Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016.
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Optimal results with consumer rated keyword Search using WK-NN algorithms in Spatial database[Full-Text ] Rakshi Iyappan, Dr.Savithri.V.Generally, most of the objects in Spatial database are tied with various ‘Indicating Text’ which would describe the concern object’s properties / features such as its business, products, services, features etc. As a result, the users are not limited in searching of simple queries, they are extended to complex keyword queries that present in numerous spatial input becomes more common. In spatial database there are several algorithms being proposed for Keyword search, which are limited only to work exists on searching keywords. In this work WK-NN algorithm is used to search optimum results on spatial data along with the customer rating from highest to lowest.
Muddle during truthfulness by means of recommender structure within e-commerce[Full-Text ] Subha.A, Purushothaman.RThis paper focus on top of the genuineness in Recommender scheme which can guide to a variety of aftermath in decisive ecommerce systems. Authenticity in recommender systems will augment the assurance level of future buyers to a superior extent so optimizing utmost benefit for the hawker. The accessible study in recommender systems mostly procedure ratings information during a set of connections relational statistics model. Here ratings are not independent of each other. Independent ratings analysis will improve the authenticity of recommender systems to a greater extent and this paper focuses on this aspect. A manuscript monitor agent is attached with the recommender negotiator to vigilant component of a area while papers they are dissect possess tainted. The mediators make available an automized estimation of the character of the revolutionize.
Refraction due to Attraction[Full-Text ] Saddam husain dhobi and Nilam ShresthaRefraction occurs due to attraction of photons with nucleus of an atom. When photon is incident with certain angle of incidence, it is attracted towards the nucleus of atom.This attraction of photon causes bending of photon towards or away from the nucleus of the atom depending upon the angle of incidence and nature of the medium. When incident angle increases, attraction also increases, this is due to decreasing the distance between photons and nucleus of atom. This proves that refraction is not due to velocity of photon, but it is due to attraction of the photon.
CONFIDENTIAL DATA SHARING SYSTEM USING VALID DELEGACY IN CLOUD COMPUTING[Full-Text ] Gowri Meena.S and Dr.R.Indra GandhiIn the cloud, for achieve access authority and keeping information private, the information proprietors could embrace credit based hide to encode the set away data. Clients with constrained registering force are however more liable to delegate the cover of the repair task to the cloud servers to diminish the figuring cost. Accordingly, traits based encipher with consultation ascend. Stock-still, there are provisos and inquiries staying in the past pertinent works. They strength likewise dupe the qualified clients by act them that they are ineligible with the end goal of cost frugal. Besides, among the encryption, the access arrangements may not be sufficiently adaptable also. Since arrangement for general circuits authorize to achieve the almost all grounded type of access control, a development for recognize circuit cipher text-plan quality based half and half encryption with undeniable appointment has been review in our work. In such a structure, joined with visible calculation and encode then-Macintosh component, the information organization, the fine-grained access control and the value of the designated processing results are all around guard in the interruption. Furthermore, our project accomplishes security against picked plaintext assaults under the k-multi linear Decisional Diffie-Hellman conclusion. In addition, a broad restoration battle affirms the possibility and proficiency of the proposed arrangement.
Recognition Number Plate Using ACA for Improved Segmentation and Classification[Full-Text ] Dr.Savithri.V & Ms. P.vaniIn this paper a number plate recognition system which has been designed using the ant colony optimization technique. This system can be implemented in surveillance systems, detection of stolen vehicles and checking of vehicles at toll plazas, posts, barriers sand other entry points. This research is focusing, an ant colony based number plate extraction method is proposed. Ant colony optimization technique gives better results in edge detection while applying image segmentation. So Better accuracy can be achieved by using this concept in number plate recognition. The natural behavior of ant species that the ant deposit pheromone on the ground for foraging is the inspiration for the Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. For the better image edge detection ACO is used in number plate recognition .This approach is able to establish a pheromone matrix that represents the information presented at each pixel position of the image and according to the movements of the number of ants which are dispatched to move on the image. The local variation of the images intensity values are driven by the movements of the ants. This system classification neural network in pattern recognition, artificial neural network (ANN), eventually this gives the number plate area extracted from the image with improved accuracy. Finally a character recognition model is used to give out the final vehicle license number.
