Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016 .
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Comparative Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid and Liquefied Natural Gas Technologies[Full-Text ] Nagi, C. Amy, Prof. Dulu Appah, Prof. Godwin ChukwuNigeria has an estimate of 180 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of proved natural gas reserve which can be monetized to generate revenue for the country and proper function of various sectors. Lack of infrastructure is a constrain to monetize natural gas that is currently being flared. In this research work, Liquefied natural gas technology and Gas to liquid technology are of the utilization options. An economic comparative analysis was done, between the technologies to make better evaluation and prioritization of investment proposals and responds to world demand. The model for the study was developed using Microsoft Excel. The plant capacity of for the LNG and GTL plant is 1BCF of natural gas per day for 330 working days in a year for 25years. Both projects depended on the Capital expenditure, operating expenditure, natural gas Price, discount rate etc. Some economic indicators such as, net present value, internal rate of return, and profitability index were applied in the model for the comparison of the two technologies. These economic indicators gave results that were far different for an absolute choice to be made. From the results the GTL technology is better placed compared to LNG technology. This will enable the Nigerian government and the oil and gas companies recover maximum revenue possible from natural gas. Natural gas flared in Nigeria accounted for 10% of the total amount flared globally in 2011 although it has decreased in recent years, from 540 Bcf in 2010 to 428 Bcf in 2013.
Protection of E-Commerce Website from SQL Injection: A Review[Full-Text ] MeenaSQL injection Attack (SQLIA) is vulnerability in database based web application, of which the attackers take benefit to insert and execute malicious code to get the database information. This technique gives unauthorized access to database by giving input which consists of malicious code included into the query. Malicious query is treated like valid query by the database and executed. Attacker may have different intensions for attacks. Attacker may want to identify inject able and weak parameter to attack. By the attacks he/she can modify data, change data and extract data. He/she can get the confidential and sensitive data from the storage of database. Attacker may also want to know about the database schema which consists of the number of rows and columns, name of table, columns data types, column name from database to make use of all to inject/get information into/from the database system. In this paper we present detailed overview of what is SQL injection, how it works, intent of attack, types of attack, various techniques and tools to detect and prevent SQL Injection, comparison of these tools based on attack types and deployment requirements.
Cyclic model of universe[Full-Text ] Chandan GuptaThis ‘CYCLIC MODEL OF UNIVERSE’ was introduced considering basic fundamental laws, activity and similarity in the nature around us. one assumption has been taken for special attractive forces starts acting from a particular range of very long distance between celestial bodies in the similarity with short ranged NUCLEAR FORCES.
An Optimised Approach for Intrusion Detection in KDD CUP 99 Dataset Using KNN & GA[Full-Text ] Megha Jain GowadiyaSecurity of the computer networks becomes tedious assignment due to the pervasive expansion in the utilization of it. Most of the person uses the network for sharing their private information such as messages, accounting information etc. and accessing the resources. But most of the happenstances possible when they are traveling over network from source to destination. To safeguard the network from such serious threats a system has been designed which is called intrusion detection system (IDS). These systems continuously monitor the actions performed on network and if they found any such malevolent activity or unauthorized venture it impedes them. Numerous data mining techniques have been used for designing efficient intrusion detection system such as support vector machine, Bayesian network, KNN classifier etc. In this work, we propose a modified data mining classification technique which helps to improve higher intrusion detection rate. The experimental analysis of the proposed system is perform using the function of MATLAB2012a toolbox and performance measurement is done using some metric such as accuracy. The simulation result of the proposed system for the accuracy parameter is improved than the existing system is about 5 %
A HYBRID ARTIFICIAL BEE COLONY BASED SPECTRUM OPPORTUNISTIC ROUTING ALGORITHM FOR COGNITIVE RADIO AD HOC NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Hesham Mohammed Ali Abdullah, Dr.A.V.Senthil KumarCognitive Radio (CR) is an upcoming technology by which unlicensed users can use vacant parts of the spectrum allocated to users (licensed) by creating opportunistic transmission links. It lacks systematic perceptive of dynamic opportunistic links and a consistent end-to-end transportation mechanism in network. Dynamic opportunistic routing algorithms are designed but QOS and throughput guarantee is needed. A Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony based Spectrum Opportunistic Routing (HABC-SOR) algorithm is created to deal with transmission delay over such opportunistic links. HABC-SOR algorithm is proposed to study the relationship between end-to-end delay and throughput. Using Markov chain modeling and queuing network theory, transmission delay and throughput of multi-hop communications are examined. HABC-SOR algorithm is proposed to exploit opportunistic selections for cooperative relay regarding link transmission qualities and high throughput, exploring two initialization methods to exploit opportunistic selection. A new HABC-SOR mechanism is also developed to balance the investigation and utilization. Based upon the link prediction, HABC-SOR constructs an efficient and reliable topology, by mitigating re-routing frequency and improving end-to-end network performance such as throughput and delay.
