Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016 .
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Tools for a Uniform Approach to Subject Area Structuring in Machine Learning[Full-Text ] V, Nikolov, St. PanovThere are two basic types of relationships applied on a class-object model from Object Oriented Programming that can efficiently describe a variaty of subject areas (SA) are presented. SA can be depicted with growing complexity by hierarchical layers. The mportance of AND/OR logical operations to control transactions between objects is discussed. Main operations on classes and objects are outlined.
PHYTOCHEMICAL ANDIN VITROANTIMICROBIAL SCREENING OF EXTRACTS AND ISOLATION OF BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS FROM ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE (Linn)[Full-Text ] S Abubakar,K.M.RabiatuThe extracts of the leaves, stem-bark and root-bark of Anacardium occidentale Linn were screened for the presence of secondary metabolites and in vitro antimicrobial activity. The Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides and steroids. The extracts were tested against Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris and Candida albicans using disk diffusion method. The ethanol extract (F1) and n-hexane extract (F6) of the leaves at 1000µg/ml have showed remarkable zones of inhibition of 14mm and 12mm against P. vulgaris, 13mm and 10mm against S. typhi and12mm and 10mm on S. aureus respectively.
The Influence of Foliar Sprays on The Growth and Yield of Summer Squash[Full-Text ] Baqer Challab Hadi AL-Rubaye and Emad Abd AtiaEfficacy of foliar sprays of the salicylic acid and zinc on some characters of squash was tested at the spring season (2014) in the research station of agricultural college, Muthanna University. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Used three different concentrations of the salicylic acid (0, 3 and 5mM) and Zinc used ZnSO4.7H2O with four concentrations (0 , 25 , 50 and 75mM). The highest vegetative growth was found at 5mM concentration of salicylic acid compared with the other concentration it was showed, plant height (64.04cm), total chlorophyll (26.69 SPAD), plant yield (1.211kg/ plant), total yield (23.071 t/h) and the total soluble soiled of carbohydrates, N, P, K, and Zn in the fruit (14.93, 1.73, 0.61, 1.74 and 2.66 percent). While treatment with 25 and 50 mM of Zinc were showing more affected than other concentration in the recipes which were studied. The foliar sprays are the best way to reduce the deficiency of some of nutrient material and it gives the way to enhance the plant resistance against different diseases when used salicylic acid and other material.
Pelletization of El-Baharia iron ore (O) with different amount of El-Dekhaila waste pellets (E) and reduction kinetics of these pellets via hydrogen[Full-Text ] El-hussiny N.A, Hashem N.M, Abdel-Rahim S.S, Khalifa M.G, Shalabi M.E.HThe effect of the Addition of fine El-Dekhilla waste pellets(E) upon the quality and reduction kinetics of El-Baharia iron ore (O) pellets via hydrogen was carried out at different temperatures ranging from 700ËšC to 950ËšC and. the best reduction properties were found at 950ËšC.The kinetic of the reduction process was studied using the best fit model determined was kt = - ln(1-R) . The main crystalline phases of reduced pellets at 950ËšC were metallic iron (syn. Fe).
PHYSICOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTIC’S , MACRO AND MICRO NUTRIENTS STATUS IN SOME ORGANIC AND INORGANIC FARM, SIRKALI TALUK -TAMILNADU[Full-Text ] N.PASUPATHY, A.AROKIYARAJSoil is the medium through which crops grow to perform the need of human for food and cloths. Agriculture refers to an act hoist plants from the soil and is one of the most economical factors for human beings. in achieving better crops yield the formers should be know the soil nutrients and management .The soil nutrients.,i.e (macro and micro). The soil samples collected some selective major rice producing villages in SirkazhiTaluk of Nagapattinam District of Tamilnadu. There both inorganic and organic methods are following in cultivation .This study was conducted to asses available macro and micro nutrient status in both inorganic and organic form of soils. The specific locations of the various soil sampling area situated at different villages were identified using Global Positioning System (GPS). Totally 100 soil samples collected from different locations were analyzed for their physical parameter (pH, EC,TDS) macro (N, P, K) and micro (Cu,Fe,Zn,Mn) nutrients. The different physical parameters and macro elements were tested in laboratory. The micro elements such as copper,zinc,iron ,manganese were estimated by atomic absorption spectroscopy(AAS).
