Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017.
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EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE ON DYSLIPIDEMIA[Full-Text ] Ass. Mr.Sci. Adem Hykolli, Fatlum Dalipi, Prof. Dr. Sci. Med. Lutfi ZylbeariTo improve the lipid profile of the individual, it is recommended that lifestyle changes including regular exercise as well as dietary changes will prove highly beneficial (1)However, the goals of the exercise prescription program may vary depending on the form of dyslipidaemia. For example, sufferers of hyperlipidaemia should focus on losses of adiposity and body weight, as these factors influence Body Mass Index (BMI) scores which correlate to total cholesterol concentrations, and an exercise program that focuses weight loss can affect total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels [2] .Aerobic exercise will be the base of the exercise program. Resistance training and flexibility programs will contribute to the exercise prescription plan, and do present positive outcomes to the patient, however do not contribute as much as aerobic exercise to the overall energy expenditure, necessary for dyslipidaemic patients.
CONTRIBUTIONS OF WET PERIODS ON ROAD CRASHES IN AWKA, ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Nzoiwu, C. P, Enete C. I, Ezezue, A.M, Okolie, A. O and Adibe, J.CThe purpose of this paper is to identify potential interactions between rainfall characteristics and road crashes in Awka, Anambra state. Data on monthly road traffic accidents and rainfall were collected for the study from the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) and Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET). A total of 811 crashes occurred in Anambra state and 419 deaths were recorded between 2013 and 2015, out of which 34% of the total crash and 15% of the total deaths recorded occurred in Awka. It was shown that the total road traffic accidents in Awka is a function of wet period, dry spell effect and some other factors are responsible for this trend. Correlation between road traffic crash and wet period was negatively correlated and not statistically significant. Rain crash effect, an index of crash per unit wet day, was found to be relatively high for the month of June throughout the 3 year period. The reasons for this development were outlined.
A new method of implementing Single Sampling Plan by variables using interval estimates of process mean and variance[Full-Text ] Reddi Rani K, Sai Sarada V, Sarma KVSIn this paper we propose a new method of implementing a Single Sampling Plan by Variables (SSPV) when a lower specification limit is given. The idea is to utilize the information contained in the (1-α)% confidence intervals (CI) of a) the process mean and b) process variance in the place of their point estimates and a new test statistic Z is proposed assuming that the data follows normal distribution. Taking the lower, middle and upper values of the CI for each of the two parameters, we get 9 possible combinations to derive the Z statistic. We have proposed a method of weighted average of these 9 estimates and examined the quality of decision about sentencing the lot. It is shown by simulation that the new method gives better results than the method based on the point estimates.
ANALYSIS OF NUCLEOTIDE REPEATS OF Babesiabigemina[Full-Text ] MunazaKausar, Anam AsifBabesia genus is a group of apicomplexan protozoans which spend a part of their life cycle in host and other part in the vector. Genome of the Babesiabegimina consists of five chromosomes. When the genetic sequence of Babesiabegiminawas observed then different nucleotide repeats and inverted repeats were observed. Among the nucleotide repeats, dinucleotides, trinucleotides, tetranucleotide and multinucleotides of the four nitrogenous bases were observed. In the case of inverted repeats, palindromic sequences which are read same in the forward direction as that in the reverse direction were observed.
The Underlying Causes of Building Collapse in The Nigerian Construction Industry[Full-Text ] Essien, Akaninyene PatrickThis study identified and evaluates the causes of building collapse, and the preventive measures that can avert such occurrences with the high frequency in the number of collapsed structures scattered around the length and breadth of Nigeria. The method employed in data collection includes the administration of a questionnaire to professionals in the Nigerian construction industry.
Quality Enhancemet in Traffic Congetion of Sensor Network Trough Pass-Process Model[Full-Text ] Rian Muhammad Malik Sensor has increasingly become one of the widely used networks over the past several years. It is being used in many fields i.e. military security surveillance, habitat monitor the environmental conditions such as temperature, pressure and sound, target tracking and medical application etc. Like the other networking threats and challenges, the sensor network also face some important threat, one of them is traffic congestion in the network which always remains a problem and finding the best solution for this is still a research issue. The main challenge is to take all the possible solution in consideration and make the network more reliable. This research “Quality Enhancement in Traffic Congestion of Sensor Network through Pass-Process Model” is suggested. This proposed research is applicable to reduce the traffic congestion on sensor network.