AN ADAPTIVE AUCTION-BASED CLOUD SELECTION APPROACH ON MOODLE VIRTUAL CLUSTER USING JMETER[Full-Text ] Nidhi Thakur, Prof. Ashok Verma,Prof. Prashant JainMoodle is the widely used platform for learning. Research is being carried out under moodle physical and virtual cluster. Since several years this manuscript is based on moodle physical cluster load balancing. A novel approach with cloud support has been presented where goodness of auction is included. A new idea of load regulator is highlighted to adjust balance between cloud memory and local memory. Later in result section proposed work is simulated on Jmeter. To make the proposed work more optimized, research is open.
SOFTWARE FOR INTERPRETATION OF NON-LINEAR LEAK OFF TEST[Full-Text ] N Iliyasu, MO Onyekonwu, T NyamTo effectively manage the reservoir and its containing fluid, the fracture pressure must be determined. The two methods of determining fracture pressures are indirect method (involving correlations) and direct method which is the leak-off test. The interpretation of leak-off test is based on the linear behaviour of pump pressure at a given pump volume. There are situations caused by leak where the leak-off test (LOT) does not follow this behaviour, hence, a different method is required to analyse the non-linear leak-off test. The method employed in this research was based on the combination of fluid compressibility and material balance to formulate functions for fluid compressibility, casing expansion, well bore expansion and leak. The test result was able to predict the non-linear behaviour of LOT to at least 99% correct.
Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of nano-sized iron oxides[Full-Text ] Ibrahim S. Ahmed, Mostafa Y. Nassar, N.Hassan, Michael B. AzmyIron nanoparticles arranged from Fe(NO3)3•9H2O by using chemical precipitation is the methodology used in this work. Materials primarily utilized as a part of this project are iron nitrate nonahydrate (as a basic material), Ammonia solution (as a precipitating material) and product from them calcined at 550 °C for 2hrs. The properties i.e. size, morphology and crystallinity of synthesized iron oxide Nanopowders were considered and portrayed by XRD, FTIR, SEM, and TEM. The results of XRD peak confirm the presence of mixed iron oxide nanopowders produced during chemical precipitation and size of as synthesis nanoparticles are 64 nm.TEM come about 61 nm likewise affirms the combination of iron oxide nanoparticles.
Scalable and Competent Audit Service for Storage Data in Clouds Retaining IHT[Full-Text ] S. Divya, A. PandiyanIn cloud, the shield subject in outsourced storage space data is the tough challenge. To vanquish the setback, established way industrialized vibrant audit ability for verifying the respect of an untreated and outsourced storage space. Appraisal capability is crafted established on the methods, fragment construction, casual sampling, and index-hash table, keeping provable updates to outsourced data and timely anomaly discovery. The method conventional on probabilistic query and periodic confirmation for enhancing the presentation of audit services. The audit ability is given by TPA monitoring. From time to time the TPA could have chances to obscure anomaly features to cloud users. To conquer the drawback, counsel vibrant audit ability in the cloud. By the method it can vibrantly audit the anomaly and dispatch intimation to cloud user. So that it can safeguard the cloud storage space data.
