Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017.
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Performance Evaluation of Ethernet for Supporting the Vehicle Body and the Multimedia Domains ant its comparison to FlexRay Bus[Full-Text ] Azer Hasnaoui, Ikbel Mejri, Manel Takrouni, Tahar Ezzeddine, Salem HASNAOUIWe designed a SIMULINK vehicle blockset that corresponds to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) benchmark as a first level of CBSE architecture. We introduced a second level of abstraction where we connect each module to a Simulink DDS blockset to take advantage of the QoS parameters, events generated in response to faults or exceeding of fixed parameters and calls to callback functions, managed within the DDS middleware itself without involving the user tasks realized by the modules in the application level.
LOGICAL AND CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE FOUNDATIONS OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS[Full-Text ] Swatilekha NagThe analysis of the foundations of pure and applied mathematics is proposed. The unity of formal logic and of rational Dialectics is methodologically basis of the analysis. The main result is as follows: the concept of “mathematical quantity”-Starting and central concept in mathematics – is meaningless, erroneous and inadmissible one because it represents the following formal-logical and dialectical-materialistic errors: negation of existence of measure of material object. The correct metrical- geometrical and physical interpretations of mathematical relationship show that the set of standard mathematical functions represents error, mistake and blunder. Therefore, pure mathematics does not satisfy the general-scientific criterion of truth: practice is criterion of truth. The obtained results lead to the conclusion that the generally accepted foundations of pure mathematics are a false one, and they should be reconsidered. Results of the critical analysis of the standard foundations of mathematics applied to problems in physics are discussed.
SILVER NANOPARTICLES FROM JUSTICIA ADHATODA LEAF EXTRACT FOR ITS ANTIPATHOGENIC EFFICACY[Full-Text ] Josephin Sheeba.B, Dr. T. Selva MohanNanotechnology is gaining tremendous impetus in the present century due to its capability of modulating metals into their nanosize. The synthesis, characterization, and application of biologically synthesized nanomaterials have become an important branch of nanotechnology. Research in nanotechnology highlights the possibility of green chemistry pathways to produce technologically important nanomaterials. Metallic nanoparticles are traditionally synthesized by wet chemical techniques, where the chemicals used are often toxic and flammable.
Identification of Dependent Structure and Prediction of Composite Stock Price Index with C-D Vine Copula Approach[Full-Text ] Ira Rosianal Hikmah, Asep Saefuddin, I Wayan MangkuDependent analysis that is frequently used is Pearson correlation and modelling with regression method. The use of both methods must satisfy the normality assumption. If it is violated then the rank correlation can be used and modelling involve the concept of expected value and density function. If the marginal function of each variable is the same then bivariate or multivariate density function is applied. If it is different then joint density function is applied. With the condition of mutually independent, joint density function can be found by multiplying the marginal functions. However, if the variables are mutually dependent then joint density function can be found by using copula analysis. Analysis of copula is a method to know relationship of two or more variables when each variable can spread normally or not and can be used to the same or different marginal distributions. Vine copula analysis can be used if there are at least two variables. This research used vine copula analysis to analyze composite stock price index and macroeconomic (inflation, exchange rate IDR to USD, and interest rate) data. Vine copula types in this study were C-Vine Copula and D-Vine Copula with ellipse and Archimedean copula family. Dependent structure was obtained from comparing the result of copula family and parameter estimation of each type copula based on AIC and BIC. The best dependent structure in this research was D-Vine copula from Archimedean copula family with MLE method. Furthermore, dependent structure was applied to obtain joint density function and computed expected value as copula regression model. Moreover, this study also applied multiple regression as a comparison with copula regression. MAPE score to copula regression was 4.863% and multiple regression was 16.125%. Because of copula regression MAPE score is smaller than the MAPE of multiple regression then it can be concluded that copula regression model is better than multiple regression.
Speech Enhancement In Dual Microphones In Mobile Communication Using Adaptive Filters[Full-Text ] B.Jessie Jahnavi Rama, G.Appala NaiduThe speech enhancement is one of the imperative proceduresuse to enhance the nature of a speech signal i.e. debased by noise. In this paper, a twofold recipient speech change computation for the phones is proposed. The adopted technique exploitsthe intelligence work calculation and the Kalman channel. This estimation has a clear execution that does not require a forecast of intruding signs estimations. Besides, this count can be used as a piece of little devices with so almost expel between the two recipients Moreover, the usage of such figuring grants reducing diverse commotion sources at various azimuths positions. Finally, the new computation shows its presentations suggesting the perceptual evaluation of talk quality and the time zone waveforms. However the perceptual attributes of the discourse flag relies on the perceptual attributes of human ear. To additionally enhance the execution of discourse upgrade framework, Kalman channel is replaced with wiener channel, which depends on covering attributes of human sound-related framework.