Optical method for measurement of radius of curvature of large diameter mirrors[Full-Text ] A. K. Srivastava, K.C. Sati, Satyander KumarAn optical method is presented for measurement of radius of curvature of large diameter metal mirrors and lenses. This method is based on 3D profile measurements through the aperture of optics. Measurements also provide information about positive or negative curvatures on optical surfaces. The method was used for measurement of radii of curvatures of optical surfaces involving both opaque as well as transparent optics, mirrors and lenses. The results are compared with those obtained by Twyman-Green interferometer. In all measurements, the measured value was found within ±2% of designed value for respective optics.
EXPLORATION OF MUNICIPAL EXPANSION AND LAND-USE TERRESTRIAL COVER CHANGE: A STUDY OF LOKOJA, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Joy Ede Ukoje, Majekodumi Itta Makanjuola, Emmanuel Kehinde OluleyeLokoja, like many African cities, has been experiencing rapid population growth in recent decades due to mass immigration and economic growth. However, the growth is taking place in an unplanned manner creating sprawling low-density development and uneconomic use of land and environmental resources with adverse effects on the environment. This paper analyses urban expansion and its implications on the environment with a view to improving planning and management of urban growth. The study uses remote sensing and geographic information system techniques to map and quantify land use/land cover changes, measure the rate of urban expansion and examine the pattern of development between 1991 and 2014. Supervised classification of Landsat imageries of 1991, 2001 and 2014 was used to classify land use/ land cover types.
EVALUATION OF INDUSTRIAL POTENTIALS OF CLAY DEPOSIT IN AKWA IBOM STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Paul A. Udofia, Thomas A. Harry, Joseph I.UdoClay is one of the natural resources that is present in Akwa Ibom State alongside hydrocarbons, limestone, gravel, etc. If the clay deposit is exploited by the government, it will generate foreign exchange for the country and also create employment opportunities for the teeming unemployed youths, from the establishment of its associated industries. This study which was limited to clay depositsin Itu, Ibiono, Ikot Abasi, Oruk Anam, Uyo, Ikono, and Ini local government areas was aimed at determining the suitability in terms of their physical properties for industrial applications. Results from various tests suggest that clays from all the locations are suitable for paper production except that of Eka Nnung Ikot (OrukAnam) because its colourdoes not meet this requirement..From the grit result, clays from Uniuyo ravine, Nkwot Ikot Umo and Eka Nnung Ikot falls within the range of 5 - 8% meaning it can be processed dry,whereas that of Ette, Ikot Obong, Ntiat Itam and Asantim can only undergo wet processing.Based on the properties obtained from other tests including viscosity, hydrometer, firing and specific gravity tests, it can be said that the clays from Nkwot Ikot Umo in Ikono, Asantim in Ini, Ikot Obong in Ibiono Ibom, and those of Uniuyo ravine in Uyo are excellent raw materials for the production of paper, coating, filling andceramics production with little or no additive.
Sequence Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphic Characterization of the System Tracts in the Calabar Flank,Lower Benue Trough,Nigeria [Full-Text ] Thomas A . Harry, Clement E. Bassey, Sunday W. PettersThe sequence stratigraphic approach was employed in this study using outcrops across the Calabar Flank and interpretations done based on vertical relationship of lithofacies, foraminiferal and palynological data. Each outcrop was extensively analyzed in terms of system tracts, maximum flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries. The Awi Formation represents deposition during the low stands of the sea during the Aptian Stage (? 125-110Ma) while Mfamosing Formation comprises a depositional sequence formed during the third-order global sea level cycle with the UZA-1 representing the Mid-Albian Stage (103-96.6 Ma). Two genetic sequences corresponding to the third order cycles UZA-2 (Albian-Early Cenomanian) and UZA-2.5 (Late Cenomanian-Mid-Turonian) were recognized for the Ekenkpon Shales with Maximum Flooding Surfaces (MFS’s) delineated at 17.0m, 12.0m and 4.0m, representing the Late-Albian to Cenomanian Stage (?99-97Ma), Late Cenomanian stage (?94.1 – 92.1Ma) and Early to Mid Turonian Stage (?92-91.2Ma) respectively. These depositional sequences were dated using the associated planktic foraminifera. The Regressive parasequences belonging to the Mid-Cenomanian stage (? 94.5-94Ma) were encountered in the course of this work. The New Netim Marl reflected a Highstand and Transgressive System Tract of Coniacian stage, while the Nkporo Shale indicated a Transgressive System Tract (TST) formed during the Campanian-Maastrichtian stage.