An Efficient Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme for Security Aware Scheduling of Scientific Applications[Full-Text ] N RamadeviCloud computing is a pool of resources on network, that are dynamically provisioned on demand to its users based on pay-per-use policy. But it is facing certain issues of security, trust and efficiency when implemented on large enterprise such as scientific applications. In this paper I proposed a novel model Efficient Authenticated Key Exchange (EAKE) scheme that will provide solutions for the aforementioned issues. The proposed work mainly focuses on using the symmetric key cryptography for fast scheduling of tasks [13] and the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) scheme with randomness-reusability for key exchange.
A Survey on Exploration and Classification of Osteoarthritis Using Image Processing Techniques[Full-Text ] Shivanand S. Gornale, Pooja U. Patravali, Ramesh R. ManzaOsteoarthritis is one of the prime causes of infirmity in elderly and overweight people. Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that mostly affects the cartilage. Cartilage helps the easy glide of bones and obstructs them from rubbing each other. In Osteoarthritis cartilage is ruptured due to which bones rub each other causing severe pain. The current strategy for the evaluation of Osteoarthritis includes clinical investigation & medical imaging techniques. This paper introduces a survey focusing on the various medical imaging techniques for the assessment of Osteoarthritis. This paper also discovers the X-ray imaging & Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for detection and classification of Osteoarthritis in descriptive and comparative manner. Thus an integrated discussion of various segmentation techniques, feature extraction techniques and classification schemes regarding Osteoarthritis is done and surveyed in a scientific way
DIAGRID STRUCTURAL SYSTEM FOR R.C.FRAMED MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS[Full-Text ] Harshita Tripathi, Dr. Sarita SinglaOne of the evocative structural design solutions for tall buildings is recently embraced by the diagrid (diagonal grid) structural system. In tall buildings, the main problem that governs the design is lateral loads, instead of the gravitational loads in shorter building. Thus, systems that are more efficient in achieving stiffness against lateral loads are considered better options in designing tall buildings. The diagrid system is one of the most efficient lateral resisting systems, and this feature is caused by its triangular configurations. The diagrid structural system has been widely used for recent tall buildings due to the structural efficiency and aesthetic potential provided by the unique geometric configuration of the system. This paper presents a stiffness-based design methodology for determining preliminary member sizes of r.c.c diagrid structures for tall buildings. The methodology is applied to diagrids of various heights and grid geometries to determine the optimal grid configuration of the diagrid structure within a certain height range.
Influence of Sociocultural Problems on sports participation: A case of female Elite athletes in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Iffat Bibi, Dr. Salahuddin Khan, Wasim KhanSports activities are very helpful for the overall development of its participant without any inequity. Female have the same right as male to take part in the sports activities but female are facing various problems of inequality throughout the world. The problems of sports participation are more severe especially in Islamic countries of the world and particularly in our country Pakistan. There may be different problems behind this situation. The study carried out to identify solely the influence of sociocultural problems on female athletes with connection to their sports participation in Pakistan. A representative sample of 110 female elite from the entire population belonging to different areas of the country and games. Responses were quantified with 1= strongly disagree, 2= disagree, 3= undecided, 4= agree, and 5= strongly agree. Different statistical measures like enter method regression, one sample test were used in the process of data analysis. The researcher found that societal limitations, Cultural norms and attitude of eminent scholars significantly resists the participation of female in sports activities. This study will provide knowledge to address and then make measures to the dominant factors, which creates problems in the way of sports participation among female folk in Pakistan.
Numerical analysis of a piled foundation reinforced with geosynthetics to support construction of full-height bridge abutments[Full-Text ] PHAM Anh Tuan, DO Huu DaoThe scope of this paper is the analysis of full-height embankment behind abutment on geosynthetic reinforced pile supported (GRPS), with a commercially available finite element software. The analyses of fourteen cases of GRPS system supported under embankment and two untreated foundations are presented in this paper. The factors considered include the construction time, pile center to center spacing, region and length of piles DM (Deep-Mixing). The result presented in this paper include the vertical and horizontal displacement, the maximum and differential settlement, the longitudinal gradient change, and the distribution of stresses consist normal and shear stress in different zones, displacement contour and stress concentration factor for all cases, since they are the most critical parameters of observation and design. The results of this study are intended to provide some guidelines for designers, and to bring insight about the interacting mechanisms into the design process.