Factors Influencing the Customers towards Patanjali Natural Food Products: A study in Hyderabad City[Full-Text ] Dr. RAMAKRISHNA BANDARUPatanjali Ayurved Limited was established in the year 2016 with an objective of making India an ideal place for the growth and development of Ayurveda and a prototype for the rest of the world. Patanjali has already proofed itself as a major player in the Indian FMCG industry. According to Future Group CEO Kishore Biyani, Patanjali has become number three in sales at Future Retails stores after HUL and P&G. It witnessed an enormous annual growth of 146% in fiscal year 2016 grossing a turnover of $769 million. After Magi Noodles incident in India, Patanjali became a leader in Natural and Ayurvedic Food product. Since establishment, it has been introducing variety of Natural and Ayurvedic products in to the market which are rush by customers. Customer’s attraction is a chief task when the firms are introducing a new product in to the market. Generally, customers should not show the interest to look into the new brand unless strong influencing factors. The present study is aimed at identify the factors which pressure the customer to shift into Patanjali Natural food products and their experience towards new brand.
DEMONETIZATION IN INDIA: PRE AND POST EFFECT ON INDIAN INDUSTRY[Full-Text ] Dr. Sudesh Kumar, Ms. Sunandan BumraThe present government took an enormous step to terminate Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes with prompt effect on 8th November 2016. Proceed was aimed to control the fake currency circulation, black money and terror financing movements in the country. India has the highest level of currency in circulation at nearly 13% of GDP. The act of demonetization is expected to have a marked impact on various sectors. The sectors which are based on cash transactions will witness more disturbances. Therefore an attempt has been made to analyse the impact of demonetization on various prominent sectors of Indian economy that are automobile, pharmaceutical, agriculture and consumer market sector etc. Also compare performance of the sectors for pre and post period of demonetization.
Impact of e-Tourist Visa Scheme on Indian Tourism Market[Full-Text ] Dr. RAMAKRISHNA BANDARUThe tourism sector has started playing a vital role in ‎international commerce and business. India is a beautiful and diverse tourism destination and its glorious monuments, nature, culture, etc. magnetize many of the tourists from all over the globe. India has the tremendous travel and tourism market. According to World Travel and Tourism Council report, India has placed at 7th rank in the world in terms of its total contribution to the country’s GDP. As per the report, the tourism sector has generated Rs 14.1 trillion in 2016 which is equal to 9.6% of the Indian GDP. In the last three years, NDA government has undertaken several initiatives to provide a further boost to the Indian tourism market through various schemes like Swadesh Darshan, PRASAD, e-Tourist Visa etc. E-Tourist visa is one of the important initiations by the central government to enhance the foreign tourists and strengthening the tourism market in India. On 27th November 2014, Electronic Travel Authorization scheme has brought by the central government and the scheme was renamed to e-tourist visa on 15th April 2015. The present study is an evaluation study which identifies the impact of e-tourist visa scheme on foreign tourist arrivals and changes in total foreign exchange earnings in Indian Tourism Market. The study will help to the central government for the advancement of the scheme based on the present performance.
New Method for Isolation and Determination ofOleocanthal as carboxylic ester[Full-Text ] H. N. K. Al-Salman, Usama H. Ramadhan, Shaker A. N. Al-JadaanA very newly method was described for the Identification and determinationof[2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) ethyl (3S, 4E)-4-formyl-3-(2-oxoethyl) hex-4-enoate]. Oleocanthal (OLC) as Water Soluble carboxylic ester. The method extracted it from virgin olive fruits by two main steps with separator funnel, the first step by mix solvent Ethanol: Chloroform: Water (40:40:10) and the second step by mix solvent Ethyl acetate: Water (50:50). The Specific estimates ofOleocanthalwith the mixture solvent Acetonitrile: Toluene: Formic acid: Water (4:2:0.5:0.5) was determined by TLC chromatography.The method isolated and purifiedOleocanthal by extracted from olive fruits with methanol/water (80/20, v/v) using a modification of an existing procedure. To obtain one pure material Oleocanthalwas used spectrophotometric IC-UV method in max. wavelength at 278 nm with C18 solid phase column (250mm×4.6mm ID , 5µm) is used for Quantification of Oleocanthal , One peak refers to only one compound in extraction ; Also to Identification of only one extracted compound Via Gas Chromatography-mass spectrometry (MSDCHEM\1\METHODS\MUAFAQ.M) , Oleocanthal is further identified . All methods in procedure have been successfully applied to the determination and identification of Oleocanthal.
