theme for indexing using clustering methods. There are two main processing schemes in databases, Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). The proposed method is specific to stationary data like in OLAP. Having general indexing theme, different clustering methods are compared. Here we studied three representative based clustering methods; standard K-Means, Self Organizing Map (SOM) and Growing Neural Gas (GNG). Our study shows that in this context, GNG out performs K-Means and SOM.
Effect Of Stress On Male And Female Albino Rats An Experimental Study[Full-Text ] DR.N.ETHIYA , DR.M.SHANTHI , DR.N. MUHIL, DR.A.MAHESWARAN, DR.K.MEENAKSHI SUNDARAMThe aim of the study is to understand the affection due to stress in both male and female albino rats. 24 albino rats were used for the study .The animals were divided into two groups, control and study, study group was exposed to heat stress for 10 days and the levels of corticosterone was estimated before and after study. Osmotic fragility was estimated in both the groups. Both the genders were compared and the results tabulated statistically.
A Study on Energy Efficient Routing Techniques for Wireless Adhoc Network[Full-Text ] Mrs. Lavanya C B, Prof. Asha K N, Prof. Asha Rani K PConserving the battery energy of the nodes in the wireless network is the most important task as these mobile devices are battery operated. Many methods have been presented to conserve and improve the energy level of these devices. In this paper we summarize energy efficient routing based on various metrics such as power awareness, residual energy etc.
The Pedagogy of Love Among Single Lady Teacher in the Academe: An Inquiry in Hermeneutics Phenomenology[Full-Text ] FLORENCE R. HORDISTAThis hermeneutics study attempted to bridge the gap and issues on pedagogy of love among single lady teachers in the academe. I believe that this study provides unique solutions in order to minimize the differences between things to be closer and no further distinctions among the single lady teachers. Methods of data collection used are in-depth interview and focus group discussion. These 5 single lady teachers allowed for in-depth data collection and another 5 single lady teachers for the focus group discussion with repetition of interviews, and had provided the possibility for saturation to be achieved. Hermeneutic phenomenology was utilized as research design in the study. It was noted by several authors that in hermeneutic approach, I involved myself as a researcher in the study and consider myself as one of the informants of the study to share my experiences. All of my participants are elementary teachers from Davao City. The study unveiled that the single lady teachers in the academe practiced their pedagogy of love by teaching with love and compassion through teaching their students proficiently in instilling values and life skills, and responding to the call for teaching vocation. Anent to this, they treated their learners in the classroom by setting discipline and firm hand, resourcefulness and flexibility, going extra mile, and strengthening partnership with family in the course of collaboration. In like manner, single lady teachers shared their insights out from their experiences that they have joys and rewards in teaching, lessons and realizations, call of the profession, thoughts on being single, thoughts in marriage, anxieties and fears, and needs, hopes and aspirations.
The Role of Knowledge Systems in Supporting Environmental Decision Making Systems[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohammed A. Ahmed AL-dujailiThe central and increasingly contentious roles of modern technology in companies have given rise to a plethora of scientific and practical controversies over the production processes. This research aims to harness the concept of knowledge systems as an essential element in the dissemination of an organisation's knowledge to support planning, analysis and environmental decision-making systems that could improve some types of environmental systems. This is because when the companies effectively gain leverage of knowledge systems this assists with rapid decision-making with fewer oversights or errors. This will enhance the environmental performance. A conceptual model based on the literature review and consultations with knowledge workers is developed. Also, a pilot study with collaborating organisations which are active in manufacturing in Iraq was conducted to validate the conceptual model and facilitate exploratory investigation regarding the relationships. The surveys were administered on random samples within these firms. The study however identified high correlation between knowledge systems and environmental performance. Also, a computer based relationship between environmental decision-making systems and environmental performance was developed. Accordingly, the research limitations/ implications have focused on exploring the perceptual impacts of knowledge systems in supporting environmental decision-making systems. The clarification of outcomes must be taken with cautious. Accordingly, this paper discusses the role of knowledge systems; namely, environmental systems data mining in knowledge systems for environmental applications. Therefore, the data analysis in this research shows the relationship between this research and some published work within this field. The results analysis has confirmed that knowledge systems play a fundamental role in encouraging and improving the exchange of experience. This leads to improving creativity and performance and the removing of barriers and obstacles. Where tensions exist in organisations, (e.g. between production and environment), they must be solved by top management and by push and pull processes of knowledge. Consequently, the conceptual model in this research has been applicable to the companies’ experiences. This is because the model has identified gaps and inadequacies in their KSs and processes. It has taken into account both formal and informal knowledge transfer methods. Thereby, in a manufacturing context KSs can include regular updates on the progress of the company at a company board level, as well as other intra-company reporting systems at all levels of the management hierarchy.