Influence of 3-Acétyl-4-oxo-benzopyranone on inhibitive performance of bromide ions in sulfuric acid for mild steel[Full-Text ] H . El attari, K. Chefira1, K. Lahmadi, S.Mengouch, M. Siniti, L.Khamliche and A. KhribechThe influence of single bromide ions and the mixture of various concentrations of bromide ions and 0.005 M of 3-Acétyl-4-oxo-benzopyranone (AOBP) on the corrosion of mild steel in 0.5M sulfuric acid have been investigated by using weight loss method, on the range of temperature from 298 to 318 K. The study of the effects of single bromide ions and the mixture of various concentrations of bromide on the corrosion of mild steel in sulfuric acid revealed that mild steel has been more efficiently inhibited by NaBr in the presence of AOBP than single NaBr , and inhibition efficiency increases with increasing concentration of NaBr at the same temperature, but decreases with increasing temperature studied. A synergistic effect exists when AOBP and bromide ion are used together to prevent mild steel corrosion in sulfuric acid at every experimental temperature. The adsorption of NaBr and AOBP + NaBr on the mild steel surface obeys Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm respectively. Some thermodynamic parameters such as adsorption heat, adsorption entropy and adsorption free energy have been calculated by employing thermodynamic equations. Kinetic parameters such as apparent activation energy and pre-exponential factor have been calculated and discussed.
A Survey on Video Watermarking Features and Techniques[Full-Text ] Deepti Pathak, Dr. Anurag JainWith the increase in the internet digital world is growing rapidly in large scale. As the digital data is made easy to transfer from one place to another. This easy movement of data lead to big issue of the copyright or the originality of the digital data for all this there watermarking authentication technique has been develop. In order to provide watermarking for different digital data like image, audio, video, etc. various techniques has been develop. This paper give different requirement, features for video watermarking. As hiding data is watermarking but it goes under some kind of attacks which are also cover in this paper as they are the best measure for comparing different techniques of watermarking.
Study and development of village as a smart village[Full-Text ] Rutuja Somwanshi, Utkarsha Shindepatil, Deepali Tule, Archana Mankar, Namdev Ingle, Dr. V. S. Rajamanya, Prof. A. Deshmukh This project report deals with study and development of village as a smart village. We define smart village as bundle of services of which are delivered to its residence and businesses in an effective and efficient manner. “ Smart Village” is that modern energy access acts as a catalyst for development in education , health, security, productive enterprise, environment that in turns support further improvement in energy access. In this report we focuses on improved resource use efficiency, local self-governance, access to assure basic amenities and responsible individual and community behavior to build happy society. We making smart village by taking smart decisions using smart technologies and services.
Evaluation the resistance of some cucumber cultivars to root-knot nematode[Full-Text ] Ahlam M. Al-Ghonaimy and Hanaa S. ZawamThe root-knot nematode, caused by Meloidogyne spp., is one of the major limiting factors affecting plant growth and yield causing an estimated $100 billion loss per year worldwide. In the present study, six cucumber cultivars were evaluated for their resistance against M. incognita and M.javanica under greenhouse conditions. The nematode caused great reduction to the growth parameters.
Modelling a Landing Gear Device as a Double Inverted Pendulum by Simulating Bird’s Legs[Full-Text ] Ramdhun Vyas and Jianbin XueLanding gear devices are very important components of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), especially when it is landing, taking-off and taxiing. In this paper, a new concept of landing gear device has been introduced that simulates a bird's legs and talons. First, the simple and double inverted pendulums were analysed to find out how they are related to a landing gear apparatus for an aircraft. Stability is a very important issue when landing, so the landing gear device is modelled as an inverted pendulum. The simple and the double inverted pendulums have been used in determining the stability of the landing gear devices. The triple inverted pendulum has also been introduced to some extent. The concept of modelling the landing gear device as an inverted pendulum by simulating bird’s leg and talon is one of the feasible and promising approaches to create new type of landing device.