Mathematical Model for Prediction of Sustainability of “Single Window Digital University Framework across Haryana State Universities”[Full-Text ] Susheel Kumar, Prof. Kuldip Singh, Darshan MaruThe State Government of Haryana has been planning and pushing hard to bring all 14 state aided Universities under single window umbrella programme of ‘Digital University Framework’ (DUF) in line with the Mission “Digital India Programme” launched by the Government of India to facilitate the Students, Parents, Teachers and Handling of Infrastructure of Universities in a transparent, efficient and cost effective manner. To understand the ground realities of digitalization and ICT systems implementation by all 14 state Universities, a study has been conducted by organizing interactive meetings with respective authorities of the Universities on different dates. It was found that, the Universities have taken a number of IT initiatives for digitization, development and implementation of various applications at their level.
SYMMETRIC 2-STEP 4-POINT HYBRID METHOD FOR THE SOLUTION OF GENERAL THIRD ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS[Full-Text ] S. J. Kayode and F.O. ObarhuaThis research considers a symmetric hybrid continuous linear multistep method for the solution of general third order ordinary differential equations. The method is generated by interpolation and collocation approach using a combination of power series and exponential function as basis function. The approximate basis function is interpolated at both grid and off-grid points but the collocation of the differential function is only at the grid points. The derived method was found to be symmetric, consistent, zero stable and of order six with low error constant. Accuracy of the method was confirmed by implementing the method on linear and non-linear test problems. The results show better performance over known existing methods solved with the same third order problems.
“Communication Systems of Civil Emergencies and Its Challenges”AnIntrospective Literature Review[Full-Text ] Mr. Ghanshyam Purswani, Dr. Girish Parmar, Dr. Lokesh TharaniIntrospectively undertaken literature review of existing communication systems of civil emergenciesobjectivelycontemplative its pertaining challenges.Literature review’s extended aim is to understand need and designingholistic framework using innovative technologies which can eradicate challenges of all uniform and non-uniform stakeholders.
Effects of alkaline and alkaline-oxidative chemical pretreatments of crop residues on enzymatichydrolysisbyfungalcellulases[Full-Text ] Caroline Mariana de Aguiar, Alessandra Rodrigues Rufino, SalahDin Mahmud Hasan, Sérgio Luiz de LucenaLignocellulosic materials such as crop residues arevery abundant and can be an important source of carbohydratesfor bioprocesses such as the production of bioethanol. Cellulose is a biopolymer formed by glucose units and cellulases enzymes,under specific physical and chemical conditions, can hydrolyse the cellulose chain producing fermentable sugars. Cellulases enzymes were produced by Aspergillus niger using sugarcane bagasse as the fermentation solid substrate. The cellulases were used for hydrolysing the sugarcane bagasse, corn straw and wheat strawas enzyme´s substrate,with and without chemical pretreatments. The pretreatments increase the cellulose content, modifies its structure and enhance the cellulase activity. The alkaline treatment usesNaOHsolution at 4% (w/v) and the alkaline-oxidative treatment uses 1% (v/v) H2O2/NaOHsolution at pH11.5. The aim of this work was to compare the effects of alkaline and alkaline-oxidative pretreatments of thesugarcane bagasse, corn straw and wheat straw on their cellulose content and on the enzymatic hydrolisis using cellulases produced by Aspergillus niger. It was concluded thatboth alkaline and alkaline-oxidative pretreatmentsincreases the cellulose content and improves the cellulases activity. The alkaline pretreatment provided higher cellulose content and the alkaline-oxidative pretreatment provided higher cellulase activity and was more effective for the straw type substrates.
TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION SENSITIVITY VERSUS PRICE SENSITIVITY OF SMARTPHONE CUSTOMERS; IPHONE CUSTOMERS IN FOCUS FOR THE PAST DECADE (2007-2017)[Full-Text ] Kofi Amankwah Boamah, Ebenezer Agbozo The purpose of this study is to assess the iPhone customers’ sensitivity to price, sensitivity to technological innovations for the past decade and compare their sensitivity to price to that of technological innovation worldwide. The data set is collected from www.apple.com and www.statista.com, no sampling method was used as using the whole data is the best way to present the true picture of the situation. A total of 12 specifications of iPhone data were collected from the period of 2007 to 2017. The findings revealed that customers are not sensitive to price in their purchasing decision, which indicates that customers buy more iPhones at initial higher price than at later dates when price is low. This was mostly the case in the period when the whole world faced financial crisis known as credit crunch. On the other hand, customers are more sensitive to technological innovations in their purchase decisions, by this, customers buy more of iPhone with a lot of advance specifications. The findings of this study are limited by the number of iPhone specifications considered and price. This study is important for manufacturer of iPhone to understand the consumers’ price and technological innovation sensitivity when it comes to purchase decision to be more competitive.
Characterizations of the Late Cenomanian Reservoirs in Asala Field, East Bahariya Concession, Northern Western Desert, Egypt[Full-Text ] Tharwat M. Abd Elhafeez, Mohamed Fathy, Hany H. Abd Elaal and Ahmed Abd EllatiefThe study aimed to combine the different available data to understand the subsurface system and the characteristic of reservoirs in Asala Field to represent the vertical and lateral heterogeneity at the well, multi-well, and field scale, which could be used as a tool for reservoir management.
Awareness And Knowledge Of Parents About Precocious Puberty And Its Possible Complication On Affected Child - KSA - 2017[Full-Text ] Khalid A Althobaiti, Ayman A. Bakar, Arwa K. Alharthi, Ahmad S. AlharthiAim: Our aim was to assess knowledge and awareness of Saudi parents about precocious puberty (PCP). Method: We conducted a cross sectional study from June - August 2017 at different region in Saudi Arabia to assess the Awareness and Knowledge of parents about PCP Using pretested questionnaire includes 15 questions about the risk factors , possible complications and diagnosis . . Their responses were scored and participants were divided into two groups: 1.) poor knowledge if scores were ≤5/15 and 2.) fair/good knowledge if scores were ≥5/15.
DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY EVALUATION OF VEGETABLE JUICE BLEND WITH COCONUT MILK[Full-Text ] Preksha Manna, Md.Gyasuddin, PrashantChahubey, ShashwatSrivastava and Dharmendra Kumar YadavMany studies show that organic food as vegetables, fruits and preserves contained more dry matter, C and B group vitamins, total sugar, indispensable amino acids, and minerals. At the same time organic plant foods usually have been in general better evaluated in terms of taste and smell than conventional ones. The objective of this study was to develop the carrot,beetroot juice blended with coconut milk. Analysis of the products was carried out in the laboratory in terms of different physico-chemical parameter. It was observed that the developed blended juice was full with nutrient like vitamin C, Vitamin A and total sugar. The shelf-life of the developed blended juice was 15 days when stored at 4 áµ’C temperature in terms of microbial activity. So the aim was to develop such a blended juice with high nutrient in different property and to maintain the quality of that juice to make it consumer acceptable and also give them the health benefit required.