Web and Text Mining – Sentiment Analysis[Full-Text ] Ms. Anjana AgrawalSocial media is a blur of tweets, shares and content. Some of the interesting trend shows that 72% of all internet users are now active on social media and 71% of user’s access social media from a mobile device. Although social media as a platform is quite population in young generation (18-29 year olds have an 89% usage), this is being used by every age group. 30-49 age bracket sits at 72%, 60% of 50 to 60 year olds are active on social media and in 65 plus bracket, 43% are using social media.
Phytochemical Analysis of Leaf-Extracts from Eight Tropical Trees: Prospects for Environmentally-Friendly Dye Compounds for Smart Windows[Full-Text ] Temitope Abodunrin, Chidi Uhuegbu , Joseph OlugbuyiroThe crude extract of eight specimen leaf samples were studied by phytochemical analysis for investigating prospects of the extracts for environmentally-friendly dye compounds that could be useful for smart windows. The phytochemical analysis reveals the presence of phytoconstituents such as flavonoids, anthraquinones, tannins, saponins, thus suggesting presence of compounds that could be useful as dye for smart windows in the chromophore of the plant. As a preliminary test, dye pigment grown on glass from the extracts, using the Solution Growth Technique, exhibited low absorbance and high reflectance at transmittance set at 400 nm when studied using UV/VIS spectroscopy between 190 nm and 1100 nm wavelength i.e. within the visible range of light in the electromagnetic spectrum. These indicated suitability of the leaf-extracts from the studied plants for growing environmentally-friendly dye compounds that could be used for smart windows.
Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education- KMEduSoft[Full-Text ] Prof. Ms. Ulka Toro (Gulavani), Dr. Milind J. Joshi.A portal is a personalized collection of information, content and services. Knowledge Management is used to create, share, store and apply knowledge effectively in the organization. The aim of design of portal is to facilitate knowledge sharing among teachers , students and researchers in higher learning institutions. The objective is to improve collaboration and communication among different departments in higher learning institutions . To ensure success in higher education, there is a need to identify the knowledge that each component contributes to the system and to develop appropriate methodology for knowledge sharing purpose so that available knowledge is used by the stakeholders as per requirement. The proposed KMEduSoft system is dynamic web content knowledge portal designed to share tacit and explicit knowledge among registered users .
Performance Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion to extract Biogas from Kitchen Waste[Full-Text ] Abishek Joel J, Murali G, Ravishankar M., Sibichakravarthy M, Sundhirasekar AIn day to day life, large amount of food waste is unutilized and disposed as wastage in many places such as restaurants, hostels, food courts, cafeteria, marriage functions etc., which is used for generation of biogas. Biogas production requires anaerobic digestion for which biogas reactors are required. In this project food waste was collected from different places as feedstock for the reactor. The anaerobic digestion of food waste produces biogas, a valuable energy resource. Anaerobic digestion is a microbial process for production of biogas, which consists of Primarily methane (CH4) & carbon dioxide (CO2).
THE APPLICATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN AGRICULTURE[Full-Text ] Okoronkwo Madubuezi C. and IROEGBU CHIBUISIApart from natural mineral resources, another important sector to the economy of Nigeria as a country is Agriculture. Nigerian Agricultural sector is one of the major backbones of the national income. Also, majority of her citizens earns their living from Agriculture. These include agronomy, horticulture, forestry, aquaculture, animal husbandry, livestock science, veterinary medicine, and food processing etc. Electronic Agriculture is an area focusing on the development of agricultural and rural improvement through enhanced information and communication methods. It plays a central role in facilitating the exposure of farmers to a variety of information. In view of the importance of agriculture to the society, it became paramount to develop different computer software packages to enhance the knowledge of the farmers and empower the rural community by fostering participatory communications.