Impact of Solar Photovoltaic as an Alternative Source of Power for Rural Electrication in Ghana. (A Case Study in Pungu – Navrongo Upper East Region)[Full-Text ] Walter Banuenumah, Francois Sekyere, Emmanuel DonkorThe dynamics of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology’s impact as an alternative source of power for rural electrification has taken centre stage in recent years. Solar PV is seen as a panacea to the energy problems of rural populations in developing countries, aiming partly to address prevailing rampant poor energy levels in households. This study seeks to evaluate the social impact, examine the economic benefits and identify challenges; financial, technical and maintenance of solar PV systems in rural electrification. The study purposively sampled 200 solar PV household heads (120 from JICA PV and 80 from Government PV), in Pungu-Navorongo in the Kassena – Nankana District in the Upper East Region of Ghana, which has one of the lowest levels of electricity access and highest poverty levels among the inhabitants. The study reveals the dynamics of rural electrification and energy needs as well as the livelihood assets such as social, economic and technical aspects. It was found that, the overall impact of solar PV on the quality of life of the local beneficiaries was positively marginal. Challenges were identified, including limited wattage capacity, malfunction of some basic components, high cost of installation and low technical know-how. The findings further indicated that satisfaction derived from solar PV electricity supply among local households was high, social as well as economic impact were enhanced and justifies concessions on fee-for-service and government subsidy for the rural poor. For a decisive enhancement of rural livelihoods, it is strongly recommended that the PV systems be scaled up to include different energy dynamics such as cooking, irrigation, heating and to explore the extent to which technical know-how can affect utilization and sustainability of solar PV systems in rural electrification.
Design and Development of Novel antibacterial nanofiber tea bags for clean drinking Water[Full-Text ] Jaya T. VarkeyPolymeric nanofibers can be effectively used in water purification process. These can be used for filtration process because of the highly porous mesh size. For such applications membranes with a hydrophilic surface are preferred, as a hydrophilic surface is less susceptible to membrane fouling. The nanofiber with antimicrobial property will have an additional benefit in water purification. The development of a nanofiber water purification system using electrospinning of hydrophobic polystyrene and hydrophilic 1, 6-hexanediol diacrylate followed by trapping of an antibacterial material for water purification is described. This report is a review of design and development of an anti-microbial tea bag using nanofibers embedded with scallop shell powder.
Experimental Investigation of Control Variable in Drilling of Titanium grade2 Using Taguchi Method[Full-Text ] Harsh Hansda, Rahul DavisDrilling is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to cut a hole of circular cross-section in solid materials. The drill bit is usually a rotary cutting tool, often multipoint. Drilling is use in industry of the drilling of the material to produce require holes. Drilling can be done in different environment like with coolant and without coolant. Titanium is regarded as hard to machine materials. Titanium is a chemical element and is a lustrous transition metal with a silver colour, low density and high strength. Drilling of titanium can be done through carbide tip bit and High Speed Steel (HSS). In the present research work Drilling of Titanium (Ti) was performed with varying input control variables and its effect on the Burr Height was investigated. Minitab 17 software was used to perform the statistical analysis and obtain combination of the Optimum level parameter for minimum Burr Height.
An Artificial Intelligence Based Speckle Noise Reduction for Medical Images[Full-Text ] Ishani Thakur, Navjot Kaur, Atul MishraDigital signal processing (DSP) describes the science that tries to analyze, generate and manipulate measured real world signals with the help of a digital computer. These signals can be anything that is a collection of numbers, or measurements and the most commonly used signals include images, audio (such as digitally recorded speech and music) and medical and seismic data. In most digital signal processing applications, the frequency content of the signal is very important. The Fourier transform (FT) is probably the most popular transform used to obtain the frequency spectrum of a signal. Noise removal or de-noising is an important task in image processing.In image processing; medical images are corrupted by various sorts of noises. It is vital to acquire exact pictures to encourage precise perceptions for the given application. Noise is exceptionally hard to expel it from the medical images without the prior knowledge of noise sort. That is the reason noise models are essential in the study of image denoising procedures. These noise models can be selected by analysis of their cause. In this way, exhibit a complete and quantitative analysis of noise models available in medical images. In general, the results of the noise removal have a strong influence on the quality of the image processing techniques. So in this work, to introduce Pollination Based Optimization (PBO) based speckle noise reduction from medical images.