OBJECT FEATURES EXTRACTED FOR A PERFECT ACTION IMPLEMENTATION[Full-Text ] Dr.Savithri.V & Ms. Rasiga BalasubramaniIn our base paper they analyses Query-adaptive multiple instance learning for video instance retrieval Object-based image retrieval is an active research topic in past few years, in which a user are only interested in some object on the images. As its one of the promising approach, graph-based multi-instance learning has very attracted by many researchers.The existing methods of frequently conduct learning on one graph, either in image level or in region level. This paper, we considered both image- and region-level information, at the same time a novel method based on multi-graph multi-instance learning is proposed. Two graphs are constructed in our method, and the relationship between each image and those images are segmented regions is introduced into an optimization framework for this. Moreover, our method is further extended to video retrieval process. By exploring the relationships between video shots, representative images, aand segmented regions, it can deal with the case of when training labels are only assigned in shot level images. Experimental results of the SIVAL image benchmark and the TRECVID video set demonstrate the effective in our proposal.
Comparative Study of Knn/Pcs with Naive Bayes/Rsa[Full-Text ] Dr.Savithri.V & Ms.ArunaData mining, the extraction of concealed predictive data from substantial databases, is an intense new innovation with awesome potential to help organizations concentrate on the most important data in their data warehouses. Data processing tools predict future trends and behaviors, permitting businesses to create proactive, knowledge-driven choices. During this paper, managing the classification issue over disorganized data. Specifically, during this planned system protected Naïve Bayes classifier is employed to classify the info set and RSA cryptosystem is employed to cipher and decode the info set within the cloud. RSA may be a cryptosystem for public-key encoding, and is wide used for securing sensitive knowledge, significantly once being sent over an insecure network like the web. The planned convention ensures the confidentiality of data, security of client’s data inquiry, and conceals the data access styles. To the most effective of our insight, this work is that the first to creat up a secure naïve bayes classifier over encoded data beneath the semi-fair model.
Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of Co(II) &Cu(II) metal complexes of Schiff base ligands derived from amino acids with citral[Full-Text ] Bencela.M, R.Baggia latha, S.Sudha kumariThe Schiff base ligands, 2-(5,9-dimethyl-4,8-diene-3-ylidene)aminopropanoic acid (L1), 2-(5,9-dimethyl-4,8-diene-3-ylidene)amino-3-methylpentanoic acid (L2) and 2-(5,9-dimethyl-4,8-diene-3-yildene)amino-3-methylbutanoic acid (L3) were prepared by condensation of L-alanine, L-isoleucine, L-valine with citral. Co(II) and Cu(II) complexes of above ligands were synthesised as well. The synthesised ligands and its complexes have been tested for their antimicrobial activity against bacterial species staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus substills(gram positive), Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, pseudomonas aeroginosa(gram negative) and fungal species Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus, saccharomyces and Candida albicans and the results concluded that the metal complexes exhibits effective antimicrobial activity against the tested strains as compared to the free Schiff base ligands.
Solar Thermal Steam Generation System at Domestic Level[Full-Text ] Noman Ijaz, Jan Shair, Naeem Abbas, Ehtesham Bokhari, Nasrullah Khan In recent years, power demand has been drastically increased whereas conventional energy resources are decreasing day by day. Most of the existing power generating stations in the world are based on fossil fuels, resulting in huge amount of CO2 emissions that have harmful impacts on environment
Design of Linear Quadratic Regulator for the Three-Axis Attitude Control System Stabilization of Microsatellites[Full-Text ] Eze, Charles U., Dr Mbaocha, Christian C., Dr Onojo, James O.In recent years, there have been increased global interests in space-related activities. Attitude determination and control are required in nearly all space missions. In satellites, it is one of the most important subsystems since the accuracy of the satellite mission depends on this subsystem. Mission objectives of satellites may be severely disrupted without correct attitude control. This paper describes the design, analysis and models of attitude control systems (ACS) for the Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. The mathematical models for dynamic and kinematics associated with these satellites and the designed optimal controller are briefly presented and linearized. With the aid of the powerful Computational tool of MATLAB, a program is developed for the design of the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). The LQR is applied to the 3-axis stabilization and control of Microsatellite using 3-reaction wheels each placed on one axis. Parameters of real Microsatellite are used to test and run the designed LQR controller with MATLAB software which accurately stabilized the attitude of the satellite system. The effects of various control design parameters on the overall system are analyzed and optimum control parameters, Q= diag([8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8]), R = 0.1*diag([1, 1, 1]) and gain (K), that minimizes the performance index, are obtained. The Satellite system control design specifications of settling time ≤ 10 seconds, power consumption ≤ 0.3 watts and zero steady-state errors (0) are achieved.