The Impact of Structured Methodologies on Systems Development[Full-Text ] Dr Faisal H. NesayefThe aim of this paper is to give an appreciation of System Development, investigating the traditional approach, and finally give a rationale for the development and introduction of the structured methodologies in systems development.
Analysis and Measurement of Long Term Evolution Physical Downlink Shared Channel[Full-Text ] Raman Trivedi, Rashi BhargavaLTE (Long Term Evolution) is a next generation standard by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) consortium. In this paper, the physical layer (PHY) of LTE transceiver is analyzed in downlink transmission for Tactical LTE application. Simulations of the physical layer of LTE transceiver are obtained with the use of LTE System Libraries by AWR Visual System Simulator (VSS) ver.10.04-trial license. The LTE resource grid for transmission on air is generated using Mathworks MATLAB 2014b LTE System Toolbox- Evaluation License. Measurements of PvT, Occupied bandwidth, CCDF and BER are obtained using Texas Instruments Evaluation Modules (EVMs). These results are presented to show the performance of LTE transceivers in Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH).
Wireless Sensor Network for Machine Health Monitoring[Full-Text ] Pooja Rai, Sourav Dhar, Depanjan BhattacharjeeWireless Sensor Network has a growing demand worldwide. This network plays a vital role in creating reliable and scalable system making human life easier and faster. WSN is a sensitive network which is effective and efficient. In this paper we have implemented WSN for keeping regular updates on a health of a machine and its control. For wireless communication purpose Zigbee protocol is deployed. Required algorithms have been developed allowing evaluation of additional parameters using data from measurements held.
Rendering Interactive Plugin-less 3D Models in a Web Browser[Full-Text ] Trisha Malhotra;Kunal Nayyar; Krishna Teja V; Prof. Shilpa NimbreWith the advent of 3D technology, everything in 3D is deemed superior than in 2D. 3D graphics can be difficult, especially 3D in a web browser.3D in a browser unlocks many potential to how we use a website, from blogging to E-commerce. Instead of viewing images, users can be given the option to view the model or item in 3D, with real textures and lighting effects. This paper presents an approach to integrate 3D models created and designed in 3D modeling softwares like AutoCAD 123D and Blender, with web to view them in web browsers. Instead of using pure WebGL, we combine it with Three.js which is a JavaScript 3D library. All the heavy lifting is done with three.js without sacrificing much flexibility. It is compatible with 3D Max, Maya and Blender making it easier to model and thereby introduce in the web format.Loading the model needs compression and decompression. Depending on the model size and internet bandwidth the latency may vary. Experiments with many 3D models show promising results. Our solution leans upon rendering the 3D graphical data along with real-time interactivity as an important feature, which can revolutionize the web in a subtle yet strong way.
DBFST: Detecting Distributed Brute Force Attack on a Single Target[Full-Text ] AL-Zwuiany Muhanad M. K., Prof. Huang DongjunWhile reading this paper, a lot of servers may be coming under attack by hackers at different sites of the Internet. The actions of these hackers have different motivations and purposes and brute force attack is one of common ways of attack deployed by hackers. Secure Shell (SSH) is one of the widespread attacked servers.
Fortification of Multiple Parallel Assay Operations with Cross Contamination Avoidance in a Restricted Biochip[Full-Text ] Debasis Dhal, Arpan Chakraborty, Piyali Datta, Sudipta Roy, and Rajat Kumar PalDigital microfluidic biochips are modification many areas of Biochemistry, Biomedical sciences, and Microelectronics. It is also known as ‘Lab-on-a-Chip’ for its recognition as an alternative to laboratory experiments. In recent times, because of urgency and cost efficacy, several assay operations are required to be performed at the same time. So, parallelism is a must in designing biochips. Having an area of a given chip as a constraint, how efficiently we can use a restricted sized chip and how much parallelism can be built-in are the objectives of this paper. A specific application of an assay may characterize a sample where, say only one type of reagent and multiple samples have been considered, or vice versa, and determine some parameter(s) of the sample(s) under requirement in parallel. In our experimentation, we essentially do this task in parallel for five such sets of sub-regions of a given restricted sized chip in digital microfluidics using an array based partitioning pin assignment technique, where cross contamination problem has also been considered, and efficiency of proper taxonomy of a given sample has also been enriched.