COSTUMES OF KARBI TRIBE IN ASSAM[Full-Text ] Dr. Sanjita ChetiaAssam one of the states of the north eastern region of India, is considered as miniature India for its composite nature of culture and peculiar population structure, consisting of the representation of some major groups like the Aryans, Dravadians, Austrics and the Tibeto-Burmans. Moreover most of the tribes and the sub-tribes of these groups maintain their own costumes, traditions and the language. ). Costume is an important adjunct of one’s personality,. The first impression as well as racial self expression of an individual depend upon his/her physical appearance which largely rest on the costume and at the same time is an excellent embodiment of their sense of beauty. Costume refers to the style of dress including accessories and hairdos especially that, particular to a nation, social class or historical period. It is a cultural visual, a mirror of time and the people. Whatever be its origin, costume provides the visible index of the homogeneity and the unity of the people or their absence. In most civilization costume connotes something more than mere clothing. Very often it expresses some of the structure and the aspirations of a society. Costume has been functioning as a fashion of personality and has tended to the cultivated as an old art. Therefore, the present investigation was an attempt to study the traditional costumes with special reference to the Karbi tribe in the background of their socio-cultural practices
Development of a Solid Waste Management Strategy for an Emerging Urban Centre, Samaru, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Pearse, O. Femi , Ahanaiku, I. EOverburdened and ineffective solid waste management system is congruence with rapidly changing consumption patterns plague cities within the world, and Samaru town in Zaria-Kaduna state is not exempted from this menace. Samaru is considered as urban centre because of its sporadic increase in population every day. The area is constituted of more elite and working class people, which implies that most wastes generated are household wastes. The quantities and composition of solid waste generated from different sources in Samaru was determined by dividing the research area into three zones and 15 houses were considered from each zone. The houses were selected randomly base on the types of concentration of people in each zone. Two 25kg capacity woven sacks were distributed per selected houses for collection of wastes which was done twice per week at 3 days interval for 3 months. The average weight of wastes generated from each zone was found to be 262.10kg from zone A, 290.60kg from zone B and 426.27kg from zone C. The various composition of waste generated was sorted into six categories and their calorific values were found to range from 0.7 to 1.6. Two ways ANOVA was used for results analysis. At the end of the findings, Zero waste management strategy was recommended for Samaru town which include the Five R-plan. Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Recover and Residue. This will go a long way in solving the problem of solid waste in Samaru and other urban cities.
JAHN TELLER METAL:THE BASIS OF NEXT GENERATION MAGLEV[Full-Text ] Richa Singh, Apoorva Gupta, Prachi Jain Indeed, everyone can press the spacebar and come out of their cocoon to resurrect something innovative out of the dent. An international team of researchers at TOKOHU UNIVERSITY at Japan studying a superconductor made from Bucky balls or C60 molecules discovered a new type of metallic state of matter named as, Jahn Teller Metal. It’s a combination of insulating, magnetic, metallic and superconducting phases having the potential to achieve superconductivity at a relatively high Tc (high) as in -135 degree Celsius as opposed to -243.2 degree Celsius, where normally superconductivity is observed. We now aim to deploy this concept in maglev vehicles, as superconductivity allows a material to conduct electricity without resistance which gives an inception to the next generation maglev. Here, a major observation of high temperature superconductors, which has the potential of Jahn Teller Metal, is also further taken into consideration for high speed maglevs. Based on the reality check, Japan has again demonstrated its prowess in high-speed rail travel with its state-of-the-art maglev train setting a world record of just over 603km/h (375mph), i.e. approx. 1.8 km could be covered in just 11 seconds. This paper emphasizes on the fact that this efficiency could be further escalated by Jahn Teller Metal possibly breaking the present boundaries.