Physicochemical Parameter Influences on Distilled Water Production for a simple and modified hot box solar still[Full-Text ] H. Moungar, A. Azzi2, Y. Sahli , A. Mediani and A. HaidaSeveral researchers studied the internal and external parameters influence at the solar distiller production. This study investigates the Physicochemical Parameters Influence on distillate production. On the other hand, the physicochemical parameters pH, total dissolved solid TDS, resistivity, salinity and conductivity, which are measured both after and before desalination on pH meter type METTLER TOLEDO SG78.This experience main aim is the study of the obvious influence in the solar distiller production. So, it’s found that the physicochemical parameters have a significant effect in the solar still production, mainly pH and salinity. In the end, technical or chemical solutions have been proposed to optimize the solar distiller production when the basin is saturated on salt water.
Toxic ImpactofWaste Water Effluent inAquatic System[Full-Text ] Narendra Deo, Binay Kumar SinghThe study is conducted on untreated waste water effluentfor Beverage industries to evaluate the toxic impact in Aquatic system through bioassay. The discharge of untreated waste water effluent through bias path in aquatic system is a serious concern, as it has number of contaminants in the form of physical, chemical and microbiological. In the form of physical contaminants it has a lot of organic and inorganic matters. It has high load of BOD ( Biological oxygen Demand), COD ( Chemical oxygen Demand), Oil , Grease, Total Suspended Solids( TSS), Total dissolved solids ( TDS) and pH .As result it create adverse impact on aquatic system as well as on aquatic animals(Fishes) .It needs to be improved on the aspects, particularly those linked to: long term toxicity assessment on target organisms (bioaccumulation of pollutants, genotoxicity, etc.); Eco toxicological interactions between pollutants of untreated waste water pollutants andin the aquatic ecosystem.
Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Outpatient Appointment Scheduling: An Application[Full-Text ] Hamada H. SHAT, Hakan ÇERÇİOĞLUIn this paper, an optimization scheme is proposed in order to scheme the patient appointment at SEY-MET Dental Polyclinic and to reduce the effect of the No-Show patient rate. In order to provide an efficient performance for the SEY-MET Polyclinic in the long term, a new appointment system is established. In this context, the improvement model considers factors which found to influence patient scheduling decisions in outpatient clinics. A simulation model is developed to determine the optimum appointment system, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to set the optimum availability factor and Goal Programming (GP) method are constructed to determine the available weekly appointment for each service room.
GOODS AND SERVICES TAX: PROPOSED MOMENTOUS TAX REFORM IN INDIA[Full-Text ] Geetika SukhejaAt present indirect tax Structure of multiple levies across all sectors of production is noted to be resulting in distortions in the distribution of resources as well as production incompetence. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value added tax and its decision regarding implementation in the country is still awaited. The goods and services tax (GST) is aimed at constituting a single, synchronized tax regime that will benefit both individual entities and corporate in the economy and thereby establish a commonality between the basic model and layout of the Central Goods and Services Tax, State Goods and Services Tax and integrated Goods Services Tax between inter-states. This paper assesses the current initiatives taken by government to implement goods and services tax in India and also depicts the expectations of Indian economy and its taxpayers from GST. Goods and Services Tax is expected to assimilate taxes on goods and services over all supply chain for getting financial benefits as a value addition at every stage. This study is a result of an exploratory research that is carried out to understand the conceptual framework of Goods and Service Tax (GST) that is going to be enacted in India. Data collection has been done through various secondary sources such as official Government web sites, newspaper articles etc. This paper also provides recommendations that can be prove helpful in the execution of tax in the country. The vast objectives behind introducing an inclusive GST in India is to unify and strengthen multiple indirect taxes in India and developing a common domestic market by broadening the tax structure and removing exemptions and also lessen cascading and dual taxation and encourage free willed compliances by reducing overall tax load on business houses and end consumers.