Simulation of Reducing Broadcasting Protocol in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] Partha ChakrabortyAd hoc wireless networking is an important research area in the field of wireless networking applications. Mainly I used some wireless topologies, where a temporary peer-to-peer network set up is used to meet immediate need. I have tried to show the best case between the existing system and our proposed system in Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET). In the case of unreliable broadcasting we can use flooding technique. No acknowledgement is needed in flooding technique; only the obligation is to rebroadcast the message from one source to another source in the Mobile ad hoc networks. But some problems may arrive, such as data redundancy, contention and collision. And that’s why I use reliable broadcasting technique. I can cut down the redundancy in this broadcasting technique. My proposed system may work better in case of receiving message without losing data. According to this method we can minimize the cost and power consumption for the establishment of this networks.
Le système de pensée logico - classificatoire.(A)[Full-Text ] Dans mes précédentes communications en « Open Access « , et en édition scientifique, un article paru dans : » International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research « vol.VII, Issue 10, October 2016, p.5 notamment intitulé : »Etude des lois de l’ Esprit relative au Discours mythique et à la Parole chez les peuples premiers », j’avais tenté à partir de l’ébauche d’ ’un modèle ou plus précisément en reprenant la terminologie de Claude Lévi- Strauss, d’ un
How prepared is the Turkish Hotel Industry for “Generation Z” as their guests and employees[Full-Text ] Ahmet Ferda SeymenThe following study will make reference to the research and analysis ofGeneration Z*’ profile and to find out how well the industry is prepared to serve the needs and expectations of*GEN Z; both as guests and employees of their establishment. The aim is to help the hotel industry to be a trend setter rather than a follower in the rapidly changing demands and expectations of the people who have started to shape the world in this very moment.
IMPROVING NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION AND MANAGEMENT IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] IZUWA N. CGas is continuously flared in Niger Delta despite the efforts of the government and the oil industries to curb the menace of gas flaring. If this ugly scene must stop, oil production will be cut down to meet the flare – down target and remote gas field will be abandoned. To continue or increase the present oil and gas production, new market or new form of gas distribution will be created to improve gas utilization. Converting gas energy to electrical energy for local consumption and Natural gas hydrates (NGH) technology for international markets proffer a solution.
THREATS, CHALLENGES, SECURITY OF WIRE LESS BODY AREA NETWORKS (WBAN) USING IEEE 802.15.4/ZIGBEE[Full-Text ] Mubashir Tariq, Muhammad Bilal, khizar AbbasDevelopment in low-power chip circuits, ultra low-power RF (radio frequency) technology, wireless communications and micro sensors acceptable the ability of Wireless Physique Breadth Networks (WBANs). It is one of the latest approaches in medical identification, administration and aswell key architecture block for approaching advised networks and Internet. Wireless BAN has a adequacy to action and acquaint abstracts of affection beat, motion, respiration, physique temperature, sound, beating and claret pressure. Non-invasive sensors can be acclimated to mechanically adviser physiological reading, which can be advanced to abutting devices, as corpuscle buzz as a gateway. The IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) is advised to accommodate a low-power, low abstracts amount agreement alms a top reliability. In this paper, it is presented an overview of wireless physique breadth networks (WBANs), its applications, challenges and WBAN aegis concerns. It is provided a abundant investigational Parameters of IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee), its Operations, Functionality and allegory with OSI Model and Task Group 6 (TG6) aegis issues. Finally, it is fetched to ablaze some of the architecture challenges and accessible issues that still charge to be addressed to accomplish WBANs and ZigBee absolutely ubiquitously for a ample ambit of application.