Transfer of Knowledge Pod before Code Construction for Effective Defect Management[Full-Text ] Bhagavant Deshpande, Dr Suma VThe software industry is facing multiple challenges to reduce the cost of production of software and to increase the quality of production. This can be achieved by working smartly through better models of process than applying conventional practices. Since, high quality software has one of the dimensions being defect-free, it is required for all software developing organizations to ensure development of software with minimal or negligible defects. To address defects, there are several strategies which all organizations are following in their developmental process. However, there are still defects which get injected during the process and make the software to be not up to the satisfaction of the customers. Therefore, an empirical investigation is carried out in various software industries in order to study the impact of pre-production defects. Investigation results have further led towards introduction of knowledge pod as an integral part of software development process. This paper however has brought out the need for integration of knowledge pod before code construction phase of software development process. Implementation and stringent follow up of knowledge pod ensures reduced defect injection rate and hence leads towards developing high quality software resulting in total customer satisfaction.
Border Security Control via Distributed WSN Technology[Full-Text ] Mosad H Alkhathami,Dr Lubna AlazzawiWireless Sensors Network (WSN) combine sensing, signal processing, decision capability, and wireless networking capability in a compact, low power system. Among countries, border protection is a sensitive issue and measures are being taken to improve security at the borders. In addition to physical fencing, smart methods using technology are being employed to increase the alertness of security officials at the borders. Border control using wireless sensor network is one way to do.
Comparison between Resilient and Standard Back Propagation Algorithms Efficiency in Pattern Recognition[Full-Text ] Hanaa M. Mushgil, Dr. Haithem A. Alani, Dr. Loay E. George Pattern recognition systems are systems that automatically identify objects based on features derived from its properties and according this the Neural Network (NN) could be pattern recognition system, so we made this study to compare the performance of the neural network in pattern recognition using learning algorithms: basic Back propagation (BP) with momentum (in both modes pattern and batch ) and Resilient BP (Rprop), these algorithms are tested in two different classification tasks, the first one considered to be simple data set and the second one , which is noisy, considered to be difficult data set , the Rprop solves the first problem with less time and number of iterations than basic BP ,although Rprop lessens or avoids some disadvantages of standard BP; but with increasing the problem complexity standard BP (in pattern mode ) gives the best results .
Evaluation of Spatial and Temporal Changes of Soil Quality near Sorang Hydroelectric Power Project in District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, India[Full-Text ] Renu Lata, Madhuri S. Rishi, Dinesh Talwar and Ranjna Sharma Soil is a natural body of mineral and organic material differentiated into horizons, which differ among themselves as well as from underlying materials in their morphology, physical make-up, chemical composition and biological characteristics. Soil quality is one of the most important factors in sustaining the global biosphere and developing sustainable agricultural practices. It has been defined in several different ways in recent years from view points of bioproductivity, sustainability, environmental protection, and human and animal health. The present study was carried out to determine the potential of soil in the study area and to identify the impacts of urbanization and construction of Sorang Hydroelectric power project on the soil quality of the study area. Soil samples collected from 20 locations were analyzed for physico- chemical characteristics. After analyzing soil samples it was found that the pH of soil at various sites lies within the normal range which is optimum for most of the crops. Soil samples of the study area were slightly enriched with Na2O, with average content of 3.20%. Sodium concentration in the soil of the study area was little higher than normal value of 1.5%, but, do not indicate any potential for soil salinization or adverse impacts on soil productivity.
A Probabilistic Analysis of Network Selection Strategy for Heterogeneous Wireless Network[Full-Text ] A.Manokar, C.AmaliNext generation wireless networks will integrate multiple radio access technologies (RAT) to provide seamless connectivity to mobile users. Unified network selection can be achieved through a vertical handover (VHO) in which connection can be handed over among different RAT. In the existing literature, different kinds of network selection algorithms have been proposed to select the optimal network in heterogeneous wireless environment. But, uncertainty associated with network selection process is not yet modeled. Usually dynamics of network selection occur due to diverse characteristics of networks and also dynamic behavior of mobile users. These dynamic factors cause the variation in the utility and price offered by the network. In this paper, the impact of variation in the utility and price on the network selection and transition probabilities is analyzed through Markov model. The network level quality of service (QoS) is evaluated using new call blocking and hand off call dropping probabilities in terms of steady state probabilities.