Comparative study of different types of shale[Full-Text ] Nassr A. A. RadwanSoil-water characteristic curve has considerable important parameter in unsaturated soil behavior. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were collected from different seven sites in Egypt to determine some of their physical and chemical characteristics of the soil sites. Data indicate that soil texture classes of the different experimental sites are silt clay, clay loam, sand clay loam, and clay.
DNA Cryptography An New Approach to Secure Cloud Data[Full-Text ] Vinay kumar Pant , Ashutosh KumarThe advancement of technology rises many of new area of computer technology, cloud computing is one of them. It is a new conceptual based service that use by many small and big organization. In a cloud computing data may be stored at varied locations, both physically and geographically. Cloud computing support the client and server technology. Cloud computing have some important feature like cost effectiveness, easy to use and resource sharing, which proof the importance in the field of computer technology. So user want to use their services to save their cost and expenditures. But one another important things is security of application and services that provided by cloud provider. It is a very big issue for cloud user that which service they are use, how much this is secure. Now a days we are using many algorithms and cryptographic techniques for security of data. Some of them is very powerful and secure but some need to modification. In this paper we purpose a new approach of cryptography that is DNA cryptography. The idea behind to implement DNA cryptography is to enforce the other conventional cryptography techniques and algorithms. Our aim is to build a secure and confidential data over a cloud.
Power Efficient Automated Lighting System using Wireless Sensor Network Approach[Full-Text ] Dhiraj SunehraIn the present times, electric power has become a basic necessity in everybody’s life. The conservation of electric power has become a prime issue throughout the world. Due to urbanization, several buildings and malls are being constructed every year which increases the power requirements in the future. Hence, an efficient power conservation system is required as an additional support for the power conservation techniques which are being currently used. In this paper, a prototype of an efficient automated lighting system for power conservation based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) approach is implemented. A Passive Infra Red (PIR) sensor is used to sense the human movement, whose output is fed to a Arduino processor to control the relay that operates the load (lights). Two ZigBee transceivers are used here for communication between the WSN and a Raspberry Pi based web server. The load connected to each sensor node can be controlled through the Raspberry Pi web server. The status of light on or off is displayed on the webpage. The prototype can be extended to shopping malls by increasing the number of sensor nodes in WSN model.
Antioxidant and Anti-skin cancer potential of a Ketocarotenoid pigment Astaxanthin isolated from a green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow[Full-Text ] Infant Santhose, B, Elumalai, S, Rajesh Kanna, GUniversally, astaxanthin is known for its powerful antioxidant potential which occurs naturally in various marine and fresh water organisms. Haematococcus pluvialis, a unicellular green microalga is one of the efficient producers of astaxanthin but comparatively in high concentration. The skin cancer is a major crisis coupled with direct exposure of radiations from the sunlight due to ozone depletion. Especially, in Australia two/third of the people has been diagnosed skin cancer below the age of 70. In this present study, the isolated pigment astaxanthin has been appraised for the antioxidant and anti-skin cancer potential. About 90% of astaxanthin was extracted from the enriched biomass of green alga Haematococcus pluvialis. The IC50 value of astaxanthin towards antioxidant and anticancer activity was found to be 39.1 ± 1.14 µg/ml and 63 ± 0.22 µg/ml respectively. The gene expression fold of caspase 3 was enhanced further for different time periods of 0, 6 and 12 hours during the treatment of astaxanthin with the skin cancer cells. While investigating the gene expression of oncogene Bcl-2 and tumor suppressor gene p53, the IC50 concentration of astaxanthin was found to suppress and induce both the genes respectively. Hence, it has been proven that astaxanthin can prevent the proliferation of skin cancer cells.