Remediation of Waste water using Mushroom: Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster Gill Mushroom)[Full-Text ] Sujata Shekhar, Chandan Maurya, J.N.SrivastavaGlobally, the water pollution is one of the most common problems of the world. The water pollution increases day by day due to increasing urbanisation, industrialisation, population growth etc. and it affects the ecosystem. The degradation of environment results in adverse effect on living organisms and agriculture. The goal of the study is to remediate the wastewater by mushroom: Pleurotus ostreatus by checking its physico-chemical parameters before and after the treatment.
First ever record of cytomixis, and associated meiotic irregularities resulting into reduced pollen fertility (%age) in Clematis buchananiana DC[Full-Text ] Maninder KAUR, Vijay Kumar SINGHALWe report the phenomenon of cytomixis for the first time while studying some populations of Clematis buchananiana DC. which shows chromatin transfer at the different stages of meiosis-I. In most of the cases, 2-3 PMCs are involved in chromatin transfer. Transfer of chromatin material through cytomixis resulted into various other meiotic irregularities like hypoploid and hyperploid PMCs, out of plate bivalents, extra-chromatin masses lying away from the main chromosome complement, and chromatin stickiness. In the present case, as a result of cytomixis and other associated meiotic irregularities, a significant reduction in pollen fertility is observed.
Correlation Studies of Some Parameters in Petroleum Wastewater Obtained From Warri, Delta State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Uwidia Ita Erebho, Asia Imohimi Ohioma, Jatto Ejeomo Osazuwa Effluent samples were collected at the discharge pit in the flow line of wastewater stations at one of the petroleum industries in Nigeria. A total of 10 samples were collected for analysis. Physicochemical parameters were analyzed according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. The results show that almost all the parameters analysed complied with the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) limit for effluent discharge in Nigeria. Mean values obtained for the parameters were within the following range: pH = 5.8 – 6.9, temperature (T) 0C = 30.2 - 33.6, electrical conductivity (E.Cond)µS/cm = 30 - 210.00, dissolved oxygen (DO) mg/L = 4.38 - 5.85, total suspended solids (TSS) mg/L = 10.00 - 65.00,total dissolved solids (TDS) mg/L = 15.90 - 121.80,turbidity (Turb) NTU = 5.80 - 45.50,salinity (Sal) mg/L = 6.66 – 53.32, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)mg/L = 4.72 - 5.89,chemical oxygen demand (COD) mg/L = 7.76 - 8.35. Some parameters of interest were correlated to see the possibility of establishing their relationship. Positive correlations were observed for some parameters pairs like, E.Cond/TDS, Turb/TSS, Turb/TDS, E.Cond/Sal, TDS/Sal, COD/BOD; while negative correlations were observed for parameters pairs like BOD/DO and COD/DO. The effect of these correlations in relation to wastewater monitoring was discussed.
THE NEXUS BETWEEN RAW MATERIAL SUPPLIES AND PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE MANUFACTURING FIRMS IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Karibo Benaiah BagshawInefficiency in raw material supplies of Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in Nigeria has led to inefficient use of production time, labour and other resources due to delays or incessant short down and interruptions during production. This has become inherent part of operations in many manufacturing organizations, which has often led to inability to meet customers’ order and eventual loss of market shares. Therefore, this study empirically looked at the effect of raw material supplies on the performance of Small and Medium Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria. The survey research design method was adopted with a sample size of 148 firms from the population of 283 small and medium manufacturing firms. The proportionate stratified random sampling was used to select samples from each of the manufacturing sub-sectors. Structured questionnaire were distributed to each of the selected small and medium manufacturing firms. The data from the questionnaires were analysed, using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The findings showed that raw material supplies have positive and direct relationship on the performance of the studied Small and Medium Manufacturing Firms. Therefore, Small and Medium Scale manufacturing Firms in Nigeria while locating their plant must ensure that the factor of closeness to raw materials is taken as a prime consideration above personal, political and tribal considerations. Also, Small and Medium Scale Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria should establish an information pool for raw material supplies that will be distributed to individual respective firms.