Development Design for Jaw Crusher Used in Cement Factories[Full-Text ] Dr.Jassim M. Abdulkarim, Dunia Y. Rahim, Abdul jabbar J. AL_shamikh, Nabaz M. Ali, Hazhar A. Hama TofiqCrushers are machines which use a metal surface to break or compress materials mining operations use crushers, commonly classified by the degree to which they fragment the starting material with primary and secondary crushers han-dling coarse materials and tertiary and quaternary crushers reducing ore particles to finer gradations. Due to their simple design and easy maintainability jaw crushers are widely used as primary size reduction equipment in mechanical and mining industries. As jaw crushers break minerals & ores of high strength and the economy of many industries depends on its performance, it is essential to improve the efficiency of the present design. This paper focuses on review of a work carried out by researchers in the field of kinematic & dynamic analysis of the jaw crusher attachment. Kinematic & Dynamic analysis is helpful for understanding and improving the design quality of jaw crusher. There are many researcher work done by researcher in the same field but still there is a scope to develop Kinematic & dynamic analysis to jaw crusher attachment. This paper include design and manufacturing of all elements of jaw crusher by using equations, mathematic formulation, and determining to all parts of crusher dimensions, and testing at different distance of the lower gap to determine mass of product materials per different times.
Flexible Smart Meter Capable of Prioritizing load[Full-Text ] Syed Israr Ahmed, Shoaib Rauf, Nasrullah KhanThe generation and transmission capabilities of energy systems are draining everywhere in the world. Load-generation imbalance could be disastrous for power system operation. In order to overcome this imbalance and to meet the rapidly increasing energy demand in developing countries, indiscriminate load shedding is carried out in order to stabilize and ensure the reliable supply to the remaining part of the system. In this paper, an improvement is proposed in the conventional smart meter design to make it capable of monitoring load prioritized electrical circuits for load management in order to avoid complete blackout and to conserve energy irrespective of the Time of Use tariff. The model is simulated and smart meter hardware is developed to test load shedding scheme using proposed prioritization of load circuits.
Morphometric Analysis of Reju Khal Drainage Basin using Geographic Information System (GIS) and SRTM data[Full-Text ] Md. Zakaria, Md. Abul Kashem Majumder, Md. Majadur RahmanThis study aims to define the drainage morphometry of Reju Khal drainage basin using Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data to evaluate the drainage condition of this river with the help of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing. The morphometric analysis of the Reju Khal drainage basin has been carried out through measurement of linear, areal and relief aspects. It is found that Reju Khal tributaries are of 6th order. Total 1008 streams are identified of which 796 are first order, 160 are second order, 34 are third order, 9 are fourth order, 3 are fifth order and 1 sixth order stream. Drainage patterns of stream network from the basin have been observed as mainly of dendritic type in the major area also some have rectangular and some trellis drainage pattern in north-eastern and eastern side of the area. 4th, 5th and 6th order streams have Bifurcation ratio (Rb) is near to 3.00, which indicate geomorpholgical control and 2nd and 3rd order streams have near to 5.00 which indicate the influence of structural control on the development of the drainage pattern. The presence of the maximum number of the first order segments and the values of the mean stream length ratio indicate differences in slope and topographic conditions of the basin. The slope map of the area reveals low and very gentle slope basin. Drainage density and texture ratio shows that the texture of basin is moderate which indicate medium resistant or permeable sub-soil materials, moderate vegetation and infiltration; the drainage texture shows fine texture indicating soft or weak rocks unprotected by vegetation. Compactness coefficient, circulatory ratio and elongation ratio shows that the shape of basin almost circular. The elongation ratio, length of overland flow and relief map of the basin shows that the major part of basin is of low relief and very young topography. The morphometric analysis of drainage basin reveal that the drainage basin is low laying flood prone drainage basin and have moderate to good groundwater prospect. There is also need to examine other factor of land use, climate, soil type, geological structure and stratigraphy to know hydrological process, landslide and flooding condition.