Botryococcus braunii as a potential candidate for the waste water treatment and hydrocarbon accumulation[Full-Text ] G. P. Arone Soul Raj, S. Elumalai, T. Sangeetha and D. Roop Singh and G. Rajesh KannaThe micro alga Botryococcus is the green photosynthetic autotroph which is the eukaryotic primary producers of the aquatic ecosystem. The Botryococcus species are known for its own significant production of different types of hydrocarbons. The Botryococcus is the only genera of micro alga which can directly synthesize hydrocarbons and are the potent candidate for commercial biodiesel production in future. There are several reports on the implementation of Botryococcus in waste water treatment from different countries. At the same time the micro alga Botryococcus can alternatively serve as a biological source for the production of biodiesel. One such study is still pending in India, which is one of the larger producers of domestic waste water with increasing urban population. Such studies are much needed for the developing countries to fight against pollution and new emerging diseases.
MRK-SVM: An Effective Technique for Big Data In Health Care Sector[Full-Text ] K. Sharmila, Dr. S. A.VethamanickamIn this modern world, Big Data plays an imperative role in health care segment. Big data is a promising phrase that describes any ample amount of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that has likely to be mined for information. Among any other dangerous Non Communicable Diseases (NCD), Diabetes Mellitus is a foremost health vulnerability in developing countries such as India. The sensitive nature of DM is coupled with long term complications and several health disorders. So this paper presents the progress of a hybrid model for the big dataset using the combination of clustering and classification techniques in Hadoop . The Apache Hadoop has become a world-wide adoption for Big Data. The above hybrid model consists of two phase. In the foremost phase, the K-means clustering is used to discover and stamp out the incorrectly classified instance. In the succeeding phase a fine tuned classification is performed using Support Vector Machine (SVM) by taking the right clustered occurrence of earliest phase. The result shows that our approach to this hybrid model will be efficient to predict the patients with diabetic who are all having the risk of Cardio Vascular Disease, Nephropathy, and Retinopathy and at the same time guarantees the timely treatment of the patients at the precise time.
A novel approach to aware slum dwellers during fire breakthrough using D2D communication[Full-Text ] Umme Zakia, Amena Taher Antara, Md.Saiful Islam, MD. Salekin Ferdouas, Tasmi Tamanna ArifPeople living in slums are severely affected in case of any disaster such as fire or earthquake due to the unawareness of the situation and difficulties associated with rescue operations. Since disaster preparedness and responses are always better than recovery, our goal is to aware habitats for faster response during the disaster occurrence such as fire breakthrough. Conventional fire alarm systems comprising of fire sensors and smart phones offers fire alarm generation for the dwellers and quick communication to the rescue authorities. In addition to the existing system, we propose to aware the dwellers of the slum during fire occurrence not only by starting the siren but also by transmitting fire alarm to their smart phones to aware them; this task will be performed by 4G central public safety smart phone to establish device to device communication with the nearby habitat’s smart phone and repeat this action to ripple the alert signal to other habitats; so the nearby dwellers will be notified instantly. Then it will pass the information to the passerby to spread the news and to the responsible authorities for rescue operation. Cost effective analysis and the simulations showed that minimal cost and time is required for the fire alarm generation and propagation compared to the safety of valuable human live.
A New Hybrid Process for Software Development and Localisation[Full-Text ] Mathurin Soh, Marcellin Nkenlifack, Laure P. FotsoIn this paper, we propose a new approach to make it easier and safer localisation in the development of software systems. It allows describing the cultural elements and mechanisms to develop specific development process oriented models, adapted to the localisation. This approach relies on the identification of linguistic and cultural considerations in all stages of the development process takes place in two phases: The first phase called internationalization or pre-localisation is to describe a high level of abstraction different cultural aspects of the needs of both functional and non-functional. These descriptions are then analysed and instantiated in a second phase called post-localisation, to adapt the code to facilitate the construction and verification of software system adapted to the client's culture. This new hybrid development process can take into account the cultural aspects from the design and benefit of internationalization and localisation, in the phases of the software life cycle. We illustrate our approach with the design and development of a billing application. The results show that the new proposed approach is better than the localisation after software development. The proposed approach produces more flexible applications, adaptable and maintainable with relatively low costs and delays.