Measuring Quality Standards of Secondary Schools by Rubrics Methods achieving the targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)[Full-Text ] A K M Shamsul Haque, Md. Shafiul Alam ChowdhuryThere are 18905 secondary schools are currently operating under administrative management of Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE). Near about 10 million students are currently enrolled in these secondary schools. It is difficult to provide overall educational supports to these institutions for government, especially to identify which institution needs what kinds of support. To overcome these problems, Secondary School Quality Standard was developed with 31 indicators covering 7 major areas which are (i) Teaching facilities and Equipment; (ii) Student/Teacher Ratio; (iii) Head Teacher Qualifications; (iv) Teacher Qualifications; (v) SMCs composition and procedures; (vi) School Financing and (vii) Assessment. The SSQS has been designed in line with the policy of achievement of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
AN ANALYSIS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DISCOURSES IN TAMIL CINEMA AND ITS IMPACT ON PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] Dr.Sunitha Don Bosco & Bala GaneshCinema is one medium which has a deep impact on its audiences. India is the largest producer of films and has millions of people going to cinema every day. Films provide content for all other media in India, as films are a major chunk of fillers for 24 hour entertainment channels. Hence, it is vital to study the impact of these films on audiences as it plays a major role in shaping their perspectives and perception of the world they live in. Science and technology based narratives are a common feature in cinema especially in the regional language films. There was a spurt in science and technology based films after millennium in Tamil cinema. As ordinary people do not have access to science and technology information, it is cinema through which they see the scientific world. This study critically analyzes the biotechnological discourses that are being portrayed in Tamil movies. This study critically analyses science and technological discourses in Tamil movies. The study aims at categorizing the dominant ideologies of science and technological discourses in Tamil movies and also analyses the impact of these portrayals on the audience. Content analysis of films and an online survey of film goers conclude that cinema in fact has a great impact on the public understanding of science and technology.
Mathematical Model for Several Category Organizations through Stochastic processes[Full-Text ] Dr. G. Nirmala, B. Sridevin category organization subjected to random depart of personnel due to policy decisions taken by the organization is considered. we have found mathematical model and analytical results for the mean of the time for employment at any organization.
Big Data : In the Era of Smart Computing – Not only for the need of Industries but also for Individual[Full-Text ] Chamarthi SirivennelaBIG DATA is one of the largest using words in Today’s IT Industry As we are driving through the Data. Many technologies Are introducing day by day but some of those makes solutions to the problems now and for the near future also . So the main aim of the big data is to make use of different and efficient tools to extract the required information from various forms of Data. BIGDATA, throwing many challenges to Industry like storing, retrieving, maintenance and Security. In the era of Smart computing, Devices and people also generating many types of data that are irreducible. So the main aim of the paper is to introduce the concept of BIG Data, it‘s applications and Tools to make efficient use of Data.
A comparative study on the variation of soil temperature at different depths[Full-Text ] Rezuana IslamFor the sake of energy efficiency in building heat pump emerges as a fruitful solution. Geothermal heat pump requires knowing soil temperature at different depths. In a regression analysis conducted for Dhaka division of Bangladesh Islam et al. [1] estimated regression equations for determining soil temperature at different depths from air temperature. The equations are supposed to be applicable to other similar climatic regions of the world. Level of reliability of these equations is claimed to be strong up to 10cm depth. In this paper we have first of all derived equations for determining variations of soil temperature at different depths using the said regression equations. Analogue of these equations is then derived using the sinusoidal temperature model which was obtained by solving the partial differential equation of heat flow in soil. The two sets of equations are then compared. Regression equations estimated in Islam et al.[1] relating air temperature and soil temperature, are not applicable below 10cm depth whereas the sinusoidal temperature model works at all depths. It seems that this study can help estimating soil temperature from air temperature at all depths. It will further help architects and other bodies concerning building construction designing energy efficient building.
Realizing Children’s Right to Education in Kenya as HIV/AIDS “Socio-Legal Vaccine” [Full-Text ] Irene Maithya & Abuya MethuselaChildren living with, or affected by Human immuno-deficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIVAIDS) the world over face myriad human rights challenges related to their education (UNAIDS, 2015). The responsible factors emanates from within and without their households. The paper seeks to analyse the link between the right to education and HIVAIDS in Kenya. It delves into three questions. Firstly, what is the link between HIVAIDS and the children right to education? Secondly, what does the children rights to education entail? Thirdly, can some educational imperatives augment children rights to education in ways that makes them stronger socio-legal vaccine against HIVAIDS? The paper proposes that the law ought to engender a more inclusive education system which entails the entrenchment and implementation of HIVAIDS education policies into the main school curricula, teacher training and civic education to the society through the media and outreach with a view to sensitizing the communities at the grassroots levels.