Two Tales of Privacy in Online Social Networking[Full-Text ] Punam P. Sawant, Ankita T. Bobhate, Sneha M. Jadhav, Mangesh K. GosaviPrivacy being the main issue in social networking site. We all are users of such social networking sites. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, E-mail, and Blogging such site’s popularity is increasing day by day. Though, to protect the personal data of each user, these sites have their own privacy policies now it is necessity to have user level privacy policy. In this paper, we are trying to specify the problem regarding privacy and how privacy can also be achieved at user level.
A Novel Low Current Ripple Magnetically Coupled Interleaved DC-DC Buck-Boost Converter with High Efficiency and Continuous Transfer-Function for Fuel-Cell Applications[Full-Text ] V.Samavatian, F.Mardani, M.NourmohammadpourEfficiency, steady state analysis along with dynamic operation discussion of DC-DC converters are undoubtedly important issues in proficiency of renewable energy exploitation. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of using a DC-DC magnetically coupled interleaved DC-DC buck-boost converter for fuel-cell applications. While a step-up/step-down voltage transfer ratio has been achieved, the proposed converter exhibits non-pulsating I/O currents using interleave technique making it very suitable for renewable applications. Besides thoroughly elaboration of the steady state analysis, dynamic analysis including the converter control-to-output transfer function, which is continuous between two operation modes using I/O magnetic coupling, and a small signal ac equivalent circuit model based on state space averaging (SSA) method is also presented to help the designing of closed loop controllers for this proposed converter. Furthermore the experimental results are presented to verify the theoretical expected merits of the converter including high efficiency, non-pulsating I/O currents and continuous control-to-output transfer function. These Experimental results show impressive benefits of the proposed converter.
Design of High Efficiency Single Input Multiple Output Converter[Full-Text ] JASLIN DEENA. K, SRUTHI.AThe aim of this study is to develop a high-efficiency single-input multiple-output (SIMO) dc–dc converter. The converter proposed can boost the voltage of a low-voltage input power source to a controllable high-voltage dc and middle-voltage output terminals. The high-voltage dc can be taken as the main power for a high-voltage dc load or for the front terminal of a dc–ac inverter. Middle-voltage output terminals can supply powers for individual middle-voltage dc loads or for charging auxiliary power sources (e.g., battery modules). In this, a coupled-inductor with dc–dc converter scheme utilizes only one power switch with the properties of voltage clamping, soft switching, and the corresponding device specifications are designed. The switching pulse for the switch is provided by the PID and Fuzzy controller. As a result, the objectives of high-efficiency conversion, step- up ratio, and two output voltages with different levels can be obtained. The SIMO converter topology and its controllers are designed by using MATLAB/Simulink.
A Review on Design Development of Multi-Link 5-Dimensional Coupling for Parallel Offset & Angular Transmission[Full-Text ] Tushar B. Shinde, S.V.C.E.T,RajuriThe Five Dimensional Couplings are designed to accommodate 5 degrees of shaft misalignment. Five Dimensional Couplings offer two parallel misalignments and three angular misalignments capabilities. The acting forces within the coupling can be precisely calculated, assuring a sound coupling design which is especially important for heavy-duty applications. If these shaft misalignments exceed the limit of the selected coupling capacity, excess side loads are introduced into the equipment which can cause vibrations, life reduction or failure of vital machine components such as bearings, motors, etc.