ESTIMATION OF FREE FLOW SPEEDS AND PASSENGER CAR EQUIVALENT FACTORS FOR MULTILANE HIGHWAYS[Full-Text ] Dr. Ahlam k. Razzaq Al-zerjawiFree-flow speed is a parameter that is being used extensively for capacity and level-of- service analysis of various types of highway facilities. This study collects and analyzes free-flow speed data at the midpoints of forty-two multilane rural and suburban highway segments throughout Al-Najaf government. The objectives of this study are to develop models for estimating average free-low speed and for identifying the distribution of individual free-flow speeds. The most important variables that govern free-flow speed are vehicle type, space mean speed, and functional classification of highway . The resulting models facilitate the estimation of free flow speeds of rural and suburban highways.
Drum cavity excitation induced membrane percussion of the Indian folk instrument Sambal[Full-Text ] Ratnaprabha Surve, Keith Desa, Dilip JoagThe Indian percussion instruments family, in its folk category, has many instruments like Dholki, Dimdi, Duff, Sambal etc. The Sambal is a folk membranophone popular in western India and is made up of metal, wood, animal skin and rope. The Sambal is a traditional drum that is used in a number of religious functions. It is generally played by people who are believed to be servants of the goddess Mahalaxmi Devi. This instrument is made up of a pair of metal or wooden pots with animal skin membranes stretched over their open ends. The Sambal is played using a pair of wooden sticks, one of which is curved beyond the shaft form shoulder to tip. The pitch of the right hand side drum that is struck with this specially modified stick is higher than that of the left. Each membrane is excited by repeated strikes generating sounds of constant pitch. This paper discusses vibrational analysis of the Sambal. A spectral analysis of sound picked up in the near field and the modes of membrane-vibration are presented. The investigation has been carried out by employing i) A DSO that provides an FFT of the tone that is picked up in the near field using a condenser microphone, and ii) A horn driver that excites the drum cavity, stimulating the membrane indirectly.
Global topics Sentiment Analysis by using Social Media data mining[Full-Text ] Vaishali J. ShimpiIn recent years, there has been an emerging interest which shows and support social media analysis for marketing, opinion analysis and understanding community coherence. Understanding gained from this social media analysis is used by many organizations like marketing, advertising, disaster management, etc. to improve their performance by planning future strategies. This paper proposes a workflow to integrate both qualitative analysis and large-scale data mining techniques, which by using parallelism and multi-threading technique provide the fastest way to data analysis.
Numerical Study of a Three-Bed Adsorption Chiller with Different Cycles[Full-Text ] Gulshan Khatun, Md.Zafar Iqbal KhanThis paper deals with the numerical results of a three-bed adsorption chiller with different cycles, using mass recovery scheme is used to improve the cooling effect. In the present numerical solution, the heat source temperature variation are taken from 50°C to 70°C (for both cycle) and along with coolant inlet temperature at 30°C and the chilled water inlet temperature at 14°C. Silica gel-water is chosen as adsorbent-refrigerant pair. In the new strategy, mass recovery process occurs in all beds. In cycle1, the configuration of beds in the three bed chiller with mass recovery were taken as uniform in size but in cycle2, the configuration of Hex3 is taken as half of Hex1 or Hex2(where Hex1 and Hex2 are identical). A cycle simulation computer program is constructed to analyze the influence of operating conditions (hot and cooling water temperature) on COP (coefficient of performance), CC (cooling capacity). The performances in terms of cooling capacity (CC) and coefficient of performances (COP) are compared with those of conventional three-bed mass recovery scheme. Results show that the cooling capacity (CC) and coefficient of performance (COP) of the proposed cycle1 is much better than that of the proposed cycle2 in the range of heat source temperature from 50°C to 70°C.