Design and implementation of analog controller to reduce line current distortion of high input power factor boost rectifier[Full-Text ] Jayanta Biswas, Aniruddha Kamath M., Mukti BaraiThis paper presents design and implementation of analog controller to obtain high input power factor and low input current distortion in a single phase boost PFC rectifier. The proposed control scheme ensures the reduction in input current dis-tortion at higher voltage loop bandwidth. The dominant second order ripples in the control voltage are eliminated by a simple RC filter stage placed immediately after PI controller. This controller requires minimum additional circuitry. The proposed controller reduces the harmonic distortion to 6-7% at voltage loop bandwidth as high as 50Hz. A 250W single phase rectifier system is de-signed and simulated on MATLAB/SIMULINK software. A prototype of single phase boost converter rated at 250W, 85V-260V (input rms), 385V (output) is implemented with the UC3854 analog controller to validate the proposed control method.
OVO Weighted Votingfor Multi-Class Imbalanced ClassificationHavingDistanceas Weight[Full-Text ] Ch.Sarada , M.Sathya DeviMulti-Class imbalanced classification happens in many applications. Most existing solutions use decomposition strategies to address Multi-Class imbalanced classification problem. The common decomposition strategies used are ‘One-versus-One’ (OVO) and ‘One-versus-All’(OVA) binarization techniques.In almost all existing ‘One-versus-One’ decomposition strategy applications, classification decision has been made based on simple voting strategy, which can lead to wrong conclusions. So, it is necessary to look for alternative.
FAVH: A Novel Technique of Faster Authentication in Vertical Handoff in WLAN and CDMA Network[Full-Text ] Hemavathi, S. AkhilaIncorporation of complex cryptographic protocol calls for more recursive encryption which degrades the handoff mechanism in heterogeneous wireless network. After reviewing the existing literatures about the handoff with respect to security and fast authentication protocols, various problems have been surfaced that loses to keep sustainable balance between security and handoff delay. Hence, this paper proposes a novel approach called as FAVH or Fast Authentication in Vertical Handoff which uses a dynamic feature-based encryption mechanism during the handoff between Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) network. The study outcome shows FAVH outperforms the most frequently used Extensible Authentication Protocol using Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) with respect to key generation time, encryption time, decryption time and computational complexity.
Consumer Perception and Behavioral Patterns onNutritional Food Consumption of Urban and Suburban Segments of Sri Lanka: A Decisional Analysis to Case –Related Implications[Full-Text ] P. W.Liyanage, D.M.R.DissanayakeThere are structural dynamics taking place within the population structure of Sri Lanka with noted trends in demographic dynamics. Further, healthy life style has been largely referred in many national level policies and empirical studies as a key determinant for holistic development of the nation. The behavioral trends towards the nutritional food consumption is one of the critical contexts which is being investigated in the national level priorities. This paper also attempts to investigate the empirical insights of the urban and suburban consumers towards the wholesome food consumption practices addressing to empirical knowledge gaps found within. Accordingly, survey method was employed with a structured questionnaire as the research tool to figure out perceptions and behavioral responses of 280 respondents towards the wholesome food consumption practices. Study follows a random sampling method and descriptive statistical tools were used to analyze the primary data. Findings were discussed by highlighting the needful insights for policy development and managerial implications for the industry players. It has presented the behavioral insights of the protein consumption trends of Sri Lanka addressing to both policy level and industry-related priorities. Finally, paper concludes the future research directions referring to the propositions of consumer behavioral responses pertaining to nutrition industry of Sri Lanka.
Melatonin Modulates Prohibitin and Cytoskeleton in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium[Full-Text ] Srinivas R. Sripathi, Cameron L. Prigge, Beth Elledge, Weilue He, Johnpaul Offor, Diana R. Gutsaeva, and Wan Jin JahngThe retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) plays imperative roles in normal retinal function by photoreceptor protection from light and phagocytosis of rod and cone outer segments during disc shedding. Melatonin is the free radical scavenger and circadian determinant to protect the RPE and retina from oxidative stress and regulate the circadian clock. The current study tested the hypothesis whether melatonin could affect cytoskeletal structure within RPE.