Coffee Husk Highly Available in Ethiopia as an Alternative Waste Source for Biofuel Production[Full-Text ] Wondwosen Sime, Ramachandran Kasirajan, Samuel Latebo, MamushAbera, Ahmednur Mohammed, Eskedar Seraw, Wudnesh AwokeCoffee is one of the top commodities produced and commercialized worldwide, and the processing of coffee generates significant amounts of agricultural waste, ranging from 50% to 60% the weight of the total coffee produced, depending on the type of processing. Coffee husks are the major solid residues from the processing of coffee, for which there are no current profitable uses, and their adequate disposal constitutes a major environmental problem. In Ethiopia 192000metric tons of coffee is Husk cast adrift as by-product per year and there is 134,400 metric ton of coffee husk disposed per year in Jimma area. Thus, in compliance with the concept of sustainable development, innovative techniques and products for the profitable and adequate use of this type of residue are being sought. Several research works presenting proposals for such endeavors have been published in the literature and are reviewed herein. The alternative uses of Coffee Husk are producing bioethanol by biochemical conversion processes (pretreatment, hydrolyses, fermentation and distillation). There were six lab experiments conducted depending on size of the sample and diluted sulfuric acid concentration. From those experiments three of them were depending on three different size (0.5mm,1mm and 2mm).Three of such samples were hydrolyzed by 4%(v/v) H2SO4and the remained were hydrolyzedby1%(v/v)H2SO4.The output is flammable, clear and colorless liquid fuel. The yield of each experiment was calculated and the result was characterized by PH value, UV-spectroscopy, physical and chemical properties. Based on this characterization, from all samples, sample two (S2) of size 0.5mm and 1 %(v/v) of dilute H2SO4 used is optimized. Thus from 100gm of coffee husk powder, 69%of the yield is obtained.
Teenager’s Advertisement outlook - evidences from Gujarat state[Full-Text ] Gincy Jiju Mathew, Dr. Jayaashish Sethi, Jiju Mathew JohnThis study intends to understand the media consumption pattern prevailing amongst the teenagers and their preferences towards advertisements, so as to identify the right means and mode of communication to these teens. There are lot of myths existing in the society regarding the teens, with a broader myth that they are too busy, they do socialize, but through an interface. It also intends to check, are today’s teenager reachable with the same means and strategy like their parents. The study focuses on portraying realities over the following believed myths, that teens are grabbing new media’s over television, they are the biggest internet users, they hate newspapers and radio, they are too mobile & app oriented, all gamers are teens, they are absurd, and are not normal, they just don’t like same media content as their parents, they are too high in cross- platform media engagement than any other genre. The teenager’s media habits shall be studied by scanning their daily routine and media behaviours through the media popularity, media preference, time of exposure, interface, content and post media activity. Study shall individually measures their continuum of activities and/or preferences towards broadcast, print, radio, social media, OOH. Further it explores the purchase intensions and their preference of advertising content. For this study 135 teenagers from select cities of Gujarat were surveyed.
Analysis of Major Defects Position and Percentage in Sewing Lines of a Garments Factory with the Help of Pareto Chart, Cause Effect Diagram and Sigma Level[Full-Text ] Tarikul Islam, Shadman Ahmed Khan, Mahdiul Hasan Sakib, Asif Sakib, Abu Bakar SiddiqueeBangladesh is a developing country and 83% of the foreign currency comes from the garment sector. Garment export business is a vital issue for our country. To upgrade the position in the ranking and to make the position strong in the world contest we have to compete with world class competitors by maintaining 100% quality. So, we have to ensure that our production process management systems are the best and always under development and also capable of producing best quality product. This project work represents a study on defects in the sewing lines of a garments factory by Pareto chart, cause effect diagram and six sigma to find out the major defects and their percentage and also find out the defect standard level with the help of total amount of defects per million garments. It is studied in “Comfit Composite Knit Limited” which is a 100% export oriented knit garment factory. We worked in the sewing section for our project purpose and collected three months total defects data with all sewing lines, analyzed the defects by Pareto chart and identified 7 major defect positions where 78.94% of total defects occur. After that we worked in separate line to find out the defect condition. We observed in case of short sleeve polo shirt and sweat top tee sewing defects. After Pareto analysis, it was found out 9 major defects which contain 11.86% defect position areas where 54.02% of defects occur in case of polo shirt and in case of sweat top tee 5 major defects which contain 11.29% defect position area where 53.31% of defects occur, it was analyzed 6 common major defects and causes of these defects. Then it was shown by cause effect diagram and given some recommended remedies for these causes. After analysis the defects by sigma calculator we got sigma level 2.78 for all production lines, sigma level 2.88 for short sleeve polo shirt production line and sigma level 2.75 for sweat top tee production line which were inside the standard defect range.
