Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016.
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STUDY OF ADOLESCENT STRESS IN RELATION TO GRADE, GENDER AND PERCEIVED SCHOOL AND HOME ENVIRONMENTS[Full-Text ] Dr Monika M. DassAdolescence is a developmental transition between childhood and adulthood. Typically, we view adolescence beginning at puberty and ending at 18 or 21 years. There are several theories of adolescence; some of them are: Hall (1916) – period of storm and stress; Freud (1948) – psychosexual development; Bandura (1964) - human development is a continuous process not divided into stages; and, Kohlberg (1963) – cognitive development precedes moral development.
ASSESSMENT OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY OF UTEH RIVER IN IKPOBA-OKHA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF EDO STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Aho, I.M., Oparaku, L.A.and Okolie, C.MWater quality assessment in the form of physico-chemical and bacteriological analyses was carried out on Uteh river in Ikpoba-Okhalocal Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. Ten parameters namely; pH, temperature, colour, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), suspended solids (SS), dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and E.coli count were analysed by standard methods for a period of Five months from July to November, 2014. . Comparison of the obtained water quality results with WHO, NSDWQ and NAFDAC standards revealed that the river water fell short of portability. Colour, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and especially E.coli values did not meet recommended standards. Total dissolved solids (TDS), suspended solids (SS), temperature, conductivity, and BOD values were however within recommended limits. The presence of E.coli in the water samples is believed to be caused by human and animal faecal matter, and also the practice of animal sacrifices performed along the bank of the river.
A new method for solving linear Fredholm integral equation of the first kind[Full-Text ] M.Hasani, B.Asadya, M.AlaviThis paper presents an effcient method for approximation solution of Fredholm integral equation of first kind (FIEFK) based on combine of two methods, Galarkin and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) in two step. In the first step, we applied Galarkin method and obtain the residual function of the FIEFK.
Impact Of Climate Change Of Brahmaputra River Basin On Urban Drainage Of Goranchatbari, Dhaka[Full-Text ] Shahadat Hossain, A.K.M. Saiful Islam, Mostafa Ali, Mustasim Billah, G.R. FahadAn urban inundation model, combining a storm sewer model SWMM and operations of Goranchatbari pumping station, has been developed to simulate inundation in urban areas due to storm water and outlet pumping station.
SUBMERSIONS FROM ALMOST PARA-HERMITIAN MANIFOLDS[Full-Text ] SHASHIKANT PANDEYIn this paper we study about anti-holomorphic semi-invariant sub-mersion from almost para-Hermitian manifolds. We give example and investi-gate integrability of all distribution involved in the submersion also we prove that the O’Niell’s tensor T vanishes on the invariant vertical distribution. We give necessary and su¢ cient condition for totally geodesicness and harmonicity of such type of submersions.
High-Temperature Corrosion Failure of Single Crystal Super alloy Turbine Blades[Full-Text ] Vijay VijayaRaghavanTwo first-stage turbine blades catastrophically failed in operation in Qatar Petroleum Dukhan operation. The Fractured surface indicated that the crack was propagated by high cycle fatigue (HCF). The presence of corrosion products of sulphur, chlorides and oxides on the blades pointed out a possibility of Type 2 high temperature corrosion.
CONSUMER ATTITUDES TO EDIBLE FROG (Rana esculenta) MEAT IN SOKOTO METROPOLIS, SOKOTO STATE, NORTH-WESTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] A.Z. Sanusi, A. Yusuf, M. Jibir, A.M. Danmusa and M.I. RibahA cross sectional study was undertaken in Sokoto metropolis North-western Nigeria to determine attitudes to consumption of edible frog meat (Rana esculenta). A multistage sampling technique was used to select a total of 90 respondents from the largest Local government Areas to the smallest administrative unit (area) that make up the Sokoto metropolis. Respondents’ were assessed using two self-reporting attitudinal evaluation techniques; latent semantic analysis and semantic differential scale, semantic analysis of respondents’ comments revealed that 93.3% had positive attitude, 6.7% had negative attitude, toward edible frog meat consumption, on a semantic differential scale Ganda was considered Good (+2.33), Healthy (+7.00) and Delicious (+2.33) and Nutritious (+4.67); thus indicated that frog meat is not food item; but remains a product with a high potential for trade and nutritional important.