Detection of Porphyry Intrusions Using Analytic Signal (AS), Euler Deconvolution, and Center for Exploration Targeting (CET) Technique at Wadi Allaqi Area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt[Full-Text ] Sayed O. Elkhateeb, Ahmed M. EldosoukyThe present study is based on the enhancement of the Reduced to the pole Total magnetic intensity map of Wadi Allaqi area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt to delineate porphyry intrusions. Hydrothermal alteration associated with dyke-like structure comprises concentric near-circular alteration zones surrounding a roughly circular central intrusion. Aeromagnetic data of Wadi Allaqi area were processed using Analytic Signal (AS), Euler Deconvolution, and Center for Exploration Targeting (CET) Plug-In Porphyry Analysis. From the AS and Euler Deconvolution maps it can clearly notice that the major contact trends are WNW-ESE, NW-SE, and NE-SW directions with minor traces of N-S trend direction. It deserves mention to note that many of the causative sources in the study area appear as circular bodies. Also, they generally assume definite trends which means that they are structurally controlled. CET porphyry analysis map highlights the regions that can contain numerous occurrences of porphyry-style mineralization in Wadi Allaqi area. The predicated locations of CET porphyry intrusion closely match the locations of the known deposits in the area.
Daily Runoff Forecasting using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] G. Sreenivasa Rao and M.V.S.S GiridharRainfall-Runoff is the most important hydrological variables used in most of the water resources applications. Watershed based planning and management requires thorough understanding hydrological process and accurate estimation of runoff. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methodology was employed to forecast daily runoff for the Kadam watershed of G-5 sub-basin of Godavari river basin. On the contrary ANN can be deployed in cases where the available data is limited. The hydrologic variables used were eleven years’ rainfall and runoff data out of which 70% of the data is used for training, 15% for testing and the remaining 15% for validation, Runoff being the desired output for the years 2001 to 2011. Effect of number of layers in the network is also studied. The performance of ANN is evaluated based on the efficiency and the error. The results obtained in the present study have been able to demonstrate that the ANN models are able to provide a good representation of an event-based rainfall-runoff process.
Development, Processing and Characterisation of Natural Rubber-Banana Fibre Composite[Full-Text ] Gopakumar R, Dr R RajeshNatural fibre reinforced eco-friendly composites are becoming an attractive alternative for synthetic materials. Natural fibres are cheaper in cost, environment-friendly, renewable and bio-degradable. The properties of natural fibre reinforced polymer composites are determined by problems like poor bonding, poor wettability, and degradation at the fibre-matrix interface and the damage of the fibre during the manufacturing process. In this work, composites using short (6mm) banana fibre in a natural rubber matrix, with a 30% v/v fibre content are prepared using compression moulding at 150°C and the composites obtained evaluated for mechanical properties like tensile strength and tear strength. A total of six specimens using natural rubber as matrix and banana fibres subjected to various surface treatments as reinforcement.
Estimating of evaporation from climatic data for Konya and Karaman Regions using Adaptive neuro fuzzy interfrence ANFIS and artificial neural networks ANNs[Full-Text ] Chelang A. ArslanMeasuring and estimation of evaporation is very important for water planning, management and hydrological Practices. Evaporation can be considered as a major component of the hydrologic cycle. In this study a comprehensive investigation and comparison was achieved between different methods to estimate evaporation for two regions at Turkey which are Konya and Karaman by using different effective climatic factors at the both states . This study demonstrated on the application of two different models, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), different types of artificial neural networks such as Levenburg-Marqudat LMNN , Scaled conjugate gradient SCGNN , radial basis function networks RBFNN and generalized regression networks GRNN for estimating daily evaporation. In the first part the ANFIS model was used by using different input combinations and by selecting different climatic data according to the correlation power between these factors with the evaporation. At the second part of this study, the ANN different models were used with different model architectures using different input combinations and different models. The ANFIS model was concluded to be more flexible than the ANN models considered, with more options of incorporating the fuzzy nature of the real-world system. The results were quite encouraging and suggest the usefulness of ANFIS based modeling technique in accurate prediction of the evaporation for both regions .