Commoning as an approach to Community Plan-ning: An inquiry into the role of urban local bodies and commoners[Full-Text ] Sarmada Madhulika KoneCommunities are formed based on the commonalities that exist in a set of individuals, when the group comes together on identifying those commonalities or to achieve their common goals. Thus, community planning with its vision to strengthen the community, mostly involves with making or remaking of commons, which results in making or remaking of communities. This paper looks into few practices of planning around the world and tried to establish a link between commoning (the act of exercising the rights over commons by commoners) and participatory approach to community planning.
VIDEO QUALITY ENHANCEMENT USING INTERACTIVE GENETIC ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] Ms. Seena Teresa George, Ms. Jissy Liz JoseEven when so many video processing techniques and tools are available, video quality enhancement is a cumbersome task for a layman. This is mainly because of two reasons, the existing techniques may not prove good to be used as a standalone system that could work efficiently under any circumstances and the user should have some basic knowledge about how to use the system and what changes it makes on the video. Video Quality Enhancement using Interactive Genetic Algorithm, aims at designing and developing a system that could work as efficient as the existing systems and overcome their shortcomings. The system uses a combination filter to enhance the video and genetic algorithm is used to tune the input parameters of the combination filter. Interactive genetic algorithm is used so that the user can control the evolution process, by choosing best videos, after each iteration of the genetic algorithm, and get an enhanced video according to his emotions and intuitions. The system was tested using System Usability Test (SUS) and was found to be effective, efficient and satisfactory in performance, while enhancing videos with very average visual quality.
DESIGN BAGAN FISHING TOOL USING AUTOMATIC BASED SENSOR MAXSONAR ARDUINO-WR[Full-Text ] Andi Maslan, Joni Eka Chandra, Cosmas Eko SuharyantoIndonesia is a Maritime country, consists of many islands from Sabang to Merauke. One of the islands is Riau Archipelago. The people of Riau Archipelago are livelihood as fishermen. Fishing Equipment used by fishermen still lags behind other countries that are geographically not maritime nations. Fishermen use a traditional set of fish traps made of light-mounted nets. In the process of catching fish, light instructors are required to collect fish that have positive phototoxic. Fish will gather under lights, then, the nets will be lifted manually by fishermen. The fishing process is less efficient. In this study, we try to create a modern technology by developing prototype, an applicable technology that can be applied for the fisherman. The protyotype developed in this study by making an Arduino-based automatic fish catcher using the Maxsonar-WR Sensor. Through the design stage, analysis and testing, the fishing prototype can do the fishing automatically so that easier job for the fisherman in his work.
Lowend Motorcycle Front brake Lever travel and Braking torque analysis[Full-Text ] Hassan Aditya Kamalakumar, Sharanbassappa S Patil, Moresh DeshpandeThe Motorcycles in India uses split type foundation brakes where the hand operated control force of the rider is used to initiate front wheel braking. In the motorcycles employed with hydraulic disc brakes, the control force is converted into braking torque at the brake disc and is used to slow down the vehicle or to bring it to a complete halt. During a panic braking event, the perception time is very short and calls for quick braking action and short stopping distance. These objectives can be performed by targeting lever travel to achieve quick braking action and augmenting braking torque pertaining to attain shorter stopping distance. The work presents physical process of motorcycle front braking in the form of validated mathematical equations that has common variables. These variables can be targeted to achieve multi-objective optimization of disc brakes that corresponds to quick braking action and reduced stopping distance simultaneously.
How to generate electricity from UnderwaterTurbine[Full-Text ] ASHUTOSH MISHRA One the greatest untapped energy resources in the world are the motion of the ocean. And while floating wind turbines and wave-powered generators are being explored throughout the world, there still remains one largely untapped power source, the underwater ocean currents. Using this method we can generate electricity by it by the passing of ocean currents in the turbine. In the world there are many plants which pollute the environment hence degrading it and we can see the results too. By this method we can generate more and more electricity and use it and can reduce the use of thermal power plants.
Implementation of VoIP Speech Encryption System Using Stream Cipher with Lorenz map Key Generator[Full-Text ] Mahmood K. Ibrahem, Hussein Ali KassimVoice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a fast growing service in communication technology. Due to the cost-effectiveness, many organizations have been deploying VoIP technology for their teleconferencing and video conferencing services. In recent decades, various types of unsecured applications have been developed, and different application protocols have been standardized but without providing any confidentiality to voice stream when traveling on the open or shared networks.