No Reference Perceptual Quality Assessment of Blocking Effect based on Image Compression[Full-Text ] Jamila Harbi S, and Ammar AL-salihiWithout a reference image at hand, NR methods are more challenging. The vast majority of NR IQA algorithms aim to evaluate specific distortion, such as blocking, blur and ringing. Blocking artifacts are mainly caused by block-DCT based coding, such as JPEG and MPEG. The blocking artifacts are first modeled as a 2D step function.
OUTER SPACE SETTLEMENT DESIGN[Full-Text ] Debayan PaulA space settlement can be defined as a vast area located outside earth that is fit for human habitation. It is considered to be one of the most challenging tasks ever undertaken by mankind and if achieved successfully, it will definitely without doubt be crowned as the biggest achievement of the century.
Sustainability & Remediation of Groundwater Environment by a (Hydrogeologic Dilution) Against Radon (222 Rn) Pollution in Hashyimia, Iraq[Full-Text ] Najah M. L. Al Maimuri, Kamal K. Ali, Muhsen K. Hasson A hydrogeologic 2D model has been built and adopted to solve the problem of a radioactive element (222Rn) conc that exceeds the allowable limit in a subsurface water of Hashyimia Region in the middle of Iraq.
Influence of uniform blowing/suction on the free convection of non-Newtonian fluids over a vertical plate in porous media with internal heat generation and Soret/Dufour effects[Full-Text ] Chuo-Jeng HuangA non-similarity solution is proposed for the analysis of uniform blowing/suction influence of the steady free convection boundary layers over a vertical plate embedded in a non-Newtonian fluid saturated porous medium with internal heat generation and Soret/Dufour effects. The heat and mass transfer characteristics due to the influence of uniform blowing/suction are numerically analyzed. The surface of the vertical plate has a uniform wall temperature and uniform wall concentration (UWT/UWC). The transformed governing equations are solved by Keller box method. Comparisons showed excellent agreement with the numerical data in previous works.
8*8 Bit low Power High Speed Multiplier[Full-Text ] Jasbir Kaur, Dr Neelam Rup PrakashThe need of portable devices like mobile phones and laptops is the low power circuits and delay being the important criteria for the performance evaluation of any digital circuit is the challenge for designers .So, in this paper a low power high speed 8*8 bit multiplier has been designed using the 4*4 bit multiplier circuit.The design of various 8*8 bit multiplier has been designed in virtuoso platform .The delay and power parameters are improved in various multiplier circuits.
Game of powers: the impact of the Russian aircraft shutdown in the economies of Russia, Turkey and the South Caucasus[Full-Text ] Vugar Bayramov, Cristina Juan CarrionThe shutdown of the Russian Su-24 military airplane in November 2015 by Turkish military forces caused the breakup of the very successful relations that Russia and Turkey were having until that date. The event brought up big changes at economic scale and the South Caucasus was affected as well. The economic scenario has been affected in the areas of agriculture, energy, industry, tourism construction and labour force.
The Race Dynamics and The Question of Nationalism in Lloyd Fernando`s Green is The Colour[Full-Text ] Zanyar Kareem AbdulGreen is the Colour (1993) sets in the post May 1969 interracial riots in Malaysia, it explores mutually exclusive view, religious conflicts and forced assimilation of races. Importantly, the novel is Fernando`s pervasive vision of local history, culture, unity and future. His accurate observation can be noticed in the novel that how Fernando successfully deals with all conflicts that existed during 1969. So, Fernando`s main concern in the novel is about the racial riot issue and depicted throughout the different three racial characters Malay, Chinese and Indian, in addition to their cultural , political and religious struggles.