Response of Structural Members to Dynamic Loading and Suggestions of Protection Systems[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. ZaidIn quasi-static loading where the inAvolved strain rates range from10^-4/s to 1/s and the time involved varies from seconds to months and even years. In this type of loading some of the engineering structural members might attain their full design loads during their life time. However, in intermediate rate and high strain rate loading where the strain rates vary from 1 to 10^2/s in the first and from 10^2 to 10^4/s in the latter, the time involved in these systems is of the order of milliseconds and microseconds respectively, and much less than this in the case of nuclear bombardments. As a result of these short times, failure and fracture may occur in certain parts of the member whereas other parts are not reached by the impulse load. In this paper, different designed systems to protect the structural members are presented and discussed. The suggested design systems include the previous methods and new suggested alternative methods which include superplastic materials and equal channel angular pressing, ECAP, as heavy plastic deformation process for absorbing the force and energy of the dynamic loads. The paper is expected to be of importance and value to design engineers civil, architectural and mechanical engineers.
Study of Conducting Properties of Chemically Synthesized Polyaniline/crystalline Silica Composites[Full-Text ] Tehseen Riaz, Farah Kanwal, Saadat Anwar Siddiqi, Nafisa Gull, Tahir Jamil, Akbar Ali, Aisha Batool, ShahNawaz Phulpoto, and Khalid H. TheboConducting polyaniline (PANI) and polyaniline/SiO2 composites with significantly high conductivity were syn-thesized via facile oxidative polymerization method using potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) as oxidizing agent at 0°C. PANI/SiO2 composites with different weight ratios of crystalline silica were prepared in order to evaluate their electrical conductivity. Their structural and thermal properties were also investigated by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) techniques. The insertion of silica into PANI up to specific weight percentages gives a 10 fold increase in conductivity. Microstructural analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals that a specific type of inter-connecting morphology is essential for obtaining an optimal electrical conductivity. Such a condition is attained with a specific amount of silica distribution in the composite. SEM study showed that polyaniline/SiO2 composites maintain a conducting micro-structural network up to 20wt-% silica inclusion by giving a maximum electrical conductivity of 40S.cm-1 due to better de-localisation of electrons and improvement of the inter-particle processes for the charge transport.
EMPIRICAL PREDICTION OF BUBBLE POINT PRESSURE AND SOLUTION GAS OIL RATIO FOR NIGER DELTA[Full-Text ] OLORUNTOBA F.M. & ONYEKONWU M.O.Bubble point correlation was developed and solution GOR solved from it to aid effective reservoir management. The developed correlations buckled on the restriction that PVT correlations use data of certain localities; hence, their application is limited. A total of 189 measured PVT data points from the Niger Delta were used to develop the correlations based on matching acquired PVT parameter with nonlinear function and being resolved using Lower Upper Algorithm to generate nonlinear equation. Out of these measured PVT data points, 159 data points were used to build the model and 30 were used to validate it. Statistical evaluations showed that the newly developed correlation can predict bubble point pressure and solution Gas Oil Ratio of light crude in the Niger delta at accuracy of 99.39%.
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS FOR DIFFERENT CONFIGURATIONS OF U-SHAPED BOREHOLE HEAT EXCHANGER[Full-Text ] Shaimaa H.Hefny, Medhat M.Sorour, Osama A.El-MasryVertical U-shaped borehole heat-exchangers (UBHE) use the earth as a heat sink or heat source, respectively, to dissipate and absorb thermal energy into/from the ground. The ground temperature depends on the seasons at a certain depth (about 30 meters in the ground) the cold and warm temperatures of the ground are represented for cooling and heating of buildings that happens in summer and winter respectively. Various model’s Configurations have been investigated by changing the diameters of borehole and U-tube, the shank spacing between U-tube. The simulation of the dynamic and thermal behavior of the geothermal vertical U-tube borehole heat exchanger (UBHE) was carried out under Fluent –ANSYS 14.0 software, using three-dimensional implicit finite difference method. The simulation of UBHE assumes heat transfer within the circulating fluid and grout to be in a Transient. The governing equations, based on the k–ɛ model used to describe the turbulence phenomena, are solved by using finite volume method. CFD calculations were performed for different of diameters borehole and U-tube and U-tube shank spacing results.