Design & Development of Go-Kart[Full-Text ] Ankita Kamble, Harshal Mandliya, Rohit Kamble, Suhail Kazi, Prof. G.S.DarvankarGo-kart (a simple racing car) is not a factory made product. It can be made my Mechanical and Automobile engineers for racing competitions. Go-kart emerged in India from MRF, which has 250cc, two stroke engine producing 15 bhp. This costs around 3 lacs. Lately the craze of go-kart has been on a rise in India along with many racing competitions been held all over India. Design and development project of simple go-kart has been undertaken by developing chassis formed by hollow circular pipe powered by Briggs and Stratton 190cc engine, fitted with single disc brake mounted on rear axle. There is no suspension, therefore chassis have to be more flexible to work as suspension and stiff enough not to break or give way to turn. The speed of the vehicle is 40 kmph. The developed go-kart was participated in an event Elite Go-Karting held by Elite Techno Groups at RPM International Go-Kart Racing Circuit, Bhopal. Developed go-kart is found economic, compact, light-weight and easy to drive kart.
Image Reconstruction For Tomography Using Wavelet Transform[Full-Text ] B.S.Sathishkumar and Dr.G.NagarajanThe reconstruction of tomography imaging is often corrupted by means of a number of measurements, projection data, noise in measurement, computation time, resolution and prior knowledge. This paper presents a new approach called wavelet based image reconstruction for tomography by using different thersholding methods are investigated in the presence of choosing different wavelet filters. The quality of the reconstructed image is expressed in terms of mean square error (MSE) as compared to the original image and found as improved compared to other techniques.
A review of the using Tuned mass dampers in the high-rise buildings[Full-Text ] Mohsen karimi Tuned mass dampers (TMDs) are considered as the most common control devices used for protecting high-rise buildings from vibrations. Because of their simplicity and efficiency, they have found wide practical applications in high-rise buildings around the world. This paper proposed the application of tuned mass damper in the Construction industry for using partial floor loads as multiple TMDs at limited number of floors. Results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed control technique in enhancing the drift, acceleration, and force response of buildings to wind and earthquakes. The response of buildings to wind and earthquakes was observed to be more enhanced by increasing the story-mass ratios and the number of floor utilized as TMDs. Also, in this article referred to the use of Tuned mass damper effects on the response of multi-storied structures observed in geotechnical centrifuge tests, and Schematic diagram of a semi-active tuned mass damper.
Memory Management by Inter-positioning the Balloon Mechanism in Virtualization[Full-Text ] Tehami Mustaasam, Shahid Naseem, Muhammad Waqas, Mushtaq Niazi, Ayesha Iqbal, M.Salman AkramMemory over commitment is a well-known problem in operating system virtualization. A virtual machine utilizes its maximum memory when it is not over committed due to the memory pressure of its high workload. To control memory pressure in virtualization a Ballooning mechanism is used, however it is not helpful to deal with memory over commitment. Therefore it is required to modify this mechanism to deal with memory over commitment. This paper introduces interposition phenomenon to extend the ballooning mechanism that deals with the issue of memory over commitment in virtualization. The proposed extended ballooning mechanism helps the virtualized operating system to deal with the memory over commitment.
Speed control of Single-Phase induction motor Using Field Oriented Control[Full-Text ] Eng. Mohammad Zakaria Mohammad, A.Prof.Dr. Mohammed Kamal Al-Shaer, Prof.Dr. Mahmmad ZaherThis paper discusses the performance of a single-phase induction motor drive under nominal load in a closed-loop vector-controlled system. The control strategy to be applied is known as indirect field oriented control. Single-phase induction motor when operating as two-phase motor has its dynamic performance increased. By applying this methods, an induction machine can be analyze and operate similar to the dc machine as this method provides the decoupling effect to the motor. By controlling the d-axis and q-axis current, the speed and torque of the single-phase induction motor can be controlled independently. With the use of a voltage-source inverter, space vector pulse width modulation can be implemented.