Multilingual ontology-based knowledge model for e-learning resources delivery[Full-Text ] Tatyana Ivanova IvanovaMultilingual ontologies are needed to ensure flexible access to the multilingual data and other language-dependent resources by the users. Resent researches show that multimodal learning, that uses miltilingual resources is more effective than traditional uni-modal learning. In this paper we present a short survey of the approaches to develop multilingual ontologies and its usage in the e-learning. We seek the reasons for low research interest to the usage of multilingual ontologies in e-learning and propose the knowledge model that will clarify the need of multilinguality in e-learning and will simplify usage of multilingual ontologies in this area.
Correlate between the Effects of FGM Practice and Women’s Sexual Life A Case Study of the Tugen Community in Baringo County, Kenya[Full-Text ] Enos Barasa MukadiFemale Genital Mutilation (FGM), which is the partial or total cutting away of the female genitalia, has been practiced for centuries in parts of Africa and other regions of the world as an element of the rite of passage. As a result of cultural dynamism, FGM has been evolving with time to cope with challenges of modernity. Traditionally, it was performed by a traditional practitioner with crude instruments and without anesthetic.The practice of FGM has been hard to eliminate in many practicing communities like the Tugen community despite efforts by the church and the Kenya Government. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the effects of FGM practice and women’s sexual life among the Tugen of Baringo County in Kenya.
Electric Power Quality Enhancement by Reduced Voltage Sag/Swell[Full-Text ] Dr. Suad Ibrahim ShahlElectric Power quality is a term which has tacked increasing attention in power engineering in the recent years. The term power quality re-fers to maintaining a sinusoidal waveform of bus voltages at rated voltage and frequency. Voltage sag/swell caused by the short-circuit faults in transmission and distribution lines have become one of the most important power quality problems facing industrial customers and utilities. Currently many systems exist which can help to mitigate these voltage sags such as Dynamic Voltage Restorer and FACTS based devices. In this paper, mitigate voltage sag/swell condition and power quality improvement in distribution line using Static VAR compensator (SVC). The research is carried on in Matlab/Simulink making use of the SimPower Systems package and performance analysis of the system is presented for various levels of sag and swell. Also the compensator can maintain the load powers both real and reactive powers constant. Simulation results are presented for various conditions of sag and swell disturbances in the supply voltage to show the performance of the new mitigation technique.
Global performance management using dashboard integrating stakeholders expectations: case study of an agribusiness company[Full-Text ] Ms.HAKMAOUI Ilhame, M.LOUKILI Abdellatif In a context of growing social and environmental concerns, the term Corporate Social Responsibility Organizations (SRO) moved gradually into the common vocabulary, it means that a company must not only worry about its economic profitability and growth, but also its environmental and social impacts and be more attentive to the concerns of its stakeholders. This article provides a generic approach to design a dashboard in the event of a caper production enterprise for sustainable development in the enterprise while integrating the expectations of these stakeholders.
Microcontroller Based Electronic Distribution Board[Full-Text ] Simon W. Pallam, Rilwan Usman, David W. Michael and Matthew K. Luka This paper presents an electronic distribution board that overcomes the challenges of conventional distribution boards/circuit breakers such as arcing, contact bounce and slow response. The aim of the research work is to design a system that ensures reliable and secure power supply to a building. The system is built around PIC16F877A microcontroller, a Hall Effect current sensor and Solid State Relays (SSRs). When a fault occurs on any line, the current sensor sends data to the microcontroller to issue a command to the switching device (SSR) to switch off the faulty line. The system also incorporates a changeover circuitry with generator shutdown capability that switches power between mains and generator supplies. Empirical results show that the distribution board ensures a reliable and safe power supply to the building by switching off faulty lines when excessive load is sensed.
SAFE DRIVING MODE ON AUTONOMOUS CARS AND INNOVATIONS IN AUGMENTED-REALITY TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] C.Deepa, C.NandhiniIn this paper,the autonomous driving cars which creates a amusing part of technical world with multiple technologies .And the safest driving methodologies of driver less cars and the upcoming to renown with the technology called augmented reality. In self driving cars certain methodologies and algorithms have been implemented for making driver less cars. The most self drive cars have been designed using video capturing of opposite party and rules destination routes and road conditions as sensors which created as software and implemented inside as the car parts. The augmented reality cars used to view the roads and traffics and the opposite drivers action can be displayed in the optic cameras which was attached as the front side car glasses that to prevent from traffic. This technology aims to increase driver safety for a more convenient driving experience. An augmented-reality helmet that gives cyclists a 360-degree view of the road could help prevent accidents throw Optic cameras provided by Google glass, GPS navigation has been installed to track the information and performance of the driver.