Low bit rate efficient video compression based on Quantized motion vector[Full-Text ] Poorva Waingankar, Prajakta PawarMotion compensation it is an algorithmic technique used in the encoding of video data for an efficient video compression. Motion compensation uses the realization of motion of object in order to achieve best compression. This paper introduced a modified coding technique based on the Quantized motion vector. The key tool of modified technique is the lossless coding of motion vectors. The experimental results show an efficient video compression based on Quantized motion vector by carried out comparison of bit rate, PSNR, MSE values of respective videos. The Bit rate, PSNR and MSE comparison of these videos is carried out using Block matching algorithm& Huffman coding. Huffman's algorithm derives the table for encoding a source symbol such as a character in a file and that are based on the determining probability or frequency of occurrence for each possible value of the source symbol. H.264/AVC which is block oriented motion compensation based video coding standard offers many coding tools for achieving high compression gains than other standards. Several problems are faced in order to get an efficient implementation of the coding technique & prediction of the quantized motion vectors.
Optimization of Hard turning process parameters of AISI D2 under dry cutting conditions[Full-Text ] Prof. M. G. Rathi, Uttara R. SalunkeThe present paper outlines an experimental study to optimize the effects of cutting parameters on surface roughness while machining hardened AISI D2 cold work tool steel (60 HRc) with ceramic cutting tool. A combined technique using Taguchi’s orthogonal array and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to investigate characteristics. The results indicate that cutting speed is has significant role to play in producing lower surface roughness followed by feed rate.
DESIGN OF MB-OFDM SYSTEM USING HDL[Full-Text ] Ms. Payal Kantute, Mrs. Jaya IngoleMulti-Band Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MB-OFDM) is a suitable solution for implementation of high speed data transmission in ultra wideband spectrum by dividing the spectrum into available multiple bands. In MB-OFDM system the most important part is base band of transmitter. The standard aims at the high data transmission rates of110 Mb/s over 10 meters, 220 Mb/s over 4 meters and 480Mb/s over 1 meter. The structure of MB-OFDM system transmitter using HDL is introduced in this paper .The design has been validated with active HDL.The results show that all modules designed has achieved the expected purpose both in precision and resource, with simplicity and high efficiency and can meet the demand of MB-OFDM transmitter baseband base systems.
Preparation of Papers for International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research[Full-Text ] These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IJSER JOURNALS. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at IJSER. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. Don’t use all caps for research paper title.
Reduction Kinetics of Egyptian Iron Ore by Non Coking Coal[Full-Text ] Nagwa Mohamed Hashem, Bahaa Ahmed Salah, Naglaa Ahmed El-hussiny, Said Anwar Sayed, Mohamed Gamal Khalifa, Mohamed El-Menshawi Hussein ShalabiReduction kinetics of El-Baharia iron ore by solid coal briquettes in 0.5 liter/min nitrogen flow rate were investigated at different temperatures ranging from 700°C to 950°C. It was found that the best reduction properties were found at 950°C, so the kinetic models were determined. Also the main crystalline phases of reduced briquettes at 950°C were metallic iron (syn. Fe),.
Project Charter[Full-Text ] JAMIL ENANIA project charter explains what the project is all about and how the project will be approached. It also registers the names of all the shareholders. Project charter is a crucial part of the project management inception and the phases of the project planning. Additionally, company will refer to the project charter during the whole project life.
Genetic Instabilities in H. pylori infected Cardiovascular Diseases[Full-Text ] Vipin Viswanath, Sunil Rao Padmaraj, Dinesh Roy D and T VijayakumarThe association between Helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach and ischemic heart disease has been documented by many studies. The present study is focused to evaluate the role of H. pylori infection and genetic instability of the host genome and development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Four groups each with 50 subjects were included and consists of H. pylori infected patients with CVD, H. pylori infected patients without CVD and also CVD patients without H. pylori infection. The results were compared with 50 normal, healthy age and sex matched controls. Total and LDL cholesterol values, blood sugar, Aspartate aminotransferase, and high sensitive CRP were statistically higher in H. pylori subjects than the controls. The mean break per cell value was found to have significant correlation with the above parameters and was higher in H. pylori infected patients with CVD. The lipid profiles of H. pylori patients with and without CVD were statically different from that of the controls. The study suggests that impaired DNA repair also is a hallmark of H. pylori infection in-vivo. Hence it was concluded that H. pylori contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of CVD and also the DNA repair efficiency plays a predictive role in the H. pylori seropositive subjects. The treatment for H. pylori should be initiated in all patients in order to prevent the progression to CVD.