The Effect of Electric and Magnetic Field on Silver Nanoparticles Prepared by Pulse Laser Ablation[Full-Text ] Ahmed K. Abbas, Isam M. Ibrahim, Dalya K. NaserSilver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were prepared by pulse laser ablation in distilled water with assistant of electric and magnetic field at various laser power and 300 pulses. The synthesized nanoparticles are characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD),transmission electron micros-copy (TEM) and utraviolet-visible (UV-Visible) spectroscopy. The X-ray diffraction pattern showed that the structure of Ag NPs film is polycrystalline with preferential orientation of Ag in (111) direction. Nanoparticle size measured by TEM shows that the average diameter of nanoparticles is around 10nm and the particle size increase to 20nm by applying electric field, while the particle size is around 4nm by applying magnetic field. The results show the intensity of surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) increases there is red shift with applying electric field, while the intensity of SPR decreases and has blue shift with applying magnetic field.
A framework for palm tree detection from WorldView 2 imagery using contextual texture-based classification and local maxima filtering[Full-Text ] Soufiane IDBRAM, Aissam Bekkari, Azeddine Elhassouny and Driss MAMMASSIn this study, we present a hybrid framework for palm tree detection by combining two processes. In the first one, we apply a supervised contextual texture-based classification algorithm to a combined layer of pan-sharpened multi-spectral (MS) bands and texture measures. Texture is modeled with the joint distribution of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) operator, local variance and NDVI ratio. The contextual classification method is based on Markov Random Fields. Palm tree objects and their shadow are derived from the classified image. The second process is based on a new local maxima filtering (LM) using watershed map to extract the plausibles treetops positions. The classification result provides additional information allowing by combining it with the LM result to correct/complete the palm tree objects identification.
A novel route for the controlable synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles[Full-Text ] P. TserotasNanoparticles of magnetite (Fe3O4) were obtained via a novel synthetic route. First, iron enneacarbonyl, Fe2(CO)9, was prepared by the decomposition reaction of liquid iron pentacarbonyl, Fe(CO)5, injected in a hexane solvent in the presence of sunlight and mild heating. In the second step, the resulting dry Fe2(CO)9 crystals were complexed with β-Cyclodextrin (β-CD) molecules, leading to steric hindrance of the organometallic crystals among the interstices of the CD molecular network; the latter mediates both particle size control and protection of the nanoparticles from further oxidation and agglomeration. The β-CD organometallic complex system, obtained in the previous step, was thermally treated, initiating a polyol process, in the presence of high boiling-point 1, 12 dodecanediol which acted both as a reductant and a solvent. Following a final addition of oleic acid, the solution was then refluxed, forming magnetite nanoparticles. The obtained particles were characterized by X-ray diffraction which showed a face-centered cubic spinel structure with diffraction peaks of magnetite. Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy revealed the existence of magnetite coated with hydrophobic oleic acid, as well as the existence of hydrophilic unitsand. Highresolution transmission electron microscopy indicated that the nanoparticles were isolated, nearly monodispersed and almost spherical.
An Overview - Indicators of the Vocational Education Sector in UAE[Full-Text ] Dr. Abdul Rahman Jassim Al HammadiWith the view of augmenting the employability skills among the young Emiratis, the promotion of vocational education in United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been a priority concern for the government. In the current scenario, the UAE provides a gamut of educational services to all the male and female students at kindergarten and higher education level. The same has been aimed for vocational education as it is rendered as a necessity for acquiring a knowledge economy. Nonetheless, the rate of adoption of vocational training and education is relatively low in UAE and requires extensive research to identify the shortfalls and solutions for them. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to investigate the need for growth of vocational education in UAE, the government initiatives and the challenges encountered by the sector in the current scenario. The research reveals that though the need for vocation education is recognized by the government, the sector is plagued by numerous challenges that hinder its growth and development. With the essential insights, this paper will be useful for the UAE government to strategize and deploy approaches for accelerating vocation education among Emiratis and assist them in achieving desirable jobs for sustainable future.