Projecting the Future Direction of Publication PatternsUsing Text Mining[Full-Text ] Adebola K. OjoIn this study, text mining techniques were used to identify various research trends in academic journal publications. These techniques were applied to figure out trends in research patterns related to various specialisation areas in Computer Science academic journal articles within a period of two decades. The corpus mined were crawled online, pre-processed and transformed into structured data using filtering and stemming algorithms. The data were grouped into series of word features based on bag of words document representation. Abstracts and the keywords of the articles selected from these journal articles were used as the dataset. It was discovered that the publication trends have changed tremendously from communications and security to artificial intelligence over time.
Anthropological Interference on the Vegetation of Wassaniya Forest Reserve of Sokoto State Nigeria[Full-Text ] Atiku, M. MohdZaki, H. Nazree, S., Arifin, A. &Rosmah, M. A participatory rural appraisal study was conducted using inclusion and exclusion criteria within twelve communities residing around Wassaniya Forest Reserve in Sokoto State Northern Nigeria, in order to ascertain the anthropological interference on the forest reserve. A multistage random sampling technique was adopted for selecting 120 respondents, from 3 villages out of 2 district each in two local government areas of Sokoto State. The results reveals different means of forest exploitation that were largely due to anthropological (human) interference. These includes collection of fuel wood, illegal hunting, sales of Non-timber forest products, over-grazing, uncontrolled bush-burning, carving of local farm implements, thatching and collection of charcoal for black smith. Other means of forest exploitation found includes but not limited to collection of fruits and food from the forest, collection of herbs for medicinal purposes, Tannings, Gums and resins. The overall dependency of all the communities on forest for their daily needs shows that there is urgent needs for actions to be taken so as to diversify their income, increase their awareness on the sustainable forest management in order to reduce the risk of deforestation and desertification and the adverse effects of global warming within the area.
Study of the interactional properties between Curcumin / Monodimethylcurcumin andprotein (NS1) of dengue fever virus type 4 (DENV4)[Full-Text ] Samara Sampaio Carneiro, Helyson Lucas Braz, Jacilene Silva, Carlos Lacerda de Morais Filho, Márcia Machado Marinho, Emmanuel Silva MarinhoAedes aegypti, a mosquito that transmits dengue fever, belongs to the Flaviviridae family, the genus Flavivirus, a viral disease caused by arboviruses of the hematophagous species, currently has four serotypes DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. About 390 million people a year in the world are infected with the dengue virus. The mature virus has a length of approximately 11 kilobases (Kb), coated with an icosahedral protein coat (capsid), after cleavage it generates three structural proteins and seven non-structural proteins. The human being has always made use of medicinal plants for therapeutic purposes to seek better responses to treatments. The Ligand curcumin or turmeric, a native species of Indian shrub has been registered since centuries in both cooking and Indian medicine, which has antioxidant pharmacological actions attributed to its hydroxyl and methoxy groups, characterized by its anti-inflammatory action, Adept at antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antitumor action. The present study was developed using the molecular anchoring methodology(Docking), with the objective of evaluating the interaction between the Curcumin ligand and the dengue serotype four virus (DENV-4) protein(NS1), through computational simulation. The molecular docking results showed a correlation with the activity values of the compounds, confirming the importance of some residues for DENV-4 activity. The ASP121 residue appears to be the most important of the catalytic triad followed by TYR107 and ASP113, due to the large hydrophobic area exhibited in the two docking.With the validation of these two docking, it can be noticed that curcumin presents more reliable data for a possible drug candidate for the treatment of denguefever.
GSTARIMA Modeling of Area Extent of Rice Stem Borer Attack Using Spatial Weights Clustering[Full-Text ] Niki Ariski, I Made Sumertajaya, Muhammad Nur Aidi Patial weights based on distance and neighborhood are the geographics spatial approach that always been used as the weight in space time analysis. Geographics spatial approach is depending on the position between the locations. In this research, weights used were based on the approach